    Parse the UHD device tree and mboard name to find out what device we're
    dealing with. We need the bus type so that the transceiver knows how to
    deal with the transport latency. Reject the USRP1 because UHD doesn't
    support timestamped samples with it.
bool uhd_device::parse_dev_type()
	std::string mboard_str, dev_str;
	uhd::property_tree::sptr prop_tree;
	size_t usrp1_str, usrp2_str, b100_str1, b100_str2;

	prop_tree = usrp_dev->get_device()->get_tree();
	dev_str = prop_tree->access<std::string>("/name").get();
	mboard_str = usrp_dev->get_mboard_name();

	usrp1_str = dev_str.find("USRP1");
	b100_str1 = dev_str.find("B-Series");
	b100_str2 = mboard_str.find("B100");

	if (usrp1_str != std::string::npos) {
		LOG(ALERT) << "USRP1 is not supported using the UHD driver";
		LOG(ALERT) << "Please compile with GNU Radio libusrp support";
		return false;

	if ((b100_str1 != std::string::npos) || (b100_str2 != std::string::npos)) {
		bus = USB;
		LOG(INFO) << "Using USB bus for " << dev_str;
	} else {
		bus = NET;
		LOG(INFO) << "Using network bus for " << dev_str;

	return true;
    Parse the UHD device tree and mboard name to find out what device we're
    dealing with. We need the window type so that the transceiver knows how to
    deal with the transport latency. Reject the USRP1 because UHD doesn't
    support timestamped samples with it.
bool uhd_device::parse_dev_type()
	std::string mboard_str, dev_str;
	uhd::property_tree::sptr prop_tree;
	size_t usrp1_str, usrp2_str, b100_str, b200_str,
	       b210_str, x300_str, x310_str, umtrx_str;

	prop_tree = usrp_dev->get_device()->get_tree();
	dev_str = prop_tree->access<std::string>("/name").get();
	mboard_str = usrp_dev->get_mboard_name();

	usrp1_str = dev_str.find("USRP1");
	usrp2_str = dev_str.find("USRP2");
	b100_str = mboard_str.find("B100");
	b200_str = mboard_str.find("B200");
	b210_str = mboard_str.find("B210");
	x300_str = mboard_str.find("X300");
	x310_str = mboard_str.find("X310");
	umtrx_str = dev_str.find("UmTRX");

	if (usrp1_str != std::string::npos) {
		LOG(ALERT) << "USRP1 is not supported using the UHD driver";
		LOG(ALERT) << "Please compile with GNU Radio libusrp support";
		dev_type = USRP1;
		return false;

	if (b100_str != std::string::npos) {
		tx_window = TX_WINDOW_USRP1;
		LOG(INFO) << "Using USRP1 type transmit window for "
			  << dev_str << " " << mboard_str;
		dev_type = B100;
		return true;
	} else if (b200_str != std::string::npos) {
		dev_type = B2XX;
	} else if (b210_str != std::string::npos) {
		dev_type = B2XX;
	} else if (x300_str != std::string::npos) {
		dev_type = X3XX;
	} else if (x310_str != std::string::npos) {
		dev_type = X3XX;
	} else if (usrp2_str != std::string::npos) {
		dev_type = USRP2;
	} else if (umtrx_str != std::string::npos) {
		dev_type = UMTRX;
	} else {
		LOG(ALERT) << "Unknown UHD device type " << dev_str;
		return false;

	tx_window = TX_WINDOW_FIXED;
	LOG(INFO) << "Using fixed transmit window for "
		  << dev_str << " " << mboard_str;
	return true;