void generateHeadReference() {

	if (goal_type_ == NONE) {

	if (goal_type_ == LOOKAT) {
		targetToPanTilt(goal_target_, goal_pan_, goal_tilt_);

	if (fabs(goal_pan_ - current_pan_) < goal_error_tolerance_pan_ && fabs(goal_tilt_ - current_tilt_) < goal_error_tolerance_tilt_) {
		// pan and tilt are within error bound

		if (as_->isActive() && !keep_tracking_) {
			amigo_head_ref::HeadRefResult result;
			ROS_DEBUG("Target reached, ready for next head target!");
			result.result = "Done";
			goal_type_ = NONE;


	// populate msg
    sensor_msgs::JointState head_ref;


	//publish angles over ROS
ArucoMapping::publishTfs(bool world_option)
  for(int i = 0; i < marker_counter_; i++)
    // Actual Marker
    std::stringstream marker_tf_id;
    marker_tf_id << "marker_" << i;
    // Older marker - or World
    std::stringstream marker_tf_id_old;
    if(i == 0)
      marker_tf_id_old << "world";
      marker_tf_id_old << "marker_" << markers_[i].previous_marker_id;

    // Position of camera to its marker
    std::stringstream camera_tf_id;
    camera_tf_id << "camera_" << i;

    if(world_option == true)
      // Global position of marker TF
      std::stringstream marker_globe;
      marker_globe << "marker_globe_" << i;

    // Cubes for RVIZ - markers

  // Global Position of object
  if(world_option == true)
   * @brief Callback for point clouds.
   * Callback for point clouds. Uses PCL to find the centroid
   * of the points in a box in the center of the point cloud.
   * Publishes cmd_vel messages with the goal from the cloud.
   * @param cloud The point cloud message.
  void cloudcb(const PointCloud::ConstPtr&  cloud)
    //X,Y,Z of the centroid
    float x = 0.0;
    float y = 0.0;
    float z = 1e6;
    //Number of points observed
    unsigned int n = 0;
    bool direction = 0 ;
    //Iterate through all the points in the region and find the average of the position
    BOOST_FOREACH (const pcl::PointXYZ& pt, cloud->points)
      //First, ensure that the point's position is valid. This must be done in a seperate
      //if because we do not want to perform comparison on a nan value.
      if (!std::isnan(x) && !std::isnan(y) && !std::isnan(z))
        //Test to ensure the point is within the aceptable box.
        if (-pt.y > min_y_ && -pt.y < max_y_ && pt.x < max_x_ && pt.x > min_x_ && pt.z < max_z_)
          //Add the point to the totals
          x += pt.x;
          y += pt.y;
          z = std::min(z, pt.z);

    //If there are points, find the centroid and calculate the command goal.
    //If there are no points, simply publish a stop goal.
    if (n>4000)
    	x /= n;
    	y /= n;
      if(z > max_z_){
        ROS_DEBUG("No valid points detected, stopping the robot");
	ROS_INFO("Too far");
        if (enabled_)
        {	//modified
        	geometry_msgs::TwistPtr cmd(new geometry_msgs::Twist());
        	cmd->linear.x = 0.2 ;
        	//cmd->angular.z = -x * x_scale_;
          //cmdpub_.publish(geometry_msgs::TwistPtr(new geometry_msgs::Twist()));

      ROS_INFO("Centroid at %f %f %f with %d points", x, y, z, n);
      publishMarker(x, y, z);
      if(z < max_z_)*/
			//if(z != goal_z_)
		double rand_angular;
		if (z-goal_z_ > 0){
			if (enabled_){
				ROS_INFO("near goal %f %f %f with %d points", x, y, z, n);
				geometry_msgs::TwistPtr cmd(new geometry_msgs::Twist());
				cmd->linear.x = 0.2 ;
				if(x > 0.2){
					direction = 1 ;
                    srand((unsigned)time(NULL)) ;
					rand_angular = rand()%7 ;
					rand_angular = rand_angular/7.0 ;
					ROS_INFO(" x > 0.2  , rand_angular %f ", rand_angular);
					if(rand_angular > 0.7 && rand_angular <= 1.0 ){
						cmd->angular.z = 0.4 ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = 0.7~1.0, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					}else if(rand_angular > 0.4 && rand_angular  <= 0.7){
						cmd->angular.z = rand_angular ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = 0.4~0.7, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
						cmd->angular.z = 0.3 ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = 0.0~0.4, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
						//(z - goal_z_) * z_scale_ * 0.5 ;
				}else if(x <- 0.2){
					direction = 0 ;
                    srand((unsigned)time(NULL)) ;
					rand_angular = rand()%7 ;
					rand_angular = double(rand_angular)/7.0 - 1.0 ;
					ROS_INFO(" x < -0.2  , rand_angular %f ", rand_angular);
					if(rand_angular >= -1.0 && rand_angular < -0.7 ){
						cmd->angular.z = -0.36 ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = -1.0~-0.7, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					}else if(rand_angular >= -0.7 && rand_angular  < -0.5){
						cmd->angular.z = rand_angular ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = -0.7~-0.4, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					}else {
						 cmd->angular.z = - 0.2 ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = -0.4~-0.0, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
						cmd->angular.z = 0.3 ;
						cmd->angular.z = -0.3 ;
					//cmd->angular.z = -x * x_scale_ ;
				cmdpub_.publish(cmd) ;
			  		geometry_msgs::TwistPtr cmd(new geometry_msgs::Twist());
			  		cmd->linear.x = 0.3 ;
			  		cmd->angular.z = 0.5 ;
			  		cmdpub_.publish(cmd) ;
			ROS_INFO("goal is bingo %f %f %f with %d points", x, y, z, n);
			geometry_msgs::TwistPtr cmd(new geometry_msgs::Twist());
			cmd->linear.x = 0 ;
			int num = 0;
            double ang = 0.0 ;
			if(x > 0.2){
                num = (rand() % MAX);
                ang = double(num) / MAX ;
                ROS_INFO(" x > 0.2  , ang %f ", ang);
                direction = 1 ;
				if(ang > 0.7 && ang <= 1 ){
					cmd->angular.z = 0.4 ;
                    ROS_INFO("ang=0.7~1.0, ancmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
				}else if(ang > 0.4 && ang  <= 0.7){
					cmd->angular.z = ang ;
                    ROS_INFO("ang=0.4~0.7, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					cmd->angular.z = 0.3 ;
                    ROS_INFO("ang=0.0~0.4,cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
						//(z - goal_z_) * z_scale_ * 0.5 ;
			}else if(x < -0.2){
                num = (rand() % MAX);
                ang = double(num) / MAX ;
                ang = ang - 1.0 ;
                direction = 0 ;
                ROS_INFO(" x < -0.2  , ang %f ", ang);
                if(ang >= -1.0 && ang < -0.7 ){
                    cmd->angular.z = -0.2 ;
                    ROS_INFO("ang=-1.0~-0.7, ancmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
                }else if(ang >= -0.7 && ang  < -0.4){
                    cmd->angular.z = ang ;
                    ROS_INFO("ang=-0.7~-0.4, ancmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
                }else {
                    cmd->angular.z = - 0.2 ;
                    ROS_INFO("ang=-0.4~-0.0, ancmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					cmd->angular.z = 0.3 ;
					cmd->angular.z = -0.3 ;
			cmdpub_.publish(cmd) ;
					//cmd->angular.z = -x * x_scale_ ;
				if(fabs(x) > 0.2){
				ROS_INFO("goal is bingo %f %f %f with %d points,x > 0.01", x, y, z, n);
			  		cmd->angular.z = 3*x;// * x_scale_;
					int num = (rand() % MAX);
					double ang = double(num) / MAX - 0.5 ;
					ROS_INFO("random  %f %f %f with %d points,x < 0.01,angular=%f", x, y, z, n,ang);
					if(ang >= 0.2 && ang <= 0.5 ){
							cmd->angular.z = ang ;
						}else if(ang >= 0 && ang  < 0.2){
							cmd->angular.z = 0.2 ;
						}else if(ang >= -0.2 && ang < 0){
						 	cmd->angular.z = - 0.2 ;
							cmd->angular.z = ang ;
			  	//cmdpub_.publish(cmd) ;
      ROS_DEBUG("No points detected, stopping the robot");
      publishMarker(x, y, z);

      if (enabled_)
      {	//modified
      	geometry_msgs::TwistPtr cmd(new geometry_msgs::Twist());
        ROS_INFO("There are no points!");
        cmd->linear.x = 0.2 ;
        //cmd->angular.z = 0.6 ;
        //cmd->angular.z = -x * x_scale_;
        //cmdpub_.publish(geometry_msgs::TwistPtr(new geometry_msgs::Twist()));

void goalCB() {


	const amigo_head_ref::HeadRefGoalConstPtr &goal = as_->acceptNewGoal();

	if (goal->goal_type == amigo_head_ref::HeadRefGoal::LOOKAT) {
		tf::pointStampedMsgToTF(goal->target_point, goal_target_);
		goal_target_.stamp_ = ros::Time();
		targetToPanTilt(goal_target_, goal_pan_, goal_tilt_);
		goal_type_ = LOOKAT;
		keep_tracking_ = goal->keep_tracking;

	} else if (goal->goal_type == amigo_head_ref::HeadRefGoal::PAN_TILT) {
		goal_pan_ = goal->pan;
		goal_tilt_ = goal->tilt;
		goal_type_ = PAN_TILT;
		keep_tracking_ = false;
	} else {
		goal_type_ = NONE;
	goal_pan_vel_ = goal->pan_vel;
	goal_tilt_vel_ = goal->tilt_vel;

    // set default min/max
    double min_pan = min_pan_;
    double max_pan = max_pan_;
    double min_tilt = min_tilt_;
    double max_tilt = max_tilt_;

    // if set in action goal, override min/max
    if (goal->min_pan != goal->max_pan) {
        min_pan = goal->min_pan;
        max_pan = goal->max_pan;
    if (goal->min_tilt != goal->max_tilt) {
        min_tilt = goal->min_tilt;
        max_tilt = goal->max_tilt;

    if (keep_tracking_) {
        // constraint pan
        if (goal_pan_ < min_pan) {
            goal_pan_ = min_pan;
        } else if (goal_pan_ > max_pan) {
            goal_pan_ = max_pan;

        // contraint tilt
        if (goal_tilt_ < min_tilt) {
            goal_tilt_ = min_tilt;
        } else if (goal_tilt_ > max_tilt) {
            goal_tilt_ = max_tilt;
    } else {
        if ((goal_pan_ < min_pan || goal_pan_ > max_pan
                || goal_tilt_ < min_tilt || goal_tilt_ > max_tilt)) {
            // pan / tilt out of bounds
            amigo_head_ref::HeadRefResult result;
            result.result = "Pan / tilt out of bounds";
            goal_type_ = NONE;

void Collision_Handler::checkForPreviousCollision(int yValue, int zValue, moveit_msgs::CollisionObject& co)
  // check for previous collisions and calculate diff
  double yDiff = 0;
  double zDiff = 0;
  if(yValue != 0)
    for(int i = 0; i < maxAttempts_; i++)
      if(collisionValues_[i] == 0)
      else if (collisionValues_[i] == 1 
          || collisionValues_[i] == 2
          || collisionValues_[i] == 3)
        yDiff = 0.05 * (1.0/(i+1));
      else if (collisionValues_[i] == 4
          || collisionValues_[i] == 8
          || collisionValues_[i] == 12)
        yDiff = -0.05 * (1.0/(i+1));
      ROS_WARN_STREAM("yDiff: " << yDiff << endl);
  if(zValue != 0)
    for(int i = 0; i < maxAttempts_; i++)
      if(collisionValues_[i] == 0)
      else if (collisionValues_[i] == 1 
          || collisionValues_[i] == 4
          || collisionValues_[i] == 5)
        zDiff = 0.05 * (1.0/(i+1));
      else if (collisionValues_[i] == 2
          || collisionValues_[i] == 8
          || collisionValues_[i] == 10)
        zDiff = -0.05 * (1.0/(i+1));

  // create new poseStamped with data from CollisionObject
  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
  pose.header.frame_id = co.id;
  pose.header.stamp = co.header.stamp;

  // check if position is in primitive_pose or mesh_pose
  if(co.primitive_poses.size() == 1)
    pose.pose.orientation.w = 1;
    // ROS_WARN("Going to publish the marker BEFORE transformation, press any key and enter to continue");
    // std::string input;
    // std::cin >> input;
        listener_->waitForTransform("/r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link", pose.header.frame_id, ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(3));
        listener_->transformPose("/r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link", ros::Time(0), pose, co.header.frame_id, pose);
        listener_->waitForTransform("/l_gripper_r_finger_tip_link", pose.header.frame_id, ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(3));
        listener_->transformPose("/l_gripper_r_finger_tip_link", ros::Time(0), pose, co.header.frame_id, pose);
    catch (tf::TransformException ex){
    // set new frame in header
    co.header.frame_id = pose.header.frame_id;
    co.primitive_poses[0] = pose.pose;
    // apply corrections
    co.primitive_poses[0].position.y += yDiff;
    co.primitive_poses[0].position.z += zDiff;
    co.header.stamp = ros::Time(0);

    // pose for marker
    pose.pose.position.y += yDiff;
    pose.pose.position.z += zDiff;
    // ROS_WARN("Going to publish the marker AFTER transformation, press any key and enter to continue");
    // std::cin >> input;
    // publishMarker(pose);
  // position in mesh_pose
    pose.pose.orientation.w = 1;
  pose.header.frame_id = co.id;
  pose.header.stamp = co.header.stamp;
    // ROS_WARN("Going to publish the marker BEFORE transformation, press any key and enter to continue");
    // std::string input;
    // std::cin >> input;
        listener_->waitForTransform("/r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link", pose.header.frame_id, ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(3));
        listener_->transformPose("/r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link", ros::Time(0), pose, co.header.frame_id, pose);
        listener_->waitForTransform("/l_gripper_r_finger_tip_link", pose.header.frame_id, ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(3));
        listener_->transformPose("/l_gripper_r_finger_tip_link", ros::Time(0), pose, co.header.frame_id, pose);
    catch (tf::TransformException ex){
    // set new frame in header
    co.header.frame_id = pose.header.frame_id;
    co.mesh_poses[0] = pose.pose;
    // apply corrections
    co.mesh_poses[0].position.y += yDiff;
    co.mesh_poses[0].position.z += zDiff;
    co.header.stamp = ros::Time(0);

    // pose for marker
    pose.pose.position.y += yDiff;
    pose.pose.position.z += zDiff;
    // ROS_WARN("Going to publish the marker AFTER transformation, press any key and enter to continue");
    // std::cin >> input;
    // publishMarker(pose);

  // publish moved collisionObject
void ARSinglePublisher::getTransformationCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& image_msg)
  // ROS_INFO("======================================================");
  // ROS_INFO("Callback...");

  ARMarkerInfo *marker_info;
  int marker_num;
  int i, k;

  // Get the image from ROSTOPIC
  // NOTE: the data_ptr format is BGR because the ARToolKit library was
  // build with V4L, data_ptr format change according to the
  // ARToolKit configure option (see config.h).
    capture_ = bridge_.imgMsgToCv(image_msg, "bgr8");
  catch (sensor_msgs::CvBridgeException & e)
    ROS_ERROR("Could not convert from >%s< to 'bgr8'.", image_msg->encoding.c_str ());

//  const int WIDTH = 640;
//  const int HEIGHT = 480;
//  // declare a destination IplImage object with correct size, depth and channels
//  IplImage *destination = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT), capture_->depth, capture_->nChannels);
//  // use cvResize to resize source to a destination image
//  cvResize(capture_, destination);
//  // save image with a name supplied with a second argument
  //  std::string filename = "/tmp/" + marker_frame_ + ".jpg";
  //  cvSaveImage(filename.c_str(), destination);
//  ROS_INFO("BEFORE: Depth = >%i<.", capture_->depth);
//  ROS_INFO("BEFORE: nChannels = >%i<.", capture_->nChannels);
//  ROS_INFO("BEFORE: Width = >%i<.", capture_->width);
//  ROS_INFO("BEFORE: WidthStep = >%i<.", capture_->widthStep);
//  ROS_INFO("BEFORE: Height = >%i<.", capture_->height);
//  ROS_INFO("BEFORE: ImageSize = >%i<.", capture_->imageSize);
//  ROS_INFO("BEFORE: nSize = >%i<.", capture_->nSize);
//  ROS_INFO("BEFORE: dataOrder = >%i<.", capture_->dataOrder);
//  ROS_INFO("BEFORE: origin = >%i<.", capture_->origin);
//  capture_ = destination;
//  // memcpy(capture_->imageData, destination->imageData, destination->imageSize);
//  ROS_INFO("AFTER:  Depth = >%i<.", capture_->depth);
//  ROS_INFO("AFTER:  nChannels = >%i<.", capture_->nChannels);
//  ROS_INFO("AFTER:  Width = >%i<.", capture_->width);
//  ROS_INFO("AFTER:  WidthStep = >%i<.", capture_->widthStep);
//  ROS_INFO("AFTER:  Height = >%i<.", capture_->height);
//  ROS_INFO("AFTER:  ImageSize = >%i<.", capture_->imageSize);
//  ROS_INFO("AFTER:  nSize = >%i<.", capture_->nSize);
//  ROS_INFO("AFTER:  dataOrder = >%i<.", capture_->dataOrder);
//  ROS_INFO("AFTER:  origin = >%i<.", capture_->origin);

  // cvConvertImage(capture_, capture_, CV_CVTIMG_FLIP); //flip image
  ARUint8 *data_ptr = (ARUint8 *)capture_->imageData;

  // detect the markers in the video frame
  if (arDetectMarker(data_ptr, threshold_, &marker_info, &marker_num) < 0)
    ROS_FATAL ("arDetectMarker failed");
    ROS_BREAK (); // FIXME: I don't think this should be fatal... -Bill

  // check for known patterns
  k = -1;
  for (i = 0; i < marker_num; i++)
    if (marker_info[i].id == patt_id_)
      ROS_DEBUG("Found pattern: %d ", patt_id_);

      // make sure you have the best pattern (highest confidence factor)
      if (k == -1)
        k = i;
      else if (marker_info[k].cf < marker_info[i].cf)
        k = i;

  if (k != -1)
    if (!use_history_ || cont_f_ == 0)
      arGetTransMat(&marker_info[k], marker_center_, marker_width_, marker_trans_);
      arGetTransMatCont(&marker_info[k], marker_trans_, marker_center_, marker_width_, marker_trans_);

    cont_f_ = 1;

    // get the transformation between the marker and the real camera
    double arQuat[4], arPos[3];

    // arUtilMatInv (marker_trans_, cam_trans);
    arUtilMat2QuatPos(marker_trans_, arQuat, arPos);

    // error checking
    if(fabs(sqrt(arQuat[0]*arQuat[0] + arQuat[1]*arQuat[1] + arQuat[2]*arQuat[2] + arQuat[3]*arQuat[3]) - 1.0) > 0.0001)
      ROS_WARN("Skipping invalid frame. Computed quaternion is invalid.");
    if(std::isnan(arQuat[0]) || std::isnan(arQuat[1]) || std::isnan(arQuat[2]) || std::isnan(arQuat[3]))
      ROS_WARN("Skipping invalid frame because computed orientation is not a number.");
    if(std::isinf(arQuat[0]) || std::isinf(arQuat[1]) || std::isinf(arQuat[2]) || std::isinf(arQuat[3]))
      ROS_WARN("Skipping invalid frame because computed orientation is infinite.");

    // convert to ROS frame

    double quat[4], pos[3];

    pos[0] = arPos[0] * AR_TO_ROS;
    pos[1] = arPos[1] * AR_TO_ROS;
    pos[2] = arPos[2] * AR_TO_ROS;

    quat[0] = -arQuat[0];
    quat[1] = -arQuat[1];
    quat[2] = -arQuat[2];
    quat[3] = arQuat[3];

    ROS_DEBUG("  Pos x: %3.5f  y: %3.5f  z: %3.5f", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
    ROS_DEBUG("  Quat qx: %3.5f qy: %3.5f qz: %3.5f qw: %3.5f", quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]);

    // publish the marker

    ar_target_marker_.confidence = marker_info->cf;

    ROS_DEBUG ("Published ar_single marker");

    // publish transform between camera and marker

    tf::Quaternion rotation(quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]);
    tf::Vector3 origin(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
    tf::Transform transform(rotation, origin);

    // TODO: figure out why this happens once in a while...
    if(transform.getOrigin().getZ() < 0.0)

    if (publish_tf_)
      if (reverse_transform_)
        ROS_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Reverse transform is not debugged yet.");
        // tf::StampedTransform marker_to_cam(t.inverse(), image_msg->header.stamp, marker_frame_.c_str(), image_msg->header.frame_id);
        tf::StampedTransform marker_to_cam(transform.inverse(), image_msg->header.stamp, marker_frame_, camera_frame_);
        tf::Transform offseted_transform = transform * marker_offset_;
        // tf::StampedTransform cam_to_marker(t, image_msg->header.stamp, image_msg->header.frame_id, marker_frame_.c_str());
        tf::StampedTransform cam_to_marker(offseted_transform, image_msg->header.stamp, camera_frame_, marker_frame_);
        // tf::StampedTransform cam_to_marker(transform, image_msg->header.stamp, camera_frame_, marker_frame_);

    // publish visual marker
    publishMarker(transform, image_msg->header.stamp);
    cont_f_ = 0;
    ROS_WARN("Failed to locate marker.");

    void laserScan_callback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& msg)
      //transform laser scan to dsf format
      std::vector<float> x_scan, y_scan;
      for(size_t i=0; i < msg->ranges.size(); i++)
        x_scan[i] = msg->ranges[i] * cos(msg->angle_min + msg->angle_increment * i);
        y_scan[i] = msg->ranges[i] * sin(msg->angle_min + msg->angle_increment * i);
      std::vector<float> out = dsf_->getMostLikelyLocation(x_scan, y_scan);

      //get transform from laser to base_link
      float goal_x_laser = out[0] - 0.3f;
      float goal_y_laser = out[1];
      tf::TransformListener listener;
      tf::StampedTransform transform;
        listener.waitForTransform("/base_link", "/base_laser_link", ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(10.0) );
        listener.lookupTransform("/base_link", "/base_laser_link",
                                 ros::Time(0), transform);
      catch (tf::TransformException ex){

      tf::Vector3 origin = transform.getOrigin();
      //transform goal to base link coordinates
      tf::Vector3 goal_laser(goal_x_laser, goal_y_laser, 0);
      float goal_x_base = goal_laser[0] + origin[0];
      float goal_y_base = goal_laser[1];

      publishMarker(goal_x_base, goal_y_base,out[2], "/base_link");
      std::cout << "Relative to the robot (base_link):" << goal_x_base << " " << goal_y_base << std::endl;
      //transform goal to /map coordinates
        tf::TransformListener listener;
        tf::StampedTransform transform;
          listener.waitForTransform("/map", "/base_link", ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(10.0) );
          listener.lookupTransform("/map", "/base_link",
                                   ros::Time(0), transform);
        catch (tf::TransformException ex){

        tf::Vector3 base_goal_map_cs(goal_x_base, goal_y_base, 0);
        base_goal_map_cs = transform * base_goal_map_cs;
        publishMarker(base_goal_map_cs[0], base_goal_map_cs[1],out[2], "/map");


      if(out[3] < object_found_threshold_)
        //if threshold is ok, then save goal!
        base_goal_ = tf::Vector3(goal_x_base, goal_y_base, out[2]);
    //only called on obstacle detected
    //Relies on empty point clouds is still being published!
    void pcCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& msg)
      //if (activated == true)
      static uint8_t obstacle_state = 0;
      static ros::Time last_time = ros::Time::now();
      ros::Duration duration(3.0);
      ros::Time cur_time = ros::Time::now();

      //ROS_INFO("cur_time %.2f and last_time %.2f and duration %.2f", cur_time.toSec(), last_time.toSec(), duration.toSec());
      if ((cur_time - last_time) > duration)
        ROS_INFO("Resetting obstacle state");
        obstacle_state = 0;

      //ROS_INFO("Got point cloud detection result..");
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr input (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr output (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

      pcl::fromROSMsg(*msg.get(), *input.get());

      // transform
      pcl_ros::transformPointCloud("/base_link", *input, *output, tf_listener);

      // mutex lock cloud_bb

      // calculate bounding box
      getBoundingBox(*output, cloud_bb);
      float bb_zmax = cloud_bb.z_max;
      if (bb_zmax > 0)


      if (bb_zmax > HUMAN_MIN)
        human_detected = true;
        obstacle_detected = true;
        if (obstacle_state != 1)
          ROS_INFO("Obstacle detected (%.2fm): human", bb_zmax);
          obstacle_state = 1;
      else if (bb_zmax > OBS_MIN) // higher than the ground
        human_detected = false;
        obstacle_detected = true;
        if (obstacle_state != 2)
          ROS_INFO("Obstacle detected (%.2fm): static object", bb_zmax);
          obstacle_state = 2;
      }//probably no obstacle
        obstacle_detected = false;
      last_time = cur_time;
void ARMultiPublisher::getTransformationCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr & image_msg)
  // Get the image from ROSTOPIC
  // NOTE: the dataPtr format is BGR because the ARToolKit library was
  // build with V4L, dataPtr format change according to the
  // ARToolKit configure option (see config.h).
    capture_ = bridge_.imgMsgToCv(image_msg, "bgr8");
  catch (sensor_msgs::CvBridgeException & e)
    ROS_ERROR ("Could not convert from >%s< to 'bgr8'.", image_msg->encoding.c_str ());
  // cvConvertImage(capture,capture,CV_CVTIMG_FLIP);
  ARUint8* data_ptr = (ARUint8 *)capture_->imageData;

  // detect the markers in the video frame
  if (arDetectMarker(data_ptr, threshold_, &marker_info_, &num_detected_marker_) < 0)
    ROS_BREAK ();
  ROS_DEBUG("Detected >%i< of >%i< markers.", num_detected_marker_, num_total_markers_);

  double error = 0.0;
  if ((error = arMultiGetTransMat(marker_info_, num_detected_marker_, multi_marker_config_)) < 0)
    // ROS_ERROR("Could not get transformation. This should never happen.");
    ROS_WARN("Could not get transformation.");
  ROS_DEBUG("Error is >%f<.", error);

  for (int i = 0; i < num_detected_marker_; i++)
    ROS_DEBUG("multi_marker_config_->prevF: %i", multi_marker_config_->prevF);
    ROS_DEBUG("%s: (%i) pos: %f %f id: %i cf: %f", marker_frame_.c_str(), i, marker_info_[i].pos[0], marker_info_[i].pos[1], marker_info_[i].id, marker_info_[i].cf);

  // choose those with the highest confidence
  std::vector<double> cfs(num_total_markers_, 0.0);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_total_markers_; ++i)
  for (int i = 0; i < num_total_markers_; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < num_detected_marker_; j++)
      if (!(marker_info_[j].id < 0))
        if (marker_info_[j].cf > cfs[marker_info_[j].id])
          cfs[marker_info_[j].id] = marker_info_[j].cf;
          marker_indizes_[marker_info_[j].id] = j;

  double ar_quat[4], ar_pos[3];
  arUtilMat2QuatPos(multi_marker_config_->trans, ar_quat, ar_pos);
  tf::Quaternion rotation(-ar_quat[0], -ar_quat[1], -ar_quat[2], ar_quat[3]);
  tf::Vector3 origin(ar_pos[0] * AR_TO_ROS, ar_pos[1] * AR_TO_ROS, ar_pos[2] * AR_TO_ROS);
  tf::Transform transform(rotation, origin);
  if (multi_marker_config_->prevF && publish_tf_)
    if(error < error_threshold_)
      ROS_DEBUG("%f %f %f | %f %f %f %f | %f", origin.getX(), origin.getY(), origin.getZ(), rotation.getX(), rotation.getY(), rotation.getZ(), rotation.getW(), image_msg->header.stamp.toSec());
      tf::StampedTransform cam_to_marker(transform, image_msg->header.stamp, camera_frame_, marker_frame_);
    publishErrorMarker(error, image_msg->header.stamp);

    for (int i = 0; i < num_total_markers_; i++)
      if (marker_indizes_[i] >= 0)
          tf::Transform marker_transform;
          getTransform(i, marker_transform);
          tf::Transform marker = transform * marker_transform;
          publishMarker(i, marker, image_msg->header.stamp);
          last_transform_ = marker;
      // else
      // {
      //     publishMarker(i, last_transform_, image_msg->header.stamp);
      // }

   * @brief Callback for point clouds.
   * Callback for point clouds. Uses PCL to find the centroid
   * of the points in a box in the center of the point cloud.
   * Publishes cmd_vel messages with the goal from the cloud.
   * @param cloud The point cloud message.
  void cloudcb(const PointCloud::ConstPtr&  cloud)
    //X,Y,Z of the centroid
    float x = 0.0;
    float y = 0.0;
    float z = 1e6;
    //Number of points observed
    unsigned int n = 0;
    bool direction = 0 ;
    double rand_angular;
    int count = 0;
    ros::Rate loop_rate(10) ;
    //Iterate through all the points in the region and find the average of the position
    BOOST_FOREACH (const pcl::PointXYZ& pt, cloud->points)
      //First, ensure that the point's position is valid. This must be done in a seperate
      //if because we do not want to perform comparison on a nan value.
      if (!std::isnan(x) && !std::isnan(y) && !std::isnan(z))
        //Test to ensure the point is within the aceptable box.
        if (-pt.y > min_y_ && -pt.y < max_y_ && pt.x < max_x_ && pt.x > min_x_ && pt.z < max_z_)
          //Add the point to the totals
          x += pt.x;
          y += pt.y;
          z = std::min(z, pt.z);

    //If there are points, find the centroid and calculate the command goal.
    //If there are no points, simply publish a stop goal.
    if (n>4000)
    	x /= n;
    	y /= n;
		if (z-goal_z_ > 0){
			ROS_INFO("near goal %f %f %f with %d points", x, y, z, n);
			geometry_msgs::TwistPtr cmd(new geometry_msgs::Twist());
				//ROS_INFO("Don't change direction!'") ;
       	 		ROS_INFO("Bumper_left_ is pressing!");
		   	 		count ++;
		   	 		cmd->angular.z = -0.4 ;
		   	 		cmd->linear.x = -0.2 ;
		   	 		if (count > 15){
		   	 			change_direction_ = false ;
		   	 			count = 0 ;
		    }else if(bumper_center_pressed_){
		   	 		count ++;
		   	 		//ROS_INFO("I am changing!") ;
		   	 		cmd->angular.z = -0.5 ;
		   	 		cmd->linear.x = -0.2 ;
		   	 		if (count > 20){
		   	 			change_direction_ = false ;
		   	 			count = 0 ;
        	}else if(bumper_right_pressed_){
		   	 		count ++;
		   	 		ROS_INFO("I am changing!") ;
		   	 		cmd->angular.z = 0.4 ;
		   	 		cmd->linear.x = -0.2 ;
		   	 		if (count > 15){
		   	 			change_direction_ = false ;
		   	 			count = 0 ;
				cmd->linear.x = 0.2 ;
				if(x > 0.2 ){
					direction = 1 ;
                    srand((unsigned)time(NULL)) ;
					rand_angular = rand()%7 ;
					rand_angular = rand_angular/7.0 ;
					ROS_INFO(" x > 0.2  , rand_angular %f ", rand_angular);
					if(rand_angular > 0.7 && rand_angular <= 1.0 ){
						cmd->angular.z = 0.4 ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = 0.7~1.0, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					}else if(rand_angular > 0.4 && rand_angular  <= 0.7){
						cmd->angular.z = rand_angular ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = 0.4~0.7, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
						cmd->angular.z = 0.3 ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = 0.0~0.4, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
				}else if(x <- 0.2){
					direction = 0 ;
                    srand((unsigned)time(NULL)) ;
					rand_angular = rand()%7 ;
					rand_angular = double(rand_angular)/7.0 - 1.0 ;
					ROS_INFO(" x < -0.2  , rand_angular %f ", rand_angular);
					if(rand_angular >= -1.0 && rand_angular < -0.7 ){
						cmd->angular.z = -0.36 ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = -1.0~-0.7, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					}else if(rand_angular >= -0.7 && rand_angular  < -0.5){
						cmd->angular.z = rand_angular ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = -0.7~-0.4, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					}else {
						 cmd->angular.z = - 0.2 ;
                        ROS_INFO("rand_angular = -0.4~-0.0, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
						cmd->angular.z = 0.3 ;
							cmd->angular.z = -0.3 ;
				cmdpub_.publish(cmd) ;
			ROS_INFO("goal is bingo %f %f %f with %d points", x, y, z, n);
			geometry_msgs::TwistPtr cmd(new geometry_msgs::Twist());
       	 		ROS_INFO("Bumper_left_ is pressing!");
		   	 		count ++;
		   	 		cmd->angular.z = -0.4 ;
		   	 		cmd->linear.x = -0.2 ;
		   	 		if (count > 15){
		   	 			change_direction_ = false ;
		   	 			count = 0 ;
		    }else if(bumper_center_pressed_){
		   	 		count ++;
		   	 		cmd->angular.z = -0.4 ;
		   	 		cmd->linear.x = -0.2 ;
		   	 		if (count > 20){
		   	 			change_direction_ = false ;
		   	 			count = 0 ;
        	}else if(bumper_right_pressed_){
		   	 		count ++;
		   	 		ROS_INFO("I am changing!") ;
		   	 		cmd->angular.z = 0.4 ;
		   	 		cmd->linear.x = -0.2 ;
		   	 		if (count > 15){
		   	 			change_direction_ = false ;
		   	 			count = 0 ;
				cmd->linear.x = 0 ;
				int num = 0;
		        double ang = 0.0 ;
				if(x > 0.2){
		            num = (rand() % MAX);
		            ang = double(num) / MAX ;
		            ROS_INFO(" x > 0.2  , ang %f ", ang);
		            direction = 1 ;
					if(ang > 0.7 && ang <= 1 ){
						cmd->angular.z = 0.4 ;
		                ROS_INFO("ang=0.7~1.0, ancmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					}else if(ang > 0.4 && ang  <= 0.7){
						cmd->angular.z = ang ;
		                ROS_INFO("ang=0.4~0.7, cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
						cmd->angular.z = 0.3 ;
		                ROS_INFO("ang=0.0~0.4,cmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
				}else if(x < -0.2){
		            num = (rand() % MAX);
		            ang = double(num) / MAX ;
		            ang = ang - 1.0 ;
		            direction = 0 ;
		            ROS_INFO(" x < -0.2  , ang %f ", ang);
		            if(ang >= -1.0 && ang < -0.7 ){
		                cmd->angular.z = -0.2 ;
		                ROS_INFO("ang=-1.0~-0.7, ancmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
		            }else if(ang >= -0.7 && ang  < -0.4){
		                cmd->angular.z = ang ;
		                ROS_INFO("ang=-0.7~-0.4, ancmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
		            }else {
		                cmd->angular.z = - 0.2 ;
		                ROS_INFO("ang=-0.4~-0.0, ancmd->angular.z = %f ", cmd->angular.z );
					ROS_INFO(" direction is  %d ", direction);
						cmd->angular.z = 0.3 ;
						cmd->angular.z = -0.3 ;
				cmdpub_.publish(cmd) ;
      ROS_DEBUG("No points detected, stopping the robot");
      publishMarker(x, y, z);
      if (enabled_)
      	geometry_msgs::TwistPtr cmd(new geometry_msgs::Twist());
        ROS_INFO("There are no points!x=%f , y=%f , z=%f,points=%d",x,y,z,n);
       	 ROS_INFO("Bumper_left_ is pressing!");
       	 		count ++;
       	 		//ROS_INFO("I am changing!") ;
       	 		cmd->angular.z = -0.4 ;
       	 		cmd->linear.x = -0.2 ;
       	 		if (count > 15){
       	 			change_direction_ = false ;
       	 			count = 0 ;
        }else if(bumper_center_pressed_){
       	 		count ++;
       	 		ROS_INFO("I am changing!") ;
       	 		cmd->angular.z = -0.5 ;
       	 		cmd->linear.x = -0.2 ;
       	 		if (count > 20){
       	 			change_direction_ = false ;
       	 			count = 0 ;
        }else if(bumper_right_pressed_){
       	 		count ++;
       	 		ROS_INFO("I am changing!") ;
       	 		cmd->angular.z = 0.4 ;
       	 		cmd->linear.x = -0.2 ;
       	 		if (count > 15){
       	 			change_direction_ = false ;
       	 			count = 0 ;
        	 cmd->linear.x = 0.2 ;
