Beispiel #1
 * Function TestLineChainEqualCPolyLine
 * tests the equality between a SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN polygon and a polygon inside a
 * CPolyLine object using Boost test suite.
 * @param lineChain is a SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN polygon object.
 * @param polyLine  is a CPolyLine polygon object.
 * @param contourIdx is the index of the contour inside polyLine that has to be tested
 *                   against lineChain.
void TestLineChainEqualCPolyLine(SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& lineChain, CPolyLine& polyLine,
                                 int contourIdx = 0)
    // Arrays to store the polygon points lexicographically ordered
    std::vector<VECTOR2I> chainPoints;
    std::vector<VECTOR2I> polyPoints;

    // Populate the array storing the new data with the lineChain corners
    for (int pointIdx = 0; pointIdx < lineChain.PointCount(); pointIdx++) {

    int start = polyLine.GetContourStart(contourIdx);
    int end = polyLine.GetContourEnd(contourIdx);

    // Populate the array storing the legacy data with the polyLine corners
    for (int pointIdx = start; pointIdx <= end; pointIdx++) {
        polyPoints.push_back( VECTOR2I(polyLine.GetX(pointIdx), polyLine.GetY(pointIdx)) );

    // Order the vectors in a lexicographic way
    std::sort(chainPoints.begin(), chainPoints.end(), lexicographicOrder);
    std::sort(polyPoints.begin(), polyPoints.end(), lexicographicOrder);

    // Compare every point coordinate to check the equality
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(chainPoints.begin(), chainPoints.end(),
                                  polyPoints.begin(), polyPoints.end());
void POINT_EDITOR::removeCorner( EDIT_POINT* aPoint )
    EDA_ITEM* item = m_editPoints->GetParent();

    if( item->Type() == PCB_ZONE_AREA_T )
        const SELECTION& selection = m_selectionTool->GetSelection();
        PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = getEditFrame<PCB_BASE_FRAME>();

        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = static_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*>( item );
        CPolyLine* outline = zone->Outline();

        for( int i = 0; i < outline->GetCornersCount(); ++i )
            if( VECTOR2I( outline->GetPos( i ) ) == aPoint->GetPosition() )
                frame->SaveCopyInUndoList( selection.items, UR_CHANGED );
                outline->DeleteCorner( i );
                setEditedPoint( NULL );
 * Function NormalizeAreaOutlines
 * Convert a self-intersecting polygon to one (or more) non self-intersecting polygon(s)
 * @param aNewPolygonList = a std::vector<CPolyLine*> reference where to store new CPolyLine
 * needed by the normalization
 * @return the polygon count (always >= 1, because there is at least one polygon)
 * There are new polygons only if the polygon count  is > 1
int CPolyLine::NormalizeAreaOutlines( std::vector<CPolyLine*>* aNewPolygonList )

    SHAPE_POLY_SET polySet = ConvertPolyListToPolySet( m_CornersList );

    // We are expecting only one main outline, but this main outline can have holes
    // if holes: combine holes and remove them from the main outline.
    // Note also we are using SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_STRICTLY_SIMPLE in polygon
    // calculations, but it is not mandatory. It is used mainly
    // because there is usually only very few vertices in area outlines
    SHAPE_POLY_SET::POLYGON& outline = polySet.Polygon( 0 );
    SHAPE_POLY_SET holesBuffer;

    // Move holes stored in outline to holesBuffer:
    // The first SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN is the main outline, others are holes
    while( outline.size() > 1 )
        holesBuffer.AddOutline( outline.back() );


    // If any hole, substract it to main outline
    if( holesBuffer.OutlineCount() )
        holesBuffer.Simplify( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST);
        polySet.BooleanSubtract( holesBuffer, SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_STRICTLY_SIMPLE );


    // Note: we can have more than outline, because a self intersecting outline will be
    // broken to non intersecting polygons, and removing holes can also create a few polygons
    for( int ii = 0; ii < polySet.OutlineCount(); ii++ )
        CPolyLine* polyline = this;

        if( ii > 0 )
            polyline = new CPolyLine;
            polyline->ImportSettings( this );
            aNewPolygonList->push_back( polyline );

        SHAPE_POLY_SET pnew;
        pnew.Polygon( 0 ) = polySet.CPolygon( ii );

        polyline->m_CornersList = ConvertPolySetToPolyList( pnew );

    return polySet.OutlineCount();
Beispiel #4
// Create CPolyLine for a pad
CPolyLine * CPolyLine::MakePolylineForPad( int type, int x, int y, int w, int l, int r, int angle )
	CPolyLine * poly = new CPolyLine;
	int dx = l/2;
	int dy = w/2;
	if( angle%180 == 90 )
		dx = w/2;
		dy = l/2;
	if( type == PAD_ROUND )
		poly->Start( 0, 0, 0, x-dx, y, 0, NULL, NULL );
		poly->AppendCorner( x, y+dy, ARC_CW, 0 );
		poly->AppendCorner( x+dx, y, ARC_CW, 0 );
		poly->AppendCorner( x, y-dy, ARC_CW, 0 );
		poly->Close( ARC_CW );
	return poly;
int CGIS_VectorData::ReadFromFile()
  ifstream vecinfile("", ifstream::in);
  //  cout<<"\n\n npolylines="<<_npolylines<<endl;

  for(int j=0; j<_npolylines; ++j){

    CPolyLine *pl = new CPolyLine();

    //    cout<<"#############"<<endl;



  return 0;

    : m_bPressed(false)
    , m_bTouch(false)
    , m_StartPan(-1, -1)
    , m_LastPan(-1, -1)
    // On cr�e une camera
    CCamera* pCamera = m_pSceneManager->createCamera();

    m_vNewEyePosition = QVector3D(8., 8., 4.);
    pCamera->setCenter(QVector3D(0., 0., 0.));

    qDebug() << "Create View";
    m_pView = createWidget3D(pCamera);
    qDebug() << "End create View";

    // On cr�e un noeud afin d'y placer une lumi�re
    CSceneNode* pRootNode = getSceneManager()->getRootNode();

    // On cr�e une lumi�re diffuse bleue
    CLight* pLight = getSceneManager()->createLight();
    pLight->setDiffuseColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    pLight->setAmbientColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    pLight->setDirection(QVector3D(-1, 0, 0));
    pLight->setSpecularColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

    // On l'associe au noeud

    // SkyBox
    CSkyBox* pSkyBoxMesh = CMeshManager::getInstance().createCustomMesh<CSkyBox>("CSkyBox", "SkyBoxMesh");

    CMeshInstance* pSkyBox = getSceneManager()->createMeshInstance(pSkyBoxMesh, "SkyBox");
    CSceneNode* pSkyBoxNode = pRootNode->createChild("SkyBoxNode");

    CMaterial* pSkyBoxMat = CMaterialManager::getInstance().createMaterial("SkyBoxMaterial");

    QStringList fileNames;
    fileNames << "://Resources/xpos.png" << "://Resources/xneg.png" << "://Resources/ypos.png"
              << "://Resources/yneg.png" << "://Resources/zpos.png" << "://Resources/zneg.png";

    ATexture* pSkyBoxTexture = CTextureManager::getInstance().createTextureCube("SkyBoxTexCube", fileNames);
    pSkyBoxMat->addTexture(pSkyBoxTexture, eDiffuse);

    CShader* pShader = CShaderManager::getInstance().createShader(
    CShader* pShader = CShaderManager::getInstance().createShader(


    // Particules
    CBillboard* pBillboard = getSceneManager()->createBillboard();
    QVector<QVector3D> pos;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
        pos << QVector3D(
                   Math::randDouble(-200., +200.),
                   Math::randDouble(-200., +200.),
                   Math::randDouble(-200., +200.));

    CMaterial* pBillboardMat = CMaterialManager::getInstance().createMaterial("BillboardMaterial");
    CBlending blending;
    blending.setBlendEquation(eAdd, eAdd);

    blending.setBlendSeparateFunction(Source::eSourceAlpha, Destination::eOneMinusSourceAlpha, Source::eOne, Destination::eZero);

    ATexture* pBillboardTexture = CTextureManager::getInstance().createTexture2D("BillBoardTex", "://Resources/particle.png");
    pBillboardMat->addTexture(pBillboardTexture, eDiffuse);

    CShader* pBillboardShader = CShaderManager::getInstance().createShader("BillboardShader",

    pBillboardShader->setUniformValue("halfSize", 1.);

    CSceneNode* pBillboardNode = pRootNode->createChild("BillboardNode");

    // Orbites
    CPolyLine* pPolyLine = CMeshManager::getInstance().createCustomMesh<CPolyLine>("CPolyLine", "CPolyLine");

    QList<QVector3D> pts;

    for (int i = 0; i <= 360; ++i)
        pts << QVector3D(cos(Math::degToRad((real)i)), 0., sin(Math::degToRad((real)i)));


    CSphereMesh* pSphereMesh = CMeshManager::getInstance().createCustomMesh<CSphereMesh>("CSphereMesh", "SphereMesh");

    CMeshInstance* pSun = getSceneManager()->createMeshInstance(pSphereMesh, "Sun");
    CMaterial* pSunMat = CMaterialManager::getInstance().createMaterial("SunMat");
    pSunMat->setAmbientColor(1., 1., 1.);

    CTexture2D* pSunTexture = CTextureManager::getInstance().createTexture2D("SunTex", ":/Resources/sun.png");
    pSunMat->addTexture(pSunTexture, eDiffuse);

    CMeshInstance* pEarth = getSceneManager()->createMeshInstance(pSphereMesh, "Earth");
    CMaterial* pEarthMat = CMaterialManager::getInstance().createMaterial("EarthMat");

    CTexture2D* pEarthTexture = CTextureManager::getInstance().createTexture2D("EarthTex", ":/Resources/earth.png");
    pEarthMat->addTexture(pEarthTexture, eDiffuse);

    pEarthMat->setAmbientColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
    pEarthMat->setDiffuseColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    CMeshInstance* pJupiter = getSceneManager()->createMeshInstance(pSphereMesh, "Jupiter");
    CMaterial* pJupiterMat = CMaterialManager::getInstance().createMaterial("JupiterMat");
    pJupiterMat->setAmbientColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);

    CTexture2D* pJupiterTexture = CTextureManager::getInstance().createTexture2D("JupiterTex", ":/Resources/jupiter.png");
    pJupiterMat->addTexture(pJupiterTexture, eDiffuse);

    CMeshInstance* pMoon = getSceneManager()->createMeshInstance(pSphereMesh, "Moon");
    CMaterial* pMoonMat = CMaterialManager::getInstance().createMaterial("MoonMat");
    CTexture2D* pMoonTexture = CTextureManager::getInstance().createTexture2D("MoonTex", ":/Resources/moon.png");
    pMoonMat->addTexture(pMoonTexture, eDiffuse);

    CCoordinateSystem* pCoordinateSystemMesh = CMeshManager::getInstance().createCustomMesh<CCoordinateSystem>("CCoordinateSystem", "CCoordinateSystem");
    CMeshInstance* pCoordinateSystem = getSceneManager()->createMeshInstance(pCoordinateSystemMesh, "CoordinateSystem");

    m_pSolarSystemNode = pRootNode->createChild(QVector3D(0., 0., 0.));

    m_pSunNode = m_pSolarSystemNode->createChild(QVector3D(0., 0., 0.));

    m_pSunToEarthNode = m_pSolarSystemNode->createChild();
    m_pSunToJupiterNode = m_pSolarSystemNode->createChild();

    CMeshInstance* pSunToEarthPLine = getSceneManager()->createMeshInstance(pPolyLine, "SunToEarth");
    m_pEarthNode = m_pSolarSystemNode->createChild(QVector3D(10.0, 0., 0.));

    CMeshInstance* pSunToJupiterPLine = getSceneManager()->createMeshInstance(pPolyLine, "SunToJupiter");
    m_pJupiterNode = m_pSolarSystemNode->createChild(QVector3D(20.0, 0., 0.));

    m_pEarthToMoonNode = m_pEarthNode->createChild();
    CMeshInstance* pEarthToMoonPLine = getSceneManager()->createMeshInstance(pPolyLine, "EarthToMoon");
    m_pEarthToMoonNode->rotate(QVector3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 30);
    m_pMoonNode = m_pEarthToMoonNode->createChild(QVector3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.));

    QTimer* pTimer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(pTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTimeout()));

    connect(m_pView, SIGNAL(mouseMoved()),				this, SLOT(onMouseMoved()));
    connect(m_pView, SIGNAL(mouseReleased()),			this, SLOT(onMouseReleased()));
    connect(m_pView, SIGNAL(mousePressed()),			this, SLOT(onMousePressed()));
    connect(m_pView, SIGNAL(touchScaleStarted()),       this, SLOT(onTouchScaleStarted()));
    connect(m_pView, SIGNAL(touchScaleChanged(real)),	this, SLOT(onTouchScaleChanged(real)));
    connect(m_pView, SIGNAL(touchScaleEnded()),         this, SLOT(onTouchScaleEnded()));

    //m_pView->setGeometry(QRect(1920, 100, 400, 300));

int CGIS_VectorData::ReadVectorData()
  int status_vec;
  int nlines;
  int ltype;
  int npts;
  int i, j;
  double* line_x;
  double* line_y;
  string lbl;

  //Initialize the GIS vector data
  status_vec = Initialize_Vector_data(_gisDBase, _gisMaplocation, _gisMapset, _gisVectorFile);
  if(status_vec == 0)
	  cout<<"Error retrieving number of lines from Vector Data"<<endl;
	  return 1;


      _npolylines = nlines;
      for (i = 0; i < _npolylines; i++)
	  if ( Get_vector_line_type(i, &ltype) )
	      cout<<"Error retrieving line type from Vector Data"<<endl;
	      return 1;
	  if (Get_vector_line_size(i, &npts) )
	      cout<<"Error retrieving line size from Vector Data"<<endl;
	      return 1;
	  if (Get_vector_line_label(i, &lbl) )
	      cout<<"Error retrieving line label from Vector Data"<<endl;
	      return 1;
	  //	  cout<<"in my zone .."<<lbl<<endl;

	  if (npts > 0)
	      CPolyLine *pl = new CPolyLine(ltype, lbl);
	      line_x = new double[npts];
	      line_y = new double[npts];
	      if ( Get_vector_line(i, line_x, line_y) )
		  cout<<"Error retrieving XY Vector Data"<<endl;
		  delete [] line_x;
		  delete [] line_y;
		  return 1;
	      pl->SetLinesXY(npts, line_x, line_y);
	      delete [] line_x;
	      delete [] line_y;
    cout<<"\n\nError Initializing Vector Data : "<<_gisDBase<<":"<<_gisMaplocation<<":"<<_gisMapset<<":"<<_gisVectorFile<<endl;
    return 1;
  }//if-else(status_vec == 0)
    cout<<"\n\nERROR: Unable to delete Vector data";
    return 1;
  cout<<"DONE WITH CGIS_VectorData ReadVectorData()!!"<<endl;
  return 0;
Beispiel #8
// Use the General Polygon Clipping Library to clip contours
// If this results in new polygons, return them as CArray p
// If bRetainArcs == TRUE, try to retain arcs in polys
// Returns number of external contours, or -1 if error
int CPolyLine::NormalizeWithGpc( CArray<CPolyLine*> * pa, BOOL bRetainArcs )
	CArray<CArc> arc_array;

	if( bRetainArcs )
		MakeGpcPoly( -1, &arc_array );
		MakeGpcPoly( -1, NULL );


	// now, recreate poly
	// first, find outside contours and create new CPolyLines if necessary
	int n_ext_cont = 0;
	for( int ic=0; ic<m_gpc_poly->num_contours; ic++ )
		if( !(m_gpc_poly->hole)[ic] )
			if( n_ext_cont == 0 )
				// first external contour, replace this poly
				m_ncorners = 0;
				for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
					int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
					int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
					if( i==0 )
						Start( m_layer, m_w, m_sel_box, x, y, m_hatch, &m_id, m_ptr );
						AppendCorner( x, y, STRAIGHT, FALSE );
			else if( pa )
				// next external contour, create new poly
				CPolyLine * poly = new CPolyLine;
				pa->SetSize(n_ext_cont);	// put in array
				(*pa)[n_ext_cont-1] = poly;
				for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
					int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
					int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
					if( i==0 )
						poly->Start( m_layer, m_w, m_sel_box, x, y, m_hatch, &m_id, m_ptr );
						poly->AppendCorner( x, y, STRAIGHT, FALSE );
				poly->Close( STRAIGHT, FALSE );

	// now add cutouts to the CPolyLine(s)
	for( int ic=0; ic<m_gpc_poly->num_contours; ic++ )
		if( (m_gpc_poly->hole)[ic] )
			CPolyLine * ext_poly = NULL;
			if( n_ext_cont == 1 )
				ext_poly = this;
				// find the polygon that contains this hole
				for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
					int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
					int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
					if( TestPointInside( x, y ) )
						ext_poly = this;
						for( int ext_ic=0; ext_ic<n_ext_cont-1; ext_ic++ )
							if( (*pa)[ext_ic]->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
								ext_poly = (*pa)[ext_ic];
					if( ext_poly )
			if( !ext_poly )
			for( int i=0; i<m_gpc_poly->contour[ic].num_vertices; i++ )
				int x = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].x;
				int y = ((m_gpc_poly->contour)[ic].vertex)[i].y;
				ext_poly->AppendCorner( x, y, STRAIGHT, FALSE );
			ext_poly->Close( STRAIGHT, FALSE );
	if( bRetainArcs )
		RestoreArcs( &arc_array, pa );

	return n_ext_cont;
Beispiel #9
// Restore arcs to a polygon where they were replaced with steps
// If pa != NULL, also use polygons in pa array
int CPolyLine::RestoreArcs( CArray<CArc> * arc_array, CArray<CPolyLine*> * pa )
	// get poly info
	int n_polys = 1;
	if( pa )
		n_polys += pa->GetSize();
	CPolyLine * poly;

	// undraw polys and clear utility flag for all corners
	for( int ip=0; ip<n_polys; ip++ )
		if( ip == 0 )
			poly = this;
			poly = (*pa)[ip-1];
		for( int ic=0; ic<poly->GetNumCorners(); ic++ )
			poly->SetUtility( ic, 0 );	// clear utility flag

	// find arcs and replace them
	BOOL bFound;
	int arc_start;
	int arc_end;
	for( int iarc=0; iarc<arc_array->GetSize(); iarc++ )
		int arc_xi = (*arc_array)[iarc].xi;
		int arc_yi = (*arc_array)[iarc].yi;
		int arc_xf = (*arc_array)[iarc].xf;
		int arc_yf = (*arc_array)[iarc].yf;
		int n_steps = (*arc_array)[iarc].n_steps;
		int style = (*arc_array)[iarc].style;
		bFound = FALSE;
		// loop through polys
		for( int ip=0; ip<n_polys; ip++ )
			if( ip == 0 )
				poly = this;
				poly = (*pa)[ip-1];
			for( int icont=0; icont<poly->GetNumContours(); icont++ )
				int ic_start = poly->GetContourStart(icont);
				int ic_end = poly->GetContourEnd(icont);
				if( (ic_end-ic_start) > n_steps )
					for( int ic=ic_start; ic<=ic_end; ic++ )
						int ic_next = ic+1;
						if( ic_next > ic_end )
							ic_next = ic_start;
						int xi = poly->GetX(ic);
						int yi = poly->GetY(ic);
						if( xi == arc_xi && yi == arc_yi )
							// test for forward arc
							int ic2 = ic + n_steps;
							if( ic2 > ic_end )
								ic2 = ic2 - ic_end + ic_start - 1;
							int xf = poly->GetX(ic2);
							int yf = poly->GetY(ic2);
							if( xf == arc_xf && yf == arc_yf )
								// arc from ic to ic2
								bFound = TRUE;
								arc_start = ic;
								arc_end = ic2;
								// try reverse arc
								ic2 = ic - n_steps;
								if( ic2 < ic_start )
									ic2 = ic2 - ic_start + ic_end + 1;
								xf = poly->GetX(ic2);
								yf = poly->GetY(ic2);
								if( xf == arc_xf && yf == arc_yf )
									// arc from ic2 to ic
									bFound = TRUE;
									arc_start = ic2;
									arc_end = ic;
									style = 3 - style;
							if( bFound )
								poly->side_style[arc_start] = style;
								// mark corners for deletion from arc_start+1 to arc_end-1
								for( int i=arc_start+1; i!=arc_end; )
									if( i > ic_end )
										i = ic_start;
									poly->SetUtility( i, 1 );
									if( i == ic_end )
										i = ic_start;
						if( bFound )
				if( bFound )
		if( bFound )
			(*arc_array)[iarc].bFound = TRUE;

	// now delete all marked corners
	for( int ip=0; ip<n_polys; ip++ )
		if( ip == 0 )
			poly = this;
			poly = (*pa)[ip-1];
		for( int ic=poly->GetNumCorners()-1; ic>=0; ic-- )
			if( poly->GetUtility(ic) )
				poly->DeleteCorner( ic, FALSE );
	return 0;
void POINT_EDITOR::addCorner( const VECTOR2I& aBreakPoint )
    EDA_ITEM* item = m_editPoints->GetParent();
    const SELECTION& selection = m_selectionTool->GetSelection();

    if( item->Type() == PCB_ZONE_AREA_T )
        getEditFrame<PCB_BASE_FRAME>()->SaveCopyInUndoList( selection.items, UR_CHANGED );

        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = static_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*>( item );
        CPolyLine* outline = zone->Outline();

        // Handle the last segment, so other segments can be easily handled in a loop
        unsigned int nearestIdx = outline->GetCornersCount() - 1, nextNearestIdx = 0;
        SEG side( VECTOR2I( outline->GetPos( nearestIdx ) ),
                  VECTOR2I( outline->GetPos( nextNearestIdx ) ) );
        unsigned int nearestDist = side.Distance( aBreakPoint );

        for( int i = 0; i < outline->GetCornersCount() - 1; ++i )
            side = SEG( VECTOR2I( outline->GetPos( i ) ), VECTOR2I( outline->GetPos( i + 1 ) ) );

            unsigned int distance = side.Distance( aBreakPoint );
            if( distance < nearestDist )
                nearestDist = distance;
                nearestIdx = i;
                nextNearestIdx = i + 1;

        // Find the point on the closest segment
        VECTOR2I sideOrigin( outline->GetPos( nearestIdx ) );
        VECTOR2I sideEnd( outline->GetPos( nextNearestIdx ) );
        SEG nearestSide( sideOrigin, sideEnd );
        VECTOR2I nearestPoint = nearestSide.NearestPoint( aBreakPoint );

        // Do not add points that have the same coordinates as ones that already belong to polygon
        // instead, add a point in the middle of the side
        if( nearestPoint == sideOrigin || nearestPoint == sideEnd )
            nearestPoint = ( sideOrigin + sideEnd ) / 2;

        outline->InsertCorner( nearestIdx, nearestPoint.x, nearestPoint.y );

    else if( item->Type() == PCB_LINE_T || item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )
        bool moduleEdge = item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T;
        PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = getEditFrame<PCB_BASE_FRAME>();


        if( moduleEdge )
            frame->SaveCopyInUndoList( getModel<BOARD>()->m_Modules, UR_MODEDIT );
            frame->SaveCopyInUndoList( selection.items, UR_CHANGED );

        DRAWSEGMENT* segment = static_cast<DRAWSEGMENT*>( item );

        if( segment->GetShape() == S_SEGMENT )
            SEG seg( segment->GetStart(), segment->GetEnd() );
            VECTOR2I nearestPoint = seg.NearestPoint( aBreakPoint );

            // Move the end of the line to the break point..
            segment->SetEnd( wxPoint( nearestPoint.x, nearestPoint.y ) );

            // and add another one starting from the break point
            DRAWSEGMENT* newSegment;

            if( moduleEdge )
                EDGE_MODULE* edge = static_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( segment );
                assert( segment->GetParent()->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T );
                newSegment = new EDGE_MODULE( *edge );
                newSegment = new DRAWSEGMENT( *segment );

            newSegment->SetStart( wxPoint( nearestPoint.x, nearestPoint.y ) );
            newSegment->SetEnd( wxPoint( seg.B.x, seg.B.y ) );

            if( moduleEdge )
                static_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( newSegment )->SetLocalCoord();
                getModel<BOARD>()->m_Modules->Add( newSegment );
                getModel<BOARD>()->Add( newSegment );

            getView()->Add( newSegment );
void POINT_EDITOR::updateItem() const
    EDA_ITEM* item = m_editPoints->GetParent();

    switch( item->Type() )
    case PCB_LINE_T:
        DRAWSEGMENT* segment = static_cast<DRAWSEGMENT*>( item );
        switch( segment->GetShape() )
        case S_SEGMENT:
            if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ) ) )
                segment->SetStart( wxPoint( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ).GetPosition().x,
                                            m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ).GetPosition().y ) );

            else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ) ) )
                segment->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ).GetPosition().x,
                                          m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ).GetPosition().y ) );


        case S_ARC:
            const VECTOR2I& center = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_CENTER ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& start = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_START ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& end = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_END ).GetPosition();

            if( center != segment->GetCenter() )
                wxPoint moveVector = wxPoint( center.x, center.y ) - segment->GetCenter();
                segment->Move( moveVector );

                m_editPoints->Point( ARC_START ).SetPosition( segment->GetArcStart() );
                m_editPoints->Point( ARC_END ).SetPosition( segment->GetArcEnd() );

                segment->SetArcStart( wxPoint( start.x, start.y ) );

                VECTOR2D startLine = start - center;
                VECTOR2I endLine = end - center;
                double newAngle = RAD2DECIDEG( endLine.Angle() - startLine.Angle() );

                // Adjust the new angle to (counter)clockwise setting
                bool clockwise = ( segment->GetAngle() > 0 );

                if( clockwise && newAngle < 0.0 )
                    newAngle += 3600.0;
                else if( !clockwise && newAngle > 0.0 )
                    newAngle -= 3600.0;

                segment->SetAngle( newAngle );


        case S_CIRCLE:
            const VECTOR2I& center = m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_CENTER ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& end = m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_END ).GetPosition();

            if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_CENTER ) ) )
                wxPoint moveVector = wxPoint( center.x, center.y ) - segment->GetCenter();
                segment->Move( moveVector );
                segment->SetEnd( wxPoint( end.x, end.y ) );


        default:        // suppress warnings

        // Update relative coordinates for module edges
        if( EDGE_MODULE* edge = dyn_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( item ) )


    case PCB_ZONE_AREA_T:
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = static_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*>( item );
        CPolyLine* outline = zone->Outline();

        for( int i = 0; i < outline->GetCornersCount(); ++i )
            VECTOR2I point = m_editPoints->Point( i ).GetPosition();
            outline->SetX( i, point.x );
            outline->SetY( i, point.y );


        DIMENSION* dimension = static_cast<DIMENSION*>( item );

        // Check which point is currently modified and updated dimension's points respectively
        if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ) ) )
            VECTOR2D featureLine( m_editedPoint->GetPosition() - dimension->GetOrigin() );
            VECTOR2D crossBar( dimension->GetEnd() - dimension->GetOrigin() );

            if( featureLine.Cross( crossBar ) > 0 )
                dimension->SetHeight( -featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );
                dimension->SetHeight( featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ) ) )
            VECTOR2D featureLine( m_editedPoint->GetPosition() - dimension->GetEnd() );
            VECTOR2D crossBar( dimension->GetEnd() - dimension->GetOrigin() );

            if( featureLine.Cross( crossBar ) > 0 )
                dimension->SetHeight( -featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );
                dimension->SetHeight( featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) )
            dimension->SetOrigin( wxPoint( m_editedPoint->GetPosition().x, m_editedPoint->GetPosition().y ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) )
            dimension->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_editedPoint->GetPosition().x, m_editedPoint->GetPosition().y ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) );


CPolyLine* CPolyLine::Fillet( unsigned int aRadius, unsigned int aSegments )
    CPolyLine* newPoly = new CPolyLine;

    if( !aRadius )
        newPoly->Copy( this );
        return newPoly;

    int polycount = GetContoursCount();

    for( int contour = 0; contour < polycount; contour++ )
        unsigned int    startIndex  = GetContourStart( contour );
        unsigned int    endIndex    = GetContourEnd( contour );

        for( unsigned int index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++ )
            int         x1, y1; // Current vertex
            long long   xa, ya; // Previous vertex
            long long   xb, yb; // Next vertex
            double      nx, ny;

            x1  = m_CornersList[index].x;
            y1  = m_CornersList[index].y;

            if( index == startIndex )
                xa  = m_CornersList[endIndex].x - x1;
                ya  = m_CornersList[endIndex].y - y1;
                xa  = m_CornersList[index - 1].x - x1;
                ya  = m_CornersList[index - 1].y - y1;

            if( index == endIndex )
                xb  = m_CornersList[startIndex].x - x1;
                yb  = m_CornersList[startIndex].y - y1;
                xb  = m_CornersList[index + 1].x - x1;
                yb  = m_CornersList[index + 1].y - y1;

            double          lena    = hypot( xa, ya );
            double          lenb    = hypot( xb, yb );
            double          cosine  = ( xa * xb + ya * yb ) / ( lena * lenb );

            double          radius  = aRadius;
            double          denom   = sqrt( 2.0 / ( 1 + cosine ) - 1 );

            // Do nothing in case of parallel edges
            if( std::isinf( denom ) )

            // Limit rounding distance to one half of an edge
            if( 0.5 * lena * denom < radius )
                radius = 0.5 * lena * denom;

            if( 0.5 * lenb * denom < radius )
                radius = 0.5 * lenb * denom;

            // Calculate fillet arc absolute center point (xc, yx)
            double  k       = radius / sqrt( .5 * ( 1 - cosine ) );
            double  lenab   = sqrt( ( xa / lena + xb / lenb ) * ( xa / lena + xb / lenb ) +
                                    ( ya / lena + yb / lenb ) * ( ya / lena + yb / lenb ) );
            double  xc  = x1 + k * ( xa / lena + xb / lenb ) / lenab;
            double  yc  = y1 + k * ( ya / lena + yb / lenb ) / lenab;

            // Calculate arc start and end vectors
            k = radius / sqrt( 2 / ( 1 + cosine ) - 1 );
            double  xs  = x1 + k * xa / lena - xc;
            double  ys  = y1 + k * ya / lena - yc;
            double  xe  = x1 + k * xb / lenb - xc;
            double  ye  = y1 + k * yb / lenb - yc;

            // Cosine of arc angle
            double  argument = ( xs * xe + ys * ye ) / ( radius * radius );

            if( argument < -1 ) // Just in case...
                argument = -1;
            else if( argument > 1 )
                argument = 1;

            double  arcAngle = acos( argument );

            // Calculate the number of segments
            double  tempSegments = (double) aSegments * ( arcAngle / ( 2 * M_PI ) );

            if( tempSegments - (int) tempSegments > 0 )

            unsigned int    segments = (unsigned int) tempSegments;

            double          deltaAngle  = arcAngle / segments;
            double          startAngle  = atan2( -ys, xs );

            // Flip arc for inner corners
            if( xa * yb - ya * xb <= 0 )
                deltaAngle *= -1;

            nx  = xc + xs;
            ny  = yc + ys;

            if( index == startIndex )
                newPoly->Start( GetLayer(), KiROUND( nx ), KiROUND( ny ), GetHatchStyle() );
                newPoly->AppendCorner( KiROUND( nx ), KiROUND( ny ) );

            for( unsigned int j = 0; j < segments; j++ )
                nx  = xc + cos( startAngle + (j + 1) * deltaAngle ) * radius;
                ny  = yc - sin( startAngle + (j + 1) * deltaAngle ) * radius;
                newPoly->AppendCorner( KiROUND( nx ), KiROUND( ny ) );


    return newPoly;
CPolyLine* CPolyLine::Chamfer( unsigned int aDistance )
    CPolyLine* newPoly = new CPolyLine;

    if( !aDistance )
        newPoly->Copy( this );
        return newPoly;

    int polycount = GetContoursCount();

    for( int contour = 0; contour < polycount; contour++ )
        unsigned int    startIndex  = GetContourStart( contour );
        unsigned int    endIndex    = GetContourEnd( contour );

        for( unsigned int index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++ )
            int         x1, y1, nx, ny;
            long long   xa, ya, xb, yb;

            x1  = m_CornersList[index].x;
            y1  = m_CornersList[index].y;

            if( index == startIndex )
                xa  = m_CornersList[endIndex].x - x1;
                ya  = m_CornersList[endIndex].y - y1;
                xa  = m_CornersList[index - 1].x - x1;
                ya  = m_CornersList[index - 1].y - y1;

            if( index == endIndex )
                xb  = m_CornersList[startIndex].x - x1;
                yb  = m_CornersList[startIndex].y - y1;
                xb  = m_CornersList[index + 1].x - x1;
                yb  = m_CornersList[index + 1].y - y1;

            unsigned int    lena        = KiROUND( hypot( xa, ya ) );
            unsigned int    lenb        = KiROUND( hypot( xb, yb ) );
            unsigned int    distance    = aDistance;

            // Chamfer one half of an edge at most
            if( 0.5 * lena < distance )
                distance = int( 0.5 * lena );

            if( 0.5 * lenb < distance )
                distance = int( 0.5 * lenb );

            nx  = KiROUND( (distance * xa) / hypot( xa, ya ) );
            ny  = KiROUND( (distance * ya) / hypot( xa, ya ) );

            if( index == startIndex )
                newPoly->Start( GetLayer(), x1 + nx, y1 + ny, GetHatchStyle() );
                newPoly->AppendCorner( x1 + nx, y1 + ny );

            nx  = KiROUND( (distance * xb) / hypot( xb, yb ) );
            ny  = KiROUND( (distance * yb) / hypot( xb, yb ) );
            newPoly->AppendCorner( x1 + nx, y1 + ny );


    return newPoly;
int BOARD::Test_Drc_Areas_Outlines_To_Areas_Outlines( ZONE_CONTAINER* aArea_To_Examine,
        bool            aCreate_Markers )
    int         nerrors = 0;

    // iterate through all areas
    for( int ia = 0; ia < GetAreaCount(); ia++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* Area_Ref = GetArea( ia );
        CPolyLine*      refSmoothedPoly = Area_Ref->GetSmoothedPoly();

        if( !Area_Ref->IsOnCopperLayer() )

        // When testing only a single area, skip all others
        if( aArea_To_Examine && (aArea_To_Examine != Area_Ref) )

        for( int ia2 = 0; ia2 < GetAreaCount(); ia2++ )
            ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_test = GetArea( ia2 );
            CPolyLine*      testSmoothedPoly = area_to_test->GetSmoothedPoly();

            if( Area_Ref == area_to_test )

            // test for same layer
            if( Area_Ref->GetLayer() != area_to_test->GetLayer() )

            // Test for same net
            if( Area_Ref->GetNetCode() == area_to_test->GetNetCode() && Area_Ref->GetNetCode() >= 0 )

            // test for different priorities
            if( Area_Ref->GetPriority() != area_to_test->GetPriority() )

            // test for different types
            if( Area_Ref->GetIsKeepout() != area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() )

            // Examine a candidate zone: compare area_to_test to Area_Ref

            // Get clearance used in zone to zone test.  The policy used to
            // obtain that value is now part of the zone object itself by way of
            // ZONE_CONTAINER::GetClearance().
            int zone2zoneClearance = Area_Ref->GetClearance( area_to_test );

            // Keepout areas have no clearance, so set zone2zoneClearance to 1
            // ( zone2zoneClearance = 0  can create problems in test functions)
            if( Area_Ref->GetIsKeepout() )
                zone2zoneClearance = 1;

            // test for some corners of Area_Ref inside area_to_test
            for( int ic = 0; ic < refSmoothedPoly->GetCornersCount(); ic++ )
                int x = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic );
                int y = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic );

                if( testSmoothedPoly->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: copper area ref corner inside copper area
                    if( aCreate_Markers )
                        wxString msg1   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                        wxString msg2   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                        MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_INSIDE_COPPERAREA,
                                                              wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                        Add( marker );


            // test for some corners of area_to_test inside Area_Ref
            for( int ic2 = 0; ic2 < testSmoothedPoly->GetCornersCount(); ic2++ )
                int x = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic2 );
                int y = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic2 );

                if( refSmoothedPoly->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: copper area corner inside copper area ref
                    if( aCreate_Markers )
                        wxString msg1   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                        wxString msg2   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                        MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_INSIDE_COPPERAREA,
                                                              wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                        Add( marker );


            // now test spacing between areas
            for( int icont = 0; icont < refSmoothedPoly->GetContoursCount(); icont++ )
                int ic_start = refSmoothedPoly->GetContourStart( icont );
                int ic_end   = refSmoothedPoly->GetContourEnd( icont );

                for( int ic = ic_start; ic<=ic_end; ic++ )
                    int ax1 = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic );
                    int ay1 = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic );
                    int ax2, ay2;

                    if( ic == ic_end )
                        ax2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic_start );
                        ay2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic_start );
                        ax2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic + 1 );
                        ay2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic + 1 );

                    for( int icont2 = 0; icont2 < testSmoothedPoly->GetContoursCount(); icont2++ )
                        int ic_start2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetContourStart( icont2 );
                        int ic_end2   = testSmoothedPoly->GetContourEnd( icont2 );

                        for( int ic2 = ic_start2; ic2<=ic_end2; ic2++ )
                            int bx1 = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic2 );
                            int by1 = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic2 );
                            int bx2, by2;

                            if( ic2 == ic_end2 )
                                bx2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic_start2 );
                                by2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic_start2 );
                                bx2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic2 + 1 );
                                by2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic2 + 1 );

                            int x, y;

                            int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2,
                                                                 ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2,
                                                                 &x, &y );

                            if( d < zone2zoneClearance )
                                // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error : intersect or too close
                                if( aCreate_Markers )
                                    wxString msg1   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                                    wxString msg2   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                                    MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_CLOSE_TO_COPPERAREA,
                                                                          wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                                          msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                                          msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                                    Add( marker );


    return nerrors;
Beispiel #15
 * Function TestAreaPolygon
 * Test an area for self-intersection.
 * @param CurrArea = copper area to test
 * @return :
 * -1 if arcs intersect other sides
 *  0 if no intersecting sides
 *  1 if intersecting sides, but no intersecting arcs
 * Also sets utility2 flag of area with return value
int BOARD::TestAreaPolygon( ZONE_CONTAINER* CurrArea )
    CPolyLine*         p = CurrArea->m_Poly;

    // first, check for sides intersecting other sides, especially arcs
    bool               bInt    = false;
    bool               bArcInt = false;
    int                n_cont  = p->GetNumContours();

    // make bounding rect for each contour
    std::vector<CRect> cr;
    cr.reserve( n_cont );

    for( int icont = 0; icont<n_cont; icont++ )
        cr.push_back( p->GetCornerBounds( icont ) );

    for( int icont = 0; icont<n_cont; icont++ )
        int is_start = p->GetContourStart( icont );
        int is_end   = p->GetContourEnd( icont );

        for( int is = is_start; is<=is_end; is++ )
            int is_prev = is - 1;

            if( is_prev < is_start )
                is_prev = is_end;

            int is_next = is + 1;

            if( is_next > is_end )
                is_next = is_start;

            int style = p->GetSideStyle( is );
            int x1i   = p->GetX( is );
            int y1i   = p->GetY( is );
            int x1f   = p->GetX( is_next );
            int y1f   = p->GetY( is_next );

            // check for intersection with any other sides
            for( int icont2 = icont; icont2<n_cont; icont2++ )
                if( cr[icont].left > cr[icont2].right
                    || cr[icont].bottom > cr[icont2].top
                    || cr[icont2].left > cr[icont].right
                    || cr[icont2].bottom > cr[icont].top )
                    // rectangles don't overlap, do nothing
                    int is2_start = p->GetContourStart( icont2 );
                    int is2_end   = p->GetContourEnd( icont2 );

                    for( int is2 = is2_start; is2<=is2_end; is2++ )
                        int is2_prev = is2 - 1;

                        if( is2_prev < is2_start )
                            is2_prev = is2_end;

                        int is2_next = is2 + 1;

                        if( is2_next > is2_end )
                            is2_next = is2_start;

                        if( icont != icont2
                           || (is2 != is && is2 != is_prev && is2 != is_next && is != is2_prev
                               && is !=
                               is2_next ) )
                            int style2 = p->GetSideStyle( is2 );
                            int x2i    = p->GetX( is2 );
                            int y2i    = p->GetY( is2 );
                            int x2f    = p->GetX( is2_next );
                            int y2f    = p->GetY( is2_next );
                            int ret    = FindSegmentIntersections( x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f, style,
                                                                   x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f, style2 );
                            if( ret )
                                // intersection between non-adjacent sides
                                bInt = true;

                                if( style != CPolyLine::STRAIGHT || style2 != CPolyLine::STRAIGHT )
                                    bArcInt = true;

                if( bArcInt )

            if( bArcInt )

        if( bArcInt )

    if( bArcInt )
        CurrArea->utility2 = -1;
    else if( bInt )
        CurrArea->utility2 = 1;
        CurrArea->utility2 = 0;

    return CurrArea->utility2;