Beispiel #1
 * Function TestLineChainEqualCPolyLine
 * tests the equality between a SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN polygon and a polygon inside a
 * CPolyLine object using Boost test suite.
 * @param lineChain is a SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN polygon object.
 * @param polyLine  is a CPolyLine polygon object.
 * @param contourIdx is the index of the contour inside polyLine that has to be tested
 *                   against lineChain.
void TestLineChainEqualCPolyLine(SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& lineChain, CPolyLine& polyLine,
                                 int contourIdx = 0)
    // Arrays to store the polygon points lexicographically ordered
    std::vector<VECTOR2I> chainPoints;
    std::vector<VECTOR2I> polyPoints;

    // Populate the array storing the new data with the lineChain corners
    for (int pointIdx = 0; pointIdx < lineChain.PointCount(); pointIdx++) {

    int start = polyLine.GetContourStart(contourIdx);
    int end = polyLine.GetContourEnd(contourIdx);

    // Populate the array storing the legacy data with the polyLine corners
    for (int pointIdx = start; pointIdx <= end; pointIdx++) {
        polyPoints.push_back( VECTOR2I(polyLine.GetX(pointIdx), polyLine.GetY(pointIdx)) );

    // Order the vectors in a lexicographic way
    std::sort(chainPoints.begin(), chainPoints.end(), lexicographicOrder);
    std::sort(polyPoints.begin(), polyPoints.end(), lexicographicOrder);

    // Compare every point coordinate to check the equality
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(chainPoints.begin(), chainPoints.end(),
                                  polyPoints.begin(), polyPoints.end());
Beispiel #2
// Restore arcs to a polygon where they were replaced with steps
// If pa != NULL, also use polygons in pa array
int CPolyLine::RestoreArcs( CArray<CArc> * arc_array, CArray<CPolyLine*> * pa )
	// get poly info
	int n_polys = 1;
	if( pa )
		n_polys += pa->GetSize();
	CPolyLine * poly;

	// undraw polys and clear utility flag for all corners
	for( int ip=0; ip<n_polys; ip++ )
		if( ip == 0 )
			poly = this;
			poly = (*pa)[ip-1];
		for( int ic=0; ic<poly->GetNumCorners(); ic++ )
			poly->SetUtility( ic, 0 );	// clear utility flag

	// find arcs and replace them
	BOOL bFound;
	int arc_start;
	int arc_end;
	for( int iarc=0; iarc<arc_array->GetSize(); iarc++ )
		int arc_xi = (*arc_array)[iarc].xi;
		int arc_yi = (*arc_array)[iarc].yi;
		int arc_xf = (*arc_array)[iarc].xf;
		int arc_yf = (*arc_array)[iarc].yf;
		int n_steps = (*arc_array)[iarc].n_steps;
		int style = (*arc_array)[iarc].style;
		bFound = FALSE;
		// loop through polys
		for( int ip=0; ip<n_polys; ip++ )
			if( ip == 0 )
				poly = this;
				poly = (*pa)[ip-1];
			for( int icont=0; icont<poly->GetNumContours(); icont++ )
				int ic_start = poly->GetContourStart(icont);
				int ic_end = poly->GetContourEnd(icont);
				if( (ic_end-ic_start) > n_steps )
					for( int ic=ic_start; ic<=ic_end; ic++ )
						int ic_next = ic+1;
						if( ic_next > ic_end )
							ic_next = ic_start;
						int xi = poly->GetX(ic);
						int yi = poly->GetY(ic);
						if( xi == arc_xi && yi == arc_yi )
							// test for forward arc
							int ic2 = ic + n_steps;
							if( ic2 > ic_end )
								ic2 = ic2 - ic_end + ic_start - 1;
							int xf = poly->GetX(ic2);
							int yf = poly->GetY(ic2);
							if( xf == arc_xf && yf == arc_yf )
								// arc from ic to ic2
								bFound = TRUE;
								arc_start = ic;
								arc_end = ic2;
								// try reverse arc
								ic2 = ic - n_steps;
								if( ic2 < ic_start )
									ic2 = ic2 - ic_start + ic_end + 1;
								xf = poly->GetX(ic2);
								yf = poly->GetY(ic2);
								if( xf == arc_xf && yf == arc_yf )
									// arc from ic2 to ic
									bFound = TRUE;
									arc_start = ic2;
									arc_end = ic;
									style = 3 - style;
							if( bFound )
								poly->side_style[arc_start] = style;
								// mark corners for deletion from arc_start+1 to arc_end-1
								for( int i=arc_start+1; i!=arc_end; )
									if( i > ic_end )
										i = ic_start;
									poly->SetUtility( i, 1 );
									if( i == ic_end )
										i = ic_start;
						if( bFound )
				if( bFound )
		if( bFound )
			(*arc_array)[iarc].bFound = TRUE;

	// now delete all marked corners
	for( int ip=0; ip<n_polys; ip++ )
		if( ip == 0 )
			poly = this;
			poly = (*pa)[ip-1];
		for( int ic=poly->GetNumCorners()-1; ic>=0; ic-- )
			if( poly->GetUtility(ic) )
				poly->DeleteCorner( ic, FALSE );
	return 0;
int BOARD::Test_Drc_Areas_Outlines_To_Areas_Outlines( ZONE_CONTAINER* aArea_To_Examine,
        bool            aCreate_Markers )
    int         nerrors = 0;

    // iterate through all areas
    for( int ia = 0; ia < GetAreaCount(); ia++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* Area_Ref = GetArea( ia );
        CPolyLine*      refSmoothedPoly = Area_Ref->GetSmoothedPoly();

        if( !Area_Ref->IsOnCopperLayer() )

        // When testing only a single area, skip all others
        if( aArea_To_Examine && (aArea_To_Examine != Area_Ref) )

        for( int ia2 = 0; ia2 < GetAreaCount(); ia2++ )
            ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_test = GetArea( ia2 );
            CPolyLine*      testSmoothedPoly = area_to_test->GetSmoothedPoly();

            if( Area_Ref == area_to_test )

            // test for same layer
            if( Area_Ref->GetLayer() != area_to_test->GetLayer() )

            // Test for same net
            if( Area_Ref->GetNetCode() == area_to_test->GetNetCode() && Area_Ref->GetNetCode() >= 0 )

            // test for different priorities
            if( Area_Ref->GetPriority() != area_to_test->GetPriority() )

            // test for different types
            if( Area_Ref->GetIsKeepout() != area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() )

            // Examine a candidate zone: compare area_to_test to Area_Ref

            // Get clearance used in zone to zone test.  The policy used to
            // obtain that value is now part of the zone object itself by way of
            // ZONE_CONTAINER::GetClearance().
            int zone2zoneClearance = Area_Ref->GetClearance( area_to_test );

            // Keepout areas have no clearance, so set zone2zoneClearance to 1
            // ( zone2zoneClearance = 0  can create problems in test functions)
            if( Area_Ref->GetIsKeepout() )
                zone2zoneClearance = 1;

            // test for some corners of Area_Ref inside area_to_test
            for( int ic = 0; ic < refSmoothedPoly->GetCornersCount(); ic++ )
                int x = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic );
                int y = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic );

                if( testSmoothedPoly->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: copper area ref corner inside copper area
                    if( aCreate_Markers )
                        wxString msg1   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                        wxString msg2   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                        MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_INSIDE_COPPERAREA,
                                                              wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                        Add( marker );


            // test for some corners of area_to_test inside Area_Ref
            for( int ic2 = 0; ic2 < testSmoothedPoly->GetCornersCount(); ic2++ )
                int x = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic2 );
                int y = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic2 );

                if( refSmoothedPoly->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: copper area corner inside copper area ref
                    if( aCreate_Markers )
                        wxString msg1   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                        wxString msg2   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                        MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_INSIDE_COPPERAREA,
                                                              wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                        Add( marker );


            // now test spacing between areas
            for( int icont = 0; icont < refSmoothedPoly->GetContoursCount(); icont++ )
                int ic_start = refSmoothedPoly->GetContourStart( icont );
                int ic_end   = refSmoothedPoly->GetContourEnd( icont );

                for( int ic = ic_start; ic<=ic_end; ic++ )
                    int ax1 = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic );
                    int ay1 = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic );
                    int ax2, ay2;

                    if( ic == ic_end )
                        ax2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic_start );
                        ay2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic_start );
                        ax2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic + 1 );
                        ay2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic + 1 );

                    for( int icont2 = 0; icont2 < testSmoothedPoly->GetContoursCount(); icont2++ )
                        int ic_start2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetContourStart( icont2 );
                        int ic_end2   = testSmoothedPoly->GetContourEnd( icont2 );

                        for( int ic2 = ic_start2; ic2<=ic_end2; ic2++ )
                            int bx1 = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic2 );
                            int by1 = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic2 );
                            int bx2, by2;

                            if( ic2 == ic_end2 )
                                bx2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic_start2 );
                                by2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic_start2 );
                                bx2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic2 + 1 );
                                by2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic2 + 1 );

                            int x, y;

                            int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2,
                                                                 ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2,
                                                                 &x, &y );

                            if( d < zone2zoneClearance )
                                // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error : intersect or too close
                                if( aCreate_Markers )
                                    wxString msg1   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                                    wxString msg2   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                                    MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_CLOSE_TO_COPPERAREA,
                                                                          wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                                          msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                                          msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                                    Add( marker );


    return nerrors;
Beispiel #4
 * Function TestAreaPolygon
 * Test an area for self-intersection.
 * @param CurrArea = copper area to test
 * @return :
 * -1 if arcs intersect other sides
 *  0 if no intersecting sides
 *  1 if intersecting sides, but no intersecting arcs
 * Also sets utility2 flag of area with return value
int BOARD::TestAreaPolygon( ZONE_CONTAINER* CurrArea )
    CPolyLine*         p = CurrArea->m_Poly;

    // first, check for sides intersecting other sides, especially arcs
    bool               bInt    = false;
    bool               bArcInt = false;
    int                n_cont  = p->GetNumContours();

    // make bounding rect for each contour
    std::vector<CRect> cr;
    cr.reserve( n_cont );

    for( int icont = 0; icont<n_cont; icont++ )
        cr.push_back( p->GetCornerBounds( icont ) );

    for( int icont = 0; icont<n_cont; icont++ )
        int is_start = p->GetContourStart( icont );
        int is_end   = p->GetContourEnd( icont );

        for( int is = is_start; is<=is_end; is++ )
            int is_prev = is - 1;

            if( is_prev < is_start )
                is_prev = is_end;

            int is_next = is + 1;

            if( is_next > is_end )
                is_next = is_start;

            int style = p->GetSideStyle( is );
            int x1i   = p->GetX( is );
            int y1i   = p->GetY( is );
            int x1f   = p->GetX( is_next );
            int y1f   = p->GetY( is_next );

            // check for intersection with any other sides
            for( int icont2 = icont; icont2<n_cont; icont2++ )
                if( cr[icont].left > cr[icont2].right
                    || cr[icont].bottom > cr[icont2].top
                    || cr[icont2].left > cr[icont].right
                    || cr[icont2].bottom > cr[icont].top )
                    // rectangles don't overlap, do nothing
                    int is2_start = p->GetContourStart( icont2 );
                    int is2_end   = p->GetContourEnd( icont2 );

                    for( int is2 = is2_start; is2<=is2_end; is2++ )
                        int is2_prev = is2 - 1;

                        if( is2_prev < is2_start )
                            is2_prev = is2_end;

                        int is2_next = is2 + 1;

                        if( is2_next > is2_end )
                            is2_next = is2_start;

                        if( icont != icont2
                           || (is2 != is && is2 != is_prev && is2 != is_next && is != is2_prev
                               && is !=
                               is2_next ) )
                            int style2 = p->GetSideStyle( is2 );
                            int x2i    = p->GetX( is2 );
                            int y2i    = p->GetY( is2 );
                            int x2f    = p->GetX( is2_next );
                            int y2f    = p->GetY( is2_next );
                            int ret    = FindSegmentIntersections( x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f, style,
                                                                   x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f, style2 );
                            if( ret )
                                // intersection between non-adjacent sides
                                bInt = true;

                                if( style != CPolyLine::STRAIGHT || style2 != CPolyLine::STRAIGHT )
                                    bArcInt = true;

                if( bArcInt )

            if( bArcInt )

        if( bArcInt )

    if( bArcInt )
        CurrArea->utility2 = -1;
    else if( bInt )
        CurrArea->utility2 = 1;
        CurrArea->utility2 = 0;

    return CurrArea->utility2;