Beispiel #1
SystemBase::augmentSendList(std::vector<dof_id_type> & send_list)
  std::set<dof_id_type> & ghosted_elems = _subproblem.ghostedElems();

  DofMap & dof_map = dofMap();

  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  System & sys = system();

  unsigned int sys_num = sys.number();

  unsigned int n_vars = sys.n_vars();

  for (std::set<dof_id_type>::iterator elem_id = ghosted_elems.begin();
      elem_id != ghosted_elems.end();
    Elem * elem = _mesh.elem(*elem_id);

    if (elem->active())
      dof_map.dof_indices(elem, dof_indices);

      for (unsigned int i=0; i<dof_indices.size(); i++)
        dof_id_type dof = dof_indices[i];

        // Only need to ghost it if it's actually not on this processor
        if (dof < dof_map.first_dof() || dof >= dof_map.end_dof())

      // Now add the DoFs from all of the nodes.  This is necessary because of block
      // restricted variables.  A variable might not live _on_ this element but it
      // might live on nodes connected to this element.
      for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_nodes(); n++)
        Node * node = elem->get_node(n);

        // Have to get each variable's dofs
        for (unsigned int v=0; v<n_vars; v++)
          const Variable & var = sys.variable(v);
          unsigned int var_num = var.number();
          unsigned int n_comp = var.n_components();

          // See if this variable has any dofs at this node
          if (node->n_dofs(sys_num, var_num) > 0)
            // Loop over components of the variable
            for (unsigned int c=0; c<n_comp; c++)
              send_list.push_back(node->dof_number(sys_num, var_num, c));
Beispiel #2
// Begin the main program.
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
  // Initialize libMesh and any dependent libaries, like in example 2.
  LibMeshInit init (argc, argv);

  // Only our PETSc interface currently supports solves restricted to
  // subdomains
  libmesh_example_requires(libMesh::default_solver_package() == PETSC_SOLVERS, "--enable-petsc");

  // Skip adaptive examples on a non-adaptive libMesh build
  libmesh_example_requires(false, "--enable-amr");

  // Declare a performance log for the main program
  // PerfLog perf_main("Main Program");

  // Create a GetPot object to parse the command line
  GetPot command_line (argc, argv);

  // Check for proper calling arguments.
  if (argc < 3)
      // This handy function will print the file name, line number,
      // specified message, and then throw an exception.
      libmesh_error_msg("Usage:\n" << "\t " << argv[0] << " -d 2(3)" << " -n 15");

  // Brief message to the user regarding the program name
  // and command line arguments.
      libMesh::out << "Running " << argv[0];

      for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
        libMesh::out << " " << argv[i];

      libMesh::out << std::endl << std::endl;

  // Read problem dimension from command line.  Use int
  // instead of unsigned since the GetPot overload is ambiguous
  // otherwise.
  int dim = 2;
  if (, "-d"))
    dim =;

  // Skip higher-dimensional examples on a lower-dimensional libMesh build
  libmesh_example_requires(dim <= LIBMESH_DIM, "2D/3D support");

  // Create a mesh with user-defined dimension.
  // Read number of elements from command line
  int ps = 15;
  if (, "-n"))
    ps =;

  // Read FE order from command line
  std::string order = "FIRST";
  if (, "-Order", "-o"))
    order =;

  // Read FE Family from command line
  std::string family = "LAGRANGE";
  if (, "-FEFamily", "-f"))
    family =;

  // Cannot use discontinuous basis.
  if ((family == "MONOMIAL") || (family == "XYZ"))
    libmesh_error_msg("This example requires a C^0 (or higher) FE basis.");

  // Create a mesh, with dimension to be overridden later, on the
  // default MPI communicator.
  Mesh mesh(init.comm());

  // Use the MeshTools::Generation mesh generator to create a uniform
  // grid on the square [-1,1]^D.  We instruct the mesh generator
  // to build a mesh of 8x8 Quad9 elements in 2D, or Hex27
  // elements in 3D.  Building these higher-order elements allows
  // us to use higher-order approximation, as in example 3.

  Real halfwidth = dim > 1 ? 1. : 0.;
  Real halfheight = dim > 2 ? 1. : 0.;

  if ((family == "LAGRANGE") && (order == "FIRST"))
      // No reason to use high-order geometric elements if we are
      // solving with low-order finite elements.
      MeshTools::Generation::build_cube (mesh,
                                         (dim>1) ? ps : 0,
                                         (dim>2) ? ps : 0,
                                         -1., 1.,
                                         -halfwidth, halfwidth,
                                         -halfheight, halfheight,
                                         (dim==1)    ? EDGE2 :
                                         ((dim == 2) ? QUAD4 : HEX8));

      MeshTools::Generation::build_cube (mesh,
                                         (dim>1) ? ps : 0,
                                         (dim>2) ? ps : 0,
                                         -1., 1.,
                                         -halfwidth, halfwidth,
                                         -halfheight, halfheight,
                                         (dim==1)    ? EDGE3 :
                                         ((dim == 2) ? QUAD9 : HEX27));

  // To demonstate solving on a subdomain, we will solve only on the
  // interior of a circle (ball in 3d) with radius 0.8.  So show that
  // this also works well on locally refined meshes, we refine once
  // all elements that are located on the boundary of this circle (or
  // ball).
    // A MeshRefinement object is needed to refine meshes.
    MeshRefinement meshRefinement(mesh);

    // Loop over all elements.
    MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = mesh.elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = mesh.elements_end();
    for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
        Elem * elem = *elem_it;
        if (elem->active())
            // Just check whether the current element has at least one
            // node inside and one node outside the circle.
            bool node_in = false;
            bool node_out = false;
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<elem->n_nodes(); i++)
                double d = elem->point(i).norm();
                if (d<0.8)
                    node_in = true;
                    node_out = true;
            if (node_in && node_out)

    // Now actually refine.

  // Print information about the mesh to the screen.

  // Now set the subdomain_id of all elements whose centroid is inside
  // the circle to 1.
    // Loop over all elements.
    MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = mesh.elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = mesh.elements_end();
    for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
        Elem * elem = *elem_it;
        double d = elem->centroid().norm();
        if (d<0.8)
            elem->subdomain_id() = 1;

  // Create an equation systems object.
  EquationSystems equation_systems (mesh);

  // Declare the system and its variables.
  // Create a system named "Poisson"
  LinearImplicitSystem & system =
    equation_systems.add_system<LinearImplicitSystem> ("Poisson");

  // Add the variable "u" to "Poisson".  "u"
  // will be approximated using second-order approximation.
                      Utility::string_to_enum<Order>   (order),

  // Give the system a pointer to the matrix assembly
  // function.
  system.attach_assemble_function (assemble_poisson);

  // Initialize the data structures for the equation system.

  // Print information about the system to the screen.

  // Restrict solves to those elements that have subdomain_id set to 1.
  std::set<subdomain_id_type> id_list;
  SystemSubsetBySubdomain::SubdomainSelectionByList selection(id_list);
  SystemSubsetBySubdomain subset(system, selection);
  system.restrict_solve_to(&subset, SUBSET_ZERO);

  // Note that using SUBSET_ZERO will cause all dofs outside the
  // subdomain to be cleared.  This will, however, cause some hanging
  // nodes outside the subdomain to have inconsistent values.

  // Solve the system "Poisson", just like example 2.

  // After solving the system write the solution
  // to a GMV-formatted plot file.
  if (dim == 1)
      GnuPlotIO plot(mesh, "Subdomains Example 1, 1D", GnuPlotIO::GRID_ON);
      plot.write_equation_systems("gnuplot_script", equation_systems);
      GMVIO (mesh).write_equation_systems ((dim == 3) ?
                                           "out_3.gmv" : "out_2.gmv", equation_systems);
      ExodusII_IO (mesh).write_equation_systems ((dim == 3) ?
                                                 "out_3.e" : "out_2.e", equation_systems);
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_EXODUS_API

#endif // #ifndef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR

  // All done.
  return 0;
bool MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_nelem_target (const ErrorVector& error_per_cell)

  // Check for valid fractions..
  // The fraction values must be in [0,1]
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_refine_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_refine_fraction, 1);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 1);

  // This function is currently only coded to work when coarsening by
  // parents - it's too hard to guess how many coarsenings will be
  // performed otherwise.
  libmesh_assert (_coarsen_by_parents);

  // The number of active elements in the mesh - hopefully less than
  // 2 billion on 32 bit machines
  const unsigned int n_active_elem  = _mesh.n_active_elem();

  // The maximum number of active elements to flag for coarsening
  const unsigned int max_elem_coarsen =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(_coarsen_fraction * n_active_elem) + 1;

  // The maximum number of elements to flag for refinement
  const unsigned int max_elem_refine  =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(_refine_fraction  * n_active_elem) + 1;

  // Clean up the refinement flags.  These could be left
  // over from previous refinement steps.

  // The target number of elements to add or remove
  const int n_elem_new = _nelem_target - n_active_elem;

  // Create an vector with active element errors and ids,
  // sorted by highest errors first
  const unsigned int max_elem_id = _mesh.max_elem_id();
  std::vector<std::pair<float, unsigned int> > sorted_error;

  sorted_error.reserve (n_active_elem);

  // On a ParallelMesh, we need to communicate to know which remote ids
  // correspond to active elements.
    std::vector<bool> is_active(max_elem_id, false);

    MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = _mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = _mesh.active_local_elements_end();
    for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
        const unsigned int eid = (*elem_it)->id();
        is_active[eid] = true;
        libmesh_assert_less (eid, error_per_cell.size());
          (std::make_pair(error_per_cell[eid], eid));



  // Default sort works since pairs are sorted lexicographically
  std::sort (sorted_error.begin(), sorted_error.end());
  std::reverse (sorted_error.begin(), sorted_error.end());

  // Create a sorted error vector with coarsenable parent elements
  // only, sorted by lowest errors first
  ErrorVector error_per_parent;
  std::vector<std::pair<float, unsigned int> > sorted_parent_error;
  Real parent_error_min, parent_error_max;


  // create_parent_error_vector sets values for non-parents and
  // non-coarsenable parents to -1.  Get rid of them.
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != error_per_parent.size(); ++i)
    if (error_per_parent[i] != -1)
      sorted_parent_error.push_back(std::make_pair(error_per_parent[i], i));

  std::sort (sorted_parent_error.begin(), sorted_parent_error.end());

  // Keep track of how many elements we plan to coarsen & refine
  unsigned int coarsen_count = 0;
  unsigned int refine_count = 0;

  const unsigned int dim = _mesh.mesh_dimension();
  unsigned int twotodim = 1;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i!=dim; ++i)
    twotodim *= 2;

  // First, let's try to get our element count to target_nelem
  if (n_elem_new >= 0)
    // Every element refinement creates at least
    // 2^dim-1 new elements
    refine_count =
      std::min(static_cast<unsigned int>(n_elem_new / (twotodim-1)),
    // Every successful element coarsening is likely to destroy
    // 2^dim-1 net elements.
    coarsen_count =
      std::min(static_cast<unsigned int>(-n_elem_new / (twotodim-1)),

  // Next, let's see if we can trade any refinement for coarsening
  while (coarsen_count < max_elem_coarsen &&
         refine_count < max_elem_refine &&
         coarsen_count < sorted_parent_error.size() &&
         refine_count < sorted_error.size() &&
         sorted_error[refine_count].first >
	 sorted_parent_error[coarsen_count].first * _coarsen_threshold)

  // On a ParallelMesh, we need to communicate to know which remote ids
  // correspond to refinable elements
  unsigned int successful_refine_count = 0;
    std::vector<bool> is_refinable(max_elem_id, false);

    for (unsigned int i=0; i != sorted_error.size(); ++i)
        unsigned int eid = sorted_error[i].second;
        Elem *elem = _mesh.query_elem(eid);
        if (elem && elem->level() < _max_h_level)
	  is_refinable[eid] = true;

    if (refine_count > max_elem_refine)
      refine_count = max_elem_refine;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i != sorted_error.size(); ++i)
        if (successful_refine_count >= refine_count)

        unsigned int eid = sorted_error[i].second;
        Elem *elem = _mesh.query_elem(eid);
        if (is_refinable[eid])
            if (elem)

  // If we couldn't refine enough elements, don't coarsen too many
  // either
  if (coarsen_count < (refine_count - successful_refine_count))
    coarsen_count = 0;
    coarsen_count -= (refine_count - successful_refine_count);

  if (coarsen_count > max_elem_coarsen)
    coarsen_count = max_elem_coarsen;

  unsigned int successful_coarsen_count = 0;
  if (coarsen_count)
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != sorted_parent_error.size(); ++i)
          if (successful_coarsen_count >= coarsen_count * twotodim)

          unsigned int parent_id = sorted_parent_error[i].second;
          Elem *parent = _mesh.query_elem(parent_id);

          // On a ParallelMesh we skip remote elements
          if (!parent)

          for (unsigned int c=0; c != parent->n_children(); ++c)
              Elem *elem = parent->child(c);
              if (elem && elem != remote_elem)

  // Return true if we've done all the AMR/C we can
  if (!successful_coarsen_count &&
    return true;
  // And false if there may still be more to do.
  return false;
bool UnstructuredMesh::contract ()
  LOG_SCOPE ("contract()", "Mesh");

  // Flag indicating if this call actually changes the mesh
  bool mesh_changed = false;

  element_iterator in        = elements_begin();
  const element_iterator end = elements_end();

#ifdef DEBUG
  for ( ; in != end; ++in)
    if (*in != libmesh_nullptr)
        Elem * el = *in;
        libmesh_assert(el->active() || el->subactive() || el->ancestor());
  in = elements_begin();

  // Loop over the elements.
  for ( ; in != end; ++in)
    if (*in != libmesh_nullptr)
        Elem * el = *in;

        // Delete all the subactive ones
        if (el->subactive())
            // No level-0 element should be subactive.
            // Note that we CAN'T test elem->level(), as that
            // touches elem->parent()->dim(), and elem->parent()
            // might have already been deleted!

            // Delete the element
            // This just sets a pointer to NULL, and doesn't
            // invalidate any iterators

            // the mesh has certainly changed
            mesh_changed = true;
            // Compress all the active ones
            if (el->active())
              libmesh_assert (el->ancestor());

  // Strip any newly-created NULL voids out of the element array

  // FIXME: Need to understand why deleting subactive children
  // invalidates the point locator.  For now we will clear it explicitly

  return mesh_changed;
void UnstructuredMesh::find_neighbors (const bool reset_remote_elements,
                                       const bool reset_current_list)
  // We might actually want to run this on an empty mesh
  // (e.g. the boundary mesh for a nonexistant bcid!)
  // libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (this->n_nodes(), 0);
  // libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (this->n_elem(), 0);

  // This function must be run on all processors at once

  LOG_SCOPE("find_neighbors()", "Mesh");

  const element_iterator el_end = this->elements_end();

  //TODO:[BSK] This should be removed later?!
  if (reset_current_list)
    for (element_iterator el = this->elements_begin(); el != el_end; ++el)
        Elem * e = *el;
        for (unsigned int s=0; s<e->n_neighbors(); s++)
          if (e->neighbor_ptr(s) != remote_elem ||
            e->set_neighbor(s, libmesh_nullptr);

  // Find neighboring elements by first finding elements
  // with identical side keys and then check to see if they
  // are neighbors
    // data structures -- Use the hash_multimap if available
    typedef unsigned int                    key_type;
    typedef std::pair<Elem *, unsigned char> val_type;
    typedef std::pair<key_type, val_type>   key_val_pair;

    typedef LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_MULTIMAP<key_type, val_type> map_type;

    // A map from side keys to corresponding elements & side numbers
    map_type side_to_elem_map;

    for (element_iterator el = this->elements_begin(); el != el_end; ++el)
        Elem * element = *el;

        for (unsigned char ms=0; ms<element->n_neighbors(); ms++)
            // If we haven't yet found a neighbor on this side, try.
            // Even if we think our neighbor is remote, that
            // information may be out of date.
            if (element->neighbor_ptr(ms) == libmesh_nullptr ||
                element->neighbor_ptr(ms) == remote_elem)
                // Get the key for the side of this element
                const unsigned int key = element->key(ms);

                // Look for elements that have an identical side key
                std::pair <map_type::iterator, map_type::iterator>
                  bounds = side_to_elem_map.equal_range(key);

                // May be multiple keys, check all the possible
                // elements which _might_ be neighbors.
                if (bounds.first != bounds.second)
                    // Get the side for this element
                    const UniquePtr<Elem> my_side(element->side_ptr(ms));

                    // Look at all the entries with an equivalent key
                    while (bounds.first != bounds.second)
                        // Get the potential element
                        Elem * neighbor = bounds.first->second.first;

                        // Get the side for the neighboring element
                        const unsigned int ns = bounds.first->second.second;
                        const UniquePtr<Elem> their_side(neighbor->side_ptr(ns));

                        // If found a match with my side
                        // We need special tests here for 1D:
                        // since parents and children have an equal
                        // side (i.e. a node), we need to check
                        // ns != ms, and we also check level() to
                        // avoid setting our neighbor pointer to
                        // any of our neighbor's descendants
                        if( (*my_side == *their_side) &&
                            (element->level() == neighbor->level()) &&
                            ((element->dim() != 1) || (ns != ms)) )
                            // So share a side.  Is this a mixed pair
                            // of subactive and active/ancestor
                            // elements?
                            // If not, then we're neighbors.
                            // If so, then the subactive's neighbor is

                            if (element->subactive() ==
                                // an element is only subactive if it has
                                // been coarsened but not deleted
                                element->set_neighbor (ms,neighbor);
                            else if (element->subactive())
                            else if (neighbor->subactive())
                            side_to_elem_map.erase (bounds.first);

                            // get out of this nested crap
                            goto next_side;


                // didn't find a match...
                // Build the map entry for this element
                key_val_pair kvp;

                kvp.first         = key;
                kvp.second.first  = element;
                kvp.second.second = ms;

                // use the lower bound as a hint for
                // where to put it.
                side_to_elem_map.insert (kvp);
                side_to_elem_map.insert (bounds.first,kvp);


   * Here we look at all of the child elements which
   * don't already have valid neighbors.
   * If a child element has a NULL neighbor it is
   * either because it is on the boundary or because
   * its neighbor is at a different level.  In the
   * latter case we must get the neighbor from the
   * parent.
   * If a child element has a remote_elem neighbor
   * on a boundary it shares with its parent, that
   * info may have become out-dated through coarsening
   * of the neighbor's parent.  In this case, if the
   * parent's neighbor is active then the child should
   * share it.
   * Furthermore, that neighbor better be active,
   * otherwise we missed a child somewhere.
   * We also need to look through children ordered by increasing
   * refinement level in order to add new interior_parent() links in
   * boundary elements which have just been generated by refinement,
   * and fix links in boundary elements whose previous
   * interior_parent() has just been coarsened away.
  const unsigned int n_levels = MeshTools::n_levels(*this);
  for (unsigned int level = 1; level < n_levels; ++level)
      element_iterator end = this->level_elements_end(level);
      for (element_iterator el = this->level_elements_begin(level);
           el != end; ++el)
          Elem * current_elem = *el;
          Elem * parent = current_elem->parent();
          const unsigned int my_child_num = parent->which_child_am_i(current_elem);

          for (unsigned int s=0; s < current_elem->n_neighbors(); s++)
              if (current_elem->neighbor_ptr(s) == libmesh_nullptr ||
                  (current_elem->neighbor_ptr(s) == remote_elem &&
                   parent->is_child_on_side(my_child_num, s)))
                  Elem * neigh = parent->neighbor_ptr(s);

                  // If neigh was refined and had non-subactive children
                  // made remote earlier, then a non-subactive elem should
                  // actually have one of those remote children as a
                  // neighbor
                  if (neigh && (neigh->ancestor()) && (!current_elem->subactive()))
#ifdef DEBUG
                      // Let's make sure that "had children made remote"
                      // situation is actually the case
                      bool neigh_has_remote_children = false;
                      for (unsigned int c = 0; c != neigh->n_children(); ++c)
                          if (neigh->child_ptr(c) == remote_elem)
                            neigh_has_remote_children = true;

                      // And let's double-check that we don't have
                      // a remote_elem neighboring a local element
                      libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (current_elem->processor_id(),
#endif // DEBUG
                      neigh = const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem);

                  if (!current_elem->subactive())
                    current_elem->set_neighbor(s, neigh);
#ifdef DEBUG
                  if (neigh != libmesh_nullptr && neigh != remote_elem)
                    // We ignore subactive elements here because
                    // we don't care about neighbors of subactive element.
                    if ((!neigh->active()) && (!current_elem->subactive()))
                        libMesh::err << "On processor " << this->processor_id()
                                     << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "Bad element ID = " << current_elem->id()
                                     << ", Side " << s << ", Bad neighbor ID = " << neigh->id() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "Bad element proc_ID = " << current_elem->processor_id()
                                     << ", Bad neighbor proc_ID = " << neigh->processor_id() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "Bad element size = " << current_elem->hmin()
                                     << ", Bad neighbor size = " << neigh->hmin() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "Bad element center = " << current_elem->centroid()
                                     << ", Bad neighbor center = " << neigh->centroid() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "ERROR: "
                                     << (current_elem->active()?"Active":"Ancestor")
                                     << " Element at level "
                                     << current_elem->level() << std::endl;
                        libMesh::err << "with "
                                     << (parent->active()?"active":
                                     << " parent share "
                                     << (neigh->subactive()?"subactive":"ancestor")
                                     << " neighbor at level " << neigh->level()
                                     << std::endl;
                        NameBasedIO(*this).write ("bad_mesh.gmv");
                        libmesh_error_msg("Problematic mesh written to bad_mesh.gmv.");
#endif // DEBUG

          // We can skip to the next element if we're full-dimension
          // and therefore don't have any interior parents
          if (current_elem->dim() >= LIBMESH_DIM)

          // We have no interior parents unless we can find one later

          Elem * pip = parent->interior_parent();

          if (!pip)

          // If there's no interior_parent children, whether due to a
          // remote element or a non-conformity, then there's no
          // children to search.
          if (pip == remote_elem || pip->active())

          // For node comparisons we'll need a sensible tolerance
          Real node_tolerance = current_elem->hmin() * TOLERANCE;

          // Otherwise our interior_parent should be a child of our
          // parent's interior_parent.
          for (unsigned int c=0; c != pip->n_children(); ++c)
              Elem * child = pip->child_ptr(c);

              // If we have a remote_elem, that might be our
              // interior_parent.  We'll set it provisionally now and
              // keep trying to find something better.
              if (child == remote_elem)
                    (const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));

              bool child_contains_our_nodes = true;
              for (unsigned int n=0; n != current_elem->n_nodes();
                  bool child_contains_this_node = false;
                  for (unsigned int cn=0; cn != child->n_nodes();
                    if (child->point(cn).absolute_fuzzy_equals
                        (current_elem->point(n), node_tolerance))
                        child_contains_this_node = true;
                  if (!child_contains_this_node)
                      child_contains_our_nodes = false;
              if (child_contains_our_nodes)

          // We should have found *some* interior_parent at this
          // point, whether semilocal or remote.

#endif // AMR

#ifdef DEBUG
Beispiel #6
void unpack(std::vector<largest_id_type>::const_iterator in,
            Elem** out,
            MeshBase* mesh)
#ifndef NDEBUG
  const std::vector<largest_id_type>::const_iterator original_in = in;

  const largest_id_type incoming_header = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (incoming_header, elem_magic_header);

  // int 0: level
  const unsigned int level =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(*in++);

  // int 1: p level
  const unsigned int p_level =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(*in++);

  // int 2: refinement flag
  const int rflag = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (rflag, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (rflag, Elem::INVALID_REFINEMENTSTATE);
  const Elem::RefinementState refinement_flag =

  // int 3: p refinement flag
  const int pflag = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (pflag, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (pflag, Elem::INVALID_REFINEMENTSTATE);
  const Elem::RefinementState p_refinement_flag =
  in += 3;

  // int 4: element type
  const int typeint = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (typeint, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (typeint, INVALID_ELEM);
  const ElemType type =

  const unsigned int n_nodes =

  // int 5: processor id
  const processor_id_type processor_id =
  libmesh_assert (processor_id < mesh->n_processors() ||
                  processor_id == DofObject::invalid_processor_id);

  // int 6: subdomain id
  const subdomain_id_type subdomain_id =

  // int 7: dof object id
  const dof_id_type id =
  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (id, DofObject::invalid_id);

  // int 8: dof object unique id
  const unique_id_type unique_id =

  // int 9: parent dof object id
  const dof_id_type parent_id =
  libmesh_assert (level == 0 || parent_id != DofObject::invalid_id);
  libmesh_assert (level != 0 || parent_id == DofObject::invalid_id);

  // int 10: local child id
  const unsigned int which_child_am_i =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(*in++);
  in += 2;

  // Make sure we don't miscount above when adding the "magic" header
  // plus the real data header
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (in - original_in, header_size + 1);

  Elem *elem = mesh->query_elem(id);

  // if we already have this element, make sure its
  // properties match, and update any missing neighbor
  // links, but then go on
  if (elem)
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->level(), level);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->id(), id);
      // No check for unqiue id sanity
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->processor_id(), processor_id);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->subdomain_id(), subdomain_id);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->type(), type);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->n_nodes(), n_nodes);

#ifndef NDEBUG
      // All our nodes should be correct
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_nodes; ++i)
        libmesh_assert(elem->node(i) ==
      in += n_nodes;

      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->p_level(), p_level);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->refinement_flag(), refinement_flag);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->p_refinement_flag(), p_refinement_flag);

      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent() != NULL);
      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent()->id() == parent_id);
      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent()->child(which_child_am_i) == elem);

      // Our neighbor links should be "close to" correct - we may have
      // to update them, but we can check for some inconsistencies.
      for (unsigned int n=0; n != elem->n_neighbors(); ++n)
          const dof_id_type neighbor_id =

	  // If the sending processor sees a domain boundary here,
	  // we'd better agree.
          if (neighbor_id == DofObject::invalid_id)
              libmesh_assert (!(elem->neighbor(n)));

	  // If the sending processor has a remote_elem neighbor here,
	  // then all we know is that we'd better *not* have a domain
	  // boundary.
          if (neighbor_id == remote_elem->id())

          Elem *neigh = mesh->query_elem(neighbor_id);

          // The sending processor sees a neighbor here, so if we
          // don't have that neighboring element, then we'd better
          // have a remote_elem signifying that fact.
          if (!neigh)
              libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->neighbor(n), remote_elem);

          // The sending processor has a neighbor here, and we have
          // that element, but that does *NOT* mean we're already
	  // linking to it.  Perhaps we initially received both elem
	  // and neigh from processors on which their mutual link was
	  // remote?
          libmesh_assert(elem->neighbor(n) == neigh ||
			 elem->neighbor(n) == remote_elem);

	  // If the link was originally remote, we should update it,
	  // and make sure the appropriate parts of its family link
	  // back to us.
	  if (elem->neighbor(n) == remote_elem)
              elem->set_neighbor(n, neigh);


      // FIXME: We should add some debug mode tests to ensure that the
      // encoded indexing and boundary conditions are consistent.
      // We don't already have the element, so we need to create it.

      // Find the parent if necessary
      Elem *parent = NULL;
      // Find a child element's parent
      if (level > 0)
	  // Note that we must be very careful to construct the send
	  // connectivity so that parents are encountered before
	  // children.  If we get here and can't find the parent that
	  // is a fatal error.
          parent = mesh->elem(parent_id);
      // Or assert that the sending processor sees no parent
        libmesh_assert_equal_to (parent_id, static_cast<dof_id_type>(-1));
      // No non-level-0 elements without AMR
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (level, 0);

      elem = Elem::build(type,parent).release();
      libmesh_assert (elem);

      if (level != 0)
          // Since this is a newly created element, the parent must
          // have previously thought of this child as a remote element.
          libmesh_assert_equal_to (parent->child(which_child_am_i), remote_elem);

          parent->add_child(elem, which_child_am_i);

      // Assign the refinement flags and levels
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->level(), level);

      // If this element definitely should have children, assign
      // remote_elem to all of them for now, for consistency.  Later
      // unpacked elements may overwrite that.
      if (!elem->active())
        for (unsigned int c=0; c != elem->n_children(); ++c)
          elem->add_child(const_cast<RemoteElem*>(remote_elem), c);


      // Assign the IDs
      elem->subdomain_id()  = subdomain_id;
      elem->processor_id()  = processor_id;
      elem->set_id()        = id;
      elem->set_unique_id() = unique_id;

      // Assign the connectivity
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->n_nodes(), n_nodes);

      for (unsigned int n=0; n != n_nodes; n++)
        elem->set_node(n) =

      for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_neighbors(); n++)
          const dof_id_type neighbor_id =

          if (neighbor_id == DofObject::invalid_id)

          // We may be unpacking an element that was a ghost element on the
          // sender, in which case the element's neighbors may not all be
          // known by the packed element.  We'll have to set such
          // neighbors to remote_elem ourselves and wait for a later
          // packed element to give us better information.
          if (neighbor_id == remote_elem->id())
              elem->set_neighbor(n, const_cast<RemoteElem*>(remote_elem));

          // If we don't have the neighbor element, then it's a
          // remote_elem until we get it.
          Elem *neigh = mesh->query_elem(neighbor_id);
          if (!neigh)
              elem->set_neighbor(n, const_cast<RemoteElem*>(remote_elem));

          // If we have the neighbor element, then link to it, and
          // make sure the appropriate parts of its family link back
          // to us.
          elem->set_neighbor(n, neigh);



  in += elem->packed_indexing_size();

  // If this is a coarse element,
  // add any element side boundary condition ids
  if (level == 0)
    for (unsigned int s = 0; s != elem->n_sides(); ++s)
        const int num_bcs = *in++;
        libmesh_assert_greater_equal (num_bcs, 0);

        for(int bc_it=0; bc_it < num_bcs; bc_it++)
          mesh->boundary_info->add_side (elem, s, *in++);

  // Return the new element
  *out = elem;
Beispiel #7
Elem *
Packing<Elem *>::unpack (std::vector<largest_id_type>::const_iterator in,
                         MeshBase * mesh)
#ifndef NDEBUG
  const std::vector<largest_id_type>::const_iterator original_in = in;

  const largest_id_type incoming_header = *in++;
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (incoming_header, elem_magic_header);

  // int 0: level
  const unsigned int level =
    cast_int<unsigned int>(*in++);

  // int 1: p level
  const unsigned int p_level =
    cast_int<unsigned int>(*in++);

  // int 2: refinement flag and encoded has_children
  const int rflag = cast_int<int>(*in++);
  const int invalid_rflag =
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (rflag, 0);

  libmesh_assert_less (rflag, invalid_rflag*2+1);

  const bool has_children = (rflag > invalid_rflag);

  const Elem::RefinementState refinement_flag = has_children ?
    cast_int<Elem::RefinementState>(rflag - invalid_rflag - 1) :

  // int 3: p refinement flag
  const int pflag = cast_int<int>(*in++);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (pflag, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (pflag, Elem::INVALID_REFINEMENTSTATE);
  const Elem::RefinementState p_refinement_flag =
  in += 3;

  // int 4: element type
  const int typeint = cast_int<int>(*in++);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (typeint, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less (typeint, INVALID_ELEM);
  const ElemType type =

  const unsigned int n_nodes =

  // int 5: processor id
  const processor_id_type processor_id =
  libmesh_assert (processor_id < mesh->n_processors() ||
                  processor_id == DofObject::invalid_processor_id);

  // int 6: subdomain id
  const subdomain_id_type subdomain_id =

  // int 7: dof object id
  const dof_id_type id =
  libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (id, DofObject::invalid_id);

  // int 8: dof object unique id
  const unique_id_type unique_id =

  // int 9: parent dof object id.
  // Note: If level==0, then (*in) == invalid_id.  In
  // this case, the equality check in cast_int<unsigned>(*in) will
  // never succeed.  Therefore, we should only attempt the more
  // rigorous cast verification in cases where level != 0.
  const dof_id_type parent_id =
    (level == 0)
    ? static_cast<dof_id_type>(*in++)
    : cast_int<dof_id_type>(*in++);
  libmesh_assert (level == 0 || parent_id != DofObject::invalid_id);
  libmesh_assert (level != 0 || parent_id == DofObject::invalid_id);

  // int 10: local child id
  // Note: If level==0, then which_child_am_i is not valid, so don't
  // do the more rigorous cast verification.
  const unsigned int which_child_am_i =
    (level == 0)
    ? static_cast<unsigned int>(*in++)
    : cast_int<unsigned int>(*in++);
  in += 2;

  const dof_id_type interior_parent_id =

  // Make sure we don't miscount above when adding the "magic" header
  // plus the real data header
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (in - original_in, header_size + 1);

  Elem * elem = mesh->query_elem_ptr(id);

  // if we already have this element, make sure its
  // properties match, and update any missing neighbor
  // links, but then go on
  if (elem)
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->level(), level);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->id(), id);
      // No check for unique id sanity
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->processor_id(), processor_id);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->subdomain_id(), subdomain_id);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->type(), type);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->n_nodes(), n_nodes);

#ifndef NDEBUG
      // All our nodes should be correct
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_nodes; ++i)
        libmesh_assert(elem->node_id(i) ==
      in += n_nodes;

      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->refinement_flag(), refinement_flag);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->has_children(), has_children);

#ifdef DEBUG
      if (elem->active())
          libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->p_level(), p_level);
          libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->p_refinement_flag(), p_refinement_flag);

      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent() != libmesh_nullptr);
      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent()->id() == parent_id);
      libmesh_assert (!level || elem->parent()->child_ptr(which_child_am_i) == elem);
      // Our interior_parent link should be "close to" correct - we
      // may have to update it, but we can check for some
      // inconsistencies.
        // If the sending processor sees no interior_parent here, we'd
        // better agree.
        if (interior_parent_id == DofObject::invalid_id)
            if (elem->dim() < LIBMESH_DIM)
              libmesh_assert (!(elem->interior_parent()));

        // If the sending processor has a remote_elem interior_parent,
        // then all we know is that we'd better have *some*
        // interior_parent
        else if (interior_parent_id == remote_elem->id())
            Elem * ip = mesh->query_elem_ptr(interior_parent_id);

            // The sending processor sees an interior parent here, so
            // if we don't have that interior element, then we'd
            // better have a remote_elem signifying that fact.
            if (!ip)
              libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->interior_parent(), remote_elem);
                // The sending processor has an interior_parent here,
                // and we have that element, but that does *NOT* mean
                // we're already linking to it.  Perhaps we initially
                // received elem from a processor on which the
                // interior_parent link was remote?
                libmesh_assert(elem->interior_parent() == ip ||
                               elem->interior_parent() == remote_elem);

                // If the link was originally remote, update it
                if (elem->interior_parent() == remote_elem)

      // Our neighbor links should be "close to" correct - we may have
      // to update a remote_elem link, and we can check for possible
      // inconsistencies along the way.
      // For subactive elements, we don't bother keeping neighbor
      // links in good shape, so there's nothing we need to set or can
      // safely assert here.
      if (!elem->subactive())
        for (auto n : elem->side_index_range())
            const dof_id_type neighbor_id =

            // If the sending processor sees a domain boundary here,
            // we'd better agree.
            if (neighbor_id == DofObject::invalid_id)
                libmesh_assert (!(elem->neighbor_ptr(n)));

            // If the sending processor has a remote_elem neighbor here,
            // then all we know is that we'd better *not* have a domain
            // boundary.
            if (neighbor_id == remote_elem->id())

            Elem * neigh = mesh->query_elem_ptr(neighbor_id);

            // The sending processor sees a neighbor here, so if we
            // don't have that neighboring element, then we'd better
            // have a remote_elem signifying that fact.
            if (!neigh)
                libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->neighbor_ptr(n), remote_elem);

            // The sending processor has a neighbor here, and we have
            // that element, but that does *NOT* mean we're already
            // linking to it.  Perhaps we initially received both elem
            // and neigh from processors on which their mutual link was
            // remote?
            libmesh_assert(elem->neighbor_ptr(n) == neigh ||
                           elem->neighbor_ptr(n) == remote_elem);

            // If the link was originally remote, we should update it,
            // and make sure the appropriate parts of its family link
            // back to us.
            if (elem->neighbor_ptr(n) == remote_elem)
                elem->set_neighbor(n, neigh);


      // Our p level and refinement flags should be "close to" correct
      // if we're not an active element - we might have a p level
      // increased or decreased by changes in remote_elem children.
      // But if we have remote_elem children, then we shouldn't be
      // doing a projection on this inactive element on this
      // processor, so we won't need correct p settings.  Couldn't
      // hurt to update, though.
      if (elem->processor_id() != mesh->processor_id())

      // FIXME: We should add some debug mode tests to ensure that the
      // encoded indexing and boundary conditions are consistent.
      // We don't already have the element, so we need to create it.

      // Find the parent if necessary
      Elem * parent = libmesh_nullptr;
      // Find a child element's parent
      if (level > 0)
          // Note that we must be very careful to construct the send
          // connectivity so that parents are encountered before
          // children.  If we get here and can't find the parent that
          // is a fatal error.
          parent = mesh->elem_ptr(parent_id);
      // Or assert that the sending processor sees no parent
        libmesh_assert_equal_to (parent_id, DofObject::invalid_id);
      // No non-level-0 elements without AMR
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (level, 0);

      elem = Elem::build(type,parent).release();
      libmesh_assert (elem);

      if (level != 0)
          // Since this is a newly created element, the parent must
          // have previously thought of this child as a remote element.
          libmesh_assert_equal_to (parent->child_ptr(which_child_am_i), remote_elem);

          parent->add_child(elem, which_child_am_i);

      // Assign the refinement flags and levels
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->level(), level);

      // If this element should have children, assign remote_elem to
      // all of them for now, for consistency.  Later unpacked
      // elements may overwrite that.
      if (has_children)
          const unsigned int nc = elem->n_children();
          for (unsigned int c=0; c != nc; ++c)
            elem->add_child(const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem), c);


      // Assign the IDs
      elem->subdomain_id()  = subdomain_id;
      elem->processor_id()  = processor_id;
      elem->set_id()        = id;
      elem->set_unique_id() = unique_id;

      // Assign the connectivity
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (elem->n_nodes(), n_nodes);

      for (unsigned int n=0; n != n_nodes; n++)
        elem->set_node(n) =

      // Set interior_parent if found
        // We may be unpacking an element that was a ghost element on the
        // sender, in which case the element's interior_parent may not be
        // known by the packed element.  We'll have to set such
        // interior_parents to remote_elem ourselves and wait for a
        // later packed element to give us better information.
        if (interior_parent_id == remote_elem->id())
              (const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));
        else if (interior_parent_id != DofObject::invalid_id)
            // If we don't have the interior parent element, then it's
            // a remote_elem until we get it.
            Elem * ip = mesh->query_elem_ptr(interior_parent_id);
            if (!ip )
                (const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));

      for (auto n : elem->side_index_range())
          const dof_id_type neighbor_id =

          if (neighbor_id == DofObject::invalid_id)

          // We may be unpacking an element that was a ghost element on the
          // sender, in which case the element's neighbors may not all be
          // known by the packed element.  We'll have to set such
          // neighbors to remote_elem ourselves and wait for a later
          // packed element to give us better information.
          if (neighbor_id == remote_elem->id())
              elem->set_neighbor(n, const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));

          // If we don't have the neighbor element, then it's a
          // remote_elem until we get it.
          Elem * neigh = mesh->query_elem_ptr(neighbor_id);
          if (!neigh)
              elem->set_neighbor(n, const_cast<RemoteElem *>(remote_elem));

          // If we have the neighbor element, then link to it, and
          // make sure the appropriate parts of its family link back
          // to us.
          elem->set_neighbor(n, neigh);



  in += elem->packed_indexing_size();

  // If this is a coarse element,
  // add any element side or edge boundary condition ids
  if (level == 0)
      for (auto s : elem->side_index_range())
          const boundary_id_type num_bcs =

          for (boundary_id_type bc_it=0; bc_it < num_bcs; bc_it++)
              (elem, s, cast_int<boundary_id_type>(*in++));

      for (auto e : elem->edge_index_range())
          const boundary_id_type num_bcs =

          for (boundary_id_type bc_it=0; bc_it < num_bcs; bc_it++)
              (elem, e, cast_int<boundary_id_type>(*in++));

      for (unsigned short sf=0; sf != 2; ++sf)
          const boundary_id_type num_bcs =

          for (boundary_id_type bc_it=0; bc_it < num_bcs; bc_it++)
              (elem, sf, cast_int<boundary_id_type>(*in++));

  // Return the new element
  return elem;
Beispiel #8
// Begin the main program.  Note that the first
// statement in the program throws an error if
// you are in complex number mode, since this
// example is only intended to work with real
// numbers.
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
  // Initialize libMesh.
  LibMeshInit init (argc, argv);

#if !defined(LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR)
  libmesh_example_requires(false, "--enable-amr");
  libmesh_example_requires(libMesh::default_solver_package() == PETSC_SOLVERS, "--enable-petsc");

  // Brief message to the user regarding the program name
  // and command line arguments.

  libMesh::out << "Running: " << argv[0];

  for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
    libMesh::out << " " << argv[i];

  libMesh::out << std::endl << std::endl;

  // Skip this 2D example if libMesh was compiled as 1D-only.
  libmesh_example_requires(2 <= LIBMESH_DIM, "2D support");

  // Create a mesh, with dimension to be overridden later, distributed
  // across the default MPI communicator.
  Mesh mesh(init.comm());

  // Create an equation systems object.
  EquationSystems equation_systems (mesh);

  MeshTools::Generation::build_square (mesh,
                                       -1., 1.,
                                       -1., 1.,

  LinearImplicitSystem & system =

  // Adds the variable "u" to "System".  "u"
  // will be approximated using first-order approximation.
  system.add_variable ("u", FIRST);

  // Also, we need to add two vectors.  The tensor matrix v*w^T of
  // these two vectors will be part of the system matrix.
  system.add_vector("v", false);
  system.add_vector("w", false);

  // We need an additional matrix to be used for preconditioning since
  // a shell matrix is not suitable for that.

  // Give the system a pointer to the matrix assembly function.
  system.attach_assemble_function (assemble);

  // Initialize the data structures for the equation system.
  equation_systems.init ();

  // Prints information about the system to the screen.

  equation_systems.parameters.set<unsigned int>
    ("linear solver maximum iterations") = 250;
    ("linear solver tolerance") = TOLERANCE;

  // Refine arbitrarily some elements.
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<2; i++)
      MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh);
      MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = mesh.elements_begin();
      const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = mesh.elements_end();
      for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
          Elem * elem = *elem_it;
          if (elem->active())
              if ((elem->id()%20)>8)

  // Prints information about the system to the screen.

  // Before the assemblation of the matrix, we have to clear the two
  // vectors that form the tensor matrix (since this is not performed
  // automatically).
  system.get_vector("v").init(system.n_dofs(), system.n_local_dofs());
  system.get_vector("w").init(system.n_dofs(), system.n_local_dofs());

  // We need a shell matrix to solve.  There is currently no way to
  // store the shell matrix in the system.  We just create it locally
  // here (a shell matrix does not occupy much memory).
  SumShellMatrix<Number> shellMatrix(system.comm());
  TensorShellMatrix<Number> shellMatrix0(system.get_vector("v"), system.get_vector("w"));
  SparseShellMatrix<Number> shellMatrix1(*system.matrix);

  // Attach that to the system.

  // Reset the preconditioning matrix to zero (for the system matrix,
  // the same thing is done automatically).

  // Assemble & solve the linear system

  // Detach the shell matrix from the system since it will go out of
  // scope.  Nobody should solve the system outside this function.

  // Print a nice message.
  libMesh::out << "Solved linear system in "
               << system.n_linear_iterations()
               << " iterations, residual norm is "
               << system.final_linear_residual()
               << "."
               << std::endl;

  // Write result to file.
  VTKIO(mesh).write_equation_systems ("out.pvtu", equation_systems);
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_VTK

#endif // #ifndef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR

  return 0;