void testAdd() { Hash<int, int> h; h.put(42, 11); if (h.get(42) == h.end()) { cout << "testAdd failed\n"; } }
IntPair mode(const int *values, unsigned int size) { Hash::iterator it; Hash hash; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { it = hash.find(values[i]); if(it == hash.end()) { hash.insert( std::make_pair(values[i], 1)); } else { it->second += 1; } } unsigned int counts = 0; Hash::iterator found; for (it = hash.begin(); it != hash.end(); ++it) { if(it->second > counts) { counts = it->second; found = it; } } return *found; }
void extract_hash(Hash const& hash){ Class hash_class(Hash().class_of()); Class array_class(Array().class_of()); Class string_class(String().class_of()); for(Hash::const_iterator i=hash.begin(), iend=hash.end(); i!=iend; ++i){ std::cout << i->key << ":\n"; Object obj(i->value); if(obj.is_instance_of(hash_class)) extract_hash(obj); else if(obj.is_instance_of(array_class)) extract_array(obj); else if(obj.is_instance_of(string_class)) std::cout << i->value << "\n"; else std::cout << i->value << "\n"; } }
/* Brief: TODO description * Parameter: index, TODO description * Parameter: role, TODO description * * Note: This function is called */ QVariant CDailyWeatherModel::data( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const { int column = index.column(); int row = index.row(); //qDebug("from inside Data(), row:%i, col:%i, role=%i, counter=%i", row, column, role, counter); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole) { if (mStation == NULL) return QVariant("n/a"); if (column == CDailyWeatherModel::YEAR) return QVariant(mYear); else if (column == CDailyWeatherModel::DOY) return QVariant(row+1); else { // Note: Be sure to use pointer here! Else, the map will be returned by value. This means // that a copy of this huge map will be made whenever this function is called (whenever // the model needs to be updated or the table needs to be redraen - potentially many times. // This will lag the interface. Hash* hash = mStation->getWeather(); QString yr = QString::number(mYear); QString doy = QString::number(row+1); Pair pair(yr, doy); // Find item in weather map with key Hash::const_iterator iter = hash->find(pair); // (Year, Day of Year) not found in weather data map for the current station if(iter == hash->end()) return QVariant("n/a"); return QVariant(iter.value()->at(column-2)); } } else if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) return QVariant(Qt::AlignCenter); else return QVariant(); }
void findSmallestSubString (string word, unsigned int indexInString) { Hash::iterator nptr; bool checkForNewSmallest = false; /* its not their in words to check */ if( (nptr=words.find(word)) == words.end() ) return ; if( nptr->second->index == -1 ) noOfWords--; nptr->second->index = indexInString; if( start == NULL ) start = nptr->second; else if( start == nptr->second) { start = start->next; checkForNewSmallest = true; } if( end == NULL ) end = nptr->second; else if( end != nptr->second) { Node *n = nptr->second; if( n->prev ) n->prev->next = n->next; if( n->next ) n->next->prev = n->prev; n->prev = end; end->next = n; end = n; } if( noOfWords == 0 && checkForNewSmallest ) { if( smallestCount > end->index - start->index + 1 ) { smallestIndex = start->index; smallestCount = end->index - start->index + 1; } } }
int da_build_dump(da_build_t* builder, char* tmpfile, FILE* lexfile) { Hash::iterator i, last; Hash* entries = builder->entries; char** keys = new char*[entries->size()]; size_t* lens = new size_t[entries->size()]; long* vals = new long[entries->size()]; int size = 0; std::vector<long> lex_indices; std::cerr << entries->size() << " entries" << std::endl; i = entries->begin(); while (i != entries->end()) { const std::string& key = i->first; last = entries->upper_bound(key); lex_indices.clear(); for (; i != last; i++) { lex_indices.push_back(i->second); } lens[size] = key.size(); keys[size] = (char*) key.data(); vals[size] = redump_lex(lens[size], lex_indices, tmpfile, lexfile); if (vals[size] < 0) { std::cerr << "Unexpected error at " << key << std::endl; cha_exit_perror((char*)"build darts file"); } size++; } std::cerr << size << " keys" << std::endl; DoubleArrayL da; da.build(size, (const char**) keys, lens, vals); da.save(builder->path->c_str(), "wb"); return builder->entries->size(); }
int StatusJob::execute() { bool matched = false; const char *alternatives = "fileids|watchedpaths|dependencies|symbols|symbolnames|sources|jobs|info|compilers"; if (!strcasecmp(query.constData(), "fileids")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("fileids") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; const Hash<uint32_t, Path> paths = Location::idsToPaths(); for (Hash<uint32_t, Path>::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { if (!write<256>(" %u: %s", it->first, it->second.constData())) return 1; } if (isAborted()) return 1; } std::shared_ptr<Project> proj = project(); if (!proj) { if (!matched) write(alternatives); return matched ? 0 : 1; } if (query.isEmpty() || !strcasecmp(query.constData(), "watchedpaths")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("watchedpaths") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; Set<Path> watched = proj->watchedPaths(); if (!write("Indexer")) return 1; for (Set<Path>::const_iterator it = watched.begin(); it != watched.end(); ++it) { if (!write<256>(" %s", it->constData())) return 1; } if (proj->fileManager) { if (!write("FileManager")) return 1; watched = proj->fileManager->watchedPaths(); for (Set<Path>::const_iterator it = watched.begin(); it != watched.end(); ++it) { if (!write<256>(" %s", it->constData())) return 1; } } if (isAborted()) return 1; } if (query.isEmpty() || !strcasecmp(query.constData(), "dependencies")) { matched = true; const DependencyMap map = proj->dependencies(); if (!write(delimiter) || !write("dependencies") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; DependencyMap depsReversed; for (DependencyMap::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { if (!write<256>(" %s (%d) is depended on by", Location::path(it->first).constData(), it->first)) return 1; const Set<uint32_t> &deps = it->second; for (Set<uint32_t>::const_iterator dit = deps.begin(); dit != deps.end(); ++dit) { if (!write<256>(" %s (%d)", Location::path(*dit).constData(), *dit)) return 1; depsReversed[*dit].insert(it->first); } if (isAborted()) return 1; } for (DependencyMap::const_iterator it = depsReversed.begin(); it != depsReversed.end(); ++it) { write<256>(" %s (%d) depends on", Location::path(it->first).constData(), it->first); const Set<uint32_t> &deps = it->second; for (Set<uint32_t>::const_iterator dit = deps.begin(); dit != deps.end(); ++dit) { if (!write<256>(" %s (%d)", Location::path(*dit).constData(), *dit)) return 1; } if (isAborted()) return 1; } } if (query.isEmpty() || !strcasecmp(query.constData(), "symbols")) { matched = true; const SymbolMap &map = proj->symbols(); write(delimiter); write("symbols"); write(delimiter); for (SymbolMap::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { const Location loc = it->first; const std::shared_ptr<CursorInfo> ci = it->second; write(loc); write(ci); write("------------------------"); if (isAborted()) return 1; } } if (query.isEmpty() || !strcasecmp(query.constData(), "symbolnames")) { matched = true; const SymbolNameMap &map = proj->symbolNames(); write(delimiter); write("symbolnames"); write(delimiter); for (SymbolNameMap::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { write<128>(" %s", it->first.constData()); const Set<Location> &locations = it->second; for (Set<Location>::const_iterator lit = locations.begin(); lit != locations.end(); ++lit) { const Location &loc = *lit; write<1024>(" %s", loc.key().constData()); } if (isAborted()) return 1; } } if (query.isEmpty() || !strcasecmp(query.constData(), "sources")) { matched = true; const SourceMap &map = proj->sources(); if (!write(delimiter) || !write("sources") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; for (SourceMap::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { if (!write<512>(" %s: %s", it->second.sourceFile().constData(), it->second.toString().constData())) return 1; } } if (query.isEmpty() || !strcasecmp(query.constData(), "jobs")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("jobs") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; Server::instance()->dumpJobs(connection()); } if (query.isEmpty() || !strcasecmp(query.constData(), "compilers")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("compilers") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; Source source; for (const Path &compiler : CompilerManager::compilers()) { source.compilerId = Location::insertFile(compiler); source.defines.clear(); source.includePaths.clear(); CompilerManager::applyToSource(source, true, true); write(compiler); write(" Defines:"); for (const auto &it : source.defines) write<512>(" %s", it.toString().constData()); write(" Includepaths:"); for (const auto &it : source.includePaths) write<512>(" %s", it.toString().constData()); write(""); } } if (query.isEmpty() || !strcasecmp(query.constData(), "info")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("info") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; String out; Log log(&out); #ifdef NDEBUG out << "Running a release build\n"; #else out << "Running a debug build\n"; #endif const Server::Options &opt = Server::instance()->options(); out << "socketFile" << opt.socketFile << '\n' << "dataDir" << opt.dataDir << '\n' << "options" << String::format("0x%x\n", opt.options) << "jobCount" << opt.jobCount << '\n' << "unloadTimer" << opt.unloadTimer << '\n' << "rpVisitFileTimeout" << opt.rpVisitFileTimeout << '\n' << "rpIndexerMessageTimeout" << opt.rpIndexerMessageTimeout << '\n' << "rpConnectTimeout" << opt.rpConnectTimeout << '\n' << "rpConnectTimeout" << opt.rpConnectTimeout << '\n' << "syncThreshold" << opt.syncThreshold << '\n' << "threadStackSize" << opt.threadStackSize << '\n' << "defaultArguments" << opt.defaultArguments << '\n' << "includePaths" << opt.includePaths << '\n' << "defines" << opt.defines << '\n' << "ignoredCompilers" << opt.ignoredCompilers; write(out); } if (!matched) { write<256>("rc -s %s", alternatives); return 1; } else { return 0; } }
int main() { Value a; assert(!a.isInteger()); assert(!a.isString()); assert(!a.isList()); assert(!a.isHash()); assert(a.type() == Value::UNDEFINED); assert(!a); a = Value(11); assert(a.isInteger()); assert(!a.isString()); assert(!a.isList()); assert(!a.isHash()); assert(a); assert(a.asInteger() == 11); a = Value("123"); assert(!a.isInteger()); assert(a.isString()); assert(!a.isList()); assert(!a.isHash()); assert(a); assert(a.asString() == "123"); List b; b.push_back(Value(11)); b.push_back(Value("111")); a = Value(b); b.push_back(Value(34)); assert(b.size() == 3); assert(a.isList()); assert(a.asList().size() == 2); Hash m; m["aa"] = Value(12); m["bb"] = Value(11); a = Value(m); m.erase("bb"); assert(m.size() == 1); assert(m["aa"].asInteger() == 12); assert(m.find("bb") == m.end()); assert(a.isHash()); assert(a.asHash().size() == 2); a = Value(Vector(1,-1,2)); assert(a.type() == Value::VECTOR); assert(a.isVector()); assert(a.asVector().y == -1); assert(a); a = Value(Position(1,-1,2)); assert(a.type() == Value::POSITION); assert(a.isPosition()); assert(a.asPosition().x == 1); assert(a); std::cout << "Success!" << std::endl; return 0; }
int StatusJob::execute() { auto match = [this](const char *name) { return !strncasecmp(query.constData(), name, query.size()); }; bool matched = false; const char *alternatives = "fileids|watchedpaths|dependencies|cursors|symbols|targets|symbolnames|sources|jobs|info|compilers|headererrors|memory"; if (match("fileids")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("fileids") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; const Hash<uint32_t, Path> paths = Location::idsToPaths(); for (Hash<uint32_t, Path>::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it) { if (!write<256>(" %u: %s", it->first, it->second.constData())) return 1; } if (isAborted()) return 1; } if (match("headererrors")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("headererrors") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; for (auto err : Server::instance()->jobScheduler()->headerErrors()) { if (!write(Location::path(err))) return 1; } if (isAborted()) return 1; } if (query.isEmpty() || match("info")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("info") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; String out; Log log(&out); #ifdef NDEBUG out << "Running a release build\n"; #else out << "Running a debug build\n"; #endif const Server::Options &opt = Server::instance()->options(); out << "socketFile" << opt.socketFile << '\n' << "dataDir" << opt.dataDir << '\n' << "options" << opt.options << "jobCount" << opt.jobCount << '\n' << "rpVisitFileTimeout" << opt.rpVisitFileTimeout << '\n' << "rpIndexDataMessageTimeout" << opt.rpIndexDataMessageTimeout << '\n' << "rpConnectTimeout" << opt.rpConnectTimeout << '\n' << "rpConnectTimeout" << opt.rpConnectTimeout << '\n' << "threadStackSize" << opt.threadStackSize << '\n' << "defaultArguments" << opt.defaultArguments << '\n' << "includePaths" << opt.includePaths << '\n' << "defines" << opt.defines << '\n' << "ignoredCompilers" << opt.ignoredCompilers; write(out); } std::shared_ptr<Project> proj = project(); if (!proj) { if (!matched) write(alternatives); return matched ? 0 : 1; } if (query.isEmpty() || match("watchedpaths")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("watchedpaths") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; Hash<Path, Flags<Project::WatchMode> > watched = proj->watchedPaths(); auto watchModeToString = [](Flags<Project::WatchMode> mode) { List<String> ret; if (mode & Project::Watch_FileManager) ret << "filemanager"; if (mode & Project::Watch_SourceFile) ret << "source"; if (mode & Project::Watch_Dependency) ret << "dependency"; if (mode & Project::Watch_CompilationDatabase) ret << "compilationdatabase"; return String::join(ret, '|'); }; for (const auto &it : watched) { if (!write<256>(" %s (%s)", it.first.constData(), watchModeToString(it.second).constData())) { return 1; } } } const Dependencies &deps = proj->dependencies(); if (query.isEmpty() || match("dependencies")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("dependencies") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; for (auto it : deps) { write(proj->dumpDependencies(it.first)); } if (isAborted()) return 1; } if (query.isEmpty() || match("symbols") || match("cursors")) { matched = true; write(delimiter); write("symbols"); write(delimiter); for (const auto &dep : deps) { auto symbols = proj->openSymbols(dep.first); if (!symbols) continue; const int count = symbols->count(); for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) { const Location loc = symbols->keyAt(i); const Symbol c = symbols->valueAt(i); write(loc); write(c); write("------------------------"); if (isAborted()) return 1; } } } if (query.isEmpty() || match("targets")) { matched = true; write(delimiter); write("targets"); write(delimiter); for (const auto &dep : deps) { auto targets = proj->openTargets(dep.first); if (!targets) continue; const int count = targets->count(); for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) { const String usr = targets->keyAt(i); write<128>(" %s", usr.constData()); for (const auto &t : proj->findByUsr(usr, dep.first, Project::ArgDependsOn)) { write<1024>(" %s\t%s", t.location.toString(locationToStringFlags()).constData(), t.kindSpelling().constData()); } for (const auto &location : targets->valueAt(i)) { write<1024>(" %s", location.toString(locationToStringFlags()).constData()); } write("------------------------"); if (isAborted()) return 1; } } } if (query.isEmpty() || match("symbolnames")) { matched = true; write(delimiter); write("symbolnames"); write(delimiter); for (const auto &dep : deps) { auto symNames = proj->openSymbolNames(dep.first); if (!symNames) continue; const int count = symNames->count(); for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) { write<128>(" %s", symNames->keyAt(i).constData()); for (const Location &loc : symNames->valueAt(i)) { write<1024>(" %s", loc.toString().constData()); } write("------------------------"); if (isAborted()) return 1; } } } if (query.isEmpty() || match("sources")) { matched = true; const Sources &map = proj->sources(); if (!write(delimiter) || !write("sources") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; for (Sources::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { if (!write<512>(" %s: %s", it->second.sourceFile().constData(), it->second.toString().constData())) return 1; } } if (query.isEmpty() || match("jobs")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("jobs") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; Server::instance()->dumpJobs(connection()); } if (query.isEmpty() || match("compilers")) { matched = true; if (!write(delimiter) || !write("compilers") || !write(delimiter)) return 1; Source source; for (const Path &compiler : CompilerManager::compilers()) { source.compilerId = Location::insertFile(compiler); source.defines.clear(); source.includePaths.clear(); CompilerManager::applyToSource(source, true, true); write(compiler); write(" Defines:"); for (const auto &it : source.defines) write<512>(" %s", it.toString().constData()); write(" Includepaths:"); for (const auto &it : source.includePaths) write<512>(" %s", it.toString().constData()); write(""); } } if (query.isEmpty() || match("memory")) { write(proj->estimateMemory()); matched = true; } if (!matched) { write<256>("rc -s %s", alternatives); return 1; } else { return 0; } }
void tst_QHash::insert1() { const char *hello = "hello"; const char *world = "world"; const char *allo = "allo"; const char *monde = "monde"; { typedef QHash<QString, QString> Hash; Hash hash; QString key; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { key[0] = i + '0'; for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { key[1] = j + '0'; hash.insert(key, "V" + key); } } for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { key[0] = i + '0'; for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { key[1] = j + '0'; hash.remove(key); } } } { typedef QHash<int, const char *> Hash; Hash hash; hash.insert(1, hello); hash.insert(2, world); QVERIFY(hash.size() == 2); QVERIFY(!hash.isEmpty()); { Hash hash2 = hash; hash2 = hash; hash = hash2; hash2 = hash2; hash = hash; hash2.clear(); hash2 = hash2; QVERIFY(hash2.size() == 0); QVERIFY(hash2.isEmpty()); } QVERIFY(hash.size() == 2); { Hash hash2 = hash; hash2[1] = allo; hash2[2] = monde; QVERIFY(hash2[1] == allo); QVERIFY(hash2[2] == monde); QVERIFY(hash[1] == hello); QVERIFY(hash[2] == world); hash2[1] = hash[1]; hash2[2] = hash[2]; QVERIFY(hash2[1] == hello); QVERIFY(hash2[2] == world); hash[1] = hash[1]; QVERIFY(hash[1] == hello); } { Hash hash2 = hash; hash2.detach(); hash2.remove(1); QVERIFY(hash2.size() == 1); hash2.remove(1); QVERIFY(hash2.size() == 1); hash2.remove(0); QVERIFY(hash2.size() == 1); hash2.remove(2); QVERIFY(hash2.size() == 0); QVERIFY(hash.size() == 2); } hash.detach(); { Hash::iterator it1 = hash.find(1); QVERIFY(it1 != hash.end()); Hash::iterator it2 = hash.find(0); QVERIFY(it2 != hash.begin()); QVERIFY(it2 == hash.end()); *it1 = monde; QVERIFY(*it1 == monde); QVERIFY(hash[1] == monde); *it1 = hello; QVERIFY(*it1 == hello); QVERIFY(hash[1] == hello); hash[1] = monde; QVERIFY(it1.key() == 1); QVERIFY(it1.value() == monde); QVERIFY(*it1 == monde); QVERIFY(hash[1] == monde); hash[1] = hello; QVERIFY(*it1 == hello); QVERIFY(hash[1] == hello); } { const Hash hash2 = hash; Hash::const_iterator it1 = hash2.find(1); QVERIFY(it1 != hash2.end()); QVERIFY(it1.key() == 1); QVERIFY(it1.value() == hello); QVERIFY(*it1 == hello); Hash::const_iterator it2 = hash2.find(2); QVERIFY(it1 != it2); QVERIFY(it1 != hash2.end()); QVERIFY(it2 != hash2.end()); int count = 0; it1 = hash2.begin(); while (it1 != hash2.end()) { count++; ++it1; } QVERIFY(count == 2); count = 0; it1 = hash.begin(); while (it1 != hash.end()) { count++; ++it1; } QVERIFY(count == 2); } { QVERIFY(hash.contains(1)); QVERIFY(hash.contains(2)); QVERIFY(!hash.contains(0)); QVERIFY(!hash.contains(3)); } { QVERIFY(hash.value(1) == hello); QVERIFY(hash.value(2) == world); QVERIFY(hash.value(3) == 0); QVERIFY(hash.value(1, allo) == hello); QVERIFY(hash.value(2, allo) == world); QVERIFY(hash.value(3, allo) == allo); QVERIFY(hash.value(0, monde) == monde); } { QHash<int,Foo> hash; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) hash.insert(i, Foo()); QVERIFY(Foo::count == 10); hash.remove(7); QVERIFY(Foo::count == 9); } QVERIFY(Foo::count == 0); { QHash<int, int*> hash; QVERIFY(((const QHash<int,int*>*) &hash)->operator[](7) == 0); } } }