int main(){ Hash<int>* h = new Hash<int>(); h->insert("one", 1); std::cout << "inserted (\"one\", 1)\nresult: " << h->get("one") << std::endl; h->insert("one", 2); std::cout << "replaced 1 with 2\n" << h->get("one") << std::endl; h->insert("noe", 3); std::cout << "inserted (\"noe\", 3) (should create the same hash as \"one\", but with value of 3)\nresult: " << h->get("noe") << std::endl; h->insert("ZZZZZZzZzZzZzzzZUHcuhu", 239); h->insert("ZZZZZZzZzZZzzzzZUHcuhu", 13); std::cout << "inserted (\"ZZZZZZzZzZzZzzzZUHcuhu\", 239)\n" << h->get("ZZZZZZzZzZzZzzzZUHcuhu") << std::endl; h->remove("noe"); std::cout << "removed (\"noe\"\n" << std::endl; h->print(); return 0; }
int main ( ) { Hash hashTable; cout << setprecision ( 10 ); cout << "Test 1 - print empty table" << endl; hashTable.print ( ); cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Test 2 - processing input file" << endl; hashTable.processFile ( "dict5.txt" ); hashTable.print ( ); cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Test 3 - searching" << endl; if ( ( "heath" ) ) cout << "Passed - searching for valid item" << endl; else cout << "FAILED - searching for valid item" << endl; if ( ( "hello" ) ) cout << "Passed - searching for valid item" << endl; else cout << "FAILED - searching for valid item" << endl; if ( ( "ttttt" ) ) cout << "Passed - searching for valid item" << endl; else cout << "FAILED - searching for valid item" << endl; if ( ( "empty" ) ) cout << "FAILED - searching for invalid item" << endl; else cout << "Passed - searching for invalid item" << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Test 4 - testing remove" << endl; hashTable.remove ( "happy" ); hashTable.print ( ); cout << endl; hashTable.remove ( "hello" ); hashTable.remove ( "harps" ); hashTable.print ( ); cout << endl; hashTable.remove ( "heath" ); hashTable.remove ( "heath" ); hashTable.remove ( "heath" ); hashTable.print ( ); cout << endl; hashTable.remove ( "rrrrr" ); hashTable.remove ( "ooooo" ); hashTable.print ( ); cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Test 5 - output to file" << endl; hashTable.output ( "hash.out" ); cout << endl << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Test 6 - Stats" << endl; hashTable.printStats ( ); cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; return 1; }