// Tests ImageBuf construction from application buffer
void ImageBuf_test_appbuffer ()
    const int WIDTH = 8;
    const int HEIGHT = 8;
    const int CHANNELS = 1;
    static float buf[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {
        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, 
        { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, 
        { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A (spec, buf);

    // Make sure A now points to the buffer
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((void *)A.pixeladdr (0, 0, 0), (void *)buf);

    // write it
    A.write ("A.tif");

    // Read it back and make sure it matches the original
    ImageBuf B ("A.tif");
    for (int y = 0;  y < HEIGHT;  ++y)
        for (int x = 0;  x < WIDTH;  ++x)
            OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (A.getchannel (x, y, 0, 0),
                              B.getchannel (x, y, 0, 0));
Beispiel #2
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    Filesystem::convert_native_arguments (argc, (const char **)argv);
    getargs (argc, argv);

    if (! quiet)
        std::cout << "Comparing \"" << filenames[0]
                  << "\" and \"" << filenames[1] << "\"\n";

    // Create a private ImageCache so we can customize its cache size
    // and instruct it store everything internally as floats.
    ImageCache *imagecache = ImageCache::create (true);
    imagecache->attribute ("forcefloat", 1);
    if (sizeof(void *) == 4)  // 32 bit or 64?
        imagecache->attribute ("max_memory_MB", 512.0);
        imagecache->attribute ("max_memory_MB", 2048.0);
    imagecache->attribute ("autotile", 256);
    // force a full diff, even for files tagged with the same
    // fingerprint, just in case some mistake has been made.
    imagecache->attribute ("deduplicate", 0);

    ImageBuf img0, img1;
    if (! read_input (filenames[0], img0, imagecache) ||
        ! read_input (filenames[1], img1, imagecache))
        return ErrFile;
//    ImageSpec spec0 = img0.spec();  // stash it

    int ret = ErrOK;
    for (int subimage = 0;  subimage < img0.nsubimages();  ++subimage) {
        if (subimage > 0 && !compareall)
        if (subimage >= img1.nsubimages())

        if (! read_input (filenames[0], img0, imagecache, subimage) ||
            ! read_input (filenames[1], img1, imagecache, subimage)) {
            std::cerr << "Failed to read subimage " << subimage << "\n";
            return ErrFile;

        if (img0.nmiplevels() != img1.nmiplevels()) {
            if (! quiet)
                std::cout << "Files do not match in their number of MIPmap levels\n";

        for (int m = 0;  m < img0.nmiplevels();  ++m) {
            if (m > 0 && !compareall)
            if (m > 0 && img0.nmiplevels() != img1.nmiplevels()) {
                std::cerr << "Files do not match in their number of MIPmap levels\n";
                ret = ErrDifferentSize;

            if (! read_input (filenames[0], img0, imagecache, subimage, m) ||
                ! read_input (filenames[1], img1, imagecache, subimage, m))
                return ErrFile;

            if (img0.deep() != img1.deep()) {
                std::cerr << "One image contains deep data, the other does not\n";
                ret = ErrDifferentSize;

            int npels = img0.spec().width * img0.spec().height * img0.spec().depth;
            if (npels == 0)
                npels = 1;    // Avoid divide by zero for 0x0 images
            ASSERT (img0.spec().format == TypeDesc::FLOAT);

            // Compare the two images.
            ImageBufAlgo::CompareResults cr;
            ImageBufAlgo::compare (img0, img1, failthresh, warnthresh, cr);

            int yee_failures = 0;
            if (perceptual && ! img0.deep()) {
                ImageBufAlgo::CompareResults cr;
                yee_failures = ImageBufAlgo::compare_Yee (img0, img1, cr);

            if (cr.nfail > (failpercent/100.0 * npels) || cr.maxerror > hardfail ||
                yee_failures > (failpercent/100.0 * npels)) {
                ret = ErrFail;
            } else if (cr.nwarn > (warnpercent/100.0 * npels) || cr.maxerror > hardwarn) {
                if (ret != ErrFail)
                    ret = ErrWarn;

            // Print the report
            if (verbose || (ret != ErrOK && !quiet)) {
                if (compareall)
                    print_subimage (img0, subimage, m);
                std::cout << "  Mean error = ";
                safe_double_print (cr.meanerror);
                std::cout << "  RMS error = ";
                safe_double_print (cr.rms_error);
                std::cout << "  Peak SNR = ";
                safe_double_print (cr.PSNR);
                std::cout << "  Max error  = " << cr.maxerror;
                if (cr.maxerror != 0) {
                    std::cout << " @ (" << cr.maxx << ", " << cr.maxy;
                    if (img0.spec().depth > 1)
                        std::cout << ", " << cr.maxz;
                    if (cr.maxc < (int)img0.spec().channelnames.size())
                        std::cout << ", " << img0.spec().channelnames[cr.maxc] << ')';
                    else if (cr.maxc < (int)img1.spec().channelnames.size())
                        std::cout << ", " << img1.spec().channelnames[cr.maxc] << ')';
                        std::cout << ", channel " << cr.maxc << ')';
                std::cout << "\n";
// when Visual Studio is used float values in scientific foramt are 
// printed with three digit exponent. We change this behaviour to fit
// Linux way
#ifdef _MSC_VER
                std::streamsize precis = std::cout.precision();
                std::cout << "  " << cr.nwarn << " pixels (" 
                          << std::setprecision(3) << (100.0*cr.nwarn / npels) 
                          << std::setprecision(precis) << "%) over " << warnthresh << "\n";
                std::cout << "  " << cr.nfail << " pixels (" 
                          << std::setprecision(3) << (100.0*cr.nfail / npels) 
                          << std::setprecision(precis) << "%) over " << failthresh << "\n";
                if (perceptual)
                    std::cout << "  " << yee_failures << " pixels ("
                              << std::setprecision(3) << (100.0*yee_failures / npels) 
                              << std::setprecision(precis)
                              << "%) failed the perceptual test\n";

            // If the user requested that a difference image be output,
            // do that.  N.B. we only do this for the first subimage
            // right now, because ImageBuf doesn't really know how to
            // write subimages.
            if (diffimage.size() && (cr.maxerror != 0 || !outdiffonly)) {
                ImageBuf diff;
                if (diffabs)
                    ImageBufAlgo::absdiff (diff, img0, img1);
                    ImageBufAlgo::sub (diff, img0, img1);
                if (diffscale != 1.0f)
                    ImageBufAlgo::mul (diff, diff, diffscale);
                diff.write (diffimage);

                // Clear diff image name so we only save the first
                // non-matching subimage.
                diffimage = "";

    if (compareall && img0.nsubimages() != img1.nsubimages()) {
        if (! quiet)
            std::cerr << "Images had differing numbers of subimages ("
                      << img0.nsubimages() << " vs " << img1.nsubimages() << ")\n";
        ret = ErrFail;
    if (!compareall && (img0.nsubimages() > 1 || img1.nsubimages() > 1)) {
        if (! quiet)
            std::cout << "Only compared the first subimage (of "
                      << img0.nsubimages() << " and " << img1.nsubimages()
                      << ", respectively)\n";

    if (ret == ErrOK) {
        if (! quiet)
            std::cout << "PASS\n";
    else if (ret == ErrWarn) {
        if (! quiet)
            std::cout << "WARNING\n";
    else if (ret) {
        if (quiet)
            std::cerr << "FAILURE\n";
            std::cout << "FAILURE\n";

    imagecache->invalidate_all (true);
    ImageCache::destroy (imagecache);
    return ret;
Beispiel #3
static void
write_mipmap (ImageBuf &img, const ImageSpec &outspec_template,
              std::string outputfilename, std::string outformat,
              TypeDesc outputdatatype, bool mipmap)
    ImageSpec outspec = outspec_template;
    outspec.set_format (outputdatatype);

    // Find an ImageIO plugin that can open the output file, and open it
    Timer writetimer;
    ImageOutput *out = ImageOutput::create (outformat.c_str());
    if (! out) {
            << "maketx ERROR: Could not find an ImageIO plugin to write " 
            << outformat << " files:" << geterror() << "\n";
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    if (! out->supports ("tiles")) {
        std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: \"" << outputfilename
                  << "\" format does not support tiled images\n";
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    if (mipmap && !out->supports ("multiimage") && !out->supports ("mipmap")) {
        std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: \"" << outputfilename
                  << "\" format does not support multires images\n";
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    if (! mipmap && ! strcmp (out->format_name(), "openexr")) {
        // Send hint to OpenEXR driver that we won't specify a MIPmap
        outspec.attribute ("openexr:levelmode", 0 /* ONE_LEVEL */);

    if (mipmap && ! strcmp (out->format_name(), "openexr")) {
        outspec.attribute ("openexr:roundingmode", 0 /* ROUND_DOWN */);

    // OpenEXR always uses border sampling for environment maps
    if ((envlatlmode || envcubemode) &&
            !strcmp(out->format_name(), "openexr")) {
        src_samples_border = true;
        outspec.attribute ("oiio:updirection", "y");
        outspec.attribute ("oiio:sampleborder", 1);
    if (envlatlmode && src_samples_border)
        fix_latl_edges (img);

    if (! out->open (outputfilename.c_str(), outspec)) {
        std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: Could not open \"" << outputfilename
                  << "\" : " << out->geterror() << "\n";
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    // Write out the image
    if (verbose) {
        std::cout << "  Writing file: " << outputfilename << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Filter \"" << filter->name() << "\" width = " 
                  << filter->width() << "\n";

    bool ok = true;
    ok &= img.write (out);
    stat_writetime += writetimer();

    if (mipmap) {  // Mipmap levels:
        if (verbose)
            std::cout << "  Mipmapping...\n" << std::flush;
        ImageBuf tmp;
        ImageBuf *big = &img, *small = &tmp;
        while (ok && (outspec.width > 1 || outspec.height > 1)) {
            Timer miptimer;
            // Resize a factor of two smaller
            ImageSpec smallspec = outspec;
            smallspec.width = big->spec().width;
            smallspec.height = big->spec().height;
            smallspec.depth = big->spec().depth;
            if (smallspec.width > 1)
                smallspec.width /= 2;
            if (smallspec.height > 1)
                smallspec.height /= 2;
            smallspec.full_width  = smallspec.width;
            smallspec.full_height = smallspec.height;
            smallspec.full_depth  = smallspec.depth;
            smallspec.set_format (TypeDesc::FLOAT);
            small->alloc (smallspec);  // Realocate with new size

            if (filtername == "box" && filter->width() == 1.0f)
                parallel_image (resize_block, small, big,
                                smallspec.x, smallspec.x+smallspec.width,
                                smallspec.y, smallspec.y+smallspec.height,
                parallel_image (resize_block_HQ, small, big,
                                smallspec.x, smallspec.x+smallspec.width,
                                smallspec.y, smallspec.y+smallspec.height,

            stat_miptime += miptimer();
            outspec = smallspec;
            outspec.set_format (outputdatatype);
            if (envlatlmode && src_samples_border)
                fix_latl_edges (*small);

            Timer writetimer;
            // If the format explicitly supports MIP-maps, use that,
            // otherwise try to simulate MIP-mapping with multi-image.
            bool ok = false;
            ImageOutput::OpenMode mode = out->supports ("mipmap") ?
                ImageOutput::AppendMIPLevel : ImageOutput::AppendSubimage;
            if (! out->open (outputfilename.c_str(), outspec, mode)) {
                std::cerr << "maketx ERROR: Could not append \"" << outputfilename
                          << "\" : " << out->geterror() << "\n";
                exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
            ok &= small->write (out);
            stat_writetime += writetimer();
            if (verbose)
                std::cout << "    " << smallspec.width << 'x' 
                          << smallspec.height << "\n" << std::flush;
            std::swap (big, small);

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << "  Wrote file: " << outputfilename << std::endl;
    writetimer.reset ();
    writetimer.start ();
    if (ok)
        ok &= out->close ();
    stat_writetime += writetimer ();
    delete out;

    if (! ok) {
        std::cerr << "maketx ERROR writing \"" << outputfilename
                  << "\" : " << out->geterror() << "\n";
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

extern "C" OSL_DLL_EXPORT int
test_shade (int argc, const char *argv[])
    OIIO::Timer timer;

    // Create a new shading system.  We pass it the RendererServices
    // object that services callbacks from the shading system, NULL for
    // the TextureSystem (that just makes 'create' make its own TS), and
    // an error handler.
    shadingsys = new ShadingSystem (&rend, NULL, &errhandler);

    // Register the layout of all closures known to this renderer
    // Any closure used by the shader which is not registered, or
    // registered with a different number of arguments will lead
    // to a runtime error.

    // Remember that each shader parameter may optionally have a
    // metadata hint [[int lockgeom=...]], where 0 indicates that the
    // parameter may be overridden by the geometry itself, for example
    // with data interpolated from the mesh vertices, and a value of 1
    // means that it is "locked" with respect to the geometry (i.e. it
    // will not be overridden with interpolated or
    // per-geometric-primitive data).
    // In order to most fully optimize shader, we typically want any
    // shader parameter not explicitly specified to default to being
    // locked (i.e. no per-geometry override):
    shadingsys->attribute("lockgeom", 1);

    // Now we declare our shader.
    // Each material in the scene is comprised of a "shader group."
    // Each group is comprised of one or more "layers" (a.k.a. shader
    // instances) with possible connections from outputs of
    // upstream/early layers into the inputs of downstream/later layers.
    // A shader instance is the combination of a reference to a shader
    // master and its parameter values that may override the defaults in
    // the shader source and may be particular to this instance (versus
    // all the other instances of the same shader).
    // A shader group declaration typically looks like this:
    //   ShaderGroupRef shadergroup = ss->ShaderGroupBegin ();
    //   ss->Parameter ("paramname", TypeDesc paramtype, void *value);
    //      ... and so on for all the other parameters of...
    //   ss->Shader ("shadertype", "shadername", "layername");
    //      The Shader() call creates a new instance, which gets
    //      all the pending Parameter() values made right before it.
    //   ... and other shader instances in this group, interspersed with...
    //   ss->ConnectShaders ("layer1", "param1", "layer2", "param2");
    //   ... and other connections ...
    //   ss->ShaderGroupEnd ();
    // It looks so simple, and it really is, except that the way this
    // testshade program works is that all the Parameter() and Shader()
    // calls are done inside getargs(), as it walks through the command
    // line arguments, whereas the connections accumulate and have
    // to be processed at the end.  Bear with us.
    // Start the shader group and grab a reference to it.
    shadergroup = shadingsys->ShaderGroupBegin (groupname);

    // Get the command line arguments.  That will set up all the shader
    // instances and their parameters for the group.
    getargs (argc, argv);

    if (! shadergroup) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Invalid shader group. Exiting testshade.\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    shadingsys->attribute (shadergroup.get(), "groupname", groupname);

    // Now set up the connections
    for (size_t i = 0;  i < connections.size();  i += 4) {
        if (i+3 < connections.size()) {
            std::cout << "Connect " 
                      << connections[i] << "." << connections[i+1]
                      << " to " << connections[i+2] << "." << connections[i+3]
                      << "\n";
            shadingsys->ConnectShaders (connections[i].c_str(),

    // End the group
    shadingsys->ShaderGroupEnd ();

    if (verbose || do_oslquery) {
        std::string pickle;
        shadingsys->getattribute (shadergroup.get(), "pickle", pickle);
        std::cout << "Shader group:\n---\n" << pickle << "\n---\n";
        std::cout << "\n";
        ustring groupname;
        shadingsys->getattribute (shadergroup.get(), "groupname", groupname);
        std::cout << "Shader group \"" << groupname << "\" layers are:\n";
        int num_layers = 0;
        shadingsys->getattribute (shadergroup.get(), "num_layers", num_layers);
        if (num_layers > 0) {
            std::vector<const char *> layers (size_t(num_layers), NULL);
            shadingsys->getattribute (shadergroup.get(), "layer_names",
                                      TypeDesc(TypeDesc::STRING, num_layers),
            for (int i = 0; i < num_layers; ++i) {
                std::cout << "    " << (layers[i] ? layers[i] : "<unnamed>") << "\n";
                if (do_oslquery) {
                    OSLQuery q;
                    q.init (shadergroup.get(), i);
                    for (size_t p = 0;  p < q.nparams(); ++p) {
                        const OSLQuery::Parameter *param = q.getparam(p);
                        std::cout << "\t" << (param->isoutput ? "output "  : "")
                                  << param->type << ' ' << param->name << "\n";
        std::cout << "\n";
    if (archivegroup.size())
        shadingsys->archive_shadergroup (shadergroup.get(), archivegroup);

    if (outputfiles.size() != 0)
        std::cout << "\n";

    // Set up the named transformations, including shader and object.
    // For this test application, we just do this statically; in a real
    // renderer, the global named space (like "myspace") would probably
    // be static, but shader and object spaces may be different for each
    // object.
    setup_transformations (rend, Mshad, Mobj);

    // Set up the image outputs requested on the command line
    setup_output_images (shadingsys, shadergroup);

    if (debug)
        test_group_attributes (shadergroup.get());

    if (num_threads < 1)
        num_threads = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency();

    double setuptime = timer.lap ();

    // Allow a settable number of iterations to "render" the whole image,
    // which is useful for time trials of things that would be too quick
    // to accurately time for a single iteration
    for (int iter = 0;  iter < iters;  ++iter) {
        OIIO::ROI roi (0, xres, 0, yres);

        if (use_shade_image)
            OSL::shade_image (*shadingsys, *shadergroup, NULL,
                              *outputimgs[0], outputvarnames,
                              pixelcenters ? ShadePixelCenters : ShadePixelGrid,
                              roi, num_threads);
        else {
            bool save = (iter == (iters-1));   // save on last iteration
#if 0
            shade_region (shadergroup.get(), roi, save);
            OIIO::ImageBufAlgo::parallel_image (
                    boost::bind (shade_region, shadergroup.get(), _1, save),
                    roi, num_threads);

        // If any reparam was requested, do it now
        if (reparams.size() && reparam_layer.size()) {
            for (size_t p = 0;  p < reparams.size();  ++p) {
                const ParamValue &pv (reparams[p]);
                shadingsys->ReParameter (*shadergroup, reparam_layer.c_str(),
                                         pv.name().c_str(), pv.type(),
    double runtime = timer.lap();

    if (outputfiles.size() == 0)
        std::cout << "\n";

    // Write the output images to disk
    for (size_t i = 0;  i < outputimgs.size();  ++i) {
        if (outputimgs[i]) {
            if (! print_outputs) {
                std::string filename = outputimgs[i]->name();
                // JPEG, GIF, and PNG images should be automatically saved
                // as sRGB because they are almost certainly supposed to
                // be displayed on web pages.
                using namespace OIIO;
                if (Strutil::iends_with (filename, ".jpg") ||
                    Strutil::iends_with (filename, ".jpeg") ||
                    Strutil::iends_with (filename, ".gif") ||
                    Strutil::iends_with (filename, ".png")) {
                    ImageBuf ccbuf;
                    ImageBufAlgo::colorconvert (ccbuf, *outputimgs[i],
                                                "linear", "sRGB", false,
                                                "", "");
                    ccbuf.set_write_format (outputimgs[i]->spec().format);
                    ccbuf.write (filename);
                } else {
                    outputimgs[i]->write (filename);
            delete outputimgs[i];
            outputimgs[i] = NULL;

    // Print some debugging info
    if (debug || runstats || profile) {
        double writetime = timer.lap();
        std::cout << "\n";
        std::cout << "Setup: " << OIIO::Strutil::timeintervalformat (setuptime,2) << "\n";
        std::cout << "Run  : " << OIIO::Strutil::timeintervalformat (runtime,2) << "\n";
        std::cout << "Write: " << OIIO::Strutil::timeintervalformat (writetime,2) << "\n";
        std::cout << "\n";
        std::cout << shadingsys->getstats (5) << "\n";
        OIIO::TextureSystem *texturesys = shadingsys->texturesys();
        if (texturesys)
            std::cout << texturesys->getstats (5) << "\n";
        std::cout << ustring::getstats() << "\n";

    // We're done with the shading system now, destroy it
    shadergroup.reset ();  // Must release this before destroying shadingsys
    delete shadingsys;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #5
static bool
write_mipmap (ImageBufAlgo::MakeTextureMode mode,
              ImageBuf &img, const ImageSpec &outspec_template,
              std::string outputfilename, ImageOutput *out,
              TypeDesc outputdatatype, bool mipmap,
              Filter2D *filter, const ImageSpec &configspec,
              std::ostream &outstream,
              double &stat_writetime, double &stat_miptime)
    bool envlatlmode = (mode == ImageBufAlgo::MakeTxEnvLatl);

    ImageSpec outspec = outspec_template;
    outspec.set_format (outputdatatype);

    if (mipmap && !out->supports ("multiimage") && !out->supports ("mipmap")) {
        outstream << "maketx ERROR: \"" << outputfilename
                  << "\" format does not support multires images\n";
        return false;

    if (! mipmap && ! strcmp (out->format_name(), "openexr")) {
        // Send hint to OpenEXR driver that we won't specify a MIPmap
        outspec.attribute ("openexr:levelmode", 0 /* ONE_LEVEL */);

    if (mipmap && ! strcmp (out->format_name(), "openexr")) {
        outspec.attribute ("openexr:roundingmode", 0 /* ROUND_DOWN */);

    // OpenEXR always uses border sampling for environment maps
    bool src_samples_border;
    if (envlatlmode && !strcmp(out->format_name(), "openexr")) {
        src_samples_border = true;
        outspec.attribute ("oiio:updirection", "y");
        outspec.attribute ("oiio:sampleborder", 1);
    if (envlatlmode && src_samples_border)
        fix_latl_edges (img);

    Timer writetimer;
    if (! out->open (outputfilename.c_str(), outspec)) {
        outstream << "maketx ERROR: Could not open \"" << outputfilename
                  << "\" : " << out->geterror() << "\n";
        return false;

    // Write out the image
    bool verbose = configspec.get_int_attribute ("maketx:verbose");
    if (verbose) {
        outstream << "  Writing file: " << outputfilename << std::endl;
        outstream << "  Filter \"" << filter->name() << "\" width = " 
                  << filter->width() << "\n";
        outstream << "  Top level is " << formatres(outspec) << std::endl;

    if (! img.write (out)) {
        // ImageBuf::write transfers any errors from the ImageOutput to
        // the ImageBuf.
        outstream << "maketx ERROR: Write failed \" : " << img.geterror() << "\n";
        out->close ();
        return false;

    stat_writetime += writetimer();

    if (mipmap) {  // Mipmap levels:
        if (verbose)
            outstream << "  Mipmapping...\n" << std::flush;
        std::vector<std::string> mipimages;
        std::string mipimages_unsplit = configspec.get_string_attribute ("maketx:mipimages");
        if (mipimages_unsplit.length())
            Strutil::split (mipimages_unsplit, mipimages, ";");
        ImageBuf tmp;
        ImageBuf *big = &img, *small = &tmp;
        while (outspec.width > 1 || outspec.height > 1) {
            Timer miptimer;
            ImageSpec smallspec;

            if (mipimages.size()) {
                // Special case -- the user specified a custom MIP level
                small->reset (mipimages[0]);
                small->read (0, 0, true, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
                smallspec = small->spec();
                if (smallspec.nchannels != outspec.nchannels) {
                    outstream << "WARNING: Custom mip level \"" << mipimages[0]
                              << " had the wrong number of channels.\n";
                    ImageBuf *t = new ImageBuf (mipimages[0], smallspec);
                    ImageBufAlgo::setNumChannels(*t, *small, outspec.nchannels);
                    std::swap (t, small);
                    delete t;
                smallspec.tile_width = outspec.tile_width;
                smallspec.tile_height = outspec.tile_height;
                smallspec.tile_depth = outspec.tile_depth;
                mipimages.erase (mipimages.begin());
            } else {
                // Resize a factor of two smaller
                smallspec = outspec;
                smallspec.width = big->spec().width;
                smallspec.height = big->spec().height;
                smallspec.depth = big->spec().depth;
                if (smallspec.width > 1)
                    smallspec.width /= 2;
                if (smallspec.height > 1)
                    smallspec.height /= 2;
                smallspec.full_width = smallspec.width;
                smallspec.full_height = smallspec.height;
                smallspec.full_depth = smallspec.depth;
                smallspec.set_format (TypeDesc::FLOAT);

                // Trick: to get the resize working properly, we reset
                // both display and pixel windows to match, and have 0
                // offset, AND doctor the big image to have its display
                // and pixel windows match.  Don't worry, the texture
                // engine doesn't care what the upper MIP levels have
                // for the window sizes, it uses level 0 to determine
                // the relatinship between texture 0-1 space (display
                // window) and the pixels.
                smallspec.x = 0;
                smallspec.y = 0;
                smallspec.full_x = 0;
                smallspec.full_y = 0;
                small->alloc (smallspec);  // Realocate with new size
                big->set_full (big->xbegin(), big->xend(), big->ybegin(),
                               big->yend(), big->zbegin(), big->zend());

                if (filter->name() == "box" && filter->width() == 1.0f)
                    ImageBufAlgo::parallel_image (boost::bind(resize_block, small, big, _1, envlatlmode),
                    ImageBufAlgo::parallel_image (boost::bind(resize_block_HQ, small, big, _1, filter),

            stat_miptime += miptimer();
            outspec = smallspec;
            outspec.set_format (outputdatatype);
            if (envlatlmode && src_samples_border)
                fix_latl_edges (*small);

            Timer writetimer;
            // If the format explicitly supports MIP-maps, use that,
            // otherwise try to simulate MIP-mapping with multi-image.
            ImageOutput::OpenMode mode = out->supports ("mipmap") ?
                ImageOutput::AppendMIPLevel : ImageOutput::AppendSubimage;
            if (! out->open (outputfilename.c_str(), outspec, mode)) {
                outstream << "maketx ERROR: Could not append \"" << outputfilename
                          << "\" : " << out->geterror() << "\n";
                return false;
            if (! small->write (out)) {
                // ImageBuf::write transfers any errors from the
                // ImageOutput to the ImageBuf.
                outstream << "maketx ERROR writing \"" << outputfilename
                          << "\" : " << small->geterror() << "\n";
                out->close ();
                return false;
            stat_writetime += writetimer();
            if (verbose) {
                outstream << "    " << formatres(smallspec) << std::endl;
            std::swap (big, small);

    if (verbose)
        outstream << "  Wrote file: " << outputfilename << std::endl;
    writetimer.reset ();
    writetimer.start ();
    if (! out->close ()) {
        outstream << "maketx ERROR writing \"" << outputfilename
                  << "\" : " << out->geterror() << "\n";
        return false;
    stat_writetime += writetimer ();
    return true;