Beispiel #1
void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::Edit_Edge_Width( EDGE_MODULE* aEdge )
    MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;

    SaveCopyInUndoList( module, UR_CHANGED );

    if( aEdge == NULL )
        for( BOARD_ITEM *item = module->GraphicalItemsList(); item; item = item->Next() )
            aEdge = dyn_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( item );

            if( aEdge )
                aEdge->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().GetLineThickness( aEdge->GetLayer() ) );
        aEdge->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().GetLineThickness( aEdge->GetLayer() ) );

Beispiel #2
void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::Edit_Edge_Layer( EDGE_MODULE* aEdge )
    // note: if aEdge == NULL, all outline segments will be modified

    MODULE*     module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
    PCB_LAYER_ID    layer = F_SilkS;
    bool        modified = false;

    if( aEdge )
        layer = aEdge->GetLayer();

    // Ask for the new layer
    PCB_LAYER_ID new_layer = SelectLayer( layer, Edge_Cuts );

    if( layer < 0 )

    if( IsCopperLayer( new_layer ) )
        // an edge is put on a copper layer, and it is very dangerous.
        // A confirmation is requested
        if( !IsOK( this,
                   _( "The graphic item will be on a copper layer.\n"
                      "This is very dangerous. Are you sure?" ) ) )

    if( !aEdge )
        for( BOARD_ITEM *item = module->GraphicalItemsList() ; item != NULL;
                item = item->Next() )
            aEdge = dyn_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( item );

            if( aEdge && (aEdge->GetLayer() != new_layer) )
                if( ! modified )    // save only once
                    SaveCopyInUndoList( module, UR_CHANGED );
                aEdge->SetLayer( new_layer );
                modified = true;
    else if( aEdge->GetLayer() != new_layer )
        SaveCopyInUndoList( module, UR_CHANGED );
        aEdge->SetLayer( new_layer );
        modified = true;

    if( modified )
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::ResetModuleTextSizes( const wxString & aFilter, bool aRef,
                                           bool aValue, bool aOthers )
    BOARD_COMMIT commit( this );

    int modTextWidth = GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextWidth;
    const wxSize& modTextSize = GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextSize;
    bool modified = false;

    // Change fields of footprints with fpid matching the filter
    for( MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        if( !aFilter.IsEmpty() )
            if( ! WildCompareString( aFilter, FROM_UTF8( module->GetFPID().Format().c_str() ),
                                     false ) )

        if( aRef )
            TEXTE_MODULE* item = &module->Reference();

            if( item->GetTextSize() != GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextSize ||
                item->GetThickness() != GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextWidth )
                commit.Modify( item );
                item->SetThickness( modTextWidth );
                item->SetTextSize( modTextSize );
                modified = true;

        if( aValue )
            TEXTE_MODULE* item = &module->Value();

            if( item->GetTextSize() != GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextSize ||
                item->GetThickness() != GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextWidth )
                commit.Modify( item );
                item->SetThickness( modTextWidth );
                item->SetTextSize( modTextSize );
                modified = true;

        if( aOthers )
            // Go through all other module text fields
            for( BOARD_ITEM* boardItem = module->GraphicalItemsList(); boardItem; boardItem = boardItem->Next() )
                if( boardItem->Type() == PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T )
                    TEXTE_MODULE* item = static_cast<TEXTE_MODULE*>( boardItem );

                    if( item->GetTextSize() != GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextSize
                        || item->GetThickness() != GetDesignSettings().m_ModuleTextWidth )
                        commit.Modify( item );
                        item->SetThickness( modTextWidth );
                        item->SetTextSize( modTextSize );
                        modified = true;

    if( modified )
        commit.Push( "Reset module text size" );
Beispiel #4
MODULE* MWAVE::CreateMicrowaveInductor( INDUCTOR_PATTERN& inductorPattern,
                    PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aPcbFrame, wxString& aErrorMessage )
    /* Build a microwave inductor footprint.
     * - Length Mself.lng
     * - Extremities Mself.m_Start and Mself.m_End
     * We must determine:
     * Mself.nbrin = number of segments perpendicular to the direction
     * (The coil nbrin will demicercles + 1 + 2 1 / 4 circle)
     * Mself.lbrin = length of a strand
     * Mself.radius = radius of rounded parts of the coil
     * = segments extremities connection between him and the coil even
     * The equations are
     * Mself.m_Size.x = 2 * Mself.radius + Mself.lbrin
     * Mself.m_Size.y * = 2 + 2 * Mself.nbrin * Mself.radius
     * Mself.lng = 2 * / / connections to the coil
     + (Mself.nbrin-2) * Mself.lbrin / / length of the strands except 1st and last
     + (Mself.nbrin 1) * (PI * Mself.radius) / / length of rounded
     * Mself.lbrin + / 2 - Melf.radius * 2) / / length of 1st and last bit
     * The constraints are:
     * Nbrin >= 2
     * Mself.radius < Mself.m_Size.x
     * Mself.m_Size.y = Mself.radius * 4 + 2 * Mself.raccord
     * Mself.lbrin> Mself.radius * 2
     * The calculation is conducted in the following way:
     * Initially:
     * Nbrin = 2
     * Radius = 4 * m_Size.x (arbitrarily fixed value)
     * Then:
     * Increasing the number of segments to the desired length
     * (Radius decreases if necessary)

    D_PAD*   pad;
    int      ll;
    wxString msg;

    auto pt = inductorPattern.m_End - inductorPattern.m_Start;
    int     min_len = KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( pt ) );
    inductorPattern.m_length = min_len;

    // Enter the desired length.
    msg = StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, inductorPattern.m_length );
    wxTextEntryDialog dlg( nullptr, wxEmptyString, _( "Length of Trace:" ), msg );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return nullptr; // canceled by user

    msg = dlg.GetValue();
    inductorPattern.m_length = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, msg );

    // Control values (ii = minimum length)
    if( inductorPattern.m_length < min_len )
        aErrorMessage = _( "Requested length < minimum length" );
        return nullptr;

    // Calculate the elements.
    std::vector <wxPoint> buffer;
    ll = BuildCornersList_S_Shape( buffer, inductorPattern.m_Start,
                                   inductorPattern.m_End, inductorPattern.m_length,
                                   inductorPattern.m_Width );

    if( !ll )
        aErrorMessage = _( "Requested length too large" );
        return nullptr;

    // Generate footprint. the value is also used as footprint name.
    msg = "L";
    wxTextEntryDialog cmpdlg( nullptr, wxEmptyString, _( "Component Value:" ), msg );
    cmpdlg.SetTextValidator( FILE_NAME_CHAR_VALIDATOR( &msg ) );

    if( ( cmpdlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) || msg.IsEmpty() )
        return nullptr;    //  Aborted by user

    MODULE* module = aPcbFrame->CreateNewModule( msg );

    // here the module is already in the BOARD, CreateNewModule() does that.
    module->SetFPID( LIB_ID( wxString( "mw_inductor" ) ) );
    module->SetAttributes( MOD_VIRTUAL | MOD_CMS );
    module->SetPosition( inductorPattern.m_End );

    // Generate segments
    for( unsigned jj = 1; jj < buffer.size(); jj++ )
        EDGE_MODULE* PtSegm;
        PtSegm = new EDGE_MODULE( module );
        PtSegm->SetStart( buffer[jj - 1] );
        PtSegm->SetEnd( buffer[jj] );
        PtSegm->SetWidth( inductorPattern.m_Width );
        PtSegm->SetLayer( module->GetLayer() );
        PtSegm->SetShape( S_SEGMENT );
        PtSegm->SetStart0( PtSegm->GetStart() - module->GetPosition() );
        PtSegm->SetEnd0( PtSegm->GetEnd() - module->GetPosition() );
        module->GraphicalItemsList().PushBack( PtSegm );

    // Place a pad on each end of coil.
    pad = new D_PAD( module );

    module->PadsList().PushFront( pad );

    pad->SetName( "1" );
    pad->SetPosition( inductorPattern.m_End );
    pad->SetPos0( pad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition() );

    pad->SetSize( wxSize( inductorPattern.m_Width, inductorPattern.m_Width ) );

    pad->SetLayerSet( LSET( module->GetLayer() ) );
    pad->SetAttribute( PAD_ATTRIB_SMD );
    pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );

    D_PAD* newpad = new D_PAD( *pad );

    module->PadsList().Insert( newpad, pad->Next() );

    pad = newpad;
    pad->SetName( "2" );
    pad->SetPosition( inductorPattern.m_Start );
    pad->SetPos0( pad->GetPosition() - module->GetPosition() );

    // Modify text positions.
    wxPoint refPos( ( inductorPattern.m_Start.x + inductorPattern.m_End.x ) / 2,
                    ( inductorPattern.m_Start.y + inductorPattern.m_End.y ) / 2 );

    wxPoint valPos = refPos;

    refPos.y -= module->Reference().GetTextSize().y;
    module->Reference().SetPosition( refPos );
    valPos.y += module->Value().GetTextSize().y;
    module->Value().SetPosition( valPos );

    return module;
Beispiel #5
void PCB_BASE_EDIT_FRAME::SaveCopyInUndoList( const PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& aItemsList,
                                         UNDO_REDO_T aTypeCommand, const wxPoint& aTransformPoint )

    commandToUndo->m_TransformPoint = aTransformPoint;

    // First, filter unnecessary stuff from the list (i.e. for multiple pads / labels modified),
    // take the first occurence of the module (we save copies of modules when one of its subitems
    // is changed).
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aItemsList.GetCount(); ii++ )
        ITEM_PICKER curr_picker = aItemsList.GetItemWrapper(ii);
        BOARD_ITEM* item    = (BOARD_ITEM*) aItemsList.GetPickedItem( ii );

        // For items belonging to modules, we need to save state of the parent module
        if( item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T || item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T
                || item->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
            // Item to be stored in the undo buffer is the parent module
            item = item->GetParent();
            wxASSERT( item && item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T );

            if( item == NULL )

            // Check if the parent module has already been saved in another entry
            bool found = false;

            for( unsigned j = 0; j < commandToUndo->GetCount(); j++ )
                if( commandToUndo->GetPickedItem( j ) == item && commandToUndo->GetPickedItemStatus( j ) == UR_CHANGED )
                    found = true;

            if( !found )
                // Create a clean copy of the parent module
                MODULE* orig = static_cast<MODULE*>( item );
                MODULE* clone = new MODULE( *orig );
                clone->SetParent( GetBoard() );

                // Clear current flags (which can be temporary set by a current edit command)
                for( EDA_ITEM* loc_item = clone->GraphicalItemsList(); loc_item;
                        loc_item = loc_item->Next() )

                for( D_PAD* pad = clone->PadsList(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )


                ITEM_PICKER picker( item, UR_CHANGED );
                picker.SetLink( clone );
                commandToUndo->PushItem( picker );

            // Normal case: all other BOARD_ITEMs, are simply copied to the new list
            commandToUndo->PushItem( curr_picker );

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < commandToUndo->GetCount(); ii++ )
        BOARD_ITEM* item    = (BOARD_ITEM*) commandToUndo->GetPickedItem( ii );
        UNDO_REDO_T command = commandToUndo->GetPickedItemStatus( ii );

        if( command == UR_UNSPECIFIED )
            command = aTypeCommand;
            commandToUndo->SetPickedItemStatus( command, ii );

        wxASSERT( item );

        switch( command )
        case UR_CHANGED:
        case UR_DRILLORIGIN:
        case UR_GRIDORIGIN:

            /* If needed, create a copy of item, and put in undo list
             * in the picker, as link
             * If this link is not null, the copy is already done
            if( commandToUndo->GetPickedItemLink( ii ) == NULL )
                EDA_ITEM* cloned = item->Clone();
                commandToUndo->SetPickedItemLink( cloned, ii );

        case UR_MOVED:
        case UR_ROTATED:
        case UR_FLIPPED:
        case UR_NEW:
        case UR_DELETED:

            wxLogDebug( wxT( "SaveCopyInUndoList() error (unknown code %X)" ), command );


    if( commandToUndo->GetCount() )
        /* Save the copy in undo list */
        GetScreen()->PushCommandToUndoList( commandToUndo );

        /* Clear redo list, because after a new command one cannot redo a command */
        GetScreen()->ClearUndoORRedoList( GetScreen()->m_RedoList );
        // Should not occur
        wxASSERT( false );
        delete commandToUndo;
Beispiel #6
                                                      wxDC*        DC,
                                                      STROKE_T     type_edge )
    MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;

    if( module == NULL )
        return NULL;

    if( aEdge == NULL )       // Start a new edge item
        SaveCopyInUndoList( module, UR_CHANGED );

        aEdge = new EDGE_MODULE( module );
        MoveVector.x = MoveVector.y = 0;

        // Add the new item to the Drawings list head
        module->GraphicalItemsList().PushFront( aEdge );

        // Update characteristics of the segment or arc.
        aEdge->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
        aEdge->SetAngle( 0 );
        aEdge->SetShape( type_edge );

        if( aEdge->GetShape() == S_ARC )
            aEdge->SetAngle( ArcValue );

        aEdge->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().GetLineThickness( GetActiveLayer() ) );
        aEdge->SetLayer( GetActiveLayer() );

        // Initialize the starting point of the new segment or arc
        aEdge->SetStart( GetCrossHairPosition() );

        // Initialize the ending point of the new segment or arc
        aEdge->SetEnd( aEdge->GetStart() );

        // Initialize the relative coordinates
        aEdge->SetStart0( aEdge->GetStart() - module->GetPosition() );

        RotatePoint( &aEdge->m_Start0, -module->GetOrientation() );

        aEdge->m_End0 = aEdge->m_Start0;
        m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( ShowNewEdgeModule, Abort_Move_ModuleOutline );
    /* Segment creation in progress.
     * The ending coordinate is updated by the function
     * ShowNewEdgeModule() called on move mouse event
     * during the segment creation
        if( type_edge == S_SEGMENT )
            if( aEdge->m_Start0 != aEdge->m_End0 )
                aEdge->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR );

                EDGE_MODULE* newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( *aEdge );

                // insert _after_ aEdge, which is the same as inserting before aEdge->Next()
                module->GraphicalItemsList().Insert( newedge, aEdge->Next() );

                aEdge = newedge;     // point now new item

                aEdge->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
                aEdge->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().GetLineThickness( aEdge->GetLayer() ) );
                aEdge->SetStart( GetCrossHairPosition() );
                aEdge->SetEnd( aEdge->GetStart() );

                // Update relative coordinate.
                aEdge->SetStart0( aEdge->GetStart() - module->GetPosition() );

                wxPoint pt( aEdge->GetStart0() );

                RotatePoint( &pt, -module->GetOrientation() );

                aEdge->SetStart0( pt );

                aEdge->SetEnd0( aEdge->GetStart0() );

            wxLogDebug( wxT( "Begin_Edge() error" ) );

    return aEdge;