void DALI_TEST_EQUALS( const Matrix3& matrix1, const Matrix3& matrix2, const char* location)
  const float* m1 = matrix1.AsFloat();
  const float* m2 = matrix2.AsFloat();
  bool equivalent = true;

  for (int i=0;i<9;++i)
    if( ! (fabsf(m1[i] - m2[i])< GetRangedEpsilon(m1[i], m2[i])) )
      equivalent = false;

  if( !equivalent )
    fprintf(stderr, "%s, checking\n"
               "(%f, %f, %f)    (%f, %f, %f)\n"
               "(%f, %f, %f) == (%f, %f, %f)\n"
               "(%f, %f, %f)    (%f, %f, %f)\n",
               m1[0],  m1[1], m1[2],   m2[0],  m2[1], m2[2],
               m1[3],  m1[4], m1[5],   m2[3],  m2[4], m2[5],
               m1[6],  m1[7], m1[8],   m2[6],  m2[7], m2[8]);

void MeshRenderer::DoRender( BufferIndex bufferIndex, const Matrix& modelViewMatrix, const Matrix& modelMatrix, const Matrix& viewMatrix, const Matrix& projectionMatrix, const Vector4& color )
  MeshInfo& meshInfo = mMeshInfo[bufferIndex];
  Mesh*           mesh              =    meshInfo.mesh;
  RenderMaterial& material          =  *(meshInfo.material);
  BoneTransforms& boneTransforms    =    meshInfo.boneTransforms;

  if( ! meshInfo.boneTransforms.transforms.empty() )
    ApplyViewToBoneTransforms( meshInfo.boneTransforms, viewMatrix );

  const int stride = sizeof(Dali::MeshData::Vertex);
  Dali::MeshData::Vertex *v = 0;

  mesh->UploadVertexData( *mContext, bufferIndex );
  mesh->BindBuffers( *mContext );

  GeometryType geometryType = GEOMETRY_TYPE_TEXTURED_MESH;
  if( ! material.HasTexture() )
    geometryType = GEOMETRY_TYPE_MESH;

  GLsizei numBoneMatrices = (GLsizei)mesh->GetMeshData(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD).GetBoneCount();

  // Select program type
  ShaderSubTypes shaderType = SHADER_DEFAULT;
  if( mShader->AreSubtypesRequired( geometryType ) )
    if( numBoneMatrices )
      if( mesh->GetMeshData(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD).HasColor() )
      else if( mAffectedByLighting )
        shaderType = SHADER_RIGGED_AND_LIT;
        shaderType = SHADER_RIGGED_AND_EVENLY_LIT;
      if( mesh->GetMeshData(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD).HasColor() )
        shaderType = SHADER_VERTEX_COLOR;
      else if( ! mAffectedByLighting )
        shaderType = SHADER_EVENLY_LIT;
      } // else default

  if( geometryType != mGeometryType || shaderType != mShaderType )
    mGeometryType = geometryType;
    mShaderType = shaderType;

  Program& program = mShader->Apply( *mContext, bufferIndex, geometryType, modelMatrix, viewMatrix, modelViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, color, mShaderType );

  GLint location       = Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN;
  GLint positionLoc    = program.GetAttribLocation(Program::ATTRIB_POSITION);
  GLint texCoordLoc    = Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN;
  GLint boneWeightsLoc = Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN;
  GLint boneIndicesLoc = Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN;
  GLint normalLoc      = Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN;
  GLint colorLoc       = Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN;

  mContext->VertexAttribPointer( positionLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, &v->x );
  mContext->EnableVertexAttributeArray( positionLoc );

  if( numBoneMatrices > 0 )
    location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 0 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uBoneCount" );
    if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
      program.SetUniform1i(location, numBoneMatrices);

    location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 1 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uBoneMatrices" );
    if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
      program.SetUniformMatrix4fv(location, numBoneMatrices, boneTransforms.viewTransforms[0].AsFloat());
    if( mesh->GetMeshData(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD).HasNormals() )
      location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 2 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uBoneMatricesIT" );
      if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
        program.SetUniformMatrix3fv( location, numBoneMatrices, boneTransforms.inverseTransforms[0].AsFloat() );

    boneWeightsLoc = program.GetAttribLocation( Program::ATTRIB_BONE_WEIGHTS );
    if( Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN != boneWeightsLoc )
      mContext->VertexAttribPointer( boneWeightsLoc, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, &v->boneWeights[0] );
      mContext->EnableVertexAttributeArray( boneWeightsLoc );

    boneIndicesLoc = program.GetAttribLocation( Program::ATTRIB_BONE_INDICES );
    if( Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN != boneIndicesLoc )
      mContext->VertexAttribPointer( boneIndicesLoc, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_FALSE, stride, &v->boneIndices[0] );
      mContext->EnableVertexAttributeArray( boneIndicesLoc );

  if( material.HasTexture() )
    material.BindTextures( program );
  // Always use UV's - may be being used for another purpose by a custom shader!
  texCoordLoc = program.GetAttribLocation(Program::ATTRIB_TEXCOORD);
  if( Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN != texCoordLoc )
    mContext->VertexAttribPointer( texCoordLoc, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, &v->u );
    mContext->EnableVertexAttributeArray( texCoordLoc );

  if( mesh->GetMeshData(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD).HasNormals() )
    normalLoc = program.GetAttribLocation(Program::ATTRIB_NORMAL);
    if( Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN != normalLoc )
      mContext->VertexAttribPointer( normalLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, &v->nX );
      mContext->EnableVertexAttributeArray( normalLoc );
  else if( mesh->GetMeshData(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD).HasColor() )  // Normals & color are mutually exclusive
    colorLoc = program.GetAttribLocation(Program::ATTRIB_COLOR);
    if( Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN != colorLoc)
      mContext->VertexAttribPointer( colorLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, &v->vertexR );
      mContext->EnableVertexAttributeArray( colorLoc );

  material.SetUniforms( mRenderMaterialUniforms, program, shaderType );

  if( mAffectedByLighting )
    // Set light parameters
    location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 3 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uNumberOfLights" );
    if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
      program.SetUniform1i( location, mLightController->GetNumberOfLights() );

    // Model View IT matrix required for vertex normal lighting calculation
    location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 4 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uModelViewIT" );
    if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
      Matrix3 modelViewInverseTranspose = modelViewMatrix;

      program.SetUniformMatrix3fv( location, 1, modelViewInverseTranspose.AsFloat() );

    // only one active light supported at the moment (due to performance)
    //if( numberOfLights > 0 )
      Vector2 tempVector2;
      Vector3 tempVector3;

      Node& lightNode = mLightController->GetLight( 0 );

      LightAttachment& light = dynamic_cast< LightAttachment& >( lightNode.GetAttachment() );

      location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 5 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uLight0.mType" );
      if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
        program.SetUniform1i( location, (GLint)light.GetType() );

      location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 6 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uLight0.mFallOff" );
      if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
        tempVector2 = light.GetFallOff();
        program.SetUniform2f( location, tempVector2.x, tempVector2.y );

      location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 7 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uLight0.mSpotAngle" );
      if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
        tempVector2 = light.GetSpotAngle();
        program.SetUniform2f( location, tempVector2.x, tempVector2.y );

      location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 8 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uLight0.mLightPos" );
      if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
        // light position in eyespace
        Vector3 tempVector3( viewMatrix * Vector4(lightNode.GetWorldPosition(bufferIndex)) );
        program.SetUniform3f( location, tempVector3.x, tempVector3.y, tempVector3.z );

      location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 9 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uLight0.mLightDir" );
      if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
        tempVector3 = light.GetDirection();
        program.SetUniform3f( location, tempVector3.x, tempVector3.y, tempVector3.z );

      location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 10 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uLight0.mAmbient" );
      if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
        tempVector3 = light.GetAmbientColor();
        program.SetUniform3f( location, tempVector3.r, tempVector3.g, tempVector3.b );

      location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 11 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uLight0.mDiffuse" );
      if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
        tempVector3 = light.GetDiffuseColor();
        program.SetUniform3f( location, tempVector3.r, tempVector3.g, tempVector3.b );

      location = mCustomUniform[ shaderType ][ 12 ].GetUniformLocation( program, "uLight0.mSpecular" );
      if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != location )
        tempVector3 = light.GetSpecularColor();
        program.SetUniform3f( location, tempVector3.r, tempVector3.g, tempVector3.b );

  Dali::MeshData::VertexGeometryType vertexGeometry = mesh->GetMeshData(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD).GetVertexGeometryType();
  switch( vertexGeometry )
    case Dali::MeshData::TRIANGLES:
      mContext->DrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, mesh->GetFaceIndexCount(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
    case Dali::MeshData::LINES:
      mContext->DrawElements(GL_LINES, mesh->GetFaceIndexCount(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
    case Dali::MeshData::POINTS:
      mContext->DrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, mesh->GetFaceIndexCount(Mesh::RENDER_THREAD) );

  if( normalLoc != Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN )
    mContext->DisableVertexAttributeArray( normalLoc );

  if( colorLoc != Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN )
    mContext->DisableVertexAttributeArray( colorLoc );

  mContext->DisableVertexAttributeArray( positionLoc );

  if( texCoordLoc != Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN )
    mContext->DisableVertexAttributeArray( texCoordLoc );

  if( boneWeightsLoc != Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN )
    mContext->DisableVertexAttributeArray( boneWeightsLoc );

  if( boneIndicesLoc != Program::ATTRIB_UNKNOWN )
    mContext->DisableVertexAttributeArray( boneIndicesLoc );
