Matrix3 Matrix3::CreateIdentity() { Matrix3 out; out.Set(0, 0, 1); out.Set(1, 1, 1); out.Set(2, 2, 1); return out; }
Matrix3 Matrix3::CreateRotation(double angleInRadians) { // TODO: implement function to create rotation matrix based on normal vector (for performance reasons (sin/cos calls not needed) double cos = std::cos(angleInRadians); double sin = std::sin(angleInRadians); Matrix3 out = Matrix3::CreateIdentity(); out.Set(0, 0, cos); out.Set(0, 1, -sin); out.Set(1, 0, sin); out.Set(1, 1, cos); return out; }
void GetRotationMatrixFromQuaternion(const Vector& quat, Matrix3 mat) { //vector should be a normalized quaternion if(quat.Size() != 4) { return; } else { //see wikipedia - quaternion and spatial rotation double a = quat(0), b = quat(1), c = quat(2), d = quat(3); double rot11 = a * a + b * b - c * c - d * d; double rot12 = 2 * b * c - 2 * a * d; double rot13 = 2 * b * d + 2 * a * c; double rot21 = 2 * b * c + 2 * a * d; double rot22 = a * a - b * b + c * c - d * d; double rot23 = 2 * c * d - 2 * a * b; double rot31 = 2 * b * d - 2 * a * c; double rot32 = 2 * c * d + 2 * a * b; double rot33 = a * a - b * b - c * c + d * d; mat.Set(rot11, rot12, rot13, rot21, rot22, rot23, rot31, rot32, rot33); } return; }
void BeginRender() { cout<<"\nBeginning Render..."; float alpha = camera.fov; float l = 1.0; float h = l * tan(alpha/2.0 *(M_PI/180)); float aspectRatio = (float)camera.imgWidth/camera.imgHeight; float s = aspectRatio * h; float dx = (2 * s)/camera.imgWidth; float dy = -(2 * h)/camera.imgHeight; float dxx = dx/2,dyy=dy/2; Point3 K(-s,h,-l); K.x += dxx; K.y += dyy; for(int i = 0; i< camera.imgHeight; i++){ for(int j = 0; j<camera.imgWidth; j++){ K.x += dx; Matrix3 RotMat; Point3 dvec = camera.dir - camera.pos; Point3 svec = camera.up.Cross(dvec); dvec.Normalize(); svec.Normalize(); camera.up.Normalize(); RotMat.Set(svec,camera.up, dvec); Ray r(camera.pos, K); r.dir=r.dir*RotMat; r.dir.Normalize(); HitInfo hInfo; hInfo.Init(); if(rootNode.GetNumChild()>0){ // for(int k=0; k < rootNode.GetNumChild(); ++k){ // RayTrace(rootNode.GetChild(k),r,i * camera.imgWidth + j); // } if(RayTrace_2(r, hInfo)) { renderImage.PutPixel(i *camera.imgWidth+j, white, hInfo.z); } else renderImage.PutPixel(i *camera.imgWidth+j, black, BIGFLOAT); } } K.x = -s; K.x += dxx; K.y += dy; } cout<<"Render Complete"<<endl; renderImage.ComputeZBufferImage(); renderImage.SaveZImage("/Users/varunk/Desktop/RayTracerProj1/RayTracerProj1/zbuffer.ppm"); renderImage.SaveImage("/Users/varunk/Desktop/RayTracerProj1/RayTracerProj1/renderimage.ppm"); }
Matrix3 Matrix3::CreateScaling(double x, double y) { Matrix3 out = Matrix3::CreateIdentity(); out.Set(0, 0, x); out.Set(1, 1, y); return out; }
Matrix3 Matrix3::CreateTranslation(double x, double y) { Matrix3 out = Matrix3::CreateIdentity(); out.Set(0, 2, x); out.Set(1, 2, y); return out; }
Matrix3 Matrix3::operator*(double factor) const { Matrix3 out; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { out.Set(i, j, out.Get(i, j) * factor); } } return out; }
void PopulateImageParams() { cout<<"Populating ImageParams..."<<endl; float alpha = camera.fov; float l = 1.0; float h = l * tan(alpha/2.0 *(M_PI/180)); float aspectRatio = (float)camera.imgWidth/camera.imgHeight; float s = aspectRatio * abs(h); float dx = (2 * abs(s))/camera.imgWidth; float dy = -(2 * abs(h))/camera.imgHeight; float dxx = dx/2,dyy=dy/2; Point3 K(-s,h,-l); K.x += (dxx ); K.y += (dyy ); for(int i = 0; i< camera.imgHeight ; i++){ for(int j = 0; j< camera.imgWidth; j++){ K.x += dx; Matrix3 RotMat; cyPoint3f f = camera.dir; f.Normalize(); cyPoint3f s = f.Cross(camera.up); s.Normalize(); cyPoint3f u = s.Cross(f); const float pts[9]={s.x,u.x,-f.x,s.y,u.y,-f.y,s.z,u.z,-f.z}; RotMat.Set(pts); Ray r(camera.pos, K); r.dir=r.dir*RotMat; r.dir.Normalize(); /* Populating the Struct */ Point2 pixLoc = Point2(j,i); //imageParams.K.push_back(K); imageParams.rendered.push_back(false); imageParams.PixLocation.push_back(pixLoc); imageParams.PixIndex.push_back( i * camera.imgWidth + j); imageParams.Ray.push_back(r); } K.x = -s; K.x += dxx; K.y += dy; } }
Matrix3 Matrix3::operator*(const Matrix3& other) const { Matrix3 out; int i, j, k; double t; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { t = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { t += Get(i, k) * other.Get(k, j); } out.Set(i, j, t); } } return out; }
void XsiExp::ExportNodeTM( INode * node, int indentLevel) { // dump the full matrix Matrix3 matrix = node->GetNodeTM(GetStaticFrame()); TSTR indent = GetIndent(indentLevel); fprintf(pStream,"%s\t%s {\n\n",, "FrameTransformMatrix"); Object * obj = node->EvalWorldState(0).obj; BOOL isBone = obj && obj->ClassID() == Class_ID(BONE_CLASS_ID, 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (node->GetParentNode() && node->GetParentNode()->IsRootNode()) { // bone chains get grafted into the hierarchy tree // if (!isBone) { // root mesh oTopMatrix = matrix; AffineParts ap; decomp_affine( matrix, &ap); topMatrix.Set( Point3( ap.k.x,0.0f,0.0f), Point3( 0.0f,ap.k.z,0.0f), Point3(0.0f,0.0f,ap.k.y), Point3(0,0,0)); // root transform is controlled by the engine matrix.IdentityMatrix(); } } else { matrix = matrix * Inverse(node->GetParentTM(GetStaticFrame())); if (!isBone) { matrix.SetRow( 3, topMatrix * matrix.GetRow(3)); } } // write the matrix values DumpMatrix3( &matrix, indentLevel+2); // transform close brace fprintf(pStream,"%s\t}\n",; }
void PopulateImageParams() { _f = camera.dir; _f.Normalize(); _s = _f.Cross(camera.up); _s.Normalize(); _u = _s.Cross(_f); cout<<"Populating ImageParams..."<<endl; float alpha = camera.fov; float l = camera.focaldist; float h = l * tan(alpha/2.0 *(M_PI/180.0)); float aspectRatio = (float)camera.imgWidth/camera.imgHeight; float s = aspectRatio * abs(h); float dx = (2 * abs(s))/camera.imgWidth; float dy = -(2 * abs(h))/camera.imgHeight; float dxx = dx/2.0 , dyy=dy/2.0; Point3 K(-s,h,-l); K.x += (dxx ); K.y += (dyy ); for(int i = 0; i< camera.imgHeight ; i++){ for(int j = 0; j< camera.imgWidth; j++){ K.x += dx; Matrix3 RotMat; const float pts[9]={_s.x,_u.x,-_f.x,_s.y,_u.y,-_f.y,_s.z,_u.z,-_f.z}; RotMat.Set(pts); // K = RotMat*K; Cone r = Cone(camera.pos, K); r.dir = r.dir * RotMat; r.dir.Normalize(); r.radius = 0.0; r.tanAngle = tan(abs(dyy)/(float)l); /* Populating the Struct */ Point2 pixLoc = Point2(j,i); imageParams.K.push_back(K); imageParams.rendered.push_back(false); imageParams.PixLocation.push_back(pixLoc); imageParams.PixIndex.push_back( i * camera.imgWidth + j); imageParams.Ray.push_back(r); Point2 pixDimensions = Point2(dx,dy); imageParams.PixParams.push_back(pixDimensions); vector<Point3> ConfCirclePts; float randAng = rand()/ (float) RAND_MAX; randAng *= M_PI * 2.0; for(int i = 1; i<=MAX_N_SAMPLES; i++){ float hx = camera.dof * Halton(i, H_BASE_1); float hy = Halton(i, H_BASE_2); float r = sqrtf(hx); float theta = hy * M_PI * 2.0 + randAng; float x = r * cosf(theta); float y = r * sinf(theta); Point3 newCamPos(x, y, 0); newCamPos = newCamPos * RotMat; newCamPos += camera.pos; ConfCirclePts.push_back(newCamPos); } imageParams.ConfusionCirclePoints.push_back(ConfCirclePts); } K.x = -s; K.x += dxx; K.y += dy; } }
void doRender(void* arg){ RenderParams rarg = *((RenderParams *)arg); //cout<<"Do render...."<<endl; bool pixelHit=false; HitInfo hitInfo; hitInfo.Init(); Point2 pixLoc = rarg.pixLocation; Cone r = rarg.ray; int PixIndex = rarg.pixIndex; Color shade(0,0,0); vector<Point2> haltonXY; float dx = rarg.PixParams.x; float dy = rarg.PixParams.y; float x=0; float y=0; _f.Normalize(); _s.Normalize(); const float pts[9]={_s.x,_u.x,-_f.x,_s.y,_u.y,-_f.y,_s.z,_u.z,-_f.z}; Matrix3 RotMat; RotMat.Set(pts); for(int i=0; i < MIN_N_SAMPLES; i++){ x = dx * Halton(i+1, H_BASE_1); y = dy * Halton(i+1, H_BASE_2); if(x > dx * 0.5) { x -= dx; } if(y < dy * 0.5) { y -= dy; } x += rarg.K.x; y += rarg.K.y; Point2 sampleLoc = Point2(x,y); haltonXY.push_back(sampleLoc); } vector<Color> shades; if(rootNode.GetNumChild()>0){ for(int i=0; i< MIN_N_SAMPLES;i++){ Point3 sampleDir = Point3(,, rarg.K.z); int rindex = rand() % MAX_N_SAMPLES; //rindex = i; Point3 randPos =; Cone sampleRay = Cone(randPos, sampleDir); sampleRay.dir = sampleRay.dir * RotMat; sampleRay.dir -= randPos - camera.pos; sampleRay.dir.Normalize(); sampleRay.radius = r.radius; sampleRay.tanAngle = r.tanAngle; r = sampleRay; if(RayTrace_2(r, hitInfo)) { pixelHit=true; shade = hitInfo.node->GetMaterial()->Shade(r, hitInfo, lights, 8); shades.push_back(shade); } hitInfo.Init(); } if(VarianceOverThreshold(shades)){ renderImage.SetSampleCountPixel(PixIndex, 255); hitInfo.Init(); for(int i=MIN_N_SAMPLES; i < MAX_N_SAMPLES; i++){ x = dx * Halton(i+1, H_BASE_1); y = dy * Halton(i+1, H_BASE_2); if(x > dx * 0.5) { x -= dx;} if(y < dy * 0.5) { y -= dy;} x += rarg.K.x; y += rarg.K.y; Point2 sampleLoc = Point2(x,y); haltonXY.push_back(sampleLoc); Point3 sampleDir = Point3(,, rarg.K.z); int rindex = rand() % MAX_N_SAMPLES; //rindex = i; Point3 randPos =; Cone sampleRay = Cone(randPos, sampleDir); sampleRay.dir = sampleRay.dir * RotMat; sampleRay.dir -= randPos - camera.pos; sampleRay.dir.Normalize(); sampleRay.radius = r.radius; sampleRay.tanAngle = r.tanAngle; r = sampleRay; if(RayTrace_2(r, hitInfo)) { pixelHit=true; shade = hitInfo.node->GetMaterial()->Shade(r, hitInfo, lights, 5); shades.push_back(shade); } hitInfo.Init(); } shade = AverageShades(shades, (int)shades.size()); } else{ shade = AverageShades(shades, (int)shades.size()); renderImage.SetSampleCountPixel(PixIndex, 0); } renderImage.PutPixel(PixIndex, shade, hitInfo.z); } if(!pixelHit){ Point3 uvw(pixLoc.x/ camera.imgWidth,pixLoc.y/camera.imgHeight,0); shade = background.Sample(uvw); renderImage.PutPixel(PixIndex, shade, BIGFLOAT); } pthread_mutex_lock(&setPix_mutex); renderImage.IncrementNumRenderPixel(1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&setPix_mutex); }
// Generate local to world from face info (pos, normal, etc) Matrix3 plDistributor::IGenerateTransform(int iRepNode, int iFace, const Point3& pt, const Point3& bary) const { const float kMinVecLengthSq = 1.e-6f; Matrix3 l2w(true); // First, set the scale Point3 scale; switch( fScaleLock ) { case kLockX | kLockY: scale.x = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.x, fScaleHi.x); scale.y = scale.x; scale.z = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.z, fScaleHi.z); break; case kLockX | kLockY | kLockZ: scale.x = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.x, fScaleHi.x); scale.y = scale.z = scale.x; break; default: scale.x = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.x, fScaleHi.x); scale.y = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.y, fScaleHi.y); scale.z = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.z, fScaleHi.z); break; } l2w.Scale(scale); // Next up, get the rotation. // First we'll randomly rotate about local Z float azimRot = fRand.RandMinusOneToOne() * fAzimuthRange; Matrix3 azimMat; azimMat.SetRotateZ(azimRot); l2w = l2w * azimMat; // Now align with the surface. // Get the interpolated surface normal. Point3 surfNorm = IGetSurfaceNormal(iFace, bary); Matrix3 repNodeTM = fRepNodes[iRepNode]->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0)); Point3 alignVec = repNodeTM.GetRow(2); alignVec = alignVec * fWorldToSurfVec; alignVec = FNormalize(alignVec); Point3 norm = surfNorm + (alignVec - surfNorm) * fAlignWgt; // The norm can come out of this zero length, if the surace normal // is directly opposite the "natural" up direction and the weight // is 50% (for example). In that case, this is just a bad place // to drop this replicant. if( norm.LengthSquared() < kMinVecLengthSq ) { l2w.IdentityMatrix(); return l2w; } norm = norm.Normalize(); // Randomize through the cone around that. Point3 rndNorm = norm; Point3 rndDir = IPerpAxis(norm); Point3 rndOut = rndDir ^ norm; rndDir *= fRand.RandMinusOneToOne(); float len = sqrt(1.f - rndDir.LengthSquared()); rndOut *= len; if( fRand.RandMinusOneToOne() < 0 ) rndOut *= -1.f; Point3 rndPol = rndDir + rndOut; float polScale = fRand.RandZeroToOne() * fTanPolarRange; // Combine using the bunching factor polScale = polScale * (1.f - fPolarBunch) + polScale * polScale * fPolarBunch; rndPol *= polScale; rndNorm += rndPol; norm = rndNorm.Normalize(); // Have "up" alignment, now just generate random dir vector perpindicular to up Point3 dir = repNodeTM.GetRow(1); dir = dir * fWorldToSurfVec; Point3 out = dir ^ norm; if( out.LengthSquared() < kMinVecLengthSq ) { if( fAzimuthRange < M_PI * 0.5f ) { l2w.IdentityMatrix(); return l2w; } else { dir = IPerpAxis(norm); out = dir ^ norm; } } out = FNormalize(out); dir = norm ^ out; // If our "up" direction points into the surface, return an "up" direction // tangent to the surface. Also, make the "dir" direction point out from // the surface. So if the alignVec/fAlignWgt turns the replicant around // to penetrate the surface, it just lies down instead. // // There's an early out here, for the case where the surface normal is // exactly opposed to the destination normal. This usually means the // surface normal is directly opposite the alignVec. In that // case, we just want to bag it. if( DotProd(norm, surfNorm) < 0 ) { dir = surfNorm; dir = dir.Normalize(); out = dir ^ norm; if( out.LengthSquared() < kMinVecLengthSq ) { l2w.IdentityMatrix(); return l2w; } out = out.Normalize(); norm = out ^ dir; } Matrix3 align; align.Set(out, dir, norm, Point3(0,0,0)); l2w = l2w * align; // Lastly, set the position. Point3 pos = pt; const float offset = fRand.RandRangeF(fOffsetMin, fOffsetMax); pos += norm * offset; l2w.Translate(pos); l2w = l2w * fSurfNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0)); return l2w; }
void ObjectRenderer::Render(){ if(!bDrawObject) return; if(mObject!=NULL){ glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixf(mObject->GetReferenceFrame().GetHMatrix().RowOrderForceFloat()); } if(bDrawRef) GLT::DrawRef(mRefSize); for(int i=0;i<int(mShapes.size());i++){ glPushMatrix(); if(bDrawCom){ GLT::SetColor(mComColor[0],mComColor[1],mComColor[2],mComColor[3]); Matrix ine(3,3); Vector d(3); Matrix eg(3,3); Matrix3 egt; Matrix3 degt; Matrix dd(3,3); Matrix3 ddd; ine = (mObject->GetSpatialInertia().mInertiaMoment); ine.EigenValuesDecomposition(d, eg); egt.Set(eg); egt.STranspose(); dd.Diag(d); ddd.Set(dd); egt.Mult(ddd,degt); glPushMatrix(); Vector3 &com = mObject->GetSpatialInertia().mCenterOfMass; glTranslatef(com[0],com[1],com[2]); GLT::DrawVector(degt.GetColumn(0),0.1); GLT::DrawVector(degt.GetColumn(1),0.1); GLT::DrawVector(degt.GetColumn(2),0.1); glPopMatrix(); } float col[4]; //bUseDefaultColor is not needed since providing no color tag automatically sets the color to default // if(bUseDefaultColor){ // col[0] = mDefaultColor[0]; // col[1] = mDefaultColor[1]; // col[2] = mDefaultColor[2]; // col[3] = mDefaultColor[3]; // }else{ col[0] = mShapes[i]->color[0]; col[1] = mShapes[i]->color[1]; col[2] = mShapes[i]->color[2]; col[3] = mShapes[i]->color[3]; // } if(!bUseTransparency) col[3] = 1.0; glColor4fv(col); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR,col); if(mShapes[i]->culling) glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); if(mShapes[i]->shape){ mShapes[i]->shape->Render(); } if(mShapes[i]->culling) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glPopMatrix(); } if(mObject!=NULL){ glPopMatrix(); } AbstractRenderer::Render(); }