Beispiel #1
   * Create and initialize a Latitude value using the mapping group's latitude
   * units and radii.
   * @see ErrorChecking
   * @see CoordinateType
   * @param latitude The latitude value this instance will represent,
   *     in the mapping group's units
   * @param mapping A mapping group
   * @param latitudeUnits The angular units of the latitude value (degs, rads)
   * @param errors Error checking conditions
  Latitude::Latitude(Angle latitude, PvlGroup mapping,
            ErrorChecking errors) : Angle(latitude) {
    m_equatorialRadius = NULL;
    m_polarRadius = NULL;

    if (mapping.hasKeyword("EquatorialRadius") && mapping.hasKeyword("PolarRadius")) {
      m_equatorialRadius = new Distance(toDouble(mapping["EquatorialRadius"][0]),
      m_polarRadius = new Distance(toDouble(mapping["PolarRadius"][0]),
    else {
      PvlGroup radiiGrp = TProjection::TargetRadii(mapping["TargetName"]);

      m_equatorialRadius = new Distance(toDouble(radiiGrp["EquatorialRadius"][0]),
      m_polarRadius = new Distance(toDouble(radiiGrp["PolarRadius"][0]),

    m_errors = errors;

    if(mapping["LatitudeType"][0] == "Planetographic") {
      setPlanetographic(latitude.radians(), Radians);
    else if(mapping["LatitudeType"][0] == "Planetocentric") {
      setPlanetocentric(latitude.radians(), Radians);
    else {
      QString msg = "Latitude type [" + mapping["LatitudeType"][0] +
        "] is not recognized";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);
Beispiel #2
    * Adds an angle to this latitude. The adding method is determined by the
    *   latitude type.
    * @param angleToAdd the latitude being added to this one
    * @param mapping the mapping group from a projection
    * @return The result
  Latitude Latitude::add(Angle angleToAdd, PvlGroup mapping) {

    CoordinateType latType;

    Distance equatorialRadius;
    Distance polarRadius;
    if (mapping.hasKeyword("EquatorialRadius") && mapping.hasKeyword("PolarRadius")) {
      equatorialRadius = Distance(toDouble(mapping["EquatorialRadius"][0]),
      polarRadius = Distance(toDouble(mapping["PolarRadius"][0]),
    else {
      PvlGroup radiiGrp = TProjection::TargetRadii(mapping["TargetName"]);

      equatorialRadius = Distance(toDouble(radiiGrp["EquatorialRadius"][0]),
      polarRadius = Distance(toDouble(radiiGrp["PolarRadius"][0]),

    if(mapping["LatitudeType"][0] == "Planetocentric")
      latType = Planetocentric;
    else if (mapping["LatitudeType"][0] == "Planetographic")
      latType = Planetographic;
    else {
      IString msg = "Latitude type [" + IString(mapping["LatitudeType"][0]) +
        "] is not recognized";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    return add(angleToAdd, equatorialRadius, polarRadius, latType);
Beispiel #3
 * With the Channel, CCD in the isis label, find the coefficient values
 * for this image
 * @author Sharmila Prasad (11/24/2010)
 * @param pCubeLabel
void GetCCD_Channel_Coefficients(Pvl & pCubeLabel)
  int iChannel=-1, iSumming=-1;
  QString sCcd="";

  PvlGroup instrGrp = pCubeLabel.findObject("IsisCube").findGroup("Instrument");

  // Summing keyword
  if (!instrGrp.hasKeyword("Summing")) {
    QString sMsg = "Summing keyword not found";
    throw IException(IException::User, sMsg, _FILEINFO_);
  else {
    PvlKeyword binKey = instrGrp.findKeyword("Summing");
    iSumming = toInt(binKey[0]);
    if (iSumming != 1 && iSumming != 2 && iSumming != 4) {
      QString sMsg = "Invalid Summing value in input file, must be 1,2,or 4";
      throw IException(IException::User, sMsg, _FILEINFO_);

  // CCD Keyword
  if (!instrGrp.hasKeyword("CcdId")) {
    QString sMsg = "CcdId keyword not found";
    throw IException(IException::User, sMsg, _FILEINFO_);
  else {
    PvlKeyword ccdKey = instrGrp.findKeyword("CcdId");
    sCcd = ccdKey[0];

  // Channel Keyword
  if (!instrGrp.hasKeyword("ChannelNumber")) {
    QString sMsg = "ChannelNumber keyword not found";
    throw IException(IException::User, sMsg, _FILEINFO_);
  else {
    PvlKeyword channelKey = instrGrp.findKeyword("ChannelNumber");
    iChannel = toInt(channelKey[0]);

  // Get the coefficient file name
  QString dCoeffFile = "$mro/calibration/HiRISE_Gain_Drift_Correction_Bin" + toString(iSumming) + ".0001.csv";
  //QString dCoeffFile = "/home/sprasad/isis3/isis/src/mro/apps/hicalproc/HiRISE_Gain_Drift_Correction_Bin" + toString(iSumming) + ".0001.csv";
#ifdef _DEBUG_
  cout << dCoeffFile << endl;

  // Get the coefficients
  ReadCoefficientFile(FileName(dCoeffFile).expanded(), sCcd, iChannel);
Beispiel #4
//  Updates existing BandBin keywords with additional values to ensure
//  label compilancy (which should support Camera models).  It checks for the
//  existance of the keyword and uses its (assumed) first value to set nvals
//  values to a constant.  If the keyword doesn't exist, it uses the default
//  value.
void UpdateBandKey(const QString &keyname, PvlGroup &bb, const int &nvals,
                   const QString &default_value) {

  QString defVal(default_value);
  if ( bb.hasKeyword(keyname) ) {
    defVal = bb[keyname][0];

  bb.addKeyword(makeKey(keyname, nvals, defVal), PvlContainer::Replace);
Beispiel #5
void IsisMain() {

  // Create a process so we can output the noproj'd labels without overwriting
  Process p;

  // Open the user interface and get the input file and the ideal specs file
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  Cube *mcube, *icube;

  // If a MATCH cube is entered, make sure to SetInputCube it first to get the SPICE blobs
  // from it propagated to the TO labels

  // Until polygon blobs are detached without "/" don't propagate them

  if((ui.WasEntered("MATCH"))) {
    mcube = p.SetInputCube("MATCH");
    icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
  else {
    mcube = icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  Camera *incam = mcube->camera();

  // Extract Instrument groups from input labels for the output match and noproj'd cubes
  PvlGroup inst = mcube->group("Instrument");
  PvlGroup fromInst = icube->group("Instrument");
  QString groupName = (QString) inst["SpacecraftName"] + "/";
  groupName += (QString) inst.findKeyword("InstrumentId");

  // Get Ideal camera specifications
  FileName specs;
  if((ui.WasEntered("SPECS"))) {
    specs = ui.GetFileName("SPECS");
  else {
    specs = "$base/applications/noprojInstruments???.pvl";
    specs = specs.highestVersion();
  Pvl idealSpecs(specs.expanded());
  PvlObject obSpecs = idealSpecs.findObject("IdealInstrumentsSpecifications");

  PvlGroup idealGp = obSpecs.findGroup(groupName);
  double transx, transy, transl, transs;
  transx = transy = transl = transs = 0.;
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("TransX")) transx = idealGp["TransX"];
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("TransY")) transy = idealGp["TransY"];
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("ItransL")) transl = idealGp["ItransL"];
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("ItransS")) transs = idealGp["ItransS"];
  int detectorSamples = mcube->sampleCount();
  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("DetectorSamples")) detectorSamples = idealGp["DetectorSamples"];
  int numberLines = mcube->lineCount();
  int numberBands = mcube->bandCount();

  if(idealGp.hasKeyword("DetectorLines")) numberLines = idealGp["DetectorLines"];

  int xDepend = incam->FocalPlaneMap()->FocalPlaneXDependency();

  // Get output summing mode
  if(ui.GetString("SOURCE") == "FROMMATCH") {
  else if(ui.GetString("SOURCE") == "FROMINPUT") {

  double pixPitch = incam->PixelPitch() * ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE");
  detectorSamples /= (int)(ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE"));
  // Get the user options
  int sampleExpansion = int((ui.GetDouble("SAMPEXP") / 100.) * detectorSamples + .5);
  int lineExpansion = int((ui.GetDouble("LINEEXP") / 100.) * numberLines + .5);
  QString instType;

  // Adjust translations for summing mode
  transl /= ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE");
  transs /= ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE");

  detectorSamples += sampleExpansion;
  numberLines += lineExpansion;

  // Determine whether this ideal camera is a line scan or framing camera and
  // set the instrument id and exposure
  int detectorLines;
  int expandFlag;

  if(incam->DetectorMap()->LineRate() != 0.0) {
    instType = "LINESCAN";
    // Isis3 line rate is always in seconds so convert to milliseconds for the
    // Ideal instrument
    detectorLines = 1;
    expandFlag = 1;
  else {
    instType = "FRAMING";
    detectorLines = numberLines;
    expandFlag = 0;
    // Framing cameras don't need exposure time

  // Adjust focal plane translations with line expansion for scanners since
  // the CCD is only 1 line
  if(expandFlag) {
    transl += lineExpansion / 2;

    if(xDepend == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Line) {
      transx -= lineExpansion / 2.*pixPitch * expandFlag;
    else {
      transy -= lineExpansion / 2.*pixPitch * expandFlag;

  // Get the start time for parent line 1
  AlphaCube alpha(*icube);
  double sample = alpha.BetaSample(.5);
  double line = alpha.BetaLine(.5);
  incam->SetImage(sample, line);
  double et = incam->time().Et();

  // Get the output file name and set its attributes
  CubeAttributeOutput cao;

  // Can we do a regular label? Didn't work on 12-15-2006

  // Determine the output image size from
  //   1) the idealInstrument pvl if there or
  //   2) the input size expanded by user specified percentage
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("match.cub", cao, 1, 1, 1);

  // Extract the times and the target from the instrument group
  QString startTime = inst["StartTime"];
  QString stopTime;
  if(inst.hasKeyword("StopTime")) stopTime = (QString) inst["StopTime"];

  QString target = inst["TargetName"];

  // rename the instrument groups

  // add it back to the IsisCube object under a new group name

  // and remove the version from the IsisCube Object

  // Now rename the group back to the Instrument group and clear out old keywords

  // Add keywords for the "Ideal" instrument
  Isis::PvlKeyword key("SpacecraftName", "IdealSpacecraft");






  Pvl &ocubeLabel = *ocube->label();
  PvlObject *naifKeywordsObject = NULL;

  if (ocubeLabel.hasObject("NaifKeywords")) {
    naifKeywordsObject = &ocubeLabel.findObject("NaifKeywords");

    // Clean up the naif keywords object... delete everything that isn't a radii
    for (int keyIndex = naifKeywordsObject->keywords() - 1; keyIndex >= 0; keyIndex--) {
      QString keyName = (*naifKeywordsObject)[keyIndex].name();
      if (!keyName.contains("RADII")) {

    // Clean up the kernels group... delete everything that isn't internalized or the orig frame
    //   code
    PvlGroup &kernelsGroup = ocube->group("Kernels");
    for (int keyIndex = kernelsGroup.keywords() - 1; keyIndex >= 0; keyIndex--) {
      PvlKeyword &kernelsKeyword = kernelsGroup[keyIndex];

      bool isTable = false;
      bool isFrameCode = kernelsKeyword.isNamed("NaifFrameCode") ||
      bool isShapeModel = kernelsKeyword.isNamed("ShapeModel");

      for (int keyValueIndex = 0; keyValueIndex < kernelsKeyword.size(); keyValueIndex++) {
        if (kernelsKeyword[keyValueIndex] == "Table") {
          isTable = true;

      if (!isTable && !isFrameCode && !isShapeModel) {

  if (naifKeywordsObject) {
    naifKeywordsObject->addKeyword(PvlKeyword("IDEAL_FOCAL_LENGTH", toString(incam->FocalLength())),
  else {
    inst.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("FocalLength", toString(incam->FocalLength()), "millimeters"));

  double newPixelPitch = incam->PixelPitch() * ui.GetDouble("SUMMINGMODE");
  if (naifKeywordsObject) {
    naifKeywordsObject->addKeyword(PvlKeyword("IDEAL_PIXEL_PITCH", toString(newPixelPitch)),
  else {
    inst.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("PixelPitch", toString(newPixelPitch), "millimeters"));

  key.setValue(Isis::toString(et), "seconds");


  if(stopTime != "") {


  int xDependency = incam->FocalPlaneMap()->FocalPlaneXDependency();

  double newInstrumentTransX = incam->FocalPlaneMap()->SignMostSigX();
  inst.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("TransX", toString(newInstrumentTransX)));

  double newInstrumentTransY = incam->FocalPlaneMap()->SignMostSigY();
  inst.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("TransY", toString(newInstrumentTransY)));

  storeSpice(&inst, naifKeywordsObject, "TransX0", "IDEAL_TRANSX", transx,
             newPixelPitch * newInstrumentTransX, (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Sample));

  storeSpice(&inst, naifKeywordsObject, "TransY0", "IDEAL_TRANSY", transy,
             newPixelPitch * newInstrumentTransY, (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Line));

  double transSXCoefficient = 1.0 / newPixelPitch * newInstrumentTransX;
  double transLXCoefficient = 1.0 / newPixelPitch * newInstrumentTransY;

  if (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Line) {
    swap(transSXCoefficient, transLXCoefficient);

  storeSpice(&inst, naifKeywordsObject, "TransS0", "IDEAL_TRANSS",
             transs, transSXCoefficient, (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Sample));
  storeSpice(&inst, naifKeywordsObject, "TransL0", "IDEAL_TRANSL",
             transl, transLXCoefficient, (xDependency == CameraFocalPlaneMap::Line));

  if(instType == "LINESCAN") {
    key.setValue(Isis::toString(incam->DetectorMap()->LineRate() * 1000.), "milliseconds");




// Now adjust the label to fake the true size of the image to match without
// taking all the space it would require for the image data
  Pvl label;"match.lbl");
  PvlGroup &dims = label.findGroup("Dimensions", Pvl::Traverse);
  dims["Lines"] = toString(numberLines);
  dims["Samples"] = toString(detectorSamples);
  dims["Bands"] = toString(numberBands);

// And run cam2cam to apply the transformation
  QString parameters;
  parameters += " FROM= " + ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  parameters += " MATCH= " + QString("match.cub");
  parameters += " TO= " + ui.GetFileName("TO");
  parameters += " INTERP=" + ui.GetString("INTERP");
  ProgramLauncher::RunIsisProgram("cam2cam", parameters);

//  Cleanup by deleting the match files
  remove("match.Table.HiRISE Ancillary");
  remove("match.Table.HiRISE Calibration Ancillary");
  remove("match.Table.HiRISE Calibration Image");

// Finally finish by adding the OriginalInstrument group to the TO cube
  Cube toCube;"TO"), "rw");
// Extract label and create cube object
  Pvl *toLabel = toCube.label();
  PvlObject &o = toLabel->findObject("IsisCube");
Beispiel #6
   * Find the lat/lon range of the image. This will use the image footprint,
   *   camera, or projection in order to find a good result.
   * @param Cube* This is required for estimation. You can pass in NULL (it will
   *              disable estimation).
   * @param minLat This is an output: minimum latitude
   * @param maxLat This is an output: maximum latitude
   * @param minLon This is an output: minimum longitude
   * @param maxLon This is an output: maximum longitude
   * @param allowEstimation If this is true then extra efforts will be made to
   *     guess the ground range of the input. This can still fail.
   * @return True if a ground range was found, false if no ground range could
   *     be determined. Some lat/lon results may still be populated; their
   *     values are undefined.
  bool UniversalGroundMap::GroundRange(Cube *cube, Latitude &minLat,
      Latitude &maxLat, Longitude &minLon, Longitude &maxLon,
      bool allowEstimation) {
    // Do we need a RingRange method?
    // For now just return false
    if (HasCamera())
      if (p_camera->target()->shape()->name() == "Plane") return false;
    if (HasProjection()) 
      if (p_projection->projectionType() == Projection::RingPlane) return false;

    minLat = Latitude();
    maxLat = Latitude();
    minLon = Longitude();
    maxLon = Longitude();

    // If we have a footprint, use it
    try {
      if (cube) {
        ImagePolygon poly;
        geos::geom::MultiPolygon *footprint = PolygonTools::MakeMultiPolygon(

        geos::geom::Geometry *envelope = footprint->getEnvelope();
        geos::geom::CoordinateSequence *coords = envelope->getCoordinates();

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coords->getSize(); i++) {
          const geos::geom::Coordinate &coord = coords->getAt(i);

          Latitude coordLat(coord.y, Angle::Degrees);
          Longitude coordLon(coord.x, Angle::Degrees);

          if (!minLat.isValid() || minLat > coordLat)
            minLat = coordLat;
          if (!maxLat.isValid() || maxLat < coordLat)
            maxLat = coordLat;

          if (!minLon.isValid() || minLon > coordLon)
            minLon = coordLon;
          if (!maxLon.isValid() || maxLon < coordLon)
            maxLon = coordLon;

        delete coords;
        coords = NULL;

        delete envelope;
        envelope = NULL;

        delete footprint;
        footprint = NULL;
    catch (IException &) {

    if (!minLat.isValid() || !maxLat.isValid() ||
        !minLon.isValid() || !maxLon.isValid()) {
      if (HasCamera()) {
        // Footprint failed, ask the camera
        PvlGroup mappingGrp("Mapping");
        mappingGrp += PvlKeyword("LatitudeType", "Planetocentric");
        mappingGrp += PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain", "360");
        mappingGrp += PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection", "PositiveEast");

        Pvl mappingPvl;
        mappingPvl += mappingGrp;
        double minLatDouble;
        double maxLatDouble;
        double minLonDouble;
        double maxLonDouble;
            minLatDouble, maxLatDouble,
            minLonDouble, maxLonDouble, mappingPvl);
        minLat = Latitude(minLatDouble, Angle::Degrees);
        maxLat = Latitude(maxLatDouble, Angle::Degrees);
        minLon = Longitude(minLonDouble, Angle::Degrees);
        maxLon = Longitude(maxLonDouble, Angle::Degrees);
      else if (HasProjection()) {
        // Footprint failed, look in the mapping group
        PvlGroup mappingGrp = p_projection->Mapping();
        if (mappingGrp.hasKeyword("MinimumLatitude") &&
            mappingGrp.hasKeyword("MaximumLatitude") &&
            mappingGrp.hasKeyword("MinimumLongitude") &&
            mappingGrp.hasKeyword("MaximumLongitude")) {

          minLat = Latitude(mappingGrp["MinimumLatitude"],
                            mappingGrp, Angle::Degrees);
          maxLat = Latitude(mappingGrp["MaximumLatitude"],
                            mappingGrp, Angle::Degrees);
          minLon = Longitude(mappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"],
                             mappingGrp, Angle::Degrees);
          maxLon = Longitude(mappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"],
                             mappingGrp, Angle::Degrees);

        else if (allowEstimation && cube) {
          // Footprint and mapping failed... no lat/lon range of any kind is
          //   available. Let's test points in the image to try to make our own
          //   extent.
          QList<QPointF> imagePoints;

          // Reset to TProjection
          TProjection *tproj = (TProjection *) p_projection;

           * This is where we're testing:
           *  |---------------|
           *  |***************|
           *  |**     *     **|
           *  |*  *   *   *  *|
           *  |*    * * *    *|
           *  |***************|
           *  |*    * * *    *|
           *  |*  *   *   *  *|
           *  |**     *     **|
           *  |***************|
           *  |---------------|
           * We'll test at the edges, a plus (+) and an (X) to help DEMs work.

          int sampleCount = cube->sampleCount();
          int lineCount = cube->lineCount();

          int stepsPerLength = 20; //number of steps per length
          double aspectRatio = (double)lineCount / (double)sampleCount;
          double xStepSize = sampleCount / stepsPerLength;
          double yStepSize = xStepSize * aspectRatio;

          if (lineCount > sampleCount) {
            aspectRatio = (double)sampleCount / (double)lineCount;
            yStepSize = lineCount / stepsPerLength;
            xStepSize = yStepSize * aspectRatio;

          double yWalked = 0.5;

          //3 vertical lines
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            double xValue = 0.5 + ( i * (sampleCount / 2) );

            while (yWalked <= lineCount) {
              imagePoints.append( QPointF(xValue, yWalked) );
              yWalked += yStepSize;

            yWalked = 0.5;

          double xWalked = 0.5;

          //3 horizontal lines
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            double yValue = 0.5 + ( i * (lineCount / 2) );

            while (xWalked <= sampleCount) {
              imagePoints.append( QPointF(xWalked, yValue) );
              xWalked += xStepSize;

            xWalked = 0.5;

          double xDiagonalWalked = 0.5;
          double yDiagonalWalked = 0.5;
          xStepSize = sampleCount / stepsPerLength;
          yStepSize = lineCount / stepsPerLength;

          //Top-Down Diagonal
          while ( (xDiagonalWalked <= sampleCount) && (yDiagonalWalked <= lineCount) ) {
            imagePoints.append( QPointF(xDiagonalWalked, yDiagonalWalked) );
            xDiagonalWalked += xStepSize;
            yDiagonalWalked += yStepSize;

          xDiagonalWalked = 0.5;

          //Bottom-Up Diagonal
          while ( (xDiagonalWalked <= sampleCount) && (yDiagonalWalked >= 0) ) {
            imagePoints.append( QPointF(xDiagonalWalked, yDiagonalWalked) );
            xDiagonalWalked += xStepSize;
            yDiagonalWalked -= yStepSize;

          foreach (QPointF imagePoint, imagePoints) {
            if (tproj->SetWorld(imagePoint.x(), imagePoint.y())) {
              Latitude latResult(tproj->UniversalLatitude(),
              Longitude lonResult(tproj->UniversalLongitude(),
              if (minLat.isValid())
                minLat = qMin(minLat, latResult);
                minLat = latResult;

              if (maxLat.isValid())
                maxLat = qMax(maxLat, latResult);
                maxLat = latResult;

              if (minLon.isValid())
                minLon = qMin(minLon, lonResult);
                minLon = lonResult;

              if (maxLon.isValid())
                maxLon = qMax(maxLon, lonResult);
                maxLon = lonResult;
Beispiel #7
void IsisMain() {
  // We will be warping a cube
  ProcessRubberSheet p;

  // Get the map projection file provided by the user
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  Pvl userPvl(ui.GetFileName("MAP"));
  PvlGroup &userMappingGrp = userPvl.findGroup("Mapping", Pvl::Traverse);

  // Open the input cube and get the projection
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  // Get the mapping group
  PvlGroup fromMappingGrp = icube->group("Mapping");
  TProjection *inproj = (TProjection *) icube->projection();
  PvlGroup outMappingGrp = fromMappingGrp;

  // If the default range is FROM, then wipe out any range data in user mapping file
  if(ui.GetString("DEFAULTRANGE").compare("FROM") == 0 && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("MinimumLatitude")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("MaximumLatitude")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("MinimumLongitude")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("MaximumLongitude")) {

  // Deal with user overrides entered in the GUI. Do this by changing the user's mapping group, which
  // will then overlay anything in the output mapping group.
  if(ui.WasEntered("MINLAT") && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    userMappingGrp.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MinimumLatitude", toString(ui.GetDouble("MINLAT"))), Pvl::Replace);

  if(ui.WasEntered("MAXLAT") && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    userMappingGrp.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MaximumLatitude", toString(ui.GetDouble("MAXLAT"))), Pvl::Replace);

  if(ui.WasEntered("MINLON") && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    userMappingGrp.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MinimumLongitude", toString(ui.GetDouble("MINLON"))), Pvl::Replace);

  if(ui.WasEntered("MAXLON") && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    userMappingGrp.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MaximumLongitude", toString(ui.GetDouble("MAXLON"))), Pvl::Replace);

   * If the user is changing from positive east to positive west, or vice-versa, the output minimum is really
   * the input maximum. However, the user mapping group must be left unaffected (an input minimum must be the
   * output minimum). To accomplish this, we swap the minimums/maximums in the output group ahead of time. This
   * causes the minimums and maximums to correlate to the output minimums and maximums. That way when we copy
   * the user mapping group into the output group a mimimum overrides a minimum and a maximum overrides a maximum.
  bool sameDirection = true;
  if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("LongitudeDirection")) {
    if(((QString)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDirection"]).compare(fromMappingGrp["LongitudeDirection"]) != 0) {
      sameDirection = false;

  // Since the out mapping group came from the from mapping group, which came from a valid cube,
  // we can assume both min/max lon exists if min longitude exists.
  if(!sameDirection && outMappingGrp.hasKeyword("MinimumLongitude")) {
    double minLon = outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"];
    double maxLon = outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"];

    outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"] = toString(minLon);
    outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] = toString(maxLon);

  if(ui.GetString("PIXRES").compare("FROM") == 0 && !ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    // Resolution will be in fromMappingGrp and outMappingGrp at this time
    //   delete from user mapping grp
    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {
  else if(ui.GetString("PIXRES").compare("MAP") == 0 || ui.GetBoolean("MATCHMAP")) {
    // Resolution will be in userMappingGrp - delete all others
    if(outMappingGrp.hasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(outMappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {


    if(fromMappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {
  else if(ui.GetString("PIXRES").compare("MPP") == 0) {
    // Resolution specified - delete all and add to outMappingGrp
    if(outMappingGrp.hasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(outMappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    if(fromMappingGrp.hasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(fromMappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    outMappingGrp.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("PixelResolution", toString(ui.GetDouble("RESOLUTION")), "meters/pixel"), Pvl::Replace);
  else if(ui.GetString("PIXRES").compare("PPD") == 0) {
    // Resolution specified - delete all and add to outMappingGrp
    if(outMappingGrp.hasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(outMappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    if(fromMappingGrp.hasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(fromMappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("Scale")) {

    if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    outMappingGrp.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("Scale", toString(ui.GetDouble("RESOLUTION")), "pixels/degree"), Pvl::Replace);

  // Rotation will NOT Propagate
  if(outMappingGrp.hasKeyword("Rotation")) {

   * The user specified map template file overrides what ever is in the
   * cube's mapping group.
  for(int keyword = 0; keyword < userMappingGrp.keywords(); keyword ++) {
    outMappingGrp.addKeyword(userMappingGrp[keyword], Pvl::Replace);

   * Now, we have to deal with unit conversions. We convert only if the following are true:
   *   1) We used values from the input cube
   *   2) The values are longitudes or latitudes
   *   3) The map file or user-specified information uses a different measurement system than
   *        the input cube for said values.
   * The data is corrected for:
   *   1) Positive east/positive west
   *   2) Longitude domain
   *   3) planetographic/planetocentric.

  // First, the longitude direction
  if(!sameDirection) {
    PvlGroup longitudes = inproj->MappingLongitudes();

    for(int index = 0; index < longitudes.keywords(); index ++) {
      if(!userMappingGrp.hasKeyword(longitudes[index].name())) {
        // use the from domain because that's where our values are coming from
        if(((QString)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDirection"]).compare("PositiveEast") == 0) {
          outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].name()] = toString(
        else {
          outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].name()] = toString(

  // Second, longitude domain
  if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("LongitudeDomain")) { // user set a new domain?
    if((int)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] != (int)fromMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"]) { // new domain different?
      PvlGroup longitudes = inproj->MappingLongitudes();

      for(int index = 0; index < longitudes.keywords(); index ++) {
        if(!userMappingGrp.hasKeyword(longitudes[index].name())) {
          if((int)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] == 180) {
            outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].name()] = toString(
          else {
            outMappingGrp[longitudes[index].name()] = toString(


  // Third, planetographic/planetocentric
  if(userMappingGrp.hasKeyword("LatitudeType")) { // user set a new domain?
    if(((QString)userMappingGrp["LatitudeType"]).compare(fromMappingGrp["LatitudeType"]) != 0) { // new lat type different?

      PvlGroup latitudes = inproj->MappingLatitudes();

      for(int index = 0; index < latitudes.keywords(); index ++) {
        if(!userMappingGrp.hasKeyword(latitudes[index].name())) {
          if(((QString)userMappingGrp["LatitudeType"]).compare("Planetographic") == 0) {
            outMappingGrp[latitudes[index].name()] = toString(TProjection::ToPlanetographic(
          else {
            outMappingGrp[latitudes[index].name()] = toString(TProjection::ToPlanetocentric(


  // Try a couple equivalent longitudes to fix the ordering of min,max for border cases
  if ((double)outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] >=
      (double)outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"]) {

    if ((QString)outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] == "180.0" &&
        (int)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] == 180)
      outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] = "-180";

    if ((QString)outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"] == "-180.0" &&
        (int)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] == 180)
      outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"] = "180";

    if ((QString)outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] == "360.0" &&
        (int)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] == 360)
      outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] = "0";

    if ((QString)outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"] == "0.0" &&
        (int)userMappingGrp["LongitudeDomain"] == 360)
      outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"] = "360";

  // If MinLon/MaxLon out of order, we weren't able to calculate the correct values
  if((double)outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] >= (double)outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"]) {
    if(!ui.WasEntered("MINLON") || !ui.WasEntered("MAXLON")) {
      QString msg = "Unable to determine the correct [MinimumLongitude,MaximumLongitude].";
      msg += " Please specify these values in the [MINLON,MAXLON] parameters";
      throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  int samples, lines;
  Pvl mapData;
  // Copy to preserve cube labels so we can match cube size
  if(userPvl.hasObject("IsisCube")) {
    mapData = userPvl;
  else {

  // *NOTE: The UpperLeftX,UpperLeftY keywords will not be used in the CreateForCube
  //   method, and they will instead be recalculated. This is correct.
  TProjection *outproj = (TProjection *) ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(mapData, samples, lines,

  // Set up the transform object which will simply map
  // output line/samps -> output lat/lons -> input line/samps
  Transform *transform = new map2map(icube->sampleCount(),
                                     (TProjection *) icube->projection(),

  // Allocate the output cube and add the mapping labels
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO", transform->OutputSamples(),

  PvlGroup cleanOutGrp = outproj->Mapping();

  // ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube updated mapData to have the correct
  //   upperleftcornerx, upperleftcornery, scale and resolution. Use these
  //   updated numbers.
  cleanOutGrp.addKeyword(mapData.findGroup("Mapping", Pvl::Traverse)["UpperLeftCornerX"], Pvl::Replace);
  cleanOutGrp.addKeyword(mapData.findGroup("Mapping", Pvl::Traverse)["UpperLeftCornerY"], Pvl::Replace);
  cleanOutGrp.addKeyword(mapData.findGroup("Mapping", Pvl::Traverse)["Scale"], Pvl::Replace);
  cleanOutGrp.addKeyword(mapData.findGroup("Mapping", Pvl::Traverse)["PixelResolution"], Pvl::Replace);


  // Set up the interpolator
  Interpolator *interp;
  if(ui.GetString("INTERP") == "NEARESTNEIGHBOR") {
    interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::NearestNeighborType);
  else if(ui.GetString("INTERP") == "BILINEAR") {
    interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::BiLinearType);
  else if(ui.GetString("INTERP") == "CUBICCONVOLUTION") {
    interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::CubicConvolutionType);
  else {
    QString msg = "Unknow value for INTERP [" + ui.GetString("INTERP") + "]";
    throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // Warp the cube
  p.StartProcess(*transform, *interp);


  // Cleanup
  delete transform;
  delete interp;
Beispiel #8
   * Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images
   * and output attributes and lat,lons
  Isis::Cube *ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube(FileList &propagationCubes,
      double slat, double elat, double slon, double elon,
      CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt, const QString &mosaicFile) {
    if (propagationCubes.size() < 1) {
      QString msg = "The list does not contain any data";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    int samples, lines, bands = 0;
    Pvl label;[0].toString());
    PvlGroup mGroup = label.findGroup("Mapping", Pvl::Traverse);
    mGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MinimumLatitude", toString(slat)), Pvl::Replace);
    mGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MaximumLatitude", toString(elat)), Pvl::Replace);
    mGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MinimumLongitude", toString(slon)), Pvl::Replace);
    mGroup.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("MaximumLongitude", toString(elon)), Pvl::Replace);

    if (mGroup.hasKeyword("UpperLeftCornerX"))

    if (mGroup.hasKeyword("UpperLeftCornerY"))

    Pvl mapPvl;
    mapPvl += mGroup;

    // Use CreateForCube because our range differs from any of the cubes (manually specified)
    Projection *proj = Isis::ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(mapPvl, samples, lines, false);

    double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
    proj->XYRange(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);

    // The xmin/ymax should be rounded for the labels
    xmin = mapPvl.findGroup("Mapping")["UpperLeftCornerX"];
    ymax = mapPvl.findGroup("Mapping")["UpperLeftCornerY"];

    for (int i = 0; i < propagationCubes.size(); i++) {
      Cube cube;[i].toString());
      bands = max(cube.bandCount(), bands);

      // See if the cube has a projection and make sure it matches
      // previous input cubes
      Projection *projNew =

      if (proj == NULL) {
      else if (*proj != *projNew) {
        QString msg = "Mapping groups do not match between cube [" + propagationCubes[i].toString() +
                     "] and [" + propagationCubes[0].toString() + "]";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

      if (proj) delete proj;
      proj = projNew;

    if (proj) delete proj;

    return SetOutputCube(propagationCubes[0].toString(), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
                         slat, elat, slon, elon, bands, oAtt, mosaicFile);
Beispiel #9
void IsisMain() {

  // Get the list of cubes to mosaic

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  FileList flist(ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST"));

  vector<Cube *> clist;
  try {
    if(flist.size() < 1) {
      QString msg = "the list file [" + ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST") +
                    "does not contain any data";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    // open all the cube and place in vector clist

    for(int i = 0; i < flist.size(); i++) {
      Cube *c = new Cube();

    // run the compair function here.  This will conpair the
    // labels of the first cube to the labels of each following cube.
    PvlKeyword sourceProductId("SourceProductId");
    QString ProdId;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Pvl *pmatch = clist[0]->label();
      Pvl *pcomp = clist[i]->label();
      CompareLabels(*pmatch, *pcomp);
      PvlGroup g = pcomp->findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
      if(g.hasKeyword("StitchedProductIds")) {
        PvlKeyword k = g["StitchedProductIds"];
        for(int j = 0; j < (int)k.size(); j++) {
          sourceProductId += g["stitchedProductIds"][j];
      ProdId = (QString)pmatch->findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse)["ObservationId"];
      QString bandname = (QString)pmatch->findGroup("BandBin", Pvl::Traverse)["Name"];
      bandname = bandname.toUpper();
      ProdId = ProdId + "_" + bandname;
    bool runXY = true;

    //calculate the min and max lon
    double minLat = DBL_MAX;
    double maxLat = -DBL_MAX;
    double minLon = DBL_MAX;
    double maxLon = -DBL_MAX;
    double avgLat;
    double avgLon;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      TProjection *proj = (TProjection *) clist[i]->projection();
      if(proj->MinimumLatitude() < minLat) minLat = proj->MinimumLatitude();
      if(proj->MaximumLatitude() > maxLat) maxLat = proj->MaximumLatitude();
      if(proj->MinimumLongitude() < minLon) minLon = proj->MinimumLongitude();
      if(proj->MaximumLongitude() > maxLon) maxLon = proj->MaximumLongitude();
    avgLat = (minLat + maxLat) / 2;
    avgLon = (minLon + maxLon) / 2;
    TProjection *proj = (TProjection *) clist[0]->projection();
    proj->SetGround(avgLat, avgLon);
    avgLat = proj->UniversalLatitude();
    avgLon = proj->UniversalLongitude();

    // Use camera class to get Inc., emi., phase, and other values
    double Cemiss;
    double Cphase;
    double Cincid;
    double ClocalSolTime;
    double CsolarLong;
    double CsunAzimuth;
    double CnorthAzimuth;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Camera *cam = clist[i]->camera();
      if(cam->SetUniversalGround(avgLat, avgLon)) {
        Cemiss = cam->EmissionAngle();
        Cphase = cam->PhaseAngle();
        Cincid = cam->IncidenceAngle();
        ClocalSolTime = cam->LocalSolarTime();
        CsolarLong = cam->solarLongitude().degrees();
        CsunAzimuth = cam->SunAzimuth();
        CnorthAzimuth = cam->NorthAzimuth();
        runXY = false;

    //The code within the if runXY was added in 10/07 to find an intersect with
    //pole images that would fail when using projection set universal ground.
    // This is run if no intersect is found when using lat and lon in
    // projection space.
    if(runXY) {
      double startX = DBL_MAX;
      double endX = DBL_MIN;
      double startY = DBL_MAX;
      double endY =  DBL_MIN;
      for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
        TProjection *proj = (TProjection *) clist[i]->projection();
        proj->SetWorld(0.5, 0.5);
        if(i == 0) {
          startX = proj->XCoord();
          endY = proj->YCoord();
        else {
          if(proj->XCoord() < startX) startX =  proj->XCoord();
          if(proj->YCoord() > endY) endY = proj->YCoord();
        Pvl *p = clist[i]->label();
        double nlines = p->findGroup("Dimensions", Pvl::Traverse)["Lines"];
        double nsamps = p->findGroup("Dimensions", Pvl::Traverse)["Samples"];

        proj->SetWorld((nsamps + 0.5), (nlines + 0.5));
        if(i == 0) {
          endX = proj->XCoord();
          startY = proj->YCoord();
        else {
          if(proj->XCoord() > endX) endX =  proj->XCoord();
          if(proj->YCoord() < startY) startY = proj->YCoord();

      double avgX = (startX + endX) / 2;
      double avgY = (startY + endY) / 2;
      double sample = proj->ToWorldX(avgX);
      double line = proj->ToWorldY(avgY);

      for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
        Camera *cam = clist[i]->camera();
        if(cam->SetImage(sample, line)) {
          Cemiss = cam->EmissionAngle();
          Cphase = cam->PhaseAngle();
          Cincid = cam->IncidenceAngle();
          ClocalSolTime = cam->LocalSolarTime();
          CsolarLong = cam->solarLongitude().degrees();
          CsunAzimuth = cam->SunAzimuth();
          CnorthAzimuth = cam->NorthAzimuth();
          runXY = false;
    if(runXY) {
      QString msg = "Camera did not intersect images to gather stats";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    // get the min and max SCLK values ( do this with QString comp.)
    // get the value from the original label blob
    QString startClock;
    QString stopClock;
    QString startTime;
    QString stopTime;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      OriginalLabel origLab;
      PvlGroup timegrp = origLab.ReturnLabels().findGroup("TIME_PARAMETERS", Pvl::Traverse);
      if(i == 0) {
        startClock = (QString)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStartCount"];
        stopClock = (QString)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStopCount"];
        startTime = (QString)timegrp["StartTime"];
        stopTime = (QString)timegrp["StopTime"];
      else {
        QString testStartTime = (QString)timegrp["StartTime"];
        QString testStopTime = (QString)timegrp["StopTime"];
        if(testStartTime < startTime) {
          startTime = testStartTime;
          startClock = (QString)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStartCount"];
        if(testStopTime > stopTime) {
          stopTime = testStopTime;
          stopClock = (QString)timegrp["spacecraftClockStopCount"];

    //  Concatenate all TDI's and summing and specialProcessingFlat into one keyword
    PvlKeyword cpmmTdiFlag("cpmmTdiFlag");
    PvlKeyword cpmmSummingFlag("cpmmSummingFlag");
    PvlKeyword specialProcessingFlag("SpecialProcessingFlag");
    for(int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
      cpmmTdiFlag += (QString)"";
      cpmmSummingFlag += (QString)"";
      specialProcessingFlag += (QString)"";

    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      Pvl *clab = clist[i]->label();
      PvlGroup cInst = clab->findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
      OriginalLabel cOrgLab;
      PvlGroup cGrp = cOrgLab.ReturnLabels().findGroup("INSTRUMENT_SETTING_PARAMETERS", Pvl::Traverse);
      cpmmTdiFlag[(int)cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (QString) cGrp["MRO:TDI"];
      cpmmSummingFlag[(int)cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (QString) cGrp["MRO:BINNING"];

      if(cInst.hasKeyword("Special_Processing_Flag")) {
        specialProcessingFlag[cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (QString) cInst["Special_Processing_Flag"];
      else {
        // there may not be the keyword Special_Processing_Flag if no
        //keyword then set the output to NOMINAL
        specialProcessingFlag[cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = "NOMINAL";

    // Get the blob of original labels from first image in list
    OriginalLabel org;

    //close all cubes
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      delete clist[i];

    // automos step
    QString list = ui.GetFileName("FROMLIST");
    QString toMosaic = ui.GetFileName("TO");
    QString MosaicPriority = ui.GetString("PRIORITY");

    QString parameters = "FROMLIST=" + list + " MOSAIC=" + toMosaic + " PRIORITY=" + MosaicPriority;
    ProgramLauncher::RunIsisProgram("automos", parameters);

    // write out new information to new group mosaic

    PvlGroup mos("Mosaic");
    mos += PvlKeyword("ProductId ", ProdId);
    mos += PvlKeyword(sourceProductId);
    mos += PvlKeyword("StartTime ", startTime);
    mos += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftClockStartCount ", startClock);
    mos += PvlKeyword("StopTime ", stopTime);
    mos += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftClockStopCount ", stopClock);
    mos += PvlKeyword("IncidenceAngle ", toString(Cincid), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("EmissionAngle ", toString(Cemiss), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("PhaseAngle ", toString(Cphase), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("LocalTime ", toString(ClocalSolTime), "LOCALDAY/24");
    mos += PvlKeyword("SolarLongitude ", toString(CsolarLong), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("SubSolarAzimuth ", toString(CsunAzimuth), "DEG");
    mos += PvlKeyword("NorthAzimuth ", toString(CnorthAzimuth), "DEG");
    mos += cpmmTdiFlag;
    mos += cpmmSummingFlag;
    mos += specialProcessingFlag;

    Cube mosCube;"TO"), "rw");
    PvlObject &lab = mosCube.label()->findObject("IsisCube");
    //add orginal label blob to the output cube

  catch(IException &e) {
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)clist.size(); i++) {
      delete clist[i];
    QString msg = "The mosaic [" + ui.GetFileName("TO") + "] was NOT created";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
} // end of isis main
Beispiel #10
void IsisMain() {
  const QString caminfo_program  = "caminfo";
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  QList< QPair<QString, QString> > *general = NULL, *camstats = NULL, *statistics = NULL;
  BandGeometry *bandGeom = NULL;

  // Get input filename
  FileName in = ui.GetFileName("FROM");

  // Get the format
  QString sFormat = ui.GetAsString("FORMAT");

  // if true then run spiceinit, xml default is FALSE
  // spiceinit will use system kernels
  if(ui.GetBoolean("SPICE")) {
    QString parameters = "FROM=" + in.expanded();
    ProgramLauncher::RunIsisProgram("spiceinit", parameters);

  Process p;
  Cube *incube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  // General data gathering
  general = new QList< QPair<QString, QString> >;
  general->append(MakePair("Program",     caminfo_program));
  general->append(MakePair("IsisVersion", Application::Version()));
  general->append(MakePair("RunDate",     iTime::CurrentGMT()));
  general->append(MakePair("IsisId",      SerialNumber::Compose(*incube)));
  general->append(MakePair("From",        in.baseName() + ".cub"));
  general->append(MakePair("Lines",       toString(incube->lineCount())));
  general->append(MakePair("Samples",     toString(incube->sampleCount())));
  general->append(MakePair("Bands",       toString(incube->bandCount())));

  // Run camstats on the entire image (all bands)
  // another camstats will be run for each band and output
  // for each band.
  if(ui.GetBoolean("CAMSTATS")) {
    camstats = new QList< QPair<QString, QString> >;

    QString filename = ui.GetAsString("FROM");
    int sinc = ui.GetInteger("SINC");
    int linc = ui.GetInteger("LINC");
    CameraStatistics stats(filename, sinc, linc);
    Pvl camPvl = stats.toPvl();

    PvlGroup cg = camPvl.findGroup("Latitude", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumLatitude", cg["latitudeminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumLatitude", cg["latitudemaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("Longitude", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumLongitude", cg["longitudeminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumLongitude", cg["longitudemaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("Resolution", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumResolution", cg["resolutionminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumResolution", cg["resolutionmaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("PhaseAngle", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumPhase", cg["phaseminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumPhase", cg["phasemaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("EmissionAngle", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumEmission", cg["emissionminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumEmission", cg["emissionmaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("IncidenceAngle", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumIncidence", cg["incidenceminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumIncidence", cg["incidencemaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("LocalSolarTime", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("LocalTimeMinimum", cg["localsolartimeMinimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("LocalTimeMaximum", cg["localsolartimeMaximum"][0]));

  // Compute statistics for entire cube
  if(ui.GetBoolean("STATISTICS")) {
    statistics = new QList< QPair<QString, QString> >;

    LineManager iline(*incube);
    Statistics stats;
    Progress progress;
    for(; !iline.end() ; {
      stats.AddData(iline.DoubleBuffer(), iline.size());

    //  Compute stats of entire cube
    double nPixels     = stats.TotalPixels();
    double nullpercent = (stats.NullPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;
    double hispercent  = (stats.HisPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;
    double hrspercent  = (stats.HrsPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;
    double lispercent  = (stats.LisPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;
    double lrspercent  = (stats.LrsPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;

    // Statitics output for band
    statistics->append(MakePair("MeanValue", toString(stats.Average())));
    statistics->append(MakePair("StandardDeviation", toString(stats.StandardDeviation())));
    statistics->append(MakePair("MinimumValue", toString(stats.Minimum())));
    statistics->append(MakePair("MaximumValue", toString(stats.Maximum())));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentHIS", toString(hispercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentHRS", toString(hrspercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentLIS", toString(lispercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentLRS", toString(lrspercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentNull", toString(nullpercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("TotalPixels", toString(stats.TotalPixels())));

  bool getFootBlob = ui.GetBoolean("USELABEL");
  bool doGeometry = ui.GetBoolean("GEOMETRY");
  bool doPolygon = ui.GetBoolean("POLYGON");
  if(doGeometry || doPolygon || getFootBlob) {
    Camera *cam = incube->camera();

    QString incType = ui.GetString("INCTYPE");
    int polySinc, polyLinc;
    if(doPolygon && incType.toUpper() == "VERTICES") {
      ImagePolygon poly;
      polySinc = polyLinc = (int)(0.5 + (((poly.validSampleDim() * 2) +
                                 (poly.validLineDim() * 2) - 3.0) /
    else if (incType.toUpper() == "LINCSINC"){
      if(ui.WasEntered("POLYSINC")) {
        polySinc = ui.GetInteger("POLYSINC");
      else {
        polySinc = (int)(0.5 + 0.10 * incube->sampleCount());
        if(polySinc == 0) polySinc = 1;
      if(ui.WasEntered("POLYLINC")) {
        polyLinc = ui.GetInteger("POLYLINC");
      else {
        polyLinc = (int)(0.5 + 0.10 * incube->lineCount());
        if(polyLinc == 0) polyLinc = 1;
    else {
      QString msg = "Invalid INCTYPE option[" + incType + "]";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    bandGeom = new BandGeometry();
    bool precision = ui.GetBoolean("INCREASEPRECISION");

    if (getFootBlob) {
      // Need to read history to obtain parameters that were used to
      // create the footprint
      History hist("IsisCube", in.expanded());
      Pvl pvl = hist.ReturnHist();
      PvlObject::PvlObjectIterator objIter;
      bool found = false;
      PvlGroup fpgrp;
      for (objIter=pvl.endObject()-1; objIter>=pvl.beginObject(); objIter--) {
        if (objIter->name().toUpper() == "FOOTPRINTINIT") {
          found = true;
          fpgrp = objIter->findGroup("UserParameters");
      if (!found) {
        QString msg = "Footprint blob was not found in input image history";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
      QString prec = (QString)fpgrp.findKeyword("INCREASEPRECISION");
      prec = prec.toUpper();
      if (prec == "TRUE") {
        precision = true;
      else {
        precision = false;
      QString inctype = (QString)fpgrp.findKeyword("INCTYPE");
      inctype = inctype.toUpper();
      if (inctype == "LINCSINC") {
        int linc = fpgrp.findKeyword("LINC");
        int sinc = fpgrp.findKeyword("SINC");
      else {
        int vertices = fpgrp.findKeyword("NUMVERTICES");
        int lincsinc = (int)(0.5 + (((incube->sampleCount() * 2) +
                       (incube->lineCount() * 2) - 3.0) /
      if (fpgrp.hasKeyword("MAXINCIDENCE")) {
        double maxinc = fpgrp.findKeyword("MAXINCIDENCE");
      if (fpgrp.hasKeyword("MAXEMISSION")) {
        double maxema = fpgrp.findKeyword("MAXEMISSION");
    bandGeom->collect(*cam, *incube, doGeometry, doPolygon, getFootBlob, precision);

    // Check if the user requires valid image center geometry
    if(ui.GetBoolean("VCAMERA") && (!bandGeom->hasCenterGeometry())) {
      QString msg = "Image center does not project in camera model";
      throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  if(sFormat.toUpper() == "PVL")
    GeneratePVLOutput(incube, general, camstats, statistics, bandGeom);
    GenerateCSVOutput(incube, general, camstats, statistics, bandGeom);

  // Clean the data
  delete general;
  general = NULL;
  if(camstats) {
    delete camstats;
    camstats = NULL;
  if(statistics) {
    delete statistics;
    statistics = NULL;
  if(bandGeom) {
    delete bandGeom;
    bandGeom = NULL;
