//Handle end elements
	bool XMLParseHelperExpression::EndElementHandler(XmlParseMaster::SharedData* data, std::string name)
		To end an action expression parse we must have a current action in the shared data that was created in the start action
		SharedDataWorld* reinterpereted = data->As<SharedDataWorld>();
		Scope* curAction = reinterpereted->GetAction();
		if (reinterpereted != nullptr && name == actionString && curAction != nullptr)
			if (!curAction->Is("ActionExpression"))
				return false;


			Scope* curContainer = curAction->As<ActionExpression>()->GetContainer();

			//If we're in an actionList, set the current action to that
			if (curContainer->Is("ActionList"))
				return true;

			//Otherwise (in the case that we're contained within an entity) just set it back to null
			return true;
		return false;
	//Create a new entity in our containing sector
	void ActionCreateEntity::Update(const WorldState& curState)
		Scope* container = GetContainer();

		while (!container->Is("Sector"))
			container = container->GetParent();

		Sector* sector = container->As<Sector>();

		if (sector != nullptr)
			sector->CreateEntity(mClassName, mInstanceName);
	//Handle start elements
	bool XMLParseHelperExpression::StartElementHandler(XmlParseMaster::SharedData* data, std::string name, Hashmap<std::string, std::string>& attributes)
		Requirements for starting a new expression action:
		1. Shared data must be SharedDataWorld
		2. Name of element must be 'action'
		3. Must contain a 'class' attribute
		4. Must contain a 'target' attribute
		5. Must contain a 'name' attribute
		6. Class type must be 'ActionExpression'

		SharedDataWorld* reinterpereted = data->As<SharedDataWorld>();
		if (reinterpereted != nullptr && name == actionString && attributes.ContainsKey(classString) && attributes.ContainsKey(nameString))
			if (attributes.Find(classString)->second == "ActionExpression")
				//Ensure that we have either an actionList or an entity that is going to contain this new actionExpression
				Scope* actionList = reinterpereted->GetAction();
				Scope* entity = reinterpereted->GetEntity();
				if (actionList != nullptr && actionList->Is("ActionList"))
					//Create a new actionExpression with the factory from the actionlist
					ActionExpression* newAction = actionList->As<ActionList>()->CreateAction("ActionExpression", attributes.Find(nameString)->second)->As<ActionExpression>();
				else if (entity != nullptr)
					//Create a new actionExpression with the factory from the entity
					ActionExpression* newAction = entity->As<Entity>()->CreateAction("ActionExpression", attributes.Find(nameString)->second)->As<ActionExpression>();
					return false;
				return true;
		return false;