Beispiel #1
 * Add information to the workspace being loaded: labels, units, logs related to
 * the image size, etc.
 * @param ws workspace to manipulate
 * @param loadAsRectImg if true, the workspace has one spectrum per
 * row and one bin per column
 * @param fileInfo information for the current file
 * @param binSize size to rebin (1 == no re-bin == default)
 * @param cmpp centimeters per pixel (already taking into account
 * possible rebinning)
void LoadFITS::addAxesInfoAndLogs(Workspace2D_sptr ws, bool loadAsRectImg,
                                  const FITSInfo &fileInfo, int binSize,
                                  double cmpp) {
  // add axes
  size_t width = fileInfo.axisPixelLengths[0] / binSize;
  size_t height = fileInfo.axisPixelLengths[1] / binSize;
  if (loadAsRectImg) {
    // width/X axis
    auto axw = new Mantid::API::NumericAxis(width + 1);
    axw->title() = "width";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < width + 1; i++) {
      axw->setValue(i, static_cast<double>(i) * cmpp);
    ws->replaceAxis(0, axw);
    // "cm" width label unit
    boost::shared_ptr<Kernel::Units::Label> unitLbl =
    unitLbl->setLabel("width", "cm");
    ws->getAxis(0)->unit() = unitLbl;

    // height/Y axis
    auto axh = new Mantid::API::NumericAxis(height);
    axh->title() = "height";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      axh->setValue(i, static_cast<double>(i) * cmpp);
    ws->replaceAxis(1, axh);
    // "cm" height label unit
    unitLbl = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Kernel::Units::Label>(
    unitLbl->setLabel("height", "cm");
    ws->getAxis(1)->unit() = unitLbl;

  } else {
    // TODO: what to do when loading 1pixel - 1 spectrum?

  // Add all header info to log.
  for (const auto &headerKey : fileInfo.headerKeys) {
    ws->mutableRun().removeLogData(headerKey.first, true);
        new PropertyWithValue<std::string>(headerKey.first, headerKey.second));

  // Add rotational data to log. Clear first from copied WS
  auto it = fileInfo.headerKeys.find(m_sampleRotation);
  ws->mutableRun().removeLogData("Rotation", true);
  if (fileInfo.headerKeys.end() != it) {
    double rot = boost::lexical_cast<double>(it->second);
    if (rot >= 0) {
          new PropertyWithValue<double>("Rotation", rot));

  // Add axis information to log. Clear first from copied WS
  ws->mutableRun().removeLogData("Axis1", true);
  ws->mutableRun().addLogData(new PropertyWithValue<int>(
      "Axis1", static_cast<int>(fileInfo.axisPixelLengths[0])));
  ws->mutableRun().removeLogData("Axis2", true);
  ws->mutableRun().addLogData(new PropertyWithValue<int>(
      "Axis2", static_cast<int>(fileInfo.axisPixelLengths[1])));

  // Add image key data to log. Clear first from copied WS
  ws->mutableRun().removeLogData("ImageKey", true);
      new PropertyWithValue<std::string>("ImageKey", fileInfo.imageKey));