 * Generate a SANS test workspace, with instrument geometry.
 * The geometry is the SANSTEST geometry, with a 30x30 pixel 2D detector.
 * @param workspace: name of the workspace to be created.
Workspace2D_sptr SANSInstrumentCreationHelper::createSANSInstrumentWorkspace(
    std::string workspace) {
  // Create a test workspace with test data with a well defined peak
  // The test instrument has two monitor channels
  Workspace2D_sptr ws = WorkspaceCreationHelper::create2DWorkspace123(
      nBins * nBins + nMonitors, 1, 1);
  AnalysisDataService::Instance().addOrReplace(workspace, ws);
  ws->getAxis(0)->unit() =

  // Load instrument geometry
  runLoadInstrument("SANSTEST", ws);
  runLoadMappingTable(ws, nBins, nBins);

  return ws;