int GOAPAstar::calculateH(WorldState from, WorldState to)
        auto care = to.GetCare();
        auto diff = ( ( from.GetFlags() & care ) ^ ( to.GetFlags() & care ) );
        int distance = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < StateType::STATE_NUM; ++i)
            if ( ( diff & ( 1LL << i ) ) != 0 )

        return distance;
    void GOAPAstar::Plan(GOAPlanner *ap)
        // clear open and closed lists

        // TODO: Early out if _current == _desired, add plan WANDER

        WorldState goal = ap->_desired;

        // put start in the open list
        astarnode start; = ap->_current;
        start.parent_ws = ap->_current;
        start.g = 0;
        start.h = calculateH(ap->_current, goal);
        start.f = start.g + start.h;
        start.action_name = "";


        for (;;)
            if (_open.size() == 0)

            // find the node with the lowest rank
            astarnode curr = openPopLowest();

            auto care = goal.GetCare();
            bool match = (( & care) == (goal.GetFlags() & care));

            // if we've reached our goal state
            if (match)
                reconstructPlan(ap, &curr);

                // Success

            // add current to closed

            // fill the transitions array

            // iterate over all possible transitions
            for (auto &pair : _transitions)
                AIAction &action = pair.first;
                WorldState &future = pair.second;

                astarnode neighbor;

                int cost = curr.g + action.GetCost();
                int open_index = nodeInOpened(future);
                int close_index = nodeInClosed(future);

                // if neighbor is in OPEn and cost less than g(neighbor)
                if (open_index >= 0 && cost < _open[open_index].g)
                    // remove neighbor from OPEN, because new patch is better
                    _open.erase(_open.begin() + open_index);

                    open_index = -1;

                // if neighbor in CLOSED and cost less than g(neighbor)
                if (close_index >= 0 && cost < _closed[close_index].g)
                    // remove neighbor from CLOSED
                    _closed.erase(_closed.begin() + close_index);

                // if neighbor not in OPEN and neighbor not in CLOSED
                if (close_index == -1 && open_index == -1)
           = future;
                    neighbor.g = cost;
                    neighbor.h = calculateH(, goal);
                    neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h;
                    neighbor.action_name = action.GetName();
                    neighbor.parent_ws =;
