Beispiel #1
	*Draws this block to the screen
	*@param state = The current world state, which we pass to the underlying rendering function
	void BlockEntity::Render(WorldState& curWorldState)
		auto values = Find("value");
		if (values->Get<int>(mState))
			std::string color = Find("BlockColor")->Get<std::string>();
			if (color == "Blue")
				mRenderer.RenderOnScreen(*(curWorldState.GetWorld()->GetWindow()), TetrominoRender::TextureType::BlueBlock, sf::Vector2f(mX, mY));
			else if (color == "Green")
				mRenderer.RenderOnScreen(*(curWorldState.GetWorld()->GetWindow()), TetrominoRender::TextureType::GreenBlock, sf::Vector2f(mX, mY));
			else if (color == "Pink")
				mRenderer.RenderOnScreen(*(curWorldState.GetWorld()->GetWindow()), TetrominoRender::TextureType::PinkBlock, sf::Vector2f(mX, mY));
			else if (color == "Purple")
				mRenderer.RenderOnScreen(*(curWorldState.GetWorld()->GetWindow()), TetrominoRender::TextureType::PurpleBlock, sf::Vector2f(mX, mY));
			else if (color == "Yellow")
				mRenderer.RenderOnScreen(*(curWorldState.GetWorld()->GetWindow()), TetrominoRender::TextureType::YellowBlock, sf::Vector2f(mX, mY));
			else if (color == "Orange")
				mRenderer.RenderOnScreen(*(curWorldState.GetWorld()->GetWindow()), TetrominoRender::TextureType::OrangeBlock, sf::Vector2f(mX, mY));
Beispiel #2
	The update function of ActionAdopt calls the setSector method of
	the entity that contains this action on the provided target sector.
	This should produce the behavior of orphaning the entity and moving it
	into a new sector

	@param curState the current worldstate to reference during update
	void ActionAdopt::Update(const WorldState& curState)
		//Double check to ensure that our target sector isn't the one
		//that our containing entity already exists in
		std::string targetName = Find("Target")->Get<std::string>();
		Sector* curSector = curState.GetSector();
		if (targetName == curSector->Name())

		//Grab the entity that contains us
		Entity* curEntity = curState.GetEntity();
		//Grab the world
		World* curWorld = curState.GetWorld();

		//Set up the sector
		Datum* targetDatum = curWorld->Sectors()->Find(targetName);
		if (targetDatum == nullptr || targetDatum->GetType() != Datum::TABLE)
			throw std::exception("Sector could not be found");
			Sector* targetSector = targetDatum->Get<Scope*>()->As<Sector>();
			if (targetSector == nullptr)
				throw std::exception("Malformed sector");