/// setEndPose void machineStatus::setEndPose( Point p) { #ifdef MULTI_AXIS endPose = Pose( p, Point(0,0,0) ); #else endPose = Pose( p, Point(0,0,1) ); #endif }
//Slot Unwrapper for internet datagram (vision) void SimulatorCore::UnWrapVisionPacket(SSL_WrapperPacket iPacketTeam){ SSL_DetectionRobot lPacketRobotBlue; SSL_DetectionRobot lPacketRobotYellow; SSL_DetectionBall lPacketBall = iPacketTeam.detection().balls(0); int lBlueSize = iPacketTeam.detection().robots_blue_size(); int lYellowSize = iPacketTeam.detection().robots_blue_size(); mBall->setPosition(lPacketBall.x(),lPacketBall.y()); for(int i = 0; i < lBlueSize; ++i){ lPacketRobotBlue = iPacketTeam.detection().robots_blue(i); int RobotId = lPacketRobotBlue.robot_id(); if(RobotId > mNbPlayerPerTeam - 1){ break; //TODO clean this with dynamic player allocation } RobotModel* lRobotBlue = mBlueTeam->GetRobot(RobotId); lRobotBlue->setPose(Pose(lPacketRobotBlue.x(),lPacketRobotBlue.y(), lPacketRobotBlue.orientation())); // TODO should be in another function lRobotBlue->UpdateSimulationData(); } for(int i = 0; i < lYellowSize; ++i){ lPacketRobotYellow = iPacketTeam.detection().robots_yellow(i); int RobotId = lPacketRobotYellow.robot_id(); if(RobotId > mNbPlayerPerTeam - 1){ break; //TODO clean this with dynamic player allocation } RobotModel* lRobotYellow = mYellowTeam->GetRobot(RobotId); lRobotYellow->setPose(Pose(lPacketRobotYellow.x(),lPacketRobotYellow.y(), lPacketRobotYellow.orientation())); } this->sendCommandToGrSim(); //TODO not clear, send back the new command to grsim }
void Sprite::move(double xshift, double yshift, bool repaintP){ Position oldorigin = pose.getOrigin(); pose = Pose(Pose(xshift,yshift),pose); // move in parent's frame if(penIsDown){ Line l(oldorigin.x, oldorigin.y, oldorigin.x+xshift, oldorigin.y+yshift); //l.setColor(COLOR("green")); l.imprint(false); } if(repaintP) repaint(); }
void MotionControl::drawMap(SDL_Surface* screen, int sx, int sy) const { #if 0 //pixelRGBA(screen, sx, sy, 255, 255, 255, 255); lineRGBA(screen, sx, sy, sx, sy-100, 255, 255, 0, 255); lineRGBA(screen, sx, sy, sx+100, sy, 255, 255, 0, 255); float pxl_per_m = 100; filledCircleRGBA(screen, sx + lastPose.x * pxl_per_m, sy - lastPose.y * pxl_per_m, 5, 0, 255, 255, 255); lineRGBA(screen, sx + lastPose.x * pxl_per_m, sy - lastPose.y * pxl_per_m, sx + (lastPose.x + cos(lastPose.theta)) * pxl_per_m, sy - (lastPose.y + sin(lastPose.theta)) * pxl_per_m, 255, 0, 0, 255); PoseList poles{ Pose(3, 3.1, 0), Pose(3, 2.3, 0), Pose(3.2, 1.2, 0), Pose(4, 1.2, 0), Pose(2.2, 1.9, 0), Pose(2.2, 1.1, 0), Pose(1, 0.3, 0), Pose(1, 1.1, 0), Pose(1.5, 2.8, 0), Pose(1.5, 2, 0) }; for (auto it = poles.begin(); it != poles.end(); ++it) { filledCircleRGBA(screen, sx + it->x * pxl_per_m, sy - it->y * pxl_per_m, 5, 255, 0, 0, 255); } for (auto it = waypoints.begin(); it != waypoints.end(); ++it) { filledCircleRGBA(screen, sx + it->x * pxl_per_m, sy - it->y * pxl_per_m, 5, 0, 0, 255, 255); } auto last = midpoints.begin(); //cout << endl << "Starting le draw" << endl; if (last != midpoints.end()) { int i=1; auto next = last; lineRGBA(screen, sx + lastPose.x * pxl_per_m, sy - lastPose.y * pxl_per_m, sx + last->x * pxl_per_m, sy - last->y * pxl_per_m, 255, 255, 0, 255); for (++next; ; ++next) { float arrowx = cos(last->theta), arrowy = sin(last->theta); lineRGBA(screen, sx + last->x * pxl_per_m, sy - last->y * pxl_per_m, sx + (last->x+arrowx) * pxl_per_m, sy - (last->y+arrowy) * pxl_per_m, 255-255*i/midpoints.size(), 255*i/midpoints.size(), 0, 255); if (next == midpoints.end()) break; lineRGBA(screen, sx + last->x * pxl_per_m, sy - last->y * pxl_per_m, sx + next->x * pxl_per_m, sy - next->y * pxl_per_m, 255, 255, 255, 255); last = next; i++; } } #endif }
/// reset machineStatus to reasonable defaults void machineStatus::clearAll() { F=S=0.0; plane = CANON_PLANE_XY; origin = Pose( Point(0,0,0), Point(0,0,0)); coolant.flood = false; coolant.mist = false; coolant.spindle = false; endPose = startPose = Pose( Point(0,0,0), Point(0,0,1)); endDir = prevEndDir = Point(0,0,-1); spindleStat = OFF; myTool = -1; motionType = NOT_DEFINED; lastMotionWasTraverse = false; }
bool Simulator:: Initialize() { for (size_t ic(0); ic < RobotClient::registry.size(); ++ic) { RobotClient *client(RobotClient::registry.at(ic)); RobotServer *server(new RobotServer(client, *m_world)); if ( !client->Initialize(*server)) { delete server; delete client; return false; } m_world->AddRobot(server); m_robot.push_back(robot_s(server, client)); Frame const pose(client->m_initial_pose.x, client->m_initial_pose.y, client->m_initial_pose.theta); server->InitializePose(pose); client->SetPose(Pose(client->m_initial_pose.x, client->m_initial_pose.y, client->m_initial_pose.theta)); if (client->m_goals.size() > 0) { client->SetGoal(m_timestep, client->m_goals[0]); } // This was a nice feature that might be worth resurrecting using fpplib // if ( ! layout_file.empty()) // m_appwin.push_back(shared_ptr<AppWindow>(new AppWindow(rdesc[ii]->name, layout_file, // 640, 480, this))); } UpdateAllSensors(); return true; }
void CameraModel::insertBallWithNoise(SSL_WrapperPacket *iPacket, BallData *iBall){ Pose lBallPose = Pose(iBall->getPosition().x,iBall->getPosition().y,0); lBallPose = this->addNoise(lBallPose); addBallToVisionPacket(iPacket,lBallPose); }
void Joint::rotate(){ //not sure if this is how it works... //local_pose.orientation = local_pose.orientation + rotate; //PoseEuler temp = PoseEuler(vertex3(), vertex3(0.0, 0.0, angle)); // local_transformation = local_transformation * ( temp.getRotation()* angularVelocity); Pose currentPose = path->update(); float x, y; x = currentPose.position.getx(); y = currentPose.position.gety(); angle = -PI/2.0 + (float) (std::atan2(y, x) - std::atan2(1.0, 0.0)); //REALLY MEANS: angle = angularVelocity * dt + angle0; //angle += angularVelocity; //std::cout << "x:" << x << ", y:" << y << ", theta:" << angle << std::endl; Pose temp = Pose(vertex3(), quaternion(angle, 0.0, 0.0)); //Pose temp = Pose(vertex3(), quaternion(0.0, angle, 0.0)); local_transformation = temp.getRotation(); //local_transformation = ( temp.getRotation() * angularVelocity); //if(!isNull()){ // for(unsigned int i=0; i<children.size(); i++){ // this->children.at(i)->child->rotate(rotate); // } //} }
Robot::Robot(){ id = 0; is_our_team = true; actPose = setPose = finalPose = Pose(0, 0, 0); command = Command(0, 0, 0); path_is_valid_yet = false; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- Pose* Pose::clone(void) const { Pose* newPose = OGRE_NEW Pose(mTarget, mName); newPose->mVertexOffsetMap = mVertexOffsetMap; // Allow buffer to recreate itself, contents may change anyway return newPose; }
ExperimentalApp() : GLFWApp(1280, 800, "Glass Material App") { igm.reset(new gui::ImGuiManager(window)); gui::make_dark_theme(); //cubeTex = load_cubemap(); int width, height; glfwGetWindowSize(window, &width, &height); glViewport(0, 0, width, height); // Debugging views for offscreen surfaces uiSurface.bounds = {0, 0, (float) width, (float) height}; uiSurface.add_child( {{0.0000f, +10},{0, +10},{0.1667f, -10},{0.133f, +10}}); uiSurface.add_child( {{0.1667f, +10},{0, +10},{0.3334f, -10},{0.133f, +10}}); uiSurface.layout(); grid = RenderableGrid(1, 100, 100); cameraController.set_camera(&camera); camera.look_at({0, 2.5, -2.5}, {0, 2.0, 0}); lights[0] = {{0, 10, -10}, {0, 0, 1}}; lights[1] = {{0, 10, 10}, {0, 1, 0}}; Renderable reflectiveSphere = Renderable(make_sphere(2.f)); reflectiveSphere.pose = Pose(float4(0, 0, 0, 1), float3(0, 2, 0)); glassModels.push_back(std::move(reflectiveSphere)); Renderable debugAxis = Renderable(make_axis(), false, GL_LINES); debugAxis.pose = Pose(float4(0, 0, 0, 1), float3(0, 1, 0)); regularModels.push_back(std::move(debugAxis)); Renderable cubeA = Renderable(make_cube()); cubeA.pose = Pose(make_rotation_quat_axis_angle({1, 0, 1}, ANVIL_PI / 3), float3(5, 0, 0)); regularModels.push_back(std::move(cubeA)); Renderable cubeB = Renderable(make_cube()); cubeB.pose = Pose(make_rotation_quat_axis_angle({1, 0, 1}, ANVIL_PI / 4), float3(-5, 0, 0)); regularModels.push_back(std::move(cubeB)); glassMaterialShader = make_watched_shader(shaderMonitor, "assets/shaders/glass_vert.glsl", "assets/shaders/glass_frag.glsl"); simpleShader = make_watched_shader(shaderMonitor, "assets/shaders/simple_vert.glsl", "assets/shaders/simple_frag.glsl"); cubeCamera.reset(new CubemapCamera({1024, 1024})); gl_check_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); }
Pose InputDevice::getPose(int channel) const { auto pose = _poseStateMap.find(channel); if (pose != _poseStateMap.end()) { return (*pose).second; } else { return Pose(); } }
void Joint::translate(const vertex3& movement){ //how much to move, or where to move to? //simply add how much it moves to it's pose Pose temp = Pose(movement, vertex3()); local_transformation = local_transformation * temp.translate_object(); //local_pose.position = local_pose.position + movement; }
Pose Perception::getGlobalPose() const { if(master) return Device::getGlobalPose(); else if(unit) return unit->getPose(); return Pose(0,0); }
void Map::loadPositions(std::istream &input) { positions.clear(); std::string lineBuffer; while (std::getline(input, lineBuffer)) { positions.push_back(Pose(lineBuffer)); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup(){ sender.setup("", 8888); kinect.open(); kinect.initBodySource(); // kinect.initColorSource(); kinect.initDepthSource(); // kinect.initBodyIndexSource(); kinect.getSensor()->get_CoordinateMapper(&m_pCoordinateMapper); camera.setDistance(10); ofSetWindowShape(1920, 1080); CalcParams elbowR = { ShoulderRight, ElbowRight, WristRight }; CalcParams elbowL = { ShoulderLeft, ElbowLeft, WristLeft }; CalcParams zShoulderR = { HipRight, ShoulderRight, ElbowRight }; CalcParams zShoulderL = { HipLeft, ShoulderLeft, ElbowLeft }; jointCalcParams.insert( make_pair("elbowRight", elbowR) ); jointCalcParams.insert( make_pair("elbowLeft", elbowL) ); jointCalcParams.insert( make_pair("zShoulderRight", zShoulderR) ); jointCalcParams.insert( make_pair("zShoulderLeft", zShoulderL) ); // pose(ER, ER, zSR, zSL) poses.insert( make_pair(2, Pose(180., 180., 100., 100.)) ); poses.insert( make_pair(1, Pose(180., 180., 15., 100.)) ); //f poses.insert( make_pair(3, Pose(180., 165., 15., 180.)) ); // d poses.insert( make_pair(4, Pose(180., 180., 15., 140.)) ); // e poses.insert( make_pair(5, Pose(180., 180., 100., 15.)) ); // b poses.insert( make_pair(6, Pose(180., 180., 140., 15.)) ); // c poses.insert( make_pair(7, Pose(165., 180., 180., 100.)) ); // j poses.insert( make_pair(8, Pose(180., 180., 60., 140.)) ); // l poses.insert( make_pair(9, Pose(180., 165., 100., 180.)) );// p poses.insert( make_pair(10, Pose(180., 180., 140., 140.)) ); showGUI = false; gui.setup("Parameters"); gui.add(maxDistance.set("Max Distance", 5., 0., 10.)); gui.add(tol.set("Pose tolerance", 15., 0., 50.)); }
void Line::reset(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2){ pose = Pose((x1+x2)/2,(y1+y2)/2); double dx = (x1-x2)/2; double dy = (y1-y2)/2; vertex[0] = Position(dx,dy); vertex[1] = Position(-dx,-dy); thickness = 2; show(); }
Pose WorldDesc::getObjPos(std::string name) { std::vector< std::pair< Pose, std::string > >::iterator ii=this->objectsPositions.begin(); for(;ii!=this->objectsPositions.end();ii++){ if((*ii).second==name){ return ii->first; } } return Pose(0,0,0); }
bool EvaluationModule::checkAngleToPass(Vector2D targetPosition, Pose currRobotPosition, double & angleToTarget) const{ angleToTarget = calculateAngleToTarget( currRobotPosition, Pose(targetPosition.x,targetPosition.y,0) ); double threshold = 0.017 * currRobotPosition.getPosition().distance(targetPosition); //LOG_INFO(this->log,"set threshold to "<<threshold); if( fabs( angleToTarget ) < threshold ){//1stopien return true; } return false; }
void TreeOptimizer2::computePreconditioner(){ gamma[0] = gamma[1] = gamma[2] = numeric_limits<double>::max(); for (uint i=0; i<M.size(); i++) M[i]=Pose(0.,0.,0.); int edgeCount=0; for (EdgeSet::iterator it=sortedEdges->begin(); it!=sortedEdges->end(); it++){ edgeCount++; if (! (edgeCount%10000)) DEBUG(1) << "m"; Edge* e=*it; Transformation t=e->transformation; InformationMatrix S=e->informationMatrix; InformationMatrix R; R.values[0][0]=t.rotationMatrix[0][0]; R.values[0][1]=t.rotationMatrix[0][1]; R.values[0][2]=0; R.values[1][0]=t.rotationMatrix[1][0]; R.values[1][1]=t.rotationMatrix[1][1]; R.values[1][2]=0; R.values[2][0]=0; R.values[2][1]=0; R.values[2][2]=1; InformationMatrix W =R*S*R.transpose(); Vertex* top=e->top; for (int dir=0; dir<2; dir++){ Vertex* n = (dir==0)? e->v1 : e->v2; while (n!=top){ uint i=n->id; M[i].values[0]+=W.values[0][0]; M[i].values[1]+=W.values[1][1]; M[i].values[2]+=W.values[2][2]; gamma[0]=gamma[0]<W.values[0][0]?gamma[0]:W.values[0][0]; gamma[1]=gamma[1]<W.values[1][1]?gamma[1]:W.values[1][1]; gamma[2]=gamma[2]<W.values[2][2]?gamma[2]:W.values[2][2]; n=n->parent; } } } if (verboseLevel>1){ for (uint i=0; i<M.size(); i++){ cerr << "M[" << i << "]=" << M[i].x() << " " << M[i].y() << " " << M[i].theta() <<endl; } } }
Task::status Rotate::run(void * arg, int steps){ GameStatePtr currGameState( new GameState ); double lastSimTime=0; double currSimTime=0; currSimTime=video.updateGameState(currGameState); //biezaca pozycja robota Pose currRobotPose = (*currGameState).getRobotPos( robot->getRobotID() ); if(this->targetRobotId != Robot::unknown) targetPosition = (*currGameState).getRobotPos(this->targetRobotId).getPosition(); while( !this->stopTask && (steps--)!=0 ){ if( lastSimTime < ( currSimTime=video.updateGameState(currGameState) ) ){ lastSimTime = currSimTime; currRobotPose=currGameState->getRobotPos( robot->getRobotID() ); bool haveBall = false; double angleToTarget = 0; double threshold = 0.017; if(this->predicates & Task::pass){ bool canPass=this->evaluationModule.checkAngleToPass(targetPosition, currRobotPose, angleToTarget); threshold = 0.017 * currRobotPose.getPosition().distance(this->targetPosition); LOG_INFO(this->log,"set threshold to "<<threshold); if( canPass ){ this->robot->stop(); LOG_INFO(log,"Rotation to pass OK robot position "<<currRobotPose<<" target "<<targetPosition<<" angle to target "<<angleToTarget); return Task::ok; } } else{ angleToTarget = calculateAngleToTarget( currRobotPose, Pose(targetPosition.x,targetPosition.y,0) ); double threshold = 0.017; //1 stopien if( fabs( angleToTarget ) < threshold ){ this->robot->stop(); LOG_INFO(log,"Rotation OK robot position "<<currRobotPose<<" target "<<targetPosition<<" angle to target "<<angleToTarget); return Task::ok; } } double w = robot->calculateAngularVel( currRobotPose, targetPosition, currGameState->getSimTime(), haveBall ); LOG_INFO(log,"move robot from"<<currRobotPose<<" to "<<targetPosition<<" setVel w "<<w<<" angle to target "<<angleToTarget); robot->setRelativeSpeed( Vector2D(0,0), w ); } usleep(100); } if(this->stopTask) return Task::ok; return Task::not_completed; }
Pose Goodrich::calcResult(int id, Pose goal, bool is_last){ this->id = id; this->goal = goal; this->is_last = is_last; result = Pose(0, 0, 0); attractiveForce(); repulsiveForceRobotObjects(); repulsiveForceRobotRobot(); return result; }
void Line::paint(Pose *p){ if(visible){ XPoint xpt[2]; if(p){ Pose r = Pose(*p,pose); r.compute_res_vertex(xpt, vertex, 2); } else pose.compute_res_vertex(xpt, vertex, 2); drawLine(xpt[0], xpt[1], color, (int) thickness); } }
PID::PID(){ proportionalL = 0.40; //p1 = 0.0004 derivativeL = 0.0; integrativeL = 0.0; proportionalA = 0.80; //p2 = 0.8000 derivativeA = 0.0; integrativeA = 0.0; command = Command(0, 0, 0); actPose = setPose = Pose(0, 0, 0); }
void TreeOptimizer3::initializeOnlineOptimization(EdgeCompareMode mode){ edgeCompareMode=mode; // compute the size of the preconditioning matrix clear(); Vertex* v0=addVertex(0,Pose(0,0,0,0,0,0)); root=v0; v0->parameters=Transformation(v0->pose); v0->parentEdge=0; v0->parent=0; v0->level=0; v0->transformation=Transformation(TreePoseGraph3::Pose(0,0,0,0,0,0)); }
// warning mixed line endings in pose files will screw you up // windows seems to handle ok but in linux, the mixed line endings // will have the affect of appearing to take angles from subsequent // poses and mashing them into one pose ... eg multiple seperate lines // are condensed into one with the most recent angles overwriting earlier angles void Kitten::readPoseFile(char const *path) { // Open the file. std::ifstream fh; fh.open(path); std::vector<double> angles; while (fh.good()) { double x, y, z; angles.clear(); // Read a line from the file. std::string line; getline(fh, line); // Skip empty lines, or comments. if (!line.size() || line[0] == '#') { continue; } // Push the line into a stringstream so we can easily pull out doubles. std::stringstream ss; ss << line; // Read translation coordinates. ss >> x; ss >> y; ss >> z; // Read angles while there is still stuff to read. while (ss.good()) { double a; ss >> a; angles.push_back(a); } int missing = NUM_ANGLES- angles.size(); for (int i = 0; i< missing;i++){ angles.push_back(0); } for (int i =0;i<angles.size();i++){ if (angles[i]!=0){ std::cout << "pose: " << poses_.size() << " angleno: " << i << " " << anglearray[i] <<" angle: " << angles[i] << std::endl; } } poses_.push_back(Pose(x, y, z, angles)); } }
Pose Robot::getPose() const { double x=0, y=0, z=0; std::vector<double> angles(NUM_ANGLES); // If we don't have any poses then return an empty pose. if (!poses_.size()) { return Pose(x, y, z, angles); } // If we only have one pose, then return it. if (poses_.size() == 1) { return poses_[0]; } // Return the current pose. // NOTE: poseIndex is double, NOT an int!!! Fractional values represent // interpolation between neighbouring poses. Eg: 2.5 would be halfway // between the 3rd and 4th pose. int wholeIndex = int(floor(poseIndex_)); double indexDiff = poseIndex_ - wholeIndex; Pose tempPose(poses_[wholeIndex].x_, poses_[wholeIndex].y_, poses_[wholeIndex].z_, angles); double angleDiff = 0; int nextIndex = 0; if (poseIndex_ < poses_.size() -1) { nextIndex = int(floor(poseIndex_)) + 1; } //Translation diff double diff = (poses_[nextIndex].x_ - poses_[int(floor(poseIndex_))].x_) * indexDiff; tempPose.x_ = tempPose.x_ + diff; diff = (poses_[nextIndex].y_ - poses_[int(floor(poseIndex_))].y_ ) * indexDiff; tempPose.y_ = tempPose.y_ + diff; diff = (poses_[nextIndex].z_ - poses_[int(floor(poseIndex_))].z_ ) * indexDiff; tempPose.z_ = tempPose.z_ + diff; //Angles diff for (int i = NUM_ANGLES; i >= 0; i--) { angleDiff = (poses_[nextIndex].angles_[i] - poses_[int(floor(poseIndex_))].angles_[i]) * indexDiff; tempPose.angles_[i] = poses_[int(floor(poseIndex_))].angles_[i] + angleDiff; } return tempPose; // @@@@@ Replace the above return statement with your own code to implement // @@@@@ linear interpolation between poses. }
Drone::Drone(int txPin, int rxPin) { _serialIO = SerialIO(txPin, rxPin); _callback = Callback(); _incomingPacketReader = IncomingPacketReader(&_serialIO); _vitals = Vitals(&_serialIO, &_incomingPacketReader, &_callback); _responseHandler = ResponseHandler(&_serialIO, &_incomingPacketReader, &_callback, &_vitals); _rc = RC(&_serialIO, &_callback, &_incomingPacketReader); _gpio = GPIO(&_serialIO, &_callback, &_incomingPacketReader); _i2c = I2C(&_serialIO, &_callback, &_incomingPacketReader); _pose = Pose(&_serialIO, &_callback, &_incomingPacketReader); _autopilot = Autopilot(&_serialIO, &_callback, &_incomingPacketReader); _transmitterSupport = TransmitterSupport(&_serialIO, &_callback, &_incomingPacketReader); }
void Turret::update(float dt) { effects.setPose(master->getMountPose(mount)*Pose(vec2f(0,0),getAngle()*3.1415/180.0)); effects.update(dt); angle+=(_direction*velocity*dt); if(angle<-180) angle+=360; if(angle> 180) angle-=360; if(angle>dimensions) angle=dimensions; if(angle<-dimensions) angle=-dimensions; }
Pose interpolate(quint64 time) { const quint64 sz=mPoses.size(); if(sz<=0) { return Pose(0); } const quint64 b=before(time); const quint64 a=after(time); if(a==b) { return mPoses[a]; } const qreal alpha=(qreal)(time-b)/(qreal)(a-b); Pose out=mPoses[b]; out.mix(mPoses[a], alpha); }