// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pHandleEntity - 
//			contentsMask - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CASW_Trace_Filter_Door_Crush::ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity, int contentsMask )
	if ( !StandardFilterRules( pHandleEntity, contentsMask ) )
		return false;

	if ( !PassServerEntityFilter( pHandleEntity, m_pPassEnt ) )
		return false;

	// Don't test if the game code tells us we should ignore this collision...
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = EntityFromEntityHandle( pHandleEntity );
	if ( pEntity )
		//Msg("%f CASW_Trace_Filter_Door_Crush::ShouldHitEntity %s\n", gpGlobals->curtime, pEntity->GetClassname());
		if ( !pEntity->ShouldCollide( m_collisionGroup, contentsMask ) )
			return false;
		if ( !g_pGameRules->ShouldCollide( m_collisionGroup, pEntity->GetCollisionGroup() ) )
			return false;

		if ( pEntity->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_DOOR )
			return false;

		if ( pEntity->m_takedamage == DAMAGE_NO )
			return false;

		// Translate the vehicle into its driver for damage
		if ( pEntity->GetServerVehicle() != NULL )
			CBaseEntity *pDriver = pEntity->GetServerVehicle()->GetPassenger();

			if ( pDriver != NULL )
				pEntity = pDriver;

		Vector	attackDir = pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter() - m_dmgInfo->GetAttacker()->WorldSpaceCenter();
		VectorNormalize( attackDir );
		pEntity->TakeDamage( *m_dmgInfo );

		//CalculateMeleeDamageForce( &info, attackDir, info.GetAttacker()->WorldSpaceCenter(), m_flForceScale );
		return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
IPhysicsVehicleController *GetLuaVehicle(ILuaInterface *gLua)
	gLua->CheckType(1, GLua::TYPE_ENTITY);

	CBaseHandle *handle = (CBaseHandle*)gLua->GetUserData(1);
	CBaseEntity *entity = GetBaseEntity(handle->GetEntryIndex());

		gLua->Error("[gm_pimpmyride] NO ENTITY!");
		return NULL;

	IServerVehicle *vehicle = entity->GetServerVehicle();

		gLua->Error("[gm_pimpmyride] NO VEHICLE!");
		return NULL;

	IPhysicsVehicleController *controller = vehicle->GetVehicleController();

		gLua->Error("[gm_pimpmyride] NO PHYSICS CONTROLLER!");
		return NULL;

	return controller;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Purpose: Check the weapon LOS for an owner at an arbitrary position
//			If bSetConditions is true, LOS related conditions will also be set
bool CBaseCombatWeapon::WeaponLOSCondition( const Vector &ownerPos, const Vector &targetPos, bool bSetConditions )
	// --------------------
	// Check for occlusion
	// --------------------
	CAI_BaseNPC* npcOwner = m_hOwner.Get()->MyNPCPointer();

	// Find its relative shoot position
	Vector vecRelativeShootPosition;
	VectorSubtract( npcOwner->Weapon_ShootPosition(), npcOwner->GetAbsOrigin(), vecRelativeShootPosition );
	Vector barrelPos = ownerPos + vecRelativeShootPosition;

	// Use the custom LOS trace filter
	CWeaponLOSFilter traceFilter( m_hOwner.Get(), npcOwner->GetEnemy(), COLLISION_GROUP_BREAKABLE_GLASS );
	trace_t tr;
	UTIL_TraceLine( barrelPos, targetPos, MASK_SHOT, &traceFilter, &tr );

	// See if we completed the trace without interruption
	if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
		if ( ai_debug_shoot_positions.GetBool() )
			NDebugOverlay::Line( barrelPos, targetPos, 0, 255, 0, false, 1.0 );

		return true;

	CBaseEntity	*pHitEnt = tr.m_pEnt;

	CBasePlayer *pEnemyPlayer = ToBasePlayer( npcOwner->GetEnemy() );

	// is player in a vehicle? if so, verify vehicle is target and return if so (so npc shoots at vehicle)
	if ( pEnemyPlayer && pEnemyPlayer->IsInAVehicle() )
		// Ok, player in vehicle, check if vehicle is target we're looking at, fire if it is
		// Also, check to see if the owner of the entity is the vehicle, in which case it's valid too.
		// This catches vehicles that use bone followers.
		CBaseEntity	*pVehicle  = pEnemyPlayer->GetVehicle()->GetVehicleEnt();
		if ( pHitEnt == pVehicle || pHitEnt->GetOwnerEntity() == pVehicle )
			return true;

	// Hitting our enemy is a success case
	if ( pHitEnt == npcOwner->GetEnemy() )
		if ( ai_debug_shoot_positions.GetBool() )
			NDebugOverlay::Line( barrelPos, targetPos, 0, 255, 0, false, 1.0 );

		return true;

	// If a vehicle is blocking the view, grab its driver and use that as the combat character
	CBaseCombatCharacter *pBCC;
	IServerVehicle *pVehicle = pHitEnt->GetServerVehicle();
	if ( pVehicle )
		pBCC = pVehicle->GetPassenger( );
		pBCC = ToBaseCombatCharacter( pHitEnt );

	if ( pBCC ) 
		if ( npcOwner->IRelationType( pBCC ) == D_HT )
			return true;

		if ( bSetConditions )
			npcOwner->SetCondition( COND_WEAPON_BLOCKED_BY_FRIEND );
	else if ( bSetConditions )
		npcOwner->SetCondition( COND_WEAPON_SIGHT_OCCLUDED );
		npcOwner->SetEnemyOccluder( pHitEnt );

		if( ai_debug_shoot_positions.GetBool() )
			NDebugOverlay::Line( tr.startpos, tr.endpos, 255, 0, 0, false, 1.0 );

	return false;
// Purpose: 
void CBaseHelicopter::DoRotorPhysicsPush( const Vector &vecRotorOrigin, float flAltitude )
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	trace_t tr;

	// First, trace down and find out where the was is hitting the ground
	UTIL_TraceLine( vecRotorOrigin, vecRotorOrigin+Vector(0,0,-flAltitude), (MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY|CONTENTS_WATER), NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
	// Always raise the physics origin a bit
	Vector vecPhysicsOrigin = tr.endpos + Vector(0,0,64);

	// Debug
	if ( g_debug_basehelicopter.GetInt() == BASECHOPPER_DEBUG_WASH )
		NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecPhysicsOrigin, -Vector(16,16,16), Vector(16,16,16), 0, 255, 255, true, 0.1f );

	// Push entities that we've pushed before, and are still within range
	// Walk backwards because they may be removed if they're now out of range
	int iCount = m_hEntitiesPushedByWash.Count();
	bool bWasPushingObjects = (iCount > 0);
	for ( int i = (iCount-1); i >= 0; i-- )
		if ( !DoWashPush( &(m_hEntitiesPushedByWash[i]), vecPhysicsOrigin ) )
			// Out of range now, so remove

	if ( m_flRotorWashEntitySearchTime > gpGlobals->curtime )

	// Any spare slots?
	iCount = m_hEntitiesPushedByWash.Count();

	// Find the lightest physics entity below us and add it to our list to push around
	CBaseEntity *pLightestEntity = NULL;
	float flLightestMass = 9999;
	while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityInSphere(pEntity, vecPhysicsOrigin, BASECHOPPER_WASH_RADIUS )) != NULL)
		IRotorWashShooter *pShooter = GetRotorWashShooter( pEntity );

		if ( pEntity->IsEFlagSet( EFL_NO_ROTORWASH_PUSH ))

		if ( pShooter || pEntity->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS || (pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject() && !pEntity->IsPlayer()) ) 
			// Make sure it's not already in our wash
			bool bAlreadyPushing = false;
			for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
				if ( m_hEntitiesPushedByWash[i].hEntity == pEntity )
					bAlreadyPushing = true;
			if ( bAlreadyPushing )

			float flMass = FLT_MAX;
			if ( pShooter )
				flMass = 1.0f;
				// Don't try to push anything too big
				IPhysicsObject *pPhysObject = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject();
				if ( pPhysObject )
					flMass = pPhysObject->GetMass();
					if ( flMass > BASECHOPPER_WASH_MAX_MASS )

			// Ignore anything bigger than the one we've already found
			if ( flMass > flLightestMass )

			Vector vecSpot = pEntity->BodyTarget( vecPhysicsOrigin );

			// Don't push things too far below our starting point (helps reduce through-roof cases w/o doing a trace)
			if ( fabs( vecSpot.z - vecPhysicsOrigin.z ) > 96 )

			Vector vecToSpot = ( vecSpot - vecPhysicsOrigin );
			vecToSpot.z = 0;
			float flDist = VectorNormalize( vecToSpot );

			// Try to cast to the helicopter; if we can't, then we can't be hit.
			if ( pEntity->GetServerVehicle() )
				UTIL_TraceLine( vecSpot, vecPhysicsOrigin, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, pEntity, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
				if ( tr.fraction != 1.0f )

			flLightestMass = flMass;
			pLightestEntity = pEntity;

			washentity_t Wash;
			Wash.hEntity = pLightestEntity;
			Wash.flWashStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
			m_hEntitiesPushedByWash.AddToTail( Wash );

			// Can we fit more after adding this one? No? Then we are done.
			iCount = m_hEntitiesPushedByWash.Count();

	// Handle sound.
	// If we just started pushing objects, ramp the blast sound up.
	if ( !bWasPushingObjects && m_hEntitiesPushedByWash.Count() )
		if ( m_pRotorBlast )
			CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController();
			controller.SoundChangeVolume( m_pRotorBlast, 1.0, 1.0 );
	else if ( bWasPushingObjects && m_hEntitiesPushedByWash.Count() == 0 )
		if ( m_pRotorBlast )
			// We just stopped pushing objects, so fade the blast sound out.
			CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController();
			controller.SoundChangeVolume( m_pRotorBlast, 0, 1.0 );