Ejemplo n.º 1
void CMapManager::LinkupElements ( void )
    // * Link up all the attaching elements
    list < CVehicle* > ::const_iterator iterVehicles = m_pVehicleManager->IterBegin ();
    for ( ; iterVehicles != m_pVehicleManager->IterEnd (); iterVehicles++ )
        CVehicle* pVehicle = *iterVehicles;

        char* szAttachToID = pVehicle->GetAttachToID ();
        if ( szAttachToID [ 0 ] )
            CElement* pElement = g_pGame->GetMapManager ()->GetRootElement ()->FindChild ( szAttachToID, 0, true );
            if ( pElement )
                pVehicle->AttachTo ( pElement );

    list < CPlayer* > ::const_iterator iterPlayers = m_pPlayerManager->IterBegin ();
    for ( ; iterPlayers != m_pPlayerManager->IterEnd (); iterPlayers++ )
        CPlayer* pPlayer = *iterPlayers;
        // Link up all the attaching elements
        char* szAttachToID = pPlayer->GetAttachToID ();
        if ( szAttachToID [ 0 ] )
            CElement* pElement = g_pGame->GetMapManager ()->GetRootElement ()->FindChild ( szAttachToID, 0, true );
            if ( pElement )
                pPlayer->AttachTo ( pElement );

    CObjectListType::const_iterator iterObjects = m_pObjectManager->IterBegin ();
    for ( ; iterObjects != m_pObjectManager->IterEnd (); iterObjects++ )
        CObject* pObject = *iterObjects;
        // Link up all the attaching elements
        char* szAttachToID = pObject->GetAttachToID ();
        if ( szAttachToID [ 0 ] )
            CElement* pElement = g_pGame->GetMapManager ()->GetRootElement ()->FindChild ( szAttachToID, 0, true );
            if ( pElement )
                pObject->AttachTo ( pElement );

    list < CBlip* > ::const_iterator iterBlips = m_pBlipManager->IterBegin ();
    for ( ; iterBlips != m_pBlipManager->IterEnd (); iterBlips++ )
        CBlip* pBlip = *iterBlips;
        // Link up all the attaching elements
        char* szAttachToID = pBlip->GetAttachToID ();
        if ( szAttachToID [ 0 ] )
            CElement* pElement = g_pGame->GetMapManager ()->GetRootElement ()->FindChild ( szAttachToID, 0, true );
            if ( pElement )
                pBlip->AttachTo ( pElement );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CMapManager::SpawnPlayer ( CPlayer& Player, const CVector& vecPosition, float fRotation, unsigned short usModel, unsigned char ucInterior, unsigned short usDimension, CTeam* pTeam )
    // Don't force them off their team if the spawnpoint doesn't have one
    if ( pTeam == NULL )
        pTeam = Player.GetTeam ();

    ElementID TeamID = ( pTeam ) ? pTeam->GetID () : INVALID_ELEMENT_ID;

    // Change the time context to avoid old sync packets arriving causing players
    // to slide from previous location to the new one.
    unsigned char ucTimeContext = Player.GenerateSyncTimeContext ();

    // Tell everyone where he spawns
    m_pPlayerManager->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( CPlayerSpawnPacket ( Player.GetID (), vecPosition, fRotation, usModel, ucInterior, usDimension, TeamID, ucTimeContext ) );

    // Remove him from any occupied vehicle
    CVehicle* pVehicle = Player.GetOccupiedVehicle ();
    if ( pVehicle )
        pVehicle->SetOccupant ( NULL, Player.GetOccupiedVehicleSeat () );
        Player.SetOccupiedVehicle ( NULL, 0 );

    // If this guy was jacking someone, make sure its aborted
    pVehicle = Player.GetJackingVehicle ();
    if ( pVehicle )
        if ( Player.GetVehicleAction () == CPlayer::VEHICLEACTION_JACKING )
            CPed * pOccupant = pVehicle->GetOccupant ( 0 );
            if ( pOccupant )
                pOccupant->SetVehicleAction ( CPlayer::VEHICLEACTION_NONE );

                // Tell everyone
                CVehicleInOutPacket Reply ( pVehicle->GetID (), 0, CGame::VEHICLE_NOTIFY_JACK_RETURN, pOccupant->GetID (), Player.GetID () );
                Reply.SetSourceElement ( &Player );
                m_pPlayerManager->BroadcastOnlyJoined ( Reply );
        if ( pVehicle->GetJackingPlayer () == &Player )
            pVehicle->SetJackingPlayer ( NULL );

    // Update the player data
    Player.SetSpawned ( true );
    Player.SetHealth ( Player.GetMaxHealth () );
    Player.SetIsDead ( false );
    Player.SetWearingGoggles ( false );
    Player.SetHasJetPack ( false );
    Player.SetPosition ( vecPosition );
    Player.SetRotation ( fRotation );
    Player.SetModel ( usModel );
    Player.SetVehicleAction ( CPlayer::VEHICLEACTION_NONE );
    Player.SetTeam ( pTeam, true );
    Player.SetInterior ( ucInterior );
    Player.SetDimension ( usDimension );
    Player.AttachTo ( NULL );

    // Call onPlayerSpawn
    CLuaArguments OnPlayerSpawnArguments;
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fX );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fY );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( vecPosition.fZ );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( fRotation );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushElement ( pTeam );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( usModel );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( ucInterior );
    OnPlayerSpawnArguments.PushNumber ( usDimension );
    Player.CallEvent ( "onPlayerSpawn", OnPlayerSpawnArguments );