// execute one line of code (commands and statements)
DInterpreter::CommandCode DInterpreter::ExecuteLine( istream* in, SizeT lineOffset)
  string line = (in != NULL) ? ::GetLine(in) : GetLine();

  // cout << "ExecuteLine: " << line << endl;

  string firstChar = line.substr(0,1);

  // command
  if( firstChar == ".") 
      return ExecuteCommand( line.substr(1));

  //  online help (if possible, start a browser)
  if( firstChar == "?") 
      // later, we will have to check whether we have X11/Display or not
      // on some computing nodes on supercomputers, this is de-activated.
      if (line.substr(1).length() > 0) {
	line="online_help, '"+line+"'"; //'
      } else {
  // shell command
  if( firstChar == "#") 
      if (line.substr(1).length() > 0) {
	//cout << "yes ! >>"<<StrUpCase(line)<<"<<" << endl;
	SizeT nProFun;
	int nbFound=0;
	// looking in internal procedures
	for( SizeT i = 0; i<nProFun; ++i)
	    if (line.compare(libProList[ i]->Name()) == 0) {
	      cout << "Internal PROCEDURE : " << libProList[ i]->ToString() << endl;
	// looking in internal functions
	nProFun = libFunList.size();
	for( SizeT i = 0; i<nProFun; ++i)
	    if (line.compare(libFunList[ i]->Name()) == 0) {
	      cout << "Internal FUNCTION : " << libFunList[ i]->ToString() << endl;
	// looking in compiled functions
	nProFun = funList.size();
	for( SizeT i = 0; i<nProFun; ++i)
	    if (line.compare(funList[ i]->Name()) == 0) {
	      cout << "Compiled FUNCTION : " << funList[ i]->ToString() << endl;
	// looking in compiled procedures
	nProFun = proList.size();
	for( SizeT i = 0; i<nProFun; ++i)
	    if (line.compare(proList[ i]->Name()) == 0) {
	      cout << "Compiled PROCEDURE : " << proList[ i]->ToString() << endl;
	if (nbFound == 0) {
	  cout << "No Procedure/Function, internal or compiled, with name : "<< line << endl;
      } else {
	cout << "Please provide a pro/fun name !" << endl;
      return CC_OK;

  // shell command
  if( firstChar == "$") 
      ExecuteShellCommand( line.substr(1));
      return CC_OK;

  // include (only when at $MAIN$)
  // during compilation this is handled by the interpreter
  if( firstChar == "@" && callStack.size() <= 1) 
      string fileRaw = line.substr(1);
      StrTrim( fileRaw);

      string file = fileRaw;
      AppendExtension( file);
      bool found = CompleteFileName( file);
      if( !found)
	  file = fileRaw;
	  CompleteFileName( file);

      ExecuteFile( file);
      return CC_OK;

  // statement -> execute it
  executeLine.clear(); // clear EOF (for executeLine)
  executeLine.str( line + "\n"); // append new line

  RefDNode theAST;
  try { 
    Guard<GDLLexer> lexer;

    // LineContinuation LC
    // conactenate the strings and insert \n
    // the resulting string can be fed to the lexer
    // print if expr parse ok 
    int lCNum = 0;
	lexer.Reset( new GDLLexer(executeLine, "", callStack.back()->CompileOpt()));
	try {
	  // works, but ugly -> depends from parser detecting an error
	  // (which it always will due to missing END_U token in case of LC)
	  break; // no error -> everything ok
	catch( GDLException& e)
	    int lCNew = lexer.Get()->LineContinuation();
	    if( lCNew == lCNum)
// 	      throw; // no LC -> real error
#ifndef GDL_DEBUG 		
 		try {
// 			executeLine.clear(); // clear EOF (for executeLine)
// 			lexer.reset( new GDLLexer(executeLine, "", callStack.back()->CompileOpt()));
// 			lexer->Parser().expr();
			executeLine.clear(); // clear EOF (for executeLine)
			executeLine.str( "print," + executeLine.str()); // append new line
			lexer.reset( new GDLLexer(executeLine, "", callStack.back()->CompileOpt()));
			break; // no error -> everything ok
		catch( GDLException& e2)
			throw e;

	    lCNum = lCNew; // save number to see if next line also has LC

	// line continuation -> get next line
	if( in != NULL && !in->good())
	  throw GDLException( "End of file encountered during line continuation.");
	string cLine = (in != NULL) ? ::GetLine(in) : GetLine();

	executeLine.clear(); // clear EOF (for executeLine)
	executeLine.str( executeLine.str() + cLine + "\n"); // append new line
    //    lexer->Parser().interactive();
    theAST = lexer.Get()->Parser().getAST();

  catch( GDLException& e)
      ReportCompileError( e);
      return CC_OK;
  catch( ANTLRException& e)
      cerr << "Lexer/Parser exception: " <<  e.getMessage() << endl;
      return CC_OK;

  if( theAST == NULL) return CC_OK;

    // consider line offset
    if( lineOffset > 0)
		AddLineOffset( lineOffset, theAST);

#ifdef GDL_DEBUG
  antlr::print_tree pt;
  cout << "Parser output:" << endl;
  cout << "ExecuteLine: Parser end." << endl;

  ProgNodeP progAST = NULL;

  RefDNode trAST;
  assert( dynamic_cast<EnvUDT*>(callStack.back()) != NULL);
  EnvUDT* env = static_cast<EnvUDT*>(callStack.back());
  int nForLoopsIn = env->NForLoops();
      GDLTreeParser treeParser( callStack.back());


  if( trAST == NULL)
      // normal condition for cmd line procedure calls
      return CC_OK;

#ifdef GDL_DEBUG
  cout << "Tree parser output (RefDNode):" << endl;
  cout << "ExecuteLine: Tree parser end." << endl;

	// **************************************
	// this is the call of the ProgNode factory
	// **************************************
    progAST = ProgNode::NewProgNode( trAST);

	assert( dynamic_cast<EnvUDT*>(callStack.back()) != NULL);
    EnvUDT* env = static_cast<EnvUDT*>(callStack.back());
    int nForLoops = ProgNode::NumberForLoops( progAST, nForLoopsIn);
	env->ResizeForLoops( nForLoops);
  catch( GDLException& e)
	  env->ResizeForLoops( nForLoopsIn);
      ReportCompileError( e);
      return CC_OK;
  catch( ANTLRException& e)
	  env->ResizeForLoops( nForLoopsIn);
      cerr << "Compiler exception: " <<  e.getMessage() << endl;
      return CC_OK;
  Guard< ProgNode> progAST_guard( progAST);

#ifdef GDL_DEBUG
  cout << "Converted tree (ProgNode):" << endl;
  pt.pr_tree( progAST);
  cout << "end." << endl;

      RetCode retCode = interactive( progAST);
	  env->ResizeForLoops( nForLoopsIn);
      // write to journal file
      string actualLine = GetClearActualLine();
      if( actualLine != "") lib::write_journal( actualLine); 
      if( retCode == RC_RETURN) return CC_RETURN;
      return CC_OK;
  catch( GDLException& e)
	  env->ResizeForLoops( nForLoopsIn);
      cerr << "Unhandled GDL exception: " <<  e.toString() << endl;
      return CC_OK;
  catch( ANTLRException& e)
	  env->ResizeForLoops( nForLoopsIn);
      cerr << "Interpreter exception: " <<  e.getMessage() << endl;
      return CC_OK;

  return CC_OK;