Ejemplo n.º 1
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void ShadowCaster::extrudeVertices(
        const HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr& vertexBuffer, 
        size_t originalVertexCount, const Vector4& light, Real extrudeDist)
        assert (vertexBuffer->getVertexSize() == sizeof(float) * 3
            && "Position buffer should contain only positions!");

        // Extrude the first area of the buffer into the second area
        // Lock the entire buffer for writing, even though we'll only be
        // updating the latter because you can't have 2 locks on the same
        // buffer
        float* pSrc = static_cast<float*>(

        // TODO: We should add extra (ununsed) vertices ensure source and
        // destination buffer have same alignment for slight performance gain.
        float* pDest = pSrc + originalVertexCount * 3;

            light, extrudeDist,
            pSrc, pDest, originalVertexCount);


    void BorderPanelOverlayElement::updateTextureGeometry()
		/* Each cell is
			|    /|
			|  /  |
			|/    |
		// No choice but to lock / unlock each time here, but lock only small sections
		HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = 
		// Can't use discard since this discards whole buffer
		float* pUV = static_cast<float*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
		for (uint i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
			*pUV++ = mBorderUV[i].u1; *pUV++ = mBorderUV[i].v1;
			*pUV++ = mBorderUV[i].u1; *pUV++ = mBorderUV[i].v2;
			*pUV++ = mBorderUV[i].u2; *pUV++ = mBorderUV[i].v1;
			*pUV++ = mBorderUV[i].u2; *pUV++ = mBorderUV[i].v2;

Ejemplo n.º 3
    MeshInformer::getVertices(Vector3* pDst,
                              const VertexData* vertexData)
        const VertexElement* posElem = vertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION);
        HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(posElem->getSource());
        size_t vertex_stride = vbuf->getVertexSize();
        size_t vertexCount = vertexData->vertexCount;

        void* pBase = vbuf->lock(
            vertex_stride * vertexData->vertexStart,
            vertex_stride * vertexCount,

        uchar* pSrc; posElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(pBase, &pSrc);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i, pSrc += vertex_stride, ++pDst)
            const float* pFloat = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(pSrc);
            pDst->x = pFloat[0];
            pDst->y = pFloat[1];
            pDst->z = pFloat[2];


        return vertexCount;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    void Rectangle2D::setCorners(Real left, Real top, Real right, Real bottom, bool updateAABB) 
        HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = 
        float* pFloat = static_cast<float*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

        *pFloat++ = left;
        *pFloat++ = top;
        *pFloat++ = -1;

        *pFloat++ = left;
        *pFloat++ = bottom;
        *pFloat++ = -1;

        *pFloat++ = right;
        *pFloat++ = top;
        *pFloat++ = -1;

        *pFloat++ = right;
        *pFloat++ = bottom;
        *pFloat++ = -1;


				std::min(left, right), std::min(top, bottom), 0,
				std::max(left, right), std::max(top, bottom), 0);
void ShaderParticleRenderer::_updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue, Ogre::list<Particle*>::type& currentParticles, bool cullIndividually)
    // be sure that we have enough space in buffers
    if (!allocateBuffers(currentParticles.size())) {
        assert(0 && "Cannot allocate buffers");

    // update vertex data
    mRadius = 0.0f;
    if (!currentParticles.empty()) {
        HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr pVB = mVertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(0);
        uchar* pDataVB  = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(pVB->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
        for (Ogre::list<Particle*>::type::iterator it=currentParticles.begin(); it!=currentParticles.end(); ++it) {
            Particle* pParticle = *it;
            addParticle(pDataVB, *pParticle);
            pDataVB += 4 * mVertexSize;

            float fDist = (mParentNode != NULL) ? mParentNode->getPosition().distance(pParticle->mPosition) : pParticle->mPosition.length();
            if (fDist > mRadius)
                mRadius = fDist;

    // setup counts
    mVertexData->vertexCount = currentParticles.size() * 4;
    mIndexData->indexCount   = currentParticles.size() * 6;

    // update render queue
    queue->addRenderable(this, mRenderQueueID);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    void TextAreaOverlayElement::updateColours(void)
        // Convert to system-specific
        RGBA topColour, bottomColour;
        Root::getSingleton().convertColourValue(mColourTop, &topColour);
        Root::getSingleton().convertColourValue(mColourBottom, &bottomColour);

        HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = 

        RGBA* pDest = static_cast<RGBA*>(
            vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD, Root::getSingleton().getFreqUpdatedBuffersUploadOption()) );

        for (size_t i = 0; i < mAllocSize; ++i)
            // First tri (top, bottom, top)
            *pDest++ = topColour;
            *pDest++ = bottomColour;
            *pDest++ = topColour;
            // Second tri (top, bottom, bottom)
            *pDest++ = topColour;
            *pDest++ = bottomColour;
            *pDest++ = bottomColour;

Ejemplo n.º 7
void MeshLodTests::addProfile(LodConfig& config)
    // Get the first two vertices and put the edge into the profile
    // It doesn't matter if there is no such edge, because edges are removed and created dynamically.
    // The vertex positions should exist or you get an assert.
    VertexData* vertexData = config.mesh->getSubMesh(0)->vertexData;
    const VertexElement* elemPos = vertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION);
    HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(elemPos->getSource());
    assert(vbuf->getNumVertices() > 2);
    unsigned char* vertex = static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
    float* pFloat;
    elemPos->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pFloat);
    ProfiledEdge edge;
    edge.src.x = *pFloat++;
    edge.src.y = *pFloat++;
    edge.src.z = *pFloat;
    vertex += vbuf->getVertexSize();
    elemPos->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pFloat);
    edge.dst.x = *pFloat++;
    edge.dst.y = *pFloat++;
    edge.dst.z = *pFloat;
    edge.cost = LodData::NEVER_COLLAPSE_COST;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void Line3D::drawLines(void)
      mDrawn = true;

   // Initialization stuff
   mRenderOp.indexData = 0;
   mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexCount = mPoints.size();
   mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexStart = 0;
   mRenderOp.operationType = RenderOperation::OT_LINE_LIST; // OT_LINE_LIST, OT_LINE_STRIP
   mRenderOp.useIndexes = false;

   VertexDeclaration *decl = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
   VertexBufferBinding *bind = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding;


   HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =

   bind->setBinding(POSITION_BINDING, vbuf);

   // Drawing stuff
   int size = mPoints.size();
   Vector3 vaabMin = mPoints[0];
   Vector3 vaabMax = mPoints[0];

   Real *prPos = static_cast<Real*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

   for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      *prPos++ = mPoints[i].x;
      *prPos++ = mPoints[i].y;
      *prPos++ = mPoints[i].z;

      if(mPoints[i].x < vaabMin.x)
         vaabMin.x = mPoints[i].x;
      if(mPoints[i].y < vaabMin.y)
         vaabMin.y = mPoints[i].y;
      if(mPoints[i].z < vaabMin.z)
         vaabMin.z = mPoints[i].z;

      if(mPoints[i].x > vaabMax.x)
         vaabMax.x = mPoints[i].x;
      if(mPoints[i].y > vaabMax.y)
         vaabMax.y = mPoints[i].y;
      if(mPoints[i].z > vaabMax.z)
         vaabMax.z = mPoints[i].z;


   mBox.setExtents(vaabMin, vaabMax);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void GeomUtils::createCone(Ogre::VertexData*& vertexData, Ogre::IndexData*& indexData, 
					   float radius , float height, int nVerticesInBase)
	assert(vertexData && indexData);

	// define the vertex format
	VertexDeclaration* vertexDecl = vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
	// positions
	vertexDecl->addElement(0, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);
	// allocate the vertex buffer
	vertexData->vertexCount = nVerticesInBase + 1;
	HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vBuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(vertexDecl->getVertexSize(0), vertexData->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, false);
	VertexBufferBinding* binding = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding;
	binding->setBinding(0, vBuf);
	float* pVertex = static_cast<float*>(vBuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

	// allocate index buffer - cone and base
	indexData->indexCount = (3 * nVerticesInBase) + (3 * (nVerticesInBase - 2));
	indexData->indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer(HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, indexData->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, false);
	HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr iBuf = indexData->indexBuffer;
	unsigned short* pIndices = static_cast<unsigned short*>(iBuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

	//Positions : cone head and base
	for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
		*pVertex++ = 0.0f;

	//Base :
	float fDeltaBaseAngle = (2 * Math::PI) / nVerticesInBase;
	for (int i=0; i<nVerticesInBase; i++)
		float angle = i * fDeltaBaseAngle;
		*pVertex++ = radius * cosf(angle);
		*pVertex++ = height;
		*pVertex++ = radius * sinf(angle);

	//Indices :
	//Cone head to vertices
	for (int i=0; i<nVerticesInBase; i++)
		*pIndices++ = 0;
		*pIndices++ = (i%nVerticesInBase) + 1;
		*pIndices++ = ((i+1)%nVerticesInBase) + 1;
	//Cone base
	for (int i=0; i<nVerticesInBase-2; i++)
		*pIndices++ = 1;
		*pIndices++ = i + 3;
		*pIndices++ = i + 2;

	// Unlock
Ejemplo n.º 10
void SkyManager::ModVertexAlpha(Entity* ent, unsigned int meshType)
    // Get the vertex colour buffer of this mesh
    const Ogre::VertexElement* ves_diffuse = ent->getMesh()->getSubMesh(0)->vertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic( Ogre::VES_DIFFUSE );
    HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr colourBuffer = ent->getMesh()->getSubMesh(0)->vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(ves_diffuse->getSource());

    // Lock
    void* pData = colourBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL);

    // Iterate over all vertices
    int vertex_size = colourBuffer->getVertexSize();
    float * currentVertex = NULL;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<colourBuffer->getNumVertices(); ++i)
        // Get a pointer to the vertex colour
        ves_diffuse->baseVertexPointerToElement( pData, &currentVertex );

        unsigned char alpha=0;
        if (meshType == 0) alpha = i%2 ? 0 : 255; // this is a cylinder, so every second vertex belongs to the bottom-most row
        else if (meshType == 1)
            if (i>= 49 && i <= 64) alpha = 0; // bottom-most row
            else if (i>= 33 && i <= 48) alpha = 64; // second bottom-most row
            else alpha = 255;

        uint8 tmpR = static_cast<uint8>(255);
        uint8 tmpG = static_cast<uint8>(255);
        uint8 tmpB = static_cast<uint8>(255);
        uint8 tmpA = static_cast<uint8>(alpha);

        // This does not matter since R and B are always 1.
        /*VertexElementType format = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem()->getColourVertexElementType();
        switch (format)
        case VET_COLOUR_ARGB:
            std::swap(tmpR, tmpB);
        case VET_COLOUR_ABGR:

        // Modify
        *((uint32*)currentVertex) = tmpR | (tmpG << 8) | (tmpB << 16) | (tmpA << 24);

        // Move to the next vertex
        pData = static_cast<unsigned char *> (pData) + vertex_size;

    // Unlock
Ejemplo n.º 11
void NxLine::fillHardwareBuffers()
	int size = mPoints.size();
	prepareHardwareBuffers(size,0, mUseVertexColour);
	if (!size) 

	Nx::Vector3 vaabMin = mPoints[0];
	Nx::Vector3 vaabMax = mPoints[0];

	HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(0);

	Real *prPos = static_cast<Real*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
		for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			*prPos++ = mPoints[i].x;
			*prPos++ = mPoints[i].y;
			*prPos++ = mPoints[i].z;

			if(mPoints[i].x < vaabMin.x)
				vaabMin.x = mPoints[i].x;
			if(mPoints[i].y < vaabMin.y)
				vaabMin.y = mPoints[i].y;
			if(mPoints[i].z < vaabMin.z)
				vaabMin.z = mPoints[i].z;

			if(mPoints[i].x > vaabMax.x)
				vaabMax.x = mPoints[i].x;
			if(mPoints[i].y > vaabMax.y)
				vaabMax.y = mPoints[i].y;
			if(mPoints[i].z > vaabMax.z)
				vaabMax.z = mPoints[i].z;


	if( mUseVertexColour ) {
		HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr cbuf = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(1);
		cbuf->writeData(0, size * sizeof(unsigned int), &mPointsColor[0], true );

	mBox.setExtents( NxVec3ToOgre( vaabMin ), NxVec3ToOgre(  vaabMax ) );
	mDirty = false;

Ejemplo n.º 12
void MovableText::_updateColors(void){

    // Convert to system-specific
    RGBA color;
    Root::getSingleton().convertColourValue(mColor, &color);
    HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(COLOUR_BINDING);
    RGBA *pDest = static_cast<RGBA*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexCount; ++i)
        *pDest++ = color;
    mUpdateColors = false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
	void TangentSpaceCalc::extendBuffers(VertexSplits& vertexSplits)
		if (!vertexSplits.empty())
			// ok, need to increase the vertex buffer size, and alter some indexes

			// vertex buffers first
			VertexBufferBinding* newBindings = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBufferBinding();
			const VertexBufferBinding::VertexBufferBindingMap& bindmap = 
			for (VertexBufferBinding::VertexBufferBindingMap::const_iterator i = 
				bindmap.begin(); i != bindmap.end(); ++i)
				HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr srcbuf = i->second;
				// Derive vertex count from buffer not vertex data, in case using
				// the vertexStart option in vertex data
				size_t newVertexCount = srcbuf->getNumVertices() + vertexSplits.size();
				// Create new buffer & bind
				HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr newBuf = 
					srcbuf->getVertexSize(), newVertexCount, srcbuf->getUsage(), 
				newBindings->setBinding(i->first, newBuf);

				// Copy existing contents (again, entire buffer, not just elements referenced)
				newBuf->copyData(*(srcbuf.get()), 0, 0, srcbuf->getNumVertices() * srcbuf->getVertexSize(), true);

				// Split vertices, read / write from new buffer
				char* pBase = static_cast<char*>(newBuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL));
				for (VertexSplits::iterator spliti = vertexSplits.begin(); 
					spliti != vertexSplits.end(); ++spliti)
					const char* pSrcBase = pBase + spliti->first * newBuf->getVertexSize();
					char* pDstBase = pBase + spliti->second * newBuf->getVertexSize();
					memcpy(pDstBase, pSrcBase, newBuf->getVertexSize());


			// Update vertex data
			// Increase vertex count according to num splits
			mVData->vertexCount += vertexSplits.size();
			// Flip bindings over to new buffers (old buffers released)
			mVData->vertexBufferBinding = newBindings;

Ejemplo n.º 14
    void PanelOverlayElement::updatePositionGeometry(void)
			|    /|
			|  /  |
			|/    |
		Real left, right, top, bottom;

		/* Convert positions into -1, 1 coordinate space (homogenous clip space).
			- Left / right is simple range conversion
			- Top / bottom also need inverting since y is upside down - this means
			that top will end up greater than bottom and when computing texture
			coordinates, we have to flip the v-axis (ie. subtract the value from
			1.0 to get the actual correct value).
		left = _getDerivedLeft() * 2 - 1;
		right = left + (mWidth * 2);
		top = -((_getDerivedTop() * 2) - 1);
		bottom =  top -  (mHeight * 2);

		HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =
		float* pPos = static_cast<float*>(
			vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD) );

		// Use the furthest away depth value, since materials should have depth-check off
		// This initialised the depth buffer for any 3D objects in front
		Real zValue = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem()->getMaximumDepthInputValue();
		*pPos++ = left;
		*pPos++ = top;
		*pPos++ = zValue;

		*pPos++ = left;
		*pPos++ = bottom;
		*pPos++ = zValue;

		*pPos++ = right;
		*pPos++ = top;
		*pPos++ = zValue;

		*pPos++ = right;
		*pPos++ = bottom;
		*pPos++ = zValue;

Ejemplo n.º 15
void EdgeBuilderTests::testSingleIndexBufSingleVertexBuf()
    /* This tests the edge builders ability to find shared edges in the simple case
    of a single index buffer referencing a single vertex buffer
    VertexData vd;
    IndexData id;
    // Test pyramid
    vd.vertexCount = 4;
    vd.vertexStart = 0;
    vd.vertexDeclaration = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexDeclaration();
    vd.vertexDeclaration->addElement(0, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);
    HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(sizeof(float)*3, 4, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC,true);
    vd.vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(0, vbuf);
    float* pFloat = static_cast<float*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
    *pFloat++ = 0  ; *pFloat++ = 0  ; *pFloat++ = 0  ;
    *pFloat++ = 50 ; *pFloat++ = 0  ; *pFloat++ = 0  ;
    *pFloat++ = 0  ; *pFloat++ = 100; *pFloat++ = 0  ;
    *pFloat++ = 0  ; *pFloat++ = 0  ; *pFloat++ = -50;

    id.indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer(
        HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, 12, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC, true);
    id.indexCount = 12;
    id.indexStart = 0;
    unsigned short* pIdx = static_cast<unsigned short*>(id.indexBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
    *pIdx++ = 0; *pIdx++ = 1; *pIdx++ = 2;
    *pIdx++ = 0; *pIdx++ = 2; *pIdx++ = 3;
    *pIdx++ = 1; *pIdx++ = 3; *pIdx++ = 2;
    *pIdx++ = 0; *pIdx++ = 3; *pIdx++ = 1;

    EdgeListBuilder edgeBuilder;
    EdgeData* edgeData = edgeBuilder.build();

    // Should be only one group, since only one vertex buffer
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(edgeData->edgeGroups.size() == 1);
    // 4 tris
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(edgeData->triangles.size() == 4);
    EdgeData::EdgeGroup& eg = edgeData->edgeGroups[0];
    // 6 edges
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(eg.edges.size() == 6);

    delete edgeData;

Ejemplo n.º 16
void DynamicLines::fillHardwareBuffers()
    int size = (int)mPoints.size();

    prepareHardwareBuffers(size, 0);

    if (!size)
        mBox.setExtents(Vector3::ZERO, Vector3::ZERO);
        mDirty = false;

    Vector3 vaabMin = mPoints[0];
    Vector3 vaabMax = mPoints[0];

    HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =

    Real* prPos = static_cast<Real*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            *prPos++ = mPoints[i].x;
            *prPos++ = mPoints[i].y;
            *prPos++ = mPoints[i].z;

            if (mPoints[i].x < vaabMin.x)
                vaabMin.x = mPoints[i].x;
            if (mPoints[i].y < vaabMin.y)
                vaabMin.y = mPoints[i].y;
            if (mPoints[i].z < vaabMin.z)
                vaabMin.z = mPoints[i].z;

            if (mPoints[i].x > vaabMax.x)
                vaabMax.x = mPoints[i].x;
            if (mPoints[i].y > vaabMax.y)
                vaabMax.y = mPoints[i].y;
            if (mPoints[i].z > vaabMax.z)
                vaabMax.z = mPoints[i].z;

    mBox.setExtents(vaabMin, vaabMax);

    mDirty = false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  void DebugRectangle2D::setCorners(Real left, Real top, Real right, Real bottom)
    VertexDeclaration * const decl = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
    const VertexElement* poselem = decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION);
    const VertexElement* colorelem = decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_DIFFUSE);

    HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =

    const size_t vertexSize = vbuf->getVertexSize ();
    float *pPos;
    RGBA *pColor;
    Root * const root = Root::getSingletonPtr();

    uchar* pMain = static_cast<uchar *>(

//    #define V3(AX, AY, AZ, ACOLOR) poselem->baseVertexPointerToElement(pMain, &pPos); \
//            *pPos++ = AX; *pPos++ =  AY; *pPos++ =  AZ; \
//            pMain += vertexSize;

#define V3(A_X, A_Y, A_Z, ACOLOR) poselem->baseVertexPointerToElement(pMain, &pPos); \
			*pPos++ = static_cast <float> (A_X); \
			*pPos++ = static_cast <float> (A_Y); \
			*pPos++ = static_cast <float> (A_Z); \
            colorelem->baseVertexPointerToElement(pMain, &pColor); \
            root->convertColourValue (ACOLOR, pColor); \
            pMain += vertexSize;

    V3(left, top, -1.0f, ColourValue::White)
    V3(left, bottom, -1.0f, ColourValue::White)
    V3(right, bottom, -1.0f, ColourValue::White)
    V3(right, top, -1.0f, ColourValue::White)


    HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr iBuf = mRenderOp.indexData->indexBuffer;
    ushort* pIdx = static_cast<ushort*>(
        iBuf->lock(0, iBuf->getSizeInBytes(),HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

    *pIdx++ = static_cast<ushort> (0); *pIdx++ = static_cast<ushort> (1); // line 1
    *pIdx++ = static_cast<ushort> (1); *pIdx++ = static_cast<ushort> (2);// line 2
    *pIdx++ = static_cast<ushort> (2); *pIdx++ = static_cast<ushort> (3);// line 3
    *pIdx++ = static_cast<ushort> (3); *pIdx++ = static_cast<ushort> (0);// line 4

Ejemplo n.º 18
void SkyManager::ModVertexAlpha(Entity* ent, unsigned int meshType)
    // Get the vertex colour buffer of this mesh
    const Ogre::VertexElement* ves_diffuse = ent->getMesh()->getSubMesh(0)->vertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic( Ogre::VES_DIFFUSE );
    HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr colourBuffer = ent->getMesh()->getSubMesh(0)->vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(ves_diffuse->getSource());

    // Lock
    void* pData = colourBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL);

    // Iterate over all vertices
    int vertex_size = colourBuffer->getVertexSize();
    float * currentVertex = NULL;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<colourBuffer->getNumVertices(); ++i)
        // Get a pointer to the vertex colour
        ves_diffuse->baseVertexPointerToElement( pData, &currentVertex );

        unsigned char alpha=0;
        if (meshType == 0) alpha = i%2 ? 0 : 255; // this is a cylinder, so every second vertex belongs to the bottom-most row
        else if (meshType == 1)
            if (i>= 49 && i <= 64) alpha = 0; // bottom-most row
            else if (i>= 33 && i <= 48) alpha = 64; // second bottom-most row
            else alpha = 255;
        // NB we would have to swap R and B depending on rendersystem specific VertexElementType, but doesn't matter since they are both 1
        uint8 tmpR = static_cast<uint8>(255);
        uint8 tmpG = static_cast<uint8>(255);
        uint8 tmpB = static_cast<uint8>(255);
        uint8 tmpA = static_cast<uint8>(alpha);

        // Modify
        *((uint32*)currentVertex) = tmpR | (tmpG << 8) | (tmpB << 16) | (tmpA << 24);

        // Move to the next vertex
        pData = static_cast<unsigned char *> (pData) + vertex_size;

    // Unlock
Ejemplo n.º 19
AxisAlignedBox getVertexDataAabb( VertexData* vd, const Ogre::Matrix4& transform)
	AxisAlignedBox aabb;

	const VertexElement* ve = vd->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION);
	HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vb = vd->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(ve->getSource());

	unsigned char* data = static_cast<unsigned char*>(

	for (size_t i = 0; i < vd->vertexCount; ++i)
		float* v;
		ve->baseVertexPointerToElement(data, &v);
		aabb.merge(transform * Ogre::Vector3(v[0], v[1], v[2]));

		data += vb->getVertexSize();

	return aabb;
Ejemplo n.º 20
    void Rectangle2D::setNormals( const Ogre::Vector3 &topLeft, const Ogre::Vector3 &bottomLeft,
                                    const Ogre::Vector3 &topRight, const Ogre::Vector3 &bottomRight)
        HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer( 1 );
        float* pFloat = static_cast<float*>( vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD) );

        *pFloat++ = topLeft.x;
        *pFloat++ = topLeft.y;
        *pFloat++ = topLeft.z;

        if( mQuad )
            *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.x;
            *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.y;
            *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.z;

            *pFloat++ = topRight.x;
            *pFloat++ = topRight.y;
            *pFloat++ = topRight.z;

            *pFloat++ = bottomRight.x;
            *pFloat++ = bottomRight.y;
            *pFloat++ = bottomRight.z;
            *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.x;
            *pFloat++ = Math::lerp( topLeft.y, bottomLeft.y, 2.0f );
            *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.z;

            *pFloat++ = Math::lerp( topLeft.x, topRight.x, 2.0f );
            *pFloat++ = topRight.y;
            *pFloat++ = topRight.z;

Ejemplo n.º 21
	void Rectangle2D::setUVs( const Ogre::Vector2 &topLeft, const Ogre::Vector2 &bottomLeft,
								const Ogre::Vector2 &topRight, const Ogre::Vector2 &bottomRight)
		if( mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration->getElementCount() <= TEXCOORD_BINDING )
			return; //Vertex data wasn't built with UV buffer

		HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = 
        float* pFloat = static_cast<float*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

        *pFloat++ = topLeft.x;
        *pFloat++ = topLeft.y;

        *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.x;
        *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.y;

        *pFloat++ = topRight.x;
        *pFloat++ = topRight.y;

        *pFloat++ = bottomRight.x;
        *pFloat++ = bottomRight.y;

Ejemplo n.º 22
	void Rectangle2D::setNormals(const Ogre::Vector3 &topLeft, const Ogre::Vector3 &bottomLeft, const Ogre::Vector3 &topRight, const Ogre::Vector3 &bottomRight)
		HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = 
        float* pFloat = static_cast<float*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

        *pFloat++ = topLeft.x;
        *pFloat++ = topLeft.y;
        *pFloat++ = topLeft.z;

        *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.x;
        *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.y;
        *pFloat++ = bottomLeft.z;

        *pFloat++ = topRight.x;
        *pFloat++ = topRight.y;
        *pFloat++ = topRight.z;

        *pFloat++ = bottomRight.x;
        *pFloat++ = bottomRight.y;
        *pFloat++ = bottomRight.z;

Ejemplo n.º 23
    void PanelOverlayElement::updateTextureGeometry(void)
        // Generate for as many texture layers as there are in material
        if (!mpMaterial.isNull() && mInitialised)
            // Assume one technique and pass for the moment
            size_t numLayers = mpMaterial->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getNumTextureUnitStates();

            VertexDeclaration* decl = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
            // Check the number of texcoords we have in our buffer now
            if (mNumTexCoordsInBuffer > numLayers)
                // remove extras
                for (size_t i = mNumTexCoordsInBuffer; i > numLayers; --i)
						static_cast<unsigned short>(i));
            else if (mNumTexCoordsInBuffer < numLayers)
                // Add extra texcoord elements
                size_t offset = VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT2) * mNumTexCoordsInBuffer;
                for (size_t i = mNumTexCoordsInBuffer; i < numLayers; ++i)
                        offset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 
						static_cast<unsigned short>(i));
                    offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT2);


            // if number of layers changed at all, we'll need to reallocate buffer
            if (mNumTexCoordsInBuffer != numLayers)
                // NB reference counting will take care of the old one if it exists
                HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr newbuf =
                    decl->getVertexSize(TEXCOORD_BINDING), mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexCount,
                    HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY // mostly static except during resizing
                // Bind buffer, note this will unbind the old one and destroy the buffer it had
                mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(TEXCOORD_BINDING, newbuf);
                // Set num tex coords in use now
                mNumTexCoordsInBuffer = numLayers;

            // Get the tcoord buffer & lock
			if (mNumTexCoordsInBuffer)
				HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =
				float* pVBStart = static_cast<float*>(
					vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD) );

				size_t uvSize = VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT2) / sizeof(float);
				size_t vertexSize = decl->getVertexSize(TEXCOORD_BINDING) / sizeof(float);
				for (ushort i = 0; i < numLayers; ++i)
				    // Calc upper tex coords
                    Real upperX = mU2 * mTileX[i];
                    Real upperY = mV2 * mTileY[i];

					    |    /|
					    |  /  |
					    |/    |
				    // Find start offset for this set
				    float* pTex = pVBStart + (i * uvSize);

                    pTex[0] = mU1;
                    pTex[1] = mV1;

                    pTex += vertexSize; // jump by 1 vertex stride
                    pTex[0] = mU1;
                    pTex[1] = upperY;

                    pTex += vertexSize;
                    pTex[0] = upperX;
                    pTex[1] = mV1;

                    pTex += vertexSize;
                    pTex[0] = upperX;
                    pTex[1] = upperY;
	void PrefabFactory::createSphere(Mesh* mesh)
		// sphere creation code taken from the DeferredShading sample, originally from the wiki
		SubMesh *pSphereVertex = mesh->createSubMesh();

		const int NUM_SEGMENTS = 16;
		const int NUM_RINGS = 16;
		const Real SPHERE_RADIUS = 50.0;

		mesh->sharedVertexData = OGRE_NEW VertexData();
		VertexData* vertexData = mesh->sharedVertexData;

		// define the vertex format
		VertexDeclaration* vertexDecl = vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
		size_t currOffset = 0;
		// positions
		vertexDecl->addElement(0, currOffset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);
		currOffset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3);
		// normals
		vertexDecl->addElement(0, currOffset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_NORMAL);
		currOffset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3);
		// two dimensional texture coordinates
		vertexDecl->addElement(0, currOffset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0);

		// allocate the vertex buffer
		vertexData->vertexCount = (NUM_RINGS + 1) * (NUM_SEGMENTS+1);
		HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vBuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(vertexDecl->getVertexSize(0), vertexData->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, false);
		VertexBufferBinding* binding = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding;
		binding->setBinding(0, vBuf);
		float* pVertex = static_cast<float*>(vBuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

		// allocate index buffer
		pSphereVertex->indexData->indexCount = 6 * NUM_RINGS * (NUM_SEGMENTS + 1);
		pSphereVertex->indexData->indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer(HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, pSphereVertex->indexData->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, false);
		HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr iBuf = pSphereVertex->indexData->indexBuffer;
		unsigned short* pIndices = static_cast<unsigned short*>(iBuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

		float fDeltaRingAngle = (Math::PI / NUM_RINGS);
		float fDeltaSegAngle = (2 * Math::PI / NUM_SEGMENTS);
		unsigned short wVerticeIndex = 0 ;

		// Generate the group of rings for the sphere
		for( int ring = 0; ring <= NUM_RINGS; ring++ ) {
			float r0 = SPHERE_RADIUS * sinf (ring * fDeltaRingAngle);
			float y0 = SPHERE_RADIUS * cosf (ring * fDeltaRingAngle);

			// Generate the group of segments for the current ring
			for(int seg = 0; seg <= NUM_SEGMENTS; seg++) {
				float x0 = r0 * sinf(seg * fDeltaSegAngle);
				float z0 = r0 * cosf(seg * fDeltaSegAngle);

				// Add one vertex to the strip which makes up the sphere
				*pVertex++ = x0;
				*pVertex++ = y0;
				*pVertex++ = z0;

				Vector3 vNormal = Vector3(x0, y0, z0).normalisedCopy();
				*pVertex++ = vNormal.x;
				*pVertex++ = vNormal.y;
				*pVertex++ = vNormal.z;

				*pVertex++ = (float) seg / (float) NUM_SEGMENTS;
				*pVertex++ = (float) ring / (float) NUM_RINGS;

				if (ring != NUM_RINGS) {
					// each vertex (except the last) has six indicies pointing to it
					*pIndices++ = wVerticeIndex + NUM_SEGMENTS + 1;
					*pIndices++ = wVerticeIndex;               
					*pIndices++ = wVerticeIndex + NUM_SEGMENTS;
					*pIndices++ = wVerticeIndex + NUM_SEGMENTS + 1;
					*pIndices++ = wVerticeIndex + 1;
					*pIndices++ = wVerticeIndex;
					wVerticeIndex ++;
			}; // end for seg
		} // end for ring

		// Unlock
		// Generate face list
		pSphereVertex->useSharedVertices = true;

		// the original code was missing this line:
		mesh->_setBounds( AxisAlignedBox( Vector3(-SPHERE_RADIUS, -SPHERE_RADIUS, -SPHERE_RADIUS), 

Ejemplo n.º 25
	void Rectangle2D::_initRectangle2D(bool includeTextureCoords, Ogre::HardwareBuffer::Usage vBufUsage) 
        // use identity projection and view matrices
        mUseIdentityProjection = true;
        mUseIdentityView = true;

        mRenderOp.vertexData = OGRE_NEW VertexData();

        mRenderOp.indexData = 0;
        mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexCount = 4; 
        mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexStart = 0; 
        mRenderOp.operationType = RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_STRIP; 
        mRenderOp.useIndexes = false; 
        mRenderOp.useGlobalInstancingVertexBufferIsAvailable = false;

        VertexDeclaration* decl = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
        VertexBufferBinding* bind = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding;

        decl->addElement(POSITION_BINDING, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);

        HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = 

        // Bind buffer
        bind->setBinding(POSITION_BINDING, vbuf);

		decl->addElement(NORMAL_BINDING, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_NORMAL);

		vbuf = 

		bind->setBinding(NORMAL_BINDING, vbuf);

		float *pNorm = static_cast<float*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
		*pNorm++ = 0.0f;
		*pNorm++ = 0.0f;
		*pNorm++ = 1.0f;

		*pNorm++ = 0.0f;
		*pNorm++ = 0.0f;
		*pNorm++ = 1.0f;

		*pNorm++ = 0.0f;
		*pNorm++ = 0.0f;
		*pNorm++ = 1.0f;

		*pNorm++ = 0.0f;
		*pNorm++ = 0.0f;
		*pNorm++ = 1.0f;


        if (includeTextureCoords)

            HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr tvbuf = 

            // Bind buffer
            bind->setBinding(TEXCOORD_BINDING, tvbuf);

            // Set up basic tex coordinates

        // set basic white material
void MeshSerializerTests::assertVertexDataClone(VertexData* a, VertexData* b, MeshVersion version /*= MESH_VERSION_LATEST*/)
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT((a == NULL) == (b == NULL));
	if (a) {
		// compare bindings
			const VertexBufferBinding::VertexBufferBindingMap& aBindings = a->vertexBufferBinding->getBindings();
			const VertexBufferBinding::VertexBufferBindingMap& bBindings = b->vertexBufferBinding->getBindings();
			CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aBindings.size() == bBindings.size());
			typedef VertexBufferBinding::VertexBufferBindingMap::const_iterator bindingIterator;
			bindingIterator aIt = aBindings.begin();
			bindingIterator aEndIt = aBindings.end();
			bindingIterator bIt = bBindings.begin();
			for (; aIt != aEndIt; aIt++, bIt++) {
				CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aIt->first == bIt->first);
				CPPUNIT_ASSERT((aIt->second.get() == NULL) == (bIt->second.get() == NULL));
				if (a) {
					CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aIt->second->getManager() == bIt->second->getManager());
					CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aIt->second->getNumVertices() == bIt->second->getNumVertices());

			const VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList& aElements = a->vertexDeclaration->getElements();
			const VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList& bElements = a->vertexDeclaration->getElements();
			CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aElements.size() == bElements.size());
			typedef VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList::const_iterator bindingIterator;
			bindingIterator aIt = aElements.begin();
			bindingIterator aEndIt = aElements.end();
			bindingIterator bIt;
			for (; aIt != aEndIt; aIt++) {
				bIt = std::find(bElements.begin(), bElements.end(), *aIt);
				CPPUNIT_ASSERT(bIt != bElements.end());
				const VertexElement& aElem = *aIt;
				const VertexElement& bElem = *bIt;
				HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr abuf = a->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(aElem.getSource());
				HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr bbuf = b->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(bElem.getSource());
				unsigned char* avertex = static_cast<unsigned char*>(abuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
				unsigned char* bvertex = static_cast<unsigned char*>(bbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
				size_t avSize = abuf->getVertexSize();
				size_t bvSize = bbuf->getVertexSize();
				size_t elemSize = VertexElement::getTypeSize(aElem.getType());
				unsigned char* avEnd = avertex + a->vertexCount * avSize;
				bool error = false;
				for (; avertex < avEnd; avertex += avSize, bvertex += bvSize) {
					float* afloat, * bfloat;
					aElem.baseVertexPointerToElement(avertex, &afloat);
					bElem.baseVertexPointerToElement(bvertex, &bfloat);
					error |= (memcmp(afloat, bfloat, elemSize) != 0);
				CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!error && "Content of vertex buffer differs!");
#endif /* ifndef OGRE_TEST_XMLSERIALIZER */


		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(a->vertexStart == b->vertexStart);
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(a->vertexCount == b->vertexCount);
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT(a->hwAnimDataItemsUsed == b->hwAnimDataItemsUsed);

		// Compare hwAnimationData
			const VertexData::HardwareAnimationDataList& aAnimData = a->hwAnimationDataList;
			const VertexData::HardwareAnimationDataList& bAnimData = b->hwAnimationDataList;
			CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aAnimData.size() == bAnimData.size());
			typedef VertexData::HardwareAnimationDataList::const_iterator bindingIterator;
			bindingIterator aIt = aAnimData.begin();
			bindingIterator aEndIt = aAnimData.end();
			bindingIterator bIt = bAnimData.begin();
			for (; aIt != aEndIt; aIt++, bIt++) {
				CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aIt->parametric == bIt->parametric);
				CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aIt->targetBufferIndex == bIt->targetBufferIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 27
Mesh *GrassLoader::generateGrass_SPRITE(PageInfo &page, GrassLayer *layer, float *grassPositions, unsigned int grassCount)
	//Calculate the number of quads to be added
	unsigned int quadCount;
	quadCount = grassCount;

	// check for overflows of the uint16's
	unsigned int maxUInt16 = std::numeric_limits<uint16>::max();
	if(grassCount > maxUInt16)
		LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("grass count overflow: you tried to use more than " + StringConverter::toString(maxUInt16) + " (thats the maximum) grass meshes for one page");
		return 0;
	if(quadCount > maxUInt16)
		LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("quad count overflow: you tried to use more than " + StringConverter::toString(maxUInt16) + " (thats the maximum) grass meshes for one page");
		return 0;

	//Create manual mesh to store grass quads
	MeshPtr mesh = MeshManager::getSingleton().createManual(getUniqueID(), ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
	SubMesh *subMesh = mesh->createSubMesh();
	subMesh->useSharedVertices = false;

	//Setup vertex format information
	subMesh->vertexData = new VertexData;
	subMesh->vertexData->vertexStart = 0;
	subMesh->vertexData->vertexCount = 4 * quadCount;

	VertexDeclaration* dcl = subMesh->vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
	size_t offset = 0;
	dcl->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);
	offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3);
	dcl->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT4, VES_NORMAL);
	offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT4);
	dcl->addElement(0, offset, VET_COLOUR, VES_DIFFUSE);
	offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_COLOUR);
	dcl->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES);
	offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT2);

	//Populate a new vertex buffer with grass
	HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton()
		.createVertexBuffer(offset, subMesh->vertexData->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, false);
	float* pReal = static_cast<float*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

	//Calculate size variance
	float rndWidth = layer->maxWidth - layer->minWidth;
	float rndHeight = layer->maxHeight - layer->minHeight;

	float minY = Math::POS_INFINITY, maxY = Math::NEG_INFINITY;
	float *posPtr = grassPositions;	//Position array "iterator"
	for (uint16 i = 0; i < grassCount; ++i)
		//Get the x and z positions from the position array
		float x = *posPtr++;
		float z = *posPtr++;

		//Calculate height
		float y;
		if (heightFunction){
			y = heightFunction(x, z, heightFunctionUserData);
		} else {
			y = 0;

		float x1 = (x - page.centerPoint.x);
		float z1 = (z - page.centerPoint.z);

		//Get the color at the grass position
		uint32 color;
		if (layer->colorMap)
			color = layer->colorMap->getColorAt(x, z, layer->mapBounds);
			color = 0xFFFFFFFF;

		//Calculate size
		float rnd = *posPtr++;	//The same rnd value is used for width and height to maintain aspect ratio
		float halfXScale = (layer->minWidth + rndWidth * rnd) * 0.5f;
		float scaleY = (layer->minHeight + rndHeight * rnd);

		//Randomly mirror grass textures
		float uvLeft, uvRight;
		if (*posPtr++ > 0.5f){
			uvLeft = 0;
			uvRight = 1;
		} else {
			uvLeft = 1;
			uvRight = 0;

		//Add vertices
		*pReal++ = x1; *pReal++ = y; *pReal++ = z1;					//center position
		*pReal++ = -halfXScale; *pReal++ = scaleY; *pReal++ = 0; *pReal++ = 0;	//normal (used to store relative corner positions)
		*((uint32*)pReal++) = color;								//color
		*pReal++ = uvLeft; *pReal++ = 0;							//uv

		*pReal++ = x1; *pReal++ = y; *pReal++ = z1;					//center position
		*pReal++ = +halfXScale; *pReal++ = scaleY; *pReal++ = 0; *pReal++ = 0;	//normal (used to store relative corner positions)
		*((uint32*)pReal++) = color;								//color
		*pReal++ = uvRight; *pReal++ = 0;							//uv

		*pReal++ = x1; *pReal++ = y; *pReal++ = z1;					//center position
		*pReal++ = -halfXScale; *pReal++ = 0.0f; *pReal++ = 0; *pReal++ = 0;		//normal (used to store relative corner positions)
		*((uint32*)pReal++) = color;								//color
		*pReal++ = uvLeft; *pReal++ = 1;							//uv

		*pReal++ = x1; *pReal++ = y; *pReal++ = z1;					//center position
		*pReal++ = +halfXScale; *pReal++ = 0.0f; *pReal++ = 0; *pReal++ = 0;		//normal (used to store relative corner positions)
		*((uint32*)pReal++) = color;								//color
		*pReal++ = uvRight; *pReal++ = 1;							//uv

		//Update bounds
		if (y < minY) minY = y;
		if (y + scaleY > maxY) maxY = y + scaleY;

	subMesh->vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(0, vbuf);

	//Populate index buffer
	subMesh->indexData->indexStart = 0;
	subMesh->indexData->indexCount = 6 * quadCount;
	subMesh->indexData->indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton()
		.createIndexBuffer(HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, subMesh->indexData->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY);
	uint16* pI = static_cast<uint16*>(subMesh->indexData->indexBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
	for (uint16 i = 0; i < quadCount; ++i)
		uint16 offset = i * 4;

		*pI++ = 0 + offset;
		*pI++ = 2 + offset;
		*pI++ = 1 + offset;

		*pI++ = 1 + offset;
		*pI++ = 2 + offset;
		*pI++ = 3 + offset;


	//Finish up mesh
	AxisAlignedBox bounds(page.bounds.left - page.centerPoint.x, minY, page.bounds.top - page.centerPoint.z,
		page.bounds.right - page.centerPoint.x, maxY, page.bounds.bottom - page.centerPoint.z);
	Vector3 temp = bounds.getMaximum() - bounds.getMinimum();
	mesh->_setBoundingSphereRadius(temp.length() * 0.5f);


	//Apply grass material to mesh

	//Return the mesh
	return mesh.getPointer();
Ejemplo n.º 28
void OgreNewtonMesh::ParseEntity (MeshPtr mesh, const Matrix4& matrix)
	//find number of sub-meshes
	unsigned short sub = mesh->getNumSubMeshes();

	for (unsigned short cs = 0; cs < sub; cs++) {

		SubMesh* const sub_mesh = mesh->getSubMesh(cs);

		//vertex data!
		VertexData* v_data;

		if (sub_mesh->useSharedVertices) {
			v_data = mesh->sharedVertexData;
		} else {
			v_data = sub_mesh->vertexData;

		//let's find more information about the Vertices...
		VertexDeclaration* const v_decl = v_data->vertexDeclaration;

		const VertexElement* const vertexElem = v_decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION);
		HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vertexPtr = v_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(vertexElem->getSource());
		dNewtonScopeBuffer<Vector3> points(vertexPtr->getNumVertices());
			int size = vertexPtr->getVertexSize();
			int offset = vertexElem->getOffset() / sizeof (float);
			unsigned char* const ptr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (vertexPtr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
			for (int i = 0; i < points.GetElementsCount(); i ++) {
				float* data;
				vertexElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(ptr + i * size, &data);
				points[i] = matrix.transformAffine (Vector3 (data[offset + 0], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2]));

		dNewtonScopeBuffer<Vector3> normals;
		const VertexElement* const normalElem = v_decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_NORMAL);
		if (normalElem) {
			HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr normalPtr = v_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(normalElem->getSource());
			normals.Init (normalPtr->getNumVertices());

			int size = normalPtr->getVertexSize();
			int offset = vertexElem->getOffset() / sizeof (float);
			unsigned char* const ptr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (normalPtr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
			for (int i = 0; i < normals.GetElementsCount(); i ++) {
				float* data;
				vertexElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(ptr + i * size, &data);
				normals[i] = matrix * Vector3 (data[offset + 0], data[offset + 1], data[offset + 2]);
				normals[i] = normals[i].normalise();

		dNewtonScopeBuffer<Vector3> uvs;
		const VertexElement* const uvElem = v_decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES);
		if (uvElem) {
			HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr uvPtr = v_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(uvElem->getSource());
			uvs.Init (uvPtr->getNumVertices());
			int size = uvPtr->getVertexSize();
			int offset = vertexElem->getOffset() / sizeof (float);
			unsigned char* const ptr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (uvPtr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
			for (int i = 0; i < uvs.GetElementsCount(); i ++) {
				float* data;
				uvElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(ptr + i * size, &data);
				uvs[i] = Vector3 (data[offset + 0], data[offset + 1], 0.0f);

		//now find more about the index!!
		IndexData* const i_data = sub_mesh->indexData;
		size_t index_count = i_data->indexCount;
		size_t poly_count = index_count / 3;

		// get pointer!
		HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr i_sptr = i_data->indexBuffer;

		// 16 or 32 bit indices?
		bool uses32bit = (i_sptr->getType()	== HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT);
		unsigned long* i_Longptr = NULL;
		unsigned short* i_Shortptr = NULL;

		if (uses32bit) {
			i_Longptr = static_cast<unsigned long*> (i_sptr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
		} else {
			i_Shortptr = static_cast<unsigned short*> (i_sptr->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));

		//now loop through the indices, getting polygon info!
		int i_offset = 0;

		Real poly_verts[3][12];
		memset (poly_verts, 0, sizeof (poly_verts));
		for (size_t i = 0; i < poly_count; i++)	{
			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
				// index to first vertex!
				int idx = uses32bit ? i_Longptr[i_offset + j] : i_Shortptr[i_offset + j]; 

				poly_verts[j][0] = points[idx].x;
				poly_verts[j][1] = points[idx].y;
				poly_verts[j][2] = points[idx].z;
				poly_verts[j][3] = 0.0f;

				if (normals.GetElementsCount()) {
					poly_verts[j][4] = normals[idx].x;
					poly_verts[j][5] = normals[idx].y;
					poly_verts[j][6] = normals[idx].z;

				if (uvs.GetElementsCount()) {
					poly_verts[j][7] = uvs[idx].x;
					poly_verts[j][8] = uvs[idx].y;
			AddFace(3, &poly_verts[0][0], 12 * sizeof (Real), cs);
			i_offset += 3;
/* *******************************************************************************
 | implement of CGrassSticks
 ******************************************************************************* */
	MeshPtr mesh = MeshManager::getSingleton().createManual(GRASS_MESH_NAME, ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);

	// create a submesh with the grass material
	SubMesh* sm = mesh->createSubMesh();
	sm->useSharedVertices = false;
	sm->vertexData = OGRE_NEW VertexData();
	sm->vertexData->vertexStart = 0;
	sm->vertexData->vertexCount = 12;
	sm->indexData->indexCount = 18;

	// specify a vertex format declaration for our mesh: 3 floats for position, 3 floats for normal, 2 floats for UV
	VertexDeclaration* decl = sm->vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
    decl->addElement(0, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);
    decl->addElement(0, sizeof(float) * 3, VET_FLOAT3, VES_NORMAL);
    decl->addElement(0, sizeof(float) * 6, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0);

	// create a vertex buffer
	HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vb = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer
		(decl->getVertexSize(0), sm->vertexData->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY);

	GrassVertex* verts = (GrassVertex*)vb->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD);  // start filling in vertex data

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)  // each grass mesh consists of 3 planes
		// planes intersect along the Y axis with 60 degrees between them
		Real x = Math::Cos(Degree(i * 60)) * GRASS_WIDTH / 2;
		Real z = Math::Sin(Degree(i * 60)) * GRASS_WIDTH / 2;

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++)  // each plane has 4 vertices
			GrassVertex& vert = verts[i * 4 + j];

			vert.x = j < 2 ? -x : x;
			vert.y = j % 2 ? 0 : GRASS_HEIGHT;
			vert.z = j < 2 ? -z : z;

			// all normals point straight up
			vert.nx = 0;
			vert.ny = 1;
			vert.nz = 0;

			vert.u = j < 2 ? 0 : 1;
			vert.v = j % 2;

	vb->unlock();  // commit vertex changes

	sm->vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(0, vb);  // bind vertex buffer to our submesh

	// create an index buffer
	sm->indexData->indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer
		(HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, sm->indexData->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY);

	// start filling in index data
	Ogre::uint16* indices = (Ogre::uint16*)sm->indexData->indexBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)  // each grass mesh consists of 3 planes
		unsigned int off = i * 4;  // each plane consists of 2 triangles

		*indices++ = 0 + off;
		*indices++ = 3 + off;
		*indices++ = 1 + off;

		*indices++ = 0 + off;
		*indices++ = 2 + off;
		*indices++ = 3 + off;

	sm->indexData->indexBuffer->unlock();  // commit index changes

    // update mesh AABB
    Ogre::AxisAlignedBox aabb;

    // Ogre::MeshSerializer serial;
    // serial.exportMesh(mesh.getPointer(), "grass.mesh");
void MovableText::_setupGeometry()

  unsigned int vertexCount = 0;

  //count letters to determine how many vertices are needed
  std::string::iterator i = mCaption.begin();
  std::string::iterator iend = mCaption.end();
  for ( ; i != iend; ++i )
    if ((*i != ' ') && (*i != '\n'))
      vertexCount += 6;

  if (mRenderOp.vertexData)
    delete mRenderOp.vertexData;
    mRenderOp.vertexData = NULL;
    mUpdateColors = true;

  if (mCaption.empty())

  if (!mRenderOp.vertexData)
    mRenderOp.vertexData = new VertexData();

  mRenderOp.indexData = 0;
  mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexStart = 0;
  mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexCount = vertexCount;
  mRenderOp.operationType = RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST;
  mRenderOp.useIndexes = false;

  VertexDeclaration *decl = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
  VertexBufferBinding *bind = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding;
  size_t offset = 0;

  // create/bind positions/tex.ccord. buffer
  if (!decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION))
    decl->addElement(POS_TEX_BINDING, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);

  offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3);

  if (!decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES))
    decl->addElement(POS_TEX_BINDING, offset, Ogre::VET_FLOAT2,

  HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr ptbuf =
  bind->setBinding(POS_TEX_BINDING, ptbuf);

  // Colours - store these in a separate buffer because they change less often
  if (!decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_DIFFUSE))

  HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr cbuf =
  bind->setBinding(COLOUR_BINDING, cbuf);

  float *pPCBuff =
      static_cast<float*> (ptbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

  Real spaceWidth = mSpaceWidth;
  // Derive space width from a capital A
  if (spaceWidth == 0)
    spaceWidth = mpFont->getGlyphAspectRatio('A') * mCharHeight * 2.0;

  float total_height = mCharHeight;
  float total_width = 0.0f;
  float current_width = 0.0f;
  i = mCaption.begin();
  iend = mCaption.end();
  for ( ; i != iend; ++i )
    if (*i == '\n')
      total_height += mCharHeight + 0.01;

      if ( current_width > total_width )
        total_width = current_width;
        current_width = 0.0;
      current_width += mpFont->getGlyphAspectRatio(*i) * mCharHeight * 2.0;

  if ( current_width > total_width )
    total_width = current_width;

  float top = 0.0f;
  switch (mVerticalAlignment)
  case MovableText::V_ABOVE:
    top = total_height * 2;
  case MovableText::V_CENTER:
    top = 0.5 * total_height * 2;
  case MovableText::V_BELOW:
    top = 0.0f;

  float starting_left = 0.0f;
  switch (mHorizontalAlignment)
  case MovableText::H_LEFT:
    starting_left = 0.0f;
  case MovableText::H_CENTER:
    starting_left = -total_width / 2.0f;

  float left = starting_left;

  bool newLine = true;
  Real len = 0.0f;
  // for calculation of AABB
  Ogre::Vector3 min(9999999.0f), max(-9999999.0f), currPos(0.0f);
  Ogre::Real maxSquaredRadius = -99999999.0f;
  float largestWidth = 0.0f;
  for (i = mCaption.begin(); i != iend; ++i)
    if (newLine)
      len = 0.0f;
      for (String::iterator j = i; j != iend && *j != '\n'; j++)
        if (*j == ' ')
          len += spaceWidth;
          len += mpFont->getGlyphAspectRatio(*j) * mCharHeight * 2.0;
      newLine = false;

    if (*i == '\n')
      left = starting_left;
      top -= mCharHeight * 2.0;
      newLine = true;

    if (*i == ' ')
      // Just leave a gap, no tris
      left += spaceWidth;

    Real horiz_height = mpFont->getGlyphAspectRatio(*i);
    Real u1, u2, v1, v2;
    Ogre::Font::UVRect utmp;
    utmp = mpFont->getGlyphTexCoords(*i);
    u1 = utmp.left;
    u2 = utmp.right;
    v1 = utmp.top;
    v2 = utmp.bottom;

    // each vert is (x, y, z, u, v)
    // First tri
    // Upper left
    currPos = Ogre::Vector3(left, top, 0.0);

    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.x;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.y;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.z;
    *pPCBuff++ = u1;
    *pPCBuff++ = v1;

    // Deal with bounds

    maxSquaredRadius = std::max(maxSquaredRadius, currPos.squaredLength());

    top -= mCharHeight * 2.0;

    // Bottom left
    currPos = Ogre::Vector3(left, top, 0.0);
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.x;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.y;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.z;
    *pPCBuff++ = u1;
    *pPCBuff++ = v2;

    // Deal with bounds
    maxSquaredRadius = std::max(maxSquaredRadius, currPos.squaredLength());

    top += mCharHeight * 2.0;
    left += horiz_height * mCharHeight * 2.0;

    // Top right
    currPos = Ogre::Vector3(left, top, 0.0);
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.x;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.y;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.z;
    *pPCBuff++ = u2;
    *pPCBuff++ = v1;

    // Deal with bounds
    maxSquaredRadius = std::max(maxSquaredRadius, currPos.squaredLength());

    // Second tri
    // Top right (again)
    currPos = Ogre::Vector3(left, top, 0.0);
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.x;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.y;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.z;
    *pPCBuff++ = u2;
    *pPCBuff++ = v1;

    maxSquaredRadius = std::max(maxSquaredRadius, currPos.squaredLength());

    top -= mCharHeight * 2.0;
    left -= horiz_height * mCharHeight * 2.0;

    // Bottom left (again)
    currPos = Ogre::Vector3(left, top, 0.0);
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.x;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.y;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.z;
    *pPCBuff++ = u1;
    *pPCBuff++ = v2;

    maxSquaredRadius = std::max(maxSquaredRadius, currPos.squaredLength());

    left += horiz_height * mCharHeight * 2.0;

    // Bottom right
    currPos = Ogre::Vector3(left, top, 0.0);
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.x;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.y;
    *pPCBuff++ = currPos.z;
    *pPCBuff++ = u2;
    *pPCBuff++ = v2;
    maxSquaredRadius = std::max(maxSquaredRadius, currPos.squaredLength());

    // Go back up with top
    top += mCharHeight * 2.0;

    float currentWidth = (left + 1) / 2 - 0;
    if (currentWidth > largestWidth)
      largestWidth = currentWidth;

  // Unlock vertex buffer

  // update AABB/Sphere radius
  mAABB = Ogre::AxisAlignedBox(min, max);
  mRadius = Ogre::Math::Sqrt(maxSquaredRadius);

  if (mUpdateColors)

  mNeedUpdate = false;