void CProceduralContextRagdoll::QueueRagdoll( bool bAlive )
	if( m_targetEntityId == 0 )
		m_targetEntityId = m_entity->GetId();

	IActor* piActor = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor( m_targetEntityId );

	// NOTE: The case where piActor is NULL is when you're - in the CryMann preview!
		if( gEnv->bServer && !m_bDispatchedAspectProfile && (piActor->GetGameObject()->GetAspectProfile(eEA_Physics) != eAP_Ragdoll) )
			m_bEntityAlive = bAlive;
			piActor->GetGameObject()->SetAspectProfile( eEA_Physics, bAlive ? eAP_Sleep : eAP_Ragdoll );
		else if( !m_bInRagdoll || (m_bInRagdoll && !bAlive && m_bEntityAlive) )
			SRagdollizeParams params;
			params.mass = static_cast<CActor*>(piActor)->GetActorPhysics().mass;
			params.sleep = m_bEntityAlive = bAlive;
			params.stiffness = m_stiffness;

			SGameObjectEvent event( eGFE_QueueRagdollCreation, eGOEF_ToExtensions );
			event.ptr = &params;

			piActor->GetGameObject()->SendEvent( event );

			m_bInRagdoll = true;
			m_bInBlendOut = true;
#ifndef _RELEASE
		if( IEntity* pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity( m_targetEntityId ) )
			ICharacterInstance *pCharacter = pEntity->GetCharacter(0);
			if (pCharacter)
				// dead guys shouldn't blink
				//Anton :: SetDefaultPose on serialization
				if(gEnv->pSystem->IsSerializingFile() && pCharacter->GetISkeletonPose())

			SEntityPhysicalizeParams pp;

			pp.fStiffnessScale = m_stiffness;
			pp.type = PE_ARTICULATED;
			pp.nSlot = 0;
			pp.bCopyJointVelocities = true;

			//never ragdollize without mass [Anton]
			pp.mass = (float)__fsel(-pp.mass, 80.0f, pp.mass);

			pe_player_dimensions playerDim;
			pe_player_dynamics playerDyn;

			playerDyn.gravity = Vec3( 0.f, 0.f, -15.0f );
			playerDyn.kInertia = 5.5f;

			pp.pPlayerDynamics = &playerDyn;

			// Joints velocities are copied by default for now
			pp.bCopyJointVelocities = !gEnv->pSystem->IsSerializingFile();
			pp.nFlagsOR = pef_monitor_poststep;

			m_bInRagdoll = true;