// definition for Izhikevich neuron
void neuron_ode( REAL t, REAL stateVar[], REAL dstateVar_dt[], neuron_pointer_t neuron ) {

	REAL V_now = stateVar[1], U_now = stateVar[2];
//io_printf( IO_BUF, " sv1 %9.4k  V %9.4k --- sv2 %9.4k  U %9.4k\n", stateVar[1], neuron->V, stateVar[2], neuron->U );

	dstateVar_dt[1] = REAL_CONST(140.0) + (REAL_CONST(5.0) + REAL_CONST(0.0400) * V_now) * V_now - U_now + input_this_timestep; // V
	dstateVar_dt[2] = neuron->A * ( neuron->B * V_now - U_now );  // U
Example #2
void faad_mdct(mdct_info *mdct, real_t *X_in, real_t *X_out)
    uint16_t k;

    complex_t x;
    ALIGN complex_t Z1[512];
    complex_t *sincos = mdct->sincos;

    uint16_t N  = mdct->N;
    uint16_t N2 = N >> 1;
    uint16_t N4 = N >> 2;
    uint16_t N8 = N >> 3;

	real_t scale = REAL_CONST(N);
	real_t scale = REAL_CONST(4.0/N);

    /* pre-FFT complex multiplication */
    for (k = 0; k < N8; k++)
        uint16_t n = k << 1;
        RE(x) = X_in[N - N4 - 1 - n] + X_in[N - N4 +     n];
        IM(x) = X_in[    N4 +     n] - X_in[    N4 - 1 - n];

        ComplexMult(&RE(Z1[k]), &IM(Z1[k]),
            RE(x), IM(x), RE(sincos[k]), IM(sincos[k]));

        RE(Z1[k]) = MUL_R(RE(Z1[k]), scale);
        IM(Z1[k]) = MUL_R(IM(Z1[k]), scale);

        RE(x) =  X_in[N2 - 1 - n] - X_in[        n];
        IM(x) =  X_in[N2 +     n] + X_in[N - 1 - n];

        ComplexMult(&RE(Z1[k + N8]), &IM(Z1[k + N8]),
            RE(x), IM(x), RE(sincos[k + N8]), IM(sincos[k + N8]));

        RE(Z1[k + N8]) = MUL_R(RE(Z1[k + N8]), scale);
        IM(Z1[k + N8]) = MUL_R(IM(Z1[k + N8]), scale);

    /* complex FFT, any non-scaling FFT can be used here  */
    cfftf(mdct->cfft, Z1);

    /* post-FFT complex multiplication */
    for (k = 0; k < N4; k++)
        uint16_t n = k << 1;
        ComplexMult(&RE(x), &IM(x),
            RE(Z1[k]), IM(Z1[k]), RE(sincos[k]), IM(sincos[k]));

        X_out[         n] = -RE(x);
        X_out[N2 - 1 - n] =  IM(x);
        X_out[N2 +     n] = -IM(x);
        X_out[N  - 1 - n] =  RE(x);
Example #3
 * Parameter:
 *  coderInfo(IO)(O:coderInfo->scale_factor)
 *  xr(unused)
 *  xr_pow(IO)
 *  xi(O)
 *  xmin(I)
static int32_t FixNoise(CoderInfo *coderInfo,
                        coef_t *xr_pow,
                        int32_t *xi,
                        real_32_t *xmin)
    register int32_t i, sb;
    int32_t start, end;
    static real_32_t log_ifqstep = REAL_CONST(7.6943735514); // 1.0 / log(ifqstep) 
    static real_32_t realconst1 = REAL_CONST(0.6931471806); //log2
    static real_32_t realconst2 = REAL_CONST(0.5);

    for (sb = 0; sb < coderInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
        eng_t eng = 0;
        frac_t maxfixstep;

        start = coderInfo->sfb_offset[sb];
        end = coderInfo->sfb_offset[sb+1];

        for (  i=start; i< end; i++)
            eng += (int64_t)(COEF2INT(xr_pow[i]))*COEF2INT(xr_pow[i]);

        if ( (eng == 0) || (xmin[sb]==0) )
            maxfixstep = FRAC_ICONST(1);
        else {
            maxfixstep = faac_sqrt(eng/(end-start)*
            if ( maxfixstep == 0 )
                maxfixstep = FRAC_ICONST(1);
                maxfixstep = ((real_t)1<<(FRAC_BITS+REAL_BITS))/maxfixstep;
        printf("sb = %d, maxfixstep = %.8f\n",sb, FRAC2FLOAT(maxfixstep));
        for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
            printf("xr_pow[%d] = %.8f\t",i,COEF2FLOAT(xr_pow[i]));
            xr_pow[i] = MUL_F(xr_pow[i],maxfixstep);
            printf("xr_pow[%d]*fix = %.8f\n",i,COEF2FLOAT(xr_pow[i]));
        QuantizeBand(xr_pow, xi, start, end);
        coderInfo->scale_factor[sb] = (int32_t)REAL2INT(MUL_R(faac_log(maxfixstep)-FRAC2REAL_BIT*realconst1,
                                                     log_ifqstep) - realconst2)+1;

      printf("scale_factor = %d\n", coderInfo->scale_factor[sb]);
    return 0;
Example #4
static INLINE int16_t real_to_int16(real_t sig_in)
    if (sig_in >= 0)
        sig_in += (1 << (REAL_BITS-1));
        if (sig_in >= REAL_CONST(32768))
            return 32767;
    } else {
        sig_in += -(1 << (REAL_BITS-1));
        if (sig_in <= REAL_CONST(-32768))
            return -32768;

    return (sig_in >> REAL_BITS);
Example #5
static void tns_ma_filter(real_t *spectrum, uint16_t size, int8_t inc, real_t *lpc,
                          uint8_t order)
     - Simple all-zero filter of order "order" defined by
       y(n) =  x(n) + a(2)*x(n-1) + ... + a(order+1)*x(n-order)
     - The state variables of the filter are initialized to zero every time
     - The output data is written over the input data ("in-place operation")
     - An input vector of "size" samples is processed and the index increment
       to the next data sample is given by "inc"

    uint8_t j;
    uint16_t i;
    real_t y, state[TNS_MAX_ORDER];

    for (i = 0; i < order; i++)
        state[i] = REAL_CONST(0.0);

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        y = *spectrum;

        for (j = 0; j < order; j++)
            y += MUL_C(state[j], lpc[j+1]);

        for (j = order-1; j > 0; j--)
            state[j] = state[j-1];

        state[0] = *spectrum;
        *spectrum = y;
        spectrum += inc;
		best balance between speed and accuracy so far from ODE solve comparison work
void rk2_kernel_midpoint( REAL h, neuron_pointer_t neuron ) {

	REAL 	lastV1 = neuron->V, lastU1 = neuron->U, a = neuron->A, b = neuron->B;  // to match Mathematica names

	REAL	pre_alph = REAL_CONST(140.0) + input_this_timestep - lastU1,
			alpha = pre_alph + ( REAL_CONST(5.0) + REAL_CONST(0.0400) * lastV1 ) * lastV1,
			eta = lastV1 + REAL_HALF( h * alpha ),
			beta = REAL_HALF( h * ( b * lastV1 - lastU1 ) * a ); // could be represented as a long fract?

//	neuron->V = lastV1 +
	neuron->V +=
					h * ( pre_alph - beta + ( REAL_CONST(5.0) + REAL_CONST(0.0400) * eta ) * eta );

//	neuron->U = lastU1 +
	neuron->U +=
					a * h * ( -lastU1 - beta + b * eta );
static void calc_prediction_coef(sbr_info *sbr, qmf_t Xlow[MAX_NTSRHFG][64],
                                 complex_t *alpha_0, complex_t *alpha_1, uint8_t k)
    real_t tmp, mul;
    acorr_coef ac;

    auto_correlation(sbr, &ac, Xlow, k, sbr->numTimeSlotsRate + 6);

    if (ac.det == 0)
        RE(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
        IM(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
    } else {
        mul = DIV_R(REAL_CONST(1.0), ac.det);
        tmp = (MUL_R(RE(ac.r01), RE(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(IM(ac.r01), IM(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(RE(ac.r02), RE(ac.r11)));
        RE(alpha_1[k]) = MUL_R(tmp, mul);
        tmp = (MUL_R(IM(ac.r01), RE(ac.r12)) + MUL_R(RE(ac.r01), IM(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(IM(ac.r02), RE(ac.r11)));
        IM(alpha_1[k]) = MUL_R(tmp, mul);

    if (RE(ac.r11) == 0)
        RE(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
        IM(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
    } else {
        mul = DIV_R(REAL_CONST(1.0), RE(ac.r11));
        tmp = -(RE(ac.r01) + MUL_R(RE(alpha_1[k]), RE(ac.r12)) + MUL_R(IM(alpha_1[k]), IM(ac.r12)));
        RE(alpha_0[k]) = MUL_R(tmp, mul);
        tmp = -(IM(ac.r01) + MUL_R(IM(alpha_1[k]), RE(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(RE(alpha_1[k]), IM(ac.r12)));
        IM(alpha_0[k]) = MUL_R(tmp, mul);

    if ((MUL_R(RE(alpha_0[k]),RE(alpha_0[k])) + MUL_R(IM(alpha_0[k]),IM(alpha_0[k])) >= REAL_CONST(16)) ||
        (MUL_R(RE(alpha_1[k]),RE(alpha_1[k])) + MUL_R(IM(alpha_1[k]),IM(alpha_1[k])) >= REAL_CONST(16)))
        RE(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
        IM(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
        RE(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
        IM(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
static void calc_prediction_coef_lp(sbr_info *sbr, qmf_t Xlow[MAX_NTSRHFG][64],
                                    complex_t *alpha_0, complex_t *alpha_1, real_t *rxx)
    uint8_t k;
    real_t tmp, mul;
    acorr_coef ac;

    for (k = 1; k < sbr->f_master[0]; k++)
        auto_correlation(sbr, &ac, Xlow, k, sbr->numTimeSlotsRate + 6);

        if (ac.det == 0)
            RE(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
            RE(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
        } else {
            mul = DIV_R(REAL_CONST(1.0), ac.det);
            tmp = MUL_R(RE(ac.r01), RE(ac.r22)) - MUL_R(RE(ac.r12), RE(ac.r02));
            RE(alpha_0[k]) = -MUL_R(tmp, mul);
            tmp = MUL_R(RE(ac.r01), RE(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(RE(ac.r02), RE(ac.r11));
            RE(alpha_1[k]) = MUL_R(tmp, mul);

        if ((RE(alpha_0[k]) >= REAL_CONST(4)) || (RE(alpha_1[k]) >= REAL_CONST(4)))
            RE(alpha_0[k]) = REAL_CONST(0);
            RE(alpha_1[k]) = REAL_CONST(0);

        /* reflection coefficient */
        if (RE(ac.r11) == 0)
            rxx[k] = COEF_CONST(0.0);
        } else {
            rxx[k] = DIV_C(RE(ac.r01), RE(ac.r11));
            rxx[k] = -rxx[k];
            if (rxx[k] > COEF_CONST( 1.0)) rxx[k] = COEF_CONST(1.0);
            if (rxx[k] < COEF_CONST(-1.0)) rxx[k] = COEF_CONST(-1.0);
Example #9
static INLINE real_t iquant(int16_t q, const real_t *tab, uint8_t *error)
    static const real_t errcorr[] = {
        REAL_CONST(0), REAL_CONST(1.0/8.0), REAL_CONST(2.0/8.0), REAL_CONST(3.0/8.0),
        REAL_CONST(4.0/8.0),  REAL_CONST(5.0/8.0), REAL_CONST(6.0/8.0), REAL_CONST(7.0/8.0),
    real_t x1, x2;
    int16_t sgn = 1;

    if (q < 0)
        q = -q;
        sgn = -1;

    if (q < IQ_TABLE_SIZE)
        return sgn * tab[q];

    /* linear interpolation */
    x1 = tab[q>>3];
    x2 = tab[(q>>3) + 1];
    return sgn * 16 * (MUL_R(errcorr[q&7],(x2-x1)) + x1);
    if (q < 0)
        /* tab contains a value for all possible q [0,8192] */
        if (-q < IQ_TABLE_SIZE)
            return -tab[-q];

        *error = 17;
        return 0;
    } else {
        /* tab contains a value for all possible q [0,8192] */
        if (q < IQ_TABLE_SIZE)
            return tab[q];

        *error = 17;
        return 0;
neuron_pointer_t create_izh_neuron(  REAL A, REAL B, REAL C, REAL D, REAL V, REAL U, REAL I )
	neuron_pointer_t neuron = spin1_malloc( sizeof( neuron_t ) );

	neuron->A = A;  io_printf( WHERE_TO, "\nA = %11.4k \n", neuron->A );
	neuron->B = B;  io_printf( WHERE_TO, "B = %11.4k \n", neuron->B );
	neuron->C = C;  io_printf( WHERE_TO, "C = %11.4k mV\n", neuron->C );
	neuron->D = D;  io_printf( WHERE_TO, "D = %11.4k ??\n\n", neuron->D );

	neuron->V = V;  io_printf( WHERE_TO, "V = %11.4k mV\n", neuron->V );
	neuron->U = U;  io_printf( WHERE_TO, "U = %11.4k ??\n\n", neuron->U );

	neuron->I_offset = I;  io_printf( WHERE_TO, "I = %11.4k nA?\n", neuron->I_offset );

	neuron->this_h = machine_timestep * REAL_CONST(1.001);  io_printf( WHERE_TO, "h = %11.4k ms\n", neuron->this_h );

	return neuron;
Example #11
static INLINE real_t iquant(int16_t q, const real_t *tab, uint8_t *error)
#ifndef BIG_IQ_TABLE
/* For FIXED_POINT the iq_table is prescaled by 3 bits (iq_table[]/8) */
/* BIG_IQ_TABLE allows you to use the full 8192 value table, if this is not
 * defined a 1026 value table and interpolation will be used
    static const real_t errcorr[] = {
        REAL_CONST(0), REAL_CONST(1.0/8.0), REAL_CONST(2.0/8.0), REAL_CONST(3.0/8.0),
        REAL_CONST(4.0/8.0),  REAL_CONST(5.0/8.0), REAL_CONST(6.0/8.0), REAL_CONST(7.0/8.0),
    real_t x1, x2;

    int16_t sgn = 1;

    if (q < 0)
        q = -q;
        sgn = -1;

    if (q < IQ_TABLE_SIZE)
//#define IQUANT_PRINT
        //printf("0x%.8X\n", sgn * tab[q]);
        printf("%d\n", sgn * tab[q]);
        return sgn * tab[q];

    if (q >= 8192)
        *error = 17;
        return 0;

    /* linear interpolation */
    x1 = tab[q>>3];
    x2 = tab[(q>>3) + 1];
    return sgn * 16 * (MUL_R(errcorr[q&7],(x2-x1)) + x1);
#else /* #ifndef BIG_IQ_TABLE */
    if (q < 0)
        /* tab contains a value for all possible q [0,8192] */
        if (LIKELY(-q < IQ_TABLE_SIZE))
            return -tab[-q];

        *error = 17;
        return 0;
    } else {
        /* tab contains a value for all possible q [0,8192] */
        if (LIKELY(q < IQ_TABLE_SIZE))
            return tab[q];

        *error = 17;
        return 0;
Example #12
File: drc.c Project: hownam/fennec
void drc_decode(drc_info *drc, real_t *spec)
    uint16_t i, bd, top;
    int32_t exp, frac;
    real_t factor, exp;
    uint16_t bottom = 0;

    if (drc->num_bands == 1)
        drc->band_top[0] = 1024/4 - 1;

    for (bd = 0; bd < drc->num_bands; bd++)
        top = 4 * (drc->band_top[bd] + 1);

        /* Decode DRC gain factor */
        if (drc->dyn_rng_sgn[bd])  /* compress */
            exp = -drc->ctrl1 * (drc->dyn_rng_ctl[bd] - (DRC_REF_LEVEL - drc->prog_ref_level))/REAL_CONST(24.0);
        else /* boost */
            exp = drc->ctrl2 * (drc->dyn_rng_ctl[bd] - (DRC_REF_LEVEL - drc->prog_ref_level))/REAL_CONST(24.0);
        factor = (real_t)pow(2.0, exp);

        /* Apply gain factor */
        for (i = bottom; i < top; i++)
            spec[i] *= factor;
        /* Decode DRC gain factor */
        if (drc->dyn_rng_sgn[bd])  /* compress */
            exp = -1 * (drc->dyn_rng_ctl[bd] - (DRC_REF_LEVEL - drc->prog_ref_level))/ 24;
            frac = -1 * (drc->dyn_rng_ctl[bd] - (DRC_REF_LEVEL - drc->prog_ref_level)) % 24;
        } else { /* boost */
            exp = (drc->dyn_rng_ctl[bd] - (DRC_REF_LEVEL - drc->prog_ref_level))/ 24;
            frac = (drc->dyn_rng_ctl[bd] - (DRC_REF_LEVEL - drc->prog_ref_level)) % 24;

        /* Apply gain factor */
        if (exp < 0)
            for (i = bottom; i < top; i++)
                spec[i] >>= -exp;
                if (frac)
                    spec[i] = MUL_R(spec[i],drc_pow2_table[frac+23]);
        } else {
            for (i = bottom; i < top; i++)
                spec[i] <<= exp;
                if (frac)
                    spec[i] = MUL_R(spec[i],drc_pow2_table[frac+23]);

        bottom = top;
Example #13
static void calc_aliasing_degree(sbr_info *sbr, real_t *rxx, real_t *deg)
    uint8_t k;

    rxx[0] = REAL_CONST(0.0);
    deg[1] = REAL_CONST(0.0);

    for (k = 2; k < sbr->k0; k++)
        deg[k] = 0.0;

        if ((k % 2 == 0) && (rxx[k] < REAL_CONST(0.0)))
            if (rxx[k-1] < 0.0)
                deg[k] = REAL_CONST(1.0);

                if (rxx[k-2] > REAL_CONST(0.0))
                    deg[k-1] = REAL_CONST(1.0) - MUL_R(rxx[k-1], rxx[k-1]);
            } else if (rxx[k-2] > REAL_CONST(0.0)) {
                deg[k]   = REAL_CONST(1.0) - MUL_R(rxx[k-1], rxx[k-1]);

        if ((k % 2 == 1) && (rxx[k] > REAL_CONST(0.0)))
            if (rxx[k-1] > REAL_CONST(0.0))
                deg[k] = REAL_CONST(1.0);

                if (rxx[k-2] < REAL_CONST(0.0))
                    deg[k-1] = REAL_CONST(1.0) - MUL_R(rxx[k-1], rxx[k-1]);
            } else if (rxx[k-2] < REAL_CONST(0.0)) {
                deg[k] = REAL_CONST(1.0) - MUL_R(rxx[k-1], rxx[k-1]);
Example #14
        || (object_type == 6) /* TODO */
        return 1;

    return 0;

ALIGN static const real_t codebook[8] =

void lt_prediction(ic_stream *ics, ltp_info *ltp, real_t *spec,
                   int16_t *lt_pred_stat, fb_info *fb, uint8_t win_shape,
                   uint8_t win_shape_prev, uint8_t sr_index,
                   uint8_t object_type, uint16_t frame_len)
    uint8_t sfb;
Example #15
static void aliasing_reduction(sbr_info *sbr, sbr_hfadj_info *adj, real_t *deg, uint8_t ch)
    uint8_t l, k, m;
    real_t E_total, E_total_est, G_target, acc;

    for (l = 0; l < sbr->L_E[ch]; l++)
        for (k = 0; k < sbr->N_G[l]; k++)
            E_total_est = E_total = 0;
            for (m = sbr->f_group[l][k<<1]; m < sbr->f_group[l][(k<<1) + 1]; m++)
                /* E_curr: integer */
                /* G_lim_boost: fixed point */
                /* E_total_est: integer */
                /* E_total: integer */
                E_total_est += sbr->E_curr[ch][m-sbr->kx][l];
                E_total += MUL_R(sbr->E_curr[ch][m-sbr->kx][l], adj->G_lim_boost[l][m-sbr->kx]);

            /* G_target: fixed point */
            if ((E_total_est + EPS) == 0)
                G_target = 0;
                G_target = E_total / (E_total_est + EPS);
            acc = 0;

            for (m = sbr->f_group[l][(k<<1)]; m < sbr->f_group[l][(k<<1) + 1]; m++)
                real_t alpha;

                /* alpha: fixed point */
                if (m < sbr->kx + sbr->M - 1)
                    alpha = max(deg[m], deg[m + 1]);
                } else {
                    alpha = deg[m];

                adj->G_lim_boost[l][m-sbr->kx] = MUL_R(alpha, G_target) +
                    MUL_R((REAL_CONST(1)-alpha), adj->G_lim_boost[l][m-sbr->kx]);

                /* acc: integer */
                acc += MUL_R(adj->G_lim_boost[l][m-sbr->kx], sbr->E_curr[ch][m-sbr->kx][l]);

            /* acc: fixed point */
            if (acc + EPS == 0)
                acc = 0;
                acc = E_total / (acc + EPS);
            for(m = sbr->f_group[l][(k<<1)]; m < sbr->f_group[l][(k<<1) + 1]; m++)
                adj->G_lim_boost[l][m-sbr->kx] = MUL_R(acc, adj->G_lim_boost[l][m-sbr->kx]);

    for (l = 0; l < sbr->L_E[ch]; l++)
        for (k = 0; k < sbr->N_L[sbr->bs_limiter_bands]; k++)
            for (m = sbr->f_table_lim[sbr->bs_limiter_bands][k];
                 m < sbr->f_table_lim[sbr->bs_limiter_bands][k+1]; m++)
                 adj->G_lim_boost[l][m] = sqrt(adj->G_lim_boost[l][m]);
Example #16
 * Parameter:
 *  coderInfo(I)
 *  xr(I)
 *  xmin(O)
 *  quality(I)
static void CalcAllowedDist(CoderInfo *coderInfo, 
                            pow_t *xr2, real_32_t *xmin, real_32_t quality)
    register int32_t sfb, start, end, l;
    int32_t last = coderInfo->lastx;
    int32_t lastsb = 0;
    int32_t *cb_offset = coderInfo->sfb_offset;
    int32_t num_cb = coderInfo->nr_of_sfb;
    eng_t avgenrg = coderInfo->avgenrg;
    static real_32_t realconst1 = REAL_CONST(0.075);
    static real_32_t realconst2 = REAL_CONST(1.4);
    static real_32_t realconst3 = REAL_CONST(0.4);
    static real_32_t realconst4 = REAL_CONST(147.84); /* 132 * 1.12 */

    for (sfb = 0; sfb < num_cb; sfb++)  {
        if (last > cb_offset[sfb])
            lastsb = sfb;

    for (sfb = 0; sfb < num_cb; sfb++)  {
        real_t thr;
        real_32_t tmp;
        eng_t enrg = 0;

        start = cb_offset[sfb];
        end = cb_offset[sfb + 1];

        if (sfb > lastsb)  {
            xmin[sfb] = 0;

        if (coderInfo->block_type != ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
            eng_t enmax = -1;
            int32_t lmax;

            lmax = start;
            for (l = start; l < end; l++) {
                if (enmax < xr2[l]) {
                    enmax = xr2[l];
                    lmax = l;

            start = lmax - 2;
            end = lmax + 3;

            if (start < 0)
                start = 0;
            if (end > last)
                end = last;

        for (l = start; l < end; l++) {
            enrg += xr2[l];

        if ( (avgenrg == 0) || (enrg==0) )
            thr = 0;
        else {
            thr = (avgenrg<<REAL_BITS)*(end-start)/enrg;
            thr = faac_pow(thr, REAL_ICONST(sfb)/(lastsb*10)-realconst3);

        tmp = DIV_R(REAL_ICONST(last-start),REAL_ICONST(last));
        tmp = MUL_R(MUL_R(tmp,tmp),tmp) + realconst1;

        thr = MUL_R(realconst2,thr) + tmp;

        xmin[sfb] = DIV_R(DIV_R(realconst4,thr),quality);
#ifdef DUMP_XMIN
        printf("xmin[%d] = %.8f\n",sfb,REAL2FLOAT(xmin[sfb]));
#ifdef DUMP_XMIN
//    exit(1);
Example #17
void* output_to_PCM_sux(NeAACDecHandle hDecoder,
                    real_t **input, void *sample_buffer, uint8_t channels,
                    uint16_t frame_len, uint8_t format)
    uint8_t ch;
    uint16_t i;
    int16_t *short_sample_buffer = (int16_t*)sample_buffer;
    int32_t *int_sample_buffer = (int32_t*)sample_buffer;

    /* Copy output to a standard PCM buffer */
    for (ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++)
        switch (format)
        case FAAD_FMT_16BIT:
            for(i = 0; i < frame_len; i++)
                int32_t tmp = get_sample(input, ch, i, hDecoder->downMatrix, hDecoder->upMatrix,
                if (tmp >= 0)
                    tmp += (1 << (REAL_BITS-1));
                    if (tmp >= REAL_CONST(32767))
                        tmp = REAL_CONST(32767);
                } else {
                    tmp += -(1 << (REAL_BITS-1));
                    if (tmp <= REAL_CONST(-32768))
                        tmp = REAL_CONST(-32768);
                tmp >>= REAL_BITS;
                short_sample_buffer[(i*channels)+ch] = (int16_t)tmp;
        case FAAD_FMT_24BIT:
            for(i = 0; i < frame_len; i++)
                int32_t tmp = get_sample(input, ch, i, hDecoder->downMatrix, hDecoder->upMatrix,
                if (tmp >= 0)
                    tmp += (1 << (REAL_BITS-9));
                    tmp >>= (REAL_BITS-8);
                    if (tmp >= 8388607)
                        tmp = 8388607;
                } else {
                    tmp += -(1 << (REAL_BITS-9));
                    tmp >>= (REAL_BITS-8);
                    if (tmp <= -8388608)
                        tmp = -8388608;
                int_sample_buffer[(i*channels)+ch] = (int32_t)tmp;
        case FAAD_FMT_32BIT:
            for(i = 0; i < frame_len; i++)
                int32_t tmp = get_sample(input, ch, i, hDecoder->downMatrix, hDecoder->upMatrix,
                if (tmp >= 0)
                    tmp += (1 << (16-REAL_BITS-1));
                    tmp <<= (16-REAL_BITS);
                } else {
                    tmp += -(1 << (16-REAL_BITS-1));
                    tmp <<= (16-REAL_BITS);
                int_sample_buffer[(i*channels)+ch] = (int32_t)tmp;
        case FAAD_FMT_FIXED:
            for(i = 0; i < frame_len; i++)
                real_t tmp = get_sample(input, ch, i, hDecoder->downMatrix, hDecoder->upMatrix,
                int_sample_buffer[(i*channels)+ch] = (int32_t)tmp;
input_t synapse_dynamics_get_intrinsic_bias(index_t neuron_index) {
    return REAL_CONST(0.0);

#include "izh_curr_stochastic.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "normal.h"
#include <debug.h>

static REAL input_this_timestep;  // used with file static scope to send input data around

static REAL machine_timestep = REAL_CONST( 1.0 );  // in msecs

static const REAL V_threshold = REAL_CONST( 30.0 );

static const REAL SIMPLE_TQ_OFFSET = REAL_CONST( 1.85 );

// function that converts the input into the real value to be used by the neuron
REAL neuron_get_exc_input(REAL exc_input) {
    return exc_input;

// function that converts the input into the real value to be used by the neuron
REAL neuron_get_inh_input(REAL inh_input) {
    return inh_input;

// definition for Izhikevich neuron
void neuron_ode( REAL t, REAL stateVar[], REAL dstateVar_dt[], neuron_pointer_t neuron ) {
Example #20
/* calculate linear prediction coefficients using the covariance method */
static void calc_prediction_coef(sbr_info *sbr, qmf_t Xlow[MAX_NTSRHFG][32],
                                 complex_t *alpha_0, complex_t *alpha_1
                                 , real_t *rxx
    uint8_t k;
    real_t tmp;
    acorr_coef ac;

    for (k = 1; k < sbr->f_master[0]; k++)
        auto_correlation(sbr, &ac, Xlow, k, sbr->numTimeSlotsRate + 6);

        if (ac.det == 0)
            RE(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
        } else {
            tmp = MUL_R(RE(ac.r01), RE(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(RE(ac.r02), RE(ac.r11));
            RE(alpha_1[k]) = SBR_DIV(tmp, ac.det);

        if (RE(ac.r11) == 0)
            RE(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
        } else {
            tmp = RE(ac.r01) + MUL_R(RE(alpha_1[k]), RE(ac.r12));
            RE(alpha_0[k]) = -SBR_DIV(tmp, RE(ac.r11));

        if ((RE(alpha_0[k]) >= REAL_CONST(4)) || (RE(alpha_1[k]) >= REAL_CONST(4)))
            RE(alpha_0[k]) = REAL_CONST(0);
            RE(alpha_1[k]) = REAL_CONST(0);

        /* reflection coefficient */
        if (RE(ac.r11) == 0)
            rxx[k] = REAL_CONST(0.0);
        } else {
            rxx[k] = -SBR_DIV(RE(ac.r01), RE(ac.r11));
            if (rxx[k] > REAL_CONST(1.0)) rxx[k] = REAL_CONST(1.0);
            if (rxx[k] < REAL_CONST(-1.0)) rxx[k] = REAL_CONST(-1.0);
        if (ac.det == 0)
            RE(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
            IM(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
        } else {
            tmp = REAL_CONST(1.0) / ac.det;
            RE(alpha_1[k]) = (RE(ac.r01) * RE(ac.r12) - IM(ac.r01) * IM(ac.r12) - RE(ac.r02) * RE(ac.r11)) * tmp;
            IM(alpha_1[k]) = (IM(ac.r01) * RE(ac.r12) + RE(ac.r01) * IM(ac.r12) - IM(ac.r02) * RE(ac.r11)) * tmp;

        if (RE(ac.r11) == 0)
            RE(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
            IM(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
        } else {
            tmp = 1.0f / RE(ac.r11);
            RE(alpha_0[k]) = -(RE(ac.r01) + RE(alpha_1[k]) * RE(ac.r12) + IM(alpha_1[k]) * IM(ac.r12)) * tmp;
            IM(alpha_0[k]) = -(IM(ac.r01) + IM(alpha_1[k]) * RE(ac.r12) - RE(alpha_1[k]) * IM(ac.r12)) * tmp;

        if ((RE(alpha_0[k])*RE(alpha_0[k]) + IM(alpha_0[k])*IM(alpha_0[k]) >= 16) ||
            (RE(alpha_1[k])*RE(alpha_1[k]) + IM(alpha_1[k])*IM(alpha_1[k]) >= 16))
            RE(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
            IM(alpha_0[k]) = 0;
            RE(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
            IM(alpha_1[k]) = 0;
Example #21
static uint8_t allocate_channel_pair(NeAACDecHandle hDecoder,
                                     uint8_t channel, uint8_t paired_channel)
    uint8_t mul = 1;

#ifdef MAIN_DEC
    /* MAIN object type prediction */
    if (hDecoder->object_type == MAIN)
        /* allocate the state only when needed */
        if (hDecoder->pred_stat[channel] == NULL)
            hDecoder->pred_stat[channel] = (pred_state*)faad_malloc(hDecoder->frameLength * sizeof(pred_state));
            reset_all_predictors(hDecoder->pred_stat[channel], hDecoder->frameLength);
        if (hDecoder->pred_stat[paired_channel] == NULL)
            hDecoder->pred_stat[paired_channel] = (pred_state*)faad_malloc(hDecoder->frameLength * sizeof(pred_state));
            reset_all_predictors(hDecoder->pred_stat[paired_channel], hDecoder->frameLength);

#ifdef LTP_DEC
    if (is_ltp_ot(hDecoder->object_type))
        /* allocate the state only when needed */
        if (hDecoder->lt_pred_stat[channel] == NULL)
            hDecoder->lt_pred_stat[channel] = (int16_t*)faad_malloc(hDecoder->frameLength*4 * sizeof(int16_t));
            memset(hDecoder->lt_pred_stat[channel], 0, hDecoder->frameLength*4 * sizeof(int16_t));
        if (hDecoder->lt_pred_stat[paired_channel] == NULL)
            hDecoder->lt_pred_stat[paired_channel] = (int16_t*)faad_malloc(hDecoder->frameLength*4 * sizeof(int16_t));
            memset(hDecoder->lt_pred_stat[paired_channel], 0, hDecoder->frameLength*4 * sizeof(int16_t));

    if (hDecoder->time_out[channel] == NULL)
        mul = 1;
#ifdef SBR_DEC
        hDecoder->sbr_alloced[hDecoder->fr_ch_ele] = 0;
        if ((hDecoder->sbr_present_flag == 1) || (hDecoder->forceUpSampling == 1))
            /* SBR requires 2 times as much output data */
            mul = 2;
            hDecoder->sbr_alloced[hDecoder->fr_ch_ele] = 1;
        hDecoder->time_out[channel] = (real_t*)faad_malloc(mul*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
        memset(hDecoder->time_out[channel], 0, mul*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
    if (hDecoder->time_out[paired_channel] == NULL)
        hDecoder->time_out[paired_channel] = (real_t*)faad_malloc(mul*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
        memset(hDecoder->time_out[paired_channel], 0, mul*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));

    if (hDecoder->fb_intermed[channel] == NULL)
        hDecoder->fb_intermed[channel] = (real_t*)faad_malloc(hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
        memset(hDecoder->fb_intermed[channel], 0, hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
    if (hDecoder->fb_intermed[paired_channel] == NULL)
        hDecoder->fb_intermed[paired_channel] = (real_t*)faad_malloc(hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
        memset(hDecoder->fb_intermed[paired_channel], 0, hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));

#ifdef SSR_DEC
    if (hDecoder->object_type == SSR)
        if (hDecoder->ssr_overlap[cpe->channel] == NULL)
            hDecoder->ssr_overlap[cpe->channel] = (real_t*)faad_malloc(2*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
            memset(hDecoder->ssr_overlap[cpe->channel], 0, 2*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
        if (hDecoder->ssr_overlap[cpe->paired_channel] == NULL)
            hDecoder->ssr_overlap[cpe->paired_channel] = (real_t*)faad_malloc(2*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
            memset(hDecoder->ssr_overlap[cpe->paired_channel], 0, 2*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
        if (hDecoder->prev_fmd[cpe->channel] == NULL)
            uint16_t k;
            hDecoder->prev_fmd[cpe->channel] = (real_t*)faad_malloc(2*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
            for (k = 0; k < 2*hDecoder->frameLength; k++)
                hDecoder->prev_fmd[cpe->channel][k] = REAL_CONST(-1);
        if (hDecoder->prev_fmd[cpe->paired_channel] == NULL)
            uint16_t k;
            hDecoder->prev_fmd[cpe->paired_channel] = (real_t*)faad_malloc(2*hDecoder->frameLength*sizeof(real_t));
            for (k = 0; k < 2*hDecoder->frameLength; k++)
                hDecoder->prev_fmd[cpe->paired_channel][k] = REAL_CONST(-1);

    return 0;
Example #22
void faad_mdct(mdct_info *mdct, real_t *X_in, real_t *X_out)
    uint16_t k;

    complex_t x;
    ALIGN complex_t Z1[512];
    complex_t *sincos = mdct->sincos;

    uint16_t N  = mdct->N;
    uint16_t N2 = N >> 1;
    uint16_t N4 = N >> 2;
    uint16_t N8 = N >> 3;

	real_t scale = REAL_CONST(N);
	real_t scale = REAL_CONST(4.0/N);

    /* detect non-power of 2 */
    if (N & (N-1))
        /* adjust scale for non-power of 2 MDCT */
        /* *= sqrt(2048/1920) */
        scale = MUL_C(scale, COEF_CONST(1.0327955589886444));

    /* pre-FFT complex multiplication */
    for (k = 0; k < N8; k++)
        uint16_t n = k << 1;
        RE(x) = X_in[N - N4 - 1 - n] + X_in[N - N4 +     n];
        IM(x) = X_in[    N4 +     n] - X_in[    N4 - 1 - n];

        ComplexMult(&RE(Z1[k]), &IM(Z1[k]),
            RE(x), IM(x), RE(sincos[k]), IM(sincos[k]));

        RE(Z1[k]) = MUL_R(RE(Z1[k]), scale);
        IM(Z1[k]) = MUL_R(IM(Z1[k]), scale);

        RE(x) =  X_in[N2 - 1 - n] - X_in[        n];
        IM(x) =  X_in[N2 +     n] + X_in[N - 1 - n];

        ComplexMult(&RE(Z1[k + N8]), &IM(Z1[k + N8]),
            RE(x), IM(x), RE(sincos[k + N8]), IM(sincos[k + N8]));

        RE(Z1[k + N8]) = MUL_R(RE(Z1[k + N8]), scale);
        IM(Z1[k + N8]) = MUL_R(IM(Z1[k + N8]), scale);

    /* complex FFT, any non-scaling FFT can be used here  */
    cfftf(mdct->cfft, Z1);

    /* post-FFT complex multiplication */
    for (k = 0; k < N4; k++)
        uint16_t n = k << 1;
        ComplexMult(&RE(x), &IM(x),
            RE(Z1[k]), IM(Z1[k]), RE(sincos[k]), IM(sincos[k]));

        X_out[         n] = -RE(x);
        X_out[N2 - 1 - n] =  IM(x);
        X_out[N2 +     n] = -IM(x);
        X_out[N  - 1 - n] =  RE(x);
input_t synapse_dynamics_get_intrinsic_bias(uint32_t time, index_t neuron_index) {
    return REAL_CONST(0.0);