bool CGUIWindowVideoFiles::GetDirectory(const CStdString &strDirectory, CFileItemList &items) { if (!CGUIWindowVideoBase::GetDirectory(strDirectory, items)) return false; SScraperInfo info2; m_stackingAvailable = true; m_cleaningAvailable = true; if ((m_database.GetScraperForPath(strDirectory,info2) && info2.strContent.Equals("tvshows")) || items.IsTuxBox()) { // dont stack or clean strings in tv dirs m_stackingAvailable = false; m_cleaningAvailable = false; } else if (!items.IsStack() && g_stSettings.m_iMyVideoStack != STACK_NONE) items.Stack(); if ((!info2.strContent.IsEmpty() && !info2.strContent.Equals("None")) && items.GetContent().IsEmpty()) items.SetContent(info2.strContent.c_str()); else items.SetContent("files"); items.SetThumbnailImage(""); items.SetVideoThumb(); return true; }
/** * This method tries to determine what type of disc is located in the given drive and starts to play the content appropriately. */ bool CAutorun::RunDisc(IDirectory* pDir, const CStdString& strDrive, int& nAddedToPlaylist, bool bRoot, bool bypassSettings /* = false */, bool startFromBeginning /* = false */) { bool bPlaying(false); CFileItemList vecItems; if ( !pDir->GetDirectory( strDrive, vecItems ) ) { return false; } // Sorting necessary for easier HDDVD handling vecItems.Sort(SortByLabel, SortOrderAscending); bool bAllowVideo = true; // bool bAllowPictures = true; bool bAllowMusic = true; if (!g_passwordManager.IsMasterLockUnlocked(false)) { bAllowVideo = !CProfilesManager::Get().GetCurrentProfile().videoLocked(); // bAllowPictures = !CProfilesManager::Get().GetCurrentProfile().picturesLocked(); bAllowMusic = !CProfilesManager::Get().GetCurrentProfile().musicLocked(); } // is this a root folder we have to check the content to determine a disc type if( bRoot ) { CStdString hddvdname = ""; CFileItemPtr phddvdItem; // check root folders next, for normal structured dvd's for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = vecItems[i]; // is the current item a (non system) folder? if (pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->GetPath() != "." && pItem->GetPath() != "..") { CStdString name = pItem->GetPath(); URIUtils::RemoveSlashAtEnd(name); name = URIUtils::GetFileName(name); // Check if the current foldername indicates a DVD structure (name is "VIDEO_TS") if (name.Equals("VIDEO_TS") && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || CSettings::Get().GetBool("dvds.autorun"))) { CStdString path = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(pItem->GetPath(), "VIDEO_TS.IFO"); if(!CFile::Exists(path)) path = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(pItem->GetPath(), "video_ts.ifo"); CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem(path, false)); item->SetLabel(g_mediaManager.GetDiskLabel(strDrive)); item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath = g_mediaManager.GetDiskUniqueId(strDrive); if (!startFromBeginning && !item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath.empty()) item->m_lStartOffset = STARTOFFSET_RESUME; g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.SetShuffle (PLAYLIST_VIDEO, false); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, item); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); return true; } // Check if the current foldername indicates a Blu-Ray structure (default is "BDMV"). // A BR should also include an "AACS" folder for encryption, Sony-BRs can also include update folders for PS3 (PS3_UPDATE / PS3_VPRM). // ToDo: for the time beeing, the DVD autorun settings are used to determine if the BR should be started automatically. if (name.Equals("BDMV") && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || CSettings::Get().GetBool("dvds.autorun"))) { CFileItemPtr item(new CFileItem(URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(pItem->GetPath(), "index.bdmv"), false)); item->SetLabel(g_mediaManager.GetDiskLabel(strDrive)); item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath = g_mediaManager.GetDiskUniqueId(strDrive); if (!startFromBeginning && !item->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath.empty()) item->m_lStartOffset = STARTOFFSET_RESUME; g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.SetShuffle (PLAYLIST_VIDEO, false); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, item); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); return true; } // Check if the current foldername indicates a HD DVD structure (default is "HVDVD_TS"). // Most HD DVD will also include an "ADV_OBJ" folder for advanced content. This folder should be handled first. // ToDo: for the time beeing, the DVD autorun settings are used to determine if the HD DVD should be started automatically. CFileItemList items, sitems; // Advanced Content HD DVD (most discs?) if (name.Equals("ADV_OBJ")) { CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"HD DVD: Checking for playlist."); // find playlist file CDirectory::GetDirectory(pItem->GetPath(), items, "*.xpl"); if (items.Size()) { // HD DVD Standard says the highest numbered playlist has to be handled first. CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"HD DVD: Playlist found. Set filetypes to *.xpl for external player."); items.Sort(SortByLabel, SortOrderDescending); phddvdItem = pItem; hddvdname = URIUtils::GetFileName(items[0]->GetPath()); CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"HD DVD: %s", items[0]->GetPath().c_str()); } } // Standard Content HD DVD (few discs?) if (name.Equals("HVDVD_TS") && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || CSettings::Get().GetBool("dvds.autorun"))) { if (hddvdname == "") { CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"HD DVD: Checking for ifo."); // find Video Manager or Title Set Information CDirectory::GetDirectory(pItem->GetPath(), items, "HV*.ifo"); if (items.Size()) { // HD DVD Standard says the lowest numbered ifo has to be handled first. CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"HD DVD: IFO found. Set filename to HV* and filetypes to *.ifo for external player."); items.Sort(SortByLabel, SortOrderAscending); phddvdItem = pItem; hddvdname = URIUtils::GetFileName(items[0]->GetPath()); CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"HD DVD: %s",items[0]->GetPath().c_str()); } } // Find and sort *.evo files for internal playback. // While this algorithm works for all of my HD DVDs, it may fail on other discs. If there are very large extras which are // alphabetically before the main movie they will be sorted to the top of the playlist and get played first. CDirectory::GetDirectory(pItem->GetPath(), items, "*.evo"); if (items.Size()) { // Sort *.evo files in alphabetical order. items.Sort(SortByLabel, SortOrderAscending); int64_t asize = 0; int ecount = 0; // calculate average size of elements above 1gb for (int j = 0; j < items.Size(); j++) if (items[j]->m_dwSize > 1000000000) { ecount++; asize = asize + items[j]->m_dwSize; } asize = asize / ecount; // Put largest files in alphabetical order to top of new list. for (int j = 0; j < items.Size(); j++) if (items[j]->m_dwSize >= asize) sitems.Add (items[j]); // Sort *.evo files by size. items.Sort(SortBySize, SortOrderDescending); // Add other files with descending size to bottom of new list. for (int j = 0; j < items.Size(); j++) if (items[j]->m_dwSize < asize) sitems.Add (items[j]); // Replace list with optimized list. items.Clear(); items.Copy (sitems); sitems.Clear(); } if (hddvdname != "") { CFileItem item(URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(phddvdItem->GetPath(), hddvdname), false); item.SetLabel(g_mediaManager.GetDiskLabel(strDrive)); item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath = g_mediaManager.GetDiskUniqueId(strDrive); if (!startFromBeginning && !item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath.empty()) item.m_lStartOffset = STARTOFFSET_RESUME; // get playername CStdString hddvdplayer = CPlayerCoreFactory::Get().GetPlayerName(CPlayerCoreFactory::Get().GetDefaultPlayer(item)); // Single *.xpl or *.ifo files require an external player to handle playback. // If no matching rule was found, DVDPlayer will be default player. if (hddvdplayer != "DVDPlayer") { CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"HD DVD: External singlefile playback initiated: %s",hddvdname.c_str()); g_application.PlayFile(item, false); return true; } else CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"HD DVD: No external player found. Fallback to internal one."); } // internal *.evo playback. CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"HD DVD: Internal multifile playback initiated."); g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.SetShuffle (PLAYLIST_VIDEO, false); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, items); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); return true; } // Video CDs can have multiple file formats. First we need to determine which one is used on the CD CStdString strExt; if (name.Equals("MPEGAV")) strExt = ".dat"; if (name.Equals("MPEG2")) strExt = ".mpg"; // If a file format was extracted we are sure this is a VCD. Autoplay if settings indicate we should. if (!strExt.empty() && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || CSettings::Get().GetBool("dvds.autorun"))) { CFileItemList items; CDirectory::GetDirectory(pItem->GetPath(), items, strExt); if (items.Size()) { items.Sort(SortByLabel, SortOrderAscending); g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, items); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); return true; } } /* Probably want this if/when we add some automedia action dialog... else if (pItem->GetPath().Find("PICTURES") != -1 && bAllowPictures && (bypassSettings)) { bPlaying = true; CStdString strExec = StringUtils::Format("XBMC.RecursiveSlideShow(%s)", pItem->GetPath().c_str()); CBuiltins::Execute(strExec); return true; } */ } } } // check video first if (!nAddedToPlaylist && !bPlaying && (bypassSettings || CSettings::Get().GetBool("dvds.autorun"))) { // stack video files CFileItemList tempItems; tempItems.Append(vecItems); if (CSettings::Get().GetBool("myvideos.stackvideos")) tempItems.Stack(); CFileItemList itemlist; for (int i = 0; i < tempItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = tempItems[i]; if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsVideo()) { bPlaying = true; if (pItem->IsStack()) { // TODO: remove this once the app/player is capable of handling stacks immediately CStackDirectory dir; CFileItemList items; dir.GetDirectory(pItem->GetPath(), items); itemlist.Append(items); } else itemlist.Add(pItem); } } if (itemlist.Size()) { if (!bAllowVideo) { if (!bypassSettings) return false; if (g_windowManager.GetActiveWindow() != WINDOW_VIDEO_FILES) if (!g_passwordManager.IsMasterLockUnlocked(true)) return false; } g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, itemlist); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); } } // then music if (!bPlaying && (bypassSettings || CSettings::Get().GetInt("audiocds.autoaction") == AUTOCD_PLAY) && bAllowMusic) { for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = vecItems[i]; if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsAudio()) { nAddedToPlaylist++; g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_MUSIC, pItem); } } } /* Probably want this if/when we add some automedia action dialog... // and finally pictures if (!nAddedToPlaylist && !bPlaying && bypassSettings && bAllowPictures) { for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = vecItems[i]; if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsPicture()) { bPlaying = true; CStdString strExec = StringUtils::Format("XBMC.RecursiveSlideShow(%s)", strDrive.c_str()); CBuiltins::Execute(strExec); break; } } } */ // check subdirs if we are not playing yet if (!bPlaying) { for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = vecItems[i]; if (pItem->m_bIsFolder) { if (pItem->GetPath() != "." && pItem->GetPath() != ".." ) { if (RunDisc(pDir, pItem->GetPath(), nAddedToPlaylist, false, bypassSettings, startFromBeginning)) { bPlaying = true; break; } } } // if (non system) folder } // for all items in directory } // if root folder return bPlaying; }
/** * This method tries to determine what type of disc is located in the given drive and starts to play the content appropriately. */ bool CAutorun::RunDisc(IDirectory* pDir, const CStdString& strDrive, int& nAddedToPlaylist, bool bRoot, bool bypassSettings /* = false */, bool startFromBeginning /* = false */) { bool bPlaying(false); CFileItemList vecItems; if ( !pDir->GetDirectory( strDrive, vecItems ) ) { return false; } bool bAllowVideo = true; // bool bAllowPictures = true; bool bAllowMusic = true; if (!g_passwordManager.IsMasterLockUnlocked(false)) { bAllowVideo = !g_settings.GetCurrentProfile().videoLocked(); // bAllowPictures = !g_settings.GetCurrentProfile().picturesLocked(); bAllowMusic = !g_settings.GetCurrentProfile().musicLocked(); } // is this a root folder we have to check the content to determine a disc type if( bRoot ) { // check root folders next, for normal structured dvd's for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = vecItems[i]; // is the current item a (non system) folder? if (pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->GetPath() != "." && pItem->GetPath() != "..") { CStdString name = pItem->GetPath(); URIUtils::RemoveSlashAtEnd(name); name = URIUtils::GetFileName(name); // Check if the current foldername indicates a DVD structure (name is "VIDEO_TS") if (name.Equals("VIDEO_TS") && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool("dvds.autorun"))) { CStdString path = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(pItem->GetPath(), "VIDEO_TS.IFO"); if(!CFile::Exists(path)) path = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(pItem->GetPath(), "video_ts.ifo"); CFileItem item(path, false); item.SetLabel(g_mediaManager.GetDiskLabel(strDrive)); item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath = g_mediaManager.GetDiskUniqueId(strDrive); if (!startFromBeginning && !item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath.IsEmpty()) item.m_lStartOffset = STARTOFFSET_RESUME; g_application.PlayFile(item, false); bPlaying = true; return true; } // Check if the current foldername indicates a Blu-Ray structure (default is "BDMV"). // A BR should also include an "AACS" folder for encryption, Sony-BRs can also include update folders for PS3 (PS3_UPDATE / PS3_VPRM). // ToDo: for the time beeing, the DVD autorun settings are used to determine if the BR should be started automatically. if (name.Equals("BDMV") && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool("dvds.autorun"))) { CFileItem item(URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(pItem->GetPath(), "index.bdmv"), false); item.SetLabel(g_mediaManager.GetDiskLabel(strDrive)); item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath = g_mediaManager.GetDiskUniqueId(strDrive); if (!startFromBeginning && !item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath.IsEmpty()) item.m_lStartOffset = STARTOFFSET_RESUME; g_application.PlayFile(item, false); bPlaying = true; return true; } // Video CDs can have multiple file formats. First we need to determine which one is used on the CD CStdString strExt; if (name.Equals("MPEGAV")) strExt = ".dat"; if (name.Equals("MPEG2")) strExt = ".mpg"; // If a file format was extracted we are sure this is a VCD. Autoplay if settings indicate we should. if (!strExt.IsEmpty() && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool("dvds.autorun"))) { CFileItemList items; CDirectory::GetDirectory(pItem->GetPath(), items, strExt); if (items.Size()) { items.Sort(SORT_METHOD_LABEL, SortOrderAscending); g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, items); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); bPlaying = true; return true; } } /* Probably want this if/when we add some automedia action dialog... else if (pItem->GetPath().Find("PICTURES") != -1 && bAllowPictures && (bypassSettings)) { bPlaying = true; CStdString strExec; strExec.Format("XBMC.RecursiveSlideShow(%s)", pItem->GetPath().c_str()); CBuiltins::Execute(strExec); return true; } */ } } } // check video first if (!nAddedToPlaylist && !bPlaying && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool("dvds.autorun"))) { // stack video files CFileItemList tempItems; tempItems.Append(vecItems); if (g_settings.m_videoStacking) tempItems.Stack(); CFileItemList itemlist; for (int i = 0; i < tempItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = tempItems[i]; if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsVideo()) { bPlaying = true; if (pItem->IsStack()) { // TODO: remove this once the app/player is capable of handling stacks immediately CStackDirectory dir; CFileItemList items; dir.GetDirectory(pItem->GetPath(), items); itemlist.Append(items); } else itemlist.Add(pItem); } } if (itemlist.Size()) { if (!bAllowVideo) { if (!bypassSettings) return false; if (g_windowManager.GetActiveWindow() != WINDOW_VIDEO_FILES) if (!g_passwordManager.IsMasterLockUnlocked(true)) return false; } g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, itemlist); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); } } // then music if (!bPlaying && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetInt("audiocds.autoaction") == AUTOCD_PLAY) && bAllowMusic) { for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = vecItems[i]; if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsAudio()) { nAddedToPlaylist++; g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_MUSIC, pItem); } } } /* Probably want this if/when we add some automedia action dialog... // and finally pictures if (!nAddedToPlaylist && !bPlaying && bypassSettings && bAllowPictures) { for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = vecItems[i]; if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsPicture()) { bPlaying = true; CStdString strExec; strExec.Format("XBMC.RecursiveSlideShow(%s)", strDrive.c_str()); CBuiltins::Execute(strExec); break; } } } */ // check subdirs if we are not playing yet if (!bPlaying) { for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItemPtr pItem = vecItems[i]; if (pItem->m_bIsFolder) { if (pItem->GetPath() != "." && pItem->GetPath() != ".." ) { if (RunDisc(pDir, pItem->GetPath(), nAddedToPlaylist, false, bypassSettings, startFromBeginning)) { bPlaying = true; break; } } } // if (non system) folder } // for all items in directory } // if root folder return bPlaying; }
bool CAutorun::RunDisc(IDirectory* pDir, const CStdString& strDrive, int& nAddedToPlaylist, bool bRoot, bool bypassSettings /* = false */) { bool bPlaying(false); CFileItemList vecItems; char szSlash = '\\'; if (strDrive.Find("iso9660") != -1) szSlash = '/'; if ( !pDir->GetDirectory( strDrive, vecItems ) ) { return false; } bool bAllowVideo = true; bool bAllowPictures = true; bool bAllowMusic = true; if (!g_passwordManager.IsMasterLockUnlocked(false)) { bAllowVideo = !g_settings.m_vecProfiles[g_settings.m_iLastLoadedProfileIndex].videoLocked(); bAllowPictures = !g_settings.m_vecProfiles[g_settings.m_iLastLoadedProfileIndex].picturesLocked(); bAllowMusic = !g_settings.m_vecProfiles[g_settings.m_iLastLoadedProfileIndex].musicLocked(); } if( bRoot ) { // check root folders first, for normal structured dvd's for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItem* pItem = vecItems[i]; if (pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->m_strPath != "." && pItem->m_strPath != "..") { if (pItem->m_strPath.Find( "VIDEO_TS" ) != -1 && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool("autorun.dvd"))) { CUtil::PlayDVD(); bPlaying = true; return true; } else if (pItem->m_strPath.Find("MPEGAV") != -1 && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool("autorun.vcd"))) { CFileItemList items; CDirectory::GetDirectory(pItem->m_strPath, items, ".dat"); if (items.Size()) { items.Sort(SORT_METHOD_LABEL, SORT_ORDER_ASC); g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, items); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); bPlaying = true; return true; } } else if (pItem->m_strPath.Find("MPEG2") != -1 && bAllowVideo && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool("autorun.vcd"))) { CFileItemList items; CDirectory::GetDirectory(pItem->m_strPath, items, ".mpg"); if (items.Size()) { items.Sort(SORT_METHOD_LABEL, SORT_ORDER_ASC); g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, items); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); bPlaying = true; return true; } } else if (pItem->m_strPath.Find("PICTURES") != -1 && bAllowPictures && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool(""))) { bPlaying = true; CStdString strExec; strExec.Format("XBMC.RecursiveSlideShow(%s)", pItem->m_strPath.c_str()); CUtil::ExecBuiltIn(strExec); return true; } } } } // check video first if (!nAddedToPlaylist && !bPlaying && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool(""))) { // stack video files CFileItemList tempItems; tempItems.Append(vecItems); tempItems.Stack(); CFileItemList itemlist; for (int i = 0; i < tempItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItem *pItem = tempItems[i]; if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsVideo()) { bPlaying = true; if (pItem->IsStack()) { // TODO: remove this once the app/player is capable of handling stacks immediately CStackDirectory dir; CFileItemList items; dir.GetDirectory(pItem->m_strPath, items); for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); i++) { itemlist.Add(new CFileItem(*items[i])); } } else itemlist.Add(new CFileItem(*pItem)); } } if (itemlist.Size()) { if (!bAllowVideo) { if (!bypassSettings) return false; if (m_gWindowManager.GetActiveWindow() != WINDOW_VIDEO_FILES) if (!g_passwordManager.IsMasterLockUnlocked(true)) return false; } g_playlistPlayer.ClearPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_VIDEO, itemlist); g_playlistPlayer.SetCurrentPlaylist(PLAYLIST_VIDEO); g_playlistPlayer.Play(0); } } // then music if (!bPlaying && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool("")) && bAllowMusic) { for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItem *pItem = vecItems[i]; if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsAudio()) { nAddedToPlaylist++; g_playlistPlayer.Add(PLAYLIST_MUSIC, pItem); } } } // and finally pictures if (!nAddedToPlaylist && !bPlaying && (bypassSettings || g_guiSettings.GetBool("")) && bAllowPictures) { for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItem *pItem = vecItems[i]; if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsPicture()) { bPlaying = true; CStdString strExec; strExec.Format("XBMC.RecursiveSlideShow(%s)", strDrive.c_str()); CUtil::ExecBuiltIn(strExec); break; } } } // check subdirs if we are not playing yet if (!bPlaying) { for (int i = 0; i < vecItems.Size(); i++) { CFileItem* pItem = vecItems[i]; if (pItem->m_bIsFolder) { if (pItem->m_strPath != "." && pItem->m_strPath != ".." ) { if (RunDisc(pDir, pItem->m_strPath, nAddedToPlaylist, false, bypassSettings)) { bPlaying = true; break; } } } } } return bPlaying; }
void CGUIWindowVideoFiles::GetStackedDirectory(const CStdString &strPath, CFileItemList &items) { items.Clear(); m_rootDir.GetDirectory(strPath, items); items.Stack(); }