Example #1
void IdempotentOperationChecker::PreVisitBinaryOperator(
                                                      CheckerContext &C,
                                                      const BinaryOperator *B) {
  // Find or create an entry in the hash for this BinaryOperator instance.
  // If we haven't done a lookup before, it will get default initialized to
  // 'Possible'. At this stage we do not store the ExplodedNode, as it has not
  // been created yet.
  BinaryOperatorData &Data = hash[B];
  Assumption &A = Data.assumption;
  AnalysisContext *AC = C.getCurrentAnalysisContext();
  Data.analysisContext = AC;

  // If we already have visited this node on a path that does not contain an
  // idempotent operation, return immediately.
  if (A == Impossible)

  // Retrieve both sides of the operator and determine if they can vary (which
  // may mean this is a false positive.
  const Expr *LHS = B->getLHS();
  const Expr *RHS = B->getRHS();

  // At this stage we can calculate whether each side contains a false positive
  // that applies to all operators. We only need to calculate this the first
  // time.
  bool LHSContainsFalsePositive = false, RHSContainsFalsePositive = false;
  if (A == Possible) {
    // An expression contains a false positive if it can't vary, or if it
    // contains a known false positive VarDecl.
    LHSContainsFalsePositive = !CanVary(LHS, AC)
        || containsNonLocalVarDecl(LHS);
    RHSContainsFalsePositive = !CanVary(RHS, AC)
        || containsNonLocalVarDecl(RHS);

  const GRState *state = C.getState();

  SVal LHSVal = state->getSVal(LHS);
  SVal RHSVal = state->getSVal(RHS);

  // If either value is unknown, we can't be 100% sure of all paths.
  if (LHSVal.isUnknownOrUndef() || RHSVal.isUnknownOrUndef()) {
    A = Impossible;
  BinaryOperator::Opcode Op = B->getOpcode();

  // Dereference the LHS SVal if this is an assign operation
  switch (Op) {

  // Fall through intentional
  case BO_AddAssign:
  case BO_SubAssign:
  case BO_MulAssign:
  case BO_DivAssign:
  case BO_AndAssign:
  case BO_OrAssign:
  case BO_XorAssign:
  case BO_ShlAssign:
  case BO_ShrAssign:
  case BO_Assign:
  // Assign statements have one extra level of indirection
    if (!isa<Loc>(LHSVal)) {
      A = Impossible;
    LHSVal = state->getSVal(cast<Loc>(LHSVal), LHS->getType());

  // We now check for various cases which result in an idempotent operation.

  // x op x
  switch (Op) {
    break; // We don't care about any other operators.

  // Fall through intentional
  case BO_Assign:
    // x Assign x can be used to silence unused variable warnings intentionally.
    // If this is a self assignment and the variable is referenced elsewhere,
    // and the assignment is not a truncation or extension, then it is a false
    // positive.
    if (isSelfAssign(LHS, RHS)) {
      if (!isUnused(LHS, AC) && !isTruncationExtensionAssignment(LHS, RHS)) {
        UpdateAssumption(A, Equal);
      else {
        A = Impossible;

  case BO_SubAssign:
  case BO_DivAssign:
  case BO_AndAssign:
  case BO_OrAssign:
  case BO_XorAssign:
  case BO_Sub:
  case BO_Div:
  case BO_And:
  case BO_Or:
  case BO_Xor:
  case BO_LOr:
  case BO_LAnd:
  case BO_EQ:
  case BO_NE:
    if (LHSVal != RHSVal || LHSContainsFalsePositive
        || RHSContainsFalsePositive)
    UpdateAssumption(A, Equal);

  // x op 1
  switch (Op) {
     break; // We don't care about any other operators.

   // Fall through intentional
   case BO_MulAssign:
   case BO_DivAssign:
   case BO_Mul:
   case BO_Div:
   case BO_LOr:
   case BO_LAnd:
     if (!RHSVal.isConstant(1) || RHSContainsFalsePositive)
     UpdateAssumption(A, RHSis1);

  // 1 op x
  switch (Op) {
    break; // We don't care about any other operators.

  // Fall through intentional
  case BO_MulAssign:
  case BO_Mul:
  case BO_LOr:
  case BO_LAnd:
    if (!LHSVal.isConstant(1) || LHSContainsFalsePositive)
    UpdateAssumption(A, LHSis1);

  // x op 0
  switch (Op) {
    break; // We don't care about any other operators.

  // Fall through intentional
  case BO_AddAssign:
  case BO_SubAssign:
  case BO_MulAssign:
  case BO_AndAssign:
  case BO_OrAssign:
  case BO_XorAssign:
  case BO_Add:
  case BO_Sub:
  case BO_Mul:
  case BO_And:
  case BO_Or:
  case BO_Xor:
  case BO_Shl:
  case BO_Shr:
  case BO_LOr:
  case BO_LAnd:
    if (!RHSVal.isConstant(0) || RHSContainsFalsePositive)
    UpdateAssumption(A, RHSis0);

  // 0 op x
  switch (Op) {
    break; // We don't care about any other operators.

  // Fall through intentional
  //case BO_AddAssign: // Common false positive
  case BO_SubAssign: // Check only if unsigned
  case BO_MulAssign:
  case BO_DivAssign:
  case BO_AndAssign:
  //case BO_OrAssign: // Common false positive
  //case BO_XorAssign: // Common false positive
  case BO_ShlAssign:
  case BO_ShrAssign:
  case BO_Add:
  case BO_Sub:
  case BO_Mul:
  case BO_Div:
  case BO_And:
  case BO_Or:
  case BO_Xor:
  case BO_Shl:
  case BO_Shr:
  case BO_LOr:
  case BO_LAnd:
    if (!LHSVal.isConstant(0) || LHSContainsFalsePositive)
    UpdateAssumption(A, LHSis0);

  // If we get to this point, there has been a valid use of this operation.
  A = Impossible;