Example #1
SystemBase::augmentSendList(std::vector<dof_id_type> & send_list)
  std::set<dof_id_type> & ghosted_elems = _subproblem.ghostedElems();

  DofMap & dof_map = dofMap();

  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  System & sys = system();

  unsigned int sys_num = sys.number();

  unsigned int n_vars = sys.n_vars();

  for (std::set<dof_id_type>::iterator elem_id = ghosted_elems.begin();
      elem_id != ghosted_elems.end();
    Elem * elem = _mesh.elem(*elem_id);

    if (elem->active())
      dof_map.dof_indices(elem, dof_indices);

      for (unsigned int i=0; i<dof_indices.size(); i++)
        dof_id_type dof = dof_indices[i];

        // Only need to ghost it if it's actually not on this processor
        if (dof < dof_map.first_dof() || dof >= dof_map.end_dof())

      // Now add the DoFs from all of the nodes.  This is necessary because of block
      // restricted variables.  A variable might not live _on_ this element but it
      // might live on nodes connected to this element.
      for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_nodes(); n++)
        Node * node = elem->get_node(n);

        // Have to get each variable's dofs
        for (unsigned int v=0; v<n_vars; v++)
          const Variable & var = sys.variable(v);
          unsigned int var_num = var.number();
          unsigned int n_comp = var.n_components();

          // See if this variable has any dofs at this node
          if (node->n_dofs(sys_num, var_num) > 0)
            // Loop over components of the variable
            for (unsigned int c=0; c<n_comp; c++)
              send_list.push_back(node->dof_number(sys_num, var_num, c));
Example #2
GrainTracker::swapSolutionValues(MooseSharedPointer<FeatureData> grain, unsigned int var_idx, std::map<Node *, CacheValues> & cache,
                                 REMAP_CACHE_MODE cache_mode, unsigned int depth)
  MeshBase & mesh = _mesh.getMesh();

  // Remap the grain
  std::set<Node *> updated_nodes_tmp; // Used only in the elemental case
  for (std::set<dof_id_type>::const_iterator entity_it = grain->_local_ids.begin();
       entity_it != grain->_local_ids.end(); ++entity_it)
    if (_is_elemental)
      Elem * elem = mesh.query_elem(*entity_it);
      if (!elem)

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elem->n_nodes(); ++i)
        Node * curr_node = elem->get_node(i);
        if (updated_nodes_tmp.find(curr_node) == updated_nodes_tmp.end())
          updated_nodes_tmp.insert(curr_node);         // cache this node so we don't attempt to remap it again within this loop
          swapSolutionValuesHelper(curr_node, grain->_var_idx, var_idx, cache, cache_mode);
      swapSolutionValuesHelper(mesh.query_node_ptr(*entity_it), grain->_var_idx, var_idx, cache, cache_mode);

  // Update the variable index in the unique grain datastructure
  grain->_var_idx = var_idx;

  // Close all of the solution vectors (we only need to do this once after all swaps are complete)
  if (depth == 0)

Example #3
void SerialMesh::renumber_nodes_and_elements ()

  START_LOG("renumber_nodes_and_elem()", "Mesh");

  // node and element id counters
  unsigned int next_free_elem = 0;
  unsigned int next_free_node = 0;

  // Will hold the set of nodes that are currently connected to elements
  LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_SET<Node*> connected_nodes;

  // Loop over the elements.  Note that there may
  // be NULLs in the _elements vector from the coarsening
  // process.  Pack the elements in to a contiguous array
  // and then trim any excess.
    std::vector<Elem*>::iterator in        = _elements.begin();
    std::vector<Elem*>::iterator out       = _elements.begin();
    const std::vector<Elem*>::iterator end = _elements.end();

    for (; in != end; ++in)
      if (*in != NULL)
	  Elem* elem = *in;

	  *out = *in;

	  // Increment the element counter
	  elem->set_id (next_free_elem++);

            // Add this elements nodes to the connected list
            for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_nodes(); n++)
          else  // We DO want node renumbering
            // Loop over this element's nodes.  Number them,
            // if they have not been numbered already.  Also,
            // position them in the _nodes vector so that they
            // are packed contiguously from the beginning.
            for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_nodes(); n++)
              if (elem->node(n) == next_free_node)     // don't need to process
                next_free_node++;                      // [(src == dst) below]
              else if (elem->node(n) > next_free_node) // need to process
		// The source and destination indices
		// for this node
		const unsigned int src_idx = elem->node(n);
		const unsigned int dst_idx = next_free_node++;
		// ensure we want to swap a valid nodes
		libmesh_assert (_nodes[src_idx] != NULL);
		// Swap the source and destination nodes
                          _nodes[dst_idx] );
		// Set proper indices where that makes sense
		if (_nodes[src_idx] != NULL)
		  _nodes[src_idx]->set_id (src_idx);
		_nodes[dst_idx]->set_id (dst_idx);

    // Erase any additional storage. These elements have been
    // copied into NULL voids by the procedure above, and are
    // thus repeated and unnecessary.
    _elements.erase (out, end);

    // Loop over the nodes.  Note that there may
    // be NULLs in the _nodes vector from the coarsening
    // process.  Pack the nodes in to a contiguous array
    // and then trim any excess.
    std::vector<Node*>::iterator in        = _nodes.begin();
    std::vector<Node*>::iterator out       = _nodes.begin();
    const std::vector<Node*>::iterator end = _nodes.end();

    for (; in != end; ++in)
      if (*in != NULL)
        // This is a reference so that if we change the pointer it will change in the vector
        Node* & node = *in;
        // If this node is still connected to an elem, put it in the list
        if(connected_nodes.find(node) != connected_nodes.end())
          *out = node;

          // Increment the node counter
          node->set_id (next_free_node++);
        else // This node is orphaned, delete it!
          this->boundary_info->remove (node);

          // delete the node
          delete node;
          node = NULL;

    // Erase any additional storage.  Whatever was
    _nodes.erase (out, end);
  else // We really DO want node renumbering
    // Any nodes in the vector >= _nodes[next_free_node]
    // are not connected to any elements and may be deleted
    // if desired.

    // (This code block will erase the unused nodes)
    // Now, delete the unused nodes
      std::vector<Node*>::iterator nd        = _nodes.begin();
      const std::vector<Node*>::iterator end = _nodes.end();

      std::advance (nd, next_free_node);

      for (std::vector<Node*>::iterator it=nd;
           it != end; ++it)
        // Mesh modification code might have already deleted some
        // nodes
	if (*it == NULL)

	// remove any boundary information associated with
	// this node
	this->boundary_info->remove (*it);

	// delete the node
	delete *it;
	*it = NULL;

      _nodes.erase (nd, end);

  libmesh_assert (next_free_elem == _elements.size());
  libmesh_assert (next_free_node == _nodes.size());

  STOP_LOG("renumber_nodes_and_elem()", "Mesh");
Example #4
void Elem::refine (MeshRefinement& mesh_refinement)
  libmesh_assert (this->refinement_flag() == Elem::REFINE);
  libmesh_assert (this->active());

  // Create my children if necessary
  if (!_children)
      _children = new Elem*[this->n_children()];

      unsigned int parent_p_level = this->p_level();
      for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_children(); c++)
	  _children[c] = Elem::build(this->type(), this).release();

      // Compute new nodal locations
      // and asssign nodes to children
      // Make these static.  It is unlikely the
      // sizes will change from call to call, so having these
      // static should save on reallocations
      std::vector<std::vector<Point> >        p    (this->n_children());
      std::vector<std::vector<Node*> >        nodes(this->n_children());

      // compute new nodal locations
      for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_children(); c++)
          Elem *child = this->child(c);
	  p[c].resize    (child->n_nodes());

	  for (unsigned int nc=0; nc<child->n_nodes(); nc++)
	      // zero entries
	      nodes[c][nc] = NULL;

	      for (unsigned int n=0; n<this->n_nodes(); n++)
		  // The value from the embedding matrix
		  const float em_val = this->embedding_matrix(c,nc,n);

		  if (em_val != 0.)
		      p[c][nc].add_scaled (this->point(n), em_val);

		      // We may have found the node, in which case we
		      // won't need to look it up later.
		      if (em_val == 1.)
		        nodes[c][nc] = this->get_node(n);

	// assign nodes to children & add them to the mesh
          const Real pointtol = this->hmin() * TOLERANCE;
	  for (unsigned int nc=0; nc<child->n_nodes(); nc++)
	      if (nodes[c][nc] != NULL)
		  child->set_node(nc) = nodes[c][nc];
		  child->set_node(nc) =

	  mesh_refinement.add_elem (child);
      unsigned int parent_p_level = this->p_level();
      for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_children(); c++)
          Elem *child = this->child(c);

  // Un-set my refinement flag now

  for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_children(); c++)
      libmesh_assert(this->child(c)->parent() == this);
  libmesh_assert (this->ancestor());
Example #5
void Elem::coarsen()
  libmesh_assert (this->refinement_flag() == Elem::COARSEN_INACTIVE);
  libmesh_assert (!this->active());

  // We no longer delete children until MeshRefinement::contract()
  // delete [] _children;
  // _children = NULL;

  unsigned int parent_p_level = 0;

  // re-compute hanging node nodal locations
  for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_children(); c++)
    Elem *mychild = this->child(c);
    if (mychild == remote_elem)
    for (unsigned int nc=0; nc<mychild->n_nodes(); nc++)
      Point new_pos;
      bool calculated_new_pos = false;

      for (unsigned int n=0; n<this->n_nodes(); n++)
        // The value from the embedding matrix
        const float em_val = this->embedding_matrix(c,nc,n);

        // The node location is somewhere between existing vertices
        if ((em_val != 0.) && (em_val != 1.))
	  new_pos.add_scaled (this->point(n), em_val);
	  calculated_new_pos = true;

	//Move the existing node back into it's original location
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
	  Point & child_node = *(mychild->get_node(nc));

  for (unsigned int c=0; c<this->n_children(); c++)
      Elem *mychild = this->child(c);
      if (mychild == remote_elem)
      libmesh_assert (mychild->refinement_flag() == Elem::COARSEN);
      if (mychild->p_level() > parent_p_level)
        parent_p_level = mychild->p_level();


  libmesh_assert (this->active());
void MeshTools::Subdivision::add_boundary_ghosts(MeshBase & mesh)
  static const Real tol = 1e-5;

  // add the mirrored ghost elements (without using iterators, because the mesh is modified in the course)
  std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *> ghost_elems;
  std::vector<Node *> ghost_nodes;
  const unsigned int n_elem = mesh.n_elem();
  for (unsigned int eid = 0; eid < n_elem; ++eid)
      Elem * elem = mesh.elem(eid);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to(elem->type(), TRI3SUBDIVISION);

      // If the triangle happens to be in a corner (two boundary
      // edges), we perform a counter-clockwise loop by mirroring the
      // previous triangle until we come back to the original
      // triangle.  This prevents degenerated triangles in the mesh
      // corners and guarantees that the node in the middle of the
      // loop is of valence=6.
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elem->n_sides(); ++i)
          libmesh_assert_not_equal_to(elem->neighbor(i), elem);

          if (elem->neighbor(i) == libmesh_nullptr &&
              elem->neighbor(next[i]) == libmesh_nullptr)
              Elem * nelem = elem;
              unsigned int k = i;
              for (unsigned int l=0;l<4;l++)
                  // this is the vertex to be mirrored
                  Point point = nelem->point(k) + nelem->point(next[k]) - nelem->point(prev[k]);

                  // Check if the proposed vertex doesn't coincide
                  // with one of the existing vertices.  This is
                  // necessary because for some triangulations, it can
                  // happen that two mirrored ghost vertices coincide,
                  // which would then lead to a zero size ghost
                  // element below.
                  Node * node = libmesh_nullptr;
                  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ghost_nodes.size(); ++j)
                      if ((*ghost_nodes[j] - point).size() < tol * (elem->point(k) - point).size())
                          node = ghost_nodes[j];

                  // add the new vertex only if no other is nearby
                  if (node == libmesh_nullptr)
                      node = mesh.add_point(point);

                  Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();

                  // add the first new ghost element to the list just as in the non-corner case
                  if (l == 0)

                  newelem->set_node(0) = nelem->get_node(next[k]);
                  newelem->set_node(1) = nelem->get_node(k);
                  newelem->set_node(2) = node;
                  newelem->set_neighbor(0, nelem);
                  if (l>0)
                    newelem->set_neighbor(2, libmesh_nullptr);
                  nelem->set_neighbor(k, newelem);

                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nelem->get_node(k), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nelem->get_node(next[k]), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nelem->get_node(prev[k]), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(node, 1);

                  nelem = newelem;
                  k = 2 ;

              Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();

              newelem->set_node(0) = elem->get_node(next[i]);
              newelem->set_node(1) = nelem->get_node(2);
              newelem->set_node(2) = elem->get_node(prev[i]);
              newelem->set_neighbor(0, nelem);
              nelem->set_neighbor(2, newelem);
              newelem->set_neighbor(2, elem);



      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elem->n_sides(); ++i)
          libmesh_assert_not_equal_to(elem->neighbor(i), elem);
          if (elem->neighbor(i) == libmesh_nullptr)
              // this is the vertex to be mirrored
              Point point = elem->point(i) + elem->point(next[i]) - elem->point(prev[i]);

              // Check if the proposed vertex doesn't coincide with
              // one of the existing vertices.  This is necessary
              // because for some triangulations, it can happen that
              // two mirrored ghost vertices coincide, which would
              // then lead to a zero size ghost element below.
              Node * node = libmesh_nullptr;
              for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ghost_nodes.size(); ++j)
                  if ((*ghost_nodes[j] - point).size() < tol * (elem->point(i) - point).size())
                      node = ghost_nodes[j];

              // add the new vertex only if no other is nearby
              if (node == libmesh_nullptr)
                  node = mesh.add_point(point);

              Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();

              newelem->set_node(0) = elem->get_node(next[i]);
              newelem->set_node(1) = elem->get_node(i);
              newelem->set_node(2) = node;
              newelem->set_neighbor(0, elem);
              elem->set_neighbor(i, newelem);

              mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(elem->get_node(i), 1);
              mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(elem->get_node(next[i]), 1);
              mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(elem->get_node(prev[i]), 1);
              mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(node, 1);

  // add the missing ghost elements (connecting new ghost nodes)
  std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *> missing_ghost_elems;
  std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *>::iterator       ghost_el     = ghost_elems.begin();
  const std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *>::iterator end_ghost_el = ghost_elems.end();
  for (; ghost_el != end_ghost_el; ++ghost_el)
      Tri3Subdivision * elem = *ghost_el;

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elem->n_sides(); ++i)
          if (elem->neighbor(i) == libmesh_nullptr &&
              elem->neighbor(prev[i]) != libmesh_nullptr)
              // go around counter-clockwise
              Tri3Subdivision * nb1 = static_cast<Tri3Subdivision *>(elem->neighbor(prev[i]));
              Tri3Subdivision * nb2 = nb1;
              unsigned int j = i;
              unsigned int n_nb = 0;
              while (nb1 != libmesh_nullptr && nb1->id() != elem->id())
                  j = nb1->local_node_number(elem->node(i));
                  nb2 = nb1;
                  nb1 = static_cast<Tri3Subdivision *>(nb1->neighbor(prev[j]));
                  libmesh_assert(nb1 == libmesh_nullptr || nb1->id() != nb2->id());

              libmesh_assert_not_equal_to(nb2->id(), elem->id());

              // Above, we merged coinciding ghost vertices. Therefore, we need
              // to exclude the case where there is no ghost element to add between
              // these two (identical) ghost nodes.
              if (elem->get_node(next[i])->id() == nb2->get_node(prev[j])->id())

              // If the number of already present neighbors is less than 4, we add another extra element
              // so that the node in the middle of the loop ends up being of valence=6.
              // This case usually happens when the middle node corresponds to a corner of the original mesh,
              // and the extra element below prevents degenerated triangles in the mesh corners.
              if (n_nb < 4)
                  // this is the vertex to be mirrored
                  Point point = nb2->point(j) + nb2->point(prev[j]) - nb2->point(next[j]);

                  // Check if the proposed vertex doesn't coincide with one of the existing vertices.
                  // This is necessary because for some triangulations, it can happen that two mirrored
                  // ghost vertices coincide, which would then lead to a zero size ghost element below.
                  Node * node = libmesh_nullptr;
                  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < ghost_nodes.size(); ++k)
                      if ((*ghost_nodes[k] - point).size() < tol * (nb2->point(j) - point).size())
                          node = ghost_nodes[k];

                  // add the new vertex only if no other is nearby
                  if (node == libmesh_nullptr)
                      node = mesh.add_point(point);

                  Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();

                  newelem->set_node(0) = nb2->get_node(j);
                  newelem->set_node(1) = nb2->get_node(prev[j]);
                  newelem->set_node(2) = node;
                  newelem->set_neighbor(0, nb2);
                  newelem->set_neighbor(1, libmesh_nullptr);
                  nb2->set_neighbor(prev[j], newelem);

                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nb2->get_node(j), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(nb2->get_node(prev[j]), 1);
                  mesh.get_boundary_info().add_node(node, 1);

                  nb2 = newelem;
                  j = nb2->local_node_number(elem->node(i));

              Tri3Subdivision * newelem = new Tri3Subdivision();
              newelem->set_node(0) = elem->get_node(next[i]);
              newelem->set_node(1) = elem->get_node(i);
              newelem->set_node(2) = nb2->get_node(prev[j]);
              newelem->set_neighbor(0, elem);
              newelem->set_neighbor(1, nb2);
              newelem->set_neighbor(2, libmesh_nullptr);

              elem->set_neighbor(i, newelem);
              nb2->set_neighbor(prev[j], newelem);

        } // end side loop
    } // end ghost element loop

  // add the missing ghost elements to the mesh
  std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *>::iterator       missing_el     = missing_ghost_elems.begin();
  const std::vector<Tri3Subdivision *>::iterator end_missing_el = missing_ghost_elems.end();
  for (; missing_el != end_missing_el; ++missing_el)
void LinearElasticityWithContact::move_mesh(
  MeshBase& input_mesh,
  const NumericVector<Number>& input_solution)
  // Maintain a set of node ids that we've encountered.
  LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_SET<dof_id_type> encountered_node_ids;

  // Localize input_solution so that we have the data to move all
  // elements (not just elements local to this processor).
  UniquePtr< NumericVector<Number> > localized_input_solution =
  localized_input_solution->init (
    input_solution.size(), false, SERIAL);

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = input_mesh.active_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = input_mesh.active_elements_end();

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
    Elem* elem = *el;
    Elem* orig_elem = _sys.get_mesh().elem(elem->id());

    for(unsigned int node_id=0; node_id<elem->n_nodes(); node_id++)
      Node* node = elem->get_node(node_id);

      if(encountered_node_ids.find(node->id()) != encountered_node_ids.end())

      std::vector<std::string> uvw_names(3);
      uvw_names[0] = "u";
      uvw_names[1] = "v";
      uvw_names[2] = "w";

        // Inverse map node to reference element
        // Get local coordinates to feed these into compute_data().
        // Note that the fe_type can safely be used from the 0-variable,
        // since the inverse mapping is the same for all FEFamilies.
        const Point reference_point (
          FEInterface::inverse_map (

        Point uvw;
        for (unsigned int index=0; index<uvw_names.size(); index++)
          const unsigned int var = _sys.variable_number(uvw_names[index]);
          const FEType& fe_type = _sys.get_dof_map().variable_type(var);

          FEComputeData data (_sys.get_equation_systems(), reference_point);


          std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices_var;
          _sys.get_dof_map().dof_indices (orig_elem, dof_indices_var, var);

          for (unsigned int i=0; i<dof_indices_var.size(); i++)
              Number value = (*localized_input_solution)(dof_indices_var[i]) * data.shape[i];

              // We explicitly store the real part in uvw
              uvw(index) += value.real();
              uvw(index) += value;

        // Update the node's location
        *node += uvw;
Example #8
FeatureFloodCount::FeatureData::updateBBoxExtremes(MeshTools::BoundingBox & bbox, const Elem & elem)
  for (unsigned int node_n = 0; node_n < elem.n_nodes(); ++node_n)
    updateBBoxExtremes(bbox, *(elem.get_node(node_n)));
Example #9
FeatureFloodCount::FeatureData::updateBBoxExtremes(MeshTools::BoundingBox & bbox, const Elem & elem)
  for (auto node_n = decltype(elem.n_nodes())(0); node_n < elem.n_nodes();  ++node_n)
    updateBBoxExtremes(bbox, *(elem.get_node(node_n)));
  void setUp() {
    mesh.reset(new Mesh(*TestCommWorld));
    MeshTools::Generation::build_cube(*mesh, 1, 1, 1);
    es.reset(new EquationSystems(*mesh));
    sys = &(es->add_system<System> ("SimpleSystem"));


    NumericVector<Number> & sol = *sys->solution;
    Elem *elem = mesh->query_elem(0);

    if (elem && elem->processor_id() == TestCommWorld->rank())
        // Set x2 = 2*x
        sol.set(elem->get_node(1)->dof_number(0,0,0), 2);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(2)->dof_number(0,0,0), 2);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(5)->dof_number(0,0,0), 2);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(6)->dof_number(0,0,0), 2);

        // Set x3 = 3*x
        sol.set(elem->get_node(1)->dof_number(0,1,0), 3);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(2)->dof_number(0,1,0), 3);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(5)->dof_number(0,1,0), 3);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(6)->dof_number(0,1,0), 3);

        // Set c05 = 0.5
        sol.set(elem->get_node(0)->dof_number(0,2,0), 0.5);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(1)->dof_number(0,2,0), 0.5);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(2)->dof_number(0,2,0), 0.5);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(3)->dof_number(0,2,0), 0.5);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(4)->dof_number(0,2,0), 0.5);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(5)->dof_number(0,2,0), 0.5);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(6)->dof_number(0,2,0), 0.5);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(7)->dof_number(0,2,0), 0.5);

        // Set y4 = 4*y
        sol.set(elem->get_node(2)->dof_number(0,3,0), 4);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(3)->dof_number(0,3,0), 4);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(6)->dof_number(0,3,0), 4);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(7)->dof_number(0,3,0), 4);

        // Set xy = x*y
        sol.set(elem->get_node(2)->dof_number(0,4,0), 1);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(6)->dof_number(0,4,0), 1);

        // Set yz = y*z
        sol.set(elem->get_node(6)->dof_number(0,5,0), 1);
        sol.set(elem->get_node(7)->dof_number(0,5,0), 1);

        // Set xyz = x*y*z
        sol.set(elem->get_node(6)->dof_number(0,6,0), 1);


    c.reset(new FEMContext(*sys));
    if (elem && elem->processor_id() == TestCommWorld->rank())
        c->pre_fe_reinit(*sys, elem);
Example #11
void Partitioner::set_node_processor_ids(MeshBase & mesh)

  // This function must be run on all processors at once

  // If we have any unpartitioned elements at this
  // stage there is a problem
  libmesh_assert (MeshTools::n_elem(mesh.unpartitioned_elements_begin(),
                                    mesh.unpartitioned_elements_end()) == 0);

  //   const dof_id_type orig_n_local_nodes = mesh.n_local_nodes();

  //   libMesh::err << "[" << mesh.processor_id() << "]: orig_n_local_nodes="
  //     << orig_n_local_nodes << std::endl;

  // Build up request sets.  Each node is currently owned by a processor because
  // it is connected to an element owned by that processor.  However, during the
  // repartitioning phase that element may have been assigned a new processor id, but
  // it is still resident on the original processor.  We need to know where to look
  // for new ids before assigning new ids, otherwise we may be asking the wrong processors
  // for the wrong information.
  // The only remaining issue is what to do with unpartitioned nodes.  Since they are required
  // to live on all processors we can simply rely on ourselves to number them properly.
  std::vector<std::vector<dof_id_type> >

  // Loop over all the nodes, count the ones on each processor.  We can skip ourself
  std::vector<dof_id_type> ghost_nodes_from_proc(mesh.n_processors(), 0);

  MeshBase::node_iterator       node_it  = mesh.nodes_begin();
  const MeshBase::node_iterator node_end = mesh.nodes_end();

  for (; node_it != node_end; ++node_it)
      Node * node = *node_it;
      const processor_id_type current_pid = node->processor_id();
      if (current_pid != mesh.processor_id() &&
          current_pid != DofObject::invalid_processor_id)
          libmesh_assert_less (current_pid, ghost_nodes_from_proc.size());

  // We know how many objects live on each processor, so reserve()
  // space for each.
  for (processor_id_type pid=0; pid != mesh.n_processors(); ++pid)

  // We need to get the new pid for each node from the processor
  // which *currently* owns the node.  We can safely skip ourself
  for (node_it = mesh.nodes_begin(); node_it != node_end; ++node_it)
      Node * node = *node_it;
      const processor_id_type current_pid = node->processor_id();
      if (current_pid != mesh.processor_id() &&
          current_pid != DofObject::invalid_processor_id)
          libmesh_assert_less (current_pid, requested_node_ids.size());
          libmesh_assert_less (requested_node_ids[current_pid].size(),

      // Unset any previously-set node processor ids

  // Loop over all the active elements
  MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = mesh.active_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = mesh.active_elements_end();

  for ( ; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
      Elem * elem = *elem_it;

      libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (elem->processor_id(), DofObject::invalid_processor_id);

      // For each node, set the processor ID to the min of
      // its current value and this Element's processor id.
      // TODO: we would probably get better parallel partitioning if
      // we did something like "min for even numbered nodes, max for
      // odd numbered".  We'd need to be careful about how that would
      // affect solution ordering for I/O, though.
      for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_nodes(); ++n)
        elem->get_node(n)->processor_id() = std::min(elem->get_node(n)->processor_id(),

  // And loop over the subactive elements, but don't reassign
  // nodes that are already active on another processor.
  MeshBase::element_iterator       sub_it  = mesh.subactive_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::element_iterator sub_end = mesh.subactive_elements_end();

  for ( ; sub_it != sub_end; ++sub_it)
      Elem * elem = *sub_it;

      libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (elem->processor_id(), DofObject::invalid_processor_id);

      for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_nodes(); ++n)
        if (elem->get_node(n)->processor_id() == DofObject::invalid_processor_id)
          elem->get_node(n)->processor_id() = elem->processor_id();

  // Same for the inactive elements -- we will have already gotten most of these
  // nodes, *except* for the case of a parent with a subset of children which are
  // ghost elements.  In that case some of the parent nodes will not have been
  // properly handled yet
  MeshBase::element_iterator       not_it  = mesh.not_active_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::element_iterator not_end = mesh.not_active_elements_end();

  for ( ; not_it != not_end; ++not_it)
      Elem * elem = *not_it;

      libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (elem->processor_id(), DofObject::invalid_processor_id);

      for (unsigned int n=0; n<elem->n_nodes(); ++n)
        if (elem->get_node(n)->processor_id() == DofObject::invalid_processor_id)
          elem->get_node(n)->processor_id() = elem->processor_id();

  // We can't assert that all nodes are connected to elements, because
  // a ParallelMesh with NodeConstraints might have pulled in some
  // remote nodes solely for evaluating those constraints.
  // MeshTools::libmesh_assert_connected_nodes(mesh);

  // For such nodes, we'll do a sanity check later when making sure
  // that we successfully reset their processor ids to something
  // valid.

  // Next set node ids from other processors, excluding self
  for (processor_id_type p=1; p != mesh.n_processors(); ++p)
      // Trade my requests with processor procup and procdown
      processor_id_type procup = cast_int<processor_id_type>
        ((mesh.processor_id() + p) % mesh.n_processors());
      processor_id_type procdown = cast_int<processor_id_type>
        ((mesh.n_processors() + mesh.processor_id() - p) %
      std::vector<dof_id_type> request_to_fill;
      mesh.comm().send_receive(procup, requested_node_ids[procup],
                               procdown, request_to_fill);

      // Fill those requests in-place
      for (std::size_t i=0; i != request_to_fill.size(); ++i)
          Node * node = mesh.node_ptr(request_to_fill[i]);
          const processor_id_type new_pid = node->processor_id();

          // We may have an invalid processor_id() on nodes that have been
          // "detatched" from coarsened-away elements but that have not yet
          // themselves been removed.
          // libmesh_assert_not_equal_to (new_pid, DofObject::invalid_processor_id);
          // libmesh_assert_less (new_pid, mesh.n_partitions()); // this is the correct test --
          request_to_fill[i] = new_pid;           //  the number of partitions may
        }                                         //  not equal the number of processors

      // Trade back the results
      std::vector<dof_id_type> filled_request;
      mesh.comm().send_receive(procdown, request_to_fill,
                               procup,   filled_request);
      libmesh_assert_equal_to (filled_request.size(), requested_node_ids[procup].size());

      // And copy the id changes we've now been informed of
      for (std::size_t i=0; i != filled_request.size(); ++i)
          Node * node = mesh.node_ptr(requested_node_ids[procup][i]);

          // this is the correct test -- the number of partitions may
          // not equal the number of processors

          // But: we may have an invalid processor_id() on nodes that
          // have been "detatched" from coarsened-away elements but
          // that have not yet themselves been removed.
          // libmesh_assert_less (filled_request[i], mesh.n_partitions());


#ifdef DEBUG

Example #12
GrainTracker::swapSolutionValues(std::map<unsigned int, UniqueGrain *>::iterator & grain_it1,
                                 std::map<unsigned int, UniqueGrain *>::iterator & grain_it2,
                                 unsigned int attempt_number)
  NumericVector<Real> & solution         =  _nl.solution();
  NumericVector<Real> & solution_old     =  _nl.solutionOld();
  NumericVector<Real> & solution_older   =  _nl.solutionOlder();

  unsigned int curr_var_idx = grain_it1->second->variable_idx;
   * We have two grains that are getting close represented by the same order parameter.
   * We need to map to the variable whose closest grain to this one is furthest away by sphere to sphere distance.
  std::vector<Real> min_distances(_vars.size(), std::numeric_limits<Real>::max());

  // Make sure that we don't attempt to remap to the same variable
  min_distances[curr_var_idx] = -std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();

  for (std::map<unsigned int, UniqueGrain *>::iterator grain_it3 = _unique_grains.begin();
       grain_it3 != _unique_grains.end(); ++grain_it3)
    if (grain_it3->second->status == INACTIVE || grain_it3->second->variable_idx == curr_var_idx)

    unsigned int potential_var_idx = grain_it3->second->variable_idx;

    Real curr_bounding_sphere_diff = boundingRegionDistance(grain_it1->second->sphere_ptrs, grain_it3->second->sphere_ptrs, false);
    if (curr_bounding_sphere_diff < min_distances[potential_var_idx])
      min_distances[potential_var_idx] = curr_bounding_sphere_diff;

   * We have a vector of the distances to the closest grains represented by each of our variables.  We just need to pick
   * a suitable grain to replace with.  We will start with the maximum of this this list: (max of the mins), but will settle
   * for next to largest and so forth as we make more attempts at remapping grains.  This is a graph coloring problem so
   * more work will be required to optimize this process.
   * Note: We don't have an explicit check here to avoid remapping a  variable to itself.  This is unecessary since the
   * min_distance of a variable is explicitly set up above.
  unsigned int nth_largest_idx = min_distances.size() - attempt_number - 1;

  // nth element destroys the original array so we need to copy it first
  std::vector<Real> min_distances_copy(min_distances);
  std::nth_element(min_distances_copy.begin(), min_distances_copy.end()+nth_largest_idx, min_distances_copy.end());

  // Now find the location of the nth element in the original vector
  unsigned int new_variable_idx = std::distance(min_distances.begin(),

    << "Grain #: " << grain_it1->first << " intersects Grain #: " << grain_it2->first
    << " (variable index: " << grain_it1->second->variable_idx << ")\n"

  if (min_distances[new_variable_idx] < 0)
      << "*****************************************************************************************************\n"
      << "Warning: No suitable variable found for remapping. Will attempt to remap in next loop if necessary...\n"
      << "*****************************************************************************************************\n"

    << "Remapping to: " << new_variable_idx << " whose closest grain is at a distance of " << min_distances[new_variable_idx] << "\n"

  MeshBase & mesh = _mesh.getMesh();

  // Remap the grain
  std::set<Node *> updated_nodes_tmp; // Used only in the elemental case
  for (std::set<dof_id_type>::const_iterator entity_it = grain_it1->second->entities_ptr->begin();
       entity_it != grain_it1->second->entities_ptr->end(); ++entity_it)
    if (_is_elemental)
      Elem *elem = mesh.query_elem(*entity_it);
      if (!elem)

      for (unsigned int i=0; i < elem->n_nodes(); ++i)
        Node *curr_node = elem->get_node(i);
        if (updated_nodes_tmp.find(curr_node) == updated_nodes_tmp.end())
          updated_nodes_tmp.insert(curr_node);         // cache this node so we don't attempt to remap it again within this loop
          swapSolutionValuesHelper(curr_node, curr_var_idx, new_variable_idx, solution, solution_old, solution_older);
      swapSolutionValuesHelper(mesh.query_node_ptr(*entity_it), curr_var_idx, new_variable_idx, solution, solution_old, solution_older);

  // Update the variable index in the unique grain datastructure
  grain_it1->second->variable_idx = new_variable_idx;

  // Close all of the solution vectors

