PassRefPtr<FontData> CSSSegmentedFontFace::getFontData(const FontDescription& fontDescription)
    if (!isValid())
        return nullptr;

    FontTraits desiredTraits = fontDescription.traits();
    FontCacheKey key = fontDescription.cacheKey(FontFaceCreationParams(), desiredTraits);

    RefPtr<SegmentedFontData>& fontData = m_fontDataTable.add(key.hash(), nullptr).storedValue->value;
    if (fontData && fontData->numFaces())
        return fontData; // No release, we have a reference to an object in the cache which should retain the ref count it has.

    if (!fontData)
        fontData = SegmentedFontData::create();

    FontDescription requestedFontDescription(fontDescription);
    requestedFontDescription.setSyntheticBold(m_traits.weight() < FontWeight600 && desiredTraits.weight() >= FontWeight600);
    requestedFontDescription.setSyntheticItalic( == FontStyleNormal && == FontStyleItalic);

    for (FontFaceList::reverse_iterator it = m_fontFaces.rbegin(); it != m_fontFaces.rend(); ++it) {
        if (!(*it)->cssFontFace()->isValid())
        if (RefPtr<SimpleFontData> faceFontData = (*it)->cssFontFace()->getFontData(requestedFontDescription)) {
            fontData->appendFace(FontDataForRangeSet(faceFontData.release(), (*it)->cssFontFace()->ranges()));
    if (fontData->numFaces())
        return fontData; // No release, we have a reference to an object in the cache which should retain the ref count it has.

    return nullptr;
Example #2
FallbackListCompositeKey FontFallbackList::compositeKey(const FontDescription& fontDescription) const
    FallbackListCompositeKey key(fontDescription);
    const FontFamily* currentFamily = &;
    while (currentFamily) {
        if (currentFamily->family().length()) {
            FontFaceCreationParams params(adjustFamilyNameToAvoidUnsupportedFonts(currentFamily->family()));
            RefPtr<FontData> result;
            if (m_fontSelector)
                result = m_fontSelector->getFontData(fontDescription, currentFamily->family());
            if (!result) {
                if (FontPlatformData* platformData = FontCache::fontCache()->getFontPlatformData(fontDescription, params))
                    result = FontCache::fontCache()->fontDataFromFontPlatformData(platformData);

            // Include loading state and version when constructing key, that way if called when a font is loading
            // and then again once it has been loaded or updated different keys are produced.
            if (result) {
                FontCacheKey cacheKey = fontDescription.cacheKey(params, FontTraits(0),
                    result->isLoading() || result->isLoadingFallback(),
                    m_fontSelector ? m_fontSelector->version() : 0);
        currentFamily = currentFamily->next();

    return key;
Example #3
PassRefPtr<FontData> CSSSegmentedFontFace::getFontData(const FontDescription& fontDescription)
    if (!isValid())
        return nullptr;

    FontTraitsMask desiredTraitsMask = fontDescription.traitsMask();
    AtomicString emptyFontFamily = "";
    FontCacheKey key = fontDescription.cacheKey(emptyFontFamily, desiredTraitsMask);

    RefPtr<SegmentedFontData>& fontData = m_fontDataTable.add(key.hash(), nullptr).storedValue->value;
    if (fontData && fontData->numRanges())
        return fontData; // No release, we have a reference to an object in the cache which should retain the ref count it has.

    if (!fontData)
        fontData = SegmentedFontData::create();

    FontDescription requestedFontDescription(fontDescription);
    requestedFontDescription.setSyntheticBold(!(m_traitsMask & (FontWeight600Mask | FontWeight700Mask | FontWeight800Mask | FontWeight900Mask)) && (desiredTraitsMask & (FontWeight600Mask | FontWeight700Mask | FontWeight800Mask | FontWeight900Mask)));
    requestedFontDescription.setSyntheticItalic(!(m_traitsMask & FontStyleItalicMask) && (desiredTraitsMask & FontStyleItalicMask));

    for (FontFaceList::reverse_iterator it = m_fontFaces.rbegin(); it != m_fontFaces.rend(); ++it) {
        if (!(*it)->cssFontFace()->isValid())
        if (RefPtr<SimpleFontData> faceFontData = (*it)->cssFontFace()->getFontData(requestedFontDescription)) {
            // For SVG Fonts that specify that they only support the "normal" variant, we will assume they are incapable
            // of small-caps synthesis and just ignore the font face.
            if (faceFontData->isSVGFont() && (desiredTraitsMask & FontVariantSmallCapsMask) && !(m_traitsMask & FontVariantSmallCapsMask))
            appendFontData(fontData.get(), faceFontData.release(), (*it)->cssFontFace()->ranges());
    if (fontData->numRanges())
        return fontData; // No release, we have a reference to an object in the cache which should retain the ref count it has.

    return nullptr;
Example #4
PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> CSSFontFaceSource::getFontData(
    const FontDescription& fontDescription) {
  // If the font hasn't loaded or an error occurred, then we've got nothing.
  if (!isValid())
    return nullptr;

  if (isLocal()) {
    // We're local. Just return a SimpleFontData from the normal cache.
    return createFontData(fontDescription);

  // See if we have a mapping in our FontData cache.
  // TODO(drott): Check whether losing traits information here is problematic.
  FontCacheKey key = fontDescription.cacheKey(FontFaceCreationParams());

  RefPtr<SimpleFontData>& fontData =
      m_fontDataTable.add(key, nullptr).storedValue->value;
  if (!fontData)
    fontData = createFontData(fontDescription);
  // No release, because fontData is a reference to a RefPtr that is held in the
  // m_fontDataTable.
  return fontData;
Example #5
PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> CSSFontFaceSource::getFontData(const FontDescription& fontDescription)
    // If the font hasn't loaded or an error occurred, then we've got nothing.
    if (!isValid())
        return 0;

    if (isLocal()) {
        // We're local. Just return a SimpleFontData from the normal cache.
        // We don't want to check alternate font family names here, so pass true as the checkingAlternateName parameter.
        RefPtr<SimpleFontData> fontData = FontCache::fontCache()->getFontData(fontDescription, m_string, true);
        return fontData;

    // See if we have a mapping in our FontData cache.
    AtomicString emptyFontFamily = "";
    FontCacheKey key = fontDescription.cacheKey(emptyFontFamily);

    RefPtr<SimpleFontData>& fontData = m_fontDataTable.add(key.hash(), 0).iterator->value;
    if (fontData)
        return fontData; // No release, because fontData is a reference to a RefPtr that is held in the m_fontDataTable.

    // If we are still loading, then we let the system pick a font.
    if (isLoaded()) {
        if (m_font) {
            if (m_hasExternalSVGFont) {
                // For SVG fonts parse the external SVG document, and extract the <font> element.
                if (!m_font->ensureSVGFontData())
                    return 0;

                if (!m_externalSVGFontElement) {
                    String fragmentIdentifier;
                    size_t start = m_string.find('#');
                    if (start != kNotFound)
                        fragmentIdentifier = m_string.string().substring(start + 1);
                    m_externalSVGFontElement = m_font->getSVGFontById(fragmentIdentifier);

                if (!m_externalSVGFontElement)
                    return 0;

                SVGFontFaceElement* fontFaceElement = 0;

                // Select first <font-face> child
                for (Node* fontChild = m_externalSVGFontElement->firstChild(); fontChild; fontChild = fontChild->nextSibling()) {
                    if (fontChild->hasTagName(SVGNames::font_faceTag)) {
                        fontFaceElement = toSVGFontFaceElement(fontChild);

                if (fontFaceElement) {
                    if (!m_svgFontFaceElement) {
                        // We're created using a CSS @font-face rule, that means we're not associated with a SVGFontFaceElement.
                        // Use the imported <font-face> tag as referencing font-face element for these cases.
                        m_svgFontFaceElement = fontFaceElement;

                    fontData = SimpleFontData::create(
            } else
                // Create new FontPlatformData from our CGFontRef, point size and ATSFontRef.
                if (!m_font->ensureCustomFontData())
                    return 0;

                fontData = SimpleFontData::create(
                        fontDescription.isSyntheticBold(), fontDescription.isSyntheticItalic(),
                        fontDescription.orientation(), fontDescription.widthVariant()), CustomFontData::create(false));
        } else {
            // In-Document SVG Fonts
            if (m_svgFontFaceElement) {
                fontData = SimpleFontData::create(
    } else {
        // This temporary font is not retained and should not be returned.
        FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
        SimpleFontData* temporaryFont = FontCache::fontCache()->getNonRetainedLastResortFallbackFont(fontDescription);
        if (!temporaryFont) {
            return 0;
        RefPtr<CSSCustomFontData> cssFontData = CSSCustomFontData::create(true);
        fontData = SimpleFontData::create(temporaryFont->platformData(), cssFontData);

    return fontData; // No release, because fontData is a reference to a RefPtr that is held in the m_fontDataTable.