FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontDescription& description, const AtomicString& familyName, const UChar* characters, int length, int wordSpacing, int letterSpacing)
    : m_data(new FontPlatformDataPrivate())
    using namespace EA::WebKit;

    EA::WebKit::TextStyle textStyle;  // We rather use the textStyle so we can pass in the spacing and the fx info directly. 
	// Note by Arpit Baldeva:
	// The way WebCore expects us to handle creation of FontPlatformData is to take the familyName
	// in FontCacheEA.cpp and return a valid pointer only if that particular font can be created.
	// In CSS, one can specify multiple font families in order of preference. If you return NULL,
	// WebCore sends the next highest priority font. Note that it also converts generic font family
	// name (such as serif) to the one you specify as your default in the Settings (For example,
	// Times New Roman for us). So the system is supposed to be pretty simple.
	// The problem we have is that EAText wants to builds a priority array in one shot. Also, if you
	// request a font and it is not found, it may return one of the fallback fonts even though you may
	// have something down the priority order available in EAText.
	// So what we do here is build up that array.
	//-- Build FamilyName array ---
	ITextSystem* pTextSystem = GetTextSystem();
	const uint32_t familyNameArrayCapacity = pTextSystem->GetFamilyNameArrayCapacity();

	uint32_t i = 0;
	EAW_ASSERT_MSG(!familyName.isEmpty(), "Family name can never be empty");
	const FontFamily* pfontFamily = &(;
	pfontFamily = pfontFamily->next();

	const EA::WebKit::Parameters& params = EA::WebKit::GetParameters();
	// Here, we iterate through the list and copy the fonts to the destination array in the order of priority.
	// If we come across a generic font, we read it from the Params based on the generic family set in the description. 
	bool genericFontAdded = false;
	while(pfontFamily && i < familyNameArrayCapacity)
		if(pfontFamily->family().startsWith("-webkit",true)) // A generic font family 
			genericFontAdded = true;
			const char16_t* type = 0;
			case FontDescription::SerifFamily:
				type = params.mFontFamilySerif;

			case FontDescription::SansSerifFamily:
				type = params.mFontFamilySansSerif;

			case FontDescription::MonospaceFamily:
				type = params.mFontFamilyMonospace;

			case FontDescription::CursiveFamily:
				type = params.mFontFamilyCursive;

			case FontDescription::FantasyFamily:
				type = params.mFontFamilyFantasy;

			case FontDescription::NoFamily:
			case FontDescription::StandardFamily:
				type = params.mFontFamilyStandard;


		CopyFontFamilyName(textStyle.mFamilyNameArray[i], pfontFamily->family());
		pfontFamily = pfontFamily->next();
	// If we went through all the fonts specified but a generic font was not added, we add the standard font as a fallback.
	// It is probably not a good practice to not specify a generic font family for any font but we deal with that situation here.
	if( i < familyNameArrayCapacity && !genericFontAdded)

	if(i < familyNameArrayCapacity)
		*textStyle.mFamilyNameArray[i] = 0;

	// verify that spacing can be used raw without size adjustments. 
    textStyle.mfLetterSpacing =  static_cast<float> (letterSpacing);   
    textStyle.mfWordSpacing =  static_cast<float> (wordSpacing);   

     // Size
    const float fFontSize = description.computedSize();
    const float fAdjustedFontSize = GetFontAdjustedSize(fFontSize); 
    textStyle.mfSize = fAdjustedFontSize;   
    // Italic
    const bool bItalic = description.italic();
        textStyle.mStyle = EA::WebKit::kStyleItalic; 
    // Weight
    const WebCore::FontWeight fontWeight = description.weight();
    textStyle.mfWeight = GetFontAdjustedWeight(fontWeight);
    // Variant
        textStyle.mVariant = EA::WebKit::kVariantSmallCaps;

    // Smooth
    // We act like FireFox under Windows does with respect to sizes and weights.
    bool smooth = IsFontSmooth(fFontSize, description.fontSmoothing());
        textStyle.mSmooth = EA::WebKit::kSmoothEnabled;    

    // Effects.  
    const EA::WebKit::TextEffectData& effectData = description.getTextEffectData();
    textStyle.mTextEffectData = effectData;

    // Now get the requested font 
        IFont* pFont = pTextSystem->GetFont(textStyle, length ? characters[0] : ' ');
        m_data->mpFont = pFont;