Example #1
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontDescription& desc, const AtomicString& family)
// NB: The Windows wxFont constructor has two forms, one taking a wxSize (with pixels)
// and one taking an int (points). When points are used, Windows calculates
// a pixel size using an algorithm which causes the size to be way off. However,
// this is a moot issue on Linux and Mac as they only accept the point argument. So,
// we use the pixel size constructor on Windows, but we use point size on Linux and Mac.
#if __WXMSW__
    m_font = new FontHolder(new wxFont(   wxSize(0, -desc.computedPixelSize()),
    m_font = new FontHolder(new wxFont(   desc.computedPixelSize(),
    m_fontState = VALID;

FontPlatformData FontCustomPlatformData::fontPlatformData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, bool bold, bool italic)
    int size = fontDescription.computedPixelSize();
    FontRenderingMode renderingMode = fontDescription.renderingMode();

    LOGFONT logFont;
    memset(&logFont, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
    wcsncpy(logFont.lfFaceName, m_name.charactersWithNullTermination().data(), LF_FACESIZE - 1);

    logFont.lfHeight = -size;
    if (renderingMode == FontRenderingMode::Normal)
        logFont.lfHeight *= 32;
    logFont.lfWidth = 0;
    logFont.lfEscapement = 0;
    logFont.lfOrientation = 0;
    logFont.lfUnderline = false;
    logFont.lfStrikeOut = false;
    logFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
    logFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
    logFont.lfQuality = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;
    logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
    logFont.lfItalic = italic;
    logFont.lfWeight = bold ? 700 : 400;

    auto hfont = adoptGDIObject(::CreateFontIndirect(&logFont));

    cairo_font_face_t* fontFace = cairo_win32_font_face_create_for_hfont(hfont.get());

    FontPlatformData fontPlatformData(WTFMove(hfont), fontFace, size, bold, italic);


    return fontPlatformData;
FontPlatformData FontCustomPlatformData::fontPlatformData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, bool bold, bool italic)
    int size = fontDescription.computedPixelSize();
    FontRenderingMode renderingMode = fontDescription.renderingMode();


    LOGFONT& logFont = *static_cast<LOGFONT*>(malloc(sizeof(LOGFONT)));
    memcpy(logFont.lfFaceName, m_name.charactersWithNullTermination().data(), sizeof(logFont.lfFaceName[0]) * std::min<size_t>(static_cast<size_t>(LF_FACESIZE), 1 + m_name.length()));

    logFont.lfHeight = -size;
    if (renderingMode == FontRenderingMode::Normal)
        logFont.lfHeight *= 32;
    logFont.lfWidth = 0;
    logFont.lfEscapement = 0;
    logFont.lfOrientation = 0;
    logFont.lfUnderline = false;
    logFont.lfStrikeOut = false;
    logFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
    logFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
    logFont.lfQuality = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;
    logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
    logFont.lfItalic = italic;
    logFont.lfWeight = bold ? 700 : 400;

    auto hfont = adoptGDIObject(::CreateFontIndirect(&logFont));

    RetainPtr<CGFontRef> cgFont = adoptCF(CGFontCreateWithPlatformFont(&logFont));
    return FontPlatformData(WTFMove(hfont), cgFont.get(), size, bold, italic, renderingMode == FontRenderingMode::Alternate);
Example #4
FontRanges CSSSegmentedFontFace::fontRanges(const FontDescription& fontDescription)
    if (!isValid())
        return FontRanges();

    FontTraitsMask desiredTraitsMask = fontDescription.traitsMask();
    unsigned hashKey = ((fontDescription.computedPixelSize() + 1) << (FontTraitsMaskWidth + FontWidthVariantWidth + 1))
        | ((fontDescription.orientation() == Vertical ? 1 : 0) << (FontTraitsMaskWidth + FontWidthVariantWidth))
        | fontDescription.widthVariant() << FontTraitsMaskWidth
        | desiredTraitsMask;

    auto addResult = m_descriptionToRangesMap.add(hashKey, FontRanges());
    auto& fontRanges = addResult.iterator->value;

    if (addResult.isNewEntry) {
        for (auto& face : m_fontFaces) {
            if (!face->isValid())
            FontTraitsMask traitsMask = face->traitsMask();
            bool syntheticBold = !(traitsMask & (FontWeight600Mask | FontWeight700Mask | FontWeight800Mask | FontWeight900Mask)) && (desiredTraitsMask & (FontWeight600Mask | FontWeight700Mask | FontWeight800Mask | FontWeight900Mask));
            bool syntheticItalic = !(traitsMask & FontStyleItalicMask) && (desiredTraitsMask & FontStyleItalicMask);
            if (RefPtr<Font> faceFont = face->font(fontDescription, syntheticBold, syntheticItalic))
                appendFontWithInvalidUnicodeRangeIfLoading(fontRanges, faceFont.releaseNonNull(), face->ranges());
    return fontRanges;
Example #5
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontDescription& description, const AtomicString& familyName, int wordSpacing, int letterSpacing)
    : m_data(adoptRef(new FontPlatformDataPrivate()))
    QFont& font = m_data->font;
    int requestedSize = qRound(description.computedPixelSize());
    font.setLetterSpacing(QFont::AbsoluteSpacing, letterSpacing);
    const bool smallCaps = description.smallCaps();
    font.setCapitalization(smallCaps ? QFont::SmallCaps : QFont::MixedCase);
    // Commented out to work around webkit bug 93263

    m_data->bold = font.bold();
    // WebKit allows font size zero but QFont does not. We will return
    // m_data->size if a font size of zero is requested and pixelSize()
    // otherwise.
    m_data->size = (!requestedSize) ? requestedSize : font.pixelSize();
    m_data->rawFont = QRawFont::fromFont(font, QFontDatabase::Any);
Example #6
PassRefPtr<FontData> CSSSegmentedFontFace::getFontData(const FontDescription& fontDescription)
    if (!isValid())
        return 0;

    FontTraitsMask desiredTraitsMask = fontDescription.traitsMask();
    unsigned hashKey = ((fontDescription.computedPixelSize() + 1) << (FontTraitsMaskWidth + FontWidthVariantWidth + 1))
        | ((fontDescription.orientation() == Vertical ? 1 : 0) << (FontTraitsMaskWidth + FontWidthVariantWidth))
        | fontDescription.widthVariant() << FontTraitsMaskWidth
        | desiredTraitsMask;

    RefPtr<SegmentedFontData>& fontData = m_fontDataTable.add(hashKey, 0).iterator->value;
    if (fontData && fontData->numRanges())
        return fontData; // No release, we have a reference to an object in the cache which should retain the ref count it has.

    if (!fontData)
        fontData = SegmentedFontData::create();

    unsigned size = m_fontFaces.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (!m_fontFaces[i]->isValid())
        FontTraitsMask traitsMask = m_fontFaces[i]->traitsMask();
        bool syntheticBold = !(traitsMask & (FontWeight600Mask | FontWeight700Mask | FontWeight800Mask | FontWeight900Mask)) && (desiredTraitsMask & (FontWeight600Mask | FontWeight700Mask | FontWeight800Mask | FontWeight900Mask));
        bool syntheticItalic = !(traitsMask & FontStyleItalicMask) && (desiredTraitsMask & FontStyleItalicMask);
        if (RefPtr<SimpleFontData> faceFontData = m_fontFaces[i]->getFontData(fontDescription, syntheticBold, syntheticItalic)) {
            appendFontDataWithInvalidUnicodeRangeIfLoading(fontData.get(), faceFontData.release(), m_fontFaces[i]->ranges());
    if (fontData->numRanges())
        return fontData; // No release, we have a reference to an object in the cache which should retain the ref count it has.

    return 0;
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(FcPattern* pattern, const FontDescription& fontDescription)
    : m_pattern(pattern)
    , m_fallbacks(0)
    , m_size(fontDescription.computedPixelSize())
    , m_syntheticBold(false)
    , m_syntheticOblique(false)
    , m_fixedWidth(false)
    , m_scaledFont(0)
    , m_orientation(fontDescription.orientation())
    RefPtr<cairo_font_face_t> fontFace = adoptRef(cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern(m_pattern.get()));
    initializeWithFontFace(fontFace.get(), fontDescription);

    int spacing;
    if (FcPatternGetInteger(pattern, FC_SPACING, 0, &spacing) == FcResultMatch && spacing == FC_MONO)
        m_fixedWidth = true;

    if (fontDescription.weight() >= FontWeightBold) {
        // The FC_EMBOLDEN property instructs us to fake the boldness of the font.
        FcBool fontConfigEmbolden = FcFalse;
        if (FcPatternGetBool(pattern, FC_EMBOLDEN, 0, &fontConfigEmbolden) == FcResultMatch)
            m_syntheticBold = fontConfigEmbolden;

        // Fallback fonts may not have FC_EMBOLDEN activated even though it's necessary.
        int weight = 0;
        if (!m_syntheticBold && FcPatternGetInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT, 0, &weight) == FcResultMatch)
            m_syntheticBold = m_syntheticBold || weight < FC_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD;
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontDescription& description, const AtomicString& familyName, int wordSpacing, int letterSpacing)
    : m_data(adoptRef(new FontPlatformDataPrivate()))
    QFont font;
    int requestedSize = description.computedPixelSize();
    if (requestedSize)
    font.setLetterSpacing(QFont::AbsoluteSpacing, letterSpacing);
    if (description.fontSmoothing() == NoSmoothing)
    if (description.fontSmoothing() == AutoSmoothing && !Font::shouldUseSmoothing())

    m_data->bold = font.bold();
    // WebKit allows font size zero but QFont does not. We will return
    // m_data->size if a font size of zero is requested and pixelSize()
    // otherwise.
    m_data->size = (!requestedSize) ? requestedSize : font.pixelSize();
    m_data->rawFont = QRawFont::fromFont(font, QFontDatabase::Any);
Example #9
uint qHash(const FontDescription& key)
    uint value = CaseFoldingHash::hash(key.family().family());
    value ^= key.computedPixelSize();
    value ^= static_cast<int>(key.weight());
    return value;
Example #10
std::unique_ptr<FontPlatformData> FontCache::createFontPlatformData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, const AtomicString& family)
    // The CSS font matching algorithm (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/#font-matching-algorithm)
    // says that we must find an exact match for font family, slant (italic or oblique can be used)
    // and font weight (we only match bold/non-bold here).
    RefPtr<FcPattern> pattern = adoptRef(FcPatternCreate());
    // Never choose unscalable fonts, as they pixelate when displayed at different sizes.
    FcPatternAddBool(pattern.get(), FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue);
    String familyNameString(getFamilyNameStringFromFamily(family));
    if (!FcPatternAddString(pattern.get(), FC_FAMILY, reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8*>(familyNameString.utf8().data())))
        return nullptr;

    bool italic = fontDescription.italic();
    if (!FcPatternAddInteger(pattern.get(), FC_SLANT, italic ? FC_SLANT_ITALIC : FC_SLANT_ROMAN))
        return nullptr;
    if (!FcPatternAddInteger(pattern.get(), FC_WEIGHT, fontWeightToFontconfigWeight(fontDescription.weight())))
        return nullptr;
    if (!FcPatternAddDouble(pattern.get(), FC_PIXEL_SIZE, fontDescription.computedPixelSize()))
        return nullptr;

    // The strategy is originally from Skia (src/ports/SkFontHost_fontconfig.cpp):

    // Allow Fontconfig to do pre-match substitution. Unless we are accessing a "fallback"
    // family like "sans," this is the only time we allow Fontconfig to substitute one
    // family name for another (i.e. if the fonts are aliased to each other).
    FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern.get(), FcMatchPattern);

    FcChar8* fontConfigFamilyNameAfterConfiguration;
    FcPatternGetString(pattern.get(), FC_FAMILY, 0, &fontConfigFamilyNameAfterConfiguration);
    String familyNameAfterConfiguration = String::fromUTF8(reinterpret_cast<char*>(fontConfigFamilyNameAfterConfiguration));

    FcResult fontConfigResult;
    RefPtr<FcPattern> resultPattern = adoptRef(FcFontMatch(0, pattern.get(), &fontConfigResult));
    if (!resultPattern) // No match.
        return nullptr;

    FcChar8* fontConfigFamilyNameAfterMatching;
    FcPatternGetString(resultPattern.get(), FC_FAMILY, 0, &fontConfigFamilyNameAfterMatching);
    String familyNameAfterMatching = String::fromUTF8(reinterpret_cast<char*>(fontConfigFamilyNameAfterMatching));

    // If Fontconfig gave use a different font family than the one we requested, we should ignore it
    // and allow WebCore to give us the next font on the CSS fallback list. The only exception is if
    // this family name is a commonly used generic family.
    if (!equalIgnoringCase(familyNameAfterConfiguration, familyNameAfterMatching)
        && !(equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "sans") || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "sans-serif")
          || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "serif") || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "monospace")
          || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "fantasy") || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "cursive")))
        return nullptr;

    // Verify that this font has an encoding compatible with Fontconfig. Fontconfig currently
    // supports three encodings in FcFreeTypeCharIndex: Unicode, Symbol and AppleRoman.
    // If this font doesn't have one of these three encodings, don't select it.
    auto platformData = std::make_unique<FontPlatformData>(resultPattern.get(), fontDescription);
    if (!platformData->hasCompatibleCharmap())
        return nullptr;

    return platformData;
FontPlatformData FontCustomPlatformData::fontPlatformData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, bool bold, bool italic, const FontFeatureSettings& fontFaceFeatures, const FontVariantSettings& fontFaceVariantSettings)
    int size = fontDescription.computedPixelSize();
    FontOrientation orientation = fontDescription.orientation();
    FontWidthVariant widthVariant = fontDescription.widthVariant();
    RetainPtr<CTFontRef> font = adoptCF(CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(m_fontDescriptor.get(), size, nullptr));
    font = preparePlatformFont(font.get(), fontDescription.textRenderingMode(), &fontFaceFeatures, &fontFaceVariantSettings, fontDescription.featureSettings(), fontDescription.variantSettings());
    return FontPlatformData(font.get(), size, bold, italic, orientation, widthVariant, fontDescription.textRenderingMode());
Example #12
 FontPlatformPrivateData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, const AtomicString& family)
     : m_reference(1)
     , m_size(fontDescription.computedPixelSize())
     , m_fontDescription(fontDescription)
     , m_family(family)
     , m_fontScaledWidth(0)
     , m_fontScaledHeight(0)
     , m_disabled(!fontDescription.specifiedSize())
     m_rootFontData = FixedSizeFontData::create(family, toGDIFontWeight(fontDescription.weight()), fontDescription.italic());
Example #13
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontDescription& desc, const AtomicString& family)
// NB: The Windows wxFont constructor has two forms, one taking a wxSize (with pixels)
// and one taking an int (points). When points are used, Windows calculates
// a pixel size using an algorithm which causes the size to be way off. However,
// this is a moot issue on Linux and Mac as they only accept the point argument. So,
// we use the pixel size constructor on Windows, but we use point size on Linux and Mac.
#if __WXMSW__
    m_font = adoptRef(new FontHolder(new wxFont(   wxSize(0, -desc.computedPixelSize()), 
    m_font = adoptRef(new FontHolder(new wxFont(   desc.computedPixelSize(), 
#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,0)
    m_atsuFontID = m_font->font()->OSXGetATSUFontID();
    m_atsuFontID = m_font->font()->MacGetATSUFontID();
    m_nsFont = 0;
    m_size = desc.computedPixelSize();
    m_fontState = VALID;
    m_size = desc.computedPixelSize();
FontPlatformData FontCustomPlatformData::fontPlatformData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, bool bold, bool italic)
    int size = fontDescription.computedPixelSize();
    FontOrientation orientation = fontDescription.orientation();
    FontWidthVariant widthVariant = fontDescription.widthVariant();
    RetainPtr<CTFontRef> font = adoptCF(CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(m_fontDescriptor.get(), size, nullptr));
    font = preparePlatformFont(font.get(), fontDescription.textRenderingMode(), fontDescription.featureSettings());
    return FontPlatformData(font.get(), size, bold, italic, orientation, widthVariant, fontDescription.textRenderingMode());
    return FontPlatformData(m_cgFont.get(), size, bold, italic, orientation, widthVariant, fontDescription.textRenderingMode());
Example #15
RefPtr<Font> CachedSVGFont::createFont(const FontDescription& fontDescription, const AtomicString& remoteURI, bool syntheticBold, bool syntheticItalic, bool externalSVG)
    if (!externalSVG || firstFontFace(remoteURI))
        return CachedFont::createFont(fontDescription, remoteURI, syntheticBold, syntheticItalic, externalSVG);
    if (!externalSVG)
        return CachedFont::createFont(fontDescription, remoteURI, syntheticBold, syntheticItalic, externalSVG);

    if (SVGFontFaceElement* firstFontFace = this->firstFontFace(remoteURI))
        return Font::create(std::make_unique<SVGFontData>(firstFontFace), fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), syntheticBold, syntheticItalic);
    return nullptr;
static void FillLogFont(const FontDescription& fontDescription, LOGFONT* winfont)
    // The size here looks unusual.  The negative number is intentional.
    // Unlike WebKit trunk, we don't multiply the size by 32.  That seems to be
    // some kind of artifact of their CG backend, or something.
    winfont->lfHeight = -fontDescription.computedPixelSize();
    winfont->lfWidth = 0;
    winfont->lfEscapement = 0;
    winfont->lfOrientation = 0;
    winfont->lfUnderline = false;
    winfont->lfStrikeOut = false;
    winfont->lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
    winfont->lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
    winfont->lfQuality = PlatformSupport::layoutTestMode() ? NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY : DEFAULT_QUALITY; // Honor user's desktop settings.
    winfont->lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
    winfont->lfItalic = fontDescription.italic();
    winfont->lfWeight = toGDIFontWeight(fontDescription.weight());
Example #17
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(FcPattern* pattern, const FontDescription& fontDescription)
    : m_pattern(pattern)
    , m_fallbacks(0)
    , m_size(fontDescription.computedPixelSize())
    , m_syntheticBold(false)
    , m_syntheticOblique(false)
    , m_fixedWidth(false)
    PlatformRefPtr<cairo_font_face_t> fontFace = adoptPlatformRef(cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern(m_pattern.get()));

    int spacing;
    if (FcPatternGetInteger(pattern, FC_SPACING, 0, &spacing) == FcResultMatch && spacing == FC_MONO)
        m_fixedWidth = true;

    if (fontDescription.weight() >= FontWeightBold) {
        // The FC_EMBOLDEN property instructs us to fake the boldness of the font.
        FcBool fontConfigEmbolden;
        if (FcPatternGetBool(pattern, FC_EMBOLDEN, 0, &fontConfigEmbolden) == FcResultMatch)
            m_syntheticBold = fontConfigEmbolden;
Example #18
RefPtr<Font> CSSFontFaceSource::font(const FontDescription& fontDescription, bool syntheticBold, bool syntheticItalic, CSSFontSelector* fontSelector, const FontFeatureSettings& fontFaceFeatures, const FontVariantSettings& fontFaceVariantSettings)
    // If the font hasn't loaded or an error occurred, then we've got nothing.
    if (!isValid())
        return nullptr;

    if (!m_font
            && !m_svgFontFaceElement
    ) {
        // We're local. Just return a Font from the normal cache.
        // We don't want to check alternate font family names here, so pass true as the checkingAlternateName parameter.
        return FontCache::singleton().fontForFamily(fontDescription, m_string, true);

    if (!m_font || m_font->isLoaded()) {
        if (m_font) {
            if (!m_font->ensureCustomFontData(m_string))
                return nullptr;

            return m_font->createFont(fontDescription, m_string, syntheticBold, syntheticItalic, fontFaceFeatures, fontFaceVariantSettings);
        } else {
            // In-Document SVG Fonts
            if (m_svgFontFaceElement) {
                if (!m_svgFontFaceElement->parentNode() || !is<SVGFontElement>(m_svgFontFaceElement->parentNode()))
                    return nullptr;
                SVGFontElement& fontElement = downcast<SVGFontElement>(*m_svgFontFaceElement->parentNode());
                // FIXME: Re-run this when script modifies the element or any of its descendents
                // FIXME: We might have already converted this font. Make existing conversions discoverable.
                if (auto otfFont = convertSVGToOTFFont(fontElement))
                    m_generatedOTFBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(otfFont.value());
                if (!m_generatedOTFBuffer)
                    return nullptr;
                auto customPlatformData = createFontCustomPlatformData(*m_generatedOTFBuffer);
                if (!customPlatformData)
                    return nullptr;
                return Font::create(customPlatformData->fontPlatformData(fontDescription, syntheticBold, syntheticItalic, fontFaceFeatures, fontFaceVariantSettings), true, false);
                return Font::create(std::make_unique<SVGFontData>(m_svgFontFaceElement.get()), fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), syntheticBold, syntheticItalic);
            return nullptr;
    } else {
        // Kick off the load. Do it soon rather than now, because we may be in the middle of layout,
        // and the loader may invoke arbitrary delegate or event handler code.

        return Font::create(FontCache::singleton().lastResortFallbackFont(fontDescription)->platformData(), true, true);
Example #19
FontPlatformData CachedSVGFont::platformDataFromCustomData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, bool bold, bool italic, const FontFeatureSettings& fontFaceFeatures, const FontVariantSettings& fontFaceVariantSettings)
    if (m_externalSVGDocument)
        return FontPlatformData(fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), bold, italic);
    return CachedFont::platformDataFromCustomData(fontDescription, bold, italic, fontFaceFeatures, fontFaceVariantSettings);
Example #20
std::unique_ptr<FontPlatformData> FontCache::createFontPlatformData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, const AtomicString& family)
    // The CSS font matching algorithm (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/#font-matching-algorithm)
    // says that we must find an exact match for font family, slant (italic or oblique can be used)
    // and font weight (we only match bold/non-bold here).
    RefPtr<FcPattern> pattern = adoptRef(FcPatternCreate());
    // Never choose unscalable fonts, as they pixelate when displayed at different sizes.
    FcPatternAddBool(pattern.get(), FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue);
    String familyNameString(getFamilyNameStringFromFamily(family));
    if (!FcPatternAddString(pattern.get(), FC_FAMILY, reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8*>(familyNameString.utf8().data())))
        return nullptr;

    bool italic = fontDescription.italic();
    if (!FcPatternAddInteger(pattern.get(), FC_SLANT, italic ? FC_SLANT_ITALIC : FC_SLANT_ROMAN))
        return nullptr;
    if (!FcPatternAddInteger(pattern.get(), FC_WEIGHT, fontWeightToFontconfigWeight(fontDescription.weight())))
        return nullptr;
    if (!FcPatternAddDouble(pattern.get(), FC_PIXEL_SIZE, fontDescription.computedPixelSize()))
        return nullptr;

    // The strategy is originally from Skia (src/ports/SkFontHost_fontconfig.cpp):
    // We do not normally allow fontconfig to substitute one font family for another, since this
    // would break CSS font family fallback: the website should be in control of fallback. During
    // normal font matching, the only font family substitution permitted is for generic families
    // (sans, serif, monospace) or for strongly-aliased fonts (which are to be treated as
    // effectively identical). This is because the font matching step is designed to always find a
    // match for the font, which we don't want.
    // Fontconfig is used in two stages: (1) configuration and (2) matching. During the
    // configuration step, before any matching occurs, we allow arbitrary family substitutions,
    // since this is an exact matter of respecting the user's font configuration.
    FcConfigSubstitute(nullptr, pattern.get(), FcMatchPattern);

    FcChar8* fontConfigFamilyNameAfterConfiguration;
    FcPatternGetString(pattern.get(), FC_FAMILY, 0, &fontConfigFamilyNameAfterConfiguration);
    String familyNameAfterConfiguration = String::fromUTF8(reinterpret_cast<char*>(fontConfigFamilyNameAfterConfiguration));

    FcResult fontConfigResult;
    RefPtr<FcPattern> resultPattern = adoptRef(FcFontMatch(nullptr, pattern.get(), &fontConfigResult));
    if (!resultPattern) // No match.
        return nullptr;

    FcChar8* fontConfigFamilyNameAfterMatching;
    FcPatternGetString(resultPattern.get(), FC_FAMILY, 0, &fontConfigFamilyNameAfterMatching);
    String familyNameAfterMatching = String::fromUTF8(reinterpret_cast<char*>(fontConfigFamilyNameAfterMatching));

    // If Fontconfig gave us a different font family than the one we requested, we should ignore it
    // and allow WebCore to give us the next font on the CSS fallback list. The exceptions are if
    // this family name is a commonly-used generic family, or if the families are strongly-aliased.
    // Checking for a strong alias comes last, since it is slow.
    if (!equalIgnoringCase(familyNameAfterConfiguration, familyNameAfterMatching)
        && !(equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "sans") || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "sans-serif")
          || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "serif") || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "monospace")
          || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "fantasy") || equalIgnoringCase(familyNameString, "cursive"))
        && !areStronglyAliased(familyNameAfterConfiguration, familyNameAfterMatching))
        return nullptr;

    // Verify that this font has an encoding compatible with Fontconfig. Fontconfig currently
    // supports three encodings in FcFreeTypeCharIndex: Unicode, Symbol and AppleRoman.
    // If this font doesn't have one of these three encodings, don't select it.
    auto platformData = std::make_unique<FontPlatformData>(resultPattern.get(), fontDescription);
    if (!platformData->hasCompatibleCharmap())
        return nullptr;

    return platformData;
Example #21
FontPlatformData CachedSVGFont::platformDataFromCustomData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, bool bold, bool italic)
    if (m_externalSVGDocument)
        return FontPlatformData(fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), bold, italic);
    return CachedFont::platformDataFromCustomData(fontDescription, bold, italic);
Example #22
RefPtr<Font> CSSFontFaceSource::font(const FontDescription& fontDescription, bool syntheticBold, bool syntheticItalic, CSSFontSelector* fontSelector)
    // If the font hasn't loaded or an error occurred, then we've got nothing.
    if (!isValid())
        return nullptr;

    if (!m_font
            && !m_svgFontFaceElement
    ) {
        // We're local. Just return a Font from the normal cache.
        // We don't want to check alternate font family names here, so pass true as the checkingAlternateName parameter.
        return FontCache::singleton().fontForFamily(fontDescription, m_string, true);

    unsigned hashKey = (fontDescription.computedPixelSize() + 1) << 5 | fontDescription.widthVariant() << 3
                       | (fontDescription.orientation() == Vertical ? 4 : 0) | (syntheticBold ? 2 : 0) | (syntheticItalic ? 1 : 0);

    RefPtr<Font> font = m_fontTable.add(hashKey, nullptr).iterator->value;
    if (font)
        return font.release();

    // If we are still loading, then we let the system pick a font.
    if (isLoaded()) {
        if (m_font) {
            // Create new FontPlatformData from our CGFontRef, point size and ATSFontRef.
            bool hasExternalSVGFont = false;
            hasExternalSVGFont = m_hasExternalSVGFont;
            if (!m_font->ensureCustomFontData(hasExternalSVGFont, m_string))
                return nullptr;

            font = m_font->createFont(fontDescription, m_string, syntheticBold, syntheticItalic, hasExternalSVGFont);
        } else {
            // In-Document SVG Fonts
            if (m_svgFontFaceElement) {
                if (!m_svgFontFaceElement->parentNode() || !is<SVGFontElement>(m_svgFontFaceElement->parentNode()))
                    return nullptr;
                SVGFontElement& fontElement = downcast<SVGFontElement>(*m_svgFontFaceElement->parentNode());
                // FIXME: Re-run this when script modifies the element or any of its descendents
                // FIXME: We might have already converted this font. Make existing conversions discoverable.
                Vector<char> otfFont = convertSVGToOTFFont(fontElement);
                m_generatedOTFBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(otfFont);
                if (!m_generatedOTFBuffer)
                    return nullptr;
                auto customPlatformData = createFontCustomPlatformData(*m_generatedOTFBuffer);
                if (!customPlatformData)
                    return nullptr;
                font = Font::create(customPlatformData->fontPlatformData(fontDescription, syntheticBold, syntheticItalic), true, false);
                font = Font::create(std::make_unique<SVGFontData>(m_svgFontFaceElement.get()), fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), syntheticBold, syntheticItalic);
    } else {
        // Kick off the load. Do it soon rather than now, because we may be in the middle of layout,
        // and the loader may invoke arbitrary delegate or event handler code.

        Ref<Font> placeholderFont = FontCache::singleton().lastResortFallbackFont(fontDescription);
        Ref<Font> placeholderFontCopyInLoadingState = Font::create(placeholderFont->platformData(), true, true);
        return WTF::move(placeholderFontCopyInLoadingState);

    return font.release();
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontDescription& in_desc, const AtomicString& in_family)
    int size = 0;
    int weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL;
    int family = WKC_FONT_FAMILY_NONE;
    bool italic = in_desc.italic();

    switch (in_desc.genericFamily()) {
    case FontDescription::NoFamily:
        family = WKC_FONT_FAMILY_NONE;
    case FontDescription::StandardFamily:
        family = WKC_FONT_FAMILY_STANDARD;
    case FontDescription::SerifFamily:
        family = WKC_FONT_FAMILY_SERIF;
    case FontDescription::SansSerifFamily:
    case FontDescription::MonospaceFamily:
    case FontDescription::CursiveFamily:
        family = WKC_FONT_FAMILY_CURSIVE;
    case FontDescription::FantasyFamily:
        family = WKC_FONT_FAMILY_FANTASY;
    switch (in_desc.weight()) {
    case FontWeight100:
        weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_100;
    case FontWeight200:
        weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_200;
    case FontWeight300:
        weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_300;
    case FontWeight400:
        weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_400;
    case FontWeight500:
        weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_500;
    case FontWeight600:
        weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_600;
    case FontWeight700:
        weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_700;
    case FontWeight800:
        weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_800;
    case FontWeight900:
        weight = WKC_FONT_WEIGHT_900;
    m_requestSize = in_desc.computedPixelSize();
    size = m_requestSize;
    m_weight = weight;
    m_italic = italic;

    m_font = wkcFontNewPeer(size, weight, italic, family, in_family.string().utf8().data());
    m_fontState = VALID;

    m_createdSize = wkcFontGetSizePeer(m_font);
    m_ascent = wkcFontGetAscentPeer(m_font);
    m_descent = wkcFontGetDescentPeer(m_font);
    m_lineSpacing = wkcFontGetLineSpacingPeer(m_font);
    m_canScale = wkcFontCanScalePeer(m_font);

    m_scale = 1.f;
    if (gEnableScalingMonosizeFont && m_createdSize) {
        m_scale = (float)m_requestSize / (float)m_createdSize;
    m_iscale = 1.f / m_scale;

    m_hashValue = calculateHash();
PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> CSSFontFaceSource::getFontData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, bool syntheticBold, bool syntheticItalic, CSSFontSelector* fontSelector)
    // If the font hasn't loaded or an error occurred, then we've got nothing.
    if (!isValid())
        return 0;

    if (!m_font
            && !m_svgFontFaceElement
    ) {
        // We're local. Just return a SimpleFontData from the normal cache.
        // We don't want to check alternate font family names here, so pass true as the checkingAlternateName parameter.
        return fontCache()->getCachedFontData(fontDescription, m_string, true);

    // See if we have a mapping in our FontData cache.
    unsigned hashKey = (fontDescription.computedPixelSize() + 1) << 5 | fontDescription.widthVariant() << 3
                       | (fontDescription.orientation() == Vertical ? 4 : 0) | (syntheticBold ? 2 : 0) | (syntheticItalic ? 1 : 0);

    RefPtr<SimpleFontData>& fontData = m_fontDataTable.add(hashKey, 0).iterator->value;
    if (fontData)
        return fontData; // No release, because fontData is a reference to a RefPtr that is held in the m_fontDataTable.

    // If we are still loading, then we let the system pick a font.
    if (isLoaded()) {
        if (m_font) {
            if (m_hasExternalSVGFont) {
                // For SVG fonts parse the external SVG document, and extract the <font> element.
                if (!m_font->ensureSVGFontData())
                    return 0;

                if (!m_externalSVGFontElement) {
                    String fragmentIdentifier;
                    size_t start = m_string.find('#');
                    if (start != notFound)
                        fragmentIdentifier = m_string.string().substring(start + 1);
                    m_externalSVGFontElement = m_font->getSVGFontById(fragmentIdentifier);

                if (!m_externalSVGFontElement)
                    return 0;

                if (auto fontFaceElement = Traversal<SVGFontFaceElement>::firstChild(m_externalSVGFontElement.get())) {
                    if (!m_svgFontFaceElement) {
                        // We're created using a CSS @font-face rule, that means we're not associated with a SVGFontFaceElement.
                        // Use the imported <font-face> tag as referencing font-face element for these cases.
                        m_svgFontFaceElement = fontFaceElement;

                    fontData = SimpleFontData::create(SVGFontData::create(fontFaceElement), fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), syntheticBold, syntheticItalic);
            } else
                // Create new FontPlatformData from our CGFontRef, point size and ATSFontRef.
                if (!m_font->ensureCustomFontData())
                    return 0;

                fontData = SimpleFontData::create(m_font->platformDataFromCustomData(fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), syntheticBold, syntheticItalic,
                    fontDescription.orientation(), fontDescription.widthVariant(), fontDescription.renderingMode()), true, false);
        } else {
            // In-Document SVG Fonts
            if (m_svgFontFaceElement)
                fontData = SimpleFontData::create(SVGFontData::create(m_svgFontFaceElement.get()), fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), syntheticBold, syntheticItalic);
    } else {
        // Kick off the load. Do it soon rather than now, because we may be in the middle of layout,
        // and the loader may invoke arbitrary delegate or event handler code.

        // This temporary font is not retained and should not be returned.
        FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
        SimpleFontData* temporaryFont = fontCache()->getNonRetainedLastResortFallbackFont(fontDescription);
        fontData = SimpleFontData::create(temporaryFont->platformData(), true, true);

    return fontData; // No release, because fontData is a reference to a RefPtr that is held in the m_fontDataTable.