void DepthFilter::updateSeedsLoop() { while(!boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()) { FramePtr frame; { lock_t lock(frame_queue_mut_); while(frame_queue_.empty() && new_keyframe_set_ == false) frame_queue_cond_.wait(lock); if(new_keyframe_set_) { new_keyframe_set_ = false; seeds_updating_halt_ = false; clearFrameQueue(); frame = new_keyframe_; } else { frame = frame_queue_.front(); frame_queue_.pop(); } } updateSeeds(frame); if(frame->isKeyframe()) initializeSeeds(frame); } }
void Visualizer::visualizeMarkers( const FramePtr& frame, const set<FramePtr>& core_kfs, const Map& map) { if(frame == NULL) return; vk::output_helper::publishTfTransform( frame->T_f_w_*T_world_from_vision_.inverse(), ros::Time(frame->timestamp_), "cam_pos", "worldNED", br_); if(pub_frames_.getNumSubscribers() > 0 || pub_points_.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { vk::output_helper::publishHexacopterMarker( pub_frames_, "cam_pos", "cams", ros::Time(frame->timestamp_), 1, 0, 0.3*VIS_SCALE, Vector3d(0.,0.,1.)); vk::output_helper::publishPointMarker( pub_points_, T_world_from_vision_*frame->pos(), "trajectory", ros::Time::now(), trace_id_, 0, 0.006*VIS_SCALE, Vector3d(0.,0.,0.5)); if(frame->isKeyframe() || publish_map_every_frame_) publishMapRegion(core_kfs); removeDeletedPts(map); } }
void Visualizer::visualizeMarkers( const FramePtr& frame, const set<FramePtr>& core_kfs, const Map& map, bool inited, double svo_scale, double our_scale) { if((frame == NULL) || !inited) { vk::output_helper::publishTfTransform( // SE3(Matrix3d::Identity(), Vector3d::Zero()), T_world_from_vision_, ros::Time(frame->timestamp_), "odom", "cam_pos", br_); return; } SE3 temp = (frame->T_f_w_*T_world_from_vision_.inverse()).inverse(); double scale = our_scale / svo_scale; temp.translation() = temp.translation()* scale; vk::output_helper::publishTfTransform( temp, ros::Time(frame->timestamp_), "odom", "cam_pos", br_); if(pub_frames_.getNumSubscribers() > 0 || pub_points_.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { vk::output_helper::publishHexacopterMarker( pub_frames_, "cam_pos", "cams", ros::Time(frame->timestamp_), 1, 0, 0.3, Vector3d(0.,0.,1.)); vk::output_helper::publishPointMarker( pub_points_, T_world_from_vision_*frame->pos(), "trajectory", ros::Time::now(), trace_id_, 0, 0.006, Vector3d(0.,0.,0.5)); if(frame->isKeyframe() || publish_map_every_frame_) publishMapRegion(core_kfs); removeDeletedPts(map); } }
void DepthFilter::updateSeeds(FramePtr frame) { // update only a limited number of seeds, because we don't have time to do it // for all the seeds in every frame! size_t n_updates=0, n_failed_matches=0, n_seeds = seeds_.size(); lock_t lock(seeds_mut_); list<Seed>::iterator it=seeds_.begin(); const double focal_length = frame->cam_->errorMultiplier2(); double px_noise = 1.0; double px_error_angle = atan(px_noise/(2.0*focal_length))*2.0; // law of chord (sehnensatz) while( it!=seeds_.end()) { // set this value true when seeds updating should be interrupted if(seeds_updating_halt_) return; // check if seed is not already too old if((Seed::batch_counter - it->batch_id) > options_.max_n_kfs) { it = seeds_.erase(it); continue; } // check if point is visible in the current image SE3 T_ref_cur = it->ftr->frame->T_f_w_ * frame->T_f_w_.inverse(); const Vector3d xyz_f(T_ref_cur.inverse()*(1.0/it->mu * it->ftr->f) ); if(xyz_f.z() < 0.0) { ++it; // behind the camera continue; } if(!it->ftr->frame->cam_->isInFrame(it->ftr->frame->f2c(xyz_f).cast<int>())) { ++it; // point does not project in image continue; } // we are using inverse depth coordinates float z_inv_min = it->mu + sqrt(it->sigma2); float z_inv_max = max(it->mu - sqrt(it->sigma2), 0.00000001f); double z; if(!matcher_.findEpipolarMatchDirect( *it->ftr->frame, *frame, *it->ftr, 1.0/it->mu, 1.0/z_inv_min, 1.0/z_inv_max, z)) { it->b++; // increase outlier probability when no match was found ++it; ++n_failed_matches; continue; } // compute tau double tau = computeTau(T_ref_cur, it->ftr->f, z, px_error_angle); double tau_inverse = 0.5 * (1.0/max(0.0000001, z-tau) - 1.0/(z+tau)); // update the estimate updateSeed(1./z, tau_inverse*tau_inverse, &*it); ++n_updates; if(frame->isKeyframe()) { // The feature detector should not initialize new seeds close to this location feature_detector_->setGridOccpuancy(matcher_.px_cur_); } // if the seed has converged, we initialize a new candidate point and remove the seed if(sqrt(it->sigma2) < it->z_range/options_.seed_convergence_sigma2_thresh) { assert(it->ftr->point == NULL); // TODO this should not happen anymore Vector3d xyz_world(it->ftr->frame->T_f_w_.inverse() * (it->ftr->f * (1.0/it->mu))); Point* point = new Point(xyz_world, it->ftr); it->ftr->point = point; /* FIXME it is not threadsafe to add a feature to the frame here. if(frame->isKeyframe()) { Feature* ftr = new Feature(frame.get(), matcher_.px_cur_, matcher_.search_level_); ftr->point = point; point->addFrameRef(ftr); frame->addFeature(ftr); it->ftr->frame->addFeature(it->ftr); } else */ { seed_converged_cb_(point, it->sigma2); // put in candidate list } it = seeds_.erase(it); } else if(isnan(z_inv_min)) { SVO_WARN_STREAM("z_min is NaN"); it = seeds_.erase(it); } else ++it; } }
void DepthFilter::updateLineSeeds(FramePtr frame) { // update only a limited number of seeds, because we don't have time to do it // for all the seeds in every frame! size_t n_updates=0, n_failed_matches=0, n_seeds = seg_seeds_.size(); lock_t lock(seeds_mut_); list<LineSeed>::iterator it=seg_seeds_.begin(); const double focal_length = frame->cam_->errorMultiplier2(); double px_noise = 1.0; double px_error_angle = atan(px_noise/(2.0*focal_length))*2.0; // law of chord (sehnensatz) while( it!=seg_seeds_.end()) { // set this value true when seeds updating should be interrupted if(seeds_updating_halt_) return; // check if seed is not already too old if((LineSeed::batch_counter - it->batch_id) > options_.max_n_kfs) { it = seg_seeds_.erase(it); continue; } // check if segment is visible in the current image SE3 T_ref_cur = it->ftr->frame->T_f_w_ * frame->T_f_w_.inverse(); const Vector3d xyz_f_s(T_ref_cur.inverse()*(1.0/it->mu_s * static_cast<LineFeat*>(it->ftr)->sf) ); const Vector3d xyz_f_e(T_ref_cur.inverse()*(1.0/it->mu_e * static_cast<LineFeat*>(it->ftr)->ef) ); if( xyz_f_s.z() < 0.0 || xyz_f_e.z() < 0.0 ) { ++it; // behind the camera continue; } if( !frame->cam_->isInFrame(frame->f2c(xyz_f_s).cast<int>()) || !frame->cam_->isInFrame(frame->f2c(xyz_f_e).cast<int>()) ) { ++it; // segment does not project in image continue; } // we are using inverse depth coordinates float z_inv_min_s = it->mu_s + sqrt(it->sigma2_s); float z_inv_max_s = max(it->mu_s - sqrt(it->sigma2_s), 0.00000001f); float z_inv_min_e = it->mu_e + sqrt(it->sigma2_e); float z_inv_max_e = max(it->mu_e - sqrt(it->sigma2_e), 0.00000001f); double z_s, z_e; if(!matcherls_.findEpipolarMatchDirectSegmentEndpoint( *it->ftr->frame, *frame, *it->ftr, 1.0/it->mu_s, 1.0/z_inv_min_s, 1.0/z_inv_max_s, z_s) || !matcherls_.findEpipolarMatchDirectSegmentEndpoint( *it->ftr->frame, *frame, *it->ftr, 1.0/it->mu_e, 1.0/z_inv_min_e, 1.0/z_inv_max_e, z_e) ) { it->b++; // increase outlier probability when no match was found ++it; ++n_failed_matches; continue; } // compute tau double tau_s = computeTau(T_ref_cur, static_cast<LineFeat*>(it->ftr)->sf, z_s, px_error_angle); double tau_inverse_s = 0.5 * (1.0/max(0.0000001, z_s-tau_s) - 1.0/(z_s+tau_s)); double tau_e = computeTau(T_ref_cur, static_cast<LineFeat*>(it->ftr)->ef, z_e, px_error_angle); double tau_inverse_e = 0.5 * (1.0/max(0.0000001, z_e-tau_e) - 1.0/(z_e+tau_e)); // update the estimate updateLineSeed(1./z_s, tau_inverse_s*tau_inverse_s, 1./z_e, tau_inverse_e*tau_inverse_e, &*it); ++n_updates; if(frame->isKeyframe()) { // The feature detector should not initialize new seeds close to this location seg_feature_detector_->setGridOccpuancy(LineFeat(matcher_.px_cur_,matcherls_.px_cur_)); } // if the seed has converged, we initialize a new candidate point and remove the seed if(sqrt(it->sigma2_s) < it->z_range_s/options_.seed_convergence_sigma2_thresh && sqrt(it->sigma2_e) < it->z_range_e/options_.seed_convergence_sigma2_thresh ) { assert(static_cast<LineFeat*>(it->ftr)->feat3D == NULL); // TODO this should not happen anymore Vector3d xyz_world_s(it->ftr->frame->T_f_w_.inverse() * (static_cast<LineFeat*>(it->ftr)->sf * (1.0/it->mu_s))); Vector3d xyz_world_e(it->ftr->frame->T_f_w_.inverse() * (static_cast<LineFeat*>(it->ftr)->ef * (1.0/it->mu_e))); LineSeg* line = new LineSeg(xyz_world_s, xyz_world_e, it->ftr); static_cast<LineFeat*>(it->ftr)->feat3D = line; /* FIXME it is not threadsafe to add a feature to the frame here. if(frame->isKeyframe()) { Feature* ftr = new PointFeat(frame.get(), matcher_.px_cur_, matcher_.search_level_); ftr->point = point; point->addFrameRef(ftr); frame->addFeature(ftr); it->ftr->frame->addFeature(it->ftr); } else */ { seed_converged_cb_ls_(line, it->sigma2_s, it->sigma2_e); // put in candidate list } it = seg_seeds_.erase(it); } else if( isnan(z_inv_min_s) || isnan(z_inv_min_e) ) { SVO_WARN_STREAM("z_min_s or z_min_e is NaN"); it = seg_seeds_.erase(it); } else ++it; } }