Example #1
bool Reprojector::reprojectPoint(FramePtr frame, Point* point)
  Vector2d px(frame->w2c(point->pos_));
  if(frame->cam_->isInFrame(px.cast<int>(), 8)) // 8px is the patch size in the matcher
    const int k = static_cast<int>(px[1]/grid_.cell_size)*grid_.grid_n_cols
                + static_cast<int>(px[0]/grid_.cell_size);
    grid_.cells.at(k)->push_back(Candidate(point, px));
    return true;
  return false;
bool Reprojector::reprojectPoint(FramePtr frame, Point* point, int print)
  // point->pos_[2] = point->pos_[2] * 600;
  Vector2d px(frame->w2c(point->pos_));
  if(frame->cam_->isInFrame(px.cast<int>(), 8)) // 8px is the patch size in the matcher

    // cout << "point pos" << point->pos_ << endl;
    // cout << "px" << px << endl;
      // cout << "repro" << endl;

    if(print) {
      outfile << round(px[0]) << " " << round(px[1]) << " " << point->pos_[2] << " ";
      outfile2 << point->pos_[0] << " " << point->pos_[1] << " " << point->pos_[2] << "\n";

    const int k = static_cast<int>(px[1]/grid_.cell_size)*grid_.grid_n_cols
                + static_cast<int>(px[0]/grid_.cell_size);
    grid_.cells.at(k)->push_back(Candidate(point, px));
    return true;
  return false;