Example #1
void Game::setupHud(){
  IAnimatedMesh* gunmesh = smgr->getMesh("resources/models/weapons/test.obj");
  IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* gunnode;
             gunnode = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(gunmesh, gunnode);
             gunnode->setPosition(vector3df(50, 0, 1000));
             gunnode->setRotation(vector3df(0, 0, 1000));
             std::cout << gunnode->getAbsolutePosition().X << ", " << gunnode->getAbsolutePosition().Y << ", "
            << gunnode->getAbsolutePosition().Z;
             //gunnode->setScale(vector3df(1, 1, 1));
Example #2
// registering the scene node for rendering, here we take the opportunity
// to make LOD adjustments to child nodes
void CLODSceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode()
	//if this node is invisible forget any child nodes
	if (!IsVisible)

	// get a timer to calculate the amount to fade objects
	u32 time = device->getTimer()->getTime();

	// get the camera position
	ICameraSceneNode* cam = smgr->getActiveCamera();
	core::vector3df vectorCam = cam->getAbsolutePosition();

	// loop through all child nodes
	u32 i,j;
	u32 lod, fade;
	SMaterial * material;
	for (i=0; i < children.size(); ++i)
		// get the node associated with this link
		SChildLink &child = children[i];
		IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *node = (IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *)child.node;

		// calculate the distance to the node. at the moment we do this the
		// slow linear way instead of using the distance squared method
		core::vector3df vectorNode = node->getAbsolutePosition();
		float distance = vectorNode.getDistanceFrom( vectorCam );

		// itterate through all of the LOD levels and find the lod distance
		// that is appropriate for this distance
		lod = 0xFFFFFFFF;
		for (j=0; j < lods.size(); ++j)
			if ( distance >= lods[j].distance )
				lod = j;

        // if a LOD level was found
		if ( lod != 0xFFFFFFFF )
            // if this lod is associated with a mesh
            if ( lods[lod].mesh )
                // if this lod differs from the child lod
                if ( lod != children[i].lod )
                    children[i].lod = lod;

                    // if the node is an animated mesh node
                    if ( ( node->getType()) == ESNT_ANIMATED_MESH )
                        // set the new mesh to be used
                        node->setMeshClean( lods[lod].mesh );
                // handle instances where the node is faded
                switch ( children[i].mode )
                    case LOD_INVISIBLE:
                        // make the node visible
                        node->setVisible( true );
                        children[i].mode = LOD_FADE_IN;
                        children[i].fade = time;

                    // we are partially faded we need to fade back in
                    case LOD_FADE_IN:
                        // fade the node in by 1 multiplied by the time passed
                        fade = (time - children[i].fade) / fadeScale;
                        if ( fade > 0xFF ) fade = 0xFF;

                        // if the node is fully opaque again
                        if ( fade == 0xFF )
                            // restore the origonal material type
                            children[i].mode = LOD_OPAQUE;
                            if ( callback ) callback( true, node );

                        // fade the node through its materials
                        fade *= 0x01010101;
                        material = &node->getMaterial( 0 );
						if ( useAlpha )
							material->DiffuseColor.set( fade );
							material->AmbientColor.set( fade );
							material->DiffuseColor.set( fade & 0xFFFFFF );
							material->AmbientColor.set( fade & 0xFFFFFF );


					// we were in the process of fading out
					case LOD_FADE_OUT:
						children[i].fade = time - ( 0xFF * fadeScale - ( time - children[i].fade ));
						children[i].mode = LOD_FADE_IN;
                // we have a lod without a mesh, this is an instruction to fade
			    switch ( children[i].mode )
			        // the node is fully opaque start fading
			        case LOD_OPAQUE:
                        children[i].mode = LOD_FADE_OUT;
                        children[i].fade = time;

						// note the material type
                        children[i].matType = node->getMaterial(0).MaterialType;

						// set the material type based on mapping
						node->setMaterialType( matmap[children[i].matType] );

                    // the node is in the process of fading
                    case LOD_FADE_OUT:
                        // fade the node out by 1 multiplied by the time passed
                        fade = (time - children[i].fade) / fadeScale;
                        if ( fade > 0xFF ) fade = 0xFF;

                        // if the node is fully transparent
                        if ( fade == 0xFF )
                            // make it completely invisible
                            node->setVisible( false );
                            children[i].mode = LOD_INVISIBLE;
                            if ( callback ) callback( false, node );

                        // fade the node through its materials
						fade *= 0x01010101;
                        fade = 0xFFFFFFFF - fade;
                        material = &node->getMaterial( 0 );
						if ( useAlpha )
							material->DiffuseColor.set( fade );
							material->AmbientColor.set( fade );
							material->DiffuseColor.set( fade & 0xFFFFFF );
							material->AmbientColor.set( fade & 0xFFFFFF );


					// we were in the process of fading in
					case LOD_FADE_IN:
						children[i].fade = time - ( 0xFF * fadeScale - ( time - children[i].fade ));
						children[i].mode = LOD_FADE_OUT;
			    } // switch
            // handle instances where the node is faded
            switch ( children[i].mode )
                case LOD_INVISIBLE:
                    // make the node visible
                    node->setVisible( true );
                    children[i].mode = LOD_FADE_IN;
                    children[i].fade = time;
                    if ( callback ) callback( true, node );

                // we are partially faded we need to fade back in
                case LOD_FADE_IN:
                    // fade the node in by 1 multiplied by the time passed
                    fade = (time - children[i].fade) / fadeScale;
                    if ( fade > 255 ) fade = 255;

                    // if the node is fully opaque again
                    if ( fade == 0xFF )
                        // restore the origonal material type
                        children[i].mode = LOD_OPAQUE;

                    // fade the node through its materials
					fade *= 0x01010101;
                    material = &node->getMaterial( 0 );
					if ( useAlpha )
						material->DiffuseColor.set( fade );
						material->AmbientColor.set( fade );
						material->DiffuseColor.set( fade & 0xFFFFFF );
						material->AmbientColor.set( fade & 0xFFFFFF );


				// we were in the process of fading out
				case LOD_FADE_OUT:
					children[i].fade = time - ( 0xFF * fadeScale - ( time - children[i].fade ));
					children[i].mode = LOD_FADE_IN;
