void  KKStrTest::AssertAreEqual (const char* expected,  const KKStr& found,  const KKStr&  testName)
   bool equal = strcmp(expected, found.Str ()) == 0;
   KKStr msg;
   msg << "Expected: " << expected << "\t" << "Found: " << found.Str ();
   Assert(equal, testName, msg);
Example #2
void  KKJobManager::StatusFileProcessLineJobStatusChange (KKStr&    statusLineStr)
  kkint32 expandedJobId = statusLineStr.ExtractTokenInt ("\t");
  KKJobPtr  j = jobs->LookUpByJobId (expandedJobId);
  if  (!j)
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl 
                   << "ProcessStatusLineJobStatusChange    ***Error***    Could not locate Expanded" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "                                    JobId[" << expandedJobId << "]"  << endl
                   << endl;
    EndBlock ();
    osWaitForEnter ();
    exit (-1);

  KKStr statusStr = statusLineStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
  statusStr.TrimLeft ();
  statusStr.TrimRight ();
  KKJob::JobStatus  status = KKJob::JobStatusFromStr (statusStr);
  if  (status == jsNULL)
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl 
                   << "ProcessStatusLineJobStatusChange    ***Error***      Invalid Status Specified" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "                                    JobId["  << expandedJobId << "]"  << endl
                   << "                                    Status[" << statusStr     << "]"  << endl
                   << endl;
    EndBlock ();
    osWaitForEnter ();
    exit (-1);
  j->Status (status);
}  /* ProcessStatusLineJobStatusChange */
Example #3
void  StripOutAnyComments (KKStr&  line)
  bool found = false;
  kkint32  len   = line.Len ();
  kkint32  x     = 0;

  while  ((x < (len - 1))  &&  (!found))
    if  ((line[x]     == '/')  &&
         (line[x + 1] == '/'))
      found = true;

  if  (found)
    if  (x == 0)
      line = "";
      line = line.SubStrPart (0, x - 1);

} /* StripOutAnyComments */
Example #4
void  DataBaseServerList::WriteConfigFile ()  const
  osCreateDirectoryPath (PicesVariables::ConfigurationDirectory ());
  KKStr  configFileName = osAddSlash (PicesVariables::ConfigurationDirectory ()) + "MySql.cfg";
  log.Level (10) << "DataBaseServerList::WriteConfigFile    Writing ConfigFileName[" << configFileName << "]" << endl;
  ofstream  o (configFileName.Str ());

  if  (!o.is_open ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
                   << "DataBaseServerList::WriteConfigFile     ***ERROR***   Opening ConfigFile["  <<  configFileName << "]" << endl
                   << endl;

  o << "//  PICES  MySQL  configuration file.  There will be one entry for each known MySQL database server." << std::endl
    << "//"  << std::endl
    << "//   Date Written: " << osGetLocalDateTime () << std::endl
    << "//"  << std::endl
    << "//  Number Entries: " << QueueSize () << std::endl
    << "//" << std::endl;

  DataBaseServerList::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = begin ();  idx != end ();  idx++)
    o << "Server" << "\t" << (*idx)->ToParameterStr () << endl;

  o << "//"  << std::endl
    << "DefaultServer" << "\t" << defaultServerDescription << std::endl;

  o.close ();
}  /* WriteConfigFile */
bool  ImportFullSizeFromSqlBackUp::ProcessCmdLineParameter (
                                                            char    parmSwitchCode, 
                                                            KKStr   parmSwitch, 
                                                            KKStr   parmValue
  KKStr  parmValueUpper (parmValue);
  parmValueUpper.Upper ();

  parmSwitch.Upper ();

  if  ((parmSwitch == "-S")    ||  
       (parmSwitch == "-SRC")  ||  
       (parmSwitch == "-SOURCE")  ||
       (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-SrcFile"))
    srcFileName = parmValue;
    if  (!osFileExists (srcFileName))
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    Invalid '-SrcFile' [" << srcFileName << "] file." << endl;
      Abort (true);

	return  !Abort ();
}  /* ProcessCmdLineParameter */
HTMLReport&  KKB::operator<< (HTMLReport&      htmlReport,  
                              const DateTime&  right
  KKStr s = right.Date ().YYYY_MM_DD () + "-" + right.Time ().HH_MM_SS ();
  htmlReport.Append (s.Str ());
  return  htmlReport;
Example #7
KKStrParser::KKStrParser (const KKStr&  _str):
    len            (_str.Len ()),
    nextPos        (0),
    str            (_str.Str ()),
    trimWhiteSpace (false),
    weOwnStr       (false),
    whiteSpace     (NULL)
Example #8
 *@brief   Adds Instrument data to the underlying Scanner files as text.
void   ScannerFile::WriteInstrumentDataWord (uchar             idNum,
                                             kkuint32          scanLineNum,
                                             WordFormat32Bits  dataWord
  KKStr  s (100);
  s << "InstrumentDataWord" << "\t" << (int)idNum << "\t" << scanLineNum << "\t" << dataWord.unsigned32BitInt;
  WriteTextBlock ((const uchar*)s.Str (), s.Len ());
}  /* WriteInstrumentDataWord */
HTMLReport&  KKB::operator<< (HTMLReport&  htmlReport,
                              kkuint64     right
  KKStr  s (30);
  s = StrFormatInt64 (right, "0");
  htmlReport.Append (s.Str ());
  return  htmlReport;
bool  AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::ProcessCmdLineParameter (char   parmSwitchCode, 
                                                                KKStr  parmSwitch, 
                                                                KKStr  parmValue
  KKStr  parmValueUpper (parmValue);
  parmValueUpper.Upper ();

  if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-c")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-config"))
    configFileName = parmValue;
    configFileFullPath = TrainingConfiguration2::GetEffectiveConfigFileName (configFileName);
    if  (!osFileExists (configFileFullPath))
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    Invalid '-config' [" << configFileName << "] file." << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-folds")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-numFolds")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-numOfFolds"))
    numOfFolds = parmValue.ToInt ();
    if  ((numOfFolds < 2)  ||  (numOfFolds > 1000))
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    Invalid '-NumFolds' [" << numOfFolds << "] Invlaid;  valid values (2 - 1000)." << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-r")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-report")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-ReportFileName"))
    reportFileName = parmValue;

	return  !Abort ();
}  /* ProcessCmdLineParameter */
Example #11
void  KKJobManager::StatusFileRefresh ()
  // we only want to read in any new changes to the status file.
  log.Level (10) << "KKJobManager::StatusFileRefresh     statusFileName[" << statusFileName << "]"  << endl;

  ifstream*  statusFile = new ifstream (statusFileName.Str ());
  if  (!statusFile->is_open ())
     log.Level (-1) << endl
                    << "KKJobManager::LoadCurrentStatusFile   ***ERROR***    Can not open Status File[" 
                    << statusFileName << "]." 
                    << endl;
     EndBlock ();
     delete  statusFile;  statusFile = NULL;
     osWaitForEnter ();
     exit (-1);

  char  buff[20480];
  KKStr  statusStr (512);

  if  (statusFileNextByte >= 0)
    statusFile->seekg (statusFileNextByte);

  //fseek (statusFile, statusFileNextByte, SEEK_SET);

  statusFile->getline (buff, sizeof (buff));
  while  (!statusFile->eof ())
    statusStr = buff;
    if  (statusStr.SubStrPart (0, 4) == "<KKJob ")
      ProcessJobXmlBlockOfText (statusStr, *statusFile);
      StatusFileProcessLine (statusStr, *statusFile);

    long  zed = statusFile->tellg ();
    if  (zed >= 0)
      statusFileNextByte = zed;

    if  (!statusFile->eof ())  
      statusFile->getline (buff, sizeof (buff));

  statusFile->close ();
  delete  statusFile;
  statusFile = NULL;

  log.Level (20) << "KKJobManager::StatusFileRefresh     Exiting."  << endl;
}  /* StatusFileRefresh */
Example #12
void  Strip ()
  bool  cancelFlag  = false;
  bool  successful  = false;
  bool  changesMade = false;

  RunLog  log;

  FeatureFileIOPtr driver =  FeatureFileIO::FileFormatFromStr ("C45");

  MLClassList  mlClasses;
  FeatureVectorListPtr  data = 
        driver->LoadFeatureFile ("D:\\Pices\\Reports\\FeatureDataFiles\\AllValidatedImages_ForJonathon\\AllValidatedDataNorm.data",

  FeatureVectorListPtr  stripped = new FeatureVectorList (data->FileDesc (), false);

  FeatureVectorList::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = data->begin ();  idx != data->end ();  ++idx)
    FeatureVectorPtr  fv = *idx;
    KKStr  fn = fv->ExampleFileName ();
    if  (fn.StartsWith ("SML")  ||  (fn.StartsWith ("SMP")))
      stripped->PushOnBack (fv);

  kkuint32  numExamplesWritten = 90;
  driver->SaveFeatureFile ("D:\\Pices\\Reports\\FeatureDataFiles\\AllValidatedImages_ForJonathon\\AllValidatedData1209.data",
                           data->AllFeatures (), 

Example #13
void  KKJob::PrerequisitesFromStr (const KKStr&  s)
  prerequisites.clear ();

  if  (s.CompareIgnoreCase ("None") != 0)
    VectorKKStr fields = s.Split (',');
    for  (kkuint32 x = 0;  x < fields.size ();  ++x)
      kkint32 p = fields[x].ToInt ();
      prerequisites.push_back (p);
}  /* PrerequisitesFromStr */
CmdLineExpander::CmdLineExpander (const KKStr&  _applicationName,
                                  RunLog&       _log,
                                  const KKStr&  _cmdLine
  applicationName (_applicationName),
  log             (_log)

  VectorKKStr  initialParameters;

  KKStr  cmdLine (_cmdLine);

  cmdLine.TrimLeft ();
  while  (!cmdLine.Empty ())
    KKStr  nextField = cmdLine.ExtractQuotedStr ("\n\r\t ", false);  // false = Do not decode escape characters
    nextField.TrimRight ();
    if  (!nextField.Empty ())
      initialParameters.push_back (nextField);
    cmdLine.TrimLeft ();

  BuildCmdLineParameters (initialParameters);
  BuildExpandedParameterPairs ();
Example #15
uchar  DateType::MonthFromStr (const KKStr&  monthStr)
  uchar  month = 0;

  for  (month = 1;  month < 13;  month++)
    if  (monthStr.CompareIgnoreCase (monthlyShortNames[month]) == 0)

    if  (monthStr.CompareIgnoreCase (monthlyNames[month]) == 0)

  return  month;
}  /* MonthFromStr */
Example #16
 *                           DetermineClassFromFileName                                 
 * Given an Image File Name(fileName)  will return and mlClass.  Will use the      
 * path name in fileName to determine class.  If the class does not exist in            
 * mlClasses, will create a new instance and add it to mlClasses.                  
 * After talking to the user it has come to light that the first sub-directory in
 * a path will dictate what class he/she feels a image belongs to.
 *   Ex:
 *    .../Protista/
 *    .../Protista/SubDir1
 *    .../Trichodesmium
 *    .../Trichodesmium/SubDir1
 *    .../Trichodesmium/SubDir2
 *  The idea is that when trying to determine what class a image really is we look
 *  at the first sub-dir name in the path.  We may also have to deal with seq-num's 
 *  as part of the name,  in that case we strip the _ and following numbers from the 
 *  name to get the correct class name.
MLClassPtr  OurNeighbors::DetermineClassFromFileName (const  KKStr&  fileName)
	KKStr filename_copy = fileName;

	// If there are no path separator characters('\'  or  '/')  characters in name
	// then we will not be able to determine the class.
  auto x = osLocateFirstSlashChar (filename_copy);
	if  (!x  ||  (x.value () < 1))
    return  mlClasses->GetUnKnownClass ();

  KKStr  className = filename_copy.SubStrSeg (0, x);
  // now lets get rid of any possible trailing seq number.
  // We are assuming that a underscore{"_") character separates the calcs name from the seq number.
  // So if there is an underscore character,  and all the characters to the right of it are
  // underscore characters,  then we will remove the underscore and the following numbers.
	x = className.LocateLastOccurrence ('_');
  if  (x)
    // Now lets eliminate any sequence number in name
    // We are assuming that a underscore{"_") character separates the class name from the seq number.
    // So if there is an underscore character, and all the characters to the right of it are
    // numeric characters, then we will remove the underscore and the following numbers.

    kkuint32  y = x.value () + 1;

    bool  allFollowingCharsAreNumeric = true;
    while  ((y < className.Len ()) &&  (allFollowingCharsAreNumeric))
      char  ch = className[y];
      allFollowingCharsAreNumeric = ((ch >= '0')  &&  (ch <= '9'));

    if  (allFollowingCharsAreNumeric)
      className = className.SubStrSeg (0, x);

  // Now that we have a string with the class name,  lets get a pointer 
  // to a mlClass object from mlClasses ,  if none there then we get 
  // to create a new class.
	MLClassPtr  mlClass = mlClasses->GetMLClassPtr (className);

	return  mlClass;
}  /* DetermineClassFromFileName */
Example #17
KKJob::JobStatus  KKJob::JobStatusFromStr (const KKStr&  statusStr)
  if  (statusStr.CompareIgnoreCase ("OPEN") == 0)
    return  jsOpen;

  if  (statusStr.CompareIgnoreCase ("STARTED") == 0)
    return jsStarted;

  if  (statusStr.CompareIgnoreCase ("DONE") == 0)
    return jsDone;

  if  (statusStr.CompareIgnoreCase ("Expanded") == 0)
    return jsExpanded;

  return jsNULL;
}  /* JobStatusToStr */
StartStopPoint::StartStopType  StartStopPoint::StartStopTypeFromStr (const KKStr&   s)
  for  (int x = (int)StartStopType::Null;  x < (int)StartStopType::Invalid;  ++x)
    if  (s.EqualIgnoreCase (startStopPointStrs[x]))
      return  (StartStopType)x;
  return  StartStopType::Null;
void  FeatureFileIO::SaveFeatureFile (const KKStr&          _fileName, 
                                      FeatureNumListConst&  _selFeatures,
                                      FeatureVectorList&    _examples,
                                      kkuint32&             _numExamplesWritten,
                                      VolConstBool&         _cancelFlag,
                                      bool&                 _successful,
                                      RunLog&               _log
  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureFileIO::SaveFeatureFile - File[" << _fileName << "]." << endl;

  ofstream  out (_fileName.Str ());
  if  (!out.is_open())
    _log.Level (-1) << "***ERROR***, SaveFeatureFile, Opening File[" << _fileName << "]" << endl;
    _successful = false;

  out.precision (9);

  KKStr  errorMessage;
  SaveFile (_examples, _fileName, _selFeatures, out, _numExamplesWritten, _cancelFlag, _successful, errorMessage, _log);

  out.close ();
}  /* SaveFeatureFile */
Example #20
void  DataBaseServer::ParseParameterStr (const  KKStr&  parameterStr)
  VectorKKStr  parameterPairs = parameterStr.Split ("\t");

  VectorKKStr::iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = parameterPairs.begin ();  idx != parameterPairs.end ();  idx++)
    VectorKKStr  fields = (*idx).Split (":=");   // Split by either ':'  or  '='
    if  (fields.size () < 2)
      // Should be two fields;  line must be malformed.

    KKStr  parameterName = fields[0].ToUpper ();

    if      ((parameterName == "EMBEDDED")      ||  (parameterName == "EMB")       ||  (parameterName == "E"))   embedded     = fields[1].ToBool ();
    else if ((parameterName == "MYSQLDATADIR")  ||  (parameterName == "MYSQL")     ||  (parameterName == "MDD")) mySqlDataDir = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "DESCRIPTION")   ||  (parameterName == "DESC")      ||  (parameterName == "D"))   description  = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "HOSTNAME")      ||  (parameterName == "HOST")      ||  (parameterName == "H"))   hostName     = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "USERNAME")      ||  (parameterName == "USER")      ||  (parameterName == "U"))   userName     = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "PASSWORD")      ||  (parameterName == "PW")        ||  (parameterName == "P"))   passWord     = fields[1];
    else if ((parameterName == "PORTNUM")       ||  (parameterName == "PN"))                                     portNum      = fields[1].ToUint32 ();
    else if ((parameterName == "DATABASENAME")  ||  (parameterName == "DATABASE")  ||  (parameterName == "DB"))  dataBaseName = fields[1];

  if  (description.EqualIgnoreCase ("Embedded"))
    embedded = true;
}  /* ParseParameterStr */
void  CmdLineExpander::ExtractParametersFromFile (const KKStr&  cmdFileName, 
                                                  VectorKKStr&  cmdFileParameters,
                                                  bool&         validFile
  FILE*  in = osFOPEN (cmdFileName.Str (), "r");
  if  (!in)
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
         << "ExtractParametersFromFile     *** EROR ***" << endl
         << endl
         << "      Invalid CmdFile[" << cmdFileName << "]" << endl
         << endl;
    validFile = false;

  KKStr  token;
  bool    eof = false;

  token  = osReadNextQuotedStr (in, " \n\r", eof);
  while  (!eof)
    cmdFileParameters.push_back (token);
    token  = osReadNextQuotedStr (in, " \n\r", eof);

  std::fclose (in);
}  /* ExtractParametersFromFile */
void  FeatureNumList::ParseToString (const KKStr&  _str,
                                     bool&         _valid
  _valid = true;
  delete  featureNums;

  featureNumsAllocatedSize = 0;
  maxFeatureNum            = 0;
  numOfFeatures            = 0;
  featureNums              = NULL;

  if  (_str.EqualIgnoreCase ("NONE"))
    maxFeatureNum = 1;
    AllocateArraySize ((IntType)(maxFeatureNum + 1));

  VectorIntType*  list = StrToUInt16Vetor (_str);
  if  (list)
    sort(list->begin (), list->end ());
    maxFeatureNum = list->back ();
    AllocateArraySize ((IntType)list->size ());
    for  (auto idx: *list)
      AddFeature (idx);
    _valid = false;
  delete  list;
  list = NULL;
}  /* ParseToString */
bool  DumpSipper3InstrumentData::ProcessCmdLineParameter (char    parmSwitchCode, 
                                                          KKStr  parmSwitch, 
                                                          KKStr  parmValue
  parmSwitch.Upper ();

  if  ((parmSwitch == "-REPORT")     ||
       (parmSwitch == "-REPORTFILE") ||
       (parmSwitch == "-RF")         ||
       (parmSwitch == "-R") 
    reportFileName = parmValue;

  if  ((parmSwitch == "-S")          ||
       (parmSwitch == "-SIPPERFILE") ||
       (parmSwitch == "-SF")         
    sipperFileName = parmValue;

  return  !Abort ();
}  /* ProcessCmdLineParameter */
bool  CmdLineExpander::ParameterIsASwitch (const KKStr&  parm)
  if  (parm.Len () < 1)
    return false;

  if  (parm[(kkint16)0] != '-')
    return false;

  if  (parm.Len () == 1)
    return true;

  double  parmValue = 0.0;
  if  (parm.ValidNum (parmValue))
    return false;

  return true;
}  /* ParameterIsASwitch */
bool  ImageDimensionComputations::ProcessCmdLineParameter (const KKStr&  parmSwitch, 
                                                           const KKStr&  parmValue
  bool  validParm = true;

  if (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-R")  || parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-Report"))
    reportFileName = parmValue;
    validParm = PicesApplication::ProcessCmdLineParameter (parmSwitch, parmValue);

  return  validParm;
}  /* ProcessCmdLineParameter */
Example #26
void  GoalKeeper::ReportBlockedStats ()
  HANDLE  mutexCreateHandle = CreateMutex (NULL,                 /**< default security attributes. */
                                           false,                /**< initially not owned.         */

  WaitForSingleObject (mutexCreateHandle, INFINITE);

  KKStr  path = "C:\\Temp\\BlockedStats";

  KKB::osCreateDirectoryPath (path);

  KKStr  fileName = osAddSlash (path) + "BlockedStats.txt";

  ofstream  o (fileName.Str (), ios_base::app);
  o << "Name"
    << "\t" << "Count"
    << "\t" << "BlockedThreadId"
    << "\t" << "BlockerThreadId"
    << "\t" << "DateTimeBlocked"
    << "\t" << "MilliSecsBlocked"
    << "\t" << "NumBlockedThreads"
    << endl;

  int  c = 0;
  BlockedStatList::iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = blockedStats->begin (), c = 0;  idx != blockedStats->end ();  ++idx, ++c)
    BlockedStat*  bs = *idx;
    o << name
      << "\t" << c
      << "\t" << bs->blockedThreadId 
      << "\t" << bs->blockerThreadId 
      << "\t" << bs->dateTimeBlocked.Date () << " " << bs->dateTimeBlocked.Time ()
      << "\t" << bs->milliSecsBlocked
      << "\t" << bs->numBlockedThreads
      << endl;

  o.close ();

  ReleaseMutex (mutexCreateHandle);
}  /* ReportBlockedStats */
Example #27
void  ScannerFile::ReadHeader ()
  delete  headerFields;
  headerFields = new ScannerHeaderFields ();
  bool  endOfText = false;
  KKStr  ln (100);

  ReadHeaderOneLine (file, endOfText, ln);
  while  (!endOfText)
    KKStr  fieldName   = ln.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
    KKStr  fieldValue  = ln.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
    headerFields->Add (fieldName, fieldValue);
    ExtractHeaderField (fieldName, fieldValue);
    ReadHeaderOneLine (file, endOfText, ln);
}  /* ReadHeader */
Example #28
void  JobValidation::ProcessStatusField (const KKStr&  fieldName,
                                         const KKStr&  fieldValue
  // 'JobValidation' does not have any fields.
  if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("configFileName"))
    configFileName = fieldValue;
}  /* ProcessStatusField */
Example #29
KKStr  KKStrParser::GetRestOfLine ()
  if  (trimWhiteSpace)
    while  ((nextPos < len)  &&  (strchr (whiteSpace, str[nextPos]) != NULL))

  if (nextPos >= len)
    return KKStr::EmptyStr ();

  KKStr  result (1 + len - nextPos);
  char  lastChar = 0;

  while  (nextPos < len)  
    lastChar = str[nextPos];
    if  (lastChar == '\n')

    else if  (lastChar == '\r')

    result.Append (lastChar);

  if  (nextPos < len)
    if  (lastChar == '\n')
      if  (str[nextPos] == '\r')
    else if  (lastChar == '\r')
      if  (str[nextPos] == '\n')
        nextPos ++;

  if  (trimWhiteSpace)
    result.TrimRight (whiteSpace);

  return  result;
}  /* GetRestOfLine */
Example #30
 * @brief Processes a GPGLL string that contains Latitude and Longitudinal info.
 * @param[in] _str '$GPGLL' string with '$GPGLL' stripped off front.
void  InstrumentDataGPS::ProcessGPGLL (const KKStr&  _str)
  KKStr str (_str);

  KKStr  field = str.ExtractToken2 (",");
  if  (field == "$GPGLL")
    field = str.ExtractToken2 (",");

  double  latitudeDegrees;
  double  latitudeMinutes;
  ParseDegreeMinutesStr (field, latitudeDegrees, latitudeMinutes);
  double  latitude = latitudeDegrees + (latitudeMinutes / 60.0);

  field = str.ExtractToken2 (",");
  if  (field == "S")
    latitude = -latitude;

  field = str.ExtractToken2 (",");
  double  longitudeDegrees;
  double  longitudeMinutes;
  ParseDegreeMinutesStr (field, longitudeDegrees, longitudeMinutes);
  double  longitude = longitudeDegrees + (longitudeMinutes / 60.0);
  field = str.ExtractToken2 (",");
  if  (field == "E")
    longitude = -longitude;

  field = str.ExtractToken2 (",");
  TimeType  gpsTime (field);
  manager->Location (curTextLineStartScanLine, latitude, longitude, gpsTime);
}  /* ProcessGPGLL */