void  KKStrTest::AssertAreEqual (const char* expected,  const KKStr& found,  const KKStr&  testName)
   bool equal = strcmp(expected, found.Str ()) == 0;
   KKStr msg;
   msg << "Expected: " << expected << "\t" << "Found: " << found.Str ();
   Assert(equal, testName, msg);
Example #2
void  KKJob::ProcessStatusStr (const KKStr&  statusStr)
  log.Level (30) << "KKJob::ProcessStatusStr[" << statusStr << "]" << endl;
  KKStr  fieldName;
  KKStr  fieldValue;

  VectorKKStr fields = statusStr.Split ('\t');
  kkuint32  fieldNum = 0;

  while  (fieldNum < fields.size ())
    fieldName = fields[fieldNum];
    if  (fieldNum < fields.size ())
      fieldValue = fields[fieldNum];
      fieldValue = "";

    fieldName.Upper ();
    fieldValue.TrimLeft ("\n\r\t ");
    fieldValue.TrimRight ("\n\r\t ");

    if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("JOBID") == 0)
      jobId = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else  if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("PARENTID") == 0)
      parentId = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else  if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("STATUS") == 0)
      status = JobStatusFromStr (fieldValue);
    else  if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("NumProcessors") == 0)
      numProcessors = fieldValue.ToInt ();

    else  if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("NumPorcessesAllowed") == 0)
      numPorcessesAllowed = fieldValue.ToInt ();

    else  if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("Prerequisites") == 0)
      PrerequisitesFromStr (fieldValue);
      ProcessStatusField (fieldName, fieldValue);
}  /* ProcessStatusStr */
void  FeatureFileIO::SaveFeatureFile (const KKStr&          _fileName, 
                                      FeatureNumListConst&  _selFeatures,
                                      FeatureVectorList&    _examples,
                                      kkuint32&             _numExamplesWritten,
                                      VolConstBool&         _cancelFlag,
                                      bool&                 _successful,
                                      RunLog&               _log
  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureFileIO::SaveFeatureFile - File[" << _fileName << "]." << endl;

  ofstream  out (_fileName.Str ());
  if  (!out.is_open())
    _log.Level (-1) << "***ERROR***, SaveFeatureFile, Opening File[" << _fileName << "]" << endl;
    _successful = false;

  out.precision (9);

  KKStr  errorMessage;
  SaveFile (_examples, _fileName, _selFeatures, out, _numExamplesWritten, _cancelFlag, _successful, errorMessage, _log);

  out.close ();
}  /* SaveFeatureFile */
void  CmdLineExpander::ExtractParametersFromFile (const KKStr&  cmdFileName, 
                                                  VectorKKStr&  cmdFileParameters,
                                                  bool&         validFile
  FILE*  in = osFOPEN (cmdFileName.Str (), "r");
  if  (!in)
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
         << "ExtractParametersFromFile     *** EROR ***" << endl
         << endl
         << "      Invalid CmdFile[" << cmdFileName << "]" << endl
         << endl;
    validFile = false;

  KKStr  token;
  bool    eof = false;

  token  = osReadNextQuotedStr (in, " \n\r", eof);
  while  (!eof)
    cmdFileParameters.push_back (token);
    token  = osReadNextQuotedStr (in, " \n\r", eof);

  std::fclose (in);
}  /* ExtractParametersFromFile */
Example #5
void  DataBaseServerList::WriteConfigFile ()  const
  osCreateDirectoryPath (PicesVariables::ConfigurationDirectory ());
  KKStr  configFileName = osAddSlash (PicesVariables::ConfigurationDirectory ()) + "MySql.cfg";
  log.Level (10) << "DataBaseServerList::WriteConfigFile    Writing ConfigFileName[" << configFileName << "]" << endl;
  ofstream  o (configFileName.Str ());

  if  (!o.is_open ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
                   << "DataBaseServerList::WriteConfigFile     ***ERROR***   Opening ConfigFile["  <<  configFileName << "]" << endl
                   << endl;

  o << "//  PICES  MySQL  configuration file.  There will be one entry for each known MySQL database server." << std::endl
    << "//"  << std::endl
    << "//   Date Written: " << osGetLocalDateTime () << std::endl
    << "//"  << std::endl
    << "//  Number Entries: " << QueueSize () << std::endl
    << "//" << std::endl;

  DataBaseServerList::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = begin ();  idx != end ();  idx++)
    o << "Server" << "\t" << (*idx)->ToParameterStr () << endl;

  o << "//"  << std::endl
    << "DefaultServer" << "\t" << defaultServerDescription << std::endl;

  o.close ();
}  /* WriteConfigFile */
HTMLReport&  KKB::operator<< (HTMLReport&      htmlReport,  
                              const DateTime&  right
  KKStr s = right.Date ().YYYY_MM_DD () + "-" + right.Time ().HH_MM_SS ();
  htmlReport.Append (s.Str ());
  return  htmlReport;
Example #7
KKStrParser::KKStrParser (const KKStr&  _str):
    len            (_str.Len ()),
    nextPos        (0),
    str            (_str.Str ()),
    trimWhiteSpace (false),
    weOwnStr       (false),
    whiteSpace     (NULL)
Example #8
 *@brief   Adds Instrument data to the underlying Scanner files as text.
void   ScannerFile::WriteInstrumentDataWord (uchar             idNum,
                                             kkuint32          scanLineNum,
                                             WordFormat32Bits  dataWord
  KKStr  s (100);
  s << "InstrumentDataWord" << "\t" << (int)idNum << "\t" << scanLineNum << "\t" << dataWord.unsigned32BitInt;
  WriteTextBlock ((const uchar*)s.Str (), s.Len ());
}  /* WriteInstrumentDataWord */
FeatureVectorListPtr  FeatureFileIO::LoadFeatureFile 
                                      (const KKStr&   _fileName,
                                       MLClassList&   _mlClasses,
                                       OptionUInt32   _maxCount,
                                       VolConstBool&  _cancelFlag,    // will be monitored,  if set to True  Load will terminate.
                                       bool&          _successful,
                                       bool&          _changesMade,
                                       RunLog&        _log
  _log.Level (10) << "LoadFeatureFile  File[" << _fileName << "]  FileFormat[" << driverName << "]" << endl;
  _changesMade = false;

  kkint32  estimatedNumOfDataItems = -1;
  _successful = true;

  ifstream  in (_fileName.Str (), ios_base::in);
  if  (!in.is_open ())
    _log.Level (-1) << "LoadFeatureFile   ***ERROR***      Error Opening File[" << _fileName << "]." << endl;
    _successful = false;
    return  NULL;

  KKStr  errorMessage;
  FileDescConstPtr  fileDescFromFile = GetFileDesc (_fileName, in, &_mlClasses, estimatedNumOfDataItems, errorMessage, _log);
  if  (fileDescFromFile == NULL)
    _log.Level (-1) << endl << endl 
                   << "FeatureFileIO::LoadFeatureFile    ***ERROR***     Loading Feature File[" << _fileName << "]" << endl
                   << endl;
    _successful = false;
    return NULL;

  FileDescConstPtr fileDesc = FileDesc::GetExistingFileDesc (fileDescFromFile);

  in.clear ();
  in.seekg (0, ios::beg);

  FeatureVectorListPtr  examples = LoadFile (_fileName, fileDesc, _mlClasses, in, _maxCount, _cancelFlag, _changesMade, errorMessage, _log);
  if  (examples == NULL)
    _successful = false;
    _successful = true;

  in.close ();

  return  examples;
}  /* LoadFeatureFile */
HTMLReport&  KKB::operator<< (HTMLReport&  htmlReport,
                              kkuint64     right
  KKStr  s (30);
  s = StrFormatInt64 (right, "0");
  htmlReport.Append (s.Str ());
  return  htmlReport;
Example #11
void  InstrumentDataGPS::ParseDegreeMinutesStr (const KKStr&  str,
                                                double&        degrees,
                                                double&        minutes
                                               ) const
  degrees = 0.0;
  minutes = 0.0;

  auto x = str.LocateCharacter ('.');
  if  (!x)

  KKStr  degStr = str.SubStrSeg (0, x - 2);
  KKStr  minStr = str.SubStrPart (x - 2);
  degrees = atof (degStr.Str ());
  minutes = atof (minStr.Str ());
}  /* ParseDegreeMinutesStr */
Example #12
void  ScannerFile::WriteHeader ()
  KKStr  ln (100);
  ln << "ScannerFile" << "\t" << FileFormatStr () << "\n";
  fwrite (ln.Str (), 1, ln.Len (), file);
  ScannerHeaderFields::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = headerFields->begin ();  idx != headerFields->end ();  ++idx)
    ln = "";
    ln << idx->first << "\t" << idx->second << "\n";
    fwrite (ln.Str (), 1, ln.Len (), file);

  // Write End of text Marker
  char  ch = 0;
  fwrite (&ch, 1, 1, file);
  headerDataWritten = true;
}  /* WriteHeader */
Example #13
void  Histogram::Save (KKStr  fileName)  const
  ofstream o (fileName.Str ());

  kkint32  bucketIDX;

  float  avgVal = totalVal / totalCount;

  o << "MinValue" << "\t" << "\t" << "BucketSize"  << "\t"  << "NumOfBuckets" << "\t" << "TotalCount" << "\t" << "Average"  << std::endl;
  o <<  minValue  << "\t" << "\t" <<  bucketSize   << "\t"  <<  numOfBuckets  << "\t" <<  totalCount  << "\t" <<  avgVal    << std::endl;

  o << std::endl;
  o << std::endl;

  float  avg;
  float  percentage;
  float  bucketVal = minValue + bucketSize;

  o << "BucketValue"  << "\t"
    << "Count"        << "\t"
    << "AvgValue"     << "\t"
    << "%OfTotalCount"
    << std::endl
    << std::endl;

  for  (bucketIDX = 0;  bucketIDX < numOfBuckets;  bucketIDX++)
    o << bucketVal;

    o << "\t" << buckets[bucketIDX];

    if  (buckets[bucketIDX] > (float)0.0)
      avg = bucketTotals[bucketIDX] / buckets[bucketIDX];
      avg = 0.0;
    o << "\t" << avg;

    percentage = (float)100.0 * buckets[bucketIDX] / totalCount;
    o << "\t" << percentage << "%";

    bucketVal += bucketSize;
    o << std::endl;

  o << std::endl;
  o << std::endl;

  o.close ();
}  /* Save */
ActiveLearningReport::ActiveLearningReport (RunLog&          _log,
                                            MLClassList&  _mlClasses,
                                            KKStr           _subDirName
  mlClasses        (_mlClasses),
  log                 (_log),
  subDirName          (_subDirName),
  results             (true, 10),
  baseResultsFileName ("ActiveLearningResults")
  if  (!subDirName.Empty ())
    KKStr  w (subDirName);
    osAddLastSlash (w);
    w << baseResultsFileName;
    baseResultsFileName = w;

// C:\users\kkramer\GradSchool\Plankton\ActiveLearning\Results\010-IPC\2003-12-03_AllOrders_010-IPC_50-IPR

  int x = subDirName.LocateLastOccurrence ('_');

  if  (x > 5)
    KKStr leftSide = subDirName.SubStrPart (0, x - 1);
    KKStr rightSide = subDirName.SubStrPart (x + 1);
    x = rightSide.LocateCharacter ('-');
    KKStr  IPR = rightSide.SubStrPart (0, x - 1);
    imagesPerRetraining = atoi (IPR.Str ());

    x = leftSide.LocateLastOccurrence ('_');
    rightSide = subDirName.SubStrPart (x + 1);
    x = rightSide.LocateCharacter ('-');
    KKStr  IPC = rightSide.SubStrPart (0, x - 1);
    initialImagesPerClass = atoi (IPC.Str ());
Example #15
void  GoalKeeper::ReportBlockedStats ()
  HANDLE  mutexCreateHandle = CreateMutex (NULL,                 /**< default security attributes. */
                                           false,                /**< initially not owned.         */

  WaitForSingleObject (mutexCreateHandle, INFINITE);

  KKStr  path = "C:\\Temp\\BlockedStats";

  KKB::osCreateDirectoryPath (path);

  KKStr  fileName = osAddSlash (path) + "BlockedStats.txt";

  ofstream  o (fileName.Str (), ios_base::app);
  o << "Name"
    << "\t" << "Count"
    << "\t" << "BlockedThreadId"
    << "\t" << "BlockerThreadId"
    << "\t" << "DateTimeBlocked"
    << "\t" << "MilliSecsBlocked"
    << "\t" << "NumBlockedThreads"
    << endl;

  int  c = 0;
  BlockedStatList::iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = blockedStats->begin (), c = 0;  idx != blockedStats->end ();  ++idx, ++c)
    BlockedStat*  bs = *idx;
    o << name
      << "\t" << c
      << "\t" << bs->blockedThreadId 
      << "\t" << bs->blockerThreadId 
      << "\t" << bs->dateTimeBlocked.Date () << " " << bs->dateTimeBlocked.Time ()
      << "\t" << bs->milliSecsBlocked
      << "\t" << bs->numBlockedThreads
      << endl;

  o.close ();

  ReleaseMutex (mutexCreateHandle);
}  /* ReportBlockedStats */
void  ActiveLearningReport::Save (KKStr  fileName)
  ofstream f (fileName.Str ());

  if  (!f.is_open ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl
                   << "ActiveLearningReport::Save        *** ERROR ***" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "                      Could noty open File[" << fileName << "]" << endl
                   << endl;
    osWaitForEnter ();
    exit (-1);

  f << "\\InitialTrainingImagesPerClass" << "\t" << initialImagesPerClass << endl;
  f << "\\ImagesPerRetraining"           << "\t" << imagesPerRetraining   << endl;

  SortOrderResultsListIterator  soIDX (results);
  SortOrderResultsPtr  sortOrderResults = NULL;
  for  (soIDX.Reset ();   sortOrderResults = soIDX.CurPtr ();    ++soIDX)
    f << "\\SortOrder"         << "\t" << SortOrderDescr (sortOrderResults->SortOrder ()) << endl;
    f << "\\NumOfRetrainings"  << "\t" << sortOrderResults->QueueSize ()                  << endl;
    f << "\\Fields"            << "\t" << "NumOfTrainingImages" 
                               << "\t" << "Accuracy"
                               << "\t" << "NumSupportVectors"
                               << endl;

    RetrainingResultsListIterator rIDX (*sortOrderResults);
    RetrainingResultsPtr  retraining = NULL;

    for  (rIDX.Reset ();  retraining = rIDX.CurPtr ();  ++rIDX)
      f << retraining->NumOfTrainingImages () << "\t" 
        << retraining->Accuracy            () << "\t"
        << retraining->NumSupportVectors   ()
        << endl;

  f.close ();
}  /* Save */
Example #17
ScannerFile::Format  ScannerFile::GuessFormatOfFile (const KKStr&  _fileName,
                                                     RunLog&       _log
  // Will guess what file format by trying to open each one until one is considered valid.

  FILE*  f = osFOPEN (_fileName.Str (), "rb");
  if  (!f)
    return Format::sfUnKnown;

  bool  endOfText = false;
  KKStr ln (100);
  ReadHeaderOneLine (f, endOfText, ln);
  fclose (f);

  KKStr fieldName = ln.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
  if  (!fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("ScannerFile"))
    return Format::sfUnKnown;

  KKStr  scannerFileFormatStr = ln.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
  return  ScannerFileFormatFromStr (scannerFileFormatStr);
}  /*  GuessFormatOfFile */
void   FeatureFileIO::AppendToFile (const KKStr&          _fileName,
                                    FeatureNumListConst&  _selFeatures,
                                    FeatureVectorList&    _examples,
                                    kkuint32&             _numExamplesWritten,
                                    VolConstBool&         _cancelFlag,
                                    bool&                 _successful,
                                    RunLog&               _log
  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureFileIO::AppendToFile - File[" << _fileName << "]." << endl;

  _successful = true;

  ofstream out (_fileName.Str (), ios::app);

  if  (!out.is_open())
    KKStr  err;
    err << "AppendToFile  Error Opening File[" << _fileName << "]";
    _log.Level (-1)  << endl
                     << "FeatureFileIO::AppendToFile    ***ERROR***"  << endl
                     << endl
                     << "                   " << err  << endl
                     << endl;
    osDisplayWarning (err);
    _successful = false;

  KKStr  errorMessage;
  SaveFile (_examples, _fileName,  _selFeatures, out, _numExamplesWritten, _cancelFlag, _successful, errorMessage, _log);

  out.close ();

}  /* AppendToFile */
Example #19
void	OurNeighbors::RandomReport (ImageFeaturesList&  images)
   double   allClassesMeanNNDAnyClass    = 0.0f;
   double   allClassesMeanStdDevAnyClass = 0.0f;

  ClassSummaryList  classSummaries (log);

  MLClassList::iterator  classIdx;

  VectorKKStr  zScoreSummaryLines;

  for  (classIdx = mlClasses->begin ();  classIdx != mlClasses->end ();  classIdx++)
    MLClassPtr  mlClass = *classIdx;

    if  (fromPlankton  &&  (fromPlankton != mlClass))

    double  randomMeanNND   = 0.0f;
    double  randomStdDevNND = 0.0f;
    double  realDataU2Stat  = 0.0f;
    double  sampleMeanNND   = 0.0f;
    double  sampleStdDevNND = 0.0f;
    double  sampleMaxDist   = 0.0f;
    double  sampleMinDist   = 0.0f;

    ImageFeaturesListPtr  imagesInClass = images.ExtractExamplesForAGivenClass (mlClass);
    if  (imagesInClass->QueueSize () > 0)
      // We are going to make a list of images that has duplicate instances of 'ImageFeatures' objects 
      // This way when we Randomize the locations of each 'sfCentroidRow' and 'sfCentroidCol' we do not 
      // imapct on the original data.
      ImageFeaturesListPtr  imagesToRandomize = new ImageFeaturesList (*imagesInClass,
                                                                       true  // 'true means we want to own the data so new instances will be created.

      LLoydsEntryListPtr  lloydsEntries =  DeriveAllLLoydsBins (*imagesToRandomize);
        // We will now get mean and stdDev of nnd for this class
        NeighborList  neighbors (*imagesToRandomize, log);
        neighbors.FindNearestNeighbors (neighborType, mlClass);
        neighbors.CalcStatistics (sampleMeanNND, sampleStdDevNND, sampleMaxDist, sampleMinDist);

      KKStr  randomReportFileName;

      if  (reportFileName.Empty ())
        randomReportFileName = "RandomDistanceReport";
        randomReportFileName = osRemoveExtension  (reportFileName) + "_Random";

      randomReportFileName << "_" << mlClass->Name () << ".txt";

      ofstream  randomReport (randomReportFileName.Str ());

      randomReport << "Random Distribution Report" << endl 
                   << endl;

      randomReport << "Source Directory  [" << sourceRootDirPath   << "]" << endl;
      randomReport << "Class             [" << mlClass->Name () << "]" << endl;

      RandomNND  randomizeLocations (lastScanLine, 

      randomizeLocations.GenerateReport ();

      randomMeanNND   = randomizeLocations.NND_Mean ();
      randomStdDevNND = randomizeLocations.NND_StdDev ();
      realDataU2Stat  = randomizeLocations.RealDataU2Stat ();

      //double  sampleMeanNND   = 0.0f;
      //double  sampleStdDevNND = 0.0f;

      double  z_Score = Z_Score (sampleMeanNND, randomMeanNND, randomStdDevNND, imagesToRandomize->QueueSize ());

      randomReport << endl << endl << endl
                   << "Z-Score" << endl
                   << "=======" << endl
                   << endl    
                   << "SampleMeanNND   " << "\t" << sampleMeanNND    << endl
                   << "SampleStdDevNND " << "\t" << sampleStdDevNND  << endl
                   << "RandomMeanNND   " << "\t" << randomMeanNND    << endl
                   << "RandomStdDevNND " << "\t" << randomStdDevNND  << endl
                   << "------- Z-Score " << "\t" << z_Score          << endl
                   << endl;

      KKStr  zScoreSummaryLine = mlClass->Name () + "\t" +
                                  StrFormatDouble (sampleMeanNND,   "###,##0.00")  + "\t" +
                                  StrFormatDouble (sampleStdDevNND, "###,##0.00")  + "\t" +
                                  StrFormatDouble (randomMeanNND,   "###,##0.00")  + "\t" +
                                  StrFormatDouble (randomStdDevNND, "###,##0.00")  + "\t" +
                                  StrFormatDouble (z_Score,         "###,##0.000");

      zScoreSummaryLines.push_back (zScoreSummaryLine);

      // The new instance on 'ClassSummary' that is aboiut to be created will take ownership
      // of lloydsBins.
      classSummaries.PushOnBack (new ClassSummary (mlClass, lloydsEntries, (float)realDataU2Stat, (float)z_Score));

      delete  imagesToRandomize;  imagesToRandomize = NULL;

    delete  imagesInClass;  imagesInClass = NULL;

  if  (!fromPlankton)
    LLoydsEntryListPtr  allClassesLLoydsEntries = DeriveAllLLoydsBins (images);

    // Create a report for all classes
    KKStr  randomReportFileName;
    if  (reportFileName.Empty ())
      randomReportFileName = "RandomDistanceReport_All.txt";
      randomReportFileName = osRemoveExtension  (reportFileName) + "_Random_All.txt";

    ofstream randomReport (randomReportFileName.Str ());

    randomReport << "Source Directory  [" << sourceRootDirPath  << "]" << endl;
    randomReport << "Class             [" << "All"              << "]" << endl;

      // Find the mean and stddev of Nearest Neighbor regardless of class.
      NeighborList  allClassesNeighbors (images, log);
      allClassesNeighbors.FindNearestNeighbors (NeighborType::AnyPlankton, fromPlankton);

      double  allClassesMinDistAnyClass    = 0.0f;
      double  allClassesMaxDistAnyClass    = 0.0f;

      allClassesNeighbors.CalcStatistics (allClassesMeanNNDAnyClass,

    RandomNND  randomizeLocations (lastScanLine, 

    randomizeLocations.GenerateReport ();

    // All classes Z-Score
    double  allClassesRandomMeanNND   = randomizeLocations.NND_Mean   ();
    double  allClassesRandomStdDevNND = randomizeLocations.NND_StdDev ();
    double  allClassesRealDataU2Stat  = randomizeLocations.RealDataU2Stat ();
    double  z_Score = Z_Score (allClassesMeanNNDAnyClass, allClassesRandomMeanNND, allClassesRandomStdDevNND, images.QueueSize ());

    KKStr  zScoreSummaryLine = KKStr ("All-Classes") + "\t" +
                                StrFormatDouble (allClassesMeanNNDAnyClass,     "###,##0.00")  + "\t" +
                                StrFormatDouble (allClassesMeanStdDevAnyClass,  "###,##0.00")  + "\t" +
                                StrFormatDouble (allClassesRandomMeanNND,       "###,##0.00")  + "\t" +
                                StrFormatDouble (allClassesRandomStdDevNND,     "###,##0.00")  + "\t" +
                                StrFormatDouble (z_Score,                       "###,##0.00");

    zScoreSummaryLines.push_back (zScoreSummaryLine);

    randomReport << endl << endl << endl
                 << "Z-Score" << endl
                 << "=======" << endl
                 << endl    
                 << "SampleMeanNND   " << "\t" << allClassesMeanNNDAnyClass     << endl
                 << "SampleStdDevNND " << "\t" << allClassesMeanStdDevAnyClass  << endl
                 << "RandomMeanNND   " << "\t" << allClassesRandomMeanNND       << endl
                 << "RandomStdDevNND " << "\t" << allClassesRandomStdDevNND     << endl
                 << "------- Z-Score " << "\t" << z_Score                       << endl
                 << endl;

    classSummaries.PushOnBack (new ClassSummary (MLClass::CreateNewMLClass (KKStr ("AllClasses")), 

    // Z-Score Summary Report
    KKB::kkuint32  x;

    *report << std::endl << std::endl
      << "Z-Score Summary By Class" << std::endl
            << std::endl
            << "ClassName"  << "\t"  << "SampleMean"  << "\t"  << "SampleStdDev" << "\t" << "RandomMean" << "\t" << "RandomStdDev" << "\t" << "Z-Score" << std::endl
            << "========="  << "\t"  << "=========="  << "\t"  << "============" << "\t" << "==========" << "\t" << "============" << "\t" << "=======" << std::endl;

    for  (x = 0;  x < zScoreSummaryLines.size ();  x++)
      *report << zScoreSummaryLines[x] << std::endl;

  *report << endl << endl << endl;
  classSummaries.SummaryReport (*report);

  *report << endl << endl << endl;
  classSummaries.SpatialOverlapReport (*report);

  classSummaries.SaveLLoydsBinsData (lloydsBinsFileName, sourceRootDirPath, lastScanLine, baseLLoydsBinSize);
}  /* RandomReport */
void  ActiveLearningReport::Load (KKStr   fileName,
                                  bool&    validFormat
  validFormat = false;

  FILE*  f = osFOPEN (fileName.Str (), "r");

  if  (!f)
    log.Level (-1) << endl
                   << "ActiveLearningReport::Load        *** ERROR ***" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "                      Could noty open File[" << fileName << "]" << endl
                   << endl;

  char  buff[10240];

  bool  fileParmsLoaded = false;

    // Get Frst Row wicj should be InitialTrainingImagesPerClass 
    if  (!fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), f))
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ActiveLearningReport::Load        *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << endl
                     << "                      *** No Data ***" << endl
                     << endl;
      fclose (f);

    KKStr l (buff);
    l.Upper ();

    KKStr  field = l.ExtractToken ("\n\t\r ");
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ActiveLearningReport::Load        *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << endl
                     << "  First Liine Not Valid[" << l << "]" << endl
                     << endl;
      fclose (f);
    initialImagesPerClass = l.ExtractTokenInt ("\n\t\r ");

    // Get second Row wicj should be ImagesPerRetraining
    if  (!fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), f))
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ActiveLearningReport::Load        *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << endl
                     << "              *** Missing Second Line ***" << endl
                     << endl;
      fclose (f);
    KKStr l (buff);
    l.Upper ();

    KKStr  field = l.ExtractToken ("\n\t\r ");
    if  (field != "\\IMAGESPERRETRAINING")
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ActiveLearningReport::Load        *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << endl
                     << "  Second Liine Not Valid[" << l << "]" << endl
                     << endl;
      fclose (f);
    imagesPerRetraining = l.ExtractTokenInt ("\n\t\r ");

  SortOrderResultsPtr  curSortOrderResults = NULL;

  while  (fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), f))
    KKStr l (buff);

    if  (l.SubStrPart (0, 0) == "\\")
      if  (curSortOrderResults)
        results.PushOnBack (curSortOrderResults);
        curSortOrderResults = NULL;

      SortOrderType  nextSortOrder = NULL_SortOrder;
      int            numOfRetrainings = 0;

      while  (l.SubStrPart (0, 0) == "\\")
        l = l.SubStrPart (1);
        l.Upper ();

        KKStr  fieldName = l.ExtractToken ("\n\t\r ");
        if  (fieldName == "SORTORDER")
          KKStr  sortOrderDesc = l.ExtractToken ("\n\t\r ");
          nextSortOrder = SortOrderTypeFromStr (sortOrderDesc);
        else if  (fieldName == "NUMOFRETRAININGS")
          numOfRetrainings = l.ExtractTokenInt ("\n\t\r ");

        if  (fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), f))
          l = buff;
          l = "";
      if  (nextSortOrder == NULL_SortOrder)
        log.Level (-1) << "ActiveLearningReport::Load        *** ERROR ***" << endl
                       << endl
                       << "   Invalid Sort Order Defined." << endl
                       << endl;
        fclose (f);

      curSortOrderResults = new SortOrderResults (nextSortOrder);

    if  (!curSortOrderResults)
      log.Level (-1) << "ActiveLearningReport::Load        *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << endl
                     << "   Invalid Sort Order Defined." << endl
                     << endl;
      fclose (f);

    float numOfTrainingImages  = (float)l.ExtractTokenDouble ("\n\t\r ");
    float accuracy             = (float)l.ExtractTokenDouble ("\n\t\r ");
    float numOfSupportVectors  = (float)l.ExtractTokenDouble ("\n\t\r ");

    RetrainingResultsPtr  retrainingResults = new RetrainingResults (numOfTrainingImages,
    curSortOrderResults->PushOnBack (retrainingResults);

  if  (curSortOrderResults)
    results.PushOnBack (curSortOrderResults);
    curSortOrderResults = NULL;

  fclose (f);
  validFormat = true;
}  /* Load */
void  ForestCover_AddMnemonicClassName ()
  const char*  classNames[] = {"Spruce_Fir",

  FILE* in = osFOPEN  ("K:\\Plankton\\Papers\\BitReduction\\DataSets\\ForestCover\\covtype.data", "r");
  ofstream o ("K:\\Plankton\\Papers\\BitReduction\\DataSets\\ForestCover\\covtype_alpha.data");

  char  buff[20480];

  int  lc = 0;

  while  (fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), in))
    KKStr  ln (buff);

    vector<KKStr>  tokens;

    while  (!ln.Empty ())
      KKStr  token = ln.ExtractToken (",\n\t\r");
      tokens.push_back (token);

    int  lastFieldNum = (int)tokens.size () - 1;
    KKStr  lastToken = tokens[lastFieldNum];
    int  classNum = atoi (lastToken.Str ()) - 1;

    if  ((classNum < 0)  ||  (classNum > 6))
      // Something has gone very wrong.
      cerr  << endl
            << "    *** ERROR ***" << endl
            << endl
            << buff << endl
            << endl
            << "ClassNum[" << classNum << "] Out of range." << endl
            << endl;
      osWaitForEnter ();
      exit (-1);

    KKStr  className = classNames[classNum];
    tokens[lastFieldNum] = className;

    int  x = 0;
    vector<KKStr>::const_iterator idx;
    for (idx = tokens.begin ();  idx != tokens.end ();  idx++)
      if  (x > 0)
        o << ",";
        o << *idx;
    o << endl;

    if ((lc % 100) == 0)
      cout << lc << endl;

  fclose (in);
  o.close ();
}  /* ForestCover_AddMnemonicClassName */
Example #22
void  RandomSampleJob::ProcessStatusStr (KKStr  statusStr)
  log.Level (30) << "RandomSampleJob::ProcessStatusStr[" << statusStr << "]" << endl;
  KKStr  fieldName;
  KKStr  fieldValue;

  compMethod = BRNull;

  fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken ("\t\n\r");

  while  (!fieldName.Empty ())
    fieldName.Upper ();

    fieldValue = statusStr.ExtractToken ("\t\n\r");
    fieldValue.TrimLeft ("\n\r\t ");
    fieldValue.TrimRight ("\n\r\t ");

    if  (fieldName == "JOBID")
      jobId = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "STATUS")
      status = JobStatusFromStr (fieldValue);

    else if  (fieldName == "KERNEL")
      kernelType = KernalTypeFromStr (fieldValue);

    else if  (fieldName == "ENCODING")
      encodingMethod = EncodingMethodFromStr (fieldValue);

    else if  (fieldName == "COMPMETHOD")
      compMethod = CompressionMethodFromStr (fieldValue);

    else if  (fieldName == "C_PARAM")
      c = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "GAMMA")
      gamma = atof (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "ORDERINGNUM")
      orderingNum = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "EXAMPLESTOKEEP")
      numExamplesToKeep = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "ACCURACY")
      accuracy = (float)atof (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "TRAINTIME")
      trainTime = atof (fieldValue.Str ());

    else  if  (fieldName == "PREDTIME")
      testTime = (float)atof (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "SUPPORTVECTORS")
      supportVectors = (float)atof (fieldValue.Str ());

      log.Level (-1) << "RandomSampleJob::ProcessStatusStr  Invalid Field Name[" << fieldName << "]." << endl;

    fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken ("\t\n\r");
}  /* ProcessStatusStr */
Example #23
void  ClassSummaryList::SaveLLoydsBinsData (const KKStr&  fileName,
                                            const KKStr&  srcDirName,
                                            kkint32       lastScanLine,
                                            kkint32         baseLLoydsBinSize
  ofstream o (fileName.Str (), ios::out);
  if  (!o.is_open ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
                   << "ClassSummaryList::SaveLLoydsBinsData       *** Invalid File[" << fileName << "]."  << endl
                   << endl;
  ClassSummaryList::const_iterator  idx;

  o << "//  LLoyds Bins  Data"                              << endl
    << "//"                                                 << endl
    << "// Run Date      [" << osGetLocalDateTime () << "]"   << endl
    << "// SrcDir        [" << srcDirName            << "]"   << endl
    << "// LastScanLin   [" << lastScanLine          << "]"   << endl
    << "// Base Bin Size [" << baseLLoydsBinSize     << "]"   << endl
    << "//"                                                 << endl;

  o << "BinSize" << "\t" << "BinNum" << "\t" << "ScanLines";
  kkuint32  numOfBins = NumOfLLoydsBins ();
  for  (idx = begin ();  idx != end ();  idx++)
    ClassSummaryPtr  cs = *idx;
    o << "\t" << cs->ClassName ();
  o << endl;

  VectorInt  binSizes = LLoydsBinSizes ();
  size_t  binSizeIndex = 0;
  for  (binSizeIndex = 0;  binSizeIndex < binSizes.size ();  binSizeIndex++)
    kkint32  binSize = binSizes[binSizeIndex];

    kkint32 startScanLinNum = 0;
    kkint32 endScanLineNum  = startScanLinNum + binSize - 1;

    kkuint32  binNum = 0;
    for  (binNum = 0;  binNum < numOfBins;  binNum++)
      o << binSize << "\t" << binNum <<"\t" << startScanLinNum << "-" << endScanLineNum;

      for  (idx = begin ();  idx != end ();  idx++)
        kkint32  lloydsBin = 0;
        ClassSummaryPtr  cs = *idx;
        LLoydsEntryPtr  lloydsEntry = cs->LLoydsEntryByBinSize (binSize);
        if  (lloydsEntry != NULL)
          lloydsBin = lloydsEntry->LLoydsBin (binNum);
        o << "\t" << lloydsBin;
      startScanLinNum += binSize;
      endScanLineNum  += binSize;
      o << endl;


  o.close ();
}  /* SaveLLoydsBinsData */
Example #24
void  DataBaseServerList::ReadConfigFile ()
  KKStr  configFileName = osAddSlash (PicesVariables::ConfigurationDirectory ()) + "MySql.cfg";

  log.Level (10) << "DataBaseServerList::ReadConfigFile      ConfigFileName[" <<  configFileName << "]" << endl;
  FILE* in = osFOPEN (configFileName.Str (), "r");
  if  (!in)
    log.Level (-1) << "DataBaseServerList::ReadConfigFile    Error loading ConfigFileName[" <<  configFileName << "]" << endl;

  defaultServerDescription = "";

  bool  defaultServerFound = false;

  char  buff[1024];
  while  (fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), in))
    buff[sizeof(buff) - 1] = 0;  // Just to make sure that buffer not completely full
    KKStr  ln (buff);

    if  (ln.Len () < 3)

    if  ((ln[0] == '/')  &&  (ln[1] == '/'))

    KKStr  lineName = ln.ExtractToken2 ("\n\r\t");
    if  (lineName.EqualIgnoreCase ("Server"))
      DataBaseServerPtr  server = new DataBaseServer (ln);
      PushOnBack (server);

    else if  (lineName.EqualIgnoreCase ("DefaultServer"))
      defaultServerDescription = ln.ExtractToken2 ("\n\r\t");
      defaultServerFound = true;

  if  (!defaultServerFound)
    DataBaseServerPtr  defaultServer = LookUpByDescription ("Local");
    if  (!defaultServer)
      defaultServer = LookUpByDescription ("localhost"); 

    if  (!defaultServer)
      defaultServer = new DataBaseServer ();
      defaultServer->UserName      ("Root");
      defaultServer->Description   ("localhost");
      defaultServer->Embedded      (false);
      defaultServer->HostName      ("localhost");
      defaultServer->PortNum       (3306),
      defaultServer->MySqlDataDir  ("");
      defaultServer->UserName      ("root");
      defaultServer->PassWord      ("dasani30");
      defaultServer->DataBaseName  ("pices_new");
      defaultServerDescription = defaultServer->Description ();
      PushOnBack (defaultServer);

    defaultServerDescription = defaultServer->Description ();

  fclose (in);
}  /* ReadConfigFile */
Example #25
 * ProcessCmdLineParamters
 * DESC: Extracts parameters from the command line
bool  OurNeighbors::ProcessCmdLineParameter (const KKStr&  parmSwitch, 
                                             const KKStr&  parmValue
  bool  validParm = true;
  if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BUCKETCOUNT")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BC"))
    numOfBuckets = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (numOfBuckets < 2)
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   *** Invalid Buckets[" << numOfBuckets << "] parameter" << endl;
      validParm = false;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BUCKETSIZE")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BS"))
    bucketSize = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (bucketSize < 1)
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   *** Invalid BucketSize[" << bucketSize << "] parameter" << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-EXCLUDECLASS")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-EC"))
    if  (parmValue.Empty ())
      log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   '-ExcludeClass'  missing class name to exclude." << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

      if  (!excludedClasses)
        excludedClasses = new MLClassList ();

      if  (excludedClasses->LookUpByName (parmValue) != NULL)
        log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter  '-ExcludeClass[" << parmValue << "]'  Specified more than once." << endl;
        excludedClasses->PushOnBack (MLClass::CreateNewMLClass (parmValue));

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-FROMPLANKTON")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-FP"))
    fromPlanktonName = parmValue;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-H")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-HTML"))
		htmlFileName = parmValue;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-ITERATIONS")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-I"))
    numOfIterations = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (numOfIterations < 1)
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   *** Invalid Iterations[" << numOfIterations << "] parameter" << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-LLOYDSBINSIZE")      ||  
            parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-LBS")                ||  
            parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BASELLOYDSBINSIZE")  ||  
            parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BLBS")
    baseLLoydsBinSize = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (baseLLoydsBinSize < 10)
      log.Level (-1) << endl << endl 
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   *** Invalid BaseLLoydsBinSize[" << baseLLoydsBinSize << "] parameter  ***" << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-NEARESTNEIGHBORTYPE")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-NNT"))
    if  (parmValue.EqualIgnoreCase ("0")  ||  parmValue.EqualIgnoreCase ("ANY"))
      neighborType = NeighborType::AnyPlankton;

    else if  (parmValue.EqualIgnoreCase ("1")  ||  parmValue.EqualIgnoreCase ("SAME"))
      neighborType = NeighborType::SamePlankton;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-R")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-REPORT"))
		reportFileName = parmValue;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-RAND")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-RANDOM"))
		randomizeLocations = true;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-S")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-SRC"))
		sourceRootDirPath = parmValue;

    validParm = PicesApplication::ProcessCmdLineParameter(parmSwitch, parmValue);

	return  !Abort ();
}  /* ProcessCmdLineParameter */
Example #26
void  ImportValidatedClassInfo ()
  RunLog  log;

  KKStr  srcFileName = "D:\\Users\\kurt\\OneDrive\\Sipper\\FromAndrewToKurt\\Validation\\2014-09-16\\ValidatedImagesList.txt";
  KKStr  classNameFileName = "D:\\Users\\kurt\\OneDrive\\Sipper\\FromAndrewToKurt\\Validation\\2014-09-16\\ClassList.txt";

  map<int, KKStr>  classNameLookup;
  map<int, KKStr>::iterator  idx;
  FILE* cnl = KKB::osFOPEN(classNameFileName.Str (), "r");
  KKStrPtr line = KKB::osReadNextLine (cnl);
  while  (line)
    if  (!line->Empty())
      auto fields = line->Parse("\t");
      if  (fields.size() > 2)
        int classId = fields[0].ToInt32();
        KKStr className = fields[1];
        classNameLookup.insert(pair<int, KKStr>(classId, className));
    delete line;
    line = KKB::osReadNextLine (cnl);

  ifstream i (srcFileName.Str ());
  if  (!i.is_open ())

  DataBasePtr  dbConn = new DataBase (log);
  if  (!dbConn)

  char  buff[20480];

  int  count = 0;

  KKStr  s (1024);
  KKStr  imageFileName;
  int    validatedClassId;
  KKStr  validatedClassName;

  KKStr errMsg = "";

  while  (i.getline (buff, sizeof (buff)))
    s = buff;
    imageFileName      = s.ExtractQuotedStr (",\n\t\r", false);
    if  (imageFileName.StartsWith("ETP"))
      validatedClassId   = s.ExtractTokenInt  (",\n\t\r");
      //validatedClassName = s.ExtractQuotedStr (",\n\t\r", false);
      idx = classNameLookup.find(validatedClassId);
      if  (idx != classNameLookup.end())
        validatedClassName = idx->second;

        MLClassPtr  c = MLClass::CreateNewMLClass (validatedClassName);

        dbConn->ImagesUpdateValidatedClass (imageFileName, c);
        if  (!dbConn->Valid ())
          errMsg = dbConn->LastErrorDesc ();

        cout << count << "\t" << imageFileName << "\t" << validatedClassName << "\t" << errMsg << endl;
      errMsg = "";
}  /* ImportValidatedClassInfo */
Example #27
void  ImportGPSDataGPGGA (const KKStr&  fileName)
  RunLog  log;

  DataBasePtr  dbConn = new DataBase (log);

  ifstream  i (fileName.Str ());
  if  (!i.is_open ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl 
       << "ImpotrtGPSData  Could not open file[" << fileName << "]" << endl
       << endl;
  log.Level (10) << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl
    << "ImpotrtGPSData   FileName[" << fileName << "]" << endl << endl
    << endl;

  char  buff[20480];
  bool  firstPass = true;

  int  lastMinute = 0;
  int  linesRead = 0;

  KKStr  ln (256);

  DateTime  lastDateTime;
  while  (i.getline (buff, sizeof (buff)))
    ln = buff;
    ln.TrimLeft ();
    if  (!ln.LocateStr ("GPGGA"))

    VectorKKStr  fields = ln.Parse (",");
    if  (fields.size () < 8)

    if  (!fields[2].EqualIgnoreCase ("$GPGGA"))

    0           1             2        3         4      5       6       7   8  
06/01/2010, 23:59:59.818,  $GPGGA,  235958,  2840.927,  N,  08828.458,  W,  2,  09,22.10,0,M,,,14,0000*12
06/02/2010, 00:00:10.818,  $GPGGA,  000009,  2840.931,  N,  08828.482,  W,  1,  09,0.89,0,M,,,,*2D
06/02/2010, 00:00:21.802,  $GPGGA,  000020,  2840.929,  N,  08828.505,  W,  1,  09,0.89,0,M,,,,*21
06/02/2010, 00:00:31.818,  $GPGGA,  000030,  2840.924,  N,  08828.526,  W,  1,  09,0.89,0,M,,,,*2C
06/02/2010, 00:00:42.818,  $GPGGA,  000041,  2840.917,  N,  08828.547,  W,  1,  09,0.89,0,M,,,,*2D
06/02/2010, 00:00:53.802,  $GPGGA,  000052,  2840.906,  N,  08828.568,  W,  1,  09,1.00,0,M,,,,*22
06/02/2010, 00:01:03.802,  $GPGGA,  000102,  2840.895,  N,  08828.585,  W,  1,  09,0.89,0,M,,,,*2E
06/02/2010, 00:01:13.818,  $GPGGA,  000112,  2840.883,  N,  08828.600,  W,  1,  09,0.89,0,M,,,,*26

    KKStr  dateStr = fields[0];
    KKStr  timeStr = fields[1];

    KKStr  latStr = fields[4];
    KKStr  logStr = fields[6];

    auto  x = latStr.LocateCharacter ('.');
    if  (!x) 

    KKStr latMinStr = latStr.SubStrPart (x - 2);
    KKStr latDegStr = latStr.SubStrSeg (0, x - 2);

    double latitude = latDegStr.ToDouble () + latMinStr.ToDouble () / 60.0;
    if  (fields[5].EqualIgnoreCase ("S"))
      latitude = 0.0 - latitude;

    x = logStr.LocateCharacter ('.');
    if  (!x) 

    KKStr logMinStr = logStr.SubStrPart (x - 2);
    KKStr logDegStr = logStr.SubStrSeg (0, x - 2);

    double longitude = logDegStr.ToDouble () + logMinStr.ToDouble () / 60.0;
    if  (fields[7].EqualIgnoreCase ("W"))
      longitude = 0.0 - longitude;

    DateType  gmtDate (dateStr);
    TimeType  gmtTime (timeStr);

    DateTime  gmtDateTime (gmtDate, gmtTime);
    DateTime  localTime = gmtDateTime;
    localTime.HoursAdd (-4);

    DateTime  startDT = localTime;
    DateTime  endDT   = localTime;

    if  (firstPass)
      firstPass = false;
      startDT.SecondsAdd (-180);
      DateTime deltaDT = localTime - lastDateTime;
      long  deltaSecs = (long)deltaDT.Seconds ();
      startDT.SecondsAdd (-(deltaSecs / 2));

    endDT.SecondsAdd (30);

    if  (gmtTime.Minute () != lastMinute)
      lastMinute = gmtTime.Minute ();
      log.Level (10) << "LinesRead[" << linesRead << "]  File[" << osGetRootName (fileName) << "]  GMT Time[" << gmtDate.MMM_DD_YYYY () << " - " << gmtTime.HH_MM_SS () << "]" << endl;

    if  ((endDT.Month () < 6)  &&  (endDT.Day () < 28))
      dbConn->InstrumentDataUpdateLatitudeAndLongitude (startDT, endDT, latitude, longitude);

    lastDateTime = localTime;

  i.close ();

  delete  dbConn;
  dbConn = NULL;
}  /* ImportGPSDataGPGGA */
void  RandomSplitJobManager::GenerateFinalResultsReport ()
  KKStr reportFileName = osGetRootName (ManagerName ()) + "_Results.html;";

  ofstream f (reportFileName.Str ());

  f << "Run Time Parameters" << endl
    << "Run Time"          << "\t" << osGetLocalDateTime ()  << endl
    << "configFileName"    << "\t" << configFileName         << endl
    << "DataFileName"      << "\t" << dataFileName           << endl
    << "Format"            << "\t" << format->DriverName ()  << endl
    << "DataIndexFileName" << "\t" << dataIndexFileName      << endl
    << "NumFolds"          << "\t" << numFolds               << endl
    << "NumSplits"         << "\t" << numSplits              << endl
    << "splitFraction"     << "\t" << splitFraction          << endl
    << endl;

  KKJobList::const_iterator  idx;

  ConfusionMatrix2  avgResults (*(this->MLClasses ()));
  KKB::uint  x = 0;

  for  (idx = Jobs ()->begin ();  idx != Jobs ()->end ();  idx++)
    RandomSplitJobPtr j = dynamic_cast<RandomSplitJobPtr> (*idx);
    if  (j->RandomSplitsResults () != NULL)
      f << endl
        << "Random Split[" << j->SplitNum () << "]" << endl;
      j->RandomSplitsResults ()->PrintConfusionMatrixTabDelimited (f);
      f << endl << endl;

      j->PrintClassCounts (f);
      f << endl << endl;

      avgResults.AddIn (*(j->RandomSplitsResults ()), log);

  f << endl << "Mean Average of all random Splits." << endl;
  avgResults.FactorCounts (1.0 / (double)x);
  avgResults.PrintConfusionMatrixTabDelimited (f);
  f << endl 
    << endl
    << endl
    << endl
    << "Class Counts" << endl
    << endl;

  kkuint32  numClasses = (kkuint32)mlClasses->size ();

  VectorFloat   classAccs;
  VectorDouble  knownCounts;
  VectorDouble  predCounts;
  VectorDouble  adjCounts;
  VectorDouble  adjCountsStdError;
  VectorDouble  predDelta;       
  VectorDouble  adjDelta;
  KKStr l1, l2, l3;
  mlClasses->ExtractThreeTitleLines (l1, l2, l3);

  VectorKKStr  knownCountLines;
  VectorKKStr  predCountLines;
  VectorKKStr  adjCountLines;
  VectorKKStr  deltaPredCountLines;
  VectorKKStr  deltaAdjCountLines;
  VectorKKStr  accLines;

  ConfusionMatrix2  totalCM (*MLClasses ());
  int  totalCmCount = 0;

  // Known Counts
  for  (idx = Jobs ()->begin ();  idx != Jobs ()->end ();  idx++)
    RandomSplitJobPtr j = dynamic_cast<RandomSplitJobPtr> (*idx);
    if  (j->RandomSplitsResults () != NULL)
      KKStr splitNumStr = StrFormatInt (j->SplitNum (), "ZZZ0");
      j->GetClassCounts (classAccs, knownCounts, predCounts, adjCounts, adjCountsStdError, predDelta, adjDelta);

      totalCM.AddIn (*(j->RandomSplitsResults ()), log);
      KKStr accLine        = "Acc By Class\t" + splitNumStr;
      KKStr knownLine      = "Known\t"        + splitNumStr;
      KKStr predLine       = "Predicted\t"    + splitNumStr;
      KKStr adjLine        = "Adjusted\t"     + splitNumStr;
      KKStr deltaPredLine  = "Delta Pred\t"   + splitNumStr;
      KKStr deltaAdjLine   = "Delta Adj\t"    + splitNumStr;

      double  totalAcc       = 0.0;
      double  totalDeltaPred = 0.0;
      double  totalDeltaAdj  = 0.0;

      for  (x = 0;  x < numClasses;  x++)
        accLine       << "\t" << StrFormatDouble (classAccs   [x], "zz0.00") << "%";
        knownLine     << "\t" << StrFormatDouble (knownCounts [x], "-Z,ZZZ,ZZ0.0");
        predLine      << "\t" << StrFormatDouble (predCounts  [x], "-Z,ZZZ,ZZ0.0");
        adjLine       << "\t" << StrFormatDouble (adjCounts   [x], "-Z,ZZZ,ZZ0.0");
        deltaPredLine << "\t" << StrFormatDouble (predDelta   [x], "-Z,ZZZ,ZZ0.0");
        deltaAdjLine  << "\t" << StrFormatDouble (adjDelta    [x], "-Z,ZZZ,ZZ0.0");
        totalAcc       += classAccs [x];
        totalDeltaPred += fabs (predDelta[x]);
        totalDeltaAdj  += fabs (adjDelta[x]);

      accLine       << "\t" << StrFormatDouble ((totalAcc        / (double)classAccs.size ()), "ZZ0.00") << "%";
      deltaPredLine << "\t" << StrFormatDouble ((totalDeltaPred  / (double)predDelta.size ()), "ZZ0.00");
      deltaAdjLine  << "\t" << StrFormatDouble ((totalDeltaAdj   / (double)adjDelta.size  ()), "ZZ0.00");

      accLines.push_back            (accLine);
      knownCountLines.push_back     (knownLine);
      predCountLines.push_back      (predLine);
      adjCountLines.push_back       (adjLine);
      deltaPredCountLines.push_back (deltaPredLine);
      deltaAdjCountLines.push_back  (deltaAdjLine);
  double  factor = 0.0;
  if  (totalCmCount > 0)
    factor = 1.0 / (double)totalCmCount;

  totalCM.FactorCounts (factor);

  f << endl << endl
    << "Average Confusion  Matrix" << endl
    << endl;
  totalCM.PrintConfusionMatrixTabDelimited (f);

  f << ""            << "\t" << ""      << "\t" << l1 << endl
    << ""            << "\t" << "Split" << "\t" << l2 << endl
    << "Description" << "\t" << "Num"   << "\t" << l3 << endl;

  f << endl << endl;
  for  (x = 0;  x < knownCountLines.size ();  x++)
    f << knownCountLines[x] << endl;

  f << endl << endl;
  for  (x = 0;  x < predCountLines.size ();  x++)
    f << predCountLines[x] << endl;

  f << endl << endl;
  for  (x = 0;  x < adjCountLines.size ();  x++)
    f << adjCountLines[x] << endl;

  f << endl << endl;
  for  (x = 0;  x < deltaPredCountLines.size ();  x++)
    f << deltaPredCountLines[x] << endl;

  f << endl << endl;
  for  (x = 0;  x < deltaAdjCountLines.size ();  x++)
    f << deltaAdjCountLines[x] << endl;

  f << endl << endl;
  for  (x = 0;  x < knownCountLines.size ();  x++)
    f << accLines[x] << endl;

  VectorFloat  avgAccuracies = totalCM.AccuracyByClass ();
  f << "Avg-Accuracies";
  for  (x = 0;  x < avgAccuracies.size ();  x++)
    f << "\t" << StrFormatDouble (avgAccuracies[x], "zz0.00") << "%";
  f << "\t" << StrFormatDouble (totalCM.Accuracy (), "zz0.00") << "%";
  f << endl;

  f << endl << endl;

  f.close ();
}  /* GenerateFinalResultsReport */
Example #29
void  ImpotrtGPSData (const KKStr&  fileName)
  RunLog  log;

  DataBasePtr  dbConn = new DataBase (log);

  ifstream  i (fileName.Str ());
  if  (!i.is_open ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl 
       << "ImpotrtGPSData  Could not open file[" << fileName << "]" << endl
       << endl;

  log.Level (10) << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl
    << "ImpotrtGPSData   FileName[" << fileName << "]" << endl << endl
    << endl;

  char  buff[20480];
  bool  firstPass = true;

  int  lastHour = 0;

  DateTime  lastDateTime;
  while  (i.getline (buff, sizeof (buff)))
    KKStr  ln = buff;
    ln.TrimLeft ();
    char  ch = ln[0];
    if  ((ch < '0')  ||  (ch > '9'))

    KKStr  dateStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");
    KKStr  timeStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");

    KKStr  WXTP_TaStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");
    KKStr  WXTS_TaStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");

    KKStr  WXTS_PaStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");
    KKStr  WXTP_PaStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");
    KKStr  dec_latStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");
    KKStr  dec_lonStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");

    KKStr  cogStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");
    KKStr  sogStr = ln.ExtractToken2 (",");

    DateType  gmtDate (dateStr);
    TimeType  gmtTime (timeStr);

    DateTime  gmtDateTime (gmtDate, gmtTime);
    DateTime  localTime = gmtDateTime;
    localTime.HoursAdd (-4);

    DateTime  startDT = localTime;
    DateTime  endDT   = localTime;

    if  (firstPass)
      firstPass = false;
      startDT.SecondsAdd (-180);
      DateTime deltaDT = localTime - lastDateTime;
      long  deltaSecs = (long)deltaDT.Seconds ();
      startDT.SecondsAdd (-(deltaSecs / 2));

    endDT.SecondsAdd (120);

    dbConn->InstrumentDataUpdateLatitudeAndLongitude (startDT, endDT, dec_latStr.ToDouble (), dec_lonStr.ToDouble ());

    lastDateTime = localTime;

    if  (gmtTime.Minute () != lastHour)
      lastHour = gmtTime.Hour ();
      log.Level (10) << "File[" << osGetRootName (fileName) << "]  GMT Time[" << gmtDate.MMM_DD_YYYY () << " - " << gmtTime.HH_MM_SS () << "]" << endl;

  i.close ();

  delete  dbConn;
  dbConn = NULL;

}  /* ImpotrtGPSData */
Example #30
 * ProcessCmdLineParamters
 * DESC: Extracts parameters from the command line
bool  RandomNND::ProcessCmdLineParameter (
                                             char    parmSwitchCode, 
                                             KKStr  parmSwitch, 
                                             KKStr  parmValue
  KKStr  parmValueUpper (parmValue);
  parmValueUpper.Upper ();

  parmSwitch.Upper ();

  if  ((parmSwitch == "-BUCKETS")  ||  (parmSwitch == "-B"))
    numOfBuckets = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (numOfBuckets < 3)
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter    *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << "             NumOfBuckets[" << numOfBuckets << "] Must be breater than 2" << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-BUCKETSIZE")  ||  (parmSwitch == "-BS"))
    bucketSize = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (bucketSize < 1)
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter    *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << "             BucketSize[" << bucketSize << "] Must be breater than 0" << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-MINSIZE")  ||  (parmSwitch == "-MS"))
    minSize = (double)atof (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (minSize < 1.0)
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter    *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << "                MinSize[" << minSize << "] Must be breater than 1.0" << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-PARTICLES")  ||  (parmSwitch == "-P"))
	  numOfParticles = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (numOfParticles < 2)
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter    *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << "                numOfParticles[" << numOfParticles << "] Must be breater than 1." << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-ITERATIONS")  ||  (parmSwitch == "-I"))
    numIterations = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (numIterations < 1)
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter    *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << "                NumIterations[" << numIterations << "] Must be breater than 0." << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-R")  ||  (parmSwitch == "-REPORT"))
		reportFileName = parmValue;

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-SCANLINES")  ||  (parmSwitch == "-SL"))
    scanLines = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (scanLines < 100)
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter    *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << "                scanLines[" << scanLines << "] Must be breater than 100." << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

    log.Level (-1) << endl
                   << "ProcessCmdLineParameter    Invalid Parameter[" << parmSwitch << "]" << endl
                   << endl;
    Abort (true);

	return  !Abort ();
}  /* ProcessCmdLineParameter */