CmdLineExpander::CmdLineExpander (const KKStr&  _applicationName,
                                  RunLog&       _log,
                                  const KKStr&  _cmdLine
  applicationName (_applicationName),
  log             (_log)

  VectorKKStr  initialParameters;

  KKStr  cmdLine (_cmdLine);

  cmdLine.TrimLeft ();
  while  (!cmdLine.Empty ())
    KKStr  nextField = cmdLine.ExtractQuotedStr ("\n\r\t ", false);  // false = Do not decode escape characters
    nextField.TrimRight ();
    if  (!nextField.Empty ())
      initialParameters.push_back (nextField);
    cmdLine.TrimLeft ();

  BuildCmdLineParameters (initialParameters);
  BuildExpandedParameterPairs ();
Example #2
XmlTag::XmlTag (istream&  i)
  tagType = tagNULL;

  if  (i.peek () == '<')
    i.get ();

  KKStr tagStr (100);
  ReadWholeTag (i, tagStr);

  if  (tagStr.FirstChar () == '/')
    tagStr.ChopFirstChar ();
    tagType = tagEnd;

  if  (tagStr.EndsWith ("/>"))
    tagType = tagEmpty;
    tagStr.ChopLastChar ();
    tagStr.ChopLastChar ();

  else if  (tagStr.LastChar () != '>')
    tagType = tagStart;

    if  (tagType == tagNULL)
      tagType = tagStart;
    tagStr.ChopLastChar ();

  name.TrimLeft ();
  name.TrimRight ();

  name = tagStr.ExtractToken2 (" \n\r\t");
  KKStr attributeName (20);
  KKStr attributeValue (20);

  while  (!tagStr.Empty ())
    ExtractAttribute (tagStr, attributeName, attributeValue);
    if  (!attributeName.Empty ())
      attributes.push_back (XmlAttribute (attributeName, attributeValue));
KKStr  FeatureNumList::ToString ()  const
  KKStr  featureNumStr (numOfFeatures * 6);
  if  (numOfFeatures <= 0)
    return featureNumStr;

  kkint32  nextIdx = 0;

  while  (nextIdx < numOfFeatures)
    kkint32  startOfGroup = nextIdx;
    kkint32  endOfGroup   = nextIdx;

    while  ((endOfGroup < (numOfFeatures - 1))  &&  
            (featureNums[endOfGroup] == (featureNums[endOfGroup + 1] - 1))

    if  ((endOfGroup - startOfGroup) < 3)
      kkint32  x;
      for  (x = startOfGroup;  x <= endOfGroup; x++)
        if  (!featureNumStr.Empty ())
          featureNumStr << ",";
        featureNumStr << featureNums[x];
      if  (!featureNumStr.Empty ())
        featureNumStr << ",";
      featureNumStr << featureNums[startOfGroup] << "-" << featureNums[endOfGroup];

    nextIdx = endOfGroup + 1;

  return  featureNumStr;
}  /* ToString */
Example #4
void  ModelParamUsfCasCor::ParseCmdLineParameter (const KKStr&  parameter,
                                                  const KKStr&  value,
                                                  bool&         parameterUsed,
                                                  RunLog&       log
  parameterUsed = true;
  if  (parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-InLimit")  ||
       parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-IL")       ||
       parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-I")
    in_limit = value.ToInt ();

  else if  (parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-OutLimit")  ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-OL")        ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-O")
    out_limit = value.ToInt ();

  else if  (parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-NumberOfRounds")  ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-NOR")             ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-Rounds")          ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-R")
    number_of_rounds = value.ToInt ();

  else if  (parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-NumberOfTrials")  ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-NOT")             ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-T")
    number_of_trials = value.ToInt ();

  else if  (parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-RandomSeed")  ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-RS")          ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-S")
    random_seed = value.ToInt ();

  else if  (parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-UseCache")  ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-UC")        ||
            parameter.EqualIgnoreCase ("-Cache")
    if  (value.Empty ())
      useCache = true;
      useCache = value.ToBool ();

    parameterUsed = false;
}  /* ParseCmdLineParameter */
FeatureNumList::VectorIntType*  FeatureNumList::StrToUInt16Vetor (const KKStr&  s)
  bool  valid = true;
  VectorIntType*  results = new VectorUint16 ();

  KKStrParser parser (s);
  parser.TrimWhiteSpace (" ");

  while  (parser.MoreTokens ())
    KKStr  field = parser.GetNextToken (",\t");
    if  (field.Empty ())
    auto dashPos = field.LocateCharacter ('-');
    if  (!dashPos)
      kkint32 n = field.ToInt32 ();
      if ((n < 0) || ((kkuint32)n > maxIntType))
        valid = false;
      results->push_back ((IntType)n);
      // We are looking at a range
      kkint32  startNum = field.SubStrSeg (0, dashPos).ToInt32 ();
      kkint32  endNum   = field.SubStrPart (dashPos + 1).ToInt32 ();

      if  ((startNum > endNum)  ||  (startNum < 0)  ||  ((kkuint32)endNum > maxIntType))
        valid = false;

      for  (kkint32 z = startNum;  z <= endNum;  ++z)
        results->push_back ((IntType)z);

  if  (!valid)
    delete  results;
    results = NULL;
    sort (results->begin (), results->end ());

  return  results;
}  /* StrToUInt16Vetor */
Example #6
DateTime::DateTime (const KKStr&  s):
      time ()

  if  (s.Empty ())

  KKStrParser parser (s);
  KKStr  field1 = parser.GetNextToken ("- ");
  KKStr  field2 = parser.GetNextToken ("- ");

  date = DateType (field1);
  time = TimeType (field2);
Example #7
void  FeatureEncoder::WriteXML (const KKStr&  varName,
                                ostream&      o
                               )  const
  XmlTag  tagStart ("TrainingClassList", XmlTag::TagTypes::tagStart);
  if  (!varName.Empty ())
    tagStart.AddAtribute ("VarName", varName);

  tagStart.WriteXML (o);
  o << endl;

  XmlElementInt32::WriteXML  (codedNumOfFeatures,     "CodedNumOfFeatures",     o);
  XmlElementDouble::WriteXML (c_Param,                "c_Param",                o);
  XmlElementInt32::WriteXML  (numEncodedFeatures,     "NumEncodedFeatures",     o);
  XmlElementInt32::WriteXML  (numOfFeatures,          "NumOfFeatures",          o);
  XmlElementInt32::WriteXML  (xSpaceNeededPerExample, "xSpaceNeededPerExample", o);

  if  (cardinalityDest)
    XmlElementArrayInt32::WriteXML (numOfFeatures, cardinalityDest, "CardinalityDest", o);

  if  (class1)  class1->Name ().WriteXML ("Class1", o);
  if  (class2)  class2->Name ().WriteXML ("Class2", o);
  if  (destFeatureNums)
    XmlElementArrayInt32::WriteXML (numOfFeatures, destFeatureNums, "DestFeatureNums", o);

  if  (fileDesc)      fileDesc->WriteXML     ("FileDesc",     o);
  if  (destFileDesc)  destFileDesc->WriteXML ("DestFileDesc", o);

  if  (destWhatToDo)
    VectorInt32  v;
    for  (kkint32 x = 0;  x < numOfFeatures;  ++x)
      v.push_back ((kkint32)(destWhatToDo[x]));
    XmlElementVectorInt32::WriteXML (v, "DestWhatToDo", o);

  EncodingMethodToStr (encodingMethod).WriteXML ("EncodingMethod", o);

  selectedFeatures.WriteXML ("selectedFeatures", o);

  if  (srcFeatureNums)
    XmlElementArrayInt32::WriteXML (numOfFeatures, srcFeatureNums, "SrcFeatureNums", o);
  XmlTag  tagEnd ("TrainingClassList", XmlTag::TagTypes::tagEnd);
  tagEnd.WriteXML (o);
  o << endl;
void  FeatureNumList::WriteXML (const KKStr&  varName,
                                ostream&      o
                               )  const
  XmlTag  startTag ("FeatureNumList", XmlTag::TagTypes::tagStart);
  if  (!varName.Empty ())
    startTag.AddAtribute ("VarName", varName);
  startTag.AddAtribute ("MaxFeatureNum", maxFeatureNum);
  startTag.AddAtribute ("NumOfFeatures", numOfFeatures);
  startTag.WriteXML (o);

  o << ToString ();

  XmlTag  endTag ("FeatureNumList", XmlTag::TagTypes::tagEnd);
  endTag.WriteXML (o);
  o << endl;
Example #9
void  ModelUsfCasCor::WriteXML (const KKStr&  varName,
                                ostream&      o
                               )  const
  XmlTag  startTag ("ModelUsfCasCor",  XmlTag::TagTypes::tagStart);
  if  (!varName.Empty ())
    startTag.AddAtribute ("VarName", varName);
  startTag.WriteXML (o);
  o << endl;

  WriteModelXMLFields (o);  // Write the base class data fields 1st.

  usfCasCorClassifier->WriteXML ("UsfCasCorClassifier", o);

  XmlTag  endTag ("ModelUsfCasCor", XmlTag::TagTypes::tagEnd);
  endTag.WriteXML (o);
  o << endl;
}  /* WriteXML */
KKStr  FeatureFileIO::FileFormatsReadAndWriteOptionsStr ()
  KKStr  driversThatCanReadAndWrite (128);

  vector<FeatureFileIOPtr>*  drivers = RegisteredDrivers ();

  vector<FeatureFileIOPtr>::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = drivers->begin ();  idx != drivers->end ();  idx++)
    FeatureFileIOPtr  driver = *idx;
    if  (driver->CanWrite ()  &&  driver->CanWrite ())
      if  (!driversThatCanReadAndWrite.Empty ())
        driversThatCanReadAndWrite << ", ";
      driversThatCanReadAndWrite << driver->DriverName ();
  return driversThatCanReadAndWrite;
}  /* FileFormatsReadAndWriteOptionsStr */
Example #11
void  ModelParamUsfCasCor::WriteXML (const KKStr&  varName,
                                     ostream&      o
                                    )  const
  XmlTag  startTag ("ModelParamUsfCasCor",  XmlTag::TagTypes::tagStart);
  if  (!varName.Empty ())
    startTag.AddAtribute ("VarName", varName);
  startTag.WriteXML (o);
  o << endl;

  WriteXMLFields (o);

  XmlElementInt32::WriteXML (in_limit,          "in_limit",         o);
  XmlElementInt32::WriteXML (number_of_rounds,  "number_of_rounds", o);
  XmlElementInt32::WriteXML (number_of_trials,  "number_of_trials", o);
  XmlElementInt64::WriteXML (random_seed,       "random_seed",      o);
  XmlElementBool::WriteXML  (useCache,          "useCache",         o);
  XmlTag  endTag ("ModelParamUsfCasCor", XmlTag::TagTypes::tagEnd);
  endTag.WriteXML (o);
  o << endl;
}  /* WriteXML */
Example #12
void  LogicalFrame::PerformMorphOperations ()
  KKStr  ops = parms.MorphOperations ();

  memcpy (origFrameArea, frameArea, frameTotalPixels);
  while  (!ops.Empty ())
    KKStr  nextOp = ops.ExtractToken (",\n\r\t");
    nextOp.Upper ();
    if  (nextOp == "O")
      PerformOpening ();

    else if  (nextOp == "C")
      PerformClosing ();

    else if  (nextOp == "D")
      PerformDialation ();

    else if  (nextOp == "E")
      PerformErosion ();

}  /* PerformMorphOperations */
FeatureVectorListPtr  FeatureFileIO::LoadInSubDirectoryTree 
                         (FactoryFVProducerPtr  _fvProducerFactory,
                          KKStr                 _rootDir,
                          MLClassList&          _mlClasses,
                          bool                  _useDirectoryNameForClassName,
                          VolConstBool&         _cancelFlag, 
                          bool                  _rewiteRootFeatureFile,
                          RunLog&               _log
  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureFileIO::LoadInSubDirectoryTree    rootDir[" << _rootDir << "]." << endl;

  osAddLastSlash (_rootDir);

  KKStr  featureFileName ("");
  KKStr  fullFeatureFileName ("");

  if  (!_rootDir.Empty ())
    featureFileName = osGetRootNameOfDirectory (_rootDir) + ".data";
    fullFeatureFileName = _rootDir + featureFileName;
    featureFileName     = "";
    fullFeatureFileName = "";

  MLClassPtr  unKnownClass = _mlClasses.GetUnKnownClass ();
  if  (_useDirectoryNameForClassName)
    KKStr className = MLClass::GetClassNameFromDirName (_rootDir);
    unKnownClass    = _mlClasses.GetMLClassPtr (className);

  bool  changesMade = false;

  FeatureVectorListPtr  dirImages = NULL;

  if  (_rewiteRootFeatureFile)
    DateTime  timeStamp;
    dirImages = FeatureDataReSink (_fvProducerFactory,
    if  (_useDirectoryNameForClassName)
      FeatureVectorList::iterator  idx;
      for  (idx = dirImages->begin ();  idx != dirImages->end ();  idx++)
        if  ((*idx)->MLClass () != unKnownClass)
          (*idx)->MLClass (unKnownClass);
          changesMade = true;

      if  (changesMade)
        KKStr  fullFileName = osAddSlash (_rootDir) + featureFileName;
        kkuint32  numExamplesWritten = 0;
        bool  cancel     = false;
        bool  successful = false;
        SaveFeatureFile (fullFileName, 
                         dirImages->AllFeatures (), 
    dirImages =  _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  // Now that we have processed all image files in "rootDir",
  // lets process any sub-directories.

  KKStr  dirSearchPath = osAddSlash (_rootDir) + "*.*";

  KKStrListPtr  subDirectories = osGetListOfDirectories (dirSearchPath);
  if  (subDirectories)
    KKStrList::iterator  idx;

    for  (idx = subDirectories->begin ();  (idx != subDirectories->end ()  &&  (!_cancelFlag));   idx++)
      KKStr  subDirName (**idx);
      if  (subDirName == "BorderImages")
        // We ignore this director

      KKStr  newDirPath = osAddSlash (_rootDir) + subDirName;

      FeatureVectorListPtr  subDirExamples = LoadInSubDirectoryTree (_fvProducerFactory,
                                                                     true,     // true = ReWriteRootFeatureFile
      osAddLastSlash (subDirName);

      // We want to add the directory path to the ExampleFileName so that we can later locate the source image.
      for  (auto fv: *subDirExamples)
        KKStr  newImageFileName = subDirName + fv->ExampleFileName ();
        fv->ExampleFileName (newImageFileName);

      dirImages->AddQueue (*subDirExamples);
      subDirExamples->Owner (false);
      delete  subDirExamples;
      subDirExamples = NULL;

    delete  subDirectories;  subDirectories = NULL;

  _log.Level (10) << "LoadInSubDirectoryTree - Done" << endl;

  return  dirImages;
}  /* LoadInSubDirectoryTree */
Example #14
 * ProcessCmdLineParamters
 * DESC: Extracts parameters from the command line
bool  OurNeighbors::ProcessCmdLineParameter (const KKStr&  parmSwitch, 
                                             const KKStr&  parmValue
  bool  validParm = true;
  if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BUCKETCOUNT")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BC"))
    numOfBuckets = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (numOfBuckets < 2)
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   *** Invalid Buckets[" << numOfBuckets << "] parameter" << endl;
      validParm = false;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BUCKETSIZE")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BS"))
    bucketSize = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (bucketSize < 1)
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   *** Invalid BucketSize[" << bucketSize << "] parameter" << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-EXCLUDECLASS")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-EC"))
    if  (parmValue.Empty ())
      log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   '-ExcludeClass'  missing class name to exclude." << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

      if  (!excludedClasses)
        excludedClasses = new MLClassList ();

      if  (excludedClasses->LookUpByName (parmValue) != NULL)
        log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter  '-ExcludeClass[" << parmValue << "]'  Specified more than once." << endl;
        excludedClasses->PushOnBack (MLClass::CreateNewMLClass (parmValue));

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-FROMPLANKTON")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-FP"))
    fromPlanktonName = parmValue;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-H")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-HTML"))
		htmlFileName = parmValue;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-ITERATIONS")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-I"))
    numOfIterations = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (numOfIterations < 1)
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   *** Invalid Iterations[" << numOfIterations << "] parameter" << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-LLOYDSBINSIZE")      ||  
            parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-LBS")                ||  
            parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BASELLOYDSBINSIZE")  ||  
            parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-BLBS")
    baseLLoydsBinSize = atoi (parmValue.Str ());
    if  (baseLLoydsBinSize < 10)
      log.Level (-1) << endl << endl 
                     << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   *** Invalid BaseLLoydsBinSize[" << baseLLoydsBinSize << "] parameter  ***" << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-NEARESTNEIGHBORTYPE")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-NNT"))
    if  (parmValue.EqualIgnoreCase ("0")  ||  parmValue.EqualIgnoreCase ("ANY"))
      neighborType = NeighborType::AnyPlankton;

    else if  (parmValue.EqualIgnoreCase ("1")  ||  parmValue.EqualIgnoreCase ("SAME"))
      neighborType = NeighborType::SamePlankton;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-R")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-REPORT"))
		reportFileName = parmValue;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-RAND")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-RANDOM"))
		randomizeLocations = true;

  else if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-S")  ||  parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-SRC"))
		sourceRootDirPath = parmValue;

    validParm = PicesApplication::ProcessCmdLineParameter(parmSwitch, parmValue);

	return  !Abort ();
}  /* ProcessCmdLineParameter */
void  CmdLineExpander::BuildCmdLineParameters (const VectorKKStr&  argv)
  kkuint32  x = 0;

  while  (x < argv.size ())
    KKStr  s = argv[x];

    KKStr  sUpper = s.ToUpper();
    if  ((sUpper == "-L")  ||  (sUpper == "-LOGFILE"))
      if  (x < argv.size ())
        if  (argv[x][(kkint16)0] != '-')
          logFileName = argv[x];
          if  (!logFileName.Empty ())
            log.AttachFile (logFileName);

      if  (logFileName.Empty ())
        log.Level (-1) << std::endl << std::endl;
        log.Level (-1) << applicationName   << " - Invalid Log File Parameter (-L)." << endl;
        log.Level (-1) << "                 Name of log file required."              << endl;
        log.Level (-1) << endl;
        parmsGood = false;


    else if  (sUpper == "-CMDFILE")
      KKStr  cmdFileName = "";

      if  (x < argv.size ())
        if  (argv[x][(kkint16)0] != '-')
          cmdFileName = argv[x];

      if  (cmdFileName.Empty ())
        log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
             << applicationName  << "  "  << "BuildCmdLineParameters             *** ERROR ***"  << endl << endl
             << "-CMDFILE option did not define a file name." << endl
             << endl;

        parmsGood = false;

        if  (FileInStack (cmdFileName, cmdFileStack))
          log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
               << applicationName  << "  BuildCmdLineParameters             *** ERROR ***"  << endl 
               << endl
               << "-CMDFILE [" << cmdFileName << "]  is being called recursively."  << endl
               << endl;
          parmsGood = false;
          bool  validFile = true;
          cmdFileStack.push_back (cmdFileName);
          VectorKKStr  cmdFileParameters;
          ExtractParametersFromFile (cmdFileName, cmdFileParameters, validFile);
          BuildCmdLineParameters (cmdFileParameters);
          cmdFileStack.pop_back ();
          if  (!validFile)
            parmsGood = false;

      expandedParameters.push_back (s);
}  /* BuildCmdLineParameters */
Example #16
bool  MergeFeatureFiles::ProcessCmdLineParameter (const KKStr&  parmSwitch, 
                                                  const KKStr&  parmValue
  bool  validParm = true;

  if  (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-S")    ||  
       parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-SRC")  ||  
       parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-SOURCE")
    KKStr  srcFileName = parmValue;
    if  (!osFileExists (srcFileName))
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    Invalid '-src' [" << srcFileName << "] file." << endl;
      Abort (true);
      validParm = false;

    srcFileNames.push_back (srcFileName);
    srcFormats.push_back   (currentDefaultFormat);
    if  (!currentDefaultFormat->CanRead ())
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    Format[" << currentDefaultFormat->DriverName () << "] does not support read." << endl;
      Abort (true);
      validParm = false;

  else if  
    (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-DEST")        ||  
     parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-D")           ||  
     parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-DESTINATION")
    if  (!destFileName.Empty ())
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    More than one destination file was specified." << endl;
      Abort (true);
      validParm= false;
    destFileName = parmValue;
    if  (osFileExists (destFileName))
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    Destination File[" << destFileName << "] already exists." << endl;
      Abort (true);
      validParm = false;

    if  (!currentDefaultFormat->CanWrite ())
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    Format[" << currentDefaultFormat->DriverName () << "] does not support write." << endl;
      Abort (true);
      validParm = false;

    destFormat = currentDefaultFormat;

  else if  
    (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-F")  ||  
     parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-FORMAT")
    FeatureFileIOPtr  newFormat = FeatureFileIO::FileFormatFromStr (parmValue);
    if  (!newFormat)
      log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    No such format as[" << parmValue<< "]." << endl;
      Abort (true);
      validParm = false;
      currentDefaultFormat = newFormat;

  else if 
    (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-STRAT")  ||  
     parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-STRATIFY")
    stratify = true;
    if  (!parmValue.Empty ())
      numOfFolds = parmValue.ToInt ();
      if  ((numOfFolds < 1)  ||  (numOfFolds > 1000))
        log.Level (-1) << "ProcessCmdLineParameter   ***ERROR***    -Folds[" << numOfFolds << "]  must be 1 or greater and less than 10000." << endl;
        Abort (true);
        validParm = false;

  else if  
    (parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-RAND")    ||
     parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-RANDOM")  ||
     parmSwitch.EqualIgnoreCase ("-RANDOMIZE")
    randomize = true;

    validParm = PicesApplication::ProcessCmdLineParameter (parmSwitch, parmValue);

	return  validParm;
}  /* ProcessCmdLineParameter */
Example #17
void  UpdateFullSizeImages ()
  RunLog  log;
  DataBasePtr  dbConn = new DataBase (log);

  SipperFileListPtr  sipperFiles = dbConn->SipperFileLoad ("ETP2008", "", "");

  SipperFileList::iterator  idx;

  bool   cancelFlag = false;

  KKB::uint  numImages = 0;
  KKB::uint  numImagesSaved = 0;

  for  (idx = sipperFiles->begin ();  idx != sipperFiles->end ();  idx++)
    SipperFilePtr sf = *idx;

    KKStr  fullSipperFileName = InstrumentDataFileManager::GetFullSipperFileName (sf->SipperFileName ());
    if  (fullSipperFileName.Empty ())
      // we do not have access to the sipper file;  no point proessing this file.

    int imagesThisSipperFile = 0;

    cout << "Sipper File [" << sf->SipperFileName () << "]" << std::endl;

    bool  cancelFlag = false;
    //DataBaseImageListPtr  images = dbConn->ImagesQuery (NULL, sf->SipperFileName (), NULL, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, "ETP2008_1AA_01_04560000_0000", 1000, false, cancelFlag);
    DataBaseImageListPtr  images = dbConn->ImagesQuery (NULL, sf->SipperFileName (), NULL, 'P', 0.0f, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, -1, false, cancelFlag);
    map<KKStr, KKStr>*  imagesAlreadtInFullSize = GetImagesAlreadyInImagesFullSize (sf->SipperFileName (), dbConn);
    map<KKStr, KKStr>::iterator  fullSizeIdx;

    DataBaseImageList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = images->begin ();  idx != images->end ();  idx++)

      DataBaseImagePtr  i = *idx;
      KKB::uint  maxDim = Max (i->Height (), i->Width ());
      if  (maxDim > 100)
        fullSizeIdx = imagesAlreadtInFullSize->find (i->ImageFileName ());
        if  (fullSizeIdx == imagesAlreadtInFullSize->end ())
          // We need to get the full size version of this image.
          RasterPtr r = i->GetOrigImageFromSipperFile (log);
          if  (r)
            dbConn->ImageFullSizeSave (i->ImageFileName (), *r);
            delete  r;
            r = NULL;

      if  ((numImages % 100) == 0)
        cout << sf->SipperFileName () << "\t"
             << StrFormatInt (images->QueueSize (), "ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ0") << "\t"
             << StrFormatInt (imagesThisSipperFile, "ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ0") << "\t"
             << StrFormatInt (numImages,            "ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ0") << "\t"
             << StrFormatInt (numImagesSaved,       "ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ0")
             << endl;


    delete  imagesAlreadtInFullSize;
    imagesAlreadtInFullSize = NULL;

    delete  images;
    images = NULL;
}   /* UpdateFullSizeImages */
Example #18
void  Configuration::LoadFile (RunLog&  log)
  log.Level (10) << "Configuration::LoadFile: " << fileName << endl;

  kkint32  lastLineNum = 0;

  if  (fileName == "")
    log.Level (-1) << endl
                   << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***   File-Name is blank"  << endl
                   << endl;
    FormatGood (false);

  FILE*  inFile = osFOPEN (fileName.Str (), "r");

  if  (!inFile)
    log.Level (-1) << endl
                   << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***    Opening File: " << fileName << endl
                   << endl;

    FormatGood (false);

  char  buff[10240];
  kkint32 lineCount = 0;

  curSectionName = "";
  ConfSectionPtr  curSection = NULL;

  while  (fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), inFile))
    KKStr  line (buff);
    line.TrimRight ();
    line.TrimLeft ();

    StripOutAnyComments (line);

    log.Level (70) << line << endl;
    StripOutAnyComments (line);

    if  (line.Empty ())            
      // If we have a blank line, we do nothing.

    else if  (line.FirstChar () == '[')
      // Looks like definition of new section. 

      if  (line.LastChar () == ']')
        curSectionName = line.SubStrPart (1, line.Len () - 2);
        curSectionName.TrimLeft ();
        curSectionName.TrimRight ();
        curSectionName.Upper ();

        curSection = new ConfSection (curSectionName, lastLineNum);
        sections->AddConfSection (curSection);
        log.Level (30) << "LoadFile   SectionName[" << curSectionName << "]." << endl;
        log.Level (-1) << endl
                       << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***    LineNumber[" << lastLineNum << "]  Improper Section Name[" << line << "]." << endl
                       << endl;
        formatGood = false;

      if  (!curSection)
        log.Level (-1) << endl
                       << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***  Format Error LineNumber[" << lastLineNum << "]" << endl
                       << "                            No Section Defined."  << endl 
                       << endl;
        formatGood = false;

        curSectionName = "GLOBAL";
        curSection = new ConfSection (curSectionName, lastLineNum);
        sections->AddConfSection (curSection);

      kkint32  equalIdx = line.LocateCharacter ('=');

      if  (equalIdx < 0)
        // We have a improperly formated line.
        log.Level (-1) << endl
                       << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***   LineNumber[" << lastLineNum << "] Improperly Formated Line[" << line << "]." 
                       << endl;
        formatGood = false;

        KKStr  settingName (line.SubStrPart (0, equalIdx - 1));
        settingName.TrimLeft ();
        settingName.TrimRight ();
        settingName.Upper ();

        KKStr  settingValue (line.SubStrPart (equalIdx + 1));
        settingValue.TrimLeft ();
        settingValue.TrimRight ();

        log.Level (30) << "LoadFile   SectionName[" << curSectionName << "], "
                       << "Setting[" << settingName << "], Value[" << settingValue   << "]."
                       << endl;

        curSection->AddSetting (settingName, settingValue, lastLineNum);


  fclose (inFile);
}  /* LoadFile */
Example #19
void  RandomSampleJob::ProcessStatusStr (KKStr  statusStr)
  log.Level (30) << "RandomSampleJob::ProcessStatusStr[" << statusStr << "]" << endl;
  KKStr  fieldName;
  KKStr  fieldValue;

  compMethod = BRNull;

  fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken ("\t\n\r");

  while  (!fieldName.Empty ())
    fieldName.Upper ();

    fieldValue = statusStr.ExtractToken ("\t\n\r");
    fieldValue.TrimLeft ("\n\r\t ");
    fieldValue.TrimRight ("\n\r\t ");

    if  (fieldName == "JOBID")
      jobId = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "STATUS")
      status = JobStatusFromStr (fieldValue);

    else if  (fieldName == "KERNEL")
      kernelType = KernalTypeFromStr (fieldValue);

    else if  (fieldName == "ENCODING")
      encodingMethod = EncodingMethodFromStr (fieldValue);

    else if  (fieldName == "COMPMETHOD")
      compMethod = CompressionMethodFromStr (fieldValue);

    else if  (fieldName == "C_PARAM")
      c = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "GAMMA")
      gamma = atof (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "ORDERINGNUM")
      orderingNum = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "EXAMPLESTOKEEP")
      numExamplesToKeep = atoi (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "ACCURACY")
      accuracy = (float)atof (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "TRAINTIME")
      trainTime = atof (fieldValue.Str ());

    else  if  (fieldName == "PREDTIME")
      testTime = (float)atof (fieldValue.Str ());

    else if  (fieldName == "SUPPORTVECTORS")
      supportVectors = (float)atof (fieldValue.Str ());

      log.Level (-1) << "RandomSampleJob::ProcessStatusStr  Invalid Field Name[" << fieldName << "]." << endl;

    fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken ("\t\n\r");
}  /* ProcessStatusStr */
 * ProcessCmdLineParamters
 * DESC: Extracts parameters from the command line
bool  FeatureFileConverter::ProcessCmdLineParameter (char    parmSwitchCode, 
                                                     KKStr  parmSwitch, 
                                                     KKStr  parmValue
  KKStr  parmValueUpper (parmValue);
  parmValueUpper.Upper ();

  parmSwitch.Upper ();

  if  ((parmSwitch == "-DEST")         ||  
       (parmSwitch == "-D")            ||  
       (parmSwitch == "-DESTFILE")     ||  
       (parmSwitch == "-DF")           ||
       (parmSwitch == "-DESTFILENAME") ||
       (parmSwitch == "-DFN")    
    destFileName = parmValue;

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-OUTFORMAT")      ||
            (parmSwitch == "-OF")             ||
            (parmSwitch == "-OUTFILEFORMAT")  ||
            (parmSwitch == "-OFF")            ||
            (parmSwitch == "-DESTFILEFORMAT") ||
            (parmSwitch == "-DESTFORMAT")     ||
            (parmSwitch == "-DFF")
    destFileFormat = FeatureFileIO::FileFormatFromStr (parmValue, 
                                                       false,      // Don't care if valid read format
                                                       true        // must be valid write format
    if  (destFileFormat == NULL)
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << endl
                     << "Invalid Write File Format Specified[" << parmValue << endl
                     << endl
                     << "Valid Formats are <" << FeatureFileIO::FileFormatsWrittenOptionsStr () << ">" << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-ENCODEFEATUREDATA")  ||
            (parmSwitch == "-ENCODEFEATURES")     ||
            (parmSwitch == "-EF")
    encodingMethod = ModelParam::EncodingMethodFromStr (parmValue);
    if  (encodingMethod != Encoding_NULL)
      encodeFeatureData = true;

      if  ((parmValue == "NO")   || 
           (parmValue == "OFF")  ||
           (parmValue == "N") 
        encodeFeatureData = false;
        encodingMethod = ModelParam::BinaryEncoding;
        encodeFeatureData = true;

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-ENUMERATECLASSES")  ||
            (parmSwitch == "-ENUMERATECLASS")    ||
            (parmSwitch == "-EC")
    if  ((parmValue == "NO")   || 
         (parmValue == "OFF")  ||
         (parmValue == "N") 
      enumerateClasses = false;
      enumerateClasses = true;

  else if  (parmSwitch == "-FEATURES")
    featureStr = parmValue;

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-IF")           ||
            (parmSwitch == "-INPUTFORMAT")  ||
            (parmSwitch == "-IFF")          ||
            (parmSwitch == "-INFILEFORMAT") ||
            (parmSwitch == "-SFF")          ||
            (parmSwitch == "-SrcFileFormat")
    srcFileFormat = FeatureFileIO::FileFormatFromStr (parmValue, 
                                                      true,      // Valid Read Format
                                                      false      // Don't care if valid write format
    if  (srcFileFormat == NULL)
      log.Level (-1) << endl
                     << endl
                     << "Invalid Source File Format Specified[" << parmValue << endl
                     << endl
                     << "Valid Formats are <" << FeatureFileIO::FileFormatsReadOptionsStr () << ">" << endl
                     << endl;
      Abort (true);

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-NORM")  ||  (parmSwitch == "-NORMALIZE"))
    normalizeData = true;
    parmValue.TrimLeft ();
    parmValue.TrimRight ();
    if  (!parmValue.Empty ())
      nornParmsFileName = parmValue;

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-R")  ||  (parmSwitch == "-REPORT"))
		reportFileName = parmValue;

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-S")             ||
            (parmSwitch == "-SRC")           ||
            (parmSwitch == "-SF")            ||
            (parmSwitch == "-SOURCFILE")     ||
            (parmSwitch == "-SFN")           ||
            (parmSwitch == "-SRCFILENAME")   ||
            (parmSwitch == "-SOURCFILENAME")
    srcFileName = parmValue;

  else if  ((parmSwitch == "-STAT")          ||
            (parmSwitch == "-STATS")         ||
            (parmSwitch == "-STATISTICS")
    statistics = true;

    log.Level (-1) << endl
                   << "ProcessCmdLineParameter    Invalid Parameter[" << parmSwitch << "]" << endl
                   << endl;
    Abort (true);

	return  !Abort ();
}  /* ProcessCmdLineParameter */
Example #21
void  KKJobManager::StatusFileProcessLine (const KKStr&  ln,
                                           istream&      statusFile
  if  (ln.SubStrPart (0, 1) == "//")
    // A coment line;  we can ignore it.

  KKStr  statusStr (ln);
  KKStr  fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
  if  (fieldName.Empty ())
    // A empty line we will ignore it.

  statusStr.TrimLeft ("\n\r\t ");
  statusStr.TrimRight ("\n\r\t ");

  if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("JOB") == 0)
    // We have a KKJob entr line;  the next field determines JobType fllowed by parameters for that JobType constructor.
    KKStr  jobTypeName = fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");

    KKJobPtr  j = KKJob::CallAppropriateConstructor (this, jobTypeName, statusStr);
    KKJobPtr  existingJob = jobs->LookUpByJobId (j->JobId ());
    if  (existingJob)
      existingJob->ReFresh (*j);
      delete  j;  j = NULL;
      jobs->PushOnBack (j);

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("CPUTIMEUSED"))
    double  cpuTimeUsed = statusStr.ExtractTokenDouble ("\t");
    cpuTimeTotalUsed += cpuTimeUsed;

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("CURRENTDATETIME"))
    KKB::DateTime  dateTime = KKB::DateTime (statusStr);
    if  (!dateTimeFirstOneFound)
      dateTimeFirstOneFound = true;
      dateTimeStarted = dateTime;
    dateTimeEnded = dateTime;

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("ExpansionCount"))
    expansionCount = statusStr.ToInt ();

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("ExpansionFirstJobId"))
    expansionFirstJobId = statusStr.ToInt ();

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("JobStatusChange"))
    StatusFileProcessLineJobStatusChange (statusStr);

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("NextJobId"))
    nextJobId = statusStr.ExtractTokenInt ("\t");

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("QuitRunning"))
    quitRunning = true;

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("Restart"))
    restart = false;

  else if  (fieldName.EqualIgnoreCase ("Status"))
    status = KKJob::JobStatusFromStr (statusStr);

    log.Level (-1) << "KKJobManager::StatusFileProcessLine  Invalid Field Name[" << fieldName << "]." << endl;
}  /* StatusFileProcessLine */
Example #22
void   KKJobManager::ProcessJobXmlBlockOfText (const KKStr&  startStr,
                                               istream&      i
  if  ((startStr.SubStrPart (0, 4) != "<KKJob ")  ||  (startStr.LastChar () != '>'))
    log.Level (-1) << endl 
                   << "KKJobManager::ProcessJobXmlBlockOfText   ***ERROR***   StartStr[" << startStr << "] is not a KKJob String." << endl
                   << endl;

  KKStr s = startStr.SubStrPart (5);
  s.TrimLeft ();
  s.ChopLastChar ();

  KKStr  jobTypeStr = "";
  kkint32 jobId = -1;

  VectorKKStr  parameters = s.Split (',');
  for  (kkuint32 x = 0;  x < parameters.size ();  ++x)
    KKStr  parameterStr = parameters[x];
    parameterStr.TrimLeft ();
    parameterStr.TrimRight  ();

    KKStr  fieldName = parameterStr.ExtractToken2 ("=");
    fieldName.TrimLeft  ();   fieldName.TrimRight  ();

    KKStr  fieldValue = parameterStr.ExtractToken2 ("=");
    fieldValue.TrimLeft ();   fieldValue.TrimRight ();

    if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("JobType") == 0)
      jobTypeStr = fieldValue;

    else if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("JobId") == 0)
      jobId = fieldValue.ToInt ();

  if  (jobTypeStr.Empty () ||  (jobId < 0))
    log.Level (-1) << endl 
                   << "KKJobManager::ProcessJobXmlBlockOfText   ***ERROR***   StartStr[" << startStr << "]." << endl
                   << "                             JobType and/or JobId were not provided."               << endl
                   << endl;

  KKJobPtr  j = jobs->LookUpByJobId (jobId);
  if  (j == NULL)
    // We do not have this job in memory yet.  We will have to create it now.
    KKStr  emptyStatusStr = "JobId\t" + StrFormatInt (jobId, "ZZZZ0");
    j = KKJob::CallAppropriateConstructor (this, jobTypeStr, emptyStatusStr);

  j->CompletedJobDataRead (i);
}  /* ProcessJobXmlBlockOfText */
Example #23
void  BinaryClass::ProcessStatusStr  (KKStr                   statusStr,
                                      MLClassListPtr  mlClasses
  KKStr  fieldName;

  class1 = NULL;
  class2 = NULL;

  fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");

  while  (!fieldName.Empty ())
    fieldName.TrimLeft  ("\n\r\t ");
    fieldName.TrimRight ("\n\r\t ");
    fieldName.Upper ();

    if  (fieldName == "ALLCLASSES")
      class1 = NULL;
      class2 = NULL;

    else if  (fieldName == "BINARYCLASSES")
      class1 = mlClasses->GetMLClassPtr (statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t"));
      class2 = mlClasses->GetMLClassPtr (statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t"));

      if  ((class1 == NULL)  ||  (class2== NULL))
        cout << "Class1 or Class2 == NULL" << endl;

        if  ((class1->Name ().Empty ())  ||  (class1->Name ().Empty ()))
          cout << "Class1Name or Class2Name   are empty" << endl;
    else if  (fieldName == "STATUS")
      status = BinaryClassStatusFromStr (statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t"));

    else if  (fieldName == "NUMPROCESSORS")
      numProcessors = statusStr.ExtractTokenInt ("\t");
    else if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("FinalResultType") == 0)
      resultType  = FinalResultTypeFromStr (statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t"));

    else if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("ResultsFileName") == 0)
      finalResultsFileName = statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");

    else if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("SelectionMethod") == 0)
      selectionMethod = SelectionMethodFromStr (statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t"));

    else if  (fieldName.CompareIgnoreCase ("configFileName") == 0)
      configFileName = statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");

    fieldName = statusStr.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
}  /* ProcessStatusStr */
FeatureVectorListPtr  FeatureFileIO::FeatureDataReSink (FactoryFVProducerPtr  _fvProducerFactory,
                                                        const KKStr&          _dirName,
                                                        const KKStr&          _fileName, 
                                                        MLClassPtr            _unknownClass,
                                                        bool                  _useDirectoryNameForClassName,
                                                        MLClassList&          _mlClasses,
                                                        VolConstBool&         _cancelFlag,
                                                        bool&                 _changesMade,
                                                        KKB::DateTime&        _timeStamp,
                                                        RunLog&               _log
  _changesMade = false;
  _timeStamp = DateTime ();

  if  (_unknownClass == NULL)
    _unknownClass = MLClass::GetUnKnownClassStatic ();

  KKStr  className = _unknownClass->Name ();

  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureFileIO::FeatureDataReSink  dirName: " << _dirName << endl
                  << "               fileName: " << _fileName << "  UnKnownClass: " << className << endl;

  KKStr  fullFeatureFileName = osAddSlash (_dirName) +  _fileName;

  bool  successful = true;

  KKStr fileNameToOpen;
  if  (_dirName.Empty ())
    fileNameToOpen = _fileName;
    fileNameToOpen = osAddSlash (_dirName) + _fileName;

  bool  versionsAreSame = false;

  FeatureVectorListPtr  origFeatureVectorData 
        = LoadFeatureFile (fileNameToOpen, _mlClasses, -1, _cancelFlag, successful, _changesMade, _log);

  if  (origFeatureVectorData == NULL)
    successful = false;
    origFeatureVectorData = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  if  (_cancelFlag)
    delete  origFeatureVectorData;  origFeatureVectorData = NULL;
    return  _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  FeatureVectorListPtr  origFeatureData = NULL;

  if  (successful  &&
       (&typeid (*origFeatureVectorData) == _fvProducerFactory->FeatureVectorListTypeId ())  &&
       ((*(origFeatureVectorData->FileDesc ())) ==  (*(_fvProducerFactory->FileDesc ())))
     origFeatureData = origFeatureVectorData;
    origFeatureData = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);
    delete  origFeatureVectorData;
    origFeatureVectorData = NULL;

  KKStr  fileSpec = osAddSlash (_dirName) + "*.*";
  KKStrListPtr   fileNameList = osGetListOfFiles (fileSpec);

  if  (!fileNameList)
    // There are no Image Files,  so we need to return a Empty List of Image Features.

    if  (origFeatureData->QueueSize () > 0)
      _changesMade = true;

    delete  origFeatureData;  origFeatureData = NULL;

    return  _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  FeatureVectorProducerPtr  fvProducer = _fvProducerFactory->ManufactureInstance (_log);

  if  (successful)
    if  (origFeatureData->Version () == fvProducer->Version ())
      versionsAreSame = true;
      _timeStamp = osGetFileDateTime (fileNameToOpen);

      _changesMade = true;
    delete  origFeatureData;
    origFeatureData = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  origFeatureData->SortByRootName (false);

  FeatureVectorListPtr  extractedFeatures = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);
  extractedFeatures->Version (fvProducer->Version ());

  fileNameList->Sort (false);

  KKStrList::iterator  fnIDX;
  fnIDX = fileNameList->begin ();   // fileNameList

  KKStrPtr  imageFileName;

  kkuint32  numImagesFoundInOrigFeatureData = 0;
  kkuint32  numOfNewFeatureExtractions = 0;

  for  (fnIDX = fileNameList->begin ();  (fnIDX != fileNameList->end ())  &&  (!_cancelFlag);  ++fnIDX)
    imageFileName = *fnIDX;

    // pv414-_002_20140414-162243_02068814-1261.bmp
    KKStr  rootName = osGetRootName (*imageFileName);
    if  (rootName == "pv414-_002_20140414-162243_02068814-1261")
      cout << "Stop Here." << endl;

    bool validImageFileFormat = SupportedImageFileFormat (*imageFileName);
    if  (!validImageFileFormat)

    bool  featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = false;

    FeatureVectorPtr  origFV = origFeatureData->BinarySearchByName (*imageFileName);
    if  (origFV)

    if  (origFV  &&  versionsAreSame)
      featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = true;
      if  (_useDirectoryNameForClassName)
        if  (origFV->MLClass () != _unknownClass)
          _changesMade = true;
          origFV->MLClass (_unknownClass);

      else if  ((origFV->MLClass ()->UnDefined ())  &&  (origFV->MLClass () != _unknownClass))
        _changesMade = true;
        origFV->MLClass (_unknownClass);

      extractedFeatures->PushOnBack (origFV);
      origFeatureData->DeleteEntry (origFV);
      // We either  DON'T have an original image    or    versions are not the same.

      KKStr  fullFileName = osAddSlash (_dirName) + (*imageFileName);
      FeatureVectorPtr fv = NULL;
        RasterPtr image = ReadImage (fullFileName);
        if  (image)
          fv = fvProducer->ComputeFeatureVector (*image, _unknownClass, NULL, 1.0f, _log);
        delete image;
        image = NULL;
        if  (fv)
          featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = true;
          featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = false;
      catch  (...)
        _log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
          << "FeatureDataReSink   ***ERROR***"  << endl
          << "       Exception occurred calling constructor 'ComputeFeatureVector'." << endl
          << endl;
        featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = false;
        fv = NULL;

      if  (!featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful)
        _log.Level (-1) << " FeatureFileIOKK::FeatureDataReSink  *** ERROR ***, Processing Image File["
                       << imageFileName << "]."
                       << endl;
        delete  fv;
        fv = NULL;

        _changesMade = true;
        fv->ExampleFileName (*imageFileName);
        _log.Level (30) << fv->ExampleFileName () << "  " << fv->OrigSize () << endl;
        extractedFeatures->PushOnBack (fv);

        if  ((numOfNewFeatureExtractions % 100) == 0)
          cout << numOfNewFeatureExtractions << " Images Extracted." << endl;

  if  (numImagesFoundInOrigFeatureData != extractedFeatures->QueueSize ())
    _changesMade = true;
  extractedFeatures->Version (fvProducer->Version ());

  if  ((_changesMade)  &&  (!_cancelFlag))
    //extractedFeatures->WriteImageFeaturesToFile (fullFeatureFileName, RawFormat, FeatureNumList::AllFeatures (extractedFeatures->FileDesc ()));

    kkuint32  numExamplesWritten = 0;

    SaveFeatureFile (fullFeatureFileName,  
                     FeatureNumList::AllFeatures (extractedFeatures->FileDesc ()),

    _timeStamp = osGetLocalDateTime ();

  delete fvProducer;       fvProducer      = NULL;
  delete fileNameList;     fileNameList    = NULL;
  delete origFeatureData;  origFeatureData = NULL;

  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureDataReSink  Exiting  Dir: "  << _dirName << endl;

  return  extractedFeatures;
}  /* FeatureDataReSink */
void  ForestCover_AddMnemonicClassName ()
  const char*  classNames[] = {"Spruce_Fir",

  FILE* in = osFOPEN  ("K:\\Plankton\\Papers\\BitReduction\\DataSets\\ForestCover\\", "r");
  ofstream o ("K:\\Plankton\\Papers\\BitReduction\\DataSets\\ForestCover\\");

  char  buff[20480];

  int  lc = 0;

  while  (fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), in))
    KKStr  ln (buff);

    vector<KKStr>  tokens;

    while  (!ln.Empty ())
      KKStr  token = ln.ExtractToken (",\n\t\r");
      tokens.push_back (token);

    int  lastFieldNum = (int)tokens.size () - 1;
    KKStr  lastToken = tokens[lastFieldNum];
    int  classNum = atoi (lastToken.Str ()) - 1;

    if  ((classNum < 0)  ||  (classNum > 6))
      // Something has gone very wrong.
      cerr  << endl
            << "    *** ERROR ***" << endl
            << endl
            << buff << endl
            << endl
            << "ClassNum[" << classNum << "] Out of range." << endl
            << endl;
      osWaitForEnter ();
      exit (-1);

    KKStr  className = classNames[classNum];
    tokens[lastFieldNum] = className;

    int  x = 0;
    vector<KKStr>::const_iterator idx;
    for (idx = tokens.begin ();  idx != tokens.end ();  idx++)
      if  (x > 0)
        o << ",";
        o << *idx;
    o << endl;

    if ((lc % 100) == 0)
      cout << lc << endl;

  fclose (in);
  o.close ();
}  /* ForestCover_AddMnemonicClassName */
Example #26
void  ClassificationBiasMatrix::ReadXML (istream&  sr)
  char  buff[10240];
  KKStr l (512);

  if  (sr.eof ())

  MLClassListPtr  fileClasses = NULL;
  sr.getline (buff, sizeof (buff));
  while  (!sr.eof ())
    l = buff;
    l.TrimRight ();
    if  (l.CompareIgnoreCase ("</ClassificationBiasMatrix>") == 0)

    KKStr  lineName = l.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
    if  (!lineName.Empty ())
      KKStr  fieldValue = l.ExtractToken2 ("\t");
      if  (lineName.CompareIgnoreCase ("Classes") == 0)
        delete  fileClasses;  fileClasses = NULL;
        fileClasses = MLClassList::BuildListFromDelimtedStr (fieldValue, ',');
        if  (classes == NULL)
          classes = new MLClassList (*fileClasses);

      else if  (lineName.CompareIgnoreCase ("ConfigDateTime") == 0)
        configDateTime = fieldValue;

      else if  (lineName.CompareIgnoreCase ("ConfigFileName") == 0)
        configFileNameFromMatrixBiasFile = fieldValue;

      else if  (lineName.CompareIgnoreCase ("ConfigFileDateTime") == 0)
        configDateTime = fieldValue;

      else if  (lineName.CompareIgnoreCase ("DateTime") == 0)
        dateTimeFileWritten = fieldValue;

      else if  (lineName.CompareIgnoreCase ("DateTimeFileWritten") == 0)
        dateTimeFileWritten = fieldValue;

      else if  (lineName.CompareIgnoreCase ("FileName") == 0)

      else if  (lineName.CompareIgnoreCase ("NumClasses") == 0)
        numClasses = fieldValue.ToInt ();

      else if  (lineName.CompareIgnoreCase ("<SimpleConfusionMatrix>") == 0)
        ReadSimpleConfusionMatrix (sr, fileClasses);

    if  (!sr.eof ())
      sr.getline (buff, sizeof (buff));
}  /* ReadXML */