Example #1
// virtual
BOOL LLTabContainer::handleToolTip( S32 x, S32 y, std::string& msg, LLRect* sticky_rect )
	BOOL handled = LLPanel::handleToolTip( x, y, msg, sticky_rect );
	if (!handled && getTabCount() > 0) 
		LLTabTuple* firsttuple = getTab(0);

		BOOL has_scroll_arrows = (getMaxScrollPos() > 0);
		LLRect clip;
		if (mIsVertical)
			clip = LLRect(firsttuple->mButton->getRect().mLeft,
						  has_scroll_arrows ? mPrevArrowBtn->getRect().mBottom - TABCNTRV_PAD : mPrevArrowBtn->getRect().mTop,
						  has_scroll_arrows ? mNextArrowBtn->getRect().mTop + TABCNTRV_PAD : mNextArrowBtn->getRect().mBottom );
			clip = LLRect(has_scroll_arrows ? mPrevArrowBtn->getRect().mRight : mJumpPrevArrowBtn->getRect().mLeft,
						  has_scroll_arrows ? mNextArrowBtn->getRect().mLeft : mJumpNextArrowBtn->getRect().mRight,
						  firsttuple->mButton->getRect().mBottom );

		if( clip.pointInRect( x, y ) )
			for(tuple_list_t::iterator iter = mTabList.begin(); iter != mTabList.end(); ++iter)
				LLTabTuple* tuple = *iter;
				tuple->mButton->setVisible( TRUE );
				S32 local_x = x - tuple->mButton->getRect().mLeft;
				S32 local_y = y - tuple->mButton->getRect().mBottom;
				handled = tuple->mButton->handleToolTip( local_x, local_y, msg, sticky_rect );
				if( handled )

		for(tuple_list_t::iterator iter = mTabList.begin(); iter != mTabList.end(); ++iter)
			LLTabTuple* tuple = *iter;
			tuple->mButton->setVisible( FALSE );
	return handled;
Example #2
BOOL LLFloaterWorldMap::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks)
	if (!isMinimized() && isFrontmost())
		LLRect area;
		childGetRect("search_results", area);
		if(!area.pointInRect(x, y))
			F32 slider_value = (F32)childGetValue("zoom slider").asReal();
			slider_value += ((F32)clicks * -0.3333f);
			childSetValue("zoom slider", LLSD(slider_value));
			return TRUE;

	return LLFloater::handleScrollWheel(x, y, clicks);
Example #3
bool LLTransientFloaterMgr::isControlClicked(ETransientGroup group, controls_set_t& set, S32 x, S32 y)
	std::list< LLHandle<LLView> > dead_handles;
	bool res = true;
	for (controls_set_t::iterator it = set.begin(); it
			!= set.end(); it++)
		LLView* control_view = NULL;

		LLHandle<LLView> handle = *it;
		if (handle.isDead())

		control_view = handle.get();

		if (!control_view->getVisible())

		LLRect rect = control_view->calcScreenRect();
		// if click inside view rect
		if (rect.pointInRect(x, y))
			res = false;

	for (std::list< LLHandle<LLView> >::iterator it = dead_handles.begin(); it != dead_handles.end(); ++it)
		LLHandle<LLView> handle = *it;
	return res;
bool LLTransientFloaterMgr::isControlClicked(std::set<LLView*>& set, S32 x, S32 y)
	bool res = true;
	for (controls_set_t::iterator it = set.begin(); it
			!= set.end(); it++)
		LLView* control_view = *it;
		if (!control_view->getVisible())

		LLRect rect = control_view->calcScreenRect();
		// if click inside view rect
		if (rect.pointInRect(x, y))
			res = false;
	return res;
// reverts state once mouse button is released
BOOL LLFloaterColorPicker::handleMouseUp ( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask )
	getWindow()->setCursor ( UI_CURSOR_ARROW );

	if (getMouseDownInHueRegion() || getMouseDownInLumRegion())
		if (mApplyImmediateCheck->get())
			LLColorSwatchCtrl::onColorChanged ( getSwatch (), LLColorSwatchCtrl::COLOR_CHANGE );

	// rect containing palette area
	LLRect paletteRect ( mPaletteRegionLeft,
							mPaletteRegionLeft + mPaletteRegionWidth,
							mPaletteRegionTop - mPaletteRegionHeight );

	if ( paletteRect.pointInRect ( x, y ) )
		if ( mMouseDownInSwatch )
			S32 curEntry = 0;
			for ( S32 row = 0; row < numPaletteRows; ++row )
				for ( S32 column = 0; column < numPaletteColumns; ++column )
					S32 left = mPaletteRegionLeft + ( mPaletteRegionWidth * column ) / numPaletteColumns;
					S32 top = mPaletteRegionTop - ( mPaletteRegionHeight * row ) / numPaletteRows;
					S32 right = ( mPaletteRegionLeft + ( mPaletteRegionWidth * ( column + 1 ) ) / numPaletteColumns );
					S32 bottom = ( mPaletteRegionTop - ( mPaletteRegionHeight * ( row + 1 ) ) / numPaletteRows );

					// rect is flipped vertically when testing here
					LLRect dropRect ( left, top, right, bottom );

					if ( dropRect.pointInRect ( x, y ) )
						if ( mPalette [ curEntry ] )
							delete mPalette [ curEntry ];

							mPalette [ curEntry ] = new LLColor4 ( getCurR (), getCurG (), getCurB (), 1.0f );

							// save off color
							std::ostringstream codec;
							codec << "ColorPaletteEntry" << std::setfill ( '0' ) << std::setw ( 2 ) << curEntry + 1;
							const std::string s ( codec.str () );
							LLUIColorTable::instance().setColor(s, *mPalette [ curEntry ] );


	// mouse button not down anymore
	setMouseDownInHueRegion ( FALSE );
	setMouseDownInLumRegion ( FALSE );

	// mouse button not down in color swatch anymore
	mMouseDownInSwatch = false;

	if (hasMouseCapture())

	// dispatch to base class for the rest of things
	return LLFloater::handleMouseUp ( x, y, mask );
BOOL LLFloaterColorPicker::handleHover ( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask )
	// if we're the front most window
	if ( isFrontmost () )
		// mouse was pressed within region
		if ( getMouseDownInHueRegion() || getMouseDownInLumRegion())
			S32 clamped_x, clamped_y;
			if (getMouseDownInHueRegion())
				clamped_x = llclamp(x, mRGBViewerImageLeft, mRGBViewerImageLeft + mRGBViewerImageWidth);
				clamped_y = llclamp(y, mRGBViewerImageTop - mRGBViewerImageHeight, mRGBViewerImageTop);
				clamped_x = llclamp(x, mLumRegionLeft, mLumRegionLeft + mLumRegionWidth);
				clamped_y = llclamp(y, mLumRegionTop - mLumRegionHeight, mLumRegionTop);

			// update the stored RGB/HSL values using the mouse position - returns TRUE if RGB was updated
			if ( updateRgbHslFromPoint ( clamped_x, clamped_y ) )
				// update text entry fields
				updateTextEntry ();

				// RN: apparently changing color when dragging generates too much traffic and results in sporadic updates
				//// commit changed color to swatch subject
				//// REVIEW: this gets sent each time a color changes - is this okay ?
				//if (mApplyImmediateCheck->get())
				//	LLColorSwatchCtrl::onColorChanged ( getSwatch () );

		highlightEntry = -1;

		if ( mMouseDownInSwatch )
			getWindow()->setCursor ( UI_CURSOR_ARROWDRAG );

			// if cursor if over a palette entry
			LLRect paletteRect ( mPaletteRegionLeft,
								mPaletteRegionLeft + mPaletteRegionWidth,
								mPaletteRegionTop - mPaletteRegionHeight );

			if ( paletteRect.pointInRect ( x, y ) )
				// find row/column in palette
				S32 xOffset = ( ( x - mPaletteRegionLeft ) * numPaletteColumns ) / mPaletteRegionWidth;
				S32 yOffset = ( ( mPaletteRegionTop - y - 1 ) * numPaletteRows ) / mPaletteRegionHeight;

				// calculate the entry 0..n-1 to highlight and set variable to next draw() picks it up
				highlightEntry = xOffset + yOffset * numPaletteColumns;

			return TRUE;

	// dispatch to base class for the rest of things
	return LLFloater::handleHover ( x, y, mask );
BOOL LLFloaterColorPicker::handleMouseDown ( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask )
	// make it the frontmost

	// rect containing RGB area
	LLRect rgbAreaRect ( mRGBViewerImageLeft,
						 mRGBViewerImageLeft + mRGBViewerImageWidth,
						 mRGBViewerImageTop - mRGBViewerImageHeight );

	if ( rgbAreaRect.pointInRect ( x, y ) )
		// mouse button down
		setMouseDownInHueRegion ( TRUE );

		// update all values based on initial click
		updateRgbHslFromPoint ( x, y );

		// required by base class
		return TRUE;

	// rect containing RGB area
	LLRect lumAreaRect ( mLumRegionLeft,
						 mLumRegionLeft + mLumRegionWidth + mLumMarkerSize,
						 mLumRegionTop - mLumRegionHeight );

	if ( lumAreaRect.pointInRect ( x, y ) )
		// mouse button down
		setMouseDownInLumRegion ( TRUE );

		// required by base class
		return TRUE;

	// rect containing swatch area
	LLRect swatchRect ( mSwatchRegionLeft,
						mSwatchRegionLeft + mSwatchRegionWidth,
						mSwatchRegionTop - mSwatchRegionHeight );

	setMouseDownInSwatch( FALSE );
	if ( swatchRect.pointInRect ( x, y ) )
		setMouseDownInSwatch( TRUE );

		// required - dont drag windows here.
		return TRUE;

	// rect containing palette area
	LLRect paletteRect ( mPaletteRegionLeft,
						 mPaletteRegionLeft + mPaletteRegionWidth,
						 mPaletteRegionTop - mPaletteRegionHeight );

	if ( paletteRect.pointInRect ( x, y ) )
		// release keyboard focus so we can change text values
		if (gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this))

		// calculate which palette index we selected
		S32 c = ( ( x - mPaletteRegionLeft ) * numPaletteColumns ) / mPaletteRegionWidth;
		S32 r = ( ( y - ( mPaletteRegionTop - mPaletteRegionHeight ) ) * numPaletteRows ) / mPaletteRegionHeight;

		U32 index = ( numPaletteRows - r - 1 ) * numPaletteColumns + c;

		if ( index <= mPalette.size () )
			LLColor4 selected = *mPalette [ index ];

			setCurRgb ( selected [ 0 ], selected [ 1 ], selected [ 2 ] );

			if (mApplyImmediateCheck->get())
				LLColorSwatchCtrl::onColorChanged ( getSwatch (), LLColorSwatchCtrl::COLOR_CHANGE );

			updateTextEntry ();

		return TRUE;

	// dispatch to base class for the rest of things
	return LLFloater::handleMouseDown ( x, y, mask );