static bool distanceFromAncestor(const Location & self, const Location & other, Point3D & c) { if (&self == &other) { return true; } if (other.m_loc == NULL) { return false; } if (other.orientation().isValid()) { c = c.toParentCoords(other.m_pos, other.orientation()); } else { static const Quaternion identity(1, 0, 0, 0); c = c.toParentCoords(other.m_pos, identity); } return distanceFromAncestor(self, other.m_loc->m_location, c); }
void SimpleCameraObjectScript::stableRotateAction(float dir, float amount) { // Get the updated position Time now = context()->simTime(); Location loc = mSelfProxy->extrapolateLocation(now); const Quaternion &orient = loc.getOrientation(); double p, r, y; quat2Euler(orient, p, r, y); Vector3f raxis; raxis.x = 0; raxis.y = std::cos(p*DEG2RAD); raxis.z = -std::sin(p*DEG2RAD); // Request updates from spcae TimedMotionQuaternion neworient(now, MotionQuaternion(loc.getOrientation(), Quaternion(raxis, dir*amount))); mParent->requestOrientationUpdate(, mID.object(), neworient); // And update our local Proxy's information, assuming the move will be successful mSelfProxy->setOrientation(neworient, 0, true); }
// --------- begin of function BulletHoming::init --------// void BulletHoming::init(char parentType, short parentRecno, short targetXLoc, short targetYLoc, char targetMobileType) { Bullet::init(parentType, parentRecno, targetXLoc, targetYLoc, targetMobileType); // ------- find the maximum range --------// BaseObj *baseObjPtr = base_obj_array[parent_base_obj_recno]; if( baseObjPtr->cast_to_Unit() ) { Unit *parentUnit = base_obj_array[parent_base_obj_recno]->cast_to_Unit(); AttackInfo* attackInfo = parentUnit->attack_info_array+parentUnit->cur_attack; speed = attackInfo->bullet_speed; max_step = char((attackInfo->attack_range * LOCATE_WIDTH + speed-1)/ speed); } else if( baseObjPtr->cast_to_Firm() && baseObjPtr->cast_to_Firm()->cast_to_FirmFort() ) { FirmFort *firmFort = baseObjPtr->cast_to_Firm()->cast_to_FirmFort(); speed = firmFort->bullet_speed(); max_step = 100; // unlimited range } else { err_here(); } //--------- keep backup of centre of the bullet ---------// SpriteFrame *spriteFrame = cur_sprite_frame(); // origin_x/y and origin2_x/y are pointing at the centre of the bullet bitmap // origin_x += spriteFrame->offset_x + spriteFrame->width/2; origin_y += spriteFrame->offset_y + spriteFrame->height/2; origin2_x = origin_x; origin2_y = origin_y; go_x += spriteFrame->offset_x + spriteFrame->width/2; go_y += spriteFrame->offset_y + spriteFrame->height/2; // ------- find the target_type and target_recno ------// Location *locPtr = world.get_loc(targetXLoc, targetYLoc); target_base_obj_recno = locPtr->base_obj_recno(targetMobileType); }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE void executeCommand( const Location& location, const QString& format, const QStringList& args ) { QString actualCommand; for ( int i = 0; i < (int) format.length(); i++ ) { int ch = format[i].unicode(); if ( ch > 0 && ch < 8 ) { actualCommand += args[ch - 1]; } else { actualCommand += format[i]; } } QString toolName = actualCommand; int space = toolName.indexOf( QLatin1Char(' ') ); if ( space != -1 ) toolName.truncate( space ); QProcess process; process.start(QLatin1String("sh"), QStringList() << QLatin1String("-c") << actualCommand ); process.waitForFinished(); if (process.exitCode() == 127) location.fatal( tr("Couldn't launch the '%1' tool") .arg(toolName), tr("Make sure the tool is installed and in the" " path.") ); QString errors = QString::fromLocal8Bit(process.readAllStandardError()); while ( errors.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\n')) ) errors.truncate( errors.length() - 1 ); if ( !errors.isEmpty() ) location.fatal( tr("The '%1' tool encountered some problems") .arg(toolName), tr("The tool was invoked like this:\n%1\n" "It emitted these errors:\n%2") .arg(actualCommand).arg(errors) ); }
void BlockSummary::ComputeAssertNames() { BlockCFG *cfg = GetBlockCFG(m_id); Assert(cfg); // the assertion names need the filename of the containing function. Location *loc = cfg->GetPointLocation(cfg->GetEntryPoint()); // keep track of the last kind/index to be generated for an assertion. // the index space should be different for each assertion kind so that // different assertions do not interfere with one another. we can get this // with a simple counter because the assertions are sorted by kind. AssertKind last_kind = ASK_None; size_t last_index = 0; for (size_t ind = 0; m_assert_list && ind < m_assert_list->Size(); ind++) { AssertInfo &info = m_assert_list->At(ind); Assert(!info.name_buf); // only compute indexes for assertions which need to be checked. if (info.cls != ASC_Check) continue; // reset the index if this is a new kind of assertion. if (info.kind != last_kind) { last_kind = info.kind; last_index = 0; } last_index++; info.name_buf = new Buffer(256); BufferOutStream out(info.name_buf); out << AssertKindString(last_kind) << "$" << loc->FileName()->Value() << "$" << m_id->Function()->Value() << "$" << (m_id->Kind() == B_Loop ? m_id->Loop()->Value() : "func") << "$" << last_index << '\0'; } cfg->DecRef(); }
// @author Andre Allan Ponce // checks the four cardinal spaces directly around player for an item (which was supposed to be symbols) int Game::detectItemID(){ int currPlayerX = player->getRoomLocX(); int currPlayerY = player->getRoomLocY(); bool noItem = true; Location* currRoom = world[currX][currY]; for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++){ cout << "in here" << i << "\n"; switch(i){ case MOVE_LEFT:{ int finding = findItemID(currRoom->getSpaceAt(currPlayerX,currPlayerY-1)); if(finding >= 0){ return finding; } break; } case MOVE_UP:{ int finding = findItemID(currRoom->getSpaceAt(currPlayerX-1,currPlayerY)); cout << finding; if(finding >= 0){ return finding; } break; } case MOVE_RIGHT:{ int finding = findItemID(currRoom->getSpaceAt(currPlayerX,currPlayerY+1)); if(finding >= 0){ return finding; } break; } case MOVE_DOWN:{ int finding = findItemID(currRoom->getSpaceAt(currPlayerX+1,currPlayerY)); if(finding >= 0){ return finding; } break; } } } return -1; }
int FindSymbolsJob::execute() { int ret = 2; if (std::shared_ptr<Project> proj = project()) { Set<Symbol> symbols; Location filter; const uint32_t filteredFile = fileFilter(); if (filteredFile) filter = Location(filteredFile, 0, 0); auto inserter = [proj, this, &symbols, &filter, filteredFile](Project::SymbolMatchType type, const String &symbolName, const Set<Location> &locations) { if (filter.fileId()) { auto it = locations.lower_bound(filter); if (it == locations.end() || it->fileId() != filteredFile) return; } if (type == Project::StartsWith) { const size_t paren = symbolName.indexOf('('); if (paren == String::npos || paren != string.size() || RTags::isFunctionVariable(symbolName)) return; } for (const auto &it : locations) { const Symbol sym = proj->findSymbol(it); if (!sym.isNull()) symbols.insert(sym); } }; proj->findSymbols(string, inserter, queryFlags()); if (!symbols.isEmpty()) { const List<RTags::SortedSymbol> sorted = proj->sort(symbols, queryFlags()); const Flags<WriteFlag> writeFlags = fileFilter() ? Unfiltered : NoWriteFlags; const int count = sorted.size(); ret = count ? 0 : 1; for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) { write(, writeFlags); } } } return ret; }
void FollowLocationJob::execute() { Scope<const SymbolMap&> scope = project()->lockSymbolsForRead(); if (scope.isNull()) return; const SymbolMap &map =; const SymbolMap::const_iterator it = RTags::findCursorInfo(map, location); if (it == map.end()) return; const CursorInfo &cursorInfo = it->second; if (cursorInfo.isClass() && cursorInfo.isDefinition()) return; Location loc; CursorInfo target = cursorInfo.bestTarget(map, &loc); if (!loc.isNull()) { if (cursorInfo.kind != target.kind) { if (!target.isDefinition() && !target.targets.isEmpty()) { switch (target.kind) { case CXCursor_ClassDecl: case CXCursor_ClassTemplate: case CXCursor_StructDecl: case CXCursor_FunctionDecl: case CXCursor_CXXMethod: case CXCursor_Destructor: case CXCursor_Constructor: case CXCursor_FunctionTemplate: target = target.bestTarget(map, &loc); break; default: break; } } } if (!loc.isNull()) { write(loc); } } }
//------------ begin of function World::plant_grow ------------// // // pGrow = prabability of grow, range from 0 to 100 // scanDensity = scan one square per scanDensity^2 // void World::plant_grow(int pGrow, int scanDensity) { // scan part of the map for plant int yBase = misc.random(scanDensity); int xBase = misc.random(scanDensity); for( int y = yBase; y < max_y_loc; y += scanDensity) for( int x = xBase; x < max_x_loc; x += scanDensity) { Location *l = get_loc(x,y); short bitmapId, basePlantId; // is a plant and is not at maximum grade if( l->is_plant() && misc.random(100) < pGrow && (basePlantId = plant_res.plant_recno(bitmapId = l->plant_id())) != 0 && bitmapId - plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap < plant_res[basePlantId]->bitmap_count -1) { // increase the grade of plant l->grow_plant(); } } }
bool TranslationUnit::LocationIsInSystemHeader( const Location &location ) { unique_lock< mutex > lock( clang_access_mutex_ ); if ( !clang_translation_unit_ || !location.IsValid() ) { return false; } return clang_Location_isInSystemHeader( GetSourceLocation( location.filename_, location.line_number_, location.column_number_ ) ); }
// return best RTL location from current position Location AP_Rally::calc_best_rally_or_home_location(const Location ¤t_loc, float rtl_home_alt) const { RallyLocation ral_loc = {}; Location return_loc = {}; const struct Location &home_loc = AP::ahrs().get_home(); // no valid rally point, return home position return_loc = home_loc; return_loc.alt = rtl_home_alt; return_loc.relative_alt = false; // read_alt_to_hold returns an absolute altitude if (find_nearest_rally_point(current_loc, ral_loc)) { Location loc = rally_location_to_location(ral_loc); // use the rally point if it's closer then home, or we aren't generally considering home as acceptable if (!_rally_incl_home || (current_loc.get_distance(loc) < current_loc.get_distance(return_loc))) { return_loc = rally_location_to_location(ral_loc); } } return return_loc; }
/*! Creates the file named \a fileName in the output directory. Attaches a QTextStream to the created file, which is written to all over the place using out(). */ void PageGenerator::beginSubPage(const Location& location, const QString& fileName) { QFile* outFile = new QFile(outputDir() + "/" + fileName); if (!outFile->open(QFile::WriteOnly)) location.fatal(tr("Cannot open output file '%1'").arg(outFile->fileName())); QTextStream* out = new QTextStream(outFile); if (outputCodec) out->setCodec(outputCodec); outStreamStack.push(out); }
// Find the first Assignment with loc on the LHS Assignment* StatementList::findOnLeft(Exp* loc) { if (slist.size() == 0) return NULL; for (iterator it = slist.begin(); it != slist.end(); it++) { Exp *left = ((Assignment*)*it)->getLeft(); if (*left == *loc) return (Assignment*)*it; if (left->isLocal()) { Location *l = (Location*)left; Exp *e = l->getProc()->expFromSymbol(((Const*)l->getSubExp1())->getStr()); if (e && ((*e == *loc) || (e->isSubscript() && *e->getSubExp1() == *loc))) { return (Assignment*)*it; } } } return NULL; }
//------- Begin of function WallRes::disp_info -------// // void WallRes::disp_info(int refreshFlag) { if( selected_x_loc < 0 ) return; if( refreshFlag == INFO_REPAINT ) { font_san.d3_put( INFO_X1, INFO_Y1, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+17, "Defense Wall" ); vga_front.d3_panel_up( INFO_X1, INFO_Y1+20, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+40, 1 ); } int x=INFO_X1+3, y=INFO_Y1+23; Location* locPtr = world.get_loc( selected_x_loc, selected_y_loc ); String str; str = locPtr->wall_abs_hit_point(); str += " / 100"; font_san.field( x, y, "Hit Points", x+80, str, INFO_X2-4, refreshFlag ); }
void Entity::move(Entity_List entities) { Location diff = Location::subtract(this->destination, this->location); Location direction = diff.get_direction_to(); Location next_step( this->location.x + direction.x * this->speed, this->location.y + direction.y * this->speed); Entity_Iterator entity; Entity_Iterator end = entities.end(); for (entity = entities.begin(); entity != end; ++entity) { if (next_step.collides_with(entity->location) && !entity->is_equal(*this)) { return; } } this->location = next_step; this->state = get_state(direction); this->idle = false; }
bool SMEntity::teleport(const Location &location, PlayerTeleportEvent::TeleportCause cause) { if(!isDead()) return false; if(entity->isRiding()) entity->stopRiding(true); entity->setPos(location.getPos()); return true; }
//------- Begin of function Tornado::hit_building -----// // building means firm or town // void Tornado::hit_building() { short damageXLoc = damage_x_loc(); short damageYLoc = damage_y_loc(); if( damageXLoc < 0 || damageXLoc >= world.max_x_loc || damageYLoc < 0 || damageYLoc >= world.max_y_loc) return; Location* locPtr = world.get_loc(damageXLoc, damageYLoc); // ##### begin Gilbert 30/10 #####// if(locPtr->is_firm() ) // && firm_res[(firmPtr=firm_array[locPtr->firm_recno()])->firm_id]->buildable ) { Firm *firmPtr = firm_array[locPtr->firm_recno()]; firmPtr->hit_points -= attack_damage*2; if( firmPtr->hit_points <= 0) { firmPtr->hit_points = (float) 0; se_res.sound(firmPtr->center_x, firmPtr->center_y, 1, 'F', firmPtr->firm_id, "DIE" ); firm_array.del_firm(locPtr->firm_recno()); } } if( locPtr->is_town() ) { Town *townPtr = town_array[locPtr->town_recno()]; if( (life_time % 30) == 0 ) townPtr->kill_town_people(0); } // ##### end Gilbert 30/10 #####// }
Location TranslationUnit::GetDefinitionOrDeclarationLocation( const std::string &filename, int line, int column, const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files, bool reparse ) { if ( reparse ) { Reparse( unsaved_files ); } unique_lock< mutex > lock( clang_access_mutex_ ); if ( !clang_translation_unit_ ) { return Location(); } CXCursor cursor = GetCursor( filename, line, column ); if ( !CursorIsValid( cursor ) ) { return Location(); } // Return the definition or the declaration of a symbol under the cursor // according to the following logic: // - if the cursor is already on the definition, return the location of the // declaration; // - otherwise, search for the definition and return its location; // - if no definition is found, return the location of the declaration. if ( clang_isCursorDefinition( cursor ) ) { return GetDeclarationLocationForCursor( cursor ); } Location location = GetDefinitionLocationForCursor( cursor ); if ( location.IsValid() ) { return location; } return GetDeclarationLocationForCursor( cursor ); }
Datum getWciLocation( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS ) { // Function is Strict, so no need to check for NULLs const text * location = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P( 0 ); boost::scoped_array<char> p( new char[ VARSIZE( location ) + 1 ] ); std::copy( VARDATA( location ), ( char* ) location + VARSIZE( location ), p.get() ); p[ VARSIZE( location ) - VARHDRSZ ] = '\0'; try { const Location loc( p.get() ); Datum d = packWciLocation( loc.interpolation().c_str(), loc.hasGeometry() ? loc.geometry().c_str() : loc.placeName().c_str(), loc.hasGeometry(), fcinfo ); return d; } catch ( std::logic_error & e ) { ereport( ERROR, ( errcode( ERRCODE_INVALID_TEXT_REPRESENTATION ), errmsg( e.what() ) ) ); } catch ( std::runtime_error & e ) { ereport( ERROR, ( errcode( ERRCODE_INVALID_TEXT_REPRESENTATION ), errmsg( e.what() ) ) ); } PG_RETURN_NULL(); }
bool QueryJob::locationToString(Location location, const std::function<void(LocationPiece, const String &)> &cb, Flags<WriteFlag> writeFlags) { if (location.isNull()) return false; Flags<Location::ToStringFlag> kf = locationToStringFlags(); kf &= ~Location::ShowContext; cb(Piece_Location, location.toString(kf, &mContextCache)); if (!(writeFlags & NoContext) && !(queryFlags() & QueryMessage::NoContext)) cb(Piece_Context, location.context(kf, &mContextCache)); const bool containingFunction = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::ContainingFunction; const bool containingFunctionLocation = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::ContainingFunctionLocation; const bool cursorKind = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::CursorKind; const bool displayName = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::DisplayName; if (containingFunction || containingFunctionLocation || cursorKind || displayName || !mKindFilters.isEmpty()) { int idx; Symbol symbol = project()->findSymbol(location, &idx); if (symbol.isNull()) { error() << "Somehow can't find" << location << "in symbols"; } else { if (!mKindFilters.filter(symbol)) return false; if (displayName) cb(Piece_SymbolName, symbol.displayName()); if (cursorKind) cb(Piece_Kind, symbol.kindSpelling()); if (containingFunction || containingFunctionLocation) { const uint32_t fileId = location.fileId(); const unsigned int line = location.line(); const unsigned int column = location.column(); auto fileMap = project()->openSymbols(location.fileId()); if (fileMap) { while (idx > 0) { symbol = fileMap->valueAt(--idx); if (symbol.location.fileId() != fileId) break; if (symbol.isDefinition() && RTags::isContainer(symbol.kind) && comparePosition(line, column, symbol.startLine, symbol.startColumn) >= 0 && comparePosition(line, column, symbol.endLine, symbol.endColumn) <= 0) { if (containingFunction) cb(Piece_ContainingFunctionName, symbol.symbolName); if (containingFunctionLocation) cb(Piece_ContainingFunctionLocation, symbol.location.toString(locationToStringFlags() & ~Location::ShowContext)); break; } } } } } } return true; }
//------- Begin of function Bullet::hit_wall -----// // ###### begin Gilbert 14/5 #########// void Bullet::hit_wall(short x, short y) { Location* locPtr = world.get_loc(x, y); if(!locPtr->is_wall()) return; float attackDamage = attenuated_damage(x * ZOOM_LOC_WIDTH, y * ZOOM_LOC_HEIGHT ); if( attackDamage == 0) return; // ###### end Gilbert 14/5 #########// Unit *virtualUnit, *parentUnit; if(unit_array.is_deleted(parent_recno)) { parentUnit = NULL; //### begin alex 26/9 ###// if(nation_array.is_deleted(nation_recno)) return; //#### end alex 26/9 ####// for(int i=unit_array.size(); i>0; i--) { if(unit_array.is_deleted(i)) continue; virtualUnit = unit_array[i]; break; } if(!virtualUnit) return; //**** BUGHERE } else virtualUnit = parentUnit = unit_array[parent_recno]; // ###### begin Gilbert 14/5 #########// virtualUnit->hit_wall(parentUnit, target_x_loc, target_y_loc, attackDamage); // ###### end Gilbert 14/5 ########// }
void Piece::addMoves( Location current, Board& board, set<Location>& moves, int rowDiff, int colDiff) const { Location next = Location(current.row() + rowDiff, current.column() + colDiff); while(true) { if (!next.isValid()) break; if ( != NULL) { if (>color() != this->color()) { moves.insert(next); } break; } else { moves.insert(next); } next = Location(next.row() + rowDiff, next.column() + colDiff); } }
int PID::goToDestination(Location& _currentLocation) { if (!updateLocation()) { for(int i = 0 ; i <= 1000 ; i++) { usleep(1000); if (updateLocation()) { break; } else { if(i == 1000) { tx->halt(); return 0; } } } } updateRatios(); int controlIndices[] = {2, 3, 0}; int index; control_vals[2] = ratios.X * trim[2]; control_vals[3] = ratios.Y * trim[3]; control_vals[0] = ratios.Z * STARTPOW; for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { index = controlIndices[i]; if (control_vals[index] > 250) control_vals[index] = 250; if (control_vals[index] <= 5) control_vals[index] = 5; } if(control_vals[THROTTLE - 1] > MAXTHROTTLE) { std::cout << "Throttle: " << control_vals[THROTTLE] << std::endl; control_vals[THROTTLE - 1] = MAXTHROTTLE; } std::cout << time_diff << "ms :: " << "[" << control_vals[AILERON - 1] << ", " << control_vals[ELEVATOR - 1] << ", " << control_vals[THROTTLE - 1] << "] :: (" << location.X << ", " << location.Y << ", " << location.Z << ")" << std::endl; tx->setValues(control_vals); _currentLocation.setValues(location.X, location.Y, location.Z); return 1; }
/* * s_j + r CT + 2*|R| CT (3-c_{i,j}^{k1,k2,r}-m_i^k1-m_j^k2) \geq s_i + d_i (16) * s_i + 2*|R| CT (2+c_{i,j}^{k1,k2,r}-m_i^k1-m_j^k2) \geq s_j + d_j + r CT (17) */ void ConstraintsGenerator::addCollisions(const map1to1& s, const map1to1& d, const map2to1& x, const map2to1& y, const map4toN& c) { assert(mRobots.size() > 1 && mLine != nullptr && "More than one robot expected!"); for (const pair<ActivityMode*, ActivityMode*>& col : mLine->collisions()) { int32_t numberOfRobots = mRobots.size(); for (int32_t r = -numberOfRobots; r <= numberOfRobots; ++r) { Operator op = GREATER_EQUAL; SparseMatrix<double>::Row row; double constVal = 2.0*numberOfRobots*mCycleTime; double b1 = -3.0*constVal-r*mCycleTime, b2 = -2.0*constVal+r*mCycleTime; uint32_t a[2], m[2], i = 0; for (ActivityMode* mode : {col.first, col.second}) { Movement *mv = dynamic_cast<Movement*>(mode); if (mv != nullptr) { DynamicActivity *da = mv->parent(); a[i] = da->aid(); m[i] = mv->mid(); row.emplace_back(getValue(y, {a[i], m[i]}, caller()), -constVal); } Location *loc = dynamic_cast<Location*>(mode); if (loc != nullptr) { StaticActivity *sa = loc->parent(); a[i] = sa->aid(); m[i] = loc->lid(); row.emplace_back(getValue(x, {a[i], loc->point()}, caller()), -constVal); } ++i; } SparseMatrix<double>::Row row1 = row, row2 = row; const vector<uint32_t>& v = getValue(c, {pack(a[0], m[0]), pack(a[1], m[1])}, caller()); row1.insert(row1.end(), {{getValue(s, a[1], caller()), 1.0}, {getValue(s, a[0], caller()), -1.0}, {getValue(d, a[0], caller()), -1.0}, {v[r+numberOfRobots], -constVal}}); row2.insert(row2.end(), {{getValue(s, a[0], caller()), 1.0}, {getValue(s, a[1], caller()), -1.0}, {getValue(d, a[1], caller()), -1.0}, {v[r+numberOfRobots], constVal}}); addConstraint(row1, op, b1, "(16$"+to_string(mConstraintsCounter++)+")"); addConstraint(row2, op, b2, "(17$"+to_string(mConstraintsCounter++)+")"); } } }
void ClangIndexer::inclusionVisitor(CXFile includedFile, CXSourceLocation *includeStack, unsigned includeLen, CXClientData userData) { ClangIndexer *indexer = static_cast<ClangIndexer*>(userData); const Location l = indexer->createLocation(includedFile, 1, 1); const uint32_t fileId = l.fileId(); if (!includeLen) { indexer->mData->dependencies[fileId].insert(fileId); } else { for (unsigned i=0; i<includeLen; ++i) { CXFile originatingFile; clang_getSpellingLocation(includeStack[i], &originatingFile, 0, 0, 0); const Location loc = indexer->createLocation(originatingFile, 1, 1); const uint32_t f = loc.fileId(); if (f) indexer->mData->dependencies[fileId].insert(f); } } }
// Copy constructor Board::Board( const Board& orig ) { Location size; size = orig.getBoardSize(); rows = size.getRow(); columns = size.getColumn(); board_data = new int[rows * columns]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j) { Location loc( i, j ); board_data[columns * i + j] = orig.getSpotValue( loc ); // Copy the board_data } } // Copy the list of ships and their data for (shipNode *cur = head; cur; cur = cur->next) { this->placeShip( cur->data, cur->data.getLocation(), cur->data.getDirection() ); } }
void setJSLocationHash(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value) { #ifdef JSC_TAINTED unsigned int tainted = 0; if (value.isString() && value.isTainted()) { tainted = value.isTainted(); } if (value.inherits(&StringObject::s_info) && asStringObject(value)->isTainted()) { tainted = asStringObject(value)->isTainted(); } if (value.isObject()) { UString s = value.toString(exec); if (s.isTainted()) { tainted = s.isTainted(); } } if (tainted) { JSLocation* castedThis = static_cast<JSLocation*>(thisObject); Location* imp = static_cast<Location*>(castedThis->impl()); imp->frame()->document()->setTainted(tainted); TaintedStructure trace_struct; trace_struct.taintedno = tainted; trace_struct.internalfunc = "setJSLocationHash"; trace_struct.jsfunc = "location.hash"; trace_struct.action = "sink"; char msg[20]; stringstream msgss; snprintf(msg, 20, "%s", value.toString(exec).utf8(true).data()); msgss << msg; msgss >> trace_struct.value; TaintedTrace* trace = TaintedTrace::getInstance(); trace->addTaintedTrace(trace_struct); } #endif static_cast<JSLocation*>(thisObject)->setHash(exec, value); }
//------- Begin of function Firm::establish_contact_with_player --------// // // See if the town's location is an explored area, establish contact // with the player. // void Firm::establish_contact_with_player() { if( !nation_recno ) return; int xLoc, yLoc; Location* locPtr; for( yLoc=loc_y1 ; yLoc<=loc_y2 ; yLoc++ ) { for( xLoc=loc_x1 ; xLoc<=loc_x2 ; xLoc++ ) { locPtr = world.get_loc(xLoc, yLoc); locPtr->set_firm(firm_recno); if( locPtr->explored() && nation_array.player_recno ) { NationRelation *relation = (~nation_array)->get_relation(nation_recno); if( !remote.is_enable() ) { relation->has_contact = 1; } else { if( !relation->has_contact && !relation->contact_msg_flag ) { // packet structure : <player nation> <explored nation> short *shortPtr = (short *)remote.new_send_queue_msg(MSG_NATION_CONTACT, 2*sizeof(short)); *shortPtr = nation_array.player_recno; shortPtr[1] = nation_recno; relation->contact_msg_flag = 1; } } } } } }
void DumpThread::handleInclude(const Location &loc, const CXCursor &cursor) { CXFile includedFile = clang_getIncludedFile(cursor); if (includedFile) { CXStringScope fn = clang_getFileName(includedFile); const char *cstr = clang_getCString(fn); if (!cstr) { clang_disposeString(fn); return; } const Path p = Path::resolved(cstr); clang_disposeString(fn); const uint32_t fileId = Location::insertFile(p); Dep *&source = mDependencies[loc.fileId()]; if (!source) source = new Dep(loc.fileId()); Dep *&include = mDependencies[fileId]; if (!include) include = new Dep(fileId); source->include(include); } }
void V8Location::hashAccessorSetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) { INC_STATS("DOM.Location.hash._set"); v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = info.Holder(); Location* imp = V8Location::toNative(holder); String hash = toWebCoreString(value); Frame* frame = imp->frame(); if (!frame) return; KURL url = frame->loader()->url(); String oldRef = url.fragmentIdentifier(); if (hash.startsWith("#")) hash = hash.substring(1); if (oldRef == hash || (oldRef.isNull() && hash.isEmpty())) return; url.setFragmentIdentifier(hash); navigateIfAllowed(frame, url, false, false); }