Example #1
void FiffSimulator::doContinousHPI(MatrixXf& matData)
    //This only works with babyMEG HPI channels 400 ... 407
    if(m_pFiffInfo && m_pHPIWidget && matData.rows() >= 407) {
        if(m_pHPIWidget->wasLastFitOk()) {
            // Load device to head transformation matrix from Fiff info
            QMatrix3x3 rot;

            for(int ir = 0; ir < 3; ir++) {
                for(int ic = 0; ic < 3; ic++) {
                    rot(ir,ic) = m_pFiffInfo->dev_head_t.trans(ir,ic);

            QQuaternion quatHPI = QQuaternion::fromRotationMatrix(rot);

            // Write rotation quaternion to HPI Ch #1~3
            matData.row(401) = MatrixXf::Constant(1,matData.cols(), quatHPI.x());
            matData.row(402) = MatrixXf::Constant(1,matData.cols(), quatHPI.y());
            matData.row(403) = MatrixXf::Constant(1,matData.cols(), quatHPI.z());

            // Write translation vector to HPI Ch #4~6
            matData.row(404) = MatrixXf::Constant(1,matData.cols(), m_pFiffInfo->dev_head_t.trans(0,3));
            matData.row(405) = MatrixXf::Constant(1,matData.cols(), m_pFiffInfo->dev_head_t.trans(1,3));
            matData.row(406) = MatrixXf::Constant(1,matData.cols(), m_pFiffInfo->dev_head_t.trans(2,3));

            // Write GOF to HPI Ch #7
            // Write goodness of fit (GOF)to HPI Ch #7
            float dpfitError = 0.0;
            float GOF = 1 - dpfitError;
            matData.row(407) = MatrixXf::Constant(1,matData.cols(), GOF);
	MatrixXf transformPoints(Matrix3f X, MatrixXf P){

		MatrixXf Pfull(3, P.cols());

		for(int i=0; i<P.cols(); i++){

			Pfull(0, i) = P(0, i);
			Pfull(1, i) = P(1, i);
			Pfull(2, i) = 1;

		Pfull = X*Pfull;

		MatrixXf Pt(2, P.cols());

		for(int i=0; i<P.cols(); i++){

			Pt(0, i) = Pfull(0, i);
			Pt(1, i) = Pfull(1, i);


		return Pt;

Example #3
double IntersectionOverUnion::evaluate( MatrixXf & d_mul_Q, const MatrixXf & Q ) const {
    assert( gt_.rows() == Q.cols() );
    const int N = Q.cols(), M = Q.rows();
    d_mul_Q = 0*Q;

    VectorXd in(M), un(M);
    for( int i=0; i<N; i++ ) {
        if( 0 <= gt_[i] && gt_[i] < M ) {
            in[ gt_[i] ] += Q(gt_[i],i);
            un[ gt_[i] ] += 1;
            for( int l=0; l<M; l++ )
                if( l!=gt_[i] )
                    un[ l ] += Q(l,i);
    for( int i=0; i<N; i++ )
        if( 0 <= gt_[i] && gt_[i] < M ) {
            for( int l=0; l<M; l++ )
                if( l==gt_[i] )
                    d_mul_Q(l,i) = Q(l,i) / (un[l]*M);
                    d_mul_Q(l,i) = - Q(l,i) * in[l] / ( un[l] * un[l] * M);
    return (in.array()/un.array()).sum()/M;
Example #4
	MatrixXf featureGradient( const MatrixXf & a, const MatrixXf & b ) const {
		if (ntype_ == NO_NORMALIZATION )
			return kernelGradient( a, b );
		else if (ntype_ == NORMALIZE_SYMMETRIC ) {
			MatrixXf fa = lattice_.compute( a*norm_.asDiagonal(), true );
			MatrixXf fb = lattice_.compute( b*norm_.asDiagonal() );
			MatrixXf ones = MatrixXf::Ones( a.rows(), a.cols() );
			VectorXf norm3 = norm_.array()*norm_.array()*norm_.array();
			MatrixXf r = kernelGradient( 0.5*( a.array()*fb.array() + fa.array()*b.array() ).matrix()*norm3.asDiagonal(), ones );
			return - r + kernelGradient( a*norm_.asDiagonal(), b*norm_.asDiagonal() );
		else if (ntype_ == NORMALIZE_AFTER ) {
			MatrixXf fb = lattice_.compute( b );
			MatrixXf ones = MatrixXf::Ones( a.rows(), a.cols() );
			VectorXf norm2 = norm_.array()*norm_.array();
			MatrixXf r = kernelGradient( ( a.array()*fb.array() ).matrix()*norm2.asDiagonal(), ones );
			return - r + kernelGradient( a*norm_.asDiagonal(), b );
		else /*if (ntype_ == NORMALIZE_BEFORE )*/ {
			MatrixXf fa = lattice_.compute( a, true );
			MatrixXf ones = MatrixXf::Ones( a.rows(), a.cols() );
			VectorXf norm2 = norm_.array()*norm_.array();
			MatrixXf r = kernelGradient( ( fa.array()*b.array() ).matrix()*norm2.asDiagonal(), ones );
			return -r+kernelGradient( a, b*norm_.asDiagonal() );
Example #5
void sumAndNormalize( MatrixXf & out, const MatrixXf & in, const MatrixXf & Q ) {
	out.resize( in.rows(), in.cols() );
	for( int i=0; i<in.cols(); i++ ){
		VectorXf b = in.col(i);
		VectorXf q = Q.col(i);
		out.col(i) = b.array().sum()*q - b;
Example #6
/////  Inference  /////
void expAndNormalize ( MatrixXf & out, const MatrixXf & in ) {
	out.resize( in.rows(), in.cols() );
	for( int i=0; i<out.cols(); i++ ){
		VectorXf b = in.col(i);
		b.array() -= b.maxCoeff();
		b = b.array().exp();
		out.col(i) = b / b.array().sum();
Example #7
void Permutohedral::compute ( MatrixXf & out, const MatrixXf & in, bool reverse ) const
    if( out.cols() != in.cols() || out.rows() != in.rows() )
        out = 0*in;
    if( in.rows() <= 2 )
        seqCompute( out.data(), in.data(), in.rows(), reverse );
        sseCompute( out.data(), in.data(), in.rows(), reverse );
Example #8
void blas_gemm(const MatrixXf& a, const MatrixXf& b, MatrixXf& c)
  int M = c.rows(); int N = c.cols(); int K = a.cols();
  int lda = a.rows(); int ldb = b.rows(); int ldc = c.rows();

Example #9
vector<float> applyPCAtoVector(vector<float> &descriptorValues, MatrixXf &eigen_vects)
    MatrixXf datapoint(1,descriptorValues.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < descriptorValues.size(); ++i)
        datapoint(0,i) = descriptorValues[i];
    MatrixXf reduceddatapnt = pca::transformPointMatrix(datapoint, eigen_vects);
    vector<float> retfeatvect(reduceddatapnt.cols());
    for (int i = 0; i < reduceddatapnt.cols(); ++i)
        retfeatvect[i] = reduceddatapnt(0,i);
    return retfeatvect;
Example #10
vector<vector<float> > applyPCAtoVector2D(vector<vector<float> > &descriptorValues, MatrixXf &eigen_vects)
    MatrixXf datapoints(descriptorValues.size(),descriptorValues[0].size());
    for (int i = 0; i < descriptorValues.size(); ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < descriptorValues[0].size(); ++j)
            datapoints(i, j) = descriptorValues[i][j];
    MatrixXf reduceddatapnts = pca::transformPointMatrix(datapoints, eigen_vects);
    vector<vector<float> > retfeatvects(reduceddatapnts.rows(), vector<float>(reduceddatapnts.cols()));
    for (int i = 0; i < reduceddatapnts.rows(); ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < reduceddatapnts.cols(); ++j)
            retfeatvects[i][j] = reduceddatapnts(i,j);
    return retfeatvects;
Example #11
double LogLikelihood::evaluate( MatrixXf & d_mul_Q, const MatrixXf & Q ) const {
    assert( gt_.rows() == Q.cols() );
    const int N = Q.cols(), M = Q.rows();
    double r = 0;
    d_mul_Q = 0*Q;
    for( int i=0; i<N; i++ )
        if( 0 <= gt_[i] && gt_[i] < M ) {
            float QQ = std::max( Q(gt_[i],i)+robust_, 1e-20f );
            // Make it negative since it's a
            r += log(QQ) / N;
            d_mul_Q(gt_[i],i) += Q(gt_[i],i) / QQ / N;
    return r;
Example #12
double Hamming::evaluate( MatrixXf & d_mul_Q, const MatrixXf & Q ) const {
    assert( gt_.rows() == Q.cols() );
    const int N = Q.cols(), M = Q.rows();
    double r = 0;
    d_mul_Q = 0*Q;
    for( int i=0; i<N; i++ )
        if( 0 <= gt_[i] && gt_[i] < M ) {
            float QQ = class_weight_[ gt_[i] ] * Q(gt_[i],i);
            // Make it negative since it's a
            r += QQ;
            d_mul_Q(gt_[i],i) += QQ;
    return r;
Example #13
void Neuromag::run()
    MatrixXf matValue;

    qint32 size = 0;

    while(m_bIsRunning) {
        if(m_pRawMatrixBuffer_In) {
            //pop matrix
            matValue = m_pRawMatrixBuffer_In->pop();

            //Write raw data to fif file
            if(m_bWriteToFile) {
                size += matValue.rows()*matValue.cols() * 4;

                if(size > MAX_DATA_LEN) {
                    size = 0;

                if(m_pOutfid) {
            } else {
                size = 0;

            if(m_pRTMSA_Neuromag) {
Example #14
void RealtimeMF_openni::projectDirections(cv::Mat& I, const MatrixXf& dirs,
    double f_d, const Matrix<uint8_t,Dynamic,Dynamic>& colors)
  double scale = 0.1;
  VectorXf p0(3); p0 << 0.35,0.25,1;
  double u0 = p0(0)/p0(2)*f_d + 320.;
  double v0 = p0(1)/p0(2)*f_d + 240.;
  for(uint32_t k=0; k < dirs.cols(); ++k)
    VectorXf p1 = p0 + dirs.col(k)*scale;
    double u1 = p1(0)/p1(2)*f_d + 320.;
    double v1 = p1(1)/p1(2)*f_d + 240.;
    cv::line(I, cv::Point(u0,v0), cv::Point(u1,v1),
        CV_RGB(colors(k,0),colors(k,1),colors(k,2)), 2, CV_AA);

    double arrowLen = 10.;
    double angle = atan2(v1-v0,u1-u0);

    double ru1 = u1 - arrowLen*cos(angle + M_PI*0.25);
    double rv1 = v1 - arrowLen*sin(angle + M_PI*0.25);
    cv::line(I, cv::Point(u1,v1), cv::Point(ru1,rv1),
        CV_RGB(colors(k,0),colors(k,1),colors(k,2)), 2, CV_AA);
    ru1 = u1 - arrowLen*cos(angle - M_PI*0.25);
    rv1 = v1 - arrowLen*sin(angle - M_PI*0.25);
    cv::line(I, cv::Point(u1,v1), cv::Point(ru1,rv1),
        CV_RGB(colors(k,0),colors(k,1),colors(k,2)), 2, CV_AA);
  cv::circle(I, cv::Point(u0,v0), 2, CV_RGB(0,0,0), 2, CV_AA);
Example #15
VectorXf EMclustering::logsumexp(MatrixXf x, int dim)
	int r = x.rows();
	int c = x.cols();

	VectorXf y(r);
	MatrixXf tmp1(r,c);
	VectorXf tmp2(r);
	VectorXf s(r);

	y = x.rowwise().maxCoeff();//cerr<<"y"<<y<<endl<<endl;
	x = x.colwise() - y;	
	tmp1 = x.array().exp();	
	tmp2 = tmp1.rowwise().sum();	
	s = y.array() + tmp2.array().log();

	for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++)
			s(i) = y(i);

	return s;
Example #16
void BabyMEG::createDigTrig(MatrixXf& data)
    //Look for triggers in all trigger channels

    //m_qMapDetectedTrigger = DetectTrigger::detectTriggerFlanksMax(data.at(b), m_lTriggerChannelIndices, m_iCurrentSample-nCol, m_dTriggerThreshold, true);
    QMap<int,QList<QPair<int,double> > > qMapDetectedTrigger = DetectTrigger::detectTriggerFlanksGrad(data.cast<double>(), m_lTriggerChannelIndices, 0, 3.0, false, "Rising");

    //Combine and write results into data block's digital trigger channel
    QMapIterator<int,QList<QPair<int,double> >> i(qMapDetectedTrigger);
    int counter = 0;
    int idxDigTrig = m_pFiffInfo->ch_names.indexOf("DTRG01");

    while (i.hasNext())

        QList<QPair<int,double> > lDetectedTriggers = i.value();

        for(int k = 0; k < lDetectedTriggers.size(); ++k)
            if(lDetectedTriggers.at(k).first < data.cols() && lDetectedTriggers.at(k).first >= 0)
                data(idxDigTrig,lDetectedTriggers.at(k).first) = data(idxDigTrig,lDetectedTriggers.at(k).first) + pow(2,counter);

Example #17
 * Normalizes each eigenface in a matrix.
 * @param eigenfaces  A matrix of eigen faces to normalize
void normalizeEigenFaces(MatrixXf &eigenfaces)
    for(int i = 0; i < eigenfaces.cols(); i++)
Example #18
void KF_joseph_update(VectorXf &x, MatrixXf &P,float v,float R, MatrixXf H)
    VectorXf PHt = P*H.transpose();
    MatrixXf S = H*PHt;
    S(0,0) += R;
    MatrixXf Si = S.inverse();
    Si = make_symmetric(Si);
    MatrixXf PSD_check = Si.llt().matrixL(); //chol of scalar is sqrt

    VectorXf W = PHt*Si;
    x = x+W*v;
    //Joseph-form covariance update
    MatrixXf eye(P.rows(), P.cols());
    MatrixXf C = eye - W*H;
    P = C*P*C.transpose() + W*R*W.transpose();  

    float eps = 2.2204*pow(10.0,-16); //numerical safety 
    P = P+eye*eps;

    PSD_check = P.llt().matrixL();
    PSD_check.conjugate(); //for upper tri
Example #19
void Util::processGramSchmidt(MatrixXf& mat){
  for (int i = 0; i < mat.cols(); ++i){
    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j){
      float r = mat.col(i).dot(mat.col(j));
      mat.col(i) -= r * mat.col(j);
    float norm = mat.col(i).norm();
    if (norm < SVD_EPS){
      for (int k = i; k < mat.cols(); ++k){
    mat.col(i) *= (1.f / norm);
void BabyMEGSQUIDControlDgl::TuneGraphDispProc(MatrixXf tmp)
//    std::cout << "first ten elements \n" << tmp.block(0,0,1,10) << std::endl;

    int cols = tmp.cols();
    int chanIndx = ui->m_Qcb_channel->currentIndex();//1;//
    // plot the real time data here
    settings.minX = 0.0;
    settings.maxX = cols;
    settings.minY = mmin(tmp,chanIndx);
    settings.maxY = mmax(tmp,chanIndx);
    settings.xlabel = QString("%1 samples/second").arg(m_pBabyMEG->m_dSfreq) ;
    settings.ylabel = QString("Amplitude [rel. unit]");

//    qDebug()<<"minY"<<settings.minY<<"maxY"<<settings.maxY;

    QVector <QPointF> F;

    for(int i=0; i<cols;i++)


Example #21
void Util::sampleGaussianMat(MatrixXf& mat){
  for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); ++i){
    int j = 0;
    for ( ; j+1 < mat.cols(); j += 2){
      float f1, f2;
      sampleTwoGaussian(f1, f2);
      mat(i,j  ) = f1;
      mat(i,j+1) = f2;
    for (; j < mat.cols(); j ++){
      float f1, f2;
      sampleTwoGaussian(f1, f2);
      mat(i, j)  = f1;
void toHomogeneous(MatrixXf &mat) {
  MatrixXf temp;
  if (mat.cols() == 2) {
    temp.resize(mat.rows(), 3);
    temp.leftCols<2>() = mat.leftCols<2>();
    mat = temp;
  } else if (mat.cols() == 4) {
    temp.resize(mat.rows(), 6);
    temp.leftCols<2>() = mat.leftCols<2>();
    temp.block(0, 3, mat.rows(), 2) = temp.block(0, 2, mat.rows(), 2);
    mat = temp;
  } else 
    cout << "toHomogeneous with wrong dimension" << endl;
Example #23
void matrixMultiply(const RealDescriptor& x, const MatrixXf& matrix,
                    RealDescriptor& result) {

  Q_ASSERT(x.size() == matrix.cols());
  int targetDimension = matrix.rows();

  VectorXf::Map(result.data(), targetDimension) = matrix * VectorXf::Map(x.data(), x.size());
Example #24
VectorXs DenseCRF::currentMap( const MatrixXf & Q ) const{
	VectorXs r(Q.cols());
	// Find the map
	for( int i=0; i<N_; i++ ){
		int m;
		Q.col(i).maxCoeff( &m );
		r[i] = m;
	return r;
void noHomogeneous(MatrixXf &mat) {
  MatrixXf temp;
  if (mat.cols() == 3) {
    temp.resize(mat.rows(), 2);
    temp.col(0).array() = mat.col(0).array()/mat.col(2).array();
    temp.col(1).array() = mat.col(1).array()/mat.col(2).array();
    mat = temp;
  } else 
    cout << "toHomogeneous with wrong dimension" << endl;
Example #26
QPainterPath Layouter::mat2Path( const MatrixXf& pntMat )
	QPainterPath path;
	if (pntMat.rows() <= 0 || pntMat.cols() != 2)
		return path;
	path.moveTo(pntMat(0,0), pntMat(0,1));
	for (int i = 1; i < pntMat.rows(); ++i)
		path.lineTo(pntMat(i,0), pntMat(i,1));
	return path;
Example #27
VectorXf EMclustering::loggausspdf(MatrixXf x, VectorXf mu, MatrixXf sigma)

	int d = x.rows();
	int c = x.cols();
	int r_sigma = sigma.rows();
	int c_sigma = sigma.cols();

	MatrixXf tmpx(x.rows(),x.cols());
	tmpx = x.colwise() - mu;

	MatrixXf u1(r_sigma,c_sigma);
	u1 = sigma.llt().matrixL() ;
	MatrixXf u2(u1.cols(),u1.rows());
	u2 = u1.adjoint();//cerr<<u2<<endl;
	MatrixXf Q(u2.cols(),tmpx.cols());
	Q = u1.jacobiSvd(ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV).solve(tmpx);
	VectorXf q(Q.cols());
	q = Q.cwiseProduct(Q).colwise().sum();//cerr<<"q"<<q<<endl;
	VectorXf tmp1(u2.rows());
	tmp1 = u2.diagonal();
	tmp1 = tmp1.array().log();
	double c1 = tmp1.sum() * 2;
	double c2 = d * log(2*PI);//cerr<<c1+c2<<endl;
	VectorXf y(q.size());
	y = -(c1+c2)/2. - q.array()/2.;

	return y;
Example #28
	virtual VectorXf parameters() const {
		if (ktype_ == CONST_KERNEL)
			return VectorXf();
		else if (ktype_ == DIAG_KERNEL)
			return parameters_;
		else {
			MatrixXf p = parameters_;
			p.resize( p.cols()*p.rows(), 1 );
			return p;
bool singleModelRANSAC(const MatrixXf &data, int M, MatrixXf &inlier) {
  int maxdegen = 10;
  int dataSize = data.rows();
  int psize = 4;
  MatrixXf x1 = data.block(0, 0, data.rows(), 3);
  MatrixXf x2 = data.block(0, 3, data.rows(), 3);
  vector<int> sample;
  MatrixXf pts1(4, 3);
  MatrixXf pts2(4, 3);
  int maxInlier = -1;
  MatrixXf bestResidue;
  for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
    int degencount = 0;
    int isdegen = 1;
    while (isdegen==1 && degencount < maxdegen) {
      degencount ++;
      RandomSampling(psize, dataSize, sample);
      for (int i = 0; i < psize; i++) {
        pts1.row(i) = x1.row(sample[i]);
        pts2.row(i) = x2.row(sample[i]);
      if (sampleValidTest(pts1, pts2))
          isdegen = 0;
    if (isdegen) {
      cout << "Cannot find valid p-subset" << endl;
      return false;
    Matrix3f local_H;
    MatrixXf local_A;
    fitHomography(pts1, pts2, local_H, local_A);

    MatrixXf residue;
    computeHomographyResidue(x1, x2, local_H, residue);
    int inlierCount = (residue.array() < THRESHOLD).count();
    if (inlierCount > maxInlier) {
      maxInlier = inlierCount;
      bestResidue = residue;
  inlier.resize(maxInlier, data.cols());
  int transferCounter = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
    if (bestResidue(i) < THRESHOLD) {
      inlier.row(transferCounter) = data.row(i);
  if (transferCounter != maxInlier) {
    cout << "RANSAC result size does not match!!!!" << endl;
    return false;
  return true;
void filterPointAtInfinity(MatrixXf &pts1, MatrixXf &pts2) {
  int finiteCount = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < pts1.rows(); i++) {
    if (abs(pts1(i, 2)) > FLT_EPSILON && abs(pts2(i, 2) > FLT_EPSILON)) 
  MatrixXf temp_pts1, temp_pts2;
  temp_pts1.resize(finiteCount, pts1.cols());
  temp_pts2.resize(finiteCount, pts2.cols());
  int idx = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < pts1.rows(); i++) {
    if (abs(pts1(i, 2)) > FLT_EPSILON && abs(pts2(i, 2) > FLT_EPSILON)) {
      temp_pts1.row(idx) = pts1.row(i); 
      temp_pts2.row(idx) = pts2.row(i); 
  pts1 = temp_pts1;
  pts2 = temp_pts2;