Example #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int  nPixels_tot, nColumns, nRows;
  int  nPixels_psf, nRows_psf, nColumns_psf;
  int  nParamsTot;
  int  status;
  double  *psfPixels;
  double  *paramsVect;
  ModelObject  *theModel;
  vector<string>  functionList;
  vector<double>  parameterList;
  vector<int>  functionBlockIndices;
  commandOptions  options;
  configOptions  userConfigOptions;
  // timing-related stuff
  struct timeval  timer_start, timer_end;
  double  microsecs, time_elapsed;
  /* Process command line and parse config file: */
  options.outputImageName = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILENAME;
  options.noImageName = true;
  options.noRefImage = true;
  options.subsamplingFlag = true;
  options.noImageDimensions = true;
  options.referenceImageName = "";
  options.psfImagePresent = false;
  options.psfFileName = "";
  options.nColumns = 0;
  options.nRows = 0;
  options.noConfigFile = true;
  options.configFileName = "";
  options.noModel = true;
  options.noParamLimits = true;
  options.magZeroPoint = NO_MAGNITUDES;
  options.printImages = false;
  options.nIterations = 1;
  options.debugLevel = 0;

  ProcessInput(argc, argv, &options);

  /* Read configuration file */
  if (! FileExists(options.configFileName.c_str())) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\n*** ERROR: Unable to find configuration file \"%s\"!\n\n", 
    return -1;
  status = ReadConfigFile(options.configFileName, true, functionList, parameterList,
  							functionBlockIndices, userConfigOptions);
  if (status != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\n*** ERROR: Failure reading configuration file \"%s\"!\n\n", 
    return -1;

  if ((options.noRefImage) and (options.noImageDimensions)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\n*** ERROR: Insufficient image dimensions (or no reference image) supplied!\n\n");
    return -1;

  /* Get image size from reference image, if necessary */
  if (options.noImageDimensions) {
    status = GetImageSize(options.referenceImageName, &nColumns, &nRows);
    if (status != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,  "\n*** ERROR: Failure determining size of image file \"%s\"!\n\n", 
    // Reminder: nColumns = n_pixels_per_row
    // Reminder: nRows = n_pixels_per_column
    printf("Reference image read: naxis1 [# rows] = %d, naxis2 [# columns] = %d\n",
           nRows, nColumns);
  else {
    nColumns = options.nColumns;
    nRows = options.nRows;
  nPixels_tot = nColumns * nRows;

  /* Read in PSF image, if supplied */
  if (options.psfImagePresent) {
    printf("Reading PSF image (\"%s\") ...\n", options.psfFileName.c_str());
    psfPixels = ReadImageAsVector(options.psfFileName, &nColumns_psf, &nRows_psf);
    if (psfPixels == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,  "\n*** ERROR: Unable to read PSF image file \"%s\"!\n\n", 
    nPixels_psf = nColumns_psf * nRows_psf;
    printf("naxis1 [# pixels/row] = %d, naxis2 [# pixels/col] = %d; nPixels_tot = %d\n", 
           nColumns_psf, nRows_psf, nPixels_psf);
    printf("* No PSF image supplied -- no image convolution will be done!\n");

  if (! options.subsamplingFlag)
    printf("* Pixel subsampling has been turned OFF.\n");

  /* Set up the model object */
  theModel = new ModelObject();
  /* Add functions to the model object; also tells model object where function
     sets start */
  status = AddFunctions(theModel, functionList, functionBlockIndices, options.subsamplingFlag);
  if (status < 0) {
  	fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR: Failure in AddFunctions!\n\n");

  // Add PSF image vector, if present (needs to be added prior to image data, so that
  // ModelObject can figure out proper internal model-image size
  if (options.psfImagePresent) {
    status = theModel->AddPSFVector(nPixels_psf, nColumns_psf, nRows_psf, psfPixels);
    if (status < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR: Failure in ModelObject::AddPSFVector!\n\n");

  /* Define the size of the requested model image */
  theModel->SetupModelImage(nColumns, nRows);

  // Set up parameter vector(s), now that we know how many total parameters
  // there will be
  nParamsTot = theModel->GetNParams();
  printf("%d total parameters\n", nParamsTot);
  if (nParamsTot != (int)parameterList.size()) {
  	fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR: number of input parameters (%d) does not equal", 
  	fprintf(stderr, " required number of parameters for specified functions (%d)!\n\n",

  /* Copy parameters into C array and generate the model image */
  paramsVect = (double *) calloc(nParamsTot, sizeof(double));
  for (int i = 0; i < nParamsTot; i++)
    paramsVect[i] = parameterList[i];
  // Generate the image (including convolution, if requested), repeatedly
  gettimeofday(&timer_start, NULL);
  for (int ii = 0; ii < options.nIterations; ii++)
  gettimeofday(&timer_end, NULL);
  microsecs = timer_end.tv_usec - timer_start.tv_usec;
  time_elapsed = timer_end.tv_sec - timer_start.tv_sec + microsecs/1e6;
  printf("\nELAPSED TIME FOR %d ITERATIONS: %.6f sec\n", options.nIterations, time_elapsed);
  printf("Mean time per iteration = %.7f\n", time_elapsed/options.nIterations);


  /* Save model image: */
  printf("\nSaving output model image (\"%s\") ...\n", options.outputImageName.c_str());
  vector<string> commentStrings;
  SaveVectorAsImage(theModel->GetModelImageVector(), options.outputImageName, 
                    nColumns, nRows, commentStrings);


  // Free up memory
  if (options.psfImagePresent)
  delete theModel;
  return 0;