// Serializes the profiles to disk.
void ProfileManager::SaveCache()
    String path = GetProfilePath(true);
    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);

    // TODO: Since there is only a single device type now, a full tree overwrite
    // is sufficient but in the future a selective device branch replacement will
    // be necessary

    Ptr<JSON> root = *JSON::CreateObject();
    root->AddNumberItem("Oculus Profile Version", PROFILE_VERSION);
    root->AddStringItem("CurrentProfile", DefaultProfile);
    root->AddNumberItem("ProfileCount", (double) ProfileCache.GetSize());

    // Generate a JSON subtree for each profile
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
        Profile* profile = ProfileCache[i];

        JSON* json_profile = JSON::CreateObject();
        json_profile->Name = "Profile";
        json_profile->AddStringItem("Name", profile->Name);
        const char* gender;
        switch (profile->GetGender())
            case Profile::Gender_Male:   gender = "Male"; break;
            case Profile::Gender_Female: gender = "Female"; break;
            default: gender = "Unspecified";
        json_profile->AddStringItem("Gender", gender);
        json_profile->AddNumberItem("PlayerHeight", profile->PlayerHeight);
        json_profile->AddNumberItem("IPD", profile->IPD);

        if (profile->Type == Profile_RiftDK1)
            RiftDK1Profile* riftdk1 = (RiftDK1Profile*)profile;
            JSON* json_riftdk1 = JSON::CreateObject();
            json_profile->AddItem("RiftDK1", json_riftdk1);

            const char* eyecup = "A";
            switch (riftdk1->EyeCups)
                case RiftDK1Profile::EyeCup_A: eyecup = "A"; break;
                case RiftDK1Profile::EyeCup_B: eyecup = "B"; break;
                case RiftDK1Profile::EyeCup_C: eyecup = "C"; break;
            json_riftdk1->AddStringItem("EyeCup", eyecup);
            json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("LL", riftdk1->LL);
            json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("LR", riftdk1->LR);
            json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("RL", riftdk1->RL);
            json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("RR", riftdk1->RR);

        root->AddItem("Profile", json_profile);

void GyroTempCalibration::SaveFile()
    Ptr<JSON> root = *JSON::CreateObject();
	root->AddNumberItem("Calibration Version", TEMP_CALIBRATION_FILE_VERSION_2);

	String str = GyroCalibrationToString();
    root->AddStringItem("Data", str.ToCStr());
	String path = GetCalibrationPath(true);
Example #3
// Writes the current calibration for a particular device to a device profile file
// sensor - the sensor that was calibrated
// cal_name - an optional name for the calibration or default if cal_name == NULL
bool SensorFusion::SaveMagCalibration(const char* calibrationName) const
    if (CachedSensorInfo.SerialNumber[0] == 0 || !HasMagCalibration())
        return false;
    // A named calibration may be specified for calibration in different
    // environments, otherwise the default calibration is used
    if (calibrationName == NULL)
        calibrationName = "default";

    // Generate a mag calibration event
    JSON* calibration = JSON::CreateObject();
    // (hardcoded for now) the measurement and representation method 
    calibration->AddStringItem("Version", "2.0");   
    calibration->AddStringItem("Name", "default");

    // time stamp the calibration
    char time_str[64];
#if defined(OVR_OS_WIN32) and !defined(__MINGW32__)
    struct tm caltime;
    localtime_s(&caltime, &MagCalibrationTime);
    strftime(time_str, 64, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &caltime);
    struct tm* caltime;
    caltime = localtime(&MagCalibrationTime);
    strftime(time_str, 64, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", caltime);
    calibration->AddStringItem("Time", time_str);

    // write the full calibration matrix
    char matrix[256];
    Matrix4f calmat = GetMagCalibration();
    calmat.ToString(matrix, 256);
    calibration->AddStringItem("CalibrationMatrix", matrix);
    // save just the offset, for backwards compatibility
    // this can be removed when we don't want to support 0.2.4 anymore
    Vector3f center(calmat.M[0][3], calmat.M[1][3], calmat.M[2][3]);
    Matrix4f tmp = calmat; tmp.M[0][3] = tmp.M[1][3] = tmp.M[2][3] = 0; tmp.M[3][3] = 1;
    center = tmp.Inverted().Transform(center);
    Matrix4f oldcalmat; oldcalmat.M[0][3] = center.x; oldcalmat.M[1][3] = center.y; oldcalmat.M[2][3] = center.z; 
    oldcalmat.ToString(matrix, 256);
    calibration->AddStringItem("Calibration", matrix);

    String path = GetBaseOVRPath(true);
    path += "/Devices.json";

    // Look for a prexisting device file to edit
    Ptr<JSON> root = *JSON::Load(path);
    if (root)
    {   // Quick sanity check of the file type and format before we parse it
        JSON* version = root->GetFirstItem();
        if (version && version->Name == "Oculus Device Profile Version")
            int major = atoi(version->Value.ToCStr());
            if (major > MAX_DEVICE_PROFILE_MAJOR_VERSION)
                // don't use the file on unsupported major version number
                root = NULL;
            root = NULL;

    JSON* device = NULL;
    if (root)
        device = root->GetFirstItem();   // skip the header
        device = root->GetNextItem(device);
        while (device)
        {   // Search for a previous calibration with the same name for this device
            // and remove it before adding the new one
            if (device->Name == "Device")
                JSON* item = device->GetItemByName("Serial");
                if (item && item->Value == CachedSensorInfo.SerialNumber)
                {   // found an entry for this device
                    item = device->GetNextItem(item);
                    while (item)
                        if (item->Name == "MagCalibration")
                            JSON* name = item->GetItemByName("Name");
                            if (name && name->Value == calibrationName)
                            {   // found a calibration of the same name
                        item = device->GetNextItem(item);

                    // update the auto-mag flag
                    item = device->GetItemByName("EnableYawCorrection");
                    if (item)
                        item->dValue = (double)EnableYawCorrection;
                        device->AddBoolItem("EnableYawCorrection", EnableYawCorrection);


            device = root->GetNextItem(device);
    {   // Create a new device root
        root = *JSON::CreateObject();
        root->AddStringItem("Oculus Device Profile Version", "1.0");

    if (device == NULL)
        device = JSON::CreateObject();
        device->AddStringItem("Product", CachedSensorInfo.ProductName);
        device->AddNumberItem("ProductID", CachedSensorInfo.ProductId);
        device->AddStringItem("Serial", CachedSensorInfo.SerialNumber);
        device->AddBoolItem("EnableYawCorrection", EnableYawCorrection);

        root->AddItem("Device", device);

    // Create and the add the new calibration event to the device
    device->AddItem("MagCalibration", calibration);

    return root->Save(path);
Example #4
// Serializes the profiles to disk.
void ProfileManager::SaveCache()
    String path = GetProfilePath(true);
    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);

    Ptr<JSON> oldroot = *JSON::Load(path);
    if (oldroot)
        if (oldroot->GetItemCount() >= 3)
            JSON* item0 = oldroot->GetFirstItem();
            JSON* item1 = oldroot->GetNextItem(item0);

            if (item0->Name == "Oculus Profile Version")
                int major = atoi(item0->Value.ToCStr());
                if (major > MAX_PROFILE_MAJOR_VERSION)
                    oldroot.Clear();   // don't use the file on unsupported major version number
    // Create a new json root
    Ptr<JSON> root = *JSON::CreateObject();
    root->AddNumberItem("Oculus Profile Version", PROFILE_VERSION);
    root->AddStringItem("CurrentProfile", DefaultProfile);
    root->AddNumberItem("ProfileCount", (double) ProfileCache.GetSize());

    // Generate a JSON subtree for each profile
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
        Profile* profile = ProfileCache[i];

        // Write the base profile information
        JSON* json_profile = JSON::CreateObject();
        json_profile->Name = "Profile";
        json_profile->AddStringItem("Name", profile->Name);
        const char* gender;
        switch (profile->GetGender())
            case Profile::Gender_Male:   gender = "Male"; break;
            case Profile::Gender_Female: gender = "Female"; break;
            default: gender = "Unspecified";
        json_profile->AddStringItem("Gender", gender);
        json_profile->AddNumberItem("PlayerHeight", profile->PlayerHeight);
        json_profile->AddNumberItem("IPD", profile->IPD);

        const char* device_name = NULL;
        // Create a device-specific subtree for the cached device
        if (profile->Type == Profile_RiftDK1)
            device_name = "RiftDK1";
            RiftDK1Profile* rift = (RiftDK1Profile*)profile;
            JSON* json_rift = JSON::CreateObject();
            json_profile->AddItem(device_name, json_rift);

            const char* eyecup = "A";
            switch (rift->EyeCups)
                case EyeCup_A: eyecup = "A"; break;
                case EyeCup_B: eyecup = "B"; break;
                case EyeCup_C: eyecup = "C"; break;
            json_rift->AddStringItem("EyeCup", eyecup);
            json_rift->AddNumberItem("LL", rift->LL);
            json_rift->AddNumberItem("LR", rift->LR);
            json_rift->AddNumberItem("RL", rift->RL);
            json_rift->AddNumberItem("RR", rift->RR);
        else if (profile->Type == Profile_RiftDKHD)
            device_name = "RiftDKHD";
            RiftDKHDProfile* rift = (RiftDKHDProfile*)profile;
            JSON* json_rift = JSON::CreateObject();
            json_profile->AddItem(device_name, json_rift);

            const char* eyecup = "A";
            switch (rift->EyeCups)
                case EyeCup_A: eyecup = "A"; break;
                case EyeCup_B: eyecup = "B"; break;
                case EyeCup_C: eyecup = "C"; break;
            json_rift->AddStringItem("EyeCup", eyecup);
            //json_rift->AddNumberItem("LL", rift->LL);
            //json_rift->AddNumberItem("LR", rift->LR);
            //json_rift->AddNumberItem("RL", rift->RL);
            //json_rift->AddNumberItem("RR", rift->RR);

        // There may be multiple devices stored per user, but only a single
        // device is represented by this root.  We don't want to overwrite
        // the other devices so we need to examine the older root 
        // and merge previous devices into new json root
        if (oldroot)
            JSON* old_profile = oldroot->GetFirstItem();
            while (old_profile)
                if (old_profile->Name == "Profile")
                    JSON* profile_name = old_profile->GetItemByName("Name");
                    if (profile_name && OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, profile_name->Value) == 0)
                    {   // Now that we found the user in the older root, add all the 
                        // object children to the new root - except for the one for the
                        // current device
                        JSON* old_item = old_profile->GetFirstItem();
                        while (old_item)
                            if (old_item->Type == JSON_Object 
                                && (device_name == NULL || OVR_strcmp(old_item->Name, device_name) != 0))
                                JSON* old_device = old_item;
                                old_item = old_profile->GetNextItem(old_item);

                                // remove the node from the older root to avoid multiple reference
                                // add the node pointer to the new root
                                json_profile->AddItem(old_device->Name, old_device);
                                old_item = old_profile->GetNextItem(old_item);


                old_profile = oldroot->GetNextItem(old_profile);

        // Add the completed user profile to the new root
        root->AddItem("Profile", json_profile);

    // Save the profile to disk