Example #1
static void updateContainerSize(SVGUseElement* useElement, SVGElementInstance* targetInstance)
    // Depth-first used to write the method in early exit style, no particular other reason.
    for (SVGElementInstance* instance = targetInstance->firstChild(); instance; instance = instance->nextSibling())
        updateContainerSize(useElement, instance);

    SVGElement* correspondingElement = targetInstance->correspondingElement();

    bool isSymbolTag = correspondingElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag);
    if (!correspondingElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag) && !isSymbolTag)

    SVGElement* shadowTreeElement = targetInstance->shadowTreeElement();

    // Spec (<use> on <symbol>): This generated 'svg' will always have explicit values for attributes width and height.
    // If attributes width and/or height are provided on the 'use' element, then these attributes
    // will be transferred to the generated 'svg'. If attributes width and/or height are not specified,
    // the generated 'svg' element will use values of 100% for these attributes.
    // Spec (<use> on <svg>): If attributes width and/or height are provided on the 'use' element, then these
    // values will override the corresponding attributes on the 'svg' in the generated tree.

    if (useElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr))
        shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, useElement->getAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr));
    else if (isSymbolTag && shadowTreeElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr))
        shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, "100%");

    if (useElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr))
        shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, useElement->getAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr));
    else if (isSymbolTag && shadowTreeElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr))
        shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, "100%");
Example #2
void SVGAnimationElement::setTargetAttributeAnimatedValue(const String &value)
    if (!hasValidTarget()) {
    SVGElement *target = targetElement();
    String attributeName = this->attributeName();
    if (!target || attributeName.isEmpty() || value.isNull()) {

    // We don't want the instance tree to get rebuild. Instances are updated in the loop below.
    if (target->isStyled()) {
        static_cast<SVGStyledElement *>(target)->setInstanceUpdatesBlocked(true);

    ExceptionCode ec;
    bool isCSS = targetAttributeIsCSS();
    if (isCSS) {
        // FIXME: This should set the override style, not the inline style.
        // Sadly override styles are not yet implemented.
        target->style()->setProperty(attributeName, value, "", ec);
    } else {
        // FIXME: This should set the 'presentation' value, not the actual
        // attribute value. Whatever that means in practice.
        target->setAttribute(attributeName, value, ec);

    if (target->isStyled()) {
        static_cast<SVGStyledElement *>(target)->setInstanceUpdatesBlocked(false);

    // If the target element is used in an <use> instance tree, update that as well.
    HashSet<SVGElementInstance *> *instances = document()->accessSVGExtensions()->instancesForElement(target);
    if (!instances) {
    HashSet<SVGElementInstance *>::iterator end = instances->end();
    for (HashSet<SVGElementInstance *>::iterator it = instances->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        SVGElement *shadowTreeElement = (*it)->shadowTreeElement();
        if (isCSS) {
            shadowTreeElement->style()->setProperty(attributeName, value, "", ec);
        } else {
            shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(attributeName, value, ec);
void SVGAnimationElement::setTargetAttributeAnimatedValue(const String& value)
    if (!hasValidAttributeType())
    SVGElement* targetElement = this->targetElement();
    QualifiedName attributeName = this->attributeName();
    if (!targetElement || attributeName == anyQName() || value.isNull())

    // We don't want the instance tree to get rebuild. Instances are updated in the loop below.
    if (targetElement->isStyled())
    bool attributeIsCSSProperty = isTargetAttributeCSSProperty(targetElement, attributeName);
    // Stop animation, if attributeType is set to CSS by the user, but the attribute itself is not a CSS property.
    if (!attributeIsCSSProperty && attributeType() == AttributeTypeCSS)

    ExceptionCode ec;
    if (attributeIsCSSProperty) {
        // FIXME: This should set the override style, not the inline style.
        // Sadly override styles are not yet implemented.
        targetElement->style()->setProperty(attributeName.localName(), value, "", ec);
    } else {
        // FIXME: This should set the 'presentation' value, not the actual 
        // attribute value. Whatever that means in practice.
        targetElement->setAttribute(attributeName, value, ec);
    if (targetElement->isStyled())
    // If the target element is used in an <use> instance tree, update that as well.
    const HashSet<SVGElementInstance*>& instances = targetElement->instancesForElement();
    const HashSet<SVGElementInstance*>::const_iterator end = instances.end();
    for (HashSet<SVGElementInstance*>::const_iterator it = instances.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        SVGElement* shadowTreeElement = (*it)->shadowTreeElement();
        if (!shadowTreeElement)
        if (attributeIsCSSProperty)
            shadowTreeElement->style()->setProperty(attributeName.localName(), value, "", ec);
            shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(attributeName, value, ec);
Example #4
void SVGUseElement::transferSizeAttributesToTargetClone(SVGElement& shadowElement) const
    // FIXME: The check for valueInSpecifiedUnits being non-zero below is a workaround for the fact
    // that we currently have no good way to tell whether a particular animatable attribute is a value
    // indicating it was unspecified, or specified but could not be parsed. Would be nice to fix that some day.
    if (is<SVGSymbolElement>(shadowElement)) {
        // Spec (<use> on <symbol>): This generated 'svg' will always have explicit values for attributes width and height.
        // If attributes width and/or height are provided on the 'use' element, then these attributes
        // will be transferred to the generated 'svg'. If attributes width and/or height are not specified,
        // the generated 'svg' element will use values of 100% for these attributes.
        shadowElement.setAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, (widthIsValid() && width().valueInSpecifiedUnits()) ? AtomicString(width().valueAsString()) : "100%");
        shadowElement.setAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, (heightIsValid() && height().valueInSpecifiedUnits()) ? AtomicString(height().valueAsString()) : "100%");
    } else if (is<SVGSVGElement>(shadowElement)) {
        // Spec (<use> on <svg>): If attributes width and/or height are provided on the 'use' element, then these
        // values will override the corresponding attributes on the 'svg' in the generated tree.
        shadowElement.setAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, (widthIsValid() && width().valueInSpecifiedUnits()) ? AtomicString(width().valueAsString()) : shadowElement.correspondingElement()->getAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr));
        shadowElement.setAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, (heightIsValid() && height().valueInSpecifiedUnits()) ? AtomicString(height().valueAsString()) : shadowElement.correspondingElement()->getAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr));
Example #5
static void transferUseWidthAndHeightIfNeeded(
    const SVGUseElement& use,
    SVGElement& shadowElement,
    const SVGElement& originalElement) {
  DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, hundredPercentString, ("100%"));
  // Use |originalElement| for checking the element type, because we will
  // have replaced a <symbol> with an <svg> in the instance tree.
  if (isSVGSymbolElement(originalElement)) {
    // Spec (<use> on <symbol>): This generated 'svg' will always have
    // explicit values for attributes width and height.  If attributes
    // width and/or height are provided on the 'use' element, then these
    // attributes will be transferred to the generated 'svg'. If attributes
    // width and/or height are not specified, the generated 'svg' element
    // will use values of 100% for these attributes.
            ? AtomicString(use.width()->currentValue()->valueAsString())
            : hundredPercentString);
            ? AtomicString(use.height()->currentValue()->valueAsString())
            : hundredPercentString);
  } else if (isSVGSVGElement(originalElement)) {
    // Spec (<use> on <svg>): If attributes width and/or height are
    // provided on the 'use' element, then these values will override the
    // corresponding attributes on the 'svg' in the generated tree.
            ? AtomicString(use.width()->currentValue()->valueAsString())
            : originalElement.getAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr));
            ? AtomicString(use.height()->currentValue()->valueAsString())
            : originalElement.getAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr));