    void LightExporter::exportLights ( SceneElement* sceneElement )
        // If we have a external reference, we don't need to export the data here.
        if ( !sceneElement->getIsLocal() ) return;
        if ( !sceneElement->getIsExportNode () ) return;

        // Check if it is a light.
        SceneElement::Type sceneElementType = sceneElement->getType();
        if ( sceneElementType == SceneElement::LIGHT )
            // Get the current dag path
            MDagPath dagPath = sceneElement->getPath();

            // Check if the current scene element isn't already exported.
            SceneGraph* sceneGraph = mDocumentExporter->getSceneGraph();
            if ( sceneGraph->findExportedElement ( dagPath ) ) return;

            // Check if the current element is an instance. 
            // We don't need to export instances, because we export the original instanced element.
            bool isInstance = ( dagPath.isInstanced() && dagPath.instanceNumber() > 0 );

            // If the original instanced element isn't already exported, we have to export it now.
            if ( isInstance )
                // Get the original instanced element.
                MDagPath instancedPath;
                dagPath.getPath ( instancedPath, 0 );

                // Check if the original instanced element is already exported.
                SceneGraph* sceneGraph = mDocumentExporter->getSceneGraph();
                SceneElement* exportedElement = sceneGraph->findExportedElement ( instancedPath );
				if (exportedElement == 0)
					// Export the original instanced element and push it in the exported scene graph. 
					if (exportLight(instancedPath))
						SceneElement* instancedSceneElement = sceneGraph->findElement(instancedPath);
						SceneGraph* sceneGraph = mDocumentExporter->getSceneGraph();
                // Export the element and push it in the exported scene graph. 
                if ( exportLight ( dagPath ) )
                    SceneGraph* sceneGraph = mDocumentExporter->getSceneGraph();
                    sceneGraph->addExportedElement( sceneElement );

        // Recursive call for all the child elements
        for ( uint i=0; i<sceneElement->getChildCount(); ++i )
            SceneElement* childElement = sceneElement->getChild ( i );
            exportLights ( childElement );