Example #1
void NUTUtil::SortUnitTestClassDefList(TArray<UUnitTest*>& InUnitTestClassDefaults)
	// @todo #JohnBRefactorLambda: Convert these inline sort functions to lambda's now
	struct FUnitTestDateSort
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()(const UUnitTest& A, const UUnitTest& B) const
			return (A.GetUnitTestDate() < B.GetUnitTestDate());

	struct FUnitTestTypeDateSort
		FUnitTestTypeDateSort(TArray<FString>& InTypeOrder)
			: TypeOrder(InTypeOrder)

		FORCEINLINE bool operator()(const UUnitTest& A, const UUnitTest& B) const
			bool bReturnVal = false;

			if (TypeOrder.IndexOfByKey(A.GetUnitTestType()) < TypeOrder.IndexOfByKey(B.GetUnitTestType()))
				bReturnVal = true;
			else if (TypeOrder.IndexOfByKey(A.GetUnitTestType()) == TypeOrder.IndexOfByKey(B.GetUnitTestType()) &&
						A.GetUnitTestDate() < B.GetUnitTestDate())
				bReturnVal = true;

			return bReturnVal;

		/** The order with which the prioritize types */
		TArray<FString> TypeOrder;

	// First reorder the unit test classes by date, then grab the unit test types by date, then group them by type/date
	TArray<FString> ListTypes;


	for (int i=0; i<InUnitTestClassDefaults.Num(); i++)

	// Now sort again, based both on type and date
void SVisualLoggerFilters::OnFiltersChanged()
	TArray<FString> EnabledFilters;
	for (TSharedRef<SFilterWidget> CurrentFilter : Filters)
		if (CurrentFilter->IsEnabled())

Example #3
TArray<UObject*> FAssetEditorManager::GetAllEditedAssets()
	TArray<UObject*> AllAssets;
	for (TMultiMap<UObject*, IAssetEditorInstance*>::TIterator It(OpenedAssets); It; ++It)
		UObject* Asset = It.Key();
		if(Asset != NULL)
	return AllAssets;
Example #4
void UResMgr::TestAsyncLoad()

	if (mAssetLoader == nullptr || mResDB == nullptr)
		UE_LOG(ResLogger, Error, TEXT("--- UResMgr::TestAsyncLoad, mAssetLoader == nullptr || mResDB == nullptr"));

	TArray<FStringAssetReference> objToLoad;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < mResDB->mMeshList.Num(); ++i)
	for (int32 i = 0; i < mResDB->mParticleList.Num(); ++i)

	mAssetLoader->RequestAsyncLoad(objToLoad, FStreamableDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UResMgr::AsyncCallback));
 * Get all the objects that are part of this transaction.
 * @param	Objects		[out] Receives the object list.  Previous contents are cleared.
void FTransaction::GetTransactionObjects(TArray<UObject*>& Objects)
	Objects.Empty(); // Just in case.

	for(int32 i=0; i<Records.Num(); i++)
		UObject* obj = Records[i].Object;
void FIndirectLightingCache::UpdateCacheAllocation(
	const FBoxSphereBounds& Bounds, 
	int32 BlockSize,
	bool bOpaqueRelevance,
	FIndirectLightingCacheAllocation*& Allocation, 
	TMap<FIntVector, FBlockUpdateInfo>& BlocksToUpdate,
	TArray<FIndirectLightingCacheAllocation*>& TransitionsOverTimeToUpdate)
	if (Allocation && Allocation->IsValid())
		FIndirectLightingCacheBlock& Block = FindBlock(Allocation->MinTexel);

		// Calculate a potentially new min and size based on the current bounds
		FVector NewMin;
		FVector NewSize;
		CalculateBlockPositionAndSize(Bounds, Block.TexelSize, NewMin, NewSize);

		// If the primitive has moved enough to change its block min and size, we need to interpolate it again
		if (Allocation->bIsDirty || GCacheUpdateEveryFrame || !Block.Min.Equals(NewMin) || !Block.Size.Equals(NewSize))
			// Update the block and primitive allocation with the new bounds
			Block.Min = NewMin;
			Block.Size = NewSize;

			FVector NewScale;
			FVector NewAdd;
			FVector MinUV;
			FVector MaxUV;
			CalculateBlockScaleAndAdd(Allocation->MinTexel, Allocation->AllocationTexelSize, NewMin, NewSize, NewScale, NewAdd, MinUV, MaxUV);

			Allocation->SetParameters(Allocation->MinTexel, Allocation->AllocationTexelSize, NewScale, NewAdd, MinUV, MaxUV, bOpaqueRelevance);
			BlocksToUpdate.Add(Block.MinTexel, FBlockUpdateInfo(Block, Allocation));

		if ((Allocation->SingleSamplePosition - Allocation->TargetPosition).SizeSquared() > DELTA)
		delete Allocation;
		Allocation = CreateAllocation(BlockSize, Bounds, bOpaqueRelevance);

		if (Allocation->IsValid())
			// Must interpolate lighting for this new block
			BlocksToUpdate.Add(Allocation->MinTexel, FBlockUpdateInfo(VolumeBlocks.FindChecked(Allocation->MinTexel), Allocation));
void FMessageRouter::DispatchMessage( const IMessageContextRef& Context )
	if (Context->IsValid())
		TArray<IReceiveMessagesPtr> Recipients;

		// get recipients, either from the context...
		const TArray<FMessageAddress>& RecipientList = Context->GetRecipients();

		if (RecipientList.Num() > 0)
			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < RecipientList.Num(); Index++)
				IReceiveMessagesPtr Recipient = ActiveRecipients.FindRef(RecipientList[Index]).Pin();

				if (Recipient.IsValid())
		// ... or from subscriptions
			FilterSubscriptions(ActiveSubscriptions.FindOrAdd(Context->GetMessageType()), Context, Recipients);
			FilterSubscriptions(ActiveSubscriptions.FindOrAdd(NAME_All), Context, Recipients);

		// dispatch the message
		for (int32 RecipientIndex = 0; RecipientIndex < Recipients.Num(); RecipientIndex++)
			IReceiveMessagesPtr Recipient = Recipients[RecipientIndex];
			ENamedThreads::Type RecipientThread = Recipient->GetRecipientThread();

			if (RecipientThread == ENamedThreads::AnyThread)
				Tracer->TraceDispatchedMessage(Context, Recipient.ToSharedRef(), false);
				Tracer->TraceHandledMessage(Context, Recipient.ToSharedRef());
				TGraphTask<FMessageDispatchTask>::CreateTask().ConstructAndDispatchWhenReady(RecipientThread, Context, Recipient, Tracer);
Example #8
void UEditorEngine::polySelectZone( UModel* InModel )
	// identify the list of currently selected zones
	TArray<int32> iZoneList;
	for( int32 i = 0; i < InModel->Nodes.Num(); i++ )
		FBspNode* Node = &InModel->Nodes[i];
		FBspSurf* Poly = &InModel->Surfs[ Node->iSurf ];
		if( Poly->PolyFlags & PF_Selected )
			if( Node->iZone[1] != 0 )
				iZoneList.AddUnique( Node->iZone[1] ); //front zone

			if( Node->iZone[0] != 0 )
				iZoneList.AddUnique( Node->iZone[0] ); //back zone

	// select all polys that are match one of the zones identified above
	for( int32 i = 0; i < InModel->Nodes.Num(); i++ )
		FBspNode* Node = &InModel->Nodes[i];
		for( int32 j = 0; j < iZoneList.Num(); j++ ) 
			if( Node->iZone[1] == iZoneList[j] || Node->iZone[0] == iZoneList[j] )
				FBspSurf* Poly = &InModel->Surfs[ Node->iSurf ];
				InModel->ModifySurf( i, 0 );
				Poly->PolyFlags |= PF_Selected;

Example #9
FVector ASkill::GetGroundLocationBeneathPoint(FVector point)
    FHitResult hit;
    FVector start = point;

    FVector end = start;
    end.Z -= 100000.f;

    //get all game characters and projectiles currently in the world so we can ignore them later
    TArray<AActor*> ignoredActors;
    for (TActorIterator<AGameCharacter> chr(GetWorld()); chr; ++chr)
    for (TActorIterator<AProjectile> pro(GetWorld()); pro; ++pro)

    FCollisionQueryParams collisionParams;

    if (GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(hit, start, end, ECC_WorldStatic, collisionParams))
        return hit.ImpactPoint;
        return point;
void USoundCue::RecursiveFindAllNodes( USoundNode* Node, TArray<class USoundNode*> &OutNodes )
	if( Node )
		OutNodes.AddUnique( Node );

		// Recurse.
		const int32 MaxChildNodes = Node->GetMaxChildNodes();
		for( int32 ChildIndex = 0 ; ChildIndex < Node->ChildNodes.Num() && ChildIndex < MaxChildNodes ; ++ChildIndex )
			RecursiveFindAllNodes( Node->ChildNodes[ ChildIndex ], OutNodes );
Example #11
void FObjectInstancingGraph::RetrieveObjectInstances( UObject* SearchOuter, TArray<UObject*>& out_Objects )
    if ( HasDestinationRoot() && SearchOuter != NULL && (SearchOuter == DestinationRoot || SearchOuter->IsIn(DestinationRoot)) )
        for ( TMap<UObject*,UObject*>::TIterator It(SourceToDestinationMap); It; ++It )
            UObject* InstancedObject = It.Value();
            if ( InstancedObject->GetOuter() == SearchOuter )
	virtual void GetTextureFormats(const UTexture* Texture, TArray<FName>& OutFormats) const

		// we remap some of the defaults (with PVRTC and ASTC formats)
		static FName FormatRemap[][2] =
			// Default format:				ASTC format:
			{ { FName(TEXT("DXT1")) },		{ FName(TEXT("ASTC_RGB")) } },
			{ { FName(TEXT("DXT5")) },		{ FName(TEXT("ASTC_RGBA")) } },
			{ { FName(TEXT("DXT5n")) },		{ FName(TEXT("ASTC_NormalAG")) } },
			{ { FName(TEXT("BC5")) },		{ FName(TEXT("ASTC_NormalRG")) } },
			{ { FName(TEXT("BC6H")) },		{ FName(TEXT("ASTC_RGB")) } },
			{ { FName(TEXT("BC7")) },		{ FName(TEXT("ASTC_RGBAuto")) } },
			{ { FName(TEXT("AutoDXT")) },	{ FName(TEXT("ASTC_RGBAuto")) } },

		FName TextureFormatName = NAME_None;

		// forward rendering only needs one channel for shadow maps
		if (Texture->LODGroup == TEXTUREGROUP_Shadowmap)
			TextureFormatName = FName(TEXT("G8"));

		// if we didn't assign anything specially, then use the defaults
		if (TextureFormatName == NAME_None)
			TextureFormatName = GetDefaultTextureFormatName(Texture, EngineSettings, false);

		// perform any remapping away from defaults
		bool bFoundRemap = false;
		for (int32 RemapIndex = 0; RemapIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(FormatRemap); ++RemapIndex)
			if (TextureFormatName == FormatRemap[RemapIndex][0])
				// we found a remapping
				bFoundRemap = true;

		// if we didn't already remap above, add it now
		if (!bFoundRemap)
void ABaseCharacter::CheckAttackOverlap(){

	//Overlapping actors for each box spawned will be stored here
	TArray<struct FOverlapResult> OutActorOverlaps;

	//Hit other actors only once
	TArray<AActor*> ProcessedActors;

	//The initial rotation of our box is the same as our character rotation
	FQuat Rotation = GetTransform().GetRotation();
	FVector Start = GetTransform().GetLocation() + Rotation.Rotator().Vector() * 100.0f;

	FCollisionShape CollisionHitShape;
	FCollisionQueryParams CollisionParams;

	//We do not want the character to hit itself, don't store this character in the array, to ignore it's collision

	//Set the channels that will respond to the collision
	FCollisionObjectQueryParams CollisionObjectTypes;
	//CollisionObjectTypes.AddObjectTypesToQuery(ECollisionChannel::ECC_WorldStatic); // uncomment to enable bashing objects

	//Create the box and get the overlapping actors
	CollisionHitShape = FCollisionShape::MakeBox(AttackBox);
	GetWorld()->OverlapMulti(OutActorOverlaps, Start, Rotation, CollisionHitShape, CollisionParams, CollisionObjectTypes);

	AActor* ActorToProcess;
	//Process all hit actors
	for (int i = 0; i < OutActorOverlaps.Num(); ++i)
		ActorToProcess = OutActorOverlaps[i].GetActor();
		//We process each actor only once per Attack execution
		if (ActorToProcess && !ProcessedActors.Contains(ActorToProcess))

			//Add this actor to the array because we are spawning one box per tick and we don't want to hit the same actor twice during the same attack animation

			if ( dynamic_cast<APatrollingEnemyCharacter*>(ActorToProcess) ){
				APatrollingEnemyCharacter* ennemy = (APatrollingEnemyCharacter*)ActorToProcess;
TArray<AFlareSpacecraft*> UFlareSpacecraftDockingSystem::GetDockedShips()
	TArray<AFlareSpacecraft*> Result;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < DockingSlots.Num(); i++)
		if (DockingSlots[i].Granted && DockingSlots[i].Occupied)
			FLOGV("UFlareSpacecraftDockingSystem::GetDockedShips : found valid dock %d", i);

	return Result;
Example #15
TArray< UMovieScene* > FSequencer::GetMovieScenesBeingEdited()
	TArray<UMovieScene* > OutMovieScenes;

	// Get the root movie scene
	OutMovieScenes.Add( RootMovieSceneInstance->GetMovieScene() );

	// Get Sub-MovieScenes
	for( auto It = MovieSceneSectionToInstanceMap.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It )
		OutMovieScenes.AddUnique( It.Value()->GetMovieScene() );

	return OutMovieScenes;
Example #16
void FProjectManager::GetDefaultEnabledPlugins(TArray<FString>& OutPluginNames, bool bIncludeInstalledPlugins)
	// Add all the game plugins and everything marked as enabled by default
	TArray<FPluginStatus> PluginStatuses = IPluginManager::Get().QueryStatusForAllPlugins();
	for(const FPluginStatus& PluginStatus: PluginStatuses)
		if(PluginStatus.Descriptor.bEnabledByDefault || PluginStatus.LoadedFrom == EPluginLoadedFrom::GameProject)
			if(bIncludeInstalledPlugins || !PluginStatus.Descriptor.bInstalled)
void SLargeAssetTypeTreeWidget::GetSelectedAssetTypeClassNames(
	TArray<FString>& OutAssetTypeClassNames
) const
	for (const auto AssetCategory : AssetCategories)
		for (const auto AssetType : AssetCategory->Children)
			if (AssetType->IsSelected())
Example #18
void FShaderType::GetOutdatedTypes(TArray<FShaderType*>& OutdatedShaderTypes, TArray<const FVertexFactoryType*>& OutdatedFactoryTypes)
	for(TLinkedList<FShaderType*>::TIterator It(GetTypeList()); It; It.Next())
		FShaderType* Type = *It;
		for(TMap<FShaderId,FShader*>::TConstIterator ShaderIt(Type->ShaderIdMap);ShaderIt;++ShaderIt)
			FShader* Shader = ShaderIt.Value();
			const FVertexFactoryParameterRef* VFParameterRef = Shader->GetVertexFactoryParameterRef();
			const FSHAHash& SavedHash = Shader->GetHash();
			const FSHAHash& CurrentHash = Type->GetSourceHash();
			const bool bOutdatedShader = SavedHash != CurrentHash;
			const bool bOutdatedVertexFactory =
				VFParameterRef && VFParameterRef->GetVertexFactoryType() && VFParameterRef->GetVertexFactoryType()->GetSourceHash() != VFParameterRef->GetHash();

			if (bOutdatedShader)

			if (bOutdatedVertexFactory)

	for (int32 TypeIndex = 0; TypeIndex < OutdatedShaderTypes.Num(); TypeIndex++)
		UE_LOG(LogShaders, Warning, TEXT("		Recompiling %s"), OutdatedShaderTypes[TypeIndex]->GetName());
	for (int32 TypeIndex = 0; TypeIndex < OutdatedFactoryTypes.Num(); TypeIndex++)
		UE_LOG(LogShaders, Warning, TEXT("		Recompiling %s"), OutdatedFactoryTypes[TypeIndex]->GetName());
void USimpleConstructionScript::GenerateListOfExistingNames(TArray<FName>& CurrentNames) const
	TArray<const USCS_Node*> ChildrenNodes = GetAllNodesConst();
	const UBlueprintGeneratedClass* OwnerClass = Cast<const UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(GetOuter());
	const UBlueprint* Blueprint = Cast<const UBlueprint>(OwnerClass ? OwnerClass->ClassGeneratedBy : NULL);
	// >>> Backwards Compatibility:  VER_UE4_EDITORONLY_BLUEPRINTS
	if (!Blueprint)
		Blueprint = Cast<UBlueprint>(GetOuter());
	// <<< End Backwards Compatibility

	TArray<UObject*> NativeCDOChildren;
	UClass* FirstNativeClass = FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindFirstNativeClass(Blueprint->ParentClass);
	GetObjectsWithOuter(FirstNativeClass->GetDefaultObject(), NativeCDOChildren, false);

	for (UObject* NativeCDOChild : NativeCDOChildren)

	if (Blueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass)
		// First add the class variables.
		FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetClassVariableList(Blueprint, CurrentNames, true);
		// Then the function names.
		FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetFunctionNameList(Blueprint, CurrentNames);

	// And add their names
	for (int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < ChildrenNodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex)
		const USCS_Node* ChildNode = ChildrenNodes[NodeIndex];
		if (ChildNode)
			if (ChildNode->VariableName != NAME_None)

	if (GetDefaultSceneRootNode())
void FFbxImportUIDetails::CollectChildPropertiesRecursive(TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> Node, TArray<TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle>>& OutProperties)
	uint32 NodeNumChildren = 0;

	for(uint32 ChildIdx = 0 ; ChildIdx < NodeNumChildren ; ++ChildIdx)
		TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> ChildHandle = Node->GetChildHandle(ChildIdx);
		CollectChildPropertiesRecursive(ChildHandle, OutProperties);

Example #21
bool ADA2UE4Creature::ChangeEYEMatByID(int32 IDCode)
	bool IsValid;

	if (LoadedMeshesDatabase != NULL && LoadedMeshesDatabase->MeshList.Num() >= IDCode)
		TArray<FStringAssetReference> ObjToLoad;
		FStreamableManager& BaseLoader = UDA2UE4Library::GetDA2UE4Data(IsValid)->AssetLoader;
		EYEMatAssetToLoad = LoadedMeshesDatabase->MeshList[IDCode].MeshMat.ToStringReference();
		BaseLoader.RequestAsyncLoad(ObjToLoad, FStreamableDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &ADA2UE4Creature::DoAsyncEYEMatChange));
		return true;

	return false;
Example #22
void FMRUList::InternalReadINI( TArray<FString>& OutItems, const FString& INISection, const FString& INIKeyBase, int32 NumElements )
	// Clear existing items

	// Iterate over the maximum number of provided elements
	for( int32 ItemIdx = 0 ; ItemIdx < NumElements ; ++ItemIdx )
		// Try to find data for a key formed as "INIKeyBaseItemIdx" for the provided INI section. If found, add the data to the output item array.
		FString CurItem;
		if ( GConfig->GetString( *INISection, *FString::Printf( TEXT("%s%d"), *INIKeyBase, ItemIdx ), CurItem, GEditorUserSettingsIni ) )
			OutItems.AddUnique( FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(CurItem) );
Example #23
 *			Called when a Controller is logout from the game or changes teams. If there is
 * 			atleast one teammate left on the team, then the team will continue to be in controll
 * 			of the leaving Controllers ControlPoints.If there is no other teammates left on the
 * 			team after the player changes teams/logout, then any ControlPoints controlled by the
 * 			Controller is set back to Neutral.
 * @param	PS	The Controller who is changing teams or is logout.
void AUTDomGameMode::ClearControl(AUTPlayerState* PS)
	TArray<AUTPlayerState*> Pick;
	uint8 Num, i;

	// find a teammate
	if (PS == NULL)
	for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
		AUTPlayerController* NextPlayer = Cast<AUTPlayerController>(*Iterator);
		AUTPlayerState* TestPS = NextPlayer ? Cast<AUTPlayerState>(NextPlayer->PlayerState) : NULL;
		if (TestPS != NULL && TestPS != PS && (PS->GetTeamNum() == TestPS->GetTeamNum()))

	if (Pick.Num() > 0)
		Num = FMath::RandHelper(Pick.Num());
		if (Pick.IsValidIndex(Num) && Pick[Num] != NULL)
			// Give random team mate control over leaving players control points
			for (i = 0; i < CDomPoints.Num(); i++)
				if (CDomPoints[i]->TeamNum != 255 && CDomPoints[i]->ControllingPawn == PS)
					CDomPoints[i]->ControllingPawn = Pick[Num];

	// No teammate found, so reset the point to X
	for (i = 0; i < CDomPoints.Num(); i++)
		if (CDomPoints[i]->ControllingPawn == PS)
Example #24
static void AddNamedValue(const FName& ParamName, const EEnvQueryParam::Type& ParamType, float Value,
						  TArray<FEnvNamedValue>& NamedValues, TArray<FName>& RequiredParams)
	if (ParamName != NAME_None)
		if (!HasNamedValue(ParamName, NamedValues))
			FEnvNamedValue NewValue;
			NewValue.ParamName = ParamName;
			NewValue.ParamType = ParamType;
			NewValue.Value = Value;

TArray<const FShaderPipelineType*> FShaderPipelineType::GetShaderPipelineTypesByFilename(const TCHAR* Filename)
	TArray<const FShaderPipelineType*> PipelineTypes;
	for (TLinkedList<FShaderPipelineType*>::TIterator It(FShaderPipelineType::GetTypeList()); It; It.Next())
		auto* PipelineType = *It;
		for (auto* ShaderType : PipelineType->Stages)
			if (FPlatformString::Strcmp(Filename, ShaderType->GetShaderFilename()) == 0)
	return PipelineTypes;
bool FFeaturePackContentSource::InstallToProject(FString InstallPath)
	bool bResult = false;
	if( IsDataValid() == false )
		UE_LOG(LogFeaturePack, Warning, TEXT("Trying to install invalid pack %s"), *InstallPath);
		FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");
		TArray<FString> AssetPaths;

		TArray<UObject*> ImportedObjects = AssetToolsModule.Get().ImportAssets(AssetPaths, InstallPath );
		if( ImportedObjects.Num() == 0 )
			UE_LOG(LogFeaturePack, Warning, TEXT("No objects imported installing pack %s"), *InstallPath);
			// Save any imported assets.
			TArray<UPackage*> ToSave;
			for (auto ImportedObject : ImportedObjects)
			FEditorFileUtils::PromptForCheckoutAndSave( ToSave, /*bCheckDirty=*/ false, /*bPromptToSave=*/ false );
			bResult = true;
			// Focus on a specific asset if we want to.
			if( GetFocusAssetName().IsEmpty() == false )
				UObject* FocusAsset = LoadObject<UObject>(nullptr, *GetFocusAssetName());
				if (FocusAsset)
					FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>("ContentBrowser");
					TArray<UObject*> SyncObjects;
	return bResult;
void FAxisMappingsNodeBuilder::RemoveAxisMappingGroupButton_OnClick(const FMappingSet MappingSet)
	const FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT("RemoveAxisMappingGroup_Transaction", "Remove Axis Mapping Group"));

	TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandleArray> AxisMappingsArrayHandle = AxisMappingsPropertyHandle->AsArray();

	TArray<int32> SortedIndices;
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < MappingSet.Mappings.Num(); ++Index)

	for (int32 Index = SortedIndices.Num() - 1; Index >= 0; --Index)
template<typename T> ENGINE_API void USoundCue::RecursiveFindNode( USoundNode* Node, TArray<T*>& OutNodes )
	if( Node )
		// Record the node if it is the desired type
		if( Node->IsA( T::StaticClass() ) )
			OutNodes.AddUnique( static_cast<T*>( Node ) );

		// Recurse.
		const int32 MaxChildNodes = Node->GetMaxChildNodes();
		for( int32 ChildIndex = 0 ; ChildIndex < Node->ChildNodes.Num() && ChildIndex < MaxChildNodes ; ++ChildIndex )
			RecursiveFindNode<T>( Node->ChildNodes[ ChildIndex ], OutNodes );
	bool GetBoneReductionData( const USkeletalMesh* SkeletalMesh, int32 DesiredLOD, TMap<FBoneIndexType, FBoneIndexType> &OutBonesToReplace ) override
		const TArray<FMeshBoneInfo> & RefBoneInfo = SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.GetRefBoneInfo();

		USkeleton* Skeleton = SkeletalMesh->Skeleton;
		if (Skeleton)
			TArray<FBoneIndexType> BoneIndicesToRemove;
			// it accumulate from LOD 0 -> LOD N if N+1 is DesiredLOD
			// since we don't like to keep the bones that weren't included in (LOD-1)
			for ( int LODIndex=0; LODIndex < DesiredLOD && Skeleton->BoneReductionSettingsForLODs.Num() > LODIndex; ++LODIndex )
				// first gather indices. we don't want to add bones to replace if that "to-be-replace" will be removed as well
				for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Skeleton->BoneReductionSettingsForLODs[LODIndex].BonesToRemove.Num(); ++Index)
					int32 BoneIndex = SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.FindBoneIndex(Skeleton->BoneReductionSettingsForLODs[LODIndex].BonesToRemove[Index]);

					// we don't allow root to be removed
					if ( BoneIndex > 0 )


			// now make sure the parent isn't the one to be removed, find the one that won't be removed
			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < BoneIndicesToRemove.Num(); ++Index)
				int32 BoneIndex = BoneIndicesToRemove[Index];
				int32 ParentIndex = RefBoneInfo[BoneIndex].ParentIndex;

				while (BoneIndicesToRemove.Contains(ParentIndex))
					ParentIndex = RefBoneInfo[ParentIndex].ParentIndex;

				OutBonesToReplace.Add(BoneIndex, ParentIndex);

		return ( OutBonesToReplace.Num() > 0 );
void FGameplayTagQueryExpression::EmitTokens(TArray<uint8>& TokenStream, TArray<FGameplayTag>& TagDictionary) const
	// emit exprtype

	// emit exprdata
	switch (ExprType)
	case EGameplayTagQueryExprType::AnyTagsMatch:
	case EGameplayTagQueryExprType::AllTagsMatch:
	case EGameplayTagQueryExprType::NoTagsMatch:
		// emit tagset
		uint8 NumTags = (uint8)TagSet.Num();

		for (auto Tag : TagSet)
			int32 TagIdx = TagDictionary.AddUnique(Tag);
			check(TagIdx <= 254);		// we reserve token 255 for internal use, so 254 is max unique tags

	case EGameplayTagQueryExprType::AnyExprMatch:
	case EGameplayTagQueryExprType::AllExprMatch:
	case EGameplayTagQueryExprType::NoExprMatch:
		// emit tagset
		uint8 NumExprs = (uint8)ExprSet.Num();

		for (auto& E : ExprSet)
			E.EmitTokens(TokenStream, TagDictionary);