Example #1
void USetupDefinition::DoInstallSteps( FInstallPoll* Poll )

	// Handle all install steps.
	TotalBytes = 0;
	InstallTree( TEXT("ProcessPreCopy"),  Poll, (INSTALL_STEP)ProcessPreCopy  );
	InstallTree( TEXT("ProcessCopy"),     Poll, (INSTALL_STEP)ProcessCopy     );
	InstallTree( TEXT("ProcessExtra"),    Poll, (INSTALL_STEP)ProcessExtra    );
	InstallTree( TEXT("ProcessPostCopy"), Poll, (INSTALL_STEP)ProcessPostCopy );
	Exists = FolderExists = 1;
	RegistryFolder = DestPath;
	if( IsMasterProduct )
		GConfig->SetString( TEXT("Setup"), TEXT("MasterProduct"), *Product, *(DestPath * TEXT("System") * SETUP_INI) );
	TMultiMap<FString,FString>* Map = GConfig->GetSectionPrivate( TEXT("Setup"), 1, 0, *(DestPath * TEXT("System") * SETUP_INI) );
		Map->AddUnique( TEXT("Group"), *Product );
	for( TArray<FSavedIni>::TIterator It(SavedIni); It; ++It )
		GConfig->SetString( *It->Section, *It->Key, *It->SavedValue, *It->File );
	UninstallLogAdd( TEXT("Caption"), *LocalProduct, 1, 0 );
	RootGroup->UninstallLog.Remove( TEXT("Version") );
	UninstallLogAdd( TEXT("Version"), *Version, 1, 0 );
	for( INT i=0; i<Requires.Num(); i++ )
		USetupProduct* SetupProduct = new(GetOuter(),*Requires(i))USetupProduct;
		if( SetupProduct->Product!=Product )
			UninstallLogAdd( TEXT("Requires"), *SetupProduct->Product, 0, 0 );

void USceneCaptureComponentCube::UpdateContent()
	if (World && World->Scene && IsVisible())
		// Defer until after updates finish
		CubedSceneCapturesToUpdateMap.AddUnique( World, this );
void FBlueprintNativeCodeGenModule::CollectBoundFunctions(UBlueprint* BP)
	TArray<UFunction*> Functions = IBlueprintCompilerCppBackendModule::CollectBoundFunctions(BP);
	for (UFunction* Func : Functions)
		if (Func)
			FunctionsBoundToADelegate.AddUnique(Func->GetFName(), Func->GetOwnerClass());
Example #4
void USetupDefinition::ProcessPreCopy( FString Key, FString Value, UBOOL Selected, FInstallPoll* Poll )
	if( Selected && Key==TEXT("File") )
		// Verify that file exists and is copyable.
		FFileInfo Info(*Value);
		if( Info.Lang==TEXT("") || Info.Lang==UObject::GetLanguage() )
			if( !LocateSourceFile(Info.Src) )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("MissingInstallerFile"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *Info.Src );
			if( Info.Ref!=TEXT("") )
				FString FullRef = GetFullRef(*Info.Ref);
				if( GFileManager->FileSize(*FullRef)<=0 )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("MissingReferenceFile"), TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullRef );
				TotalBytes += GFileManager->FileSize(*FullRef);
				TotalBytes += Info.Size;
			else TotalBytes += Info.Size;
	else if( Selected && Key==TEXT("SaveIni") )
		Value           = Format(Value,NULL);
		INT Pos         = Value.InStr(TEXT(","));
		FString File    = DestPath * Value.Left(Pos);
		Value           = Value.Mid(Pos+1);
		Pos             = Value.InStr(TEXT("."),1);
		FString Section = Value.Left(Pos);
		FString Key     = Value.Mid(Pos+1);
		TMultiMap<FString,FString>* Map = GConfig->GetSectionPrivate( *Section, 0, 0, *File );
		if( Map )
			Map->AddUnique( *Key, *Value );
void URuntimeMeshLibrary::CalculateTangentsForMesh(TFunction<int32(int32 Index)> IndexAccessor, TFunction<FVector(int32 Index)> VertexAccessor, TFunction<FVector2D(int32 Index)> UVAccessor,
	TFunction<void(int32 Index, FVector TangentX, FVector TangentY, FVector TangentZ)> TangentSetter, int32 NumVertices, int32 NumUVs, int32 NumIndices, bool bCreateSmoothNormals)

	if (NumVertices == 0 || NumIndices == 0)

	// Calculate the duplicate vertices map if we're wanting smooth normals.  Don't find duplicates if we don't want smooth normals
	// that will cause it to only smooth across faces sharing a common vertex, not across faces with vertices of common position
	const TMultiMap<uint32, uint32> DuplicateVertexMap = bCreateSmoothNormals ? FRuntimeMeshInternalUtilities::FindDuplicateVerticesMap(VertexAccessor, NumVertices) : TMultiMap<uint32, uint32>();

	// Number of triangles
	const int32 NumTris = NumIndices / 3;

	// Map of vertex to triangles in Triangles array
	TMultiMap<uint32, uint32> VertToTriMap;
	// Map of vertex to triangles to consider for normal calculation
	TMultiMap<uint32, uint32> VertToTriSmoothMap;

	// Normal/tangents for each face
	TArray<FVector> FaceTangentX, FaceTangentY, FaceTangentZ;

	// Iterate over triangles
	for (int TriIdx = 0; TriIdx < NumTris; TriIdx++)
		uint32 CornerIndex[3];
		FVector P[3];

		for (int32 CornerIdx = 0; CornerIdx < 3; CornerIdx++)
			// Find vert index (clamped within range)
			uint32 VertIndex = FMath::Min(IndexAccessor((TriIdx * 3) + CornerIdx), NumVertices - 1);

			CornerIndex[CornerIdx] = VertIndex;
			P[CornerIdx] = VertexAccessor(VertIndex);

			// Find/add this vert to index buffer
			TArray<uint32> VertOverlaps;
			DuplicateVertexMap.MultiFind(VertIndex, VertOverlaps);

			// Remember which triangles map to this vert
			VertToTriMap.AddUnique(VertIndex, TriIdx);
			VertToTriSmoothMap.AddUnique(VertIndex, TriIdx);

			// Also update map of triangles that 'overlap' this vert (ie don't match UV, but do match smoothing) and should be considered when calculating normal
			for (int32 OverlapIdx = 0; OverlapIdx < VertOverlaps.Num(); OverlapIdx++)
				// For each vert we overlap..
				int32 OverlapVertIdx = VertOverlaps[OverlapIdx];

				// Add this triangle to that vert
				VertToTriSmoothMap.AddUnique(OverlapVertIdx, TriIdx);

				// And add all of its triangles to us
				TArray<uint32> OverlapTris;
				VertToTriMap.MultiFind(OverlapVertIdx, OverlapTris);
				for (int32 OverlapTriIdx = 0; OverlapTriIdx < OverlapTris.Num(); OverlapTriIdx++)
					VertToTriSmoothMap.AddUnique(VertIndex, OverlapTris[OverlapTriIdx]);

		// Calculate triangle edge vectors and normal
		const FVector Edge21 = P[1] - P[2];
		const FVector Edge20 = P[0] - P[2];
		const FVector TriNormal = (Edge21 ^ Edge20).GetSafeNormal();

		// If we have UVs, use those to calculate
		if (NumUVs == NumVertices)
			const FVector2D T1 = UVAccessor(CornerIndex[0]);
			const FVector2D T2 = UVAccessor(CornerIndex[1]);
			const FVector2D T3 = UVAccessor(CornerIndex[2]);

// 			float X1 = P[1].X - P[0].X;
// 			float X2 = P[2].X - P[0].X;
// 			float Y1 = P[1].Y - P[0].Y;
// 			float Y2 = P[2].Y - P[0].Y;
// 			float Z1 = P[1].Z - P[0].Z;
// 			float Z2 = P[2].Z - P[0].Z;
// 			float S1 = U1.X - U0.X;
// 			float S2 = U2.X - U0.X;
// 			float T1 = U1.Y - U0.Y;
// 			float T2 = U2.Y - U0.Y;
// 			float R = 1.0f / (S1 * T2 - S2 * T1);
// 			FaceTangentX[TriIdx] = FVector((T2 * X1 - T1 * X2) * R, (T2 * Y1 - T1 * Y2) * R,
// 				(T2 * Z1 - T1 * Z2) * R);
// 			FaceTangentY[TriIdx] = FVector((S1 * X2 - S2 * X1) * R, (S1 * Y2 - S2 * Y1) * R,
// 				(S1 * Z2 - S2 * Z1) * R);

			FMatrix	ParameterToLocal(
				FPlane(P[1].X - P[0].X, P[1].Y - P[0].Y, P[1].Z - P[0].Z, 0),
				FPlane(P[2].X - P[0].X, P[2].Y - P[0].Y, P[2].Z - P[0].Z, 0),
				FPlane(P[0].X, P[0].Y, P[0].Z, 0),
				FPlane(0, 0, 0, 1)

			FMatrix ParameterToTexture(
				FPlane(T2.X - T1.X, T2.Y - T1.Y, 0, 0),
				FPlane(T3.X - T1.X, T3.Y - T1.Y, 0, 0),
				FPlane(T1.X, T1.Y, 1, 0),
				FPlane(0, 0, 0, 1)

			// Use InverseSlow to catch singular matrices.  Inverse can miss this sometimes.
			const FMatrix TextureToLocal = ParameterToTexture.Inverse() * ParameterToLocal;

			FaceTangentX[TriIdx] = TextureToLocal.TransformVector(FVector(1, 0, 0)).GetSafeNormal();
			FaceTangentY[TriIdx] = TextureToLocal.TransformVector(FVector(0, 1, 0)).GetSafeNormal();
			FaceTangentX[TriIdx] = Edge20.GetSafeNormal();
			FaceTangentY[TriIdx] = (FaceTangentX[TriIdx] ^ TriNormal).GetSafeNormal();

		FaceTangentZ[TriIdx] = TriNormal;

	// Arrays to accumulate tangents into
	TArray<FVector> VertexTangentXSum, VertexTangentYSum, VertexTangentZSum;

	// For each vertex..
	for (int VertxIdx = 0; VertxIdx < NumVertices; VertxIdx++)
		// Find relevant triangles for normal
		TArray<uint32> SmoothTris;
		VertToTriSmoothMap.MultiFind(VertxIdx, SmoothTris);

		for (int i = 0; i < SmoothTris.Num(); i++)
			uint32 TriIdx = SmoothTris[i];
			VertexTangentZSum[VertxIdx] += FaceTangentZ[TriIdx];

		// Find relevant triangles for tangents
		TArray<uint32> TangentTris;
		VertToTriMap.MultiFind(VertxIdx, TangentTris);

		for (int i = 0; i < TangentTris.Num(); i++)
			uint32 TriIdx = TangentTris[i];
			VertexTangentXSum[VertxIdx] += FaceTangentX[TriIdx];
			VertexTangentYSum[VertxIdx] += FaceTangentY[TriIdx];

	// Finally, normalize tangents and build output arrays	
	for (int VertxIdx = 0; VertxIdx < NumVertices; VertxIdx++)
		FVector& TangentX = VertexTangentXSum[VertxIdx];
		FVector& TangentY = VertexTangentYSum[VertxIdx];
		FVector& TangentZ = VertexTangentZSum[VertxIdx];


		// Use Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to make sure X is orthonormal with Z
		TangentX -= TangentZ * (TangentZ | TangentX);

		TangentSetter(VertxIdx, TangentX, TangentY, TangentZ);