void USceneCaptureComponentCube::UpdateDeferredCaptures( FSceneInterface* Scene )
	UWorld* World = Scene->GetWorld();
	if( World && CubedSceneCapturesToUpdateMap.Num() > 0 )
		// Only update the scene captures associated with the current scene.
		// Updating others not associated with the scene would cause invalid data to be rendered into the target
		TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<USceneCaptureComponentCube> > SceneCapturesToUpdate;
		CubedSceneCapturesToUpdateMap.MultiFind( World, SceneCapturesToUpdate );
		for( TWeakObjectPtr<USceneCaptureComponentCube> Component : SceneCapturesToUpdate )
			if( Component.IsValid() )
				Scene->UpdateSceneCaptureContents( Component.Get() );
		// All scene captures for this world have been updated
		CubedSceneCapturesToUpdateMap.Remove( World );

Example #2
int32 FDeferredScriptTracker::ResolveDeferredScripts(ULinkerLoad* Linker)
	FArchive& Ar = *Linker;
	if (FStructScriptLoader::ShouldDeferScriptSerialization(Ar))
		return 0;

	TGuardValue<ULinkerLoad*> ScopedResolvingLinker(ResolvingLinker, Linker);

	TArray<FDeferredScriptLoader> DefferedLinkerScripts;
	DeferredScriptLoads.MultiFind(Linker, DefferedLinkerScripts);
	// remove before we resolve, because a failed call to 
	// FDeferredScriptLoader::Resolve() could insert back into this list 

	int32 const SerializationPosToRestore = Ar.Tell();

	int32 ResolveCount = 0;
	for (FDeferredScriptLoader& DeferredScript : DefferedLinkerScripts)
		if (DeferredScript.Resolve(Ar))

	return ResolveCount;
	virtual void DisassociateSuppress(FLogCategoryBase* Destination)
		FName* Name = Associations.Find(Destination);
		if (Name)
			verify(ReverseAssociations.Remove(*Name, Destination)==1);
			verify(Associations.Remove(Destination) == 1);
void USceneCaptureComponent2D::UpdateDeferredCaptures( FSceneInterface* Scene )
	UWorld* World = Scene->GetWorld();
	if( World && SceneCapturesToUpdateMap.Num() > 0 )
		// Only update the scene captures assoicated with the current scene.
		// Updating others not associated with the scene would cause invalid data to be rendered into the target
		TArray<USceneCaptureComponent2D*> SceneCapturesToUpdate;
		SceneCapturesToUpdateMap.MultiFind( World, SceneCapturesToUpdate );
		for( USceneCaptureComponent2D* Component : SceneCapturesToUpdate )
			Scene->UpdateSceneCaptureContents( Component );
		// All scene captures for this world have been updated
		SceneCapturesToUpdateMap.Remove( World) ;