void USceneCaptureComponentCube::UpdateDeferredCaptures( FSceneInterface* Scene )
	UWorld* World = Scene->GetWorld();
	if( World && CubedSceneCapturesToUpdateMap.Num() > 0 )
		// Only update the scene captures associated with the current scene.
		// Updating others not associated with the scene would cause invalid data to be rendered into the target
		TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<USceneCaptureComponentCube> > SceneCapturesToUpdate;
		CubedSceneCapturesToUpdateMap.MultiFind( World, SceneCapturesToUpdate );
		for( TWeakObjectPtr<USceneCaptureComponentCube> Component : SceneCapturesToUpdate )
			if( Component.IsValid() )
				Scene->UpdateSceneCaptureContents( Component.Get() );
		// All scene captures for this world have been updated
		CubedSceneCapturesToUpdateMap.Remove( World );

void USceneCaptureComponent2D::UpdateDeferredCaptures( FSceneInterface* Scene )
	UWorld* World = Scene->GetWorld();
	if( World && SceneCapturesToUpdateMap.Num() > 0 )
		// Only update the scene captures assoicated with the current scene.
		// Updating others not associated with the scene would cause invalid data to be rendered into the target
		TArray<USceneCaptureComponent2D*> SceneCapturesToUpdate;
		SceneCapturesToUpdateMap.MultiFind( World, SceneCapturesToUpdate );
		for( USceneCaptureComponent2D* Component : SceneCapturesToUpdate )
			Scene->UpdateSceneCaptureContents( Component );
		// All scene captures for this world have been updated
		SceneCapturesToUpdateMap.Remove( World) ;
void FReferenceChainSearch::BuildRefGraph()
	UE_LOG(LogReferenceChain, Log, TEXT("Generating reference graph ..."));

	bool bContinue = true;

	TMultiMap<UObject*, FRefGraphItem*> GraphNodes;

	// Create the first graph-nodes referencing the target object
	for (FRawObjectIterator It;It;++It)
		UObject* Obj = *It;

		TArray<FReferenceChainLink>& RefList = ReferenceMap.FindChecked(Obj);

		for (int32 i=0; i < RefList.Num(); ++i)
			if (RefList[i].ReferencedObj == ObjectToFind)
				FRefGraphItem* Node = new FRefGraphItem();
				Node->Link = RefList[i];
				GraphNodes.Add(Node->Link.ReferencedBy, Node);

				RefList[i].ReferenceType = EReferenceType::Invalid;

	int32 Level = 0;
	UE_LOG(LogReferenceChain, Log, TEXT("Level 0 has %d nodes ..."), GraphNodes.Num());

		int32 AddedNodes = 0;

		TArray<FRefGraphItem*> NewGraphNodes;

		for (FRawObjectIterator It;It;++It)
			UObject* Obj = *It;

			TArray<FReferenceChainLink>& RefList = ReferenceMap.FindChecked(Obj);

			for (int32 i=0; i < RefList.Num(); ++i)
				if (RefList[i].ReferenceType == EReferenceType::Invalid ||
					RefList[i].ReferencedObj->HasAnyFlags(GARBAGE_COLLECTION_KEEPFLAGS | RF_RootSet)) // references to rooted objects are not important

				TArray<FRefGraphItem*> RefNodes;

				if (FindReferencedGraphNodes(GraphNodes, RefList[i].ReferencedObj, RefNodes) > 0)
					FRefGraphItem* Node = FindNode(GraphNodes, RefList[i].ReferencedBy, RefList[i].ReferencedObj);
					if (Node == NULL)
						Node = new FRefGraphItem();
						Node->Link = RefList[i];

					for (int32 j=0; j < RefNodes.Num(); ++j)

					RefList[i].ReferenceType = EReferenceType::Invalid;
		UE_LOG(LogReferenceChain, Log, TEXT("Level %d added %d nodes ..."), Level, NewGraphNodes.Num());

		for (int32 i = 0; i < NewGraphNodes.Num(); ++i)
			GraphNodes.Add(NewGraphNodes[i]->Link.ReferencedBy, NewGraphNodes[i]);


		bContinue = AddedNodes > 0;

	TArray<FReferenceChain> Chains;

	UE_LOG(LogReferenceChain, Log, TEXT("Generating reference chains ..."));
	for (auto It = GraphNodes.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		FRefGraphItem* Node = It.Value();

		if (Node->Link.ReferencedBy->HasAnyFlags(GARBAGE_COLLECTION_KEEPFLAGS | RF_RootSet))
			FReferenceChain CurChain;
			CreateReferenceChain(Node, CurChain, Chains, ObjectToFind, Level);

	for (int32 i=0; i < Chains.Num(); ++i)
void FRCPassPostProcessSelectionOutlineColor::Process(FRenderingCompositePassContext& Context)
	SCOPED_DRAW_EVENT(Context.RHICmdList, PostProcessSelectionOutlineBuffer, DEC_SCENE_ITEMS);

	const FPooledRenderTargetDesc* SceneColorInputDesc = GetInputDesc(ePId_Input0);

		// input is not hooked up correctly

	const FViewInfo& View = Context.View;
	FIntRect ViewRect = View.ViewRect;
	FIntPoint SrcSize = SceneColorInputDesc->Extent;

	// Get the output render target
	const FSceneRenderTargetItem& DestRenderTarget = PassOutputs[0].RequestSurface(Context);
	// Set the render target/viewport.
	SetRenderTarget(Context.RHICmdList, FTextureRHIParamRef(), DestRenderTarget.TargetableTexture);
	// This is a reversed Z depth surface, so 0.0f is the far plane.
	Context.RHICmdList.Clear(false, FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), true, 0.0f, true, 0, FIntRect());

	if (View.Family->EngineShowFlags.Selection)
		const bool bUseGetMeshElements = ShouldUseGetDynamicMeshElements();

		if (bUseGetMeshElements)
			FHitProxyDrawingPolicyFactory::ContextType FactoryContext;

			//@todo - use memstack
			TMap<FName, int32> ActorNameToStencilIndex;
			ActorNameToStencilIndex.Add(NAME_BSP, 1);

			Context.RHICmdList.SetBlendState(TStaticBlendStateWriteMask<CW_NONE, CW_NONE, CW_NONE, CW_NONE>::GetRHI());

			for (int32 MeshBatchIndex = 0; MeshBatchIndex < View.DynamicMeshElements.Num(); MeshBatchIndex++)
				const FMeshBatchAndRelevance& MeshBatchAndRelevance = View.DynamicMeshElements[MeshBatchIndex];
				const FPrimitiveSceneProxy* PrimitiveSceneProxy = MeshBatchAndRelevance.PrimitiveSceneProxy;

				if (PrimitiveSceneProxy->IsSelected() && MeshBatchAndRelevance.Mesh->bUseSelectionOutline)
					const int32* AssignedStencilIndexPtr = ActorNameToStencilIndex.Find(PrimitiveSceneProxy->GetOwnerName());

					if (!AssignedStencilIndexPtr)
						AssignedStencilIndexPtr = &ActorNameToStencilIndex.Add(PrimitiveSceneProxy->GetOwnerName(), ActorNameToStencilIndex.Num() + 1);

					// This is a reversed Z depth surface, using CF_GreaterEqual.
					// Note that the stencil value will overflow with enough selected objects
					Context.RHICmdList.SetDepthStencilState(TStaticDepthStencilState<true, CF_GreaterEqual, true, CF_Always, SO_Keep, SO_Keep, SO_Replace>::GetRHI(), *AssignedStencilIndexPtr);

					const FMeshBatch& MeshBatch = *MeshBatchAndRelevance.Mesh;
					FHitProxyDrawingPolicyFactory::DrawDynamicMesh(Context.RHICmdList, View, FactoryContext, MeshBatch, false, true, MeshBatchAndRelevance.PrimitiveSceneProxy, MeshBatch.BatchHitProxyId);
		else if (View.VisibleDynamicPrimitives.Num() > 0)
			TDynamicPrimitiveDrawer<FHitProxyDrawingPolicyFactory> Drawer(Context.RHICmdList, &View, FHitProxyDrawingPolicyFactory::ContextType(), true, false, false, true);
			TMultiMap<FName, const FPrimitiveSceneInfo*> PrimitivesByActor;

			for (int32 PrimitiveIndex = 0; PrimitiveIndex < View.VisibleDynamicPrimitives.Num();PrimitiveIndex++)
				const FPrimitiveSceneInfo* PrimitiveSceneInfo = View.VisibleDynamicPrimitives[PrimitiveIndex];

				// Only draw the primitive if relevant
					PrimitivesByActor.Add(PrimitiveSceneInfo->Proxy->GetOwnerName(), PrimitiveSceneInfo);

			if (PrimitivesByActor.Num())
				// 0 means no object, 1 means BSP so we start with 2
				uint32 StencilValue = 2;

				Context.RHICmdList.SetBlendState(TStaticBlendStateWriteMask<CW_NONE, CW_NONE, CW_NONE, CW_NONE>::GetRHI());

				// Sort by actor
				TArray<FName> Actors;
				for( TArray<FName>::TConstIterator ActorIt(Actors); ActorIt; ++ActorIt )
					bool bBSP = *ActorIt == NAME_BSP;
					if (bBSP)
						// This is a reversed Z depth surface, using CF_GreaterEqual.
						Context.RHICmdList.SetDepthStencilState(TStaticDepthStencilState<true, CF_GreaterEqual, true, CF_Always, SO_Keep, SO_Keep, SO_Replace>::GetRHI(), 1);
						// This is a reversed Z depth surface, using CF_GreaterEqual.
						Context.RHICmdList.SetDepthStencilState(TStaticDepthStencilState<true, CF_GreaterEqual, true, CF_Always, SO_Keep, SO_Keep, SO_Replace>::GetRHI(), StencilValue);

						// we want to use 1..255 for all objects, not correct silhouettes after that is acceptable
						StencilValue = (StencilValue == 255) ? 2 : (StencilValue + 1);

					TArray<const FPrimitiveSceneInfo*> Primitives;
					PrimitivesByActor.MultiFind(*ActorIt, Primitives);

					for( TArray<const FPrimitiveSceneInfo*>::TConstIterator PrimIt(Primitives); PrimIt; ++PrimIt )
						const FPrimitiveSceneInfo* PrimitiveSceneInfo = *PrimIt;
						// Render the object to the stencil/depth buffer
						PrimitiveSceneInfo->Proxy->DrawDynamicElements(&Drawer, &View);

		// to get an outline around the objects if it's partly outside of the screen
			FIntRect InnerRect = ViewRect;

			// 1 as we have an outline that is that thick

			// We could use Clear with InnerRect but this is just an optimization - on some hardware it might do a full clear (and we cannot disable yet)
			//			RHICmdList.Clear(false, FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), true, 0.0f, true, 0, InnerRect);
			// so we to 4 clears - one for each border.

			// top
			Context.RHICmdList.SetScissorRect(true, ViewRect.Min.X, ViewRect.Min.Y, ViewRect.Max.X, InnerRect.Min.Y);
			Context.RHICmdList.Clear(false, FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), true, 0.0f, true, 0, FIntRect());
			// bottom
			Context.RHICmdList.SetScissorRect(true, ViewRect.Min.X, InnerRect.Max.Y, ViewRect.Max.X, ViewRect.Max.Y);
			Context.RHICmdList.Clear(false, FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), true, 0.0f, true, 0, FIntRect());
			// left
			Context.RHICmdList.SetScissorRect(true, ViewRect.Min.X, ViewRect.Min.Y, InnerRect.Min.X, ViewRect.Max.Y);
			Context.RHICmdList.Clear(false, FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), true, 0.0f, true, 0, FIntRect());
			// right
			Context.RHICmdList.SetScissorRect(true, InnerRect.Max.X, ViewRect.Min.Y, ViewRect.Max.X, ViewRect.Max.Y);
			Context.RHICmdList.Clear(false, FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), true, 0.0f, true, 0, FIntRect());

			Context.RHICmdList.SetScissorRect(false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	// Resolve to the output
	Context.RHICmdList.CopyToResolveTarget(DestRenderTarget.TargetableTexture, DestRenderTarget.ShaderResourceTexture, false, FResolveParams());