void FAssetTypeActions_GameplayTagAssetBase::GetActions(const TArray<UObject*>& InObjects, FMenuBuilder& MenuBuilder)
	TArray<UObject*> ContainerObjectOwners;
	TArray<FGameplayTagContainer*> Containers;
	for (int32 ObjIdx = 0; ObjIdx < InObjects.Num(); ++ObjIdx)
		UObject* CurObj = InObjects[ObjIdx];
		if (CurObj)
			UStructProperty* StructProp = FindField<UStructProperty>(CurObj->GetClass(), OwnedGameplayTagPropertyName);
			if(StructProp != NULL)

	ensure(Containers.Num() == ContainerObjectOwners.Num());
	if (Containers.Num() > 0 && (Containers.Num() == ContainerObjectOwners.Num()))
			LOCTEXT("GameplayTags_Edit", "Edit Gameplay Tags..."),
			LOCTEXT("GameplayTags_EditToolTip", "Opens the Gameplay Tag Editor."),
			FUIAction(FExecuteAction::CreateSP(this, &FAssetTypeActions_GameplayTagAssetBase::OpenGameplayTagEditor, ContainerObjectOwners, Containers), FCanExecuteAction()));
FText FSimpleAssetEditor::GetToolkitName() const
	const TArray<UObject*>& EditingObjs = GetEditingObjects();

	check( EditingObjs.Num() > 0 );

	FFormatNamedArguments Args;
	Args.Add( TEXT("ToolkitName"), GetBaseToolkitName() );

	if( EditingObjs.Num() == 1 )
		const UObject* EditingObject = EditingObjs[ 0 ];

		const bool bDirtyState = EditingObject->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();

		Args.Add( TEXT("ObjectName"), FText::FromString( EditingObject->GetName() ) );
		Args.Add( TEXT("DirtyState"), bDirtyState ? FText::FromString( TEXT( "*" ) ) : FText::GetEmpty() );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle", "{ObjectName}{DirtyState} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
		bool bDirtyState = false;
		UClass* SharedBaseClass = nullptr;
		for( int32 x = 0; x < EditingObjs.Num(); ++x )
			UObject* Obj = EditingObjs[ x ];
			check( Obj );

			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == nullptr)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( SharedBaseClass == nullptr )
				SharedBaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( SharedBaseClass ) )
				SharedBaseClass = SharedBaseClass->GetSuperClass();

			// If any of the objects are dirty, flag the label
			bDirtyState |= Obj->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();


		Args.Add( TEXT("NumberOfObjects"), EditingObjs.Num() );
		Args.Add( TEXT("ClassName"), FText::FromString( SharedBaseClass->GetName() ) );
		Args.Add( TEXT("DirtyState"), bDirtyState ? FText::FromString( TEXT( "*" ) ) : FText::GetEmpty() );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle_EditingMultiple", "{NumberOfObjects} {ClassName}{DirtyState} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
UEnum* GetEnumForByteTrack(TSharedPtr<ISequencer> Sequencer, const FGuid& OwnerObjectHandle, FName PropertyName, UMovieSceneByteTrack* ByteTrack)
	UObject* RuntimeObject = Sequencer->GetFocusedMovieSceneSequence()->FindObject(OwnerObjectHandle);

	TSet<UEnum*> PropertyEnums;
	if (RuntimeObject != nullptr)
		UProperty* Property = RuntimeObject->GetClass()->FindPropertyByName(PropertyName);
		if (Property != nullptr)
			UByteProperty* ByteProperty = Cast<UByteProperty>(Property);
			if (ByteProperty != nullptr && ByteProperty->Enum != nullptr)

	UEnum* TrackEnum;
	if (PropertyEnums.Num() == 1)
		TrackEnum = PropertyEnums.Array()[0];
		TrackEnum = nullptr;
	return TrackEnum;
void FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::VerifyReplacement()
	TArray<UObject*> SourceObjects;

	// Find all instances of the old class
	for( TObjectIterator<UObject> it; it; ++it )
		UObject* CurrentObj = *it;

		if( (CurrentObj->GetClass() == DuplicatedClass) )

	// For each instance, track down references
	if( SourceObjects.Num() > 0 )
		TFindObjectReferencers<UObject> Referencers(SourceObjects, NULL, false);
		for (TFindObjectReferencers<UObject>::TIterator It(Referencers); It; ++It)
			UObject* CurrentObject = It.Key();
			UObject* ReferencedObj = It.Value();
			FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf(TEXT("- Object %s is referencing %s ---"), *CurrentObject->GetName(), *ReferencedObj->GetName());
UClass* FClassData::GetClass()
	UClass* RetClass = Class.Get();
	if (RetClass == NULL && GeneratedClassPackage.Len())
		GWarn->BeginSlowTask(LOCTEXT("LoadPackage", "Loading Package..."), true);

		UPackage* Package = LoadPackage(NULL, *GeneratedClassPackage, LOAD_NoRedirects);
		if (Package)

			UObject* Object = FindObject<UObject>(Package, *AssetName);


			UBlueprint* BlueprintOb = Cast<UBlueprint>(Object);
			RetClass = BlueprintOb ? *BlueprintOb->GeneratedClass : Object->GetClass();
			Class = RetClass;

			FMessageLog EditorErrors("EditorErrors");
			EditorErrors.Error(LOCTEXT("PackageLoadFail", "Package Load Failed"));
			EditorErrors.Notify(LOCTEXT("PackageLoadFail", "Package Load Failed"));

	return RetClass;
Example #6
// Looks at the Objects array and returns the best base class.  Called by
// Finalize(); that is, when the list of selected objects is being finalized.
void FObjectPropertyNode::SetBestBaseClass()
	BaseClass = NULL;

	for( int32 x = 0 ; x < Objects.Num() ; ++x )
		UObject* Obj = Objects[x].Get();
		if( Obj )
			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == NULL)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( BaseClass == NULL )
				BaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( BaseClass.Get() ) )
				BaseClass = BaseClass->GetSuperClass();
Example #7
 * Internal version of GetPathName() that eliminates unnecessary copies.
void UObjectBaseUtility::GetPathName( const UObject* StopOuter, FString& ResultString ) const
	if( this != StopOuter && this != NULL )
		UObject* ObjOuter = GetOuter();
		if (ObjOuter && ObjOuter != StopOuter )
			ObjOuter->GetPathName( StopOuter, ResultString );

			// SUBOBJECT_DELIMITER is used to indicate that this object's outer is not a UPackage
			if (ObjOuter->GetClass() != UPackage::StaticClass()
			&& ObjOuter->GetOuter()->GetClass() == UPackage::StaticClass())
				ResultString += SUBOBJECT_DELIMITER;
				ResultString += TEXT(".");
		ResultString += TEXT("None");
Example #8
TSharedPtr<FGraphNodeClassNode> FGraphNodeClassHelper::CreateClassDataNode(const class FAssetData& AssetData)
	TSharedPtr<FGraphNodeClassNode> Node;
	const FString* GeneratedClassname = AssetData.TagsAndValues.Find("GeneratedClass");
	const FString* ParentClassname = AssetData.TagsAndValues.Find("ParentClass");

	if (GeneratedClassname && ParentClassname)
		FString AssetClassName = *GeneratedClassname;
		UObject* Outer1(NULL);
		ResolveName(Outer1, AssetClassName, false, false);

		FString AssetParentClassName = *ParentClassname;
		UObject* Outer2(NULL);
		ResolveName(Outer2, AssetParentClassName, false, false);

		Node = MakeShareable(new FGraphNodeClassNode);
		Node->ParentClassName = AssetParentClassName;

		UObject* AssetOb = AssetData.IsAssetLoaded() ? AssetData.GetAsset() : NULL;
		UBlueprint* AssetBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(AssetOb);
		UClass* AssetClass = AssetBP ? *AssetBP->GeneratedClass : AssetOb ? AssetOb->GetClass() : NULL;

		FGraphNodeClassData NewData(AssetData.AssetName.ToString(), AssetData.PackageName.ToString(), AssetClassName, AssetClass);
		Node->Data = NewData;

	return Node;
	// Finds the class for the given stack state.
	UStruct* FindClass( const FReadState& State )
		UStruct* Class = nullptr;

		if (State.Property != nullptr)
			UProperty* ParentProperty = State.Property;
			UArrayProperty* ArrayProperty = Cast<UArrayProperty>(ParentProperty);

			if (ArrayProperty != nullptr)
				ParentProperty = ArrayProperty->Inner;

			UStructProperty* StructProperty = Cast<UStructProperty>(ParentProperty);
			UObjectPropertyBase* ObjectProperty = Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(ParentProperty);

			if (StructProperty != nullptr)
				Class = StructProperty->Struct;
			else if (ObjectProperty != nullptr)
				Class = ObjectProperty->PropertyClass;
			UObject* RootObject = static_cast<UObject*>(State.Data);
			Class = RootObject->GetClass();

		return Class;
void UObjectPropertyBase::CheckValidObject(void* Value) const
	UObject *Object = GetObjectPropertyValue(Value);
	if (Object)
		// here we want to make sure the the object value still matches the 
		// object type expected by the property...

		UClass* ObjectClass = Object->GetClass();
		// we could be in the middle of replacing references to the 
		// PropertyClass itself (in the middle of an FArchiveReplaceObjectRef 
		// pass)... if this is the case, then we might have already replaced 
		// the object's class, but not the PropertyClass yet (or vise-versa)... 
		// so we use this to ensure, in that situation, that we don't clear the 
		// object value (if CLASS_NewerVersionExists is set, then we are likely 
		// in the middle of an FArchiveReplaceObjectRef pass)
		bool bIsReplacingClassRefs = PropertyClass && PropertyClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists) != ObjectClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists);
		FLinkerLoad* PropertyLinker = GetLinker();
		bool const bIsDeferringValueLoad = ((PropertyLinker == nullptr) || (PropertyLinker->LoadFlags & LOAD_DeferDependencyLoads)) &&
			(Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject>() || Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderClass>());

		check( bIsDeferringValueLoad || (!Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject>() && !Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderClass>()) );

		bool const bIsDeferringValueLoad = false;

		if ((PropertyClass != nullptr) && !ObjectClass->IsChildOf(PropertyClass) && !bIsReplacingClassRefs && !bIsDeferringValueLoad)
			UE_LOG(LogProperty, Warning,
				TEXT("Serialized %s for a property of %s. Reference will be NULLed.\n    Property = %s\n    Item = %s"),
			SetObjectPropertyValue(Value, NULL);
void USelection::DeselectAll( UClass* InClass )
	// Fast path for deselecting all UObjects with any flags
	if ( InClass == UObject::StaticClass() )
		InClass = nullptr;

	bool bSelectionChanged = false;

	TSet<FSelectedClassInfo> RemovedClasses;
	// Remove from the end to minimize memmoves.
	for ( int32 i = SelectedObjects.Num()-1 ; i >= 0 ; --i )
		UObject* Object = GetSelectedObject(i);

		if ( !Object )
			// Remove NULLs from SelectedObjects array.
			SelectedObjects.RemoveAt( i );
		else if( !InClass || Object->IsA( InClass ) )
			// if the object is of type InClass then all objects of that same type will be removed

			SelectedObjects.RemoveAt( i );

			// Call this after the item has been removed from the selection set.
			USelection::SelectObjectEvent.Broadcast( Object );

			bSelectionChanged = true;

	if( InClass == nullptr )
		// Remove the passed in class and all child classes that were removed
		// from the list of currently selected classes
		SelectedClasses = SelectedClasses.Difference(RemovedClasses);

	if ( bSelectionChanged )
		if ( !IsBatchSelecting() )
const FSlateBrush* SPropertyEditorEditInline::GetDisplayValueIcon() const
	UObject* CurrentValue = nullptr;
	FPropertyAccess::Result Result = PropertyEditor->GetPropertyHandle()->GetValue( CurrentValue );
	if( Result == FPropertyAccess::Success && CurrentValue != nullptr )
		return FClassIconFinder::FindIconForClass(CurrentValue->GetClass());

	return nullptr;
bool UObjectPropertyBase::Identical( const void* A, const void* B, uint32 PortFlags ) const
	UObject* ObjectA = A ? GetObjectPropertyValue(A) : NULL;
	UObject* ObjectB = B ? GetObjectPropertyValue(B) : NULL;
	if (!ObjectA && !ObjectB)
		return true;
	if (!ObjectA || !ObjectB)
		return false;
	// Compare actual pointers. We don't do this during PIE because we want to be sure to serialize everything. An example is the LevelScriptActor being serialized against its CDO,
	// which contains actor references. We want to serialize those references so they are fixed up.
	const bool bDuplicatingForPIE = (PortFlags&PPF_DuplicateForPIE) != 0;
	bool bResult = !bDuplicatingForPIE ? (ObjectA == ObjectB) : false;
	// always serialize the cross level references, because they could be NULL
	// @todo: okay, this is pretty hacky overall - we should have a PortFlag or something
	// that is set during SavePackage. Other times, we don't want to immediately return false
	// (instead of just this ExportDefProps case)
	// instance testing
	if (!bResult && ObjectA->GetClass() == ObjectB->GetClass())
		bool bPerformDeepComparison = (PortFlags&PPF_DeepComparison) != 0;
		if ((PortFlags&PPF_DeepCompareInstances) && !bPerformDeepComparison)
			bPerformDeepComparison = ObjectA->IsTemplate() != ObjectB->IsTemplate();

		if (!bResult && bPerformDeepComparison)
			// In order for deep comparison to be match they both need to have the same name and that name needs to be included in the instancing table for the class
			if (ObjectA->GetFName() == ObjectB->GetFName() && ObjectA->GetClass()->GetDefaultSubobjectByName(ObjectA->GetFName()))
				checkSlow(ObjectA->IsDefaultSubobject() && ObjectB->IsDefaultSubobject() && ObjectA->GetClass()->GetDefaultSubobjectByName(ObjectA->GetFName()) == ObjectB->GetClass()->GetDefaultSubobjectByName(ObjectB->GetFName())); // equivalent
				bResult = AreInstancedObjectsIdentical(ObjectA,ObjectB,PortFlags);
	return bResult;
Example #14
UObject* UFactory::CreateOrOverwriteAsset(UClass* InClass, UObject* InParent, FName InName, EObjectFlags InFlags, UObject* InTemplate) const
	// Creates an asset if it doesn't exist.
	UObject* ExistingAsset = StaticFindObject(NULL, InParent, *InName.ToString());
	if ( !ExistingAsset )
		return NewObject<UObject>(InParent, InClass, InName, InFlags, InTemplate);

	// If it does exist then it overwrites it if possible.
	if ( ExistingAsset->GetClass()->IsChildOf(InClass) )
		return NewObject<UObject>(InParent, InClass, InName, InFlags, InTemplate);
	// If it can not overwrite then it will delete and replace.
	if ( ObjectTools::DeleteSingleObject( ExistingAsset ) )
		// Keep InPackage alive through the GC, in case ExistingAsset was the only reason it was around.
		const bool bRootedPackage = InParent->IsRooted();
		if ( !bRootedPackage )

		// Force GC so we can cleanly create a new asset (and not do an 'in place' replacement)

		if ( !bRootedPackage )

		// Try to find the existing asset again now that the GC has occurred
		ExistingAsset = StaticFindObject(NULL, InParent, *InName.ToString());
		if ( ExistingAsset )
			// Even after the delete and GC, the object is still around. Fail this operation.
			return NULL;
			// We can now create the asset in the package
			return NewObject<UObject>(InParent, InClass, InName, InFlags, InTemplate);
		// The delete did not succeed. There are still references to the old content.
		return NULL;
FText SPropertyEditorEditInline::GetDisplayValueAsString() const
	UObject* CurrentValue = NULL;
	FPropertyAccess::Result Result = PropertyEditor->GetPropertyHandle()->GetValue( CurrentValue );
	if( Result == FPropertyAccess::Success && CurrentValue != NULL )
		return CurrentValue->GetClass()->GetDisplayNameText();
		return PropertyEditor->GetValueAsText();
Example #16
UObject* UObject::GetArchetypeFromRequiredInfo(UClass* Class, UObject* Outer, FName Name, EObjectFlags ObjectFlags)
	UObject* Result = NULL;
	const bool bIsCDO = !!(ObjectFlags&RF_ClassDefaultObject);
	if (bIsCDO)
		static UClass* UObjectStaticClass(UObject::StaticClass());
		if (Class != UObjectStaticClass)
			Result = Class->GetSuperClass()->GetDefaultObject(); // the archetype of any CDO (other than the UObject CDO) is the CDO of the super class
		// else the archetype of the UObject CDO is NULL
		if (Outer 
			&& Outer->GetClass() != UPackage::StaticClass()) // packages cannot have subobjects
			UObject* ArchetypeToSearch = Outer->GetArchetype();
			UObject* MyArchetype = static_cast<UObject*>(FindObjectWithOuter(ArchetypeToSearch, Class, Name));
			if (MyArchetype)
				Result = MyArchetype; // found that my outers archetype had a matching component, that must be my archetype
			else if (!!(ObjectFlags&RF_InheritableComponentTemplate) && Outer->IsA<UClass>())
				for (auto SuperClassArchetype = static_cast<UClass*>(Outer)->GetSuperClass();
					SuperClassArchetype && SuperClassArchetype->HasAllClassFlags(CLASS_CompiledFromBlueprint);
					SuperClassArchetype = SuperClassArchetype->GetSuperClass())
					Result = static_cast<UObject*>(FindObjectWithOuter(SuperClassArchetype, Class, Name));
					if (Result)
				Result = ArchetypeToSearch->GetClass()->FindArchetype(Class, Name);

		if (!Result)
			// nothing found, I am not a CDO, so this is just the class CDO
			Result = Class->GetDefaultObject();
	return Result;
USceneComponent* FComponentEditorUtils::GetSceneComponent( UObject* Object, UObject* SubObject /*= NULL*/ )
	if( Object )
		AActor* Actor = Cast<AActor>( Object );
		if( Actor )
			if( SubObject )
				if( SubObject->HasAnyFlags( RF_DefaultSubObject ) )
					UObject* ClassDefaultObject = SubObject->GetOuter();
					if( ClassDefaultObject )
						for( TFieldIterator<UObjectProperty> ObjPropIt( ClassDefaultObject->GetClass() ); ObjPropIt; ++ObjPropIt )
							UObjectProperty* ObjectProperty = *ObjPropIt;
							if( SubObject == ObjectProperty->GetObjectPropertyValue_InContainer( ClassDefaultObject ) )
								return CastChecked<USceneComponent>( ObjectProperty->GetObjectPropertyValue_InContainer( Actor ) );
				else if( UBlueprint* Blueprint = Cast<UBlueprint>( SubObject->GetOuter() ) )
					if( Blueprint->SimpleConstructionScript )
						TArray<USCS_Node*> SCSNodes = Blueprint->SimpleConstructionScript->GetAllNodes();
						for( int32 SCSNodeIndex = 0; SCSNodeIndex < SCSNodes.Num(); ++SCSNodeIndex )
							USCS_Node* SCS_Node = SCSNodes[ SCSNodeIndex ];
							if( SCS_Node && SCS_Node->ComponentTemplate == SubObject )
								return SCS_Node->GetParentComponentTemplate( Blueprint );

			return Actor->GetRootComponent();
		else if( Object->IsA<USceneComponent>() )
			return CastChecked<USceneComponent>( Object );

	return NULL;
FText FSimpleAssetEditor::GetToolkitToolTipText() const
	const TArray<UObject*>& EditingObjs = GetEditingObjects();

	check( EditingObjs.Num() > 0 );

	FFormatNamedArguments Args;
	Args.Add( TEXT("ToolkitName"), GetBaseToolkitName() );

	if( EditingObjs.Num() == 1 )
		const UObject* EditingObject = EditingObjs[ 0 ];
		return FAssetEditorToolkit::GetToolTipTextForObject(EditingObject);
		UClass* SharedBaseClass = NULL;
		for( int32 x = 0; x < EditingObjs.Num(); ++x )
			UObject* Obj = EditingObjs[ x ];
			check( Obj );

			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == nullptr)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( SharedBaseClass == nullptr )
				SharedBaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( SharedBaseClass ) )
				SharedBaseClass = SharedBaseClass->GetSuperClass();


		Args.Add( TEXT("NumberOfObjects"), EditingObjs.Num() );
		Args.Add( TEXT("ClassName"), FText::FromString( SharedBaseClass->GetName() ) );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle_EditingMultipleToolTip", "{NumberOfObjects} {ClassName} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
UClass* FClassBrowseHelper::FindAssetClass(const FString& GeneratedClassPackage, const FString& AssetName)
	UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *GeneratedClassPackage );
	if (Package)
		UObject* Object = FindObject<UObject>(Package, *AssetName);
		if (Object)
			UBlueprint* BlueprintOb = Cast<UBlueprint>(Object);
			return BlueprintOb ? *BlueprintOb->GeneratedClass : Object->GetClass();

	return NULL;
int32 FLinkerPlaceholderBase::ResolvePlaceholderPropertyValues(UObject* NewObjectValue)
	int32 ResolvedTotal = 0;

	UObject* ThisAsUObject = GetPlaceholderAsUObject();
	for (auto& ReferencingPair : ReferencingContainers)
		TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> ContainerPtr = ReferencingPair.Key;
		if (!ContainerPtr.IsValid())
		UObject* Container = ContainerPtr.Get();

		for (const UObjectProperty* Property : ReferencingPair.Value)
			check(Property->GetOwnerClass() == Container->GetClass());

			TArray<const UProperty*> PropertyChain;
			LinkerPlaceholderObjectImpl::BuildPropertyChain(Property, PropertyChain);
			const UProperty* OutermostProperty = PropertyChain.Last();

			uint8* OutermostAddress = OutermostProperty->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>((uint8*)Container, /*ArrayIndex =*/0);
			int32 ResolvedCount = LinkerPlaceholderObjectImpl::ResolvePlaceholderValues(PropertyChain, PropertyChain.Num() - 1, OutermostAddress, ThisAsUObject, NewObjectValue);
			ResolvedTotal += ResolvedCount;

			// we expect that (because we have had ReferencingProperties added) 
			// there should be at least one reference that is resolved... if 
			// there were none, then a property could have changed its value 
			// after it was set to this
			// NOTE: this may seem it can be resolved by properties removing 
			//       themselves from ReferencingProperties, but certain 
			//       properties may be the inner of a UArrayProperty (meaning 
			//       there could be multiple references per property)... we'd 
			//       have to inc/decrement a property ref-count to resolve that 
			//       scenario
			check(ResolvedCount > 0);

	return ResolvedTotal;
void UInterfaceProperty::ExportTextItem( FString& ValueStr, const void* PropertyValue, const void* DefaultValue, UObject* Parent, int32 PortFlags, UObject* ExportRootScope ) const
	FScriptInterface* InterfaceValue = (FScriptInterface*)PropertyValue;

	UObject* Temp = InterfaceValue->GetObject();

	if (0 != (PortFlags & PPF_ExportCpp))
		const FString GetObjectStr = Temp
			? FString::Printf(TEXT("LoadObject<UObject>(nullptr, TEXT(\"%s\"))"), *Temp->GetPathName().ReplaceCharWithEscapedChar())
			: TEXT("");
		ValueStr += FString::Printf(TEXT("TScriptInterface<I%s>(%s)")
			, (InterfaceClass ? *InterfaceClass->GetName() : TEXT("Interface"))
			, *GetObjectStr);

	if( Temp != NULL )
		bool bExportFullyQualified = true;

		// When exporting from one package or graph to another package or graph, we don't want to fully qualify the name, as it may refer
		// to a level or graph that doesn't exist or cause a linkage to a node in a different graph
		UObject* StopOuter = NULL;
		if (PortFlags & PPF_ExportsNotFullyQualified)
			StopOuter = (ExportRootScope || (Parent == NULL)) ? ExportRootScope : Parent->GetOutermost();
			bExportFullyQualified = !Temp->IsIn(StopOuter);

		// if we want a full qualified object reference, use the pathname, otherwise, use just the object name
		if (bExportFullyQualified)
			StopOuter = NULL;
			if ( (PortFlags&PPF_SimpleObjectText) != 0 && Parent != NULL )
				StopOuter = Parent->GetOutermost();
		ValueStr += FString::Printf( TEXT("%s'%s'"), *Temp->GetClass()->GetName(), *Temp->GetPathName(StopOuter) );
		ValueStr += TEXT("None");
int32 FReferenceChainSearch::FFindReferencerCollector::FindReferencedObjectIndex(const UObject& ReferencedBy, const UObject& ReferencedObject)
	int32 Result = INDEX_NONE;
	auto & TokenMap = ReferencedBy.GetClass()->DebugTokenMap;

	for (int32 Index = 0, End = TokenMap.GetTokenMapSize(); Index < End; ++Index)
		auto TokenName = TokenMap.GetTokenInfo(Index).Name;
		if (ReferencedObject.GetFName() == TokenName)
			Result = Index;

	return Result;
void FSequencerObjectBindingNode::HandlePropertyMenuItemExecute(TArray<UProperty*> PropertyPath)
	FSequencer& Sequencer = GetSequencer();
	UObject* BoundObject = GetSequencer().FindSpawnedObjectOrTemplate(ObjectBinding);

	TArray<UObject*> KeyableBoundObjects;
	if (BoundObject != nullptr)
		if (Sequencer.CanKeyProperty(FCanKeyPropertyParams(BoundObject->GetClass(), PropertyPath)))

	FKeyPropertyParams KeyPropertyParams(KeyableBoundObjects, PropertyPath, ESequencerKeyMode::ManualKeyForced);

Example #24
unreal::UIntPtr unreal::helpers::ClassMap_obj::wrap(unreal::UIntPtr inUObject) {
  if (inUObject == 0) return 0;  
  UObject *obj = (UObject *) inUObject;
  UClass *cls = obj->GetClass();
  auto& map = getClassMap();
  while (cls != nullptr) {
    if (cls->HasAllClassFlags(CLASS_Native)) {
      auto it = map.find(cls);
      if (it != map.end()) {
        return (it->second)(inUObject);
    cls = cls->GetSuperClass();
  UE_LOG(LogTemp,Fatal,TEXT("No haxe wrapper was found for the uobject from class %s nor from any of its superclasses"), *obj->GetClass()->GetName());
  // won't get here
  return 0;
void SDetailsView::ReplaceObjects( const TMap<UObject*, UObject*>& OldToNewObjectMap )
	TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UObject > > NewObjectList;
	bool bObjectsReplaced = false;

	TArray< FObjectPropertyNode* > ObjectNodes;
	for(TSharedPtr<FComplexPropertyNode>& RootNode : RootPropertyNodes)
		PropertyEditorHelpers::CollectObjectNodes(RootNode, ObjectNodes );

	for( int32 ObjectNodeIndex = 0; ObjectNodeIndex < ObjectNodes.Num(); ++ObjectNodeIndex )
		FObjectPropertyNode* CurrentNode = ObjectNodes[ObjectNodeIndex];

		// Scan all objects and look for objects which need to be replaced
		for ( TPropObjectIterator Itor( CurrentNode->ObjectIterator() ); Itor; ++Itor )
			UObject* Replacement = OldToNewObjectMap.FindRef( Itor->Get() );
			if( Replacement && Replacement->GetClass() == Itor->Get()->GetClass() )
				bObjectsReplaced = true;
				if( CurrentNode->IsRootNode() )
					// Note: only root objects count for the new object list. Sub-Objects (i.e components count as needing to be replaced but they don't belong in the top level object list
					NewObjectList.Add( Replacement );
			else if( CurrentNode->IsRootNode() )
				// Note: only root objects count for the new object list. Sub-Objects (i.e components count as needing to be replaced but they don't belong in the top level object list
				NewObjectList.Add( Itor->Get() );

	if( bObjectsReplaced )
		SetObjectArrayPrivate( NewObjectList );

bool FLinkerPlaceholderBase::AddReferencingPropertyValue(const UObjectProperty* ReferencingProperty, void* DataPtr)
	TArray<UObject*>& PossibleReferencers = FPlaceholderContainerTracker::Get().PerspectiveReferencerStack;

	UObject* FoundReferencer = nullptr;
	// iterate backwards because this is meant to act as a stack, where the last
	// entry is most likely the one we're looking for
	for (int32 CandidateIndex = PossibleReferencers.Num() - 1; CandidateIndex >= 0; --CandidateIndex)
		UObject* ReferencerCandidate = PossibleReferencers[CandidateIndex];

		UClass* CandidateClass = ReferencerCandidate->GetClass();
		UClass* PropOwnerClass = ReferencingProperty->GetOwnerClass();

		if (CandidateClass->IsChildOf(PropOwnerClass))
			FoundReferencer = ReferencerCandidate;

	check(ReferencingProperty->GetObjectPropertyValue(DataPtr) == GetPlaceholderAsUObject());
	check(FoundReferencer != nullptr);

	if (FoundReferencer != nullptr)
		// @TODO: verify that DataPtr belongs to FoundReferencer
// 		uint8* ContainerStart = (uint8*)FoundReferencer;
// 		uint8* ContainerEnd   = ContainerStart + FoundReferencer->GetClass()->GetStructureSize();
// 		// check that we picked the right container object, and that DataPtr exists within it 
// 		check(DataPtr >= ContainerStart && DataPtr <= ContainerEnd);

	return (FoundReferencer != nullptr);
	virtual void HandleObjectReference(UObject*& InObject, const UObject* InReferencingObject, const UProperty* InReferencingProperty) override
		UObject* Object = InObject;
		if (!Object || Object->IsA<UBlueprint>())

		UClass* ActualClass = Cast<UClass>(Dependencies.GetActualStruct());
		UStruct* CurrentlyConvertedStruct = ActualClass ? Dependencies.FindOriginalClass(ActualClass) : Dependencies.GetActualStruct();
		if (Object == CurrentlyConvertedStruct)

		if (Object->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
			// Static functions from libraries are called on CDO. (The functions is stored as a name not an object).
			UClass* OwnerClass = Object->GetClass();
			if (OwnerClass && (OwnerClass != CurrentlyConvertedStruct))
				UBlueprintGeneratedClass* OwnerAsBPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(OwnerClass);
				if (OwnerAsBPGC && !Dependencies.ConvertedClasses.Contains(OwnerAsBPGC) && Dependencies.WillClassBeConverted(OwnerAsBPGC))

		const bool bUseZConstructorInGeneratedCode = false;
		//TODO: What About Delegates?
		auto ObjAsBPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(Object);
		const bool bWillBeConvetedAsBPGC = ObjAsBPGC && Dependencies.WillClassBeConverted(ObjAsBPGC);
		if (bWillBeConvetedAsBPGC)
			if (ObjAsBPGC != CurrentlyConvertedStruct)
		else if (UUserDefinedStruct* UDS = Cast<UUserDefinedStruct>(Object))
			if (!UDS->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
		else if (UUserDefinedEnum* UDE = Cast<UUserDefinedEnum>(Object))
			if (!UDE->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
		else if ((Object->IsAsset() || ObjAsBPGC) && !Object->IsIn(CurrentlyConvertedStruct))
			// include all not converted super classes
			for (auto SuperBPGC = ObjAsBPGC ? Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(ObjAsBPGC->GetSuperClass()) : nullptr;
				SuperBPGC && !Dependencies.WillClassBeConverted(SuperBPGC);
				SuperBPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(SuperBPGC->GetSuperClass()))

		else if (auto ObjAsClass = Cast<UClass>(Object))
			if (ObjAsClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native))
		else if (Object->IsA<UScriptStruct>())

void FGatherConvertedClassDependencies::DependenciesForHeader()
	TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToCheck;
	GetObjectsWithOuter(OriginalStruct, ObjectsToCheck, true);

	TArray<UObject*> NeededObjects;
	FReferenceFinder HeaderReferenceFinder(NeededObjects, nullptr, false, false, true, false);

	auto ShouldIncludeHeaderFor = [&](UObject* InObj)->bool
		if (InObj
			&& (InObj->IsA<UClass>() || InObj->IsA<UEnum>() || InObj->IsA<UScriptStruct>())
			&& !InObj->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
			auto ObjAsBPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(InObj);
			const bool bWillBeConvetedAsBPGC = ObjAsBPGC && WillClassBeConverted(ObjAsBPGC);
			const bool bRemainAsUnconvertedBPGC = ObjAsBPGC && !bWillBeConvetedAsBPGC;
			if (!bRemainAsUnconvertedBPGC && (InObj->GetOutermost() != OriginalStruct->GetOutermost()))
				return true;
		return false;

	for (auto Obj : ObjectsToCheck)
		const UProperty* Property = Cast<const UProperty>(Obj);
		if (const UArrayProperty* ArrayProperty = Cast<UArrayProperty>(Property))
			Property = ArrayProperty->Inner;
		const UProperty* OwnerProperty = IsValid(Property) ? Property->GetOwnerProperty() : nullptr;
		const bool bIsParam = OwnerProperty && (0 != (OwnerProperty->PropertyFlags & CPF_Parm)) && OwnerProperty->IsIn(OriginalStruct);
		const bool bIsMemberVariable = OwnerProperty && (OwnerProperty->GetOuter() == OriginalStruct);
		if (bIsParam || bIsMemberVariable)
			if (auto ObjectProperty = Cast<const UObjectPropertyBase>(Property))
			else if (auto InterfaceProperty = Cast<const UInterfaceProperty>(Property))
			else if (auto DelegateProperty = Cast<const UDelegateProperty>(Property))
				IncludeInHeader.Add(DelegateProperty->SignatureFunction ? DelegateProperty->SignatureFunction->GetOwnerStruct() : nullptr);
			/* MC Delegate signatures are recreated in local scope anyway.
			else if (auto MulticastDelegateProperty = Cast<const UMulticastDelegateProperty>(Property))
				IncludeInHeader.Add(MulticastDelegateProperty->SignatureFunction ? MulticastDelegateProperty->SignatureFunction->GetOwnerClass() : nullptr);
			else if (const UByteProperty* ByteProperty = Cast<const UByteProperty>(Property))
				// HeaderReferenceFinder.FindReferences(Obj); cannot find this enum..

	if (auto SuperStruct = OriginalStruct->GetSuperStruct())

	if (auto SourceClass = Cast<UClass>(OriginalStruct))
		for (auto& ImplementedInterface : SourceClass->Interfaces)

	for (auto Obj : NeededObjects)
		if (ShouldIncludeHeaderFor(Obj))

	UUserDefinedStruct* UDS = Cast<UUserDefinedStruct>(OriginalStruct);
	if (UDS)
		FStructOnScope StructOnScope(UDS);
		for (TFieldIterator<UObjectPropertyBase> PropertyIt(UDS); PropertyIt; ++PropertyIt)
			UObject* DefaultValueObject = ((UObjectPropertyBase*)*PropertyIt)->GetObjectPropertyValue_InContainer(StructOnScope.GetStructMemory());
			UField* ObjAsField = Cast<UField>(DefaultValueObject);
			UField* FieldForHeader = ObjAsField ? ObjAsField : (DefaultValueObject ? DefaultValueObject->GetClass() : nullptr);

	UClass* AsBPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(OriginalStruct);
	UClass* OriginalClassFromOriginalPackage = AsBPGC ? FindOriginalClass(AsBPGC) : nullptr;
	const UPackage* OriginalStructPackage = OriginalStruct ? OriginalStruct->GetOutermost() : nullptr;
	for (auto Iter = IncludeInHeader.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter)
		UField* CurrentField = *Iter;
		if (CurrentField)
			if (CurrentField->GetOutermost() == OriginalStructPackage)
			else if (CurrentField == OriginalStruct)
			else if (OriginalClassFromOriginalPackage && (CurrentField == OriginalClassFromOriginalPackage))
	virtual void HandleObjectReference(UObject*& InObject, const UObject* InReferencingObject, const UProperty* InReferencingProperty) override
		UObject* Object = InObject;
		if (!Object || Object->IsA<UBlueprint>())

		UClass* ActualClass = Cast<UClass>(Dependencies.GetActualStruct());
		UStruct* CurrentlyConvertedStruct = ActualClass ? Dependencies.FindOriginalClass(ActualClass) : Dependencies.GetActualStruct();
		if (Object == CurrentlyConvertedStruct)

			auto ObjAsField = Cast<UField>(Object);
			if (!ObjAsField)
				const bool bTransientObject = (Object->HasAnyFlags(RF_Transient) && !Object->IsIn(CurrentlyConvertedStruct)) || Object->IsIn(GetTransientPackage());
				if (bTransientObject)

				ObjAsField = Object->GetClass();

			if (ObjAsField && !ObjAsField->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject))
				if (ObjAsField->IsA<UProperty>())
					ObjAsField = ObjAsField->GetOwnerStruct();
				if (ObjAsField->IsA<UFunction>())
					ObjAsField = ObjAsField->GetOwnerClass();

		if ((Object->IsAsset() || Object->IsA<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>()) && !Object->IsIn(CurrentlyConvertedStruct))

		auto OwnedByAnythingInHierarchy = [&]()->bool
			for (UStruct* IterStruct = CurrentlyConvertedStruct; IterStruct; IterStruct = IterStruct->GetSuperStruct())
				if (Object->IsIn(IterStruct))
					return true;
				UClass* IterClass = Cast<UClass>(IterStruct);
				UObject* CDO = IterClass ? IterClass->GetDefaultObject(false) : nullptr;
				if (CDO && Object->IsIn(CDO))
					return true;
			return false;
		if (!Object->IsA<UField>() && !Object->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject) && !OwnedByAnythingInHierarchy())
			Object = Object->GetClass();

void FHotReloadClassReinstancer::UpdateDefaultProperties()
	struct FPropertyToUpdate
		UProperty* Property;
		FName SubobjectName;
		uint8* OldSerializedValuePtr;
		uint8* NewValuePtr;
		int64 OldSerializedSize;
	/** Memory writer archive that supports UObject values the same way as FCDOWriter. */
	class FPropertyValueMemoryWriter : public FMemoryWriter
		FPropertyValueMemoryWriter(TArray<uint8>& OutData)
			: FMemoryWriter(OutData)
		virtual FArchive& operator<<(class UObject*& InObj) override
			FArchive& Ar = *this;
			if (InObj)
				FName ClassName = InObj->GetClass()->GetFName();
				FName ObjectName = InObj->GetFName();
				Ar << ClassName;
				Ar << ObjectName;
				FName UnusedName = NAME_None;
				Ar << UnusedName;
				Ar << UnusedName;
			return *this;
		virtual FArchive& operator<<(FName& InName) override
			FArchive& Ar = *this;
			NAME_INDEX ComparisonIndex = InName.GetComparisonIndex();
			NAME_INDEX DisplayIndex = InName.GetDisplayIndex();
			int32 Number = InName.GetNumber();
			Ar << ComparisonIndex;
			Ar << DisplayIndex;
			Ar << Number;
			return Ar;
		virtual FArchive& operator<<(FLazyObjectPtr& LazyObjectPtr) override
			FArchive& Ar = *this;
			auto UniqueID = LazyObjectPtr.GetUniqueID();
			Ar << UniqueID;
			return *this;
		virtual FArchive& operator<<(FAssetPtr& AssetPtr) override
			FArchive& Ar = *this;
			auto UniqueID = AssetPtr.GetUniqueID();
			Ar << UniqueID;
			return Ar;
		virtual FArchive& operator<<(FStringAssetReference& Value) override
			FArchive& Ar = *this;
			Ar << Value.AssetLongPathname;
			return Ar;

	// Collect default subobjects to update their properties too
	const int32 DefaultSubobjectArrayCapacity = 16;
	TArray<UObject*> DefaultSubobjectArray;

	TArray<FPropertyToUpdate> PropertiesToUpdate;
	// Collect all properties that have actually changed
	for (auto& Pair : ReconstructedCDOProperties.Properties)
		auto OldPropertyInfo = OriginalCDOProperties.Properties.Find(Pair.Key);
		if (OldPropertyInfo)
			auto& NewPropertyInfo = Pair.Value;

			uint8* OldSerializedValuePtr = OriginalCDOProperties.Bytes.GetData() + OldPropertyInfo->SerializedValueOffset;
			uint8* NewSerializedValuePtr = ReconstructedCDOProperties.Bytes.GetData() + NewPropertyInfo.SerializedValueOffset;
			if (OldPropertyInfo->SerializedValueSize != NewPropertyInfo.SerializedValueSize ||
				FMemory::Memcmp(OldSerializedValuePtr, NewSerializedValuePtr, OldPropertyInfo->SerializedValueSize) != 0)
				// Property value has changed so add it to the list of properties that need updating on instances
				FPropertyToUpdate PropertyToUpdate;
				PropertyToUpdate.Property = NewPropertyInfo.Property;
				PropertyToUpdate.NewValuePtr = nullptr;
				PropertyToUpdate.SubobjectName = NewPropertyInfo.SubobjectName;

				if (NewPropertyInfo.Property->GetOuter() == NewClass)
					PropertyToUpdate.NewValuePtr = PropertyToUpdate.Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(NewClass->GetDefaultObject());
				else if (NewPropertyInfo.SubobjectName != NAME_None)
					UObject* DefaultSubobjectPtr = FindDefaultSubobject(DefaultSubobjectArray, NewPropertyInfo.SubobjectName);
					if (DefaultSubobjectPtr && NewPropertyInfo.Property->GetOuter() == DefaultSubobjectPtr->GetClass())
						PropertyToUpdate.NewValuePtr = PropertyToUpdate.Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(DefaultSubobjectPtr);
				if (PropertyToUpdate.NewValuePtr)
					PropertyToUpdate.OldSerializedValuePtr = OldSerializedValuePtr;
					PropertyToUpdate.OldSerializedSize = OldPropertyInfo->SerializedValueSize;

	if (PropertiesToUpdate.Num())
		TArray<uint8> CurrentValueSerializedData;		

		// Update properties on all existing instances of the class
		for (FObjectIterator It(NewClass); It; ++It)
			UObject* ObjectPtr = *It;

			for (auto& PropertyToUpdate : PropertiesToUpdate)
				uint8* InstanceValuePtr = nullptr;
				if (PropertyToUpdate.SubobjectName == NAME_None)
					InstanceValuePtr = PropertyToUpdate.Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(ObjectPtr);
					UObject* DefaultSubobjectPtr = FindDefaultSubobject(DefaultSubobjectArray, PropertyToUpdate.SubobjectName);
					if (DefaultSubobjectPtr && PropertyToUpdate.Property->GetOuter() == DefaultSubobjectPtr->GetClass())
						InstanceValuePtr = PropertyToUpdate.Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(DefaultSubobjectPtr);

				if (InstanceValuePtr)
					// Serialize current value to a byte array as we don't have the previous CDO to compare against, we only have its serialized property data
					CurrentValueSerializedData.Empty(CurrentValueSerializedData.Num() + CurrentValueSerializedData.GetSlack());
					FPropertyValueMemoryWriter CurrentValueWriter(CurrentValueSerializedData);
					PropertyToUpdate.Property->SerializeItem(CurrentValueWriter, InstanceValuePtr);

					// Update only when the current value on the instance is identical to the original CDO
					if (CurrentValueSerializedData.Num() == PropertyToUpdate.OldSerializedSize &&
						FMemory::Memcmp(CurrentValueSerializedData.GetData(), PropertyToUpdate.OldSerializedValuePtr, CurrentValueSerializedData.Num()) == 0)
						// Update with the new value
						PropertyToUpdate.Property->CopyCompleteValue(InstanceValuePtr, PropertyToUpdate.NewValuePtr);