Example #1
bool ActorHasParentInGroup(const TArray<class AActor*> &GroupActors, const AActor* Actor)
	// Check that we've not got a parent attachment within the group.
	USceneComponent *Curr = Actor->GetRootComponent();
	for(int32 OtherIndex=0; OtherIndex<GroupActors.Num(); ++OtherIndex)
		const AActor* OtherActor = GroupActors[OtherIndex];
		if( OtherActor != NULL && OtherActor != Actor )
			USceneComponent *Other = OtherActor->GetRootComponent();
			if( Curr->IsAttachedTo( Other ) )
				// We do have parent so don't apply the delta - our parent object will apply it instead.
				return true;
	return false;