AActor* UVREditorMode::SpawnTransientSceneActor(TSubclassOf<AActor> ActorClass, const FString& ActorName, const bool bWithSceneComponent) const
	const bool bWasWorldPackageDirty = GetWorld()->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();

	// @todo vreditor: Needs respawn if world changes (map load, etc.)  Will that always restart the editor mode anyway?
	FActorSpawnParameters ActorSpawnParameters;
	ActorSpawnParameters.Name = MakeUniqueObjectName( GetWorld(), ActorClass, *ActorName );	// @todo vreditor: Without this, SpawnActor() can return us an existing PendingKill actor of the same name!  WTF?
	ActorSpawnParameters.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
	ActorSpawnParameters.ObjectFlags = EObjectFlags::RF_Transient;

	check( ActorClass != nullptr );
	AActor* NewActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor< AActor >( ActorClass, ActorSpawnParameters );
	NewActor->SetActorLabel( ActorName );

	if( bWithSceneComponent )
		// Give the new actor a root scene component, so we can attach multiple sibling components to it
		USceneComponent* SceneComponent = NewObject<USceneComponent>( NewActor );
		NewActor->AddOwnedComponent( SceneComponent );
		NewActor->SetRootComponent( SceneComponent );

	// Don't dirty the level file after spawning a transient actor
	if( !bWasWorldPackageDirty )
		GetWorld()->GetOutermost()->SetDirtyFlag( false );

	return NewActor;
void FDeferRegisterStaticComponents::RegisterComponents(AActor* Actor)
	TArray<FDeferredComponentInfo>* ActorComponentsToRegister = ComponentsToRegister.Find(Actor);
	if (ActorComponentsToRegister)
		for (int32 ComponentIndex = 0; ComponentIndex < ActorComponentsToRegister->Num(); ++ComponentIndex)
			const FDeferredComponentInfo& SavedInfo = (*ActorComponentsToRegister)[ComponentIndex];
			USceneComponent* Component = SavedInfo.Component;
			// Restore saved mobility just before registering this component.
			Component->Mobility = SavedInfo.SavedMobility;
PyObject *py_ue_add_actor_root_component(ue_PyUObject * self, PyObject * args)


	PyObject *obj;
	char *name;
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Os:add_actor_root_component", &obj, &name))
		return NULL;

	if (!self->ue_object->IsA<AActor>())
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "uobject is not an AActor");

	AActor *actor = (AActor *)self->ue_object;

	if (!ue_is_pyuobject(obj))
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "argument is not a UObject");

	ue_PyUObject *py_obj = (ue_PyUObject *)obj;

	if (!py_obj->ue_object->IsA<UClass>())
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "argument is not a class");

	USceneComponent *component = NewObject<USceneComponent>(actor, (UClass *)py_obj->ue_object, FName(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(name)), RF_Public);
	if (!component)
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "unable to create component");


	if (actor->GetWorld() && !component->IsRegistered())

	if (component->bWantsInitializeComponent && !component->HasBeenInitialized() && component->IsRegistered())

PyObject *py_ue_add_actor_root_component(ue_PyUObject * self, PyObject * args) {


	PyObject *obj;
	char *name;
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Os:add_actor_root_component", &obj, &name)) {
		return NULL;

	if (!self->ue_object->IsA<AActor>()) {
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "uobject is not an AActor");

	AActor *actor = (AActor *)self->ue_object;

	if (!ue_is_pyuobject(obj)) {
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "argument is not a UObject");

	ue_PyUObject *py_obj = (ue_PyUObject *)obj;

	if (!py_obj->ue_object->IsA<UClass>()) {
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "argument is not a class");

	USceneComponent *component = NewObject<USceneComponent>(actor, (UClass *)py_obj->ue_object, FName(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(name)));
	if (!component)
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "unable to create component");


	if (actor->GetWorld()) {

	PyObject *ret = (PyObject *)ue_get_python_wrapper(component);
	if (!ret)
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "uobject is in invalid state");
	return ret;

void USimpleConstructionScript::ExecuteScriptOnActor(AActor* Actor, const FTransform& RootTransform, bool bIsDefaultTransform)
	if(RootNodes.Num() > 0)
		TSet<UActorComponent*> AllComponentsCreatedBySCS;
		TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> InstancedComponents;
		for(auto NodeIt = RootNodes.CreateIterator(); NodeIt; ++NodeIt)
			USCS_Node* RootNode = *NodeIt;
			if(RootNode != nullptr)
				// Get all native scene components
				TInlineComponentArray<USceneComponent*> Components;
				for (int32 Index = Components.Num()-1; Index >= 0; --Index)
					USceneComponent* SceneComponent = Components[Index];
					if (SceneComponent->CreationMethod == EComponentCreationMethod::Instance)
						// Handle the native sub-component of an instance component case
						USceneComponent* ParentSceneComponent = SceneComponent->GetTypedOuter<USceneComponent>();
						if (ParentSceneComponent && ParentSceneComponent->CreationMethod == EComponentCreationMethod::Instance)

				// Get the native root component; if it's not set, the first native scene component will be used as root. This matches what's done in the SCS editor.
				USceneComponent* RootComponent = Actor->GetRootComponent();
				if(RootComponent == nullptr && Components.Num() > 0)
					RootComponent = Components[0];

				// If the root node specifies that it has a parent
				USceneComponent* ParentComponent = nullptr;
				if(RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName != NAME_None)
					// Get the Actor class object
					UClass* ActorClass = Actor->GetClass();
					check(ActorClass != nullptr);

					// If the root node is parented to a "native" component (i.e. in the 'Components' array)
						for(int32 CompIndex = 0; CompIndex < Components.Num(); ++CompIndex)
							// If we found a match, remember the index
							if(Components[CompIndex]->GetFName() == RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName)
								ParentComponent = Components[CompIndex];
						// In the non-native case, the SCS node's variable name property is used as the parent identifier
						UObjectPropertyBase* Property = FindField<UObjectPropertyBase>(ActorClass, RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName);
						if(Property != nullptr)
							// If we found a matching property, grab its value and use that as the parent for this node
							ParentComponent = Cast<USceneComponent>(Property->GetObjectPropertyValue_InContainer(Actor));

				// Create the new component instance and any child components it may have
				UActorComponent* InstancedComponent = RootNode->ExecuteNodeOnActor(Actor, ParentComponent != nullptr ? ParentComponent : RootComponent, &RootTransform, bIsDefaultTransform);
				if(InstancedComponent != nullptr)

				// get list of every component SCS created, in case some of them aren't in the attachment hierarchy any more (e.g. rigid bodies)
				TInlineComponentArray<USceneComponent*> ComponentsAfterSCS;
				for (USceneComponent* C : ComponentsAfterSCS)
					if (Components.Contains(C) == false)

		// Register all instanced SCS components once SCS execution has finished; sorted in order to register the scene component hierarchy first, followed by the remaining actor components (in case they happen to depend on something in the scene hierarchy)
		InstancedComponents.Sort([](const UActorComponent& A, const UActorComponent& B) { return A.IsA<USceneComponent>(); });
		for(auto InstancedComponent : InstancedComponents)

		// now that the instanced components in the attachment hierarchy are registered, register any other components that SCS made but aren't in the attachment hierarchy for whatever reason.
		for (auto C : AllComponentsCreatedBySCS)
			if (C->IsRegistered() == false)
	else if(Actor->GetRootComponent() == NULL) // Must have a root component at the end of SCS, so if we don't have one already (from base class), create a SceneComponent now
		USceneComponent* SceneComp = NewObject<USceneComponent>(Actor);
		SceneComp->CreationMethod = EComponentCreationMethod::SimpleConstructionScript;